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19th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2011 Serbia, Belgrade, November 22-24, 2011 . 978-1-4577-1500-6/11 / $ 26.

00 2011 IEEE Content-This paper presents an octave filter bank. The bank is implemented using an efficient tree structure. The basic building block is a two-channel compleme ntary filter bank designed frequency masking technique. In this way he obtained a bank with approximately octave and allpass power complementary characteristics . This multi-channel bank is developed in the MATLAB . The application of the ban k's Expected in audio signal processing. Attached are the results of the subject ive test bank of filters. Beak word - audio, two-channel bank, Bank octave, freq uency masking techniques, multi-channel filter bank I.UVODANKAdigitalnih filter is a discrete system which consists of a bank of analysis and synthesis banks. T he role of the Bank's analysis of the input signal is divided into sub-bands (po tkanale) while the role of the Bank of potkanala synthesis to form the output si gnal. The bank, which is done using the uniform division of frequency spectrum i s called a uniform filter bank, and the bank in which it is a spectrum divided i nto unequal parts is nonuniform. The bank which shares the spectrum into two par ts, and then one of them in two, and so on until you get the desired number of p otkanala, called the octave filter bank [1]. Solutions for the implementation of digital filter banks are numerous. The most important are those that use the te chniques developed in the efficient delivery system with multiple selection. A b ank with a perfect (perfect) reconstruction is one in which the transfer functio n forms zK, where Kpozitivan integer. If the filter bank realized as a structure with multiple selection (multirate) it is necessary to design synthesis filter bank to undo the effects of the spectrum overlap (aliasing) incurred in the proc ess of reducing the frequency of selecting a bank analysis. In practice, of inte rest, and banks with nearly perfect reconstruction, in which he allowed little d eviation from being ideal case, but, as a rule, the complexity of such banks is much smaller. In this paper the octave filter bank developed based on tree struc ture of two-channel bank in the literature [2], [3]. Sam dvokanlana Bank is a ba nk with nearly perfect reconstruction and has been developed as an effective tec hnique based on the structure of M. H Jocevski, student Elektrotehnikog Universi ty of Belgrade, Bulevar 73, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia (phone: 381-60-0343989, e-mai l: milanjocevski@gmail.com). frequency masking. The bank reported in this paper is primarily designed to allow for the separation odreenogdela audio spectrum. S uch a bank would have an application in separating signals on potkanale and afte r processing by the appropriate subchannel synthesize composite signal. The best -known application of the coding, audio processing, eliminate noise, and more. T he filter bank is shown in this paper, a multi-channel bank resulting from the t wo-channel banks in the tree structure. Access Bank as a multi-channel structure or tree structure has enabled it to keep the bank realized good starting charac teristics of dual-channel filter banks [1]. Additionally, given the fact that th e structure is realized with maximum decimation, at every stage actually use the same filter pair. The main filter is used in the implementation of dual-channel bank is constructed using the frequency masking technique. In Chapter II explai ns BIE way of designing two-channel banks of analysis and synthesis techniques u sing the frequency masking, while the chapter III will be presented to the manne r of realization of the tree structure in this paper. In Chapter IV presents exa mples of the BIE for the two input signals to be carried out to illustrate the p erformance of the bank. In Chapter V presents conclusions.Two channel II.PROJEKT OVANJE BANK FILTARAKao essential element for the formation of multi-channel filt er banks (uniform, non-uniform or octave) are often used two-channel bank. They are used in cases when it is necessary to separate the frequency spectrum of the signal at low frequency and high frequency part. In our sluajuiskoriena the effi cient realization of dual-channel filter banks with maximum decimation [2], [3]. Two-channel filter bank is shown in [2], [3] is implemented frekvencijkog maski ng technique. This technique is used for the design of digital filters with narr ow transition band. To construct the filter frequency masking technique requires a model for the filter and filter masks. Motivated by the lower the complexity

arithmetic, as well as reducing the overall delay, it was shown in [3] that the model filters for convenient use IIR filters with approximately linear phase cha racteristics, and maskirajue filters for linear phase FIR filter characteristics . In this way we get a digital filter with sharp transition (narrow transition b and) with low distortion and phase bandwidth.Efficient implementation of the oct ave filter bank Milan Jocevski B 1578

() LzA0 () ZPm0 () LzA1 () ZP1 () 21 +-L z 4fn z () 21 - L z () LzA15.0 () LzA0 () ZPm0 () LzA1 () ZP1 () 21 +-L z 4fn z -

() 21 - L z () LzA15.0 Official. 1. Realization of dual-channel filter banks. A (4) (i) S (4) (i) S (3) (i) A (3) (i) V5 [n] v4 [n] x [n] y [n] H (3) (i) S (2) (z) A (2) (z) H (2) (z) S (1) (z) A (2) (z) H (1) (z) y3 [n] y2 [n] y1 [n] H (3) (i) H (2) (z) H (1) (z) v3 [n] v2 [n] v1 [n] Official. 2. Schematic view of n-channel filter bank tree structure. Two-channel bank [2], [3], which has an approximately linear phase characteristic is Comput erised efficient than the filter bank approximately the same characteristics bas ed on QMF FIR filters model [4]. Designing dvokanalanle filter bank pomoutehnike frequency masking means that you first construct the model filter G (z). Previo usly, he was told that because of the larger efficiency convenient to use the II

R filter. To achieve an approximately linear phase characteristic was chosen hal f-band IIR filter with approximately linear phase characteristics, [5]. This fil ter it joins the complementary filter, Gc (z). Polazei of the filter pair [G (z) Gc (z)], the filter pair [G (zL) Gc (zL)] so that between every two odbirka imp ulse response added L-1 zeros (upsample by a factor of L). The newly obtained fi lters have narrow transition times L range, in which one must always make sure t hat L must be an odd integer. Thus obtained filter pair [G (zL) Gc (zL)], which applies to s = - p.In the following procedure to construct maskirajui filters F0 (z), F1 (z), E0 (z), E1 (z). That is constructed by F0 (z) and so is the steam line FIR filter with linear phase characteristics, and other digital filters is to get a certain transformation of the filter [2], [3]. By fitting the model fil ter pair [G (zL) Gc (zL)] and maskirajuih filter gets a new pair of digital filt ers [HA0 (z) HA1 (z)] with L times smaller intermediate range compared to the pa ir [G (z) Gc ( z)]. It also ensured that the amplitude symmetry [HA0 (z) HA1 (z) ] with respect to = / 2, hence L is odd. For two-channel bank octave useful for the design of digital cash in this paper is a useful concrete realization of [2] , is shown in Fig. 1. In this way obtained a bank analysis / synthesis (using th e frequency masking technique) with almost perfect reconstruction without aliasi ng is. Also a two-channel bank is complementary in terms svepropusnosti (allpass ) and complementary in strength (power).Filter pair [G (z) Gc (z)] is implemente d with two stable-pass filter frequency of A0 (z) and A1 (z) and the way to next : () () () () 221120zAzzAzG-+ =, (1) () () () () 221120zAzzAzGc - =. (2) The complementarity of these filters is reflected in sledeinain: allpass complementary, () () () = + 20zAzGzGc, (3) wher e A0 (z2) all pass filter; complementarity power, () () 122 = + jcjeGeG. (4) Further, the constructed maskirajueg filter F0 (z) after the polyphase decomposition [6], the two polyphase components: P0 (z) and P1 (z) - a way to next, () ( ) ( ) 211200zPzzPzF-+ =. (5) can now be implemented by a digital filt er HA0 (z) () () () 211200zQzzQzHa-+ =, (6) where: () () () () () 2112102020) (z PzzAzPzAzQLLmL + - + =, (7) () () () 2-1 - 212 150 = FNLLzzzAzQ .. (8) It should be noted that N, orde r FIR filter, which is reenoda is an even integer, and 2/2005.0) () (FNmzzPzP =. (9) When designing a model filter G (z) as IIR filter with approximately linear phase characteristic, the filter A1 (z) is the same delay o r form zm, where m is an integer.It is now clear that the loading branch of Q1 ( z) enters only delay. In designing the model filter G (z) takes on the accounts to be IIR filter with approximately linear phase characteristics. When this, as well as to what shape A1 (z) and (1) into account, it can be shown that the func tion Q0 (z) is approximately constant in the whole domain [0,], and is called th e approximate allpass function [ 3]. 1579

KakoQ1 (z) is only a delay, he finally gets the transfer function of the entire two-channel bank with aliasing part equal to zero [2]. We got a dual-channel or bank with nearly perfect reconstruction. As shown in [3] Bank of dual-channel t ransfer function is () () () 21201-08 = zQzQzzT. (10) There is now explicitly show that the properties of the function Q0 (z) and Q1 (z) tra nsfer function of projected two-channel bank is just about the delay. III.STRUKT URA TREE BANK FILTARAKao projected octave as in the introduction naznaeno, desig ned octave Bank is the realization of multi-channel filter banks. The structure of the entire bank with five channels is shown in Fig. 2. Using the two-channel technique created banks masking signal frequency is divided, in this case, the f ive new signals. Each of these signals carry a piece of information that existed in the original signal x [n]. Once the signal x [n] comes to the door octave ba nk, he is divided into two components. The first component continues its trunk a nd enters the second stage, where design has twice the lower frequency selection . The second component, v1 [n], is nothing more than high-frequency component, a lso with a double lower sampling frequency than x [n]. Thus, if the signal x [n ] had freq selection fS = 8 kHz, it is a useful signal with spectral components up to 4 kHz. So the signal that goes to the second level contains elements from the range [0, 2 kHz], and signal v1 [n] contains elements from the range [2, 4 k Hz]. In the second instance, the component is again divided into low-frequency and high-frequency component, but now the signals contain spectral components of the original signal in the field of normalized frequency [0, / 4] and [/ 4, / 2 ], respectively. The newly obtained components now have a four times lower sampl ing frequency than the frequency that a signal x [n] t. FS2 = fs / 4 = 2 kHz. S ignals v2 [n] and v3 [n], contain spectral components of the signal x [n] in the interval [1 kHz, 2 kHz] and [500 Hz, 1 kHz]. The process continues, and signals v4 [n] and V5 [n], contain spectral components of the signal x [n] in the inter val [0, 250 Hz] and [250 Hz, 500 Hz]. It should be noted that, in each instance, uses a completely identical to the filter bank that divides the band into two e qual parts. In Fig. 3rd shows some reinforcements designed nonuniform filter ban ks. With these figures can be oitati limit (Presen) freq, which zafS = 8 kHz, ar e: 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 2000 Hz. Any structure, either A (k) (z) and S ( k) (z) gives the same delay and what is d = (NIIR-1) L + N / 2, where NIIRiNredo vi IIR and FIR filters, respectively. This term was introduced in [2], and we ca n be of assistance in the analysis of how much each bank branch octave introduce s delays. So, the industry is treoj after a two-channel bank analysis and synthe sis of a bank of delay happen 2d. The second branch double the treoj, and the fi rst branch more than double in the second. Respectively in the first branch was delayed eight times larger than the delay that a block of entries. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

-80 -70 -60 -50 40 30 20% 10. 0 f [kHz] Reinforcement [dB] Fig. 3. Characteristics designed octave bank to signa l with a frequency of 8 kHz sampling. These delays have been essential in the de sign of octave filter banks because after going through a bank analysis / synthe sis introduces delay. When low-frequency input signal goes to the bank he was fo llowed by two channel will be delayed again, but the high-frequency signal will not. If we want to reconstruct the signal at the end of it we could not do it, o r we would not get a good signal is reconstructed. And the reason is just that t hey do not get all the components in certain sectors were adequately delayed. Fo r this reason they have been introduced in all branches of special blocks that p rovides the aforementioned delay, H (k) (z). Delays do not have any value, but a re tied to the value of d. In this connection and set the value of the transfer functions, and they are: H (1) (z) = z-4d, H (2) (z) = z-2d, H (3) (z) = zd. The se values for the transfer function can be clearly seen in Figure Fig. 2. Thus, th e signal v3 [n] should be delayed as long as the block A (4) (i) entered late in the low frequency signal upon leaving the two-channel analysis bank A (3) (i). Furthermore, it is clear now that the signal v2 [n] is delayed more than twice v 3 [n], then H (2) (z) = z-2d. And finally, how many should be late in the first branch, ie. how much should a late signal v1 [n]. Displayed octave filter bank r etains the good properties of two-channel filter banks. In Fig. 4th graphs are s hown to verify the performance and power allpass complementarity complementarity analysis filter bank. IV.PRIMERIU this part of the paper presents the performan ce of BIE constructed multi-channel filter banks by way of example. First be sub jected to an instance in which a stream of rectangular pulses prouava octave thr ough the bank, and then how we analyzed the effects on the bank's audio signal. 1580

Official. 4. Confirmation allpass power and complementarity Bank octave analysis . The design of digital filter banks, imposes a requirement that a couple of ban k analysis / synthesis bank entries as possible to lower izoblienja. Both exampl es are designed to verify that the bank does not degrade the signal, and the sig nal is passed through a bank without a signal processing unit, which is oznaen i n Fig. 2. For the structure of dual-channel bank is useful IIR half-bandfiltar r ow 12, with approximately linear phase characteristics of bandwidth, which in th is sluajup = 0.4. Uzeemo the parameter upsampleL = 5 Thus, the transition band p airs [HA0 (z) HA1 (z)] be (sp) / L, which is 0.04. The linearity of the filter e dovesti to the fact that the total delay will be a whole number except in a narr

ow transition band, but just because it has successfully implemented a rapid tra nsition, the nekonstantnost delay can be ignored. For construction maskirajueg f ilter F0 (z) with linear phase was selected row N = 36 [3], which is in accordan ce with the requirements of the bank. Consider the total delay incurred by a sig nal between the input and output octave filter banks, we can see that it is 30 t imes larger than the delay of one block. Until the budget is coming to next way: (1 +2 +4 +8) * 2d, for our example, it is 2190 of samples. A.Pravougaoni pulse Fig. 5th shows the input and output signal. One can see that the result izoblien ja nekonstantnog delays in the transition zone. Note that the rising line of rec tangular pulses delayed tano as much as before, and proraunato, 2190 of samples. B.Obrada muzikog signal in case of a rectangular pulse has not done any process ing of multichannel signals from the filter bank, so it is not in the case of au dio signals. However, certification that the bank does not significantly oteuje s ignal is obtained through a subjective analysis.The authors have tested 10 peopl e who were aged 20 to 25 years and of different faculties. Each person is listen ed by 10 shots, with varying duration (from 5-45 seconds) and the two different languages. Considering that the images in question were to vote, with a frequenc y of 8 kHz sampling, the military accounts of the content of conversations, spee ches and background dynamics of the forest. Also the military accounts of the co nditions under which the rehearsal footage, be optimal. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 INPUT 0 1000 2000 3000

4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 OUT S Official. 5. Rectangular pulse at the entrance and exit of the octave bank.Frequ ency limit, which are differing in stages, were: 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz and 2 kHz , as can be seen in Fig. 3. Based on the results, and 59% tanih recognition of o riginal recordings, one can conclude that the tested individuals are not able to clearly differentiate between UOE played back recordings. Most of the subjects during the test at least twice in a dilemma what to say in this case either the nuances or through mere sluajnosti response back. V.ZAKLJUAKPrikazana the effici ent implementation of multi-channel octave filter banks. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the bank could be used in the analysis of the audio sig nal. Further investigations are focused on the generalization of the procedure, or the design of the filter bank VeIma channel number. ZAHVALNICAIskreno thank D r. Helen erti for helpful advice and assistance in drafting work. References [1] LJ. Mili and J. erti, "Signal processing using digital filter banks," Proceedin gs of the Twenty-Fourth Symposium on new technologies in the postal and telecomm unications traffic, PosTel 2006, p. 121 - 134 [2] LJ. Mili and J. erti, "dual-ch annel IIR filter banks with frequency masking," TELFOR 2008, p. 428-431. [3] LJ. Mili and J. erti, "Recursive Digital Filters and Two-Channel Filter Banks: Freq uency-Response Masking Approach", TELSIKS2009, Nis, Serbia, October 7-9, 2009, p p. 177 - 182 [4] H. Johansson and T. Saramki, "Two-Channel FIR Filter Banks Utili zing the FRM Approach", Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2003, Vol. 22, pp. 157-192. [5] HW Schssler and P. Steffen, "Halfband Filters and Hilbert Transf ormers," Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 1998, Vol. 17, pp. 137-164. [6 ] L. Mili, Multirate Filtering for Digital Signal Processing: MATLAB Application s, Information Science Reference, Hershey PA, 2009.ABSTRACTIn this paper we pres ent an octave filter bank. The design of the tree-structured multichannel filter bank has been done using two-channel filter banks. These banks have been used s o that the octave bank would have all-pass complementary and power-complementary properties. The design of the banks has been done in MATLAB . The application of designed bank is expected in the processing of audio signals. Results of a subj ective testing have been included in the paper also. Efficient realization of a n octave filter bank Milan Jocevski 0

0.1. 0.2. 0.3. 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.95 1 1:05 / All ass 0 0.1. 0.2. 0.3. 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.95 1 1:05 / Po er 1581-

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