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NAME: _________________________ ( CLASS: SEC.

4 (

) )

DATE: __________

Draw a mindmap on a Terrorist Attack in ________________ using Inspiration8. Choose one incident from the list in the website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents and do a mindmap (wellillustrated) based on research on this incident. You may use the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What was the incident about and when and where did the incident take place? Did the terrorists belong to an organisation or group? What was their background? What, if any, was the reason or rationale given for the attack? What were the effects of the attack on the victims and others? What was the response of the government or group that was attacked? What was the response of the international community? Do you think that the attack could have been avoided? Why? How? What can we do to prevent such incidents from happening in Singapore?

Rubric for Mind Map CRITERIA PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (Observable descriptors indicating extent to which a criterion is met.) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Depth of coverage (Knowledge)

Bare minimum of content covered

Shows a basic level of coverage of key ideas only

Shows a solid grasp of most of the content

Shows a solid grasp of all the content covered Extensions of the key ideas show a deep understanding of the content Stands out meaningfully and grasps the key idea through metaphor or humour

No extension of ideas evident Present but difficult to separate from other information

Central Image (Communication)

Attempts extension of a few ideas Present but not clearly related to key idea

Shows extensions of most key ideas Clear use of picture or image that relates to key idea

Ideas have key images (Communication)

A little evidence of key images. Has only a few keywords

Images and keywords are evident, but either too few or some are imprecise

Images and key words clearly show an understanding of the content

Colour or codes or links used to illustrate connections between ideas (Thinking)

A little use of colour, codes or links to illustrate connections between ideas

Ideas radiate out from central image and from most to least complex (Application)

Some ideas are connected to and radiate out from centre

Obvious attempt is made to use colour, codes or links to enhance clarity and memory. Still some inconsistency of application All ideas radiate out from centre

Clearly uses colour, codes, or links to clarify connections and to assist with memory for most aspects of Mind Map Ideas clearly connect to central image and ideas

Images and key words clearly and dynamically show an understanding of the content. (One or more of: use of metaphor, humour, clipart, illustrations.) Effectively uses colour, codes, or links to meaningfully clarify connections for all aspects of Mind Map

Ideas clearly connect to central image and ideas

Some confusion in moving from most to least complex

Still some confusion in moving from most to least complex

Generally moves from most to least complex

Consistently and accurately shift from most to least complex

Rubrics obtained from an adaptation by Hilary McLeod from: Beyond Monet, Barrie Bennett and Carol Rolheiser, VISUTronX,

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