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CSc 17 Final Examination Tuesday 19 December 2000 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SUGGESTED ANSWERS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 1.

Write the declaration for a class FlipFlop and then write the definition of its member functions and operators. Instances of class FlipFlop store either the value of 0 or 1. If two instances of FlipFlop are added the result is a FlipFlop which has the value 0 if both the instances being added are storing the number 0; otherwise the resulting FlipFlop has the value 1. You need only declare and implement enough functions and operators so that the following code would compile. FlipFlop a,b(0); a.set(1); cout<<"The FlipFlop has the value "<<a.get()<<endl; cout<<a<<" + "<<b<<" = "<<(a+b)<<endl; class FlipFlop{ public: FlipFlop(); FlipFlop(int n); void set(int n); int get(); FlipFlop operator+(const FlipFlop&a); friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, const FlipFlop & a); private: int value; }; FlipFlop::FlipFlop(){ value=0;} FlipFlop::FlipFlop(int n) {set(n);} void FlipFlop::set(int n){if(n<0 || n>1) n=0; value=n; } int FlipFlop::get(){ return value;} FlipFlop FlipFlop::operator+(const FlipFlop&a){ if(value==0 && a.value==0) return FlipFlop(0); return FlipFlop(1); } ostream & operator<<(ostream &out,const FlipFlop &a){ out<<"FlipFlop("<<a.value<<")"; return out; } 2. Write a recursive function MATCH. It is used to determine whether entries in two arrays of ints are identical. Given int a[20],b[30]; the call MATCH(a,b,2,10) returns true if and only if the entries a[2] through a[10] are identical to and in the same order as the entries b[2] through b[10]. You MUST use the following recursive algorithm. If the two sets of entries to compare have indices between n and m inclusive, the arrays match if the mth entries are the same and the rest of the two arrays match. bool MATCH(int a[],int b[], int low, int high){ if(high<low) return true; return a[high]==b[high] && MATCH(a,b,low,high-1); } 3. Assume you have the Lin class below. Write a function LOOP which

turns a lin ed list into a "ring." The function LOOP assumes that the variable HEAD, of type *Lin , points to a "properly formed" lin list (that is, it has no loops in it, or more precisely no Lin has more than one Lin pointing to it). If HEAD is of type *Lin , after the call LOOP(HEAD) the Lin that used to be last in the list now points to HEAD. class Lin { public: int ey; Lin *next; }; void LOOP(Lin * root){ //pre-condition: root!=NULL and points to a proper lin ed list Lin *temp; temp=root; while(root->next!=NULL) root=root->next; root->next=temp; } 4. Assume the class BiNode below is used to construct a binary tree. Write a function INTREE which returns true if and only if a given entry or its negative is in the tree. If ROOT is of type *BiNode and N is of type int the call INTREE(ROOT, N) would return true if and only if the value N or -N is in the tree. class BiNode{ public: int ey; BiNode *child[2]; }; bool INTREE(BiNode *rt,int n){ if(rt==NULL) return false; return rt-> ey==n || rt-> ey==-n || INTREE(rt->child[0],n) || INTREE(rt->child[1],n); } 5. This is a non-recursive variation of question 2. Write a single (template) function MATCH which determines whether two arrays match in the way described in question 2. If we have int a[20],b[20]; double x[30], y[50]; and Lin u[10],v[30]; then each of the calls MATCH(a,b,2,10), MATCH(x,y,4,12), and MATCH(u,v,5 13) should return true if and only if the corresponding arrays have the same entries in the same locations. DO NOT USE RECURSION FOR THIS QUESTION. template <class T> bool MATCH(T a[], T b[],int low, int high){ bool temp; temp=true; while(temp && low<=high){ temp=temp && a[low]==b[low]; low++; } return temp; } 6. The selection sort ta es the largest entry in an array and puts it in the first location. Then it ta es the largest of the remaining entries and puts it in the second location, etc. Use this algorithm to write

the function SORT. If we have double x[300]; and int n; then the entries x[0]...x[n-1] should be in descending order after the call SORT(x,n). void SORT(double x[],int n){ int maxLoc,temp; for(int i=0; i<n-1;i++){ maxLoc=i; for(int loc=i+1; loc<n; loc++) if(x[loc]>x[maxLoc]) maxLoc=loc; temp=x[maxLoc]; x[maxLoc]=x[i]; x[i]=temp; } } 7. (a) Write a function DUPLICATE which returns true if and only if any two entries in an array are the same. If we have x and n declared as in question 6, then the call to DUPLICATE would be DUPLICATE(x,n). It would return true if any two of the entries x[0]...x[n-1] are the same. bool DUPLICATE(double x[],int n){ int outer, inner; bool temp; temp=false; outer=0; while(outer<n-1 && !temp){ inner=outer+1; while(inner<n && !temp){ temp=x[inner]==x[outer]; inner++; } outer++; } return temp; } (b) Determine the complexity of DUPLICATE, i.e., determine how the time to execute DUPLICATE changes as a function of n. To simplify, assume there are no duplicates. Then, if there are n items, for outer==0 inner goes from 1 to n-1, for outer==1 inner goes from 2 to n-1, etc. Thus, the number of repetitions is n-1 + n-2 + ... + 1 = n(n-1)/2 which is O(n*n). 8. Assume that classes STACK and QUEUE implement the usual stac and queue operations for storing ints. Write function LIST which reads ints from a file and uses an instance of STACK and an instance of QUEUE to help list the entries in the file in two columns. The first column lists the entries in the order in which they appear in the file and the second column lists the entries in reverse order. If we have ifstream fin; the call to LIST would be LIST(fin). The output would appear on the screen. Your function should NOT use any arrays. It can assume there are less than 100 entries in the file. void LIST(istream & fin){ STACK st(100); QUEUE q(100); int temp; fin>>temp; while(fin.good()){ st.push(temp); q.enqueue(temp);

fin>>temp; } while(!q.empty()) cout<<q.dequeue()<<" }


9. A certain text file is supposed to contain a list of lines, each line consisting of a Lehigh student's intials. Write a function LEHIGHID which echoes the file to the screen. Any line which does not start with proper initials should have an asteris (*) appended to it. Proper initials should start at the beginning of the line and must consist of three uppercase letters, followed by the end of line. If fin is declared as in question 8, the call to LEHIGHID would be LEHIGHID(fin). void getch(istream &fin,char &ch){ if(!fin.eof()) fin.get(ch); if(fin.eof()) ch='\n'; if(ch!='\n') cout<<ch; } void LEHIGHID(istream &fin){ char ch; bool o ; int j; getch(fin,ch); while(!fin.eof()){ o =true; j=0; while(o && j<3){ o =ch>='A' && ch<='Z'; getch(fin,ch); j++; } o =o && ch=='\n'; while(ch!='\n') getch(fin,ch); if(!o ) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl; getch(fin,ch); } } 10. (a) Suppose we have the following tree maintained as a heap: 40 / \ 38 30 / \ / \ 18 16 28 26 (i) Using the algorithms discussed in class for maintaining a heap, show the heap above after the number 60 is added to it. 40 60 / \ / \ 38 30 ==> 40 30 / \ / \ / \ / \ 18 16 28 26 38 16 28 26 / /

60 18 (ii) Using the algirthms discussed in class for maintaining a heap, show the heap above after the number 40 has been removed it. 38 / 38 \ 30 / ==> / 18 \ / \ / \ 18 16 28 26 38 ==> / 18 \ 30 / ==> 26 30 \ / \ 16 28 26 38 \

30 / \ / / \ / 26 16 28 18 16 28 (b) Suppose we have the following tree in which the numbers are entered so that balance is maintained and so that an in-order traversal of the tree lists the entries in ascending order. 15 / \ 7 17 / \ / \ 5 10 16 18 / \ / \ 4 6 9 11 (i) Using the algorithms discussed in class for maintaining balance, show the tree above after the number 3 is added to it. 15 7 / \ / \ 7 17 5 15 / \ / \ ==> / \ / \ 5 10 16 18 4 6 10 17 / \ / \ / / \ / \ 4 6 9 11 3 9 11 16 18 / 3 (ii) Using the algorithms discussed in class for maintaining balance, show the tree above after the number 12 is added to it. 15 / 7 / 5 / \ 4 \ 10 / \ 6 9 11 \ 12 \ 17 / \ 16 18 ==> 5 / \ 4 6 / 7 \ 9 11 / / 10 \ 15 \ 17 \ / \ 12 16 18

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