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10 easy

steps for improving brain health

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10 Ways to Support Brain Health

1. Correct Blood Sugar Imbalance
Many studies have shown the association of type 2 diabetes with brain issues, including dementia. Normal blood glucose levels and associated brain health havent been studied much until recently. An Australian study in the journal Neurology (Sept., 2012) has linked high-normal blood glucose levels with a decrease in brain size. What does this mean to you? Keep your blood sugar levels under control. Here are some ways to address blood sugar. Eat a whole foods diet, including 4 to 7 half-cup servings of low-glycemic vegetables and 2 half-cup servings of fruit every day: Start with a high protein breakfast (steak & eggs, salmon & vegetables, omelet & black beans, quinoa with pumpkin seeds & vegetables) 3-4 hours later, eat lunch 2 hours after lunch, have a snack Complete dinner before 8 pm Dont substitute coffee for food. When you lose energy in the afternoon, have a snack in place of that stimulant. Take a quality multi-vitamin. Exercise. Limit simple carbohydrates and sugar. Work with a nutritionist to create a custom plan, just for you.

2. Antioxidants
Eat a rainbow of food. Brightly colored fruits and vegetables are full of

antioxidants. Keep a diet diary for a week, then go back and circle the number of half-cup servings of fruit and vegetables. Did you circle more than 6? If not, increase your intake. The current optimal intake is 6-9 servings. Dont forget breakfast. Add kale on the side, or add some sweet potato.

3. Essential Fatty Acid Balance

Make sure youre getting enough Omega-3 fatty acids. Include grass-fed beef, beef liver, eggs, and fatty fish (i.e. salmon, sardines, and tuna) in your diet. Consider a high quality fish oil supplement, such as Nordic Naturals. If you take fish oil capsules, break one open on occasion and taste it. If it tastes bad, it is. Dont eat rancid oils.

4. Reduce Stress
Sit down today and make a list of things you can do to relieve stress. Deep breathing, progressive relaxation, stretching, meditation, art, music, exercise, even a vacation! Then incorporate these things into your life. Consider stressors in all areas; mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. Create more balance. Schedule un-planned time, then use that time to do something that gives you pleasure.

5. Optimize Vitamin D
Have your levels of Vitamin D checked. Recent studies have shown that optimal serum vitamin D levels should be 50-60ng/ml (125-200nmol/L), though many doctors still believe 30ng/mL (75nmol/L) is adequate. If low, optimize your vitamin D levels by supplementing for 3 months, then having your levels re-checked. Our bodies are able to make Vitamin D when our skin is exposed to summer sunlight. If you get 20 minutes of sun exposure directly on skin (with no sunscreen) daily, you may only need to supplement in the winter. Depending on where you live, and your time spent in the sun,

you may need to supplement year-round.

6. Nutrient repletion
For brain health it is very important for our body to have the cofactors and building blocks needed for neurotransmitter balance. A number of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids are required to run our nervous system. Eating a healthy, whole foods diet can support your brain by ensuring an adequate supply. Many people are deficient in magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-complex, vitamin D, and vitamin C. These are all needed for brain function. Quality supplements, along with a healthy diet, can be used to bring deficient people up to normal levels.

7. Reduce systemic in ammation

Inflammation is part of your bodys immune response. The signs of inflammation are heat, redness, swelling and pain. Inflammation occurs as our body attempts to heal itself. Though, sometimes, inflammation can cause more inflammation. Asthma, Crohns disease, or the long-term diseases that end in -itis chronic sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis In conditions such as these, its important to reduce inflammation. How? Work with a nutritionist to identify and remove food allergens. Eat a whole foods diet; high in fresh fruits and vegetables, grass-fed meats, eggs, nuts and seeds. Increase intake of Omega-3 fatty acids. Eliminate hydrogenated oils, instead use extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil (not with heat), organic butter or local, organic lard. Use anti-inflammatory herbs such as turmeric, garlic, and ginger in teas and foods.

8. Adequate Sleep
Dont underestimate the value of sleep in brain health. During sleep, our hormone levels shift our body into growth and repair mode. If suffering from sleep debt, stay in bed for 10 hours a night for 3 days in a row. Sleep for as much of that time period as you can After recovering from too little sleep, the average person needs 8.3 hours of sleep per night.

9. Support Methylation
Your body uses methyl groups (molecules containing a carbon atom + three attached hydrogen atoms) for many things, including building new proteins, changing function of proteins, detoxification, and transporting nutrients. How can you support methylation? Identify and reduce your exposure to toxins Be sure your diet includes adequate amounts of Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6 and Choline Supplement with a B complex vitamin if you are deficient (many people are) Drink a cup of green tea!

10. NT Questionnaires
Your nutritionist may recommend a neurotransmitter survey. These can be used as tools to address possible imbalances. They arent based on strong science, but the results can be helpful in forming a plan for brain health. Website: www.antiagingnow.com/secure/test_forms/edge_effect_intro.html

For educational use only. Before incorporating changes, consult your doctor.

Brought to you by www.LunaHerbal.com

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