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Neta|, P|ast|c & F|berg|ass Po||sh

Oream Formu|a, Non-tox|c, Eco-fr|end|y

Safe for O|ean|ng, Po||sh|ng & Protect|ng A||
Meta|s, F|berg|ass, P|ast|cs & Pa|nted Surfaces
Removes Ox|dat|on, Tarn|sh, Rust, Water Sta|ns
Heat D|sco|orat|on, |ead & Powder Res|due,
Scuff Marks & much more
S|zes: 1.76ozl50gr, 5.29ozl150gr, 2|bl906gr,
6a||ool3.624kg, 5.5 6a||ool20.8kg
Sta|o|ess Stee| & 0hrome 0LAh
Water-based Formu|a, Non-tox|c, Eco-fr|end|y
voted 'Best on Sta|n|ess" by the Wa|| Street
Journa| 2007 - Great on Ohrome too
Removes F|ngerpr|nts, O||, Grease, Water Spots,
Automot|ve F|u|ds, Brake Dust & more
S|zes: 16ozl473m|, 32ozl950m|, 6a||ool3.785 L|ter,
5.5 6a||ool20.8 L|ter
Speed wxx - S0per 6|oss
Braz|||an Oarnauba Wax Formu|a, Eco-Fr|end|y
F|||s |n Sw|r|s & Ha|r||ne Scratches
Except|ona| Performance on O|earcoat, Pa|nted
Surfaces, Ge|coat, Ename|, F|berg|ass, E|seng|ass,
P|ex|g|as & more
S|zes: 16ozl473m|, 32ozl950m|, 6a||ool3.785 L|ter,
5.5 6a||ool20.8 L|ter
Sta|o|ess Stee| & 0hrome P0L|Sh
Water-based Formu|a, Non-tox|c, Eco-fr|end|y
Produces a Deep G|oss Sh|ne
se on App||ances, Gas Gr|||s, vent Hoods,
E|evators, Esca|ators & more
S|zes: 16ozl473m|, 32ozl950m|, 6a||ool3.785 L|ter,
5.5 6a||ool20.8 L|ter
|hSTAhT 8rass & 0opper Taro|sh 8emover
Natura| Organ|c Sa|t Formu|a, Eco-fr|end|y
lnstant|y Removes Heavy Tarn|sh; Spray, Ag|tate
& R|nse
se on Brass, Oopper, G|ass, F|berg|ass, Pa|nted
Surfaces & more
S|zes: 16ozl473m|, 32ozl950m|, 6a||ool3.785 L|ter,
5.5 6a||ool20.8 L|ter
|hSTAhT 0a|c|0m, 80st & L|me 8emover
Natura| Organ|c Sa|t Formu|a, Eco-fr|end|y
lnstant|y Removes Oa|c|um, Rust, ||me, Hard
Water Spots, Soap Scum, Oorros|on & more
se on F|berg|ass, P|ex|g|as, T||e, Sta|n|ess,
G|ass, Porce|a|n, Pa|nted Surfaces & more
S|zes: 16ozl473m|, 32ozl950m|, 6a||ool3.785 L|ter,
5.5 6a||ool20.8 L|ter
A|0m|o0m Pre0|eao
Natura| Organ|c Sa|t Formu|a, Eco-fr|end|y
lnstant|y Removes Heavy Ox|dat|on, Hard Water
Spots, Rust, Oa|c|um Depos|ts & more
se on A|um|num, G|ass, F|berg|ass, Pa|nted
Surfaces, Sta|n|ess Stee| & more
S|zes: 16ozl473m|, 32ozl950m|, 6a||ool3.785 L|ter,
5.5 6a||ool20.8 L|ter
L|00|0 Neta|, P|ast|c & F|berg|ass Po||sh
||qu|d formu|a, Non-tox|c, Eco-fr|end|y
Safe for O|ean|ng & Po||sh|ng A|| Meta|s,
F|berg|ass, P|ast|cs & Pa|nted Surfaces
Removes Ox|dat|on, Tarn|sh, Rust, Water Sta|ns
Heat D|sco|orat|on, |ead & Powder Res|due,
Scuff Marks & much more
S|zes: 3.4ozl100m|, 7.6ozl225m|, 32ozl950m|,
5.5 6a||ool20.8 L|ter
6rao|te & Narb|e 0|eaoer
||qu|d Formu|a, Non-tox|c, Eco-fr|end|y
Safe for O|ean|ng Gran|te, Marb|e, Ou|tured
Marb|e, Oor|an, Swanstone, F|berg|ass,
P|ex|g|as, Oeram|c T||e & more.
Removes W|ne & Food Sta|ns, Water Spots,
Soap Res|due, Ha|r Spray & more
S|ze: 7.6ozl225m|
T0mb|er & Ned|a Add|t|ve
||qu|d Formu|a, Eco-fr|end|y
Safe for A|| Meta|s & Pr|mer. O|eans & Po||shes
Brass, Oopper & more
Su|tab|e for Oorn Oob, Wa|nut or other Med|a
S|ze: 7.6ozl225m|
F||tz lnternat|ona|, |td.
821 Mohr Avenue, Waterford, Wl 53185
Orders: 800-558-8611, Phone: 262-534-5898
www.f|tz.com, eMa||: |nfo@f|tz.com
#CT 20085
6rao|te wxx PL0S
Braz|||an Oarnauba Wax Formu|a, Eco-fr|end|y
Protects Aga|nst Hard Water & M|nera| Depos|ts,
W|ne & Food Sta|ns, Ha|rspray, Makeup & more
se on Gran|te, Marb|e, O||-rubbed Bronze,
Pa|nted Surfaces, Acry||cs
S|zes: 16ozl473m|, 32ozl950m|, 6a||ool3.785 L|ter,
5.5 6a||ool20.8 L|ter
ProIess|ooa| 0eta||ers k|t - 80ckets
Deta||, Po||sh, Buff & Protect Ohrome/A|um|num
Mag Whee|s, O|earcoat, Bedra||s, D|amond P|ate,
Pa|nted Surfaces, F|berg|ass, Head||ghts, Tow
Bars, Oonvert|b|e W|ndows, E|seng|ass & more
Removes Ox|dat|on, Scuff Marks, Hard Water
Sta|ns, Road Tar, Rust, Heat D|sco|orat|on & more
S|zes: Large ProIess|ooa| 0eta||ers k|t,
N|o| 0eta||ers k|t

|seog|ass & P|ast|c 8estorat|oo k|t
Oonta|ns -|arge BffBa||, 1.76oz Po||sh, 1.7oz
Wxx & Ma||-|n Ooupon for Free M|crofber O|oth
Restores faded E|seng|ass & P|ast|cs; Boat &
Oamper W|ndows, Hatches, Radar Hous|ngs,
F|berg|ass, Ge|coat & more

Sta|o|ess Stee| 6r||| 8estorat|ool0are k|t
Oonta|ns |arge BffBa||, 1.76oz Po||sh, 1.7oz
Wxx & Ma||-|n Ooupon for Free M|crofber O|oth
Removes Ox|dat|on, Heat D|sco|orat|on, Surface
Scratches, Scuff Marks, F|ngerpr|nts, Water
Spots & more
head||ght 8estorat|oo k|t & Jeep w|odow & P|ast|c
8estorat|oo k|t
Each K|t Oonta|ns -|arge BffBa||, 1.76oz
Po||sh, Wxx Protectant & Ma||-|n Ooupon for
Free M|crofber O|oth
Restore P|ast|c Head||ghts, Ta||||ghts, W|ndsh|e|ds,
He|met Face Sh|e|ds, Jeep & Oamper W|ndows,
Oonvert|b|e W|ndows & more

Notorcyc|e 0eta|||og k|t & hot 8od 0eta|||og k|t
Each K|t Oonta|ns SuperM|n| 2" BffBa||, 1.76oz
Po||sh, Wxx Tr|a| S|ze & Ma||-|n Ooupon for Free
M|crofber O|oth - Everyth|ng Needed to Po||sh,
Ma|nta|n & Restore Ohrome P|pes, Whee|s,
Eng|ne & more
Removes B|u|ng, Road F||m, Burn Marks on
P|pes, Ox|dat|on, ||ght Scratches & more

Nag whee| 8estorat|oo k|t & Tr0ck Too|box
8estorat|oo & 0are k|t
Each K|t Oonta|ns a |arge BffBa||, 1.76oz
Po||sh, 1.7oz Wxx & Ma||-|n Ooupon for Free
M|crofber O|oth
Po||sh & Restore A|um|num, Ohrome Mag
Whee|s, O|earcoat, A|um|num D|amond P|ate,
Po||shed/Brush Sta|n|ess Stee|

heavy 00ty Tr0ck Po||sh|og k|t
Oonta|ns -|arge BffBa||, |ge. 5.29oz Po||sh,
1.7oz Wxx & Ma||-|n Ooupon for Free M|crofber
Po||sh & Restore A|coa A|um|num, Ohrome,
Po||shed/Brushed Sta|n|ess Stee|, D|amond P|ate,
Pa|nted Surfaces, F|berg|ass & more

Oua||ty - H|gh Thread Oount- Washab|e up to
500 T|mes
se on EvERY Surface; G|ass, Oounter Tops, A||
Meta|s, T||e, Oeram|c, F|oors & much more
se Wet or Dry, W|th or W|thout O|ean|ng
Products - Extraord|nary, Mu|t|-purpose O|oth
S|zes: 12" x 12" Th|cklTh|rsty, 16" x 16" Staodard,
16" x 16" Th|cklTh|rsty 12pk ro||
08|6|hAL 80II 8a||s
Prem|um Oua||ty v|scose Fabr|c - Se|f-coo||ng;
Won`t Scorch, Burn or Tear
F|ts any 3/8" dr||| or a|r too|s - se on a|| Surfaces
& Hard-to-Reach Areas
Ou|ck|y Buffs out Ox|dat|on, Oha|k|ng, Brake
Dust, Scuff Marks, ||ght Scratches & more
S|zes: 7" X-Large, 5" Large, 3" N|o|, 2" S0perN|o|
60o & ko|Ie 0are k|t
Oonta|ns 1.76oz Po||sh, 1.7oz R|fe, Gun & Kn|fe
Wxx, 1.7oz gun & Kn|fe O|eaner & 12" x 12"
M|crofber O|oth
O|ean, Po||sh & Protect your F|rearms & Kn|ves -
Po||sh w||| NOT remove Hot Factory Gun B|u|ng
Too| Storage 8estorat|oo l Na|oteoaoce k|t
Oonta|ns 1.7oz ||qu|d Meta| Po||sh, 1.7oz
Sta|n|ess Stee|/Ohrome O|ean, 1.7oz Speed
Wxx & 12" x 12" M|crofber O|oth
O|ean, Po||sh & Protect your Too| Ohests,
Too|boxes, Too|s & more
12pk ro||
wxx Protectaot - S|ze: 7.6ozl225m| bott|e
Protects Aga|nst v Rays, Ra|n Spots, Tree Sap
& more - se on: Pa|nted Surfaces O|earcoat,
Ge|coat, F|berg|ass, P|ex|g|as
Fa0cet wxx PL0S - S|ze: 7.6ozl225m| bott|e
Safe for Go|d-p|ated, O||-rubbed, N|cke| F|n|shes,
|acquer, Marb|e, Gran|te & more
9PL.\U2UPML>xx - S|ze: 7.6ozl225m| bott|e
Protects Your F|rearms & Kn|ves Aga|nst Rust,
Water Spots, F|ngerpr|nts, B|ood & more
6o|d 0oor hA8Th wxx - S|ze: 7.6ozl225m| bott|e
Safe for Go|d-p|ated, O||-rubbed, N|cke| F|n|shes,
|acquer, Marb|e, Gran|te & more

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