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I have noticed that mankind is about the business of repackaging Jesus.

They take a tiny piece proclaim it their own brilliant idea and demand that you bow down to their imagined stolen greatness. They want to have power. They want to have riches. They want to have authority. MLK said I have a dream. Great you have a dream. I have reality in Jesus. Oboomboom wants to be king of a collectivist state a Caliphate to destroy lands and people through rewriting the ideals of our forefathers who based them on God the creator and the Bible His word. These men and woman, who yell and scream their hate-filled demands at us, want to rule [terrorize] over other peoples lives to make them feel powerful, justified, and relevant. Jesus was given all power under heaven and in Heaven. Yet he brought peace, grace, forgiveness, and truth. Jesus wants to lift you up to an eternal life of joy and happiness led on this journey by the comforter the precious Holy Ghost. These earthly kings and queens want you to grovel at their feet in near poverty without recourse for any justice. It is 'JUST-US' for this progressive class of 'know it all's' who think they are just smarter and more sophisticated. Truth is, they deceive themselves, lie to themselves first, then pass a 'bowl' season of false 'chips' to track us and lead us off their cliff of hope and change. "We are giving you peace and safety helping you up the ladder of social success." History has proven and thoroughly demonstrated that all of their 'promises of a New World' is vain folly under the sun and doomed to failure. Just think of, Mao, Stalin, Hitler. But this time around is 'different' right? "This time is new and improved enlightenment." These false leaders constantly repackage the same old theme their father used from the beginning. The devil tries to repackage his false assumptions that got him thrown out of heaven, banished to this low estate and made uglier that ugly. Cast down to hell and the lake of fire never to be remembered again. This is not the path 'forward' that I choose. I choose the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost to live with in Heaven for all eternity. The rapture which is soon to be revealed lifts one up to the next realm of existence. Not banished to the low estate reserved for those who deny the truth, holding on to vain traditions, denying the power of the Gospel to redeem their souls within each individual. This duo-day of MLK-Inaugural, has been met with the lowest enthusiasm I have ever witnessed. Even the tele-prompter was so bored it stopped working. The talking head news readers seem to be sleepwalking through their paces. They stole (whoops) won their reelection hopes for the new earth yet seem oddly resigned to their mundane way of live. Their lot cast in majority, marching boldly through the great wide gates of democratic collective governance, proudly running with unifying vision that last mile home, to become one globalist world. Yet at what cost to mankind. Death, destruction, doomed to eternal life in Hell? Jesus brought us the new and living way. Joy unspeakable [because we have no known words for it] and full of glory. This 'duo-day' makes nothing new. Solomon arraigned in all his glory said nothing new under this sun. So the father sent his only begotten SON to give us something new. Eternal life. No death. No pain. No sadness. Only abundant life forevermore.

Hallelujah to Anointed King Jesus who inaugurated Himself through the cross of death and then resurrection showing us his true authority to be our Leader , our God, our Creator, our redeemer-King which we have inaugurated in our hearts to sit upon the throne of our souls our lives. I praise Jesus with you. I lift Him up so that all men can be drawn unto Him finishing this work so we can go home. God bless you this day. Faithfully and earnestly awaiting the true and only reality based 'second coming' of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Win souls and you are wise. Love, Nic

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