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When we try to understand the proper role that government plays within this

Republic then we should also gain knowledge about how government deviates from the
Constitutional line of authority in its usurpations, and the effects deviations
have upon this Nation. When a government seeks to usurp power, it normally does so
through a myriad of bureaucratic appointments, contrary to Constitutional Order.
Within the bureaucratic labyrinth it can twist the law in a number of ways which
will always follow a certain path of base confusion and within that confusion it
relies upon one thing to achieve its goals of sovereignty over the People and that
is the complacency of the People.

Bureaucracy's intent is to always create a system that can be used to confound the
People, one in which there is a "law" for every crime and that law is usually
arbitrary, vague and complicated. The "law" becomes relative, hard and cold,
without equality or justice, it becomes divisive to society and breaks People into
classifications and groups for its administration.

Such a government will always extort concessions from the People in increments so
small that few realize they have lost a portion of their Liberty and Freedom, and
it does so without the slightest regard to justice or the Common Rights of man.
There comes a time, in such a system, when the People will always be compelled to
surrender some, and generally a large portion of their Freedom in order to live,
day to day, within such a society.

A government which declares its sovereignty over the People, one which, like our
present government, declares that the People's Rights are only grants from the
government will always resort to coercion in order to maintain its supremacy and
keep the People "in their place".

As long as we continue to imagine ourselves subservient to the will of the

government, to live and function at the pleasure of the government, we will never
see the purpose Liberty and Freedom, nor shall we ever reap the benefits of that
Liberty and Freedom! We must realize that the Liberty we are entitled to enjoy is
not derived from this government, nor does this government create it. Government
cannot create it, manage it, or export it, the only thing government can do is
protect it, nurture it or destroy it through its policies. Lest we forget, the
Banner of Liberty does not rest within the bowels of government, but in the hearts
and minds of the People. Ideas have, as always, been the most effective weapon for
any revolution; the one we now face is no different.

If men of disloyal inclinations, covetous and filled with avarice are allowed to
govern with impunity, as they are now, they will naturally violate the Rights of
their fellow Citizens, and under every pretense of good government they will
increase their holdings of power to the point that it will cease to regard the
Citizen as anything more than a resource for their use.

Men are often deluded into an opinion, that they must endure and therefore
maintain the present order as it now stands, that either no change is possible or
that to resist the present order will bring only suffering. Men have forgotten the
power that the Blessings of Liberty bring, not only to an individual, but also to
a Nation.

We have been taught the words of Liberty and Freedom, but have never enjoyed the
full meaning of the words, nor have we seen the prosperity that Liberty and
Freedom bring to a People. We have only witnessed the afterglow of the Liberty and
Freedom this Nation once enjoyed, a fading glory from days long past. For decades,
the Liberty and Freedom of this Nation have been abridged, mangled in the workings
of the growing machinery of government.
As always, when men of questionable character and ambition, who through their
covetousness grasp at the reigns of power will promote more and more encroachments
on the People's Liberties until the People can no longer discern the meaning of
Liberty. Those with such nature will always endeavor to establish themselves in a
state of permanent superiority over the People, and in doing so, they will always
betray the trust of the People. For over a century, these types of factious men
have, through their artifices, deceived and misled the People through assuming the
facade of Patriotism. They have long strayed from the Path of Liberty and Freedom,
and thereby they have led this Nation down a path of eventual despair and

It is a violation of all that is Right and Good for a man to use the guise of
Patriotism to encourage, through legislation and deed, the violation of the Law
and the Rights of his fellow men. How can a man call himself a Friend of Freedom,
and yet set himself up as what amounts to nothing short of a dictator and tyrant
over the People, ignoring the Law as though it was a meaningless piece of paper?
It is amazing that the People can still abide those who would use secret
practices, and indeed violence to achieve their goals of domination, taking
advantage of the unsuspecting security of others, to deprive them of the Free
exercise of their Rights.

We have failed to discern that an Honest Man, a real Defender of Freedom, will
always openly declare what he has to propose and allow the People to judge the
validity of his proposition. He need never hide behind deception in order to
promote his proposition, nor the exercise of that proposition. Should we not find
it extremely strange the manner in which such men vindicate their position as the
cause of Freedom when they seek to first deprive others of their Freedom to
establish such a position?

When a man acts in such a manner to promote such claims under the cloak of
Patriotism, seeking to gain influence over the People, he becomes the enemy of the
People as well as the Nation, a Traitor to the Ideals of Liberty.

We, as a People, have through the decades, lost the traits which once made us a
Great Nation, for it takes the most earnest dedication and vigilant exertions to
firmly establish and maintain the condition in which Freedom can thrive and
flourish. Yet, we have allowed those with sinister views to be entrusted with the
powers of government, and in doing so, we have facilitated our own demise and the
marginalization of the meaning of Freedom and Liberty.

The hope still abides that there are, within this Nation, those who, despite
oppression and opposition to Liberty, will continue to resist all those who would
seek to subvert this Republic and thus destroy our Freedom.

In Liberty,


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