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Chapter 4 - Molecular Symmetry

Symmetry helps us understand molecular structure, some chemical properties, and characteristics of physical properties (spectroscopy) used with group theory to predict vibrational spectra for the identification of molecular shape, and as a tool for understanding electronic structure and bonding.

Symmetrical: implies the species possesses a number of indistinguishable configurations.

Group Theory: mathematical treatment of symmetry.

symmetry operation an operation performed on an object which leaves it in a configuration that is indistinguishable from, and superimposable on, the original configuration. symmetry elements the points, lines, or planes to which a symmetry operation is carried out.

Element Identity

Operation Identity

Symbol E i Cn Sn

Symmetry plane Reflection in the plane Inversion center Inversion of a point x,y,z to -x,-y,-z Proper axis Improper axis Rotation by (360/n) 1. Rotation by (360/n) 2. Reflection in plane perpendicular to rotation axis

Proper axes of rotation (Cn)

Rotation with respect to a line (axis of rotation). Cn is a rotation of (360/n).
C2 = 180 rotation, C3 = 120 rotation, C4 = 90 rotation, C5 = 72 rotation, C6 = 60 rotation

Each rotation brings you to an indistinguishable state from the original.

However, rotation by 90 about the same axis does not give back the identical molecule. Therefore H2O does NOT possess a C4 symmetry axis.

XeF4 is square planar. It has four different C2 axes. A C4 axis out of the page is called the principle axis because it has the largest n. By convention, the principle axis is in the z-direction

If reflection of all parts of a molecule through a plane produced an indistinguishable configuration, the symmetry element is called a mirror plane or plane of symmetry. h(horizontal): plane perpendicular to principal axis d(dihedral), v(vertical): plane colinear with principal axis v: Vertical, parallel to principal axis d: parallel to Cn and bisecting two C2' axes

Planes and Reflection ()

Inversion, Center of Inversion (i)

A center of symmetry: A point at the center of the molecule. (x,y,z) --> (-x,-y,-z). It is not necessary to have an atom in the center (e.g. benzene). Tetrahedral, triangles, pentagons don't have a center of inversion symmetry.

C2 H6


Rotation-reflection, Improper axis (Sn)

This is a compound operation combining a rotation (Cn) with a reflection through a plane perpendicular to the Cn axis h.(Cn followed by h) Cn=Sn

Simplest symmetry operation. All molecules have this element. If the molecule does have no other elements, it is asymmetric. The identity operation amounts to doing nothing to a molecule and so leaves any molecule completely unchanged.

Successive Operations

Symmetry Point Groups

Symmetry of a molecule located on symmetry axes, cut by planes of symmetry, or centered at an inversion center is known as point symmetry. Collections of symmetry operations constitute mathematical groups. Each symmetry point group has a particular designation.

Cn, Cnh, Cnv Dn, Dnh, Dnd S2n Cv , Dh Ih, I Td , Th ,T Oh,O C1,Ci, Cs


Identify the symmetry elements that are present in benzene.


Cn Point Groups
n Cn = E







M(NH2CH2CO2)4 C4

Cnh Point Groups

The direction of the Cn axis is take as vertical, so a symmetry plane perpendicular to it is a horizontal plane, h.




The point group is called Cs (C1h)

N2F2 C2h

B(OH)3 C3h


Cnv Point Groups

If a mirror plane contains the rotational axis, the group is called a Cnv group.

H2O C2v

SF4 C2v

NF3 C3v

CHCl3 C3v

SF5Cl C4v

Dn and Dnh Point Groups

Adding a C2 axis perpendicular to a Cn axis generates one of the dihedral groups.

Angle between rings not 0 or 90

There must be n C2 axes perpendicular to Cn



Adding a h to a Dn group generates a Dnh group.

C2 H4 D2h





Dnd Point Groups

Adding a vertical mirror plane to a Dn group in such a fashion to bisect adjacent C2 axes generates a Dnd group.

Ferrocene Fe(C5H5)2 D5d


Sn groups For odd n, (Sn)n = h For even n, (Sn)n = E The Sn for odd n is the same as the Cnh. Absence of mirror planes distinguish Sn groups from Dnd groups.



Linear Groups

H-Cl Cv

O=O Dh Has a h

High Symmetry Molecules

CCl4 Td

SF6 Oh

C60 Ih


The letter A.






AsBr5 (trigonal bipyramid) BH3 trans rotamer of Si2H6

Crown-shaped S8



Characteristic symmetry elements of some important classes of point groups.


Character Tables
Character tables contain, in a highly symbolic form, information about how something of interest (an bond, an orbital, etc.) is affected by the operations of a given point group. Each point group has a unique character table, which is organized into a matrix. Column headings are the symmetry operations, which are grouped into classes. Horizontal rows are called irreducible representations of the point group. The main body consists of characters (numbers), and a section on the right side of the table provides information about vectors and atomic orbitals.


E C2 v(xz) v(yz) 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1

A1 A2 B1 B2

1 z 1 Rz 1 x, Ry 1 y, Rx

x2, y2, z2 xy xz yz

1 1

C3v A1 A2 E

E 2C3 1 1 2 1 1 -1

3v 1 z -1 Rz 0 (x,y), (Rx, Ry) (x2-y2, xy)(xz, yz) x2 + y2, z2

Symmetry elements possessed by the point group are in the top row Left hand column gives a list of symmetry labels Gives information about degeneracies (A and B indicate nondegenerate, E refers to doubly degenerate, T means triply degenerate) Main part of table contains characters (numbers) to label the symmetry properties (of MOs or modes of molecular vibrations)


To obtain from this total set the representations for vibration only, it is necessary to subtract the representations for the other two forms of motion: rotation and translation. z z O y
z x z


y x

x Cartesian displacement vectors for a water molecule Translational Modes Rotational Modes A mode in which all atoms are moving in the same direction, equivalent to moving the molecule. A mode in which atoms move to rotate (change the orientation of) the molecule. There are 3 rotational modes for nonlinear molecules, and 2 rotational modes for linear molecules.


Selection Rules: Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy

Infrared energy is absorbed for certain changes in vibrational energy levels of a molecule. -for a vibration to be infrared active, there must be a change in the molecular dipole moment vector associated with the vibration. For a vibration mode to be Raman active, there must be a change in the net polarizability tensor -polarizability is the ease in which the electron cloud associated with the molecule is distorted For centrosymmetric molecules, the rule of mutual exclusion states that vibrations that are IR active are Raman inactive, and vice versa The transition from the vibrational ground state to the first excited state is the fundamental transition.


C2v A1 A2 B1 B2

E C2 v(xz) v(yz) 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 z 1 Rz 1 x, Ry 1 y, Rx x2, y2, z2 xy xz yz

1 1

If the symmetry label (e.g. A1, B1, E) of a normal mode of vibration is associated with x, y, or z in the character table, then the mode is IR active. If the symmetry label (e.g. A1, B1, E) of a normal mode of vibration is associated with a product term (x2, xy) in the character table, then the mode is Raman active.

C2v A1 A2 B1 B2

E C2 v(xz) v(yz) 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 z 1 Rz 1 x, Ry 1 y, Rx x2, y2, z2 xy xz yz

1 1


D 3h
A1 A 2 E

E 1 1 2 1 1 2

2C 3 1 1 -1 1 1 -1

3C 2 1 -1 0 1 -1 0

h h
1 1 2 -1 -1 -2

2S 3 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1

3 3v v 1
-1 0 -1 1 0 Rz (x , y )

x 2 + y 2, z 2 (x 2 y 2, 2xy )

A 2 E

z (R x , R y ) (xy , yz )








Group Theory Supplemental Material

Character Table Development Up to this point, we have considered symmetry operations only insofar as they affect atoms occupying points in molecules. Consider a water molecule (H2O). C2


v (yz)

Coordinates are assigned according to the convention that the highest fold axis of rotation is aligned with the z-axis, and the x axis is perpendicular to the plane of the molecule. Let the translation of the molecule in the +y direction be represented by unit vectors on the atoms, and consider how they change when undergoing the C2v symmetry operations. O O O O z H y x B2 = H O H +1 H E H O H H -1 H H C2 H O -1 H H H O H H +1 H

v (xz)

v (yz)


The set of four labels (+1, -1, -1, +1) generated in the analysis constitutes one irreducible representation within the C2v point group. It is irreducible in the sense that it cannot be decomposed into a simpler or more fundamental form. Not only does it describe the effects on the y translation but also on other y-vector functions such as a py orbital. Therefore, y is understood to serve as a basis function for this irreducible representation within the C2v point group. Effect of a symmetry rotation about the z-axis. O H y x A2 = H O H +1 O H H +1 H H E H O H C2 H O H H O H

v (xz)

v (yz)

O -1 H

O H H -1

Translation of the molecule in the +x direction z H y x B1 = H +1 O H H -1 O H E O H H +1 H O H C2 H O H H -1 O H H O H O H

v (xz)

v (yz)

Translation of the molecule in the +z direction z H y x A1 = H O H +1 O H H +1 H +1 O H E H O H C2 H O H H O H

v (xz)

v (yz)
O +1 H


C2v A1 A2 B1 B2

E C2 v(xz) v(yz) 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 z 1 Rz 1 x, Ry 1 y, Rx x2, y2, z2 xy xz yz

1 1

The resulting character table for C2v is shown above. The column heading are classes of symmetry operations for the group, and each row depicts one irreducible representation. The +1 and -1 numbers, which correspond to symmetric and antisymmetric behavior, are called characters. Columns on the right are some of the basis functions which have the symmetry properties of a given irreducible representation. Rx, Ry, Rz stand for rotations about the specified axes. Symbols in the column on the far left are Mulliken Labels.

Reducible Representations
When applying the methods of group theory to problems related to molecular structure or dynamics, the procedure that is followed usually involves deriving a reducible representation for the phenomenon of interest, such as a molecular vibration, the then decomposing it into its irreducible components. A reducible representation will always be a sum of irreducible representations. In some cases (simple molecules with few bonds) we can perform the decomposition by inspection, for the more general case (complicated molecule with many bonds), we can use the reduction formula.


Reducible Representations
The reduction can be achieved using the reduction formula. It is a mathematical way of reducing that will always work when the answer cannot be spotted by eye. It is particularly useful when there are large numbers of bonds involved. The vibrational modes of the molecule are reduced to produce a reducible representation into the irreducible representations. This method uses the following formula reduction formula:


1 rx ix n x h x

N is the number of times a symmetry species occurs in the reducible representation, h is the order of the group: simply the total number of symmetry operations in the group. The summation is over all of the symmetry operations. For each symmetry operation, three numbers are multiplied together. These are: r is the character for a particular class of operation in the irreducible representation i is the character of the irreducible representation. n is the number of symmetry operations in the class

The characters of the reducible representation can be determined by considering the combined effect of each symmetry operation on z z the atomic vectors. Atomic contributions, by symmetry operations, to the reducible representation for the 3N degrees of freedom for a molecule. Operation E C2 C3 C4 C6 i S3 S4 S6 Contribution per atom* 3 -1 0 1 2 1 -3 -2 -1 0 x y x z i y z x y x z (xz) y x E y x z y

*Cn = 1 + 2cos(360/n); Sn = -1 + 2cos(360/n)


Derivation of reducible representation for degrees of freedom in H2O y Unshifted atoms O Ha C2 Hb O (xz) Hb O (yz) Hb Ha Hb O 3 Hb Hb O 1 Ha O 1 Ha Hb

O Ha O Ha Hb



Obtain the reducible representation (for H2O) by multiplying the number of unshifted atoms times the contribution per atom.

E Unshifted Atoms 3 Contribution per atom 3 9 tot

C2 1 -1 -1

v(xz) 1 1 1

v(yz) 3 1 3


Reducible Representations
The reduction can be achieved using the reduction formula. It is a mathematical way of reducing that will always work when the answer cannot be spotted by inspection. It is particularly useful when there are large numbers of atoms and bonds involved. The vibrational modes of the molecule are reduced to produce a reducible representation into the irreducible representations. This method uses the following formula reduction formula:


1 rx ix n x h x

N is the number of times a symmetry species occurs in the reducible representation, h is the order of the group: simply the total number of symmetry operations in the group. The summation is over all of the symmetry operations. For each symmetry operation, three numbers are multiplied together. These are: r is the character for a particular class of operation in the reducible representation i is the character of the irreducible representation. n is the number of symmetry operations in the class

Tabulate our known information. Reducible Representation (for H2O) 1)

E r 9

C2 -1

v(xz) 1

v(yz) 3


Character Table

C2v A1 A2 B1 B2

E C2 v(xz) v(yz) 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 z 1 Rz 1 x, Ry 1 y, Rx x2, y2, z2 xy xz yz


1 rx ix n x h x


1 1

A1: (1/h)[(r)(i)(n) + (rC2)(iC2)(nC2) + (r v(xz))(iv(xz))(nv(xz)) + (r v(yz))(iv(yz))(nv(yz)) (3)(iv(yz))(nv(yz)) A1: (1/4)[(9)(i)(n) + (-1)(iC2)(nC2) + (1)(iv(xz))(nv(xz)) +

A1: (1/4)[(9)(1)(n) + (-1)(1)(nC2) + (1)(1)(nv(xz)) + (3)(1)(nv(yz)) A1: (1/4)[(9)(1)(1) + (-1)(1)(1) + (1)(1)(1) + (3)(1)(1) = 3


Calculate irreducible representation A2 A2: (1/h)[(r)(i)(n) + (rC2)(iC2)(nC2) + (r v(xz))(iv(xz))(nv(xz)) + (r v(yz))(iv(yz))(nv(yz)) A2: (1/4)[(9)(1)(1) + (-1)(1)(1) + (1)(-1)(1) + (3)(-1)(1) = 1 Calculate irreducible representation B1 B1: (1/4)[(9)(1)(1) + (-1)(-1)(1) + (1)(1)(1) + (3)(-1)(1) = 2 Calculate irreducible representation B2 B2: (1/4)[(9)(1)(1) + (-1)(-1)(1) + (1)(-1)(1) + (3)(1)(1) = 3 The reducible representation

E r 9

C2 -1

v(xz) 1

v(yz) 3

is resolved into three A1, one A2, two B1, and three B2 species.

C2v A1 A2 B1 B2
tot -[rot vib

E C2 v(xz) v(yz) 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 z 1 Rz 1 x, Ry 1 y, Rx x2, y2, z2 xy xz yz

1 1

= 3A1 + A2 + 2B1 + 3B2 A1 + B1 + B2 ] A2 + B1 + B2 ] =

-[trans =

= 2A1 + B2

Notice this is the same result we obtained by analyzing the symmetries of the vibrational modes. -each mode is IR active


Consider only the OH stretches in H2O -consider the number of unchanged O-H bonds under the symmetry operations of the point group

C2v C2v A1
Character Table

E C2 v(xz) v(yz) 0 0 2 E C2 v(xz) v(yz) 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 z 1 Rz

Unchanged OH bonds 2

Reducible Representation

x2, y2, z2 xy xz yz

A2 B1 B2

1 x, Ry 1 y, Rx

1 1

By inspection, the reducible representation is composed of the A1 and B2 representation.

E C2 v(xz) v(yz) 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 1 2

A1 1 B2 1

Sum of rows 2

General Method: Determine OH stretching in H2O using reducible representations and reduction formula
C2v Coefficient Order of group Unchanged bonds (OH) E 1 4 2 0 0 2 C2 1



C2v A1 A2 B1 B2

E C2 v(xz) v(yz) 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 z 1 Rz 1 x, Ry 1 y, Rx x2, y2, z2 xy xz yz

1 1

Using reducible representations and the reduction formula, one obtains A1 + B2 modes.


Derive tot for BCl3 given the character table for D3h Derive the number of vibrational modes and assign modes for BCl3.

E Unshifted atoms Contribution per atom tot 4 3 12

2C3 1 0 0

3C2 2 -1 -2

h 4 1 4

2S3 1 -2 -2

3v 2 1 2

D 3h
A1 A 2 E

E 1 1 2 1 1 2

2C 3 1 1 -1 1 1 -1

3C 2 1 -1 0 1 -1 0

h h
1 1 2 -1 -1 -2

2S 3 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1

3 3v v 1
-1 0 -1 1 0 Rz (x , y )

x 2 + y 2, z 2 (x 2 y 2, 2xy )

A 2 E

z (R x , R y ) (xy , yz )

Results of using the reduction formula.

r *i *n
A1 A 2 E A1

1/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 4 6 4 0 8 -6 -4 6 -4 0 -8 -4 -4 4 4 4 -4 6 -6 0 -6 6 0 0.083333 0.083333 0.083333 0.083333 0.083333 0.083333

Sum 12 12 36 0 24 12

Total 1 1 3 0 2 1

A 2 E

12 12 24 12 12 24

Therefore, we have determined

tot = A1 + A +3 E+2 A + E 2 2
but, subtract off the translational representations.

-[trans = -[rot = vib = A 2 A1

E + A ] 2

and subtract off the rotational representations.

E + +2 E + A ] 2

Each E representation describes two vibrational modes of equal energy.


Symmetrical stretching.

Out-of-plane bending mode.

Unsymmetrical stretching.

In-plane bending mode.

Raman active.

IR active.

Raman and IR active.

We can use isotopic substitution to interpret spectra, since the characteristic frequency of the mode will depend on the masses of the atoms moving in that mode.

Review: What do I do when I need to?

Assign symmetry labels to vibrational modes? If the vibrational mode is known and illustrated, sketch the resulting vibrational mode before and after each symmetry operation of the point group. Using the character table, assign the symmetry label and identify if the mode if IR and/or Raman active. Determine the symmetries of all vibrational modes and if the modes are IR and/or Raman active? Determine how many atoms are left unchanged by each symmetry operation. Find the reducible representation and reduce into the irreps. Subtract translational and rotational modes Identify which modes are IR and/or Raman active. Determine the symmetries of only the stretching modes and if the modes are IR and/or Raman active? Determine how many bonds are left unchanged by each symmetry operation. Find the reducible representation and reduce into the irreps. Identify which are IR and/or Raman active. Develop a character table? Determine the effect of each symmetry operation on the x, y, z translation and the rotation Rx, Ry, and Rz. The resulting set of characters correspond to an irrep in the character table.


1. Determine the number of and assign the vibrational modes of NH3 2. Determine the number of and assign the vibrational modes of CH4 3. Determine the number of and assign the vibrational modes of [PtCl4]24. Determine the number of and assign the vibrational modes of SF6 5. Determine the number of and assign the vibrational modes of SF5Cl 6. Determine number of CO stretching modes in Mn(CO)6 7. Determine number of CO stretching modes in Mn(CO)5Cl 8. Determine number of CO stretching modes in trans-Mn(CO)4Cl2 9. Determine number of CO stretching modes in cis-Mn(CO)4Cl2 10.Determine number of CO stretching modes in fac-Mn(CO)3Cl3 11.Determine number of CO stretching modes in mer-Mn(CO)3Cl3


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