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ABSTRACT Library Management System

LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a software application to maintain the records related to Book Purchase, Stock Maintenance, Book Search, Catalog, Book Issue, Book Returns, Fine Collection, and all necessary requirements for the Library to manage day to day operations. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of the application is to automate the existing system of manually maintain the records of the Book Issue, Book Return from the student, Stock Maintenance, Catalog and Book Search to be computerized. So the Book Issue, Return, Searching will be faster. SCOPE: This application can be used by any Library to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the stock and Book Issues. PROBLEM DEFINITION: Maintaining records of application for estates, the manual system is too complex and cumbersome. Since time and resources available we have been proposed to develop an inventory system. All the outset the application requirements were studied and analysis and design were carried out. The development platform and software tool were identified as Visual Basic 6.0 (As Front-End) and Access (As Back-End) database. Using visual programming, object are manipulated directly and also

due to the feature of fast and easy prototyping and GUI building visual basic 6.0 as used. In the system analysis and design part, data is processed using query techniques and study of the existing system. During the development phase various option are developed like master menu. Transaction menu, report generation, utility etc. The detail of the programming steps followed and important clauses incorporated in the screen are described in documents. The transactions related to Book Purchase, Book Issue and Book Returns are maintained manually at present along with maintaining the accounts of the Students and the Lecturers. All these are to be automated and an application is required to relate all of them relatively and logically so that the current system can be replaced and accepted without major changes and problems. The application should provide quick access to the records maintained and must reveal the important reviews about the business so that the growth can be easily compared and should provide with the various reports showing the related details so that the important decisions could be taken easily. Disadvantages of Existing System: The manual system required more time for processing. The processing is very lengthy. It require more clerical work.

The manual system is more error prone. Manual system is costly. Immediate response to the quires is difficulty and time

consuming. It is not possible to create quick report. Mathematical calculation done manfully. No authentication measures.

Need for computerized system:The main draw back of the existing system is that manual work leads time consumption. It affects the all person of management and also the departments. There is number of day-by-day transactions and hence the large number of register have to the kept to circulation, which have to the stored. Also large numbers of register have to the kept to the store. This document is required more storing space, more manpower and job become tedious. Sometime gathering of all documents is a tedious job. In this system process of summary report in main part, using the computerized system this process is become simple and small. You can immediately getting the report for the query. You can get this all report or summary for the previous year. Various year. Various details have to the providing to the management at any time.

MODULE I: MEMBER MANAGEMENT Sub-module 1: mem_store() DESCRIPTION: This is a master entry screen to add the details of a student. Each entry has the following attributes: 1. Student Name 2. Student Age 3. Student Roll Number 4. Student Year 5. Number of Tokens INPUTS: 1. Name 2. Age 3. Roll number 4. Year 5. Number of tokens

OUTPUTS: A record is created in the database ALGORITHM: The various student details including the name, age, roll number, year, and number of tokens available are taken as input to create a record.

Sub-module 2: mem_display() DESCRIPTION: This module is used to display the member details. OUTPUT: 1. Name 2. Age 3. Roll number 4. Year 5. Tokens

ALGORITHM: 1. Open the student.dat file. 2. Read the contents from the file. 3. Display the contents of the file.

Sub-module 3: memb() DESCRIPTION: This module is used to check is the student is a valid member or not. INPUT: 1. Student Roll number OUTPUT:

Valid Member/Invalid ALGORITHM: 1. Open the file student.dat. 2. The roll number is entered. 3. The given roll number is compared with the file contents. 4. If valid, print Valid member Else Print Invalid

Sub-module 4: mem_delete() DESCRIPTION This module is used to delete a member from the record. INPUT: Enter the roll number of the student whose details are to be deleted.. OUTPUT: The deleted roll number is displayed and the record is deleted. ALGORITHM: 1. The roll number of the student whose account is to be deleted is obtained from the user. 2. The details of the student are deleted. 3. The changes in the file are saved. 4. The deleted roll number is displayed.


Sub-module 1: bk_store() DESCRIPTION Add the book details. Each entry has the following attributes: 1. Book Name 2. Book Author 3. Book Count 4. Book Edition INPUT: 1. Title 2. Author 3. Count 4. Edition OUTPUT: A record is added to the book database. ALGORITHM: The various details of the book such as the Title, Author, Count, Edition are entered in the book database. Sub-module 2: bk_display() DESCRIPTION This module is used to display the book details. OUTPUT:

1. Book Name 2. Book Author 3. Book Count 4. Book Edition ALGORITHM: 1. Open the file Book.dat. 2. Read the contents from the file. 3. Display the contents of the file.


Sub-module 1: issue() DESCRIPTION This module is used to issue a book to a student. INPUT: 1. Book Name 2. Student Roll number 3. Data(issue) OUTPUT: 1. Book Issued 2. Change in database ALGORITHM:

1. On valid entry of the roll number of the student and the book name, the book is issued and necessary changes made in the member and book databases . VALIDATION: 1. To check the validity of the roll number 2. To check the validity of the book name 3. To check if the number hasnt exceeded the total number of tokens available for each student. ERROR HANDLING: Rejects the issue request on the failure of any one of the above validation criteria. Sub-module 2: bk_return() DESCRIPTION This module enables the student to return a book. INPUT: 1. Book name 2. Student Roll number 3. Data (return) OUTPUT: 1. Book return 2. Change in the databases ALGORITHM: 1. On valid entry of roll number of the student and the book name, the book return operation is performed

and necessary changes are made in the member databases and the book database. VALIDATION 1. To check the validity of the students roll number 2. To check the validity of the book name ERROR HANDLING Reject the return request on the failure of any of the above validation criteria.

Hardware and Software requirements Hardware Requirements Processor RAM Monitor Keyboard Mouse : : : Pentium IV 2GHz and Above 2GB RAM 15 Color Monitor

Software Requirements Operating System. Developing Tool Database : : : Windows XP Visual Basic 6.0 MS Access

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