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City of East Cleveland '14340 Euclid Ave East Cleveland, OH 44112 D EC

Date Created : 1 f2,412O13

Document Number: 2181 20088241


:28:50 AM


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January 22,2013 City of East Cleveland Automated Traffic Control Violation System P.O. Box 22091 Tempe, AZ 85285-2091

City Of East Cle\reland

Aulomated Traffic Control Violation System P.O. Box 742503 Cincinnati, OH 4527 +2503


Aubmated Traffic Control VlolatioE Nolice Xgtce Nos.: 2l8l2(XE8rl4{9



2181300000276 2181200858856 2181200856231

To Whom lt May Concem:

Please accept this letter in response to your Notice of Liability sent to the United States Postal Service facili$ at 1801 Broadway Avenue, Cleveland, OH /t41019000, seeking payment of the above-refurenced citatiofl.

As an initial matter, you should know that the United States Postal Service is proud to sewe the many thousands of communitbs across the Country, including those in clerreland, ohio. witf1 over 27,500 post offices delivering well over 200 billion pieces of mail annually, the Postal Service continues to meet its miqsion of providing for irrompq reliable, and efficient mail services to all communities, as it has done
over two cenfuries. In providing mail service across the country, the Postal Service attempts to work within local and sffie laws and regulations, when feasible. Hotrever, as you are probably aware, the Postal Service enjop federal immunity from strate and local regulation.

The Constitutircn of the United States authorizes Congress to establish Post Offices and in 1//5 the first Post Offices were founded. U.S. Const. art. I $8, c1.7. ln 1971, Congress enasted the Postal Reorganization Ast fPRA) which established the Unit6a States Postal Service as anlindependent establishment of the executive
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1f2512013 9:35:13 AM Page 1 of 2

City of East Cleveland 14340 Euclid Ave East Cleveland, OH 44112 D

Date Created : 1 124f2013 1 0:28:50 AM

Document Number: 218120088241

ivcd On: ll2,t/2013 KFIELDS

branch of the Gorremment of the United States." 39 U.S.C. $201. The Postal Service requires its employees to obey all haffic laws and rules while operating Postal Service vehicbs and wtrib openating a self-owned vehlde whib conducling Postal Service business activities. Hotvver, the state and/or local ordinances imposing penalties and fines cannot be enforced as agairst the Postal Servioe, and there b no staMory basis for doing so. Accordingly, the Postal Service will not pay the civil penaltbs assessed against it in the abore-referenced Notices of Liability. Should you have any questions or wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


JENNIFER S, BRESLIN Senior Litigation Counsel Eastem Area Law Ofrice 3190 South 700'Street Philadehhia, PA 19153 (215) 351-3840


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cc: JillMiniard
MarkV. James


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