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H H2 H = H1 H2 H1 H2




{|0i1 |0i2 , |0i1 |1i2 , |1i1 |0i2 , |1i1 |1i2 } | i | i=

1 X


cij |ii1 |ji2

| i=


cij |iji .

| i2 |




1 = p (|01i + |11i) 2


1 = p (|0i + |1i) |1i . 2


1 = p (|00i + |11i) 2



1 2

1 | i = p (|01i 2 z |0i |1i +1 1


(A) z

= +1
(B) z


1 | i = p (|+ i 2 |+i =
1 p (|0i 2

| +i), |1i) +1
(A) x

+ |1i)
(B) x

| i= 1 x,

1 p (|0i 2

1 = +1
x z


= i~

0 n
1 2

1 2n



| i = |0i +
2 2

|1i , {|0i , |1i}

|| +| | = 1

| i = cos 0 0 2

|0i + ei sin |1i , 2 2

= X

pi | i i h i | .

T r = 1

= | ih | T r(2 ) < 1

T r = T r(2 ) = 1


2 | | 0 0
1 2 1 2


0 B 0 =B @ 0 0

0 0
1 2 1 2

1 0 0 C C. 0 A 0

AB = X

pi |ai iA hai |A |bi iB hbi |B


p i A i B i .

U = U

U 0 = U U .

| i=

1+z x + iy |0i + p |1i 2 2(1 + z)

n U ( , ) = e n
x i n~ 2

n | i=
2n 1 X i=0

ci |ii ,

2n 1 X i=0

|ci | = 1 n=2 | i

| i = c0 |1i + c1 |2i + c2 |2i + c3 |3i = c00 |00i + c01 |01i + c10 |10i + c11 |11i . 2n


2n n


2n 2n 44

1 H=p 2 {|+i , | i}

1 1

1 1

. {|0i , |1i}

1 H |0i = p (|0i + |1i) |+i , 2 1 H |1i = p (|0i 2 H2 = I {|+i , | i} (H ) = H

|1i) | i . H {|0i , |1i} .

Rz ( ) =

1 0

0 ei


|0i | i z




|1i 2 2

3 2 1 6 0 7 6 |00i = 6 7 H |01i = 6 4 0 5, 4 0 3 2 0 6 0 7 6 |10i = 6 7 , |11i = 6 4 1 5 4 0 1 6 0 CN OT = 6 4 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 1 7 7, 0 5 0 3 0 0 7 7, 0 5 1 3



0 0 7 7. 1 5 0

(CN OT )2 = I

CN OT ( |0i +

|1i) |0i = |00i +

|11i ,



| i | i = |Hi + |Hi

|V i , |V i

| i = |1it1 + ei |1it2 ,

nf max

nc c = arcsin
nc nf

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1570

100 OUT1 OUT2 Transmission (%) IN2


Interaction length



20 IN1

Interaction length (mm)

Figure 1 | Partially polarizing directional couplers. (a) Schematic representation of a waveguide directional coupler; IN1 and IN2 are th whereas OUT1 and OUT2 are the output ports of the device. (b) H (squares) and V (triangles) polarization transmissions of directional different interaction lengths, based on slightly birefringent waveguides. First, the 02 mm interaction length range was investigated to ev length difference between the two polarizations; the interval of interest to obtain the required PPDCs was estimated to be in the 5.68.2 16 m 3.5 m was consequently explored. Transmission for 0 mm interaction length is non-zero, because some coupling already occurs in the curved p approaching /departing waveguides. Error bars indicate fabrication reproducibility.

16 m

e two-photon interaction occurs by a HongOuMandel e ect31 in a single PPBS, whereas the other two PPBSs operate as compensators. Up to now such a scheme has been experimentally implemented only using bulk optics3235 or bre couplers36. e integrated CNOT gate is achieved by the optical scheme given in the inset of Figure 2: it consists of a rst partially polarizing directional coupler (PPDC1), with trans(1) (1) missivities TH = 0 and TV = 2 for horizontal and vertical polariza3 tion, respectively, where target and control qubits interfere, followed by (2,3) two other directional couplers (PPDC2 and PPDC3), withTH = 1 and 3 (2,3) TV = 1 , where the horizontal and vertical polarization contributions are balanced. In this scheme, the following correspondence between logical qubits and physical states holds: |0C|VC , |1C|HC , |0T|AT ,
1 1

obtained by acting on the delay line. en we inje the four computational basis states |0C|0T , |0C |1C|1T and measured the probability of detecting the output. e obtained truth table is reported average measured delity of the logical basis32 ha as F = 0.940 0.004. We can compare this value w delity of the device F = 0.975 0.007 , estimate account the measured transmissivities of the PPD the discrepancy between the experimental and e mainly to a partial distinguishability of photon non-perfect compensation of the rotation of the p single-mode optical bres. As already mentioned, the CNOT can also b

VA C0 C1 T1 T0

1/3 1/3

FIG. 2: Quantum interference in an integrated waveguid pler. Error bars are smaller than the data points.

tical lithography techniques, and nally overgrown a further 16 m cladding layer of phosphorus and doped silica with a refractive index matched to that 1/3 bu er (III). The wafer was diced into several doz VB dividual chips, each containing typically several de !m Some chips were polished to enhance coupling in an 1/2 1/3 of the waveguides [32]. FIG. 1: Silica-on-silicon integrated quantum photonic cir 1/2 We0.4 0.6 BBO type-I spontaneous parametric = used a cuits. (A) A direction coupler, which can be used as the build3/2 for 0.27 0.4 conversion (SPDC) crystal, pumped with a 60 mW ing block = integrated photonic quantum circuits by replacnm continuous wave diode laser to produce 804 n ing the bulk BS. (B) The modeled transverse intensity prole generate photon pairs at a detected rate of 400 of the guided mode superimposed on the waveguide structure. (C) Design of the integrated two-photon controlledwhen collected into single mode polarization mai NOT quantum logic gate. ing bers (PMFs). We used 2 nm interference to |0i good spectral indistinguishability [33]. |0iCensure |0iC |1iT T where commercial silicon avalanche photodiode single photons were launched into the waveguides on the |1iC |0i |1iC |1iT photon T counting modules (SPCMs) are near their peak grated optical chips and then collected at the ou e ciencey of 70%, (2) enables a refractive index conusing two arrays of 8 PMFs, with 250 m spaci |0iC 2 98.5% trast = (n2 n2 match that of the waveguides, and detected with core cladding )/2ncore that results in single 94.3 0.2% mode operation for waveguide dimensions comparable to coupled SPCMs. The PMF arrays and chip we the core size of conventional single mode optical bers at rectly buttcoupled, with index matching uid. O 800 nm (4-5 m), to allow good coupling of photons coupling e ciencies of 60% through the device ( T0 to ber-coupled single photon sources and detectors, and T1tion loss=40%) were routinely achieved [34]. (3) is amenable to standard optical lithography fabricaFigure 2 shows the classic signature of quantu p tion techniques. The most promising material system to terference: a dramatic dip in the rate of detectin |11iT0 T silica (silicon |02iT T1 )/ meet these requirements was 1 ! (|20iT0 T1 dioxide 0SiO2 ), 2, photons at each output of a directional coupler nea with a low level of doping to control the refractive index, delay in relative photon arrival time [25]. The ra grown on a silicon substrate (Fig. 1B). ibility [35] V = 94.8 0.5% is a measure of the q Having chosen silica as a material system, we selected a of the interference and demonstrates very good qua VB C refractive index contrast of = 0.5% to give single mode 1 behavior of photons in an integrated optics archite VB C VB operation at 804 nm for 3.51 3.5 m waveguides (asC1 deFigure 3A shows the measured non-classical vis termined by modeling with the vectorial mode solving for 10 couplers on a single chip with a range of desig T1 package Fimmwave). This value of T0 provides moderThe observed behavior is well explained by the the T0 intensity prole is T1 ate mode connement (the transverse cal curves which include a small amount of residual |20i mismatch and an o set of |02i shown in Fig. 1B) thereby minimizing the e ects of fab= 3.4 0.7% from t 92% rication or modelling imperfections. We designed a numsign ratio. Similar behavior was observed for a seco ber of devices including directional couplers with various of devices on a second chip (not shown). The wave s, Mach-Zender interferometers (consisting of two diare designed such that the cut-o wavelength for rectional couplers), and more sophisticated devices built order modes is very near to the design wavelength up from several directional couplers with di erent s usder to maintain a large waveguide core size. This su ing Rsofts beam propagation method (BPM) package. that the small residual mode mismatch could be Starting with a 4 silicon wafer, a 16 m layer of therspatial mode overlap since weakly guided higher mally grown undoped silica was deposited as a bu er modes may propagate across the relatively short de (material I in Fig. 1B), followed by ame hydrolysis deHowever it is inherently di cult to identify which d position of a 3.5 m waveguide core of silica doped with of freedom in which mode mismatch occurs [26]. germanium and boron oxides (II). The core material was results demonstrate the high yield and excellent patterned into 3.5 m wide waveguides via standard opducibility of the devices.



1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2


1,0 0,8 0,6

1,0 0,8 0,6

0.5 0.5

0,4 0,2

0,4 0,2




00 01



Inp 10 ut


10 01


t pu Ou

Inp 10 ut

10 01


t pu Ou

Inp ut

01 10 11

10 01 00

- 0.5 -0.5 20

11 11

t pu Ou

11 11 02 02 02 02

1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2


1,0 0,8 0,6

1,0 0,8 0,6

0.5 0.5

0,4 0,2

0,4 0,2





Inp ut

01 10 11

10 01 00



t tpu Ou

Inp 10 ut


10 01


t pu Ou

Inp ut 10


10 01 00


- 0.5 20

11 11

t pu Ou

11 11 02 02 02 02

FIG. 4: Characterization of integrated quantum photonic circuits. Ideal and measured truthtables for a CNOT circuit (A); a CNOT with two additional H gates (B); and a CNOT with one additional H gate. D The ideal and estimated density matrix for the maximally path entangled state (|20 |02 )/ 2

of excellent logical basis operation of the CNOT and coherent quantum operation give us great condence. We note that previous bulk optical implementations of these photonic quantum circuits circuit, as well as other circuits, have required the design and implementation of sophisticated interferometers. Constructing such interferometers have been a major obstacle to the realization of photonic quantum circuits. The results presented here show that this problem can be drastically reduced by using waveguide devices: it becomes possible to directly

write the theoretical blackboard sketch onto the chip, without requiring sophisticated interferometers. We have demonstrated high delity integrated implementations of each of the key components of photonic quantum circuits, as well as several small-scale circuits. This opens the way for miniaturizing, scaling, and improving the performance of photonic quantum circuits for both future quantum technologies and the next generation of fundamental quantum optics studies in the laboratory. [37]

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> 1 nm







Figure 2 | Experimental setup. Sketch of the experimental setup that can be conceptually divided into three parts. The rst part is the source: photon pairs at wavelength = 806 nm are generated via spontaneous parametric down conversion in a 1.5 mm -barium borate crystal (C) cut for type-II non-collinear phase matching, pumped by a CW diode laser with power P = 50 mW (ref. 27). Photon polarization states are prepared by using polarizing = 806 nm beam splitters (PBSs) and waveplates (WPs). A delay line (DL) is inserted to control the temporal superposition of the photons, which are then coupled to single mode bres (SMFs) and injected into the integrated CNOT gate. Interference lters (IFs) determine the photon bandwidth = 6 nm. The second part shows the integrated CNOT for polarization-encoded qubits (see inset) realized by ultrafast laser writing technique. The nal part represents the analysis apparatus: the polarization state of qubits emerging from the chip is analyzed by standard analysis setups (WP + PBS). Photons are then delivered to single photon counting modules (SPCM) through multimode bres (MMFs) and coincidences between the two channels are measured. Polarization controllers (PCs) are used before and after the CNOT device to compensate polarization rotations induced by the bres. A waveplate controller (WPC) drives the motorized waveplates to automatize the measurements.

Discussion We reported on the integration of partially polarizing beam splitters on a glass chip, enabling the demonstration of the rst integrated photonic CNOT gate based on polarization encoding. From the fabrication point of view this work shows the capability of femtosecond laser microfabrication to produce also polarizationsensitive waveguide devices, thus further enriching the portfolio of applications that can be addressed by this simple and exible fabrication technique. It is important to note that the polarization sensitivity/insensitivity of the directional coupler can be selected by acting on geometrical parameters and not on physical properties of the waveguides22,23. is enables simple and exible designs of complex integrated quantum devices, where polarization-sensitive and polarization-insensitive processing can be easily cascaded. is work represents a major step towards the development of integrated photonic technology, which could provide a viable solution for quantum information processing and paves the way to the integration of a wealth of polarization-based quantum algorithms. Future research will be devoted to the on-chip implementation of both preoriented and tunable waveplates to integrate also one-qubit gates. e present results open new perspectives towards joint integrated handling of hybrid quantum states based on di erent degrees of freedom of light4045, such as polarization, path and orbital angular momentum. is would signi cantly improve the computational power of a quantum device. e capability to process polarization-entangled photons could

|00 1 0.75 0.5


|11 |10 |00 0.5 0.25 |01

|11 |10

0.25 0 |00 0 |00 |10 |11





1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0

1 0.75 0.5 0.25




0 +1 Out put


Figure 3 | Truth table and entanglement generation. (a) Measured truth table. (b) Experimental tomographic reconstruction of the Bell state | +

Inp ut

+0 +1 0 1

0 1










setup. Sketch of the experimental setup that can be conceptually divided into three parts. The rst part is the source: photon TH = 0 TV = 2 3 06 nm are generated via spontaneous parametric down conversion in a 1.5 mm -barium borate crystal (C) cut for type-II TH = 1 TV = 1 ching, pumped by a CW diode laser with power P = 50 mW (ref. 27). Photon polarization states are prepared by using polarizing 3 d waveplates (WPs). A delay line (DL) is inserted to control the temporal superposition of the photons, which are then coupled to s) and injected into the integrated CNOT gate. Interference lters (IFs) determine the photon bandwidth = 6 nm. The second |0iC = |V iC |1iC = |HiC writing |AiT |1iT nal part |Ai = 1 d CNOT for polarization-encoded qubits (see inset) realized by ultrafast laser|0iT =technique. The = |DiT represents the p2 (|Hi+|V i) 1 olarization state of qubits emerging from the chip is p (|Hiby standard analysis setups (WP + PBS). Photons are then delivered |Di = analyzed |V i) g modules (SPCM) through multimode bres (MMFs) 2 coincidences between the two channels are measured. Polarization and d before and after the CNOT device to compensate polarization rotations induced by the bres. A waveplate controller (WPC) veplates to automatize the measurements.

|11 ntegration of partially polarizing beam split|11 |10 |10 enabling the demonstration of the rst inte|01 |01 T gate based on polarization encoding. From |00 |00 1 of view this work shows the capability of 0.5 crofabrication to produce also polarization0.75 devices, thus further enriching the portfolio 0.5 0.25 an be addressed by this simple and exible 0.25 It is important to note that the polarization y of the directional coupler can be selected 0 0 |00 ical parameters and not on physical proper|00 |01 |01 s22,23. is enables simple and exible designs |10 |10 |11 quantum devices, where polarization-sensi|11 insensitive processing can be easily cascaded. a major step towards the development of 1 1 chnology, which could provide a viable solu0.75 0.75 rmation processing and paves the way to the h of polarization-based quantum algorithms. 0.5 0.5 be devoted to the on-chip implementation of 0.25 tunable waveplates to integrate also one-qubit 0.25 + +0 ults open new perspectives towards joint inte+ 0 +1 0 brid quantum states based on di erent degrees 1 0 0 + 5 1 + +1 , such as polarization, path and orbital anguOut Out +0 put put would signi cantly improve the computational evice. Figure 3 | Truth table and entanglement generation. (a) Measured truth rocess polarization-entangled photons could table. (b) Experimental tomographic reconstruction of the Bell state | + + um simulation eld. As an example, exploiting |+i |0i by injecting the separable state | + 0 in the CNOT. (c) Measured obtained C T of singlet and triplet polarization-entangled probabilities of the output Bell states corresponding to the different input o simulate how symmetric and antisymmet- separable states. (d) Measured probabilities of the output separable states rough a quantum walk7,23, paving the way to corresponding to the different input Bell states. ns on complexity physics phenomena.



acterization. Waveguides were micromachined in boro|1iC |0iT ning EAGLE2000, Corning Inc) using a commercial femtosecond laser, which provides 400 fs pulses at the waveguide fabrication pulses with 240 nJ 94.0 0.4% energy Quantum process tomography. e full characterization of a quantum device r the glass surface, using a 0.6 numerical aperture is provided by quantum process tomography37. Following the procedure adopted eas the sample was translated at a constant speed of in ref. 39. we performed the quantum process tomography of our device and n, three-axis air-bearing stages (Aerotech FiberGlide reconstructed the associated matrix. e experimental setup is the same one ded mode at 806 nm is slightly elliptical, measuring |i |0i , |i

8 m9 m. Measured propagation losses are 0.8 dB cm 1 and coupling losses to |0i is |0i single mode bres about 1.3 dB per facet. Birefringence of these waveguides C on T |1iC |1iT the order of B = 710 5, as characterized in ref. 22. For the curved segments in the directional couplers composing the integrated CNOT a 30 mm bending radius was adopted, which gives < 1 dB of additional bending losses on the whole device.



|0iC |1iT

C T C 1 p (|0i |1i) 2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 2:566 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1570 | www.nature.com/naturecommunications

|i =


2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.

1 | i = p2 (|0iC |0iT |1iC |1iT | 91.2 0.5%


1 p (|0i C 2

|1iT |1iC |0iT

87.7 0.7%

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