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The Souths Liveliest College Newspaper

Read why we think
the nay-sayers
will say yes to
Friday, November 30, 2012 Volume 98, Issue 16 nique.net
ATO placed on interim suspension
By Sam Somani
News Editor
e Beta Iota Chapter of Alpha Tau
Omega (ATO) fraternity was placed on
interim suspension earlier this month for
alleged alcohol and drug related violations
of the Student Code of Conduct.
ATO has some alleged violations of
our Code of Conduct and those were
brought to us by multiple sources. A de-
cision has been made to place them on
interim suspension, pending an investiga-
tion, which is the status they are currently
on, said Dean of Students John Stein.
All activity has been ceased and what we
will do is bring them to a judicial process
which requires an investigation and, at the
end of that, conclude an appropriate sanc-
tion, if these alleged violations actually
did occur. Disciplinary sanctions range
from disciplinary warning to suspension,
[but] its hard to predict where this will
Stein went on to describe the interim
suspension that the fraternity is currently
What students need to understand
and appreciate is that anytime we move
to a status of interim suspension, it means
that something has risen to a level serious
enough for [the administration] to take
immediate action to stop the activity. All
chapter activity has been ceased at this
time, Stein said.
According to a report released by the
Georgia Tech Police Department, one of
the alleged violations was the sale of indi-
vidual beers, liquors and cocktail drinks
without an appropriate liquor licence in a
bar located in the basement of the frater-
nity house.
Although the Alpha Tau Omega repre-
sentative corresponding with the ocer at
the time of this incident allegedly said that
this bar was a check-in system for Alpha
Tau Omega alumni attending sporting
events, the police ocer, according to this
report, mentioned his knowledge of alco-
hol sales being present, as well as a price
list of the drinks sales that reads Alpha
Tau Omega Pledge Bar 2012 on the top
and We take all major credit cards/Tips
are appreciated! on the bottom.
Representatives of the fraternity, as
well as the Alpha Tau Omega National
Oce, could not be reached for comment.
Dead Week
policy changes
for clarity
By Holden Lee
Contributing Writer
On Tuesday, Nov. 27, the Faculty Senate
approved various changes to the Dead Week
policy. e most prominent change was the
inclusion of the long summer term, which
had not previously been stated in the old
Dead Week policy.
e initial Dead Week policies stated
that Dead Week applies to standard terms,
which we realized did not include the long
summer term, so we added that, said Dr.
Carole Moore, Assistant Vice Provost of Ac-
ademic Aairs. However, the policy does
not cover the short terms, study abroad, or
anything similar.
According to statements made by Moore
in the Faculty and Academic Senate, not
having this explicit regulation in the policy
caused issues in the past, such as violations
during the long summer terms Dead Week
from professors.
Most students feel relieved that summer
semester has gained this kind of catch-up
e summer semester is really stressful
because you have more material put into a
short period of time and less time to study
for nals. Maybe, a dead week for the sum-
mer will lighten the load a little, said third-
year IE major Maurice Balder.
e policys previous use of the term
Week Preceding Final Exams to denote
Dead Week was also replaced by the latter
e change of the name from Week
Preceding Final Examinations to Dead
Week is to improve searchability and famil-
iarity, said SGA Vice President of Academic
Aairs Lucy Tucker. Now, students and
faculty will be able to more easily locate the
correct document.
Other, smaller changes to the policy in-
cluded a reorganization of the policy format.
Originally, the policies and rules of Dead
Week were organized into a paragraph for-
mat within the student catalog, but now,
Tech will list its Dead Week policies in an
outline format for better clarity.
Photo by Tiara Winata / Student Publication
Alpha Tau Omega fraternity faces uncertain consequences due to alleged drug and alcohol related violations of the
Student Code of Conduct. For now, the entire fraternity will remain on interim suspension until the nal verdict is made.
Number of thefts rise in Campus Recreation Center
By Joshua Garrick
Contributing Writer
In recent weeks, the number of thefts
at the Campus Recreation Center (CRC)
has increased, calling attention to the
matter from administrators and the Geor-
gia Tech Police Department (GTPD).
At least once a week, we have some-
body reporting that their personal be-
longings have been tampered with, said
Jonathan Hart, the Assistant Director of
Campus Recreation and Facilities Man-
agement at the CRC.
According to the CRC Assistant Di-
rector of Communications Sara Warner,
these thefts can be attributed to non-
members entering the CRC by use of a
Buzzcard that has been loaned to them
from another member of the CRC.
No crime data was provided by the
CRC for this observation, however.
Warner also gave a breakdown of the
major preventive measures the CRC pro-
vides for students belongings that may be
susceptible to theft. For-rent lockers, as
well as day lockers in multiple areas of the
CRC, are all available for use in the main
locker area downstairs by the tness cen-
ter. ere are also lockers upstairs on the
basketball courts, in the aquatics area and
in the lobby area. Locking up valuables is
the main way to prevent them from being
stolen, as most valuables that are stolen are
those that are left unattended out in the
e sta at the CRC is constantly try-
ing to prevent this from happening and
attempting to educate members of ways
they can help as well. In addition, in-
creased security measures are also being
We are absolutely looking into new
technology and new ways that we can im-
prove security here but we need the stu-
dents to help us out and do their part as
well, Warner said.
Although specics on new technol-
See efts, page 4
Photo by Tiara Winata / Student Publications
Increasing thefts across various locations of the CRC has resulted in administrative
attention along with GTPD, in attempts to develop new methods to resolve the issue.
2 November 30, 2012 Technique NEWS
The Souths Liveliest College Newspaper
Kamna Bohra
Ian Bailie
Sam Somani
Gaines Halstead
Madison Lee
Jonathan Peak
Anna Arnau
http://f b.com/thenique
Founded in 1911, the Technique is the
student newspaper of the Georgia In-
stitute of Technology, and is an ocial
publication of the Georgia Tech Board
of Student Publications. e Technique
publishes on Fridays weekly in the fall
and spring and biweekly in the summer.
ADVERTISING: Information can be found
online at nique.net/ads. e deadline for
reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one
week before publication. To place a reser-
vation, for billing information, or for any
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a.m. to 5 p.m.
COVERAGE REQUESTS: Requests for cov-
erage and tips should be submitted to the
Editor-in-Chief and/or the relevant sec-
tion editor.
Copyright 2012, Kamna Bohra, Ed-
itor-in-Chief, and by the Georgia Tech
Board of Student Publications. No part
of this paper may be reproduced in any
manner without written permission from
the Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of
Student Publications. e ideas expressed
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of the Board of Student Publications, the
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I hear asians are getting sat on in the CULC...
I have a professor who looks, behaves and everything like Um-
bridge...ought you would be entertained by that fact.
of course her butt smells bad, thats where farts are born!
anks for slivering.
stream of consciousness, but what does it mean?
when will it end
almost there
hell week dead week nals week
yo momma
but really, dont sweat the Technique
merry christmas ya lthy animal...
...and a happy new year
say whattttttttttt?? !!?
is this the last technique for 2012?
Shigo wherever I go, wherever we go, we do it pronto
Sorry for being blackout
You know its the week before dead week when you have three
exams in one day.
I feel sorry for the poor souls living with my roommate from last
5 days at home has reminded me why I went to school out of state
I wish I could sliver gifs.....
haha, u[sic]ga, enjoy your u
Some guy from Auburn told me that all of the girls at Tech are
gross...then I reminded him that he had an STD.
Personally I dont give a ying g newton
Do you even sliver bro?
Guys isnt Avril Lavigne the shit?
I just nished my laundry,time to start enjoying the break
back to tech in 2013, why yes i do like torturing myself
Happy anksgiving, now nish making those Christmas
yes, Im aware that is shameless self promotion
Graduating soon... Can a girl just get ONE DATE before under-
grad is over?
LecLnIq e
all we're mIssIn Is
pIzza meeLIns on Luesdays
7 p.m., Ba buIldIn, room187
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Visit nique.net/ads for information
Illegal Gymigrant
e morning of Nov. 17, the
Tech Field Interview Team (FIT)
performed theft surveillance at
the CRC based on information
provided by the Tech Criminal
Investigations Division (CID).
e suspect was observed in-
side the CRC and was reported
to have stolen nancial trans-
action cards that he had taken
from the CRC.
During the surveillance oper-
ation on that same day, the sus-
pect was observed entering the
CRC through the front entrance,
bypassing the security desk and
entering the aquatic center near
the rear of the facility through an
unsecured entrance. e suspect
then went into a locker room and
changed clothes.
After visiting a dierent
locker room, the suspect exited
a dierent exit which leads into
a second pool. From this pool
area, the suspect headed back
towards the rst locker room he
exited from, where he changed
back into his original clothes.
When he began to exit the
CRC, he was arrested by a uni-
formed GTPD ocer. A search
of the suspect revealed that he
had around $150 and a Visa card
that he had taken from one vic-
tim, two other Visa cards and a
Visa gift card that he had taken
from three other victims.
Found while Lost
At 4:30 p.m. on Monday,
Nov. 19, an ocer was dis-
patched to the Scheller College
of Business in reference to a sus-
picious person on the rst oor.
Upon arrival, the ocer lo-
cated a male matching the sus-
pects description sitting behind
the reception desk on the rst
When the ocer asked the
suspect what he was doing in-
side the building, he replied with
Waiting to take a bus to Michi-
A check on his Michigan li-
cense showed that he had no
outstanding warrants, but that
he had received two criminal
trespass warnings on Oct. 11 and
Nov. 12.
e suspect was placed under
arrest for criminal trespass, and
instead of catching his bus to
Michigan, he was processed and
transferred to the Fulton County
All Fired Up
At 1:30 p.m. on Nov. 20, an
ocer responded to a call from
the Woodru Dining Hall in
reference to disorderly conduct.
e ocer made contact with
the suspect outside of the dining
hall and found that the suspect
had just been terminated from
his job at Woodru Dining Hall.
e ocer then contacted
the Food Service manager and
Woodru Chef, who explained
that the suspect had been curs-
ing in the dining hall, in front of
other people.
e manager simply ex-
plained that she wished for the
suspect to leave the area, and
the ocer helped explain that if
the suspect did not, he would be
subject to face criminal trespass
A further discussion with the
manager and chef described how
the suspect had attempted to
clock out after being terminated
and then had walked through
the kitchen and dining hall curs-
ing loudly.
e suspect was issued a
criminal trespass warning and
was told that if he were to return
to the dining hall, he could be
Exhibit celebrates 60 years of architecture
By Tiara Winata
Photography Editor
In celebration of the 60th
anniversary of the Architec-
ture Building, the College of
Architecture (CoA) under-
took a $400,000 restoration
of the original architecture
library, the Deans suite and a
1956 exhibit showcasing work
by CoA graudates.
e original intent of the
exhibit was for the faculty to
show how their own work had
evolved and changed over the
years because some of those
same people had, in fact, de-
signed the architecture build-
See Architecture, page 5
By Lauren Brett
Assistant News Editor
Campus Crime
From the les of the GTPD...
Photos by Tiara Winata/Student Publications
Technique November 30, 2012 3 NEWS
lot of things went on outside
the bubble of Tech in the past
week. Here are a few important
events taking place throughout
the nation and the world.
Separation of Powers
Comes to End in
More than 20,000 protestors
ooded Tahrir Square in Cairo,
Egypt on Tuesday, with more
than 100 being wounded as a re-
sult of the protests, in response
to the presidential decree is-
sued by Egyptian President
Mohammed Morsi, eectively
giving him unchecked political
power, the purpose of which
was to root out, the weevils
eating away at Egypt.
The decree prevents judi-
cial review of Morsis decisions
and essentially removes the
last branch of government not
under his control, as the Parlia-
ment was dissolved in Egypt
earlier this year.
It also eectively prevents
judicial review of the consti-
tutional assembly, which is
dominated by members of the
Muslim Brotherhood and other
Islamist groups.
The move also motivated a
strike by Egypts highest courts
to protest the decision.
ubble B
Council Clippings
Recently in Student Government
By Kenneth Marino
Contributing Writer
Budget Committee
Concerns about last years bud-
get process have led to the forma-
tion of a Bicameral Committee
on the Budget to be composed of
members of the Undergraduate
House and the Graduate Senate.
is review will allow sena-
tors and representatives [on the
committee] the chance to review
the applications in detail and
contact organizations with any
questions and concerns they may
have, said Daniel Farmer, Ex-
ecutive Vice President of Finance.
e committee will then present
its recommendation to the house
and senate for nal discussion and
Representatives hope that the
committee will streamline the
budget process, as last year, the
process ran well into the night.
According to Rep. Greg Jones,
this committee may also eliminate
the need to create arbitrary rules
for cutting various line items from
the budget of organizations.
Both GSS and UHR have been
facing issues with meeting quo-
rum in their meetings.
e longevity of the Senate ses-
sions, which causes the meetings
to extend past 12 p.m., has forced
representatives to leave for class,
and has been the cause of bills in
GSS being prolonged to a vote un-
til the next meeting.
UHR also failed to meet quo-
rum last Tuesday due to the num-
ber of absences by its representa-
tives. Because two-thirds of the
active members of the body failed
to convene, the body could not
discuss or vote on any of the bills
organizations had come to pres-
ent. Speaker of the House Mike
Mosgrove attempted to reach quo-
rum through texting and emailing
absent representatives and by re-
ducing the number of representa-
tives needed for quorum through
resignations and impeachments.
e body began to discuss the
resignation of Kelliann Morrisey
as her absence from the meeting
was thought to have put her over
the threshold of absences required
to consider impeachment, which
was not the case. e subject was
dropped as they would still not
have enough for quorum even
with her resignation, although she
could still be impeached at the fol-
lowing meeting.
In closing, Mosgrove called the
incident highly embarrassing
and gave warning that failure to
meet quorum at the next meeting
would make their organization
look even worse.
I think its a little disappoint-
ing, said Representative Eric
Chiu after the meeting. I cant
say its not expected though be-
cause the break is this week, so a
lot of people leaving town. Its still
disappointing to see people not
reporting to the Speaker of the
Tech to not join Semester Online consortium
By Joshua Garrick
Contributing Writer
Earlier this November, schools
around the nation, including
Emory, Duke and Northwestern,
began a partnership entitled Se-
mester Online, a new alternative
to the popular trending free and
non-credit massive open online
courses (MOOCs) oered by
Tech and its contemporaries, like
MIT, Harvard and Stanford.
Semester Online, unlike
MOOCs, oers tuition-based,
for-credit online courses taught
by university professors from its
We do not currently have any
plans to become more involved
with Semester Online, but we ex-
pect to continue to play a national
leadership role in the develop-
ment of online courses, said Rich
DeMillo, the director of Georgia
Techs Center for 21st Century
Universities (C21U).
However, this does not mean
See MOOC, page 5
Photo by Eric Manseld / Student Publications
Provost Rafael Bras, above, expressed support for the
educationally supplemental nature and use of traditional MOOCs.
4 November 30, 2012 Technique NEWS
By Kenneth Marino
Contributing Writer
e project to create a unied
database for all courses oered on
campus is moving closer to com-
pletion. According to the Regis-
trar, Reta Pikowsky, whose oce
developed the website, the data-
base should be ready to be made
public sometime toward the end
of spring semester. e completed
website will allow students to ac-
cess an up-to-date syllabus for ev-
ery class currently taught by each
Some of the schools had al-
ready done a really good job lo-
cally, like chemistry, collecting
them all, said Lawrence Bottom-
ley, Chair of the Institute Under-
graduate Curriculum Commit-
tees subcommittee on General
Education. So it was very easy
to get them uploaded. Usually
the schools have to have them for
ABET accreditation, to have all
the documentation in place,
In developing the database, the
Registrars oce and Curriculum
Committee must not only collect
existing syllabi, but also reviewing
their content.
Were looking at them; were
not just collecting them, said
Pikowsky. Were actually looking
at them to say what does it tell us;
do we see learning outcomes, do
we see things we would expect to
see...Some of them are very good
and some of them are not very
Pikowsky said that the data-
base will be organized by course
number, with one syllabus for
each course.
Were collecting syllabi for
courses, not necessarily by profes-
sor, said Pikowsky. We antici-
pate that the core of it will be the
same regardless of whos teaching
Pikowsky expressed her oces
commitment to completing this
Were excited about this, we
think its important, so we will
continue our eorts, Pikowsky
said. Were really on it. And were
committed to it.
Although the Curriculum
Committee has been working on
this project for over a year, a paral-
lel proposal through SGA was also
in the pipeline. Spark 2012, the
campaign of now-SGA president
Eran Mordel, proposed a syllabus
database for students to browse
the syllabi of their prospective
professors/classes to better serve
both parties interests, desires, and
education. e project was also
under consideration by the SGA
IT Committee.
ere was a little bit of a mis-
communication, in that in the
initial phases of this, both par-
ties of the administration and the
Student Government Association
were both interested in this and
there was a little bit of a miscom-
munication as to who was actually
going to tackle the eort, said Jo-
seph Mattingly, Chairman of the
IT Committee.
SGA eventually decided to
drop the project and allow the
registrar to develop the database.
Online Syllabus Database nears its completion
Photo courtesy of the Oce of the Registrar
Much like many of its peer institutions, Tech has begun to collect the many syllabi from various courses oered on campus in order to
eventually create a database. This tool can be used by students to gain additional information on which classes to take each semester.
ogy could not be given because
the CRC is in the early stages of
trying to acquire it, the current
preventive security measures are
as eective as they can be.
eft is our number one crime
on campus...you can have all the
technology in the world, cameras
and what not, but you really have
to take the responsibility yourself
and to really keep in mind and be
aware of where youre placing your
items, said GTPD Ocer Alex
According to Hart, the major-
ity of CRC thefts take place in
the afternoon and evening hours.
Even though there is no pattern as
to where they take place, there are
locations in and around the facil-
ity that are frequented more than
others simply due to the volume
of personal belongings left unat-
tended at one time. ese include
the basketball courts, the tness
center and the turf elds.
e worst [punishment] is
that we revoke their privileges for
six months when there is a student
involved. When theyre not a stu-
dent, I serve them with criminal
trespassing and forbid them from
coming back. If they do come
back, they stand the chance of be-
ing arrested for criminal trespass-
ing, Hart said.
Because Buzzcards are also an
ocial Georgia ID card, loaning
Buzzcards is a violation of the
Student Code of Conduct, as out-
lined in Section C8: Forgery, al-
teration, replication, or misuse of
any document, record, or identi-
cation upon which the Institute
relies, regardless of the medium.
Thefts from page 1
Technique November 30, 2012 5 NEWS




Open Access Policy
passed by faculty
e Faculty and Academic
Senate, in its Nov. 27 meeting,
passed the addition of the Open
Access Policy amendment to the
Faculty Handbook.
Debate ensued about the com-
patibility of this policy with the
copyright laws of various journals,
as this policy would grant the
Georgia Tech Research Corpora-
tion a nonexclusive, irrevocable,
royaltyfree, worldwide license to
exercise any and all copyrights
in...scholarly articles published in
any medium by a professor.
However, Co-Chair of the
Open Access Committee Ellen
Zegura mentioned that the li-
brarys resources, which would
facilitate this archival of schol-
arly work, would allow authors
of these articles to better navigate
the seemingly legal problems one
may encounter.
EBB bids for construc-
e design development phase
for the Engineered Biosystems
Building (EBB), a multidisci-
plinary research building focus-
ing on expanding the biomedical
research frontier of Tech, has been
nished, with a mass excavation
and earth work prior to its con-
struction beginning.
In the next stage, the $93 mil-
lion building will bid its design
out to constructors. It is anticipat-
ed the building will be completed
by spring of 2015.
Photo by Tiara Winata/Student Publications
In honor of the College of Architectures 60 years of existence, an
exhibition featured the space restored as it originally appeared.
that these eorts by Semester On-
line are going unnoticed.
C21U is experimenting with a
variety of new delivery technolo-
gies, or platforms. MOOC plat-
forms, like Coursera, have caught
the attention of the public around
the world and are the most active
initiatives at the moment, but we
are at the early stages of technolo-
gy development, and we are close-
ly following related eorts like
Semester Online, DeMillo said.
Dr. Rafael Bras, Provost and
Executive Vice-President for Aca-
demic Aairs, conrmed this
statement by DeMillo, disfavoring
the for-credit nature of Semester-
Ours is a residential educa-
tion, and we strongly believe in
that residential experience. Con-
tent online will ultimately be used
to augment and improve our resi-
dential education. It is not incon-
ceivable, though, that as more ex-
perience is gained with MOOCs
that some courses could be appro-
priately certied by our faculty for
Georgia Tech credit, Bras said.
An essential aspect of a
MOOC is that it be open. Se-
mester Online is not open, De-
Millo said. But it is an interesting
approach to technology-mediated
teaching. It is just one of the sever-
al competing approaches to online
course delivery.
Several faculty are already ex-
perimenting with inverted class-
rooms where students listen to
lectures and receive content and
some assessment in an online plat-
form and attend class to engage in
problem-solving and more open
discussions, Bras said.
Tech has already been heav-
ily involved in oering non-free
online courses through its own
platforms similar in structure to
the newly developed SemesterOn-
Georgia Tech already has 35
years of experience in online edu-
cation. Many of our residential
students and many others outside
the Georgia Tech campus have
benetted from oerings of the
Georgia Tech Professional Edu-
cation Programs (GTPE), Bras
With multiple oerings rang-
ing from calculus courses for high
school students to professional
masters degrees, GTPE has been
able to serve the more than 8,500
enrollments in online courses over
the past six years.
GTPE was able to award 140
MS degree recipients this past
academic year from online degree
programs while approximately
330 online high school students
were able to take sophomore level
calculus classes as peers with tra-
ditional Tech campus-based stu-
dents according to Nelson Baker,
the dean of Georgia Tech Profes-
sional Education.
MOOCs provide additional
opportunities for both access to
education as well as for better
understanding of how students
learn rather than oering credit
at Universities. Bras further rec-
ommended the use of MOOCs in
general as a curricular supplement
instead of a credit-based class.
In the MOOC space, Geor-
gia Tech already has a signicant
number of oerings and will be
developing more. By the end of the
year, we expect some 20 courses to
be available through Coursera and
other platforms, including at least
three general education courses...
supported by grants from the
Gates Foundation, Bras said.
MOOC from page 3
ing. So you could look around
at the architecture building and
compare and contrast it to what
the designers had done in the
past, said Dr. David Morton,
Research Scientist in the College
of Architecture. e purpose of
re-mounting this exhibit in 2012
was, one, to commemorate the
ongoing 60th anniversary of the
building that houses it and, two,
to provide a snapshot of where
Georgia Tech architecture was
back in that day. Since the reno-
vation of the building is a historic
preservation project to preserve an
architecturally signicant part of
Techs past, it made sense to dis-
play it at the same time the major
renovations were being completed
and opened to the campus.
Over the summer, when fund-
ing was given to renovate the ar-
chitecture building, the oces
were moved to the Architecture
West building and the spaces were
rebuilt as a tribute. e original
exhibition space was restored,
along with the original display
that was there 60 years ago, right
down to the decorations, layout
and boards. e exhibition con-
sists of works by Tech alumni
from all over the world.
e oce of the Dean and an
adjacent boardroom was restored
as well, including new glass x-
tures and the original boardroom
table which was specially designed
for the room itself. e deans of-
ce was also outtted in its origi-
nal wood colors and arrangement.
According to Morton, when it
was built 60 years ago, the Archi-
tecture Building was one of the
most cutting edge buildings of its
times, along with the library and
textile engineering building, the
latter of which has since been torn
Architecture from page 2
November 30, 2012
You live and you learn. At any
rate, you live.
Douglas Adams
Opinions Editor: Gaines Halstead


Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Solutions lie in the power of organizations
Drinking is a part of life in college.
Whether underage or in excess, the
same amount of consumption will
likely continue to occur year after year.
e problem, however, is when rates
of excessive consumption increase. For
example, this year, the Oce of Student
Aairs reported an increase from 73
to 87 alcohol violations. For many, the
rst assumption is that this is an issue
specialized to the Greek community.
e problem, however, is much more
widespread, aecting the entire campus.
Tech has attempted to curb the
problem of binge drinking and substance
abuse through education that aims to help
students make better choices in a college
environment. However, a signicant
portion of the fault is all on the students
when they do not incorporate this
education in their behavior.
While the Greek community is
frequently targeted as the source of
substance abuse, Greek organizations are
no more at fault than other organizations.
In fact, unlike most other organizations
on campus, fraternities and sororities
provide explicit, mandatory alcohol
education to their members. e eort
there has been made to curb abuse, and
non-Greek organizations should take note
and help incorporate similar education
to unilaterally address this campus-wide
Changing the campus culture in this
way requires this support from the students
of campus organizations, specically the
older members and executive boards.
Real-world peer inuence will be more
eective than any run-of-the-mill
prevention website can ever be.
However, the decision ultimately comes
down to the individual students at Tech
and how they make personal choices.
Students are more than capable of making
smart decisions and must do so to help
curb the dangers associated with excessive
alcohol and substance consumption.
e Consensus Opinion reects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors.
Technique Editorial Board
Kamna Bohra, Editor-in-Chief
Ian Bailie, Managing Editor
Sam Somani, News Editor
Tiara Winata, Photography Editor
Madison Lee, Focus Editor
Gaines Halstead, Opinions Editor
Anna Arnau, Sports Editor
Jonathan Peak, Entertainment Editor
Brittany Miles, Design Editor
Why Americans
dont learn languages
Maria-Xenia Hardt
Daily Texan, U. Texas
Ten years ago, no one would
have predicted that I would some-
day write for an English news-
paper, get along in an English-
speaking country or study English
literature. As a German grammar
school student, I was made to be-
lieve that English just wasnt my
I am doing all those things I
previously presumed impossible
now because I found the motiva-
tion to learn English, spent long
hours working through grammar
rules and vocabulary and worked
as hard as I could when other peo-
ple asked for a bit more than what
I thought was capable of.
In America, being uent in
two or three languages is extraor-
dinary. In Germany, its average.
So what is it that American stu-
dents lack? Do they lack motiva-
tion? Are they unwilling to do the
hard work it takes to become u-
ent? Or is there just no one who
pushes them?
Motivation to learn a for-
eign language is indeed higher
in Germanyand in Europe in
generalbecause large popula-
tions speaking dierent languages
reside so much closer. Within a
12-hour drive from Germany you
can easily pass through ve or six
countries and read road signs in
seven or eight dierent languag-
esan experience dicult to rep-
licate in North America.
But thats not the only reason
why Germans and Europeans
learn more languages than their
American counterparts. In Ger-
man universities, unlike at the
University of Texas (UT), where
even majors in popular languages
like French start with a beginner
course, students enter college-level
language courses more or less u-
ent. ey acquired their language
skills in primary and secondary
schools. Studying French at the
college level in Germany means
studying French linguistics or lit-
erature; it means gaining an un-
derstanding of the language and
the culture that goes far beyond
a uent coee shop conversation.
At university in Germany, the
languages that are not taught
in the earlier grades start with
very tough introductory courses.
Language courses are two hours
a week, which is just enough to
cover grammar topics. Learning
vocabulary, practicing speech and
writing are things you either do
at home voluntarily or you dont.
Failing to do so, however, means
that you wont make it to the sec-
ond year.
So the biggest dierence be-
tween learning a foreign language
in Germany and in the U.S. is not
the level of motivation but the
quality and style of teaching in
grade school and at universities.
In Austin, I have taught Ger-
man to pupils at a middle school
and I have experienced language
instruction at the University as a
student. Both groups seemed mo-
tivated to learn a foreign language.
At the elementary school where I
taught, the nine- or ten- year-olds
were at the perfect age to acquire
a language. But the advantages
of their age and their motivation
were wasted because the teaching
lasted only a week. ose students
probably wont hear or read any
more German until college, if
ever. And longer-term attempts to
teach language in grade schools
in the U.S. appear ineective too.
Ive met many Americans here
who studied French or Spanish
for years in primary or secondary
school but can now barely remem-
ber how to order a coee. ings
seem a bit better at the university
level. Ive met quite a number of
people who study a foreign lan-
guage in college and, within two
or three years, have gained a de-
cent knowledge of that language.
Unfortunately, I ended up in a less
eective department.
I wanted to continue my study
of Portuguesea language that
I had started to study in Germa-
nyand the intermediate Por-
tuguese class I am taking oered
promise. Its a small class with a
motivated professor. When the se-
mester began, most students were
equipped with a sound knowledge
of grammar and vocabulary, and
I was quite optimistic that this
course would help me improve. I
was wrong.
Rather than moving on, the
course repeated introductory
grammar topics. Were not im-
proving; were just chewing on
bits of knowledge most of us had
already digested last year.
Learning a foreign language is
hard work, and there are moments
when I hated every language Ive
learned so far because I was afraid
that I would never get it, or be-
cause I thought my head was too
full to learn a single word more.
But in these moments of self-
doubt, I had teachers who said,
Yes, youre good, but you can be
e Portuguese class doesnt
challenge like that. is is not
the teachers fault, she just follows
through with the curriculum the
department has decided upon.
Its not the students fault either.
Its the fault of the departments
curriculum, which does not ad-
equately challenge the students.
UTs Department of Spanish and
Portuguese has good equipment
and good teachers, but rather than
asking that their students go the
extra mile, which is necessary in
order that they really make prog-
ress, they demand far too little.
Schools and universities that
dont make use of their students
motivation waste their talent,
time and so much potential. ey
miss out on equipping young
people with the tools they need to
successfully go out into the world,
communicate, understand and
come back with a broadened ho-
rizon. I entered the world of the
English language a long time ago,
and at some point I discovered the
beauty of it. I am still walking
around in it today and so far it has
never ceased to amaze me.
Technique November 30, 2012 7 OPINIONS
It was dusk on Nov. 1,
2008. I remember the feeling
wellthe crushing feeling of
hopeful optimism giving way
to utter resignation.
With a minute left, Florida
State was closing in on the
go-ahead touchdown, all but
assuring a second straight
crushing defeat for Tech af-
ter a 6-1 start until fortune
intervened in the form of two
true freshmen. Cooper Taylor
forced a fumble at the goal line
and Rashaad Reid (eventually)
fell on it, saving the 31-28 vic-
tory and prompting the stu-
dent body to rush the eld in a
shocked but euphoric daze.
I was part of that mob at
mideld, an impressionable
freshman who craved nothing
more than victory. It was only
natural, then, that I had just
fallen completely in love with
both Tech football and the
college game as a whole after
only really discovering college
football that August.
In a four-and-a-half year
run as an undergrad, that vic-
torythat spontaneous, to-
tally unexpected elationwas
one of the happiest moments
that I can remember.
is will likely be the nal
piece I ever write for the Tech-
nique and the only even half-
way personal piece I have ever
written for this paper. Part of
me, of course, wants this to
turn into a bitter tirade about
my time as a student; make no
mistake, Tech has done its part
to make life a pain.
But Ive spent most of my
time here surrounded by some
of the most accomplished
people on campuspeople
who have often been very
good friends, but who have
through their own hard work
convinced me that if I re-
ally wanted to earn the right
to complain, I should have
worked harder, should have
been more focused and should
have done more with my time
on campus.
It was never that simple,
obviously. e long, neverend-
ing nights spent nishing the
latest system dynamics assign-
ment that turned out to be
ve times longer than the as-
signment suggested, the unan-
ticipated hell week in October
when four professors indepen-
dently set project due dates in
the same week, the sudden fear
that this would nally be the
time that I got the lowest grade
in the class on Tuesdays test
these were all-too-familiar
events, all truly iconic of the
Institute and my major (AE)
in every sense.
e overarching issue was
that no matter how much
stress built up at a given time,
Tech perpetually kept me busy
to the point that I would just
have to (try to) bottle up any
stress and get back to work.
Conveniently, I had vowed
to attend every football home
game while I was an under-
grad, and it didnt take me
long to realize that letting my
emotions run freely during a
game was a nice way to shed
a bit of pent-up frustration
about school-related matters.
Really, in the end I was just
looking for an excuse to remi-
nisce about ve seasons worth
of football at Tech after always
covering the team as a neutral
observer for the sports sta.
My rst couple seasons
the rst two of the Johnson
erawere all about the star
power loaded on the roster.
Between Nesbitt and Dwyer,
the Jackets had a battery of
runners who were capable of
blasting through defenders or
simply ying past them. In the
most important of games, they
shined: Nesbitts run down the
sideline to seal the win over
Virginia Tech in 2009 and his
two-yard touchdown run on a
midline keeper in overtime to
beat Wakefueled by a huge
Dwyer blockwere two of
the most iconic plays of his
career. Ive watched the team
evolve over that span, slowly
expanding the playbook and
morphing from a squad domi-
nated by that handful of stars
to one that simply does not
rely on star power. Even under
Tevin Washington, the team
has had the tools to succeed
but that will only happen if
schematic improvements are
made on defense. Paul John-
sons new defensive coordina-
tor will make the move back
to a 4-3 set, and next years
defensive line personnel t the
4-3 scheme very nicely, easing
the transition greatly.
e gigantic interlude has
been symbolic of my relation-
ship with college football since
that November 2008 evening:
it has been a fun distraction
that, as is the case for many
in the South, has inspired an
almost religious fervor.
Its something that may
never have happened if I had
never joined the Techniques
sports crew, and perhaps more
importantly, I would not have
met some of my best friends
over the past four-plus years.
Im grateful to have had the
opportunity to work here in
all the capacities that I have
handled since my freshman
year, and my only hope is that
at least a few readers beneted
from all that Ive written over
that span.
Stress, miracles dene Tech experience
"t dIdn't take me long
to realIze that lettIng my
emotIons run freely durIng a
game was a nIce way to shed
a bIt of pentup frustratIon."
Nishant Prasadh
Associate Editor
Rebecca Raaele
First-year UEC
Alex Miller
Fourth-year ME
A nice 12 gauge shotgun.
Derek Chen
Fourth-year IE
A leather watch.
Stephanie Lahey
ird-year BIO
A kiss.
What is your ideal gift this
holiday season?

Around Campus
Tech was originally found-
ed in 1885 as a beacon of the
future for the agrarian South
in the post-Civil War era of
Reconstruction. Its founding
purpose was to educate and
train the future of Georgia and
to a large extent the South,
hence its status as a state school
funded by Georgias taxpayers.
Since then, Tech has grown
substantially and can now be
counted among the worlds
best schools, but it has never
before betrayed its founding
principles. However, recent
moves by the current adminis-
tration point towards a shift in
culture and perspective, with a
new, worrisome vision of Tech.
ese goals in and of them-
selves are not necessarily a bad
thingto be among the most
highly respected technology-
focused learning institutions
in the world according to the
Tech Strategic Plan. e ve
goals cited in the plan are all
quite excellent and worthy of
pursuit, if a bit vacuous, but it
is the method of implementa-
tion that is irksome and seems
to be pulling Tech in multiple
directions. One of the most
common phrases for policy
reasoning in the past year has
been peer institutions. ese
words are themselves problem-
atic for many reasons. First,
these peer institutions are cit-
ed as examples ranging from
MIT to Illinois to Purdue to
Georgia State as the criteria
moves from academics and
research to public university
rankings to in-state funding.
is confusion has Tech being
pulled both up and down at
the same time.
An example of this is the
six percent increase in tuition
at the end of last semester.
While I understand there is
a rising cost of education and
Tech does need more funds,
the reasoning by President Pe-
terson for the regents increase
at his behest was to me unac-
If you look at our peer
group, were not average in
that peer groupwere in the
upper echelon [in terms of col-
lege rankings]if there are 16
institutions and were number
four, do we really want to be at
the average [tuition] or do we
want to be in the top quartile?
In this instance our peer
group is other top ranked pub-
lic universities. It is ridiculous
to propose an increase on stu-
dents solely to make us match
other universities, especially
when one of the most adver-
tised rankings by administra-
tion is our number one return
on investment by SmartMon-
ey. It makes no sense to com-
pare the tuition cost of state
schools when they are funded
to dierent extents as voted
by the tax payers of that state.
At the same time, our fees and
tuition are also being com-
pared to other public Georgia
schools, of which we are al-
ready the highest. It just does
not connect.
Even more troublesome
about the use of peer institu-
tions, though, is the fact that
it goes against the Strategic
Vision we have set out to ac-
complish. In order to ensure
innovation or be a top world-
class institution, we must be
creating our own paths rather
than blindly following others.
Two of the most recent
examples are the addition of
Coursera and implementation
of Open Access for Faculty
Publications. Both are great
and important steps forward;
however, giving reasons like
Stanford founded it or MIT
did it in 2008 are not in line
with where we should be head-
ed as a school. Instead, to be
a world-class institution, we
should be leaders in the eld,
not followers. We are already a
world-class institution for re-
search and education, attract-
ing top professors and students
from around the globe, but
can we achieve this in policy
However, what I am most
saddened by is the brute dis-
loyalty to Techs culture and
principles. All of these moves
seem to be trying to transform
Tech into something it is not
a name school. Tech is
famed for graduating top en-
gineers, not those who only
use the school name as a mere
tool. Techs alumni are known
as hard working with the abil-
ity to actually solve problems.
While branding is important
for a school, these seemingly
desperate policies do nothing
to increase our name and only
betray Techs alumniand as
one soon to join their ranks, I
nd it worrying.
I love Tech and am proud
to have been a student here.
However, I dont want people
in 50 years to assume that
when I say Im a Yellow Jacket
that it simply means my par-
ents were rich or that I am
somehow less competent to
work in the industry. To be
the best school for Techs stu-
dents and alumni, Tech can
only compare itself to itself. I
believe in Techs foundations,
and while there is room for
improvement, these original
principles are what give my de-
gree value.
Peer institutions should not guide Tech
"Even more troublesome about
the use of peer InstItutIons
though Is the fact that It goes
agaInst the StrategIc Plan..."
Jonathan Peak
Entertainment Editor
Photos by Tiara Winata / Student Publications
8 November 30, 2012 Technique OPINIONS
College football being dominated
by money, rather than tradition
While it is dandy that 6-6
Tech has potentially reached bowl
eligibility for the 16th consecutive
season (assuming that even with a
loss in the ACC Championship a
waiver is approved), its highlight-
ing one of the many problems oc-
curring in the college game today.
Isnt it kind of sad that a team
and its fanbase are celebrating
winning only half of their games
in a season just to go to a bowl?
In our modern era of college
football were seeing 6-6 teams
headed to one of 35 bowl games,
teams breaking traditional con-
ference ties by switching their al-
legiances and coaches being red
after a season or two all in the
name of the dollar.
Weve seen evident examples
of the latter two this season with
Maryland leaving the ACC for
the Big Ten, Auburn ring Gene
Chizik two years after winning a
national title and Southern Miss
ring their new head coach El-
lis Johnson after his rst season.
Granted, there is some sense of
justication to the rings and
even the move by Maryland, but
the rate at which these events are
happening is absurd and can only
be explained by one thing: money.
e fact that there are 35
bowl games is mind blowing
enough70 of 124 FBS teams are
eligiblebut looking at some of
the bowl names can almost make
someone sick to their stomach.
e Taxslayer.com Gator Bowl?
Are you kidding me? What hap-
pened to the good old days when
teams just played in the well-re-
spected Gator Bowl?
Sure, bowls have always been
sponsored by someone, but the
fact that the entire bowl is being
named after companies like these
is just depressing.
Now, when it comes to confer-
ence realignment, it saddens me to
see teams throw away tradition all
in the name of money.
Maryland is one of the sad-
der examples of this, leaving the
ACC after being a member since
1953 to join the Big Ten. While
Maryland will most likely have to
pay a hefty $53 million dollars to
leave the ACC, they are primarily
leaving for a lucrative $24.6 mil-
lion per year in television revenue
provided thanks to its friends at
the Big Ten Network.
Yeah, thats a nice upgrade over
the approximately $17 million
they would make with the ACCs
TV deals, but I hope that the ex-
tra cash makes throwing away tra-
dition worth it.
Finally, head coaches are get-
ting red quicker than ever in
the sport. Ellis Johnsons ring
at Southern Miss might be the
worst, but there have been other
equally bad cases in recent years
including Colorados John Em-
bree being red after two seasons
a few days ago.
In the past, the general idea in
college football was that coaches
would be given four to ve seasons
to gain some recruits that t their
system and be given the chance to
show signs of success. With the
win-now mentality, though, fans
are clamoring for a coachs head if
he doesnt get to a bowl in his rst
Im sure there are even more
problems to be discussed in the
college football landscape, but
if money continues to demolish
some of the tradition of the sport,
it will denitely lose the spe-
cial place it has in many peoples
"When It comes to conference
realIgnment, It saddens me to see
teams throw away tradItIon all In
the name of money."
Alex Sohani
Associate Editor
Bill Gates
e video chat with Bill
Gates Tuesday before the
break was amazing, to say the
least. Mr. Gates took less than
20 minutes for himself and
spent more than 45 answering
questions from a number of
students in the audience.
ACC Championship
While normally a good
thing, the ACC could spell di-
saster for the Jackets this year.
With a 6-6 record, a loss in the
ACC championship to a solid
Florida St. Seminoles football
team could eliminate the Jack-
ets bowl eligibility.
ACC Expansion
Goodbye Maryland, hello
Louisville. e University of
Louisvilles president voted
this week to make the move
from the Big East to the ACC.
While not academically on par
with many ACC peer institu-
tions, Louisvilles athletic pro-
grams clearly make up for it.
No-Shave November
Weve made a huge mis-
Focus Editor:
Madison Lee
November 30, 2012
Tech campus and the Atlanta area are
brimming with great food options that
cater to every taste. This week, Focus
presents the best of eateries, food events
and recipes.
Quick, healthy
meals for
nals week
By Kate Overstreet
Contributing Writer
Dead Week and Finals Week
are upon us, and now more than
ever its important to be able to
prepare quick and healthy food
to fuel your hardworking mind.
Heres a survival guide with some
simple foods you can whip up in
your kitchen.
Breakfast Egg Tortilla Wrap
is is very simple to make and
will keep you full and focused for
early morning exams. You will
need an egg, a tortilla wrap, ex-
tra Taco Bell re sauce, cheddar
cheese, red pepper and an onion.
Scramble your egg in a pan, then
add chopped red pepper and on-
ion. Take the mixture out of the
pan and put the tortilla in the
pan on low heat. Put some Taco
Bell re sauce (or just cheese if
you cant handle it) on the torti-
lla. Add the eggs, red pepper and
onion mixture to the tortilla and
fold it over. Grill on both sides,
and after just a few minutes, youll
have a delicious and nutritious
Lunch Pesto Chicken Panini
All you need is the bread of
your choice, a baked chicken
breast, a jar of pesto sauce, moz-
zarella cheese and a George Fore-
man grill. Just assemble the ingre-
dients into a sandwich, then use a
George Foreman grill to press it. If
you dont have one, you can cook
it in a pan on the stove top like a
grilled cheese.
Dinner Ravioli
You will need frozen ravioli
or tortellini, tomato sauce, a pot
and a microwaveable bowl. is
meal takes about 10 minutes to
prepare. Put some water in the
pot and put it on the stove top
on high. Once the water comes
to a boil, add some of the ravioli.
Put the sauce in a microwaveable
bowl, cover it with a plate or paper
towel to avoid splatter, and put it
in the microwave for two minutes.
When the ravioli is oating at the
top of the water, youre done. Just
strain the water and pour the ravi-
oli into your sauce bowl. Add Par-
mesan cheese, and salt and pepper
to taste.
Snack Salad
is is one of the most basic
snacks or sides you can make, and
it has the added bonus of being
healthy. Your salad is a canvas;
you can add whatever you like
to it. You will need some lettuce
or spinach leaves as a base, which
you can buy fresh or in a bag.
For a more exciting salad, other
delicious vegetables include cu-
cumbers, red peppers and celery.
Experiment with dierent combi-
nations of add-ins like cranberries
and nuts. Explore your cupboard
and use anything that strikes your
fancyshredded cheese and olives
are popular choices. For dressing,
mix it up and choose a vinaigrette
instead of ranch, and try to nd
reduced fat and sodium options.
China Care Club blends food, culture
See China, page 10
By Madison Lee
Focus Editor
China Care Club invited stu-
dents and guests to experience
Chinese culture through food.
e event, which took place on
Nov. 8, showcased a variety of
Chinese dishes.
Attendees were greeted with
over thirty dierent options for en-
trees, desserts, snacks and drinks.
From lo mein and Mongolian beef
to crystal shrimp dumplings and
Di San Xiana popular vegeta-
ble dishthere was an assortment
of food items that blended dishes
that are typically well known in
American Chinese cuisine with
more traditional dishes that might
be new to some palates. e event
was catered by local restaurants in
the Atlanta area.
Specially-made recipe cards
were distributed by the China
Care Club at the start of the event,
featuring instructions for how to
prepare a range of dierent Chi-
nese foods.
A lot of clubs do food events
to get people to come, but weve
tried to be dierent with the
recipe cards so that people can
make these dishes at home and
we can make this more of a cul-
turally educational experience.
We also brought in dishes that
people maybe havent heard of
and are more authentic to Chinese
cuisine, said Alice Chen, a third-
year ISYE major and China Care
Club President.
From simpler dishes that typi-
cally take only twenty minutes to
prepare to more challenging dish-
es for more adventurous cooks,
the recipe guide highlighted a
wide selection of Chinese fare.
e food was awesome, and I
think that a lot of students would
be able to make the relatively
simple dishes like fried rice in the
[recipe] book. Were all on really
tight schedules here...and this is
something that I would denitely
try to cook myself at some point,
said Siddhant Chawla, a second-
year BME major.
China Care Club was founded
in fall 2010, and works as mentor-
ship program for members of the
organization to meet with locally
adopted children from China,
bring them to campus and in-
troduce them to Chinese culture
with games and activities.
Members of China Care Club
were enthusiastic about the
idea of combining food with a
cultural show.
Food appeals to everyone,
and its a great way to get peo-
ple to come to an event like this
because it gives them an incen-
tive to learn about Chinese
culture and what were doing
as an organization on campus
Photo by Tiara Winata / Student Publications
To highlight Chinese culture on campus, students and guests
were invited to sample foods and view unique performances.
Design by Kara Yogan / Student Publications Photos by Brenda Lin / Student Publications
Coee Snobs is located in the Parker H.
Petit building, on the left when entering the
Biotechnology Quad from the south side.
Coee Snobs markets its highly evolved
sandwiches as snobs, and are reduced fat and
sodium options made from market fresh
ingredients. Coee Snobs employee
Mira Tsankova cited the Big
Snob sandwich and Jamaican
Pies as the restaurants most
popular items.
By Currell Berry
Contributing Writer
ech hosts a variety of eat-
eries on campus, many of
which are not widely known and
are frequented by the savviest reg-
ulars. For those looking for a bit
of variety, here is an assortment of
restaurants and bistros that will
t the bill. Stave o the stress of
nals with local, varied options.
Downstairs from e Lab,
the Colony Bistro is a sit-down of-
fering that serves street to table
cuisine, with avors originating
from across the globe. Options
include Singapore Street Satay
and the Middle East-
ern Shawarma
Diagonally across the Biotechnology
Quad from Coee Snobs, e Lab
specializes in many dierent juices and
drinks, many which can be made to order
from a variety of ingredients. Molecular dia-
grams scrawled on the windows and chem-
istry decanters and vials on the countertops
hint that this is not a typical neighborhood
smoothie shop. Employee Ruman Gure not-
ed that the Labs most popular items are
its bubble teas and the Laughing Bud-
dha, a yogurt-based drink with a mix-
ture of white chocolate and banana.
A journey down the College of Com-
puting Buildings outside steps to will lead
to the Java World Coee Cart. Accord-
ing to Java World sta on hand, its menu
goes beyond coee and mocha standbys to
oer a variety of baked goods and coee-
based beverages. Java World employee,
Ben McMurray, noted that the restaurant
is a satellite location of Highland Bak-
ery, from which it gets its baked goods,
and that Java Worlds espresso drinks are
their most popular items.
In the West Architecture
Buildings rst oor atrium, the Gal-
loway Caf is also run by Highland
Bakery. e West Architectures slick am-
biance and the cafs stainless steel and
glass-infused design sets it apart from its
sister operation Java World. e Cafs
menu is extensive and upscale. Galloway
Caf employee Luke Mastrangelo ex-
plained that small coees and crois-
sants are two of the Cafs most
popular items, but that his per-
sonal favorite is the Cafs latte.
10 November 30, 2012 Technique FOCUS
to promote our culture too, said
Katherine Ji, a second year BA
ough the food was the main
attraction for the event, the at-
tendees were also treated to raf-
ed prizes and a show from sev-
eral campus student groups. e
event opened with a synchronized
dance performance from IM-
PACT, a medley from Techs Glee
Club and a hip-hop routine from
Swagger Crew.
For the nale, the audience was
given a traditional Lion Dance
performance. Widely associated
with Chinese New Year festivals,
the dance involves two people
working as the head and body of
the lion, moving in rhythm to the
lively beat of musicians on drums,
gongs and cymbals.
e lion engaged in a playful
style of performance, visiting au-
dience members, standing on its
hind legs, scratching its head and
dozing o, much to the crowds
e coordination and skill of
the two performers as they manip-
ulated the lion were well-received
by the audience, which gave them
a standing ovation.
I think the cultural perfor-
mances are a great compliment to
all of the delicious Chinese food,
and people can enjoy the combi-
nation. Food is something that
everyone likes, and students [can
do what they would have been do-
ing anywayeating dinnerbut
get an exciting cultural experience
out of it, said Catherine Gu, a
third-year BME and ALIS major.
China from page 9
Ferst Place oers gourmet lunch option
Photo by Tiara Winata / Student Publications
The China Care Club event featured a wide selection of Chinese
dishes, some well-known and others that were more traditional.
By Aaron Tumulak
Contributing Writer
ough Tech students are fa-
miliar with dining locations on
the rst oor commons and food
court of the Student Center, fewer
students have experienced Ferst
Place, a restaurant tucked away
on the third oor of the Student
Located across from the Stu-
dent Center ballroom, Ferst Place
is a gourmet eatery open during
lunch hours to students, faculty
and visitors of Tech. Dining op-
tions include a buet, a salad bar,
and a made-to-order station.
e restaurant is run by So-
dexo, the same service that pro-
vides food in Techs dining halls.
Ferst Place is dierent in that the
atmosphere is slower-paced, with
an emphasis on service and pre-
[Ferst Place] is our showcase
area so when we have clients come
in we can show them what we
do for faculty and students, said
Graham Conner, Executive Chef
of Catering at Tech.
Ferst Place changes its food
oerings every day, with a daily
menu available by phone. Typi-
cal menu staples are a balanced
selection that includes vegetarian
entrees. A salad bar provides seven
composed salads and soups.
Although Ferst Place is primar-
ily aimed towards faculty mem-
bers, everyone is welcome to visit
the gourmet lunch restaurant.
Ferst Place is becoming more pop-
ular with students as they discover
the third oor eatery.
Student numbers have picked
up, Conner said of the restau-
rants growing number of visitors.
In recent years, emphasis on
international cuisine has grown to
reect Techs increasingly diverse
student body.
Last month was Hispanic
Heritage Month so we ran specials
each Wednesday for the entire
month so that we could showcase
Hispanic food, said Conner.
Similar such events include
Pan-American, Asian, and Afri-
can foods throughout the year.
Ferst Place also serves two holi-
day meals one for anksgiv-
ing and another for Christmas.
is years holiday luncheon will
be a choice between apple cider
butter turkey with giblet gravy,
honey pecan tofu with granny
smith apple stung, carved gar-
lic-studded beef medallions with
cranberry demi glaze and assorted
Open only from 11am to 2pm,
customer trac goes up at Ferst
Place signicantly during lunch
hours, so reservations via the Tech
Dining Services website can be
made up to a day prior to eating
there. e eatery accepts Buzzcard
or Ramblin Plans for the conve-
nience of students, and invites
them to come share the Ferst
Place experience.
I want everyone to know that
the restaurant is here and every-
one is welcome I take plenty
of time to make dierent menu
items so everyone can try dierent
types of food, Conner said.
Photo by Tiara Winata / Student Publications
Ferst Place, a restaurant on the third oor of the Student Center,
boasts varied menu options and a relaxed, sophisticated atmosphere.
Technique November 30, 2012 11 FOCUS
Join the

You will eat pizza.
You will interview people.
You will watch movies.
You will listen to cds.
You will attend sporting events.
You will write stories.
You will photograph stu.
You will oin.
ST0DBNTS SPBAH >>>>> AtImt Besturmts
By Alex Kessler
Sta Writer
To expand students culinary
reach beyond the occasional Mc-
Donalds or Dominoes, Focus
brings the word on restaurant fa-
vorites and hot spots in the Atlan-
ta area, as recommended by Tech
For students without a car or
unwilling to make the trek, there
are some popular bars around the
Midtown area that serve exciting,
custom dishes.
I enjoy Gordon Biersch, its
pricier but its nice. ey brew
their own beer and its pretty great.
For people with a taste for good
drinks and spiciness, Prickly Pear
is also a good option. It has pretty
aordable Mexican food and they
have a lot of custom-made, strong
margaritas, said Manoj Vangaln,
a second-year ISyE.
Further south are more res-
taurants near the popular Atlanta
hotels. e commercial center has
a strong cultural pull, and hosts a
variety of authentic eateries from
various cuisines.
eres this place called Su-
s on Peachtree over by Mellow
Mushroom. Its an authentic and
organic Persian place. e abso-
lute best food Ive ever had at a
restaurant, and its put together in
combinations I would never have
thought of on my own, said Ian
Keith, a fth-year ME major.
ere are also a string of ai,
Indian and French restaurants in
the same area. ey are pricier,
but sometimes worth it for a spe-
cial occasion.
Fogo de Chao is by far the
best steakhouse in Atlanta. Sure it
is extremely pricey, but you can-
not put a price on unlimited meat.
If I were rich I would go there
every day, said Kyle Barnhart, a
fourth-year BCHE.
For dinner it can cost around
$50 a person, but it includes end-
less friend plantains, polenta,
tapioca cheese rolls, mash pota-
toes and a wildly ornate salad bar
with all the nest cheeses and deli
meats. Save this one for a gradu-
ation or at least until the parents
are in town.
Closer to home and many
students budget range, Tech
Squares recent culinary additions
have sparked some excitement.
I like the Euroking place; the
food is really good and the prices
are about average for what you
would expect. I like the gyro plat-
ter because it tastes authentic and
comes with a Greek salad on the
side, which is awesome, said Sam
Benslay, third-year LCC.
For anyone who has studied
abroad in Europe and can swear
by their knowledge of late-night
kebab stands this is as close as one
can get, at least in Techs back-
Some people eat to live, but
other live to eat. For those who
abide by the latter it is safe to say
that although the bubble of Tech
keeps one grounded on campus
there is plenty of amazing food
to be experienced and discovered
in Atlanta. e city is a cultural
magnet for the east coast and har-
bors gems from Vietnam, South
Korea, Indonesia, New Zealand,
Chile, Morocco and so much
more. For adventurous students,
Techs neighborhood oers plenty
of tastes to enjoy for every budget
and palate.
Design by Ian Bailie / Student Publications
November 30, 2012
Entertainment Editor:
Jonathan Peak
Assistant Entertainment Editor:
Joe Murphy
Naysayers say yea to Yeasayers psychedelic extravaganza
By Jonathan Peak
Entertainment Editor
Just before anksgiving break
on Sunday, Nov. 18, indie elec-
tronic group Yeasayer came to
the Tabernacle to make up for the
show they missed early this year
for their Fragrant World Tour.
e threesome has found wide-
spread success after their sopho-
more release Odd Blood in 2010,
and released their latest album,
Fragrant World to a somewhat
more muted reception. However,
Yeasayers show proved to be a
pleasant mix of old and new, of
the psychedelic and the just plain
Yeasayer, consisting of Chris
Keating, Ira Wolf Tuton and
Anand Wilder, played an impres-
sive set which always entertained
the full room. More often than
not the crowd was dancing along
to the bass lines that literally
shook the old churchs roof. Self-
describing their music as Middle
Eastern-psych-snap-gospel, they
mixed world beats with the rang-
ing vocals of all three members for
an eclectic mix.
Highlights from the night in-
cluded Ambling Alp and Lon-
gevity, the second being in sup-
port of their latest release, both of
which lled the cavernous Tab-
ernacle with a mix that at worst
See Yeasayer, page 17
Yeasayer, consisting of Anand WIlder, Chris Keating and Ira Wolf Tuton (L to R), entertained crowds at the Tabernacle with their loud and unique concert experience.
Fragrant World Tour
LOCATION: Tabernacle
DATE: Nov. 11
Beauty and the Beast
PERFORMER: Darick Pead,
Hilary Maiberger
LOCATION: Fox Theatre
DATE: Nov. 27 - Dec. 2
Photos by Seth Mallett/ Student Publications
By Keith Frady
Contributing Writer
Disneys Beauty and the Beast is
fondly remembered by children of the
nineties as a fairy tale with funny talk-
ing clocks and terrifying monsters,
both anthropomorphic and human.
It was adapted for the stage and en-
joyed a successful Broadway run from
opening night to 2007. It is currently
Broadways eighth-longest running
production in history. e Fox eatre
is now, for a short time, acting as the
enchanted castle containing a wilting
rose, a beast and a woman who might
be his last hope and one true love.
e play is almost a direct plot ad-
aptation of the Disney movie. A young
woman, Belle, is bored of living in a
small provincial town and dreams of
adventure. Belles father, an inventor,
goes missing in the woods on the way
to a fair and she searches for him. She
nds him as a prisoner in the enchanted
castle of a prince who was transformed
into a beast by a witchs curse. is
curse will only be lifted when he nds
love. Belle oers herself to be a prisoner
in her fathers place; a request Beast
obliges. e remainder of the play is
a romance of the beauty and the beast
falling in love with the assistance of
Beasts servants, who were transformed
into household objects by the same
curse which spawned Beast.
e play relies on three characters:
Belle (Hilary Maiberger), Beast (Dar-
ick Pead), and Gaston (Matt Farcher).
Belle is played spectacularly as the real
life version of the girl loved by any-
one who saw the Disney movie. Her
imagination and longing for adventure
are somehow wider than the French
countryside. Although she has little ex-
perience from her small town, she has
incredible strength and fortitude. Not
everyone can stare down a lumbering
Beast and consistently conquer him in
a battle of wills. Gaston is written to
be a chauvinistic and narcissistic brute
of a man, yet he manages to be one of
the most enjoyable characters to watch
because it is impossible to take him se-
riously. He struts and strides across the
stage and his usual poses show o as
much muscle as possible. A caricature,
but one lively acted.
Unfortunately, Beast does not retain
the subtlety required by the story. e
fallen prince is meant to be a selsh,
angry animal who gradually becomes
more human due to Belles inuence.
But there is no animal. e towering
Beast is barely taller than Belle and
he ceases to be frightening after Belle
trades places with her father in the
rst twenty minutes. His tirades of
anger are not the roars and growls of a
monster but are more akin to a teenage
girls tantrums. As Belle cleans Beasts
wounds after saving her from a wolf
attack, Beast whimpers like a puppy
instead of bellowing in pain. Belle is
supposed to tame a Beast to nd the
man inside, but it feels more like she is
disciplining a whiny dog.
e secondary cast performs admi-
rably. Lumiere (Hassan Nazari-Robati)
is appropriately lascivious even if his
French accent is lacking. Mrs. Potts
(Erin Edelle) is caring, Cogsworth
(James May) is wound up and Lefou
(Jimmy Larkin), Gastons henchman,
is slapstick comedy relief that errs on
the side of annoying for any audience
member older than ten. Lefous acro-
batics during the physical comedy gags,
however, are exceedingly impressive.
Some characters are given more face
time and are even christened, such as
Lumieres duster lover Babette (Jessica
Lorion), and the dresser Madame de la
Grande Bouche (Shani Hadjian) who
is given a new backstory as an opera
e production mainly provides the
magic. e costumes are fantastic, and
it is worth admission price just to see
the elaborate designs in motion. When
possible, the costumes are precisely the
same as those in the Disney lm and it
is a treat to witness Gastons red outt,
Belles blue and white maiden ensem-
See Beast, page 17
Design by Lisa Xia/ Student Publications
Technique November 30, 2012 15 ENTERTAINMENT
Boy Meets World gets modern sequel, girl-centered
By Jillian Broaddus
Sta Writer
Were gonna have a child?
Wait, weve only kissed. I mean,
I knew I was a good kisser, but
wow. When a young Cory Mat-
thews uttered these words all
those years ago, he had no way
of knowing how true his words
would turn out to be. In 2013, the
story continues.
Although it has been almost
thirteen years since Cory (Ben
Savage), Topanga (Danielle Fish-
el), Shawn (Rider Strong), Eric
(Will Friedle) and the gang left
ABC sitcom TV in 2000 after sev-
en wonderful years on air, a Boy
Meets World sequel is currently in
the works on the Disney Channel.
e appropriately titled spin-
o Girl Meets World plans to fol-
low Cory and Topangas thirteen-
year-old daughter, Riley, as she
navigates the tumultuous and
wacky world of the modern teen-
age generation.
Purist fans can breathe a sigh
of relief as lead cast members Sav-
age and Fishel have already agreed
to reprise their loveable roles in
the pilot episode. is is espe-
cially exciting and nostalgic news
for children of the nineties who
grew up watching the elementary
school couple from their begin-
nings in Mr. Feenys class all the
way through college.
One of the other consistencies
that this upcoming sequel show
holds with the original series is
that it will be created and execu-
tive-produced by Boy Meets World
creator Michael Jacobs, which
should placate fans that this next
installment will most denitely be
in good hands.
At the moment, the pilot epi-
sode of Girl Meets World is still in
the early stages of development
so early, in fact, that Disney is still
conducting a nationwide search to
cast the character of Riley. None-
theless, Savage and Fishel have
already expressed their excitement
for the continuation of the series.
On the subject of this future
continuation, Savage recently
tweeted, Im going to be a fa-
there Boy Meets World sequel
is ocially happening!
Meanwhile, Fishel recently
released a statement saying, e
7 wonderful years we spent mak-
ing BMWwere among the
most warm, hilarious, insightful,
educational years of my life and I
wouldnt trade them for the world.
Another thing I wouldnt trade
for anything is the integrity and
the heart with which BMW was
made. I promise with the entirety
of my heart that we will make
GMW with the same honesty, in-
nocence and intelligence that you
learned to expect from BMW.
Undoubtedly, fans around the
world are hoping for nothing else.
Although it remains unknown
whether other notable characters
will reprise their prior rolesper-
haps a repeat of Mr. Feeny peer-
ing over the backyard fence and
teaching Riley the predictable
lessons of growing up?the show
will undoubtedly retain familiar
faces, familiar themes and famil-
iar messages to its predecessor,
according to Fishel.
Jacobs has not announced a
premiere date as of yet, and fans
are impatiently waiting for the
news. Everyone hopes Riley Mat-
thews provides as much laughter
and insight as her parents.
Will this new show be a mon-
ey-grabbing stunt that rides on
the popularity and nostalgia of its
predecessor? Or will it soar past
the casualties of other popular
90s-show revivals? Everyone ea-
gerly hopes for the latter. As much
anticipation surrounds it, only
time will tell if this world is ready
to meet this girl.
See Miami, page 17
Photo courtesy of ABC
Danielle Fischel (Center L) and Ben Savage (Center R) of the classic
will reprise their roles in the upcoming reboot, Girl Meets World.
latest delves
into Miami
By Jonathan Peak
Entertainment Editor
Tom Wolfe sets his latest novel
in the volatile and dangerous
city of Miami, drawing charac-
ters and cultures together to the
point of breaking. Following the
tumultuous life of policeman and
second-generation Cuban Nestor
Camacho, races clash and alle-
giances are drawn to the very life
force that runs through our veins.
It is here that Wolfe returns Back
to Blood.
ough ction, Back to Blood is
really more of a character portrait
of a city as a whole which lives
and breathes through it citizens.
ere are the rich WASPs who
run the media, Russian oligarchs
who choose the art and Cubans
who have never set foot on their
motherland who enforce the
law. Also thrown in the mix are
drug-running African Americans
and Haitians who are trying to

Back to Blood
Tom Wolfe
GENRE: Fiction
PUBLISHER: Little, Brown
and Company
16 November 30, 2012 Technique ENTERTAINMENT
Day-Lewis embodies spirit of Lincoln with accuracy, vitality
By Joe Murphy
Assistant Entertainment Editor
Whether or not one agrees or
disagrees with his politics, it can-
not be denied that Abraham Lin-
coln was one of the most inuen-
tial and revolutionary presidents
that has ever led this country. e
repercussions of his actions during
the nal months of the Civil War
can be seen clearly within Ameri-
can society to this day, especially
in relation to his liberation of
African American slaves. And
no lm paints a better picture of
these last few months than Ste-
ven Spielbergs Lincoln, released
on Nov. 16. Exploring the titular
presidents central role in both the
liberation of slaves and the end-
ing of the Civil War, Lincoln is a
captivating look at American soci-
ety during the time of one of our
greatest political upheavals.
e lm revolves around the
last few months of Lincolns
(Daniel Day-Lewis, ere Will Be
Blood) life, after he has just been
reelected for a second term in
the Presidency and is faced with
the seemingly impossible task
of reuniting the United States of
America, while at the same time
outlawing the practice of slavery.
At his side are his wife (Sally Field,
Forrest Gump), his son (Joseph
Gordon-Levitt, e Dark Knight
Rises) and his Secretary of State
(David Strathairn, e Bourne
Ultimatum), each of whom play a
signicant role in inuencing the
actions of Lincoln himself. With
the war drawing to a close, Lin-
coln must nd a way to pass the
irteenth Amendment, which
would outlaw slavery, before the
southern states can be inducted
back into the Union and vote
against it. In order to do this, Lin-
coln must pass the amendment
through the gauntlet of the House
of Representatives, one member
of which is abolitionist Congres-
sional Leader addeus Stevens
(Tommy Lee Jones, No Country
for Old Men), whose relationship
with Lincoln is friendly yet less
than trustful. As the debate over
whether or not to pass the amend-
ment comes to a head, Lincoln
may have to choose between a
united America or the freedom of
an entire race of people.
e accuracy this lm boasts
in portraying 19th century Amer-
ican society is certainly com-
mendable to the extreme, as are
the performances of all of the sup-
porting actors, but in all reality it
is Day-Lewiss powerhouse por-
trayal of Lincoln that makes this
lm worthy of critical acclaim.
is version of Lincoln is more
soft-spoken than most viewers
might expect, creating a more re-
alistic and humanized look at the
famous president. But the softness
of his voice in no way inhibits
the power of his message. From
the longest political speech to the
smallest bodily movement and
mannerism, Day-Lewis embodies
the character of Lincoln, giving a
performance which is truly di-
cult to look away from. With such
a portrayal, it is no wonder that
critics are already favoring him to
win the next Academy Award for
Best Actor.
Overall, Lincoln is a fascinat-
ing and mature spectacle that suc-
cessfully taps into the emotions
and drama of a period of crisis in
American history. Of course, cer-
tain liberties are taken to make
the transition from historical
event to cinematic blockbuster,
and some of these liberties may
not bode so well with the more
strict audience members, but on
the whole this lm gives an accu-
rate portrayal of the attitudes and
atmosphere of the time period. To
top it all o, Spielberg adds a taste
of courtroom drama to the mix,
and within this setting the char-
acters truly come alive, interacting
with each other in the most dra-
matic ways. On the whole, Lincoln
succeeds in providing a close, in-
tricate look at its titular character
while maintaining a dramatic ac-
count of the bigger picture of the
Civil War and the indecency of
human slavery.
Photo courtesy of DreamWorks II Distribution Co.
Daniel Day-Lewis plays the soft-spoken president with passion for the continued unication of his
country in Spielbergs latest lm release, most likely earning himself an Oscar nod for Best Actor.

GENRE: Biography
STARRING: Daniel Day-
Lewis, Sally Field
DIRECTOR: Steven Spielberg
Technique November 30, 2012 17 ENTERTAINMENT
The economy sucks.
Free pizza rations on Tuesdays.
7 p.m., Flag 137, Technique
ble, and Beasts shredded shirts.
e object characters are all clev-
erly costumed so that Mrs. Potts
actually has a handle for an arm,
Cogsworth sprouts a clock key,
and Lumiere even gets ames on
his hands. ere was a collective
gasp from the audience as Belle
stepped onstage in her golden
ballroom dress. e sets and lights
create perfect ambiance in every
scene. Ornate stairwells are carted
on and o stage by gargoyles, gi-
ant doors grant entry to the castle,
and there is a large round moon to
e mystical artistry of the
costumes and sets are epitomized
by the opening scene. is scene
is told in stained glass windows
in the lm and is blatant exposi-
tion detailing the Princes trans-
formation. e stage scene is like
seeing a fairy tale enacted before
ones eyes as a narration rumbles
around the silent and purpose-
fully overacted characters. e
old woman begs for hospitality
from the selsh prince. A blink
of the theatre lights and sudden-
ly a glowing witch towers over a
beast brought to his knees. It is a
breathtaking introduction to the
play and its theme, expounded on
in this script, of transformation.
All the musical numbers from
the lm return for the stage plus
a few extra composed by Alan
Menken, who also created the
original lm songs, with lyrics by
Howard Ashman and Tim Rice.
While the songs from the lm
tend to be the better ones, some
of those composed for the stage
hold their own. If I Cant Love
Her, sung beautifully by Beast,
Beast from page 13
was a signicantly superior song
to end the rst act with than
Be Our Guest, which immedi-
ately preceded it, because it gave
a character moment precedence
over glitz and glamour. ere was
no weak voice amongst the cast,
and Belle and Beast performed all
their songs magnicently.
Although it has a rushed cli-
max and some of the dances in the
songs went too long, the play hits
all of the right notes and isa must-
see for fans of the Disney lm or
musicals in general. e ballroom
may not be as gorgeous as it is
in the lm, but Mrs. Potts voice
echoing warmly around Belle and
Beast as they dance with their eyes
locked on each other still makes
you believe in that four letter
word as old as rhyme.
Miami from page 15
could be described as odd and
powerful. But in reality the only
word to truly describe the expe-
rience was awesome not in the
modern sense of the word, but in
the classic, truly invoking sense,
Yeasayer is a band whose music
is best experienced at full blast to
the extent that it could be detri-
mental to your aural health. e
vibrations sweeping through your
body are a necessary part of a
great listening to Yeasayer. Live
they blast the music plenty loud,
but they also add to the experi-
ence holistically.
Along with the band members
themselves, Yeasayer also brought
along a plethora of lights, lasers,
mirrors and other gadgets. ey
controlled the concert visually as
well as musically, with lights re-
ecting everywhere in time with
the music. ey were careful to
bring attention to the fact that
the lights were live and not pro-
grammed, so they could be tai-
lored to each unique rendition.
e only real disappointment
of the night was a subpar rendi-
tion of one of their most popular
songs, O.N.E. e vocals for
this song were handed from the
usual lead vocalist Chris Keat-
ing to Anand Wilder, who also
sang the album version. is time
though the high vocals ended up
being pitchy and nothing con-
nected. is was also the only
time the lighting went to the det-
riment of a song by simply plung-
ing the audience in darkness at the
climatic choruses of the song.
But the real surprise of the
night was how Yeasayer managed
to transform the oblique and in-
accessible songs on their latest
album into the intricate and inter-
esting works they were meant to
be. It was easy to distinguish be-
tween their old and new material,
because the music became mark-
edly less danceable and honestly
more than a little out-there.
But it was during these breaks
that Yeasayer showed how they
have grown as a band, and what
the songs like Reagans Skeleton
were meant to sound like. ey
oered a listening and thinking
experience, albeit perhaps best for
those who were not quite there in
the head.
A special treat for fans was the
bands playing one of their non-al-
bum releases Tightrope, from a
compilation for AIDS relief. ey
also played plenty of songs for the
faithful, harking back to their
2007 debut of All Hour Cymbals.
A concert with Yeasayer proves
why they have grown so much in
popularity in recent years and the
true talent that lies beneath their
weirdness. Even though their lat-
est album was a poor reection of
their potential and seemed to put
a damper on their growing ca-
reers, the live versions of the songs
show them as they should be - not
just listened to, but experienced.
Hopefully, they can capture this
on record once again, but its nice
to know that at least their live
shows will always be awe-some.
Yeasayer from page 13
pass as whites or at least French.
In a massive interweaving of
characters, readers follow the sto-
ry of Nestor Camacho and the af-
termath as he rescues, or captures
and deports according to some lo-
cals, a Cuban eeing the commu-
nist homeland. rough his and
others stories, the underbelly, the
high class and the geriatric com-
munity of Floridas mixing pot are
e characters Wolfe creates
are engaging and thought-pro-
voking. e pornography-addic-
tion psychiatrist who is addicted
to fame and wealth, and cruelly
drags along his rich and helpless
clients is a notable example. Also
notable is the Haitian father who
detests his own culture and lan-
guage, to the point of alienating
his son and denying his heritage.
ese characters are interesting
and conicted, but ultimately just
minor stories along Nestors jour-
Nestor though proves less than
interesting. Instead he is a man
whom things happen to by the
fault of his passive obedience to
orders. ough he is hardly paint-
ed as a weakling and the pain and
trials he goes through are very
real, ultimately he is Wolfes great-
est failing in the book as a charac-
ter and as he passively has interest-
ing and vibrant characters woven
around him. is is unfortunate
as Nestor is the spine of the story.
Just as engaging as the charac-
ters are the events in Miami they
attend and cause. From heroic
rescues to Russian maa murders
to mass nautical orgies, each page
contains a new adventure. ose
in the high life are found to be just
as dirty, ignorant and bigoted as
anyone else if not more so.
e greatest strength Wolfe
has a writer is the unerring real-
ism he creates in his novels. His
stories are fantastical and foreign,
but never beyond belief. Instead of
being alienated or taken to whim-
sical worlds, readers instead are
immersed and taught about other
cultures and people. is human-
ism is not faked either; Wolfe is
well known for his reporting and
the depth of investigation he puts
into his novels, and Back to Blood
is no exception.
However, a weakness of Wolfe
is his propensity to overuse rep-
etition and onomatopoeia in a
modern style. is is unfortunate
as it gives the book an unedited
feeling and really detracts from
the characters he has created and
investigation he put into the book.
Instead the book precariously and
shoddily switches points of view
between characters minds and
rich, third person reporting.
Another weakness is the vast
number of stories present. In total
there are about nine or ten narra-
tors, each with their own chapter.
Eventually all of their stories do
intersect, and more often than
not this diversity is a strength that
emboldens the stories and moves
them along. However, there are a
few exceptions, as some chapters
prove pointless on all levels. In
fact, the opening prologue chap-
ter of the book proves a complete
wash as a disengaging mini-narra-
tive of the WASP editor-in-chief
of the Miami Herald that bears
no relation to the larger arc and
whose characters are never revis-
ited, except the editor who plays
a minor role near the books end.
Despite these weaknesses,
Wolfe has written a fantastic book
that not just tells a story, but also
engages readers in an investiga-
tion of a culture that might not be
so far geographically, but is miles
away in familiarity. New facts and
lessons about immigration, race
and family are to be had as read-
ers are pushed beyond the norm in
Back to Blood.
Photos by Seth Mallett/ Student Publications
18 November 30, 2012 Technique COMICS
Technique November 30, 2012 19 COMICS
20 November 30, 2012 Technique SPORTS

Photo courtesy of the GTAA
Brandon Makinson is a diver for the Jackets majoring in Aerospace Engineering and is from Calgary,
Canada. Makinson hopes to make it to the NCAA national meet at the end of season in mid-March.
By Anna Arnau
Sports Editor
Technique: When did you
start diving?
Makinson: I was ten years old.
It started o at a summer camp; I
just liked being airborne.
Technique: What do you miss
most about home?
Makinson: I dont really miss
Calgary that muchthats where
Im from. I miss my parents, obvi-
ously. But most of my friends have
moved away for school or jobs.
Technique: How do you bal-
ance diving and Aerospace Engi-
Makinson: I slowly learned
how to manage my time. Its man-
ageable, When I have homework,
I just have to go to the library and
do work, I cant go and hang out
with my friends. Im never on
Facebook; I just have to focus.
Technique: What made you
pick AE and actually stick with it?
Makinson: Planes have always
interested me. I dont want to be
a pilot. I thought about getting
my pilots license, but the time
just hasnt really t. I considered
switching to ME after my second
year, but I decided it would be as
easy to get a job with AE as ME
because they are so closely related.
I gured since I started it, I might
as well stick with it since it is still
Technique: What do you want
to do with your major?
Makinson: at I do not
know. I want to nd a job that
allows me to stay in the United
States. Other than that, I really
have no plans.
Technique: What made you
pick Tech?
Makinson: I always knew I
wanted to go into engineering,
and that paired with the diving
program here just really t per-
fectly. It was really hard to nd a
strong athletic school and strong
academic school all in one. Tech
just really t what I wanted.
Technique: Did you look at
other schools?
Makinson: I looked at Notre
Dame and Northwestern.
Technique: Do you have any
goals for yourself or the team as
the whole this season?
Makinson: I would really like
to get to NCAAs again. eyre
going to be challenging this year
based on the number of spots our
zone got from last year. Other
than that, its really hard to say I
want a specic place because its
a judged sport. Its not like run-
ning where you can say you want
to run a specic time. Other than
that, Im always trying to get bet-
ter scores.
Technique: If you could
change one rule in diving, what
would it be?
Makinson: I dont know. I
dont think I have ever been re-
stricted by rules in diving before.
e only thing that came to mind
that I would change is the judging
because sometimes its really bad,
just like all judged sports. Id like
if there was a stricter, more consis-
tent set of guidelines.
Technique: Who is your fa-
vorite athlete?
Makinson: Im not a big sports
watcher. I watch football because
it can get exciting with my room-
mates. I would have to say Mi-
chael Phelps, because everyone
was talking so much smack about
him going into the Olympics and
he still won six golds.
Technique: If you could get
on a plane right now and go any-
where, where would you go?
Makinson: Italy. I went there
once for a diving competition in
northeastern Italy and then went
to Rome for a few days to sightsee
when I was 19.
Technique: How do you pre-
pare in the o season?
Makinson: For me, I always
need a break in the o season.
I need a mental detox. After I
get told the same thing so many
times, its hard to make changes.
Having a couple weeks o at the
end of the season just kind of
lets everything ow out and start
fresh again so I can improve.
Technique: What kind of
things do you and your team-
mates joke about?
Makinson: One of the weirder
things we joke about is hitting the
board. It sounds really strange,
but if we have a lot to do or want
to get out of practice, we will joke
about hitting the board just to get
out of practice.
Technique: If you heard prac-
tice was cancelled tomorrow, what
would you do with your day o?
Makinson: Probably home-
work. I have a lot of nals and
projects coming up. Its stressful
having our Invitational this week-
end, so now I am going to have to
really commit my time to study-
Technique: Do you get any
time o for break?
Makinson: About a week.
Technique November 30, 2012 21 SPORTS
with Matt Schwartz
Matt Schwartz is a BME major in
his second year at Tech. He has
watched sports all his life, and takes
a critical view towards many of the
trending topics in the sporting
world. To contact Matt with your
opinions about Time Out, email
him at timeout@nique.net.
I really do not know what to
ats honestly the only thing
that comes to mind when I try to
talk about the grand catastrophe/
triumph that was/is yet to be the
2012 Tech football team. If you
are reading this right now, its only
reasonable to assume you under-
stand the current circumstances;
the unfathomable, strange, and
secretly exciting circumstances.
Nonetheless, for the sake of say-
ing We are going a conference
championship game, I will state
the obvious.
Techa 6-6 team who has
lost three in-conference games,
was beaten down by Middle Ten-
nessee State, and was nearly out of
contention for a bowl game with
four games left on the schedule
is playing for a spot in a BCS bowl
e team that red its defensive
coordinator mid-season in hopes
of a spark, only to nd its points
allowed per game rise, nds itself
in an opportunity for a big money
bowl game. But I guess now that
the unthinkable has happened, its
worth revisiting the madness to
gure out how we got here.
e completely hypothetical,
implausible, wouldnt it be funny
if idea that Tech could be at this
point right now has gone through
many phases. It all began during
Homecoming week, and some-
how the weeks festivities must
have lent themselves to the small
nugget of hope that Jacket fans
would receive on game day.
Im not talking about BYUs 41
points to our 17. Im talking about
FSU completely steamrolling
Duke to the tune of 48-7.
Despite a next-to-last posi-
tion in the Coastal Division, a
glimmer of possibility shined on
Georgia Techs chances to reclaim
what was long thought to be a lost
If Duke, Virginia Tech, and
Miami would all lose out, and
Tech could nd a way to win
out in the ACC, then the Jackets
would play in the title game.
e pieces were all there. Duke
was totally demoralized, Miami
and Virginia Tech were slated to
play each another the following
week, and UNC was already in-
Still, with Georgia Techs de-
fense in shambles amid Al Grohs
ring, it seemed the only way the
team could pull itself together
against Maryland would be if, by
some completely outlandish co-
incidence, the opposition played
without a quarterback.
On Sunday, October 28,
Maryland quarterback Caleb
Rowe woke up with pain in his
left knee from what he had be-
lieved to be a cut on his shin.
However, quite to Rowes disbe-
lief, an MRI exam revealed that
his left anterior cruciate ligament
had been torn completely from
the bone, making Rowe the Terps
fourth quarterback lost to a season
ending injury.
His backup would be Shawn
Petty, a 6-foot-2, 228-pound line-
backer. e Jackets took advan-
tage of this odd circumstance and
won easily 33-13, but more impor-
tantly still is that Miami knocked
Virginia Tech further down in the
Coastal rankings, and Duke was
trounced yet again.
e events that would unfold
over the next two weeks con-
rmed that the football gods were
truly smiling upon Georgia Tech.
In order to have a chance of catch-
ing Miami, the Jackets would
need the Canes to lose to Virginia
who started the season 0-4 in the
With six seconds left in the
game, Virginias Michael Rocco
completed a miracle ten yard
touchdown pass to give the Cavs
a 41-40 victory. Shortly after this
the Jackets capped o an all-out
oensive explosion, putting up 68
points in a win over UNC to draw
even atop the Coastal division
e once convoluted, unlikely
possibility now hinged on two
necessities: 1) We beat Duke. 2)
Duke beats Miami. Even as an
ACC cheer resounded through
the student section after the win
against Duke, fans knew that they
would still need one last small
miracle, and on Monday, Novem-
ber 19, that miracle came.
Miami, amidst an ongoing
investigation with the NCAA,
self-imposed a second consecutive
postseason ban.
is brings us to today. On
paper, Tech should not win the
ACC championship. In this years
installment of Clean, Old-Fash-
ioned Hate, it became clear that
Tech cannot keep up with a much
bigger, faster defense. ey were
manhandled at the point of attack
and they looked as if they didnt
even belong on the same eld. But
we were never expected to make it
this far anyway.
Sure, there were those people
who kept believing even when it
looked like there was no hope left,
but all things considered, Techs
season was left for dead weeks
ago. So with all things consid-
ered, it begs the question, What
will become of this years Georgia
Tech squad?
If you ask me? I dont know. I
really dont.
Photo by John Nakano / Student Publications
Brandon Watts chases UGAs backup quarterback on a blitz in the
fourth quarter of Techs fourth consecutive loss to the Bulldogs.
Technique November 30, 2012 23 SPORTS
a football trainer
By Scott Hakim
Sta Writer
A long stretch of water sits in
between two shores; the water is
clear and calm. To many observ-
ers this would be a serene scene,
but to the members of Club 4 and
Club 8 Crew Teams at Tech, this
is the location of intense and ex-
citing memories. For junior Adam
McKenzie, Crew has become
much more than just a simple past
My best friends are all from
the rowing team, McKenzie said.
is is my friend group at Tech.
Whether theyre still rowing or
not, I met them through rowing.
But beneath the surface, this
is a sport much harder than most
people realize. e long, painful
practices; the sti knees and cal-
loused hands; all are a product of a
training regimen designed to help
peak an athlete on race day. e
end goal is the May regatta, the
event that takes nine months of
preparation and sweat.
Its not the three or four
months of fall season, a month
for Christmas and three or four
months of spring season, McK-
enzie noted. Its nine months
straight through with that goal in
At its core, the sport is simple.
It consists of either four or eight
rowers rowing in sync down a pre-
determined stretch of water.
e boat is comprised of vari-
ous rowers of dierent strengths
and skill sets, including some
smaller rowers who help with en-
durance and precision and some
more muscular rowers who help
with steering and power.
At the front of each boat is
a member of the rowing team
named the coxswain. is mem-
ber is vital to the success of the
boat and is the eyes and ears of
the operation.
e coxswains job is to be
able to say we need to x this or do
that when the coach isnt around.
If a coxswain can do that, they are
immediately extremely valuable.
e coxswain is looking forward,
steering the boat, and making
sure he takes the quickest route
possible. He yells stu at us that
can motivate us and tells us what
to x, McKenzie said.
at motivation is some-
thing that keeps McKenzie going
through the tough crew season,
and the seniors on the team are
what keeps the program strong
year in and year out. McKenzie
can personally attest to the impact
a senior can have on a younger
rower, and he has become close
with rowers on the team both
older and younger.
Coming across [the nish
line], one of the seniors in the boat
turned around, shook my hand,
and said I really wish youd been
here two years ago. Hell be a
friend of mine for the rest of my
life, McKenzie said.
In a race predicated on speed
and determination, that marks
the only time anyone will have
time to turn around.
Photo courtesy of the GTAA
Jay Shoop has served as the Director of Sports Medicine for Tech since 2002 and also served from
1987-1999. Shoop is on the eld for every football game and has worked with the team all season.
By Anna Arnau
Sports Editor
So much happens on a game
day that the amount of prepa-
ration outside of football prac-
tice and coaching can get lost in
the spirit of football. But for Jay
Shoop, the Director of Sports
Medicine and Head Trainer for
Georgia Tech, preparation for
game day is a full time job.
When we start football, there
are no days o. We started o
Aug. 1, and we go every day. Even
if the players have a day o, they
still have to come in for treatment,
to try and get better. So its seven
days a week, Shoop said.
e rst treatment for football
players begins at 6:30 a.m., fol-
lowed by an 8 a.m. sta meeting
between both the football coach-
ing sta and the training sta to
decide who can and cannot par-
ticipate in practice that day. Fol-
lowing the meeting, Shoop and
his sta meet with players individ-
ually for rehabilitation sessions,
another treatment session, and be-
gin preparing for daily practice at
1 p.m. with taping, bracing, and
wrapping. Football practice does
not end until 6 p.m., and there is
another treatment in the training
room that keeps trainers busy un-
til 7:30 p.m. at the earliest.
Shoop is always on the eld
with the team, whether it is a
home or away game. He also goes
to the hotel with the team in case
of problems prior to the game.
I personally love noon games
because its early, we get nished
and we get a chance to take a deep
breath, Shoop said.
e training sta arrives at the
eld two hours before kicko to
take care of all treatments, and
sticks around in case of any on-
eld injuries.
Shoop has plenty of great
memories from his long career of
working with the Jackets. Shoop
began working for Tech as Direc-
tor of Sports Medicine in 1987
and served until 1999, return-
ing in 2002 after serving as head
trainer for the Detroit Lions.
e greatest joy we get out of
this is to go through rehab with an
athlete that has had a major injury
and actually see them get back to
the playing eld and when they
get back to the point where they
are functioning and doing well
again, for them to just come back
and say thank you. at makes it
all worthwhile, Shoop said.
Crew club nishes season,
looks to grow in spring
The economy sucks.
Free pizza rations on Tuesdays.
7 p.m., Flag 137, Technique
The Editorial Board of the
would like to congratulate
graduating sta members
Vijai Narayanan
Jonathan Peak
Nishant Prasadh
and thank them for their
contribution to the Souths
Liveliest College Newspaper.
Sports Editor:
Anna Arnau
Diving too deep?
Brandon Makinson oers insight into
the life of an athlete majoring in Aero-
space Engineering20
November 30, 2012
Men nish third in Anaheim
Women take one of three on road
By Newt Clark
Contributing Writer
e mens basketball team
traveled to Anaheim, Califronia
over anksgiving break to com-
pete in the DirecTV Classic. Tech
nished third in the eight-team
tournament. e Jackets im-
proved to 4-1 on the season.
In the opening round, Tech
defeated the Rice Owls 54-36.
Tech led by only 8 points at half-
time, but started the second half
on 13-3 run to pull away from the
Owls. Freshman Marcus Georg-
es-Hunt had 11 points and nine
rebounds, leading the Jackets
in both categories. Senior point
guard Mfon Udoa also had a
nice game with nine points and
three assists. Tech outrebounded
Rice 50-26 but continued to
struggle from behind the arc,
making only three of 18 three-
point attempts.
e Jackets suered their rst
loss of the season in a hard fought
game to Cal in the second round
of the tournament 68-57. Cal led
Tech by only one point at the half-
time, before pulling away in the
second half. Tech did a nice job of
defending Cals Allen Crabbe, who
came into the tournament leading
the nation in scoring, holding him
to only 13 points. Cal guard Justin
Cobbs stepped up nicely, scoring
17 points to go with four assists.
Udoa continued his steady
play scoring 16 points and only
turning it over three times. Junior
Kammeon Holsey came o the
bench for Tech and contributed
14 points and four rebounds. e
three point woes continued for
Tech making only two of 15 three
point attempts. Cal would later go
on to win the DirecTV Classic.
Tech defeated Saint Marys in
the third place game of the tour-
nament 65-56. Tech trailed 26-22
at the half, before an oensive ex-
plosion of 43 points in the second
half led by junior Brandon Reed.
Reed came into this game only av-
eraging 2.2 PPG, but easily outdid
that by scoring 19 points. Tech
improved as a team, shooting 7-19
from three-point range. Georges-
Hunt made two, and even center
Robert Carter Jr. made one to go
along with Reeds 4. Tech also had
an impressive night from the free
throw line shooting 18-21. Tech
was outrebounded by Saint Marys
36-24, but Tech balanced out the
turnover dierential by commit-
ting 10 less turnovers.
Photo by John Nakano / Student Publication
Marcus Georges-Hunt drives to the basket. The freshman led the
team against Rice with 11 points and nine rebounds in Techs win.
By Scott Hakim
Sta Writer
Techs roster is lled with
experience, but the mens bas-
ketball teams fortunes will go
the way of the talented fresh-
men sprinkled throughout the
After six games, Tech nds
itself at 4-2, including a third
place nish in the DirecTV
Classic in Anaheim, Califor-
nia. Led by freshman swing-
man Marcus Georges-Hunts
11 points per game and red-
shirt junior forward Kam-
meon Holseys 11.1 points,
5.5 rebounds a contest, Tech
heads into the annual show-
down with Georgia as a team
on the rise.
e Bulldogs come into
the game with a 2-4 record in-
cluding four straight losses in
the Progressive Legends Clas-
sic, during which they lost to
top-ranked Indiana and pre-
viously ranked UCLA.
Georgia is led by sopho-
more guard Kentavious
Caldwell-Pope, who aver-
ages a team-high 17.3 points a
game to go along with a team
high 6.5 rebounds per game.
Only senior guard Vincent
Williams has more assists
than Caldwell-Pope, so the
Jackets will need to key in on
the guard from Greenville if
they expect to defend home
court on Tuesday.
Freshman power forward
Robert Carter Jr. has been a
strong force on the boards,
and the Jackets will look to
keep their transition game ac-
tive with junior forward Jason
Morriss skill in the run game.
Tech will need to control
the boards and force Georgia
into quick shot opportunities
if the Jackets want to come
out on top, while Georgia will
need to force Tech to rely on
shooting from beyond the arc,
an inconsistent facet of Techs
game thus far.
Tech next hits the hard-
wood on Saturday, Dec. 8 at
7 p.m. against UNC-Wilm-
ington at McCamish Pavil-
ion. is will mark Techs last
game of the fall semester.
By Scott Hakim
Sta Writer
e UGA womens basket-
ball team rolls into Atlanta on
an eight-game win streak to
start the season to go along
with their No. 8 national
e Bulldogs have scored
more than 55 points in each
of their contests and have hit
over 80 on three separate oc-
casions. eir defensive eort
is more notable, however, as
they have only allowed over
50 points twice.
Senior forward Jasmine
Hassell leads the team in scor-
ing and rebounding at 12.4
and 6.1 a game, respectively.
e team is very active at the
defensive end, having four
players with over 10 steals for
the season so far, led by fresh-
man guard Shacobia Barbees
e Bulldogs take a lot of
three-point shots, so Tech will
need to make sure to limit
their opportunities from be-
hind the arc.
As for the home team, the
Jackets nd themselves with
a 3-3 record and look to im-
prove to 3-1 on the year in the
new McCamish Pavilion.
Junior guard Dawnn Maye
and junior guard Tyaunna
Marshall are the leading
scorers for the Jackets while
Maye has added a staggering
27 steals on the year. Techs
sharpshooter, sophomore
guard Sydney Wallace, is only
3 of 21 from behind the arc,
so Tech will look to get her on
track in order to test Georgias
perimeter defense.
Tech will come into the
game as an underdog, but the
womens basketball team will
look to use its experienced
roster and strong defense as it
attempts to defend the home
Tech has a tough turn-
around after facing the Bull-
dogs as they head into the
tough Cameron Indoor Sta-
dium environment to face the
Duke Blue Devils on urs-
day, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m.
By Alex Sohani
Associate Editor
Coming o of a 2-1 homes-
tand, the Tech womens basketball
team went on the road on Friday,
Nov. 23, to participate in the San
Juan shootout and then to face the
Purdue Boilermakers on Wednes-
day, Nov. 28, in the ACC/Big Ten
In the Shootout, the Jackets lost
75-72 in overtime against Syracuse
before winning against UW-Mil-
waukee 66-57 in San Juan, P.R.
Afterward, they dropped the con-
test against No. 13 Purdue 85-73.
e 1-2 week put the Jackets at 3-3
overall for the season.
Tech kicked o the Shootout
with a thrilling nish against the
Syracuse Orange, battling back
from a 10-point decit in the sec-
ond half to force overtime. How-
ever, the late second-half push was
not enough to propel the Jackets,
eventually being outscored 12-9 in
the extra period en route to the 75-
72 loss.
Junior guard Dawnn Maye led
the team with a career-high 26
points for the game on 10-of-20
shooting, and she notched four re-
bounds and two assists. Senior for-
ward Jasmine Blain posted her rst
double-double with 15 rebounds
and 13 points in the contest.
Maye continued her hot shoot-
ing in the overtime period, scoring
eight of the Jackets nine points,
but Syracuse closed the game with
free throws to secure the win.
Tech closed out its appearance
in the San Juan Shootout with a
66-57 win against UW-Milwau-
kee. Maye continued her high
scoring with 17 points while junior
guard Tyaunna Marshall posted
16 points and 10 rebounds for a
double-double on the day.
e Jackets did not shoot par-
ticularly well in the rst half, hit-
ting only 10 of 31
shots in the rst half,
but they went into
the locker room with
a 32-26 lead. UW-
Milwaukee cut the
Jackets lead to only
one several times
throughout the sec-
ond half, but Tech
held on to earn the
nine point victory.
e Jackets then
went to West La-
fayette, Ind. to face
Purdue to partici-
pate in the ACC/Big
Ten Challenge. e
Jackets fell 85-73 to
the Boilermakers to
give them their rst
loss in ACC/Big Ten
Challenge games.
Marshall led the
team with 26 points,
four assists and ve
rebounds, while
Maye contributed 16
points and seven as-
Tech started the game quickly
taking a 23-12 lead early in the
rst half, but the Boilermakers
battled back to tie the game at 32
late in the half.
e game continued to be a
back and forth aair until a 12-0
run by Purdue ending with 6:16
left in the game. e decit was
too much to overcome and the
Jackets eventually lost 85-73.
Photo by Austin Foote / Student Publications
Tyaunna Marshall shoots over a Tennessee
defender. Tech lost to the Volunteers 71-54.

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