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Strategies for e-Government

Seminar project-MSP

Sites: http://www.bcub.ro

Olteanu Roxana Gheorghisor Alexandru Sandu ionut

Carol I Central University Library of Bucharest

Introduction Central University Library of Bucharest Carol I, hereinafter BCU-B Carol I is a public institution of national interest, with legal personality, subordinated to the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports and financed from the state budget national education law no. 1/2011, law libraries no. 334/2002, with subsequent amendments and GD. 81/2010 regarding the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. BCU-B Carol I is a complex infodocumentary structure, part of the National Libraries System. Inaugurated on March 14, 1895 as Royal Foundation, Carol I Central University Library provides dynamic continuity to educational and cultural traditions which marked its beginnings. Within Bucharest University centre, Carol I Central University Library grants the documentary and information basis necessary to the educational process both for education and for research purposes; enables the valorization and communication of documents and information sources; enables the rapid access to different information sources, both from its own collections, and from external ones; organizes a complex service system dedicated to all categories of users.

Structure BCU-B Carol I is divided into 18 service offices and departments, specialized, located in the Central Unit, and 15 libraries subsidiaries located in 17 locations.

Object of activity Purchase of documents in any format and various electronic information, users education, it contributes by events which it organizes at the development and promotion of cultural and scientific life in Bucharest; cooperates with other public or private institutions.

Patrimony The collection grows by purchase, international publications exchange, donation, transfer and includes a variety of documents, such as books, publications, serials, cartographic publications, archives, audiovisual documents, graphics, electronic documents, photographic documents, microforms, manuscripts and other romanian or foreign documents. Facilities are funding by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, and own incomes, sponsorships, donations and transfers. The Central University Library can make its income from the subject or activity of: achievement and participation in research and development projects, promote and capitalization written culture in national and international segment; development of products and value added services such as studies, projects or thematic documentary research, computer products, multimedia, databases, editorial produces , consulting services and specialized assistance; publishing and printing of books, pamphlets, periodicals, papers and specialized materials or general interest; organizing training and professional services specified in the conservation and protection of cultural property; making reproductions by digital camera systems, photocopying, microfilms and others.

Activities and services The Library organizes initiations courses, formations and professional development. It may perform national and international research activities under contract with the people and institutions. For obtaining a library permit, the users must complete a form with some personal data, but it is necessary to complete before a guided or orientation tour of the library to get access in the Central Unit. Users access to collections and services of the library is based on an access card obtained by submitting the library permit. Users may request documents from the collections of the library by filling a application form and they can only take simultaneous not more than 3 volumes. They can even rent individual offices even for 60 days. The users from groups of 2 to 8 people can rent a seminar room. The publications loan can be direct or interlibrary, national or international by personalities or institutions.

Users are obliged to seek the confirmation of the custodians from the reading rooms when they want to reproduce a publication; photocopying and digital copying is allowed only if is respected the Law no. 8 from 14th March 1996 on copyright and related rights. The users benefits from the assistance of the staff. The library can be accessed by individuals or organized groups with the management agreement without disturbing reading and visitors must wear badges and will be joined by library staff.

Staff Professional staff consists of librarians, editors, researchers, research assistants, bibliography, restorers, analysts, operators and handlers.

The site

Informational infrastructure Carol I Central University Library is the first university library in Romania having introduced an integrated library system. The continuous development of the infrastructure provides the users with rapid and creative use of the documentary resources. Carol I Central University Library is integrated through the Internet in the world network of information. By its connection with national and international academic networks the library is harmonized with the contemporary trends in science and knowledge giving the users strong potential for study and research.

Expanding the infrastructure in ever more libraries included in the network of 15 branches is gradually configuring a complex system meant to explore the document resources of the whole Carol I Central University Library. According to the modernizing program, as far back as 1990, the UNESCO experts together with the library specialists developed an automation project for the library. The first database created in CDS/ISIS included about 60.000 bibliographic records (for books acquired and processed after 1990) in 1993. The same year is launched the TDNet electronic service. In 1994, on February 28th, the VUBIS library integrated system acquired through TEMPUS Program was inaugurated and on March 1st it became operational. In June the library was completely and permanently connected to the Internet. The same year, a VUBIS database was configured for the Library Loan Center in the Main Unit. This way, the Central University Library becomes the first Romanian university library to create its own computerized infrastructure, thus providing complex access and search services in its own databases and also in national and international ones.

The Carol I Central University Library page can be accessed on-line on the http://www.bcub.ro/, romanian version, but it also can be accessed in english on https://sites.google.com/a/bcub.ro/central-university-library/cataloage, or you can easily press the flag which show the english language not understands romanian language. The internet page has a friendly interface, it is simple and can be use by anyone who know to navigate on the internet, and it shows to its visitors some important informations like the schedule, or how to contact the Public Service department of the institution who can answer to the customers questions. You can also see the most recent news of the library and other information. It also has a Facebook sign which means it is popular on this socialization site where can spread informations about its services, can answer to some visitors questions or curiosities and it probably has a lot of Likes. Personally, I dont like that there is not a Twitter button, I think it would be a good way to post informations or news there also too. , one of the international languages for people who do

It is easy to find the information you need on the site because it has a very organized menu where you can find some helpful submenus:

The Catalogues menu can be used to find the books you want, you can see their availability and even make an on-line reservation, which is a really good thing because when you go to the library you already have the book reserved for you.

In the Collections menu you can see what kind of books contains each library room, so when you go there, you already know in which room to go.

In the Library Services there are a lot of useful informations about the services offered in the units, about the national or international interlibrary loan: it borrows from other libraries in the country side (national loan) or from abroad (international loan) for their users, potential beneficiaries of the borrowing right (users from higher education public system), documents which are not found in their collections; the request for publications is made via an application addressed to the head of the library and placed at the Secretariat of the institution; people in the country side or from abroad who want to borrow documents from the Carol I Central University Library collections will place their application to the library of the university they attend or they carry out their teaching or research activities or to the nearest library. That library will do their best to get the publication from the Carol I Central University Library. There are some Web resources about european topics, librarys, publishers, education, media, cultural sites and universities. We also cand read about IT facilities in the unit: laptops, personal computers, printing facilities, scanning facilities or digital cameras. It is a good thing it is a WiFi zone, so we can acces internet from anywhere. In News and Events there are many informations for people who want to know more about the Library: events organized at the unit, news about exhibitions, associations, books

openings, conferences, documentarys, debates and others. The visitors can see all the new achisitions of books and their repartisation and also cand read some contracts between the unit and partners. The Opening Hours is usefull for users because they can find out when is the proper time to go and find the book they want. The User assistance provides the following services: informations on access conditions, opening hours, library collections, requests for simple information, subject oriented bibliographic lists, which digital documents or parts of these can be delivered by filling in an online form, in agreement with legislation in force. As we seen, it is very easy to navigate on the site, it has some good points such as the main menu where the information are organized in a such way that everyone can access it and the most important, I think, it is the fact that the entire web-site can be translated in English. The books are easy to find and to reserve them, you can choose from a large collection and a variety of documents, videos, electronic documents and other. It offers all the information you need to have from entering from the first time in the Library and until you exit the door. It offers many facilities for users and for the personalities and institutions, or some organizations that wants or need a space for their needs: a conference or an exhibition for example. It could be a good idea though, if, in the future it will specify if it borrows and deliver for a certain time books or magazines or other documents at the addresses of its users or institutions and what kind of them. And it would be great if users can find the book they want and they could read it on the computer based on the user account made on www.bcub.ro, and their on-line permit and not having to go to the library, because they dont have time or they are living in another city. Also, I think it would be fantastic if people could buy even books from the library, because some books we cant find them on the market. Regarding the site, a blog would be perfect for those who want to share their experience after visiting the Carol I Central University Library of Bucharest and for those who needs more information about its services; it doesnt have a Frequently asked questions menu because most of the information are on the site, but it would be much better for the users or visitors of the site to acces the Frequently asked questions then to search the information they need in the sections of the site.

In conclusion, it is good that our library wants to be up to date to the societys needs, but in order to improve the number of its users, it is absolutely necessary to be with one step in front of their needs. Their expectations must be exceeded by excellence.

Olteanu Roxana


As we decided, in our seminar classes, we formed a group project that is analysing and comparing two sites that are addressed to citizens, web sites of public institutions. From my point of view as I have been assigned, I`m going to analyze London Library`s site. The core of this analysis is the way that a user can navigate, understand and have the best information provided by the website.

Analysis of http://www.londonlibrary.co.uk/

Information Structures Users, need the structure of information in a good organization. The design is the search for contrast that differs various types of information. The way to establish these contrasts is related to the use of shapes and colors. On London Library we can differ all the information. Starting with the size of the charaters, definitly is a good choice, readable in a perfect way, because think the difficulty that a person with sixty years can have to read if the size is to small, or the font is too detailed, here we have a good example how to separate all the information using only shapes and colors. An effective design respects the capabilities and limitations of visual language, which in its most basic level, relate to visual distinctions that are available in human vision. It is relevant to say that the use of white borders was a good idea too, normaly if you use colors, images and text the best way to not mix the user mind and make him feel tired of looking is using spaces with white borders, the goal was reached. The Alignment can be declared as used really well too, in these days its something almost necessary because reading anything our brain associates the order of the alignment.

Typography This site present a good screen reader, the choosed font have a simple design, not using serif. Our brains are reading quickly when the font is having a short or not having a serif. The terminations are solid and with the 'hollow' well defined.

Reception of the message All the sites have a message to transmit to the users, The design must be done to be understood by the public, the visual message that is transmitted must be received and understood without any space for misinterpretation, here starts the icons. London Library site doesnt use any icon, just to connect/share with social networks. That is easly understandable from the user because the reportoir that he already have using computers let him know almost in a second for what they are there.


Img 1- At the right superior border we can see the icons to share on social networks

Transparency Without the use of Icons, the user dont need to read, analyse or translate the meaning of him. So the transparency is quite easy to find here. Everything is explained by words, the different types of things you can do on this site is writed so, transparency of information is good reached too.

The benefits of simplicity are as functional as aesthetic: Proximity: Simplicity can be easily intercepted and understood, its enough for immediate interpretation or to invite further exploration.Testing the site its quite interesting to say the simple design that is having the tabs that they use to separate the main menus, using contrast colors to see which is being open. I think the tab Home is the most mixed, too much information confuses the user, so why to have two ways to do the same thing?

Img 2- We can see that we have the tab Join, and on the tab Home, we have at the center a link to join too.


Recognition: This site is using a simple design its going be recognized more easily, because it has less visual information to user, and are easily assimilated, understood and remembered. The symbol of the Name of the library is quite good positioned too, making a total difference to the rest of the site, using a different type of typography and size.

Img 3 Symbol of London Library Immediacy: We can consider that is not a complex site, that make it be understood immediately recognized and with minimal effort from the user, its making a great impact. We can see the alignment to the left, because in our culture we learn to read from left to right and top to bottom and, as i am seeing we start with the symbol from the library, on the top from the left to the right we have Search the Catalogue, E-Library ,Support us, Shop, Contact us, Blog taking us to the main menu, that must be catalogue to look for books or collections, than support us to the user can help the association, Shop to order some merchandise, the contacts and adress on Contact us and on the end the Blog, that you can see the news about important facts that are happening on London Library. On the right we have the search bar, by rules of design, and studies about users best interface its well localizated.

Image 4- Show the first menu and the bar search

Usability: We have a good usability, we can go to all the menus to perform the tasks of the users., and we can allways be back on main menu on this site, clicking on the menu Home, so we cant be lost.

Img 5- Home menu Contrast: This site is using a light color on the back, making the best reading and less effort in contrast perception .Constrast is the best way to get more advantages in the accessibility of the interface and its done pretty well.

Indication (affordance): As many interfaces its better to have buttons that indicate they may be pressed. Are perceived and actual properties of an object, and the fundamental properties that determine how an object could be used. Here they use on the tabs colors to you to see that you are passing with the mouse on the button, that its quite non usefull because the colors are random so we cant have any connection with the menus.

Img 6- Random collors appear on the menus when we pass the mouse on it

In the end after the research of the website we can present a part of the SWOT analysis, just Strenghts and Weaknesses, being the fact that my research was made from the exterior.

Gheorghisor Alexandru


http://www.bcub.ro http://www.londonlibrary.co.uk/

After my colleagues have done an analysis on the two sites I will put them somehow in balance to see which one offer more information and services online. My colleagues presented two sites: www.bcub.ro and www.londonlibrary.co.uk. These are sites of important institutions in a society. The library is one of the most important sources of information and culturalization, a complex institution accessed by a certain social class. this is why a library services should be at the level of those who are visiting such an institution. Information is a key factor in the development of science, economy and culture, the keeping of national identity. Nowadays there are many ways of transmitting information. One of them is the internet. Institutions have realized that the Internet is a much easier way to reach people and to send them information about their work in the institution, so they created their own websites. After this little introduction to the world of libraries, we must go back to sites chosen by my colleagues.

What are the expectations when a user accesses a site?

First, the user wants to find quickly the information he needs. This depends on the structure of the site. User, need the structure of information in a good organization. Then, the site should be interesting and fun to watch. User does not like to waste time looking for something on the site, so the site structure should be simple but comprehensive. Another important issue is the design; design involves some rules of using colors that should be known and applied. Maybe the user doesnt know the rules, but for sure he will feel better on a site where this rules are applied. When they access a site, the users have some expectations. If you fail to overcome his expectations, probably he will not return to that site soon. Expectations are higher as we speak about two sites of some well-known libraries in their countries.



If we access the website of Central University Library Carol I, we can see that the library website is simple and can be used by anyone who knows how to browse the internet. The information on this site can be found quite easily using the menu that is well structured. Home Page gives visitors information about the schedule and how to get in touch with public service department should you have any questions. You can also see the latest news about the library. The site is also present on social network called Facebook. How about library services, we find more information in the section Library Services. The is very transparent website but I think something is missing, maybe the visiual impact. How about the site design, I think it is too simple. I mean, at first glance looks like a website made by amateurs in IT or like a site in transition. Is the kind of site that will not remember, after you leave it. In fact, I think that is the kind of specific website institutions in our country. Investments in IT departments are low, so the effects are seen first in institutions websites. Is clear that the site does not reach expectations of users and people still prefer to go at the institution for any need. A good reference point is the section Catalogues. Here you can see if the book you need is available and even make a online reservation.


When I accessed the website www.london library.co.uk I noticed first the library logo and then the welcome message. The welcome message gives you the feeling that you are not alone on the site and I liked it. Is a simple site but it has a strong visual impact on the user. The transparency is quite easy to find here, because the menu is simple and the information is transmitted and explained in words. Is good to know that The London Library is present on two social networks: Facebook and Twitter. We will find more information on menu bar, in the section About Us. At this section you find the history of the library and the collections, news and events, plans of the institution for the future , how they are governed, their annual accounts and meetings, online resources and contact details for all press enquiries etc. The usability is good on this site and the colour contrast is used well too. Even if more different colors were used, were

taken into account some design rules All this things are advantages in the accessibility of the interface. Bad news about ths site is that you got to pay a fee if you want to join and be a member.

Both sites are helpful for users because it provides information about the institutions they represent. comparing the two sites we realize it the level of development in the two countries, Romania and United Kingdom. Details like that colour contrast or the welcome message are making the difference. Another plus for the Another plus for the English site is that they have a blog (http://blog.londonlibrary.co.uk/ ). On the other side, the romanian site have the Rolinest catalog that is an effective tool for search and retrieval of bibliographic information available simultaneously in 12 libraries in Romania. Is remarkable on the site of The London Library the existance of a short film exploring the book stacks and the reading rooms in the Library and the beautiful new spaces members can now work and relax in. Other plus for the site of The London Library is the section Merchandise where you enjoy fine quality and useful items while demonstrating your support for the Library. All items are available to purchase online or at Reception. This kind of section is missing on the romanian site, but we have another section here named The e-mail reference service. This service is conceived to answer simple information needs, providing short answers about: the library collection; general information about the library (structure, addresses, access conditions, services); other libraries and information and documentation centers in the country; higher education institutions in Romania and abroad . Both sites have a good usability; the home menu is always on hand so you cant get lost on the site. The menus of the two sites are resembling in simplicity. The search bar is available on both of the sites. The contrast is more present in the english website than in te romanian one. You can find information about London Library on Twitter, not only on Facebook.If you want the english version of the site you can press the flag which show the english language, one of the international languages for people who do not understands romanian language or who want to read in english. To compare two sites as those presented by our group is like trying to compare Romania to the United Kingdom. There are different mentalities and people see in a different way this concept of online library.

Sandu Ionut


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