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Stake Holder General 1 Creditors 2 Customers 3 Government 4 Local Communities 5 Non-Managerial Staff 6 Owners private/shareholders 7 Senior Management Staff

8 Trade Unions Team of 10 Engineers Contract Staff Fujitsu / IBM CEO-Nathan Ropetrick CTO-Monica Primee w.r.t. Computational Management ICL Defense forces, financial institutions, retail chains Government Offices

Important Issues

Credit score, New contracts , Liquidity Value, quality , customer care, Ethical products Taxation, VAT, Legislation, Low unemployment Jobs, involvement , environmental issues , shares Rates of pay , Job security Profit , performance , direction Performance , targets , growth Working conditions , minimum wage, legal requirements

PROBLEMS Alarm sound Graph in real time Analogue meters pointers Sliding scales

FEATURES URL codebase=getCodeBase( ) play(codebase, .au JFreeChart with OpenVision JSlider

NOTES The features are not yet supported. So, can not be implemented

JButton used

COBOL Common Business Oriented Language traditional Use common English words , Applications require extensive control of input and outputs Suited for business data processing Contains a mandatory data division for defining the format of the data Simple calculations Improved versions 1968, 1974, and 1985


Used for many Internet applications Deliver only the software functionality needed for a particular task Suited for small applet downloaded from a network Can run on any computer and operating system A general purpose , object-oriented , application-development language Produce programs that operate in a distributed environment involving many different platforms Source code compiled into bytecode format Executed by a Java Interpreter Runtime environments called Java Virtual Machine exist for most operating systems Originally intended for writing programs that control consumer appliances Need web browser to execute Java applets Java applications does not require a web browser Use minimalist approach i.e. eliminate redundant or excessive features Ideal for teaching object oriented programming

Lengthy names of variables and subroutines Use sentence like grammar Used less frequently for newer systems Extremely verbose Easier to maintain Good tool for organizing programming idea through successive decomposition Contains some features supporting structured programming Use a compiler to translate into assembly language equivalent




COBOL CODASYL committee Conference on Data Systems Languages U.S. Department of Defence 1959 1968 1st standard ANSI 1974 2nd standard ANSI 1985 Incorporated structured Techniques 2002 support OOP Static Data Block divisions : Identification Environment Data Procedure

JAVA James Gosling Sun Microsystems California U.S.A. 1995 1995 Oak to Java Incorporated by Netscape Navigator Internet browser 1996 software released Object Oriented divisions : Package Class Method

Phonetic Attributes Regional Variations

\k-b l\
Common Business Oriented Language Enterprise Cobol ILE Cobol VS Cobol II OS/VS Cobol

\ja-v , j-, -v\

JDK 1.0 , 1.1 J2SE 1.2 , 1.3 , 1.4 , 5.0 Java SE 6 , Update 10,11,12,14,16,17 Java SE 7

ICU : Patient Monitoring Screen



g BP

INPUT x < 1.2 x > 1.8 1.2 to 1.8 -60/130 120/80 Temp. x > 40 40&below RR x<6 x > 25 6 to 25 BOL x < 0.8 0.8&above 90%

OUTPUT Warning Warning Ok Program idles Program idles Warning Ok Warning Warning Ok Warning Ok Program idles

DISCUSSION Double.parseDouble( ) a) reads (+) or (-) numbers without decimals and (+) or (-) numbers with decimals b) can not read (+) or (-) fractions c) can not read symbols e.g. %

Cobol to Java Update business applications Demand for modern capabilities Intellectual interest and career progression Cobol disadvantages : very tedious, lengthy to code, limited mathematical functions , obsolescent

Java advantages : simple, object-oriented , platform-independent, distributed, interpreted , secure, robust, multithreaded Java characteristics : architecture-neutral, portable , performance dynamic Java uses : web application , applets , hand-held devices palm and cell

Cobol lacked features : older versions lack local variables do not support structured programming

Cobol to Cobol Huge investment in Cobol system Organization lose Cobol programmers Incur expense and time for training Cobol advantages : easier to read , machine independent , effective error messages , power and flexibility , portability , GUI , access to RDBMS , increase productivity and reduce testing/debug time Java disadvantages : not on older platforms inherited traps of C and C++ not fast for time intensive programs Cobol characteristics : Self documenting , simple, maintainable, non-proprietary (portable) Cobol uses : s an application for business, finance & administration in government, military, commercial enterprises & operating systems Java lacked features : No separation of specification from implementation , no preconditions and post conditions , visibility rules, no generic support, no enumeration types , no local constants , exceptions not caught within a method must be declared as thrown by that method

COBOL Comments : summary line by line paraphrase explanatory for complex , requirements, enhance, warn pitfalls

Formatting : only one statement on a line indent for logical structure uniform number of spaces blank lines - readable

Commas : not necessary separate a series of items parameters , list, targets Naming : Data use meaningful, avoid potential reserved words, use prefixes to associated related items, use suffixes to designate special types, spelling, common opposites, avoid similar, use abbreviations, short and cryptic, flags and switches Paragraph describes role, suggest position Control Structures : do not use GOTO, certain logic, sort verb, perform thru, section in procedure, segmentation, next sentence Subprograms : make code smaller , reusable ,firewalls, encapsulate No irrelevant data, no action code to test, easier to change, parameters Errors : types fatal and non-fatal typical input file , output file, work storage table, internal developing handle from beginning , test, error reporting issuing messages, include enough information, different messages, subprogram errors not abort from subprogram, stop after fatal error, pass error upwards, avoid status codes Aborting : abend non-zero return codes hybrid approach,

JAVA Comments for : every class except nested method unless declared private every non-trivial variable included in the body of the code never used as an explanation Formatting : indent to display structure {open a line }end a line only one statement per line avoid long lines avoid nesting of statements readable with blank lines and spaces Commas : separator - function arguments operator control expression of a for loop Naming : meaningful convention package begin with lowercase, class begin with upper case, compound word capitalize 2nd word final static declare named constants

Classes : clear , single and identifiable use modifiers to control access to variables and methods member variables declared private Method : clear , single, identifiable task definition not long instance access instance variables Errors : compiler time - deprecation warning message syntax and semantics grammar and punctuation runtime when program executed logic algorithm or procedural incorrect operator precedence math grouping threading - access, deadlock, data race, synchronization

Abort( ) Signal a fatal error during the execution of the application by printing an error message to the standard error terminal and stop JVM with an error code

University Website IP Address Hostname University of Goroka (Papua New Guinea) www.uog.ac.pg not given

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