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Topic: States of Matter 2 2

Section: 1.1 Evidence for particles Experiments 2 Pre-test 2 Laboratory Activities 5 Lesson 1 7 Lesson 2 7 Lesson 3 7 Section 1.2 9 Experiments 9 Laboratory Activities 9 Lesson 4 12 Lesson 5 13 Lesson 6 13 Lesson 7 14 Supplemental (McDuel, 1983) 15 Supplemental 2 (CSEC Past Papers) Ideas for projects 21


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States of Matter

Section: 1.1 Evidence for particles

State evidence in support of the particulate nature of matter. Evidence obtained from practical work including processes, such as diffusion and osmosis. Experiments 1. 2. 3. 4.

Diffusion of coloured gas in air Diffusion of coloured liquid in water Diffusion of ammonia and hydrogen chloride gases in cylindrical tube. Osmosis of pawpaw (green) strips in a container of distilled water

Pre-test 1 Which of the following is true for particles? I. Particles are found everywhere II. Particles can move III. Particles can attract each other


I and II are correct I and III are correct II and III are correct I, II and III are correct

2. Which one of the following is evidence that matter exist as discrete particles? A Osmosis B Melting C Colour D Space 3. Someone wearing perfume enters the room. The smell of the perfume is soon detected by everyone in the room. This is an example of: A. Osmosis B. Diffusion C. Smell D. Breeze 4. a day? A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. A strip of green pawpaw is placed in pure water. What would be observed after The strip swells and become softer The strip shrinks and become harder The strip swell and become harder The strip shrinks and becomes softer The state(s) of matter with the strongest attraction between particles is/are: Solid only Liquid only Gas only Solid and liquid both

6. In which state(s) of matter are the particles packed closely together with only little space between the particles? A. Solid only B. Liquid only C. Gas only D. Solid and liquid both. 7. A. B. C. D. When ice is heated it eventually turns into liquid water. This process is called: Freezing Melting Boiling Sublimation

8. When dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) or air freshener is left for a while the solid changes directly into a gas, without passing through the liquid phase. This process is called: A. Freezing B. Melting C. Boiling D. Sublimation 9. A. B. C. D. Which of the following is an exothermic process? Freezing Melting Boiling Sublimation

10. Two gases diffuse at the same rate. What conclusion can be deduced about the two gases? A. They are the same colour B. One gas is heavier than the other C. Both gases have the same properties. D. The particles in both gases have the same mass. 11. The random, zigzag movement of microscopic solid particles, such as dust or pollen grain, observed through the microscope under certain conditions provides evidence for the existence of invisible particles. This random, zigzag motion is called: A. Osmosis B. Diffusion C. Brownian motion D. Kinetic motion 12. Which of the following statements about osmosis is true? I. Osmosis involves the movement of solvent particles only and not solute. II. In osmosis water particles move in both directions across the semipermeable barrier. III. During osmosis the movement of water is greater towards the side where water is more abundant I and II only correct II and III only correct I and III only correct I, II and III correct


Which of the following statements about a pure solid is/are correct? I. A pure solid melts at a fixed temperature II. A pure solid has a fixed composition III. A pure solid undergoes sublimation A I and II only correct A II and III only correct


B I and III only correct C I, II and III correct


14. The melting points of some pure solids are given below. ice 0 C stearic acid 70 C naphthalene 80 C sodium chloride 800 C oxygen -218 C Which of these solids has the strongest cohesive force between particles? Naphthalene Oxygen Sodium chloride Ice 15. When a liquid changes to gas, there is a decrease in mass an increase in temperature no change in mass an increase in the size of particles The table gives the melting points and boiling points of substances P, Q and R. Room temperature is 30 C. Use the table to answer questions 5 -7.


SubstanceMelting point CBoiling point C P Q R -30 20 75 16. A. and R 17. A. 18. A. 200 80 444 Which of the substances exist in the liquid state at room temperature? P B. Q C. P and Q D. Q

Which of the substances exist in the liquid state at 100 C? P B. Q C. P and Q D. P and R Which of the substances diffuses rapidly at 100 C? P B. Q C. P and Q

D. Q and R

19. Which of the following provides direct evidence for the particulate nature of matter? A. Chromatography B. Diffusion C. Distillatio n D. Melting Answer True (T) or False (F) for items 20 to 25 20. Freezing is the opposite of melting

21. The freezing point of a pure liquid is the same as the melting point of the corresponding pure solid. 22. Evaporation of water can occur at any temperature that water exists. 23. The presence of common salt is expected to decrease the melting point of ice. 24. The presence of common salt is expected to decrease the boiling point of water. 25. Particles in a solid have greater kinetic energy than the particles in a liquid. Laboratory Activities
Diffusion in Gases

Gaseous diffusion can be demonstrated using two gas cylinders, a glass plate and a coloured gas. The coloured gas is used to fill the first gas cylinder, covered with the glass plate. The second cylinder is inverted on top of the first (this second cylinder is filled with air). When the glass plate separating the cylinders is removed the movement of the coloured gas can be seen. If bromine is used as the coloured gas the demonstration should be done in a fume hood as bromine is highly corrosive and poisonous. The bromine must also be handled carefully. The brown gas can also be generated in situ by reacting moderately concentrated nitric acid with copper (a copper based coin can be used).
Diffusion in Liquids

A few coloured crystals of a soluble salt like potassium manganate (VII) are added to a beaker with the aid of a glass tube. Keeping the tube in place, water is then added to the beaker and the tube removed. This is left to stand for a while students explain their observations. Discussion should be encouraged with regard to (a) how the rate of diffusion in gases compares with that in liquids and (b) how and why the rate of diffusion of a gas depends on its density. With regards to (b) if the terms "light" and "heavy" is used, it should be emphasized that the terms light and heavy for the comparison being made applies to individual particles. The terms dense and less dense is for the comparison of the gases. Comparison of molecular formula and atomic masses allows for the determination of relative masses. For e.g., a molecule of carbon dioxide has the formula CO2 and the hydrogen molecule is H2. The relative mass of carbon dioxide will be (1x12)+2(16) = 44. The relative mass of hydrogen is 2(1) = 2. The carbon dioxide particles is twenty-two (22) times as heavy as a hydrogen molecule and the hydrogen particles will be able to move much faster than the carbon dioxide particles.
Other Diffusion Experiments

A simple experiment to show that gases of low density diffuse more rapidly than gases of high density can be demonstrated with ammonia gas and hydrogen chloride gas. (Include the chemical equation for the reaction, including state symbols. Students should calculate the relative molecular masses of the gases). After observing diffusion in gases and liquids, students should be helped to deduce that there is little or no diffusion in solids. For example, they can be asked: "When you place a glass on a wooden table, do you observe any merging of glass and wood?"


Simple apparatus such as a thistle funnel, with its mouth covered by a piece of cellophane, can be used to demonstrate osmosis. The apparatus can be set up and left for approximately half an hour. Osmosis may also be demonstrated by soaking a dried prune in water. The skin of the prune acts as a semi-permeable membrane, the plasma membrane in cells that form the tissue of the prune acts as a semi-permeable membrane, and the prune swells. This prune can then be placed in a concentrated solution (e.g. a saturated sucrose solution) and will shrink since in this case the solution inside the prune will lose more water to the sugar solution that it will gain from the sugar solution. Other examples of semi-permeable membranes are pigs' bladders and visking tubing.
Brownian Motion

This can be demonstrated if a microscope is available. The experiment originally performed by Robert Brown in 1827 can be repeated (using pollen grains suspended in water) or by using a suspension of a small amount of toothpaste in water and viewing it under the high power magnification of a microscope. The zigzag, jerky movements of light, visible particles can be explained in the following manner: water/air particles that are in constant motion bombard the visible particles constantly, but at any particular instant, such particles will tend to experience greater impulses from particles on one side, and will therefore be propelled in a particular direction. Lesson 1 1) Define the term matter. 2) Give one example of matter and one example of non-matter. 3) What is meant by the term particle? 4) List the three main postulates of the particulate theory of matter. 5) Describe, simply, the kinetic theory. 6) State two phenomena that give evidence for the existence of invisible particles in matter. 7) Define the term diffusion and give three examples of diffusion. 8) Explain how gaseous pollutants release from a factory can easily spread through the atmosphere. 9) Define the term osmosis and give three examples of osmosis. 10) Differentiate between diffusion and osmosis. Lesson 2 1) Name the three type of particles 2) Illustrate by means of a sketch the difference between atoms, simple molecules and macromolecules. 3) What name is given to particles with a an electrical charge? b a positive electrical charge? c a negative electrical charge? 4) Answer true or false:

Energy is needed to make particles attract 5) Answer true or false: Kinetic energy is needed for particles to move. 6) Why is chemical energy referred to as a form of potential energy? Lesson 3 1) Answer true or false: In diffusion one substance spreads through another. 2)

A porous pot is an unglazed clay jar. The material allows gas particles to pass through. The smaller the gas particles the faster they move through the porous pot. An experiment was set up using a porous pot as shown in the diagram to the right. The aim of the experiment was to compare how fast two gases are able to diffuse through the porous pot. a. Which gas diffused through the porous pot faster? b. Suggest a reason why this gas is able to move through the porous pot faster. c. Suggest a reason why, after some time, the level of water in the Utube returns to how it was in the beginning.

2. For osmosis to occur there must be different aqueous phases a. What does the term aqueous mean? b. What is a phase? c. How must the different aqueous phases be separated for osmosis to occur? 3. The diagram to the right shows an apparatus set up to demonstrate osmosis a. Identify the solute and solvent present. b. What will be observed if osmosis occurs for a while? Explain you answer using the particulate theory

Section 1.2
Explain the differences between the three states of matter in terms of energy and arrangement of particles. Consideration of freezing, melting, boiling, sublimation, condensation. Experiments 1. Prepare water, ice and steam. 2. Heat naphthalene, iodine. 3. Determine the melting point of stearic acid or naphthalene using capillary tubes 4. Determine the heating and/or cooling curves of stearic acid or naphthalene and use this to determine the melting/freezing point of the solid. 5. Determine the boiling point of distilled water. 6. Investigate the dependence of boiling point of water on pressure. Laboratory Activities
Melting point determination

The students should determine the melting points of solids. Naphthalene is a good example and its melting point could be found by either procedure (1) or (2) as shown in the diagrams. For (1), the temperature at which the naphthalene starts to melt is immediately recorded. The water is then allowed to cool and the temperature at which the molten naphthalene solidifies is recorded. If there is a marked difference, more than 1 C, between the two results, the experiment is repeated. For (2), students record the temperature at thirty (30) seconds or one (1) minute intervals until the temperature is about 10 C above the melting point of naphthalene. A graph can then be plotted. This method allows students to determine if the sample is pure.
Figure 1: Method 1 for the melting point determination of a solid

Figure 2: Method 2 for the melting point determination of a solid

Testing Purity of stearic acid

Find the melting point of the stearic acid using the apparatus shown in Figure 1 or Figure 2. If the melting point is 70 C the stearic acid is pure. If the melting point is lower than 70 C then the stearic acid is impure.

Boiling Point Determination

Distilled water can be boiled in a flask, and the temperature of the vapour evolved during boiling, measured. The temperature rises steadily as the liquid is heated, but remains constant when the liquid boils. The temperature at which the liquid boils is the Boiling Point. Do not immerse the bulb of the thermometer in the liquid: the temperature recorded may be too high due to local superheating. Where vacuum pumps are available, the dependence of boiling point on external pressure can be demonstrated. If flammable liquids, such as ethanol, is to be investigated the presence of flames can cause an explosion. In this case the flammable liquid should be heated in a hot water bath.
Figure 3: Apparatus used to determine the boiling point of liquids

Investigating the effect of impurity on boiling point

Find the boiling point of distilled water (or rain water) using the apparatus shown in Figure 3 (a test tube heated directly with a Bunsen burner can be used to hold the water). Mix 2 cm3 of ethanol with 5 cm3 of water and find the boiling point of the mixture. This is a specimen of impure water; the ethanol is an impurity as there is less than 50% of ethanol

Testing the purity of water

Find the boiling point of distilled water. Test the boiling point of the water suspected to contain impurity. If the boiling points are significantly different then the test sample is impure water.

Lesson 4 1. Give two examples each of solids, liquids and gases. 2. Compare solids, liquids and gases in terms of attraction and arrangement of particles. 3. Explain why there is a close correlation between the strength of attraction and arrangement of particles in matter. 4. A drop of water soluble dye is placed in water and left undisturbed for a few days. a. What will be observed? b. How does this suggest the existence of particles? c. If the water is kept at a higher temperature, explain any expected differences in the results. 5. Suggest three reasons why diffusion occurs faster in gases than in liquids 6. It is often taken for granted that diffusion does not occur in solids. Give two reasons why this is a valid assumption in most cases.

7. If the cells from a dried prunes are placed in distilled water and observed under the microscope they are seen to become turgid (swollen). a. Why do the cells become turgid? b. What purpose is served by the cell membrane in this process? c. What do you think happens to the pressure within the cell? 8. The osmotic pressure of an aqueous solution is a measure of how strongly the solution attracts water across a semi-permeable barrier, separated from the pure solvent. a. Which solution would have a higher osmotic pressure? Dilute sugar solution or concentrated sugar solution? Drinking salt water dehydrates the body because the salt water has a higher osmotic pressure than within the cell. b. What happens to water within the cells of the body as a consequence of drinking salt water? c. What happens to the concentration of solutes within the cell? d. Plants living in salt water mashes have the ability to absorb water against the concentration gradient. What does the phrase against the concentration gradient mean? Lesson 5 1. Explain the difference between physical properties and chemical properties. 2. Compare solids, liquids and gases in terms of the following physical properties: shape, volume, compressibility and diffusion. 3. Finely divided solids often do not demonstrate the properties expected of solids. Using flour as an example, justify this conclusion, giving two reasons. 4. Compare and contrast the physical effects of heat on solids, liquids and gases. 5. Define the terms: a. Melting b. Freezing c. Evaporation d. Condensation e. Sublimation Show by means of a flow chart how these five (5) processes are interrelated. 6. Explain the term a pure solid melts at a fixed temperature. 7. Explain the term latent heat as it relates to the melting of a pure solid. Lesson 6 8. One normally expects the input of heat to result in an increase in temperature. Explain why this is normally true except when a change of state increases. 9. Sketch and annotate a heating curve showing how the temperature of a solid change as the solid is heated until it changes into a liquid then into a gas. 10. Sketch and annotate a cooling curve showing how the temperature of a gas changes as the gas is cooled until it changes into a liquid then into a solid.

11. State the effect of impurities on the melting point of a solid. Suggest a reason for this effect. 12. The curves below show the changes of temperature with time as two solids A and B are melted. Classify each of A and B as pure or impure. Explain your answers.

13. Lesson 7 1. 2. State one similarity and three differences between evaporation and boiling. Explain why: a. Evaporation occurs on the surface of liquid. b. Evaporation is a cooling process c. Hot water evaporates faster than cold water. d. Methylated spirit (ethanol) evaporates faster than water at the same temperature. e. Bubbles are formed during boiling f. The boiling point of a liquid depends on the pressure on the liquid. g. Food cooks faster in a pressure cooker than in an open pot. h. Beans cooked on top of a mountain is harder to chew than beans cooked at the bottom of the mountain for the same length of time. 3. Explain, using suitable examples, two factors that affect the rate at which a liquid would evaporate. 4. Describe the process by which a bubble forms and burst during boiling. 5. The evaporation of sweat on the skin is an important means of keeping the body cool. Describe three ways in which this effect can be enhanced. Lesson 8 1. 2.

3. skin. 4. Explain why steam will give a worst burn than hot water even though both are at the same temperature. 5. Name three pure solids that sublimes 6. Suggest a reason, using the particulate theory, why some solids sublimes but most others do not. 7. What is meant by a sublimate? 8. Suggest a reason, using the particulate theory of matter, why a small volume of water produces a much larger volume of steam.

State two similarities and two differences between melting and boiling. a) What is meant by a non-volatile solute? b) What effect would the presence of a non-volatile solute have on the boiling point of a liquid? Explain why your skin will feel cool if ethoxyethane (ether) is rubbed on your

Supplemental (McDuel, 1983) 1. In which state of matter are the particles most disordered: A. Ice at 0 C B. Water at 0 C C. Water at 100 C D. Water vapour at 100 C 2. A. B. C. D. When steam condenses the particles Gain energy Move further apart Vibrate much faster Move closer together

3. Which one of the following gives the best evidence that matter consists of tiny moving particles? A. Air can be compressed in a gas syringe by increasing the pressure B. Many elements conduct electricity C. When a bottle of perfume is opened the smell is quickly detected in all parts of the room D. A small mass of water produces a much larger volume of steam. 4. When a few drops of ethanol are placed on the back of the hand, the hand feels cold. This is because ethanol A. Requires heat to react B. Freezes on the hand C. Extracts heat to assist evaporation D. Reacts with the surface of the skin 5. The spontaneous movement of particles of a gas to fill all of the available space is called A. Evaporation B. Condensation C. Diffusion D. Brownian motion 6. The volume of one mole of water is approximately 18 cm3. When one mole of water is converted to steam, it has a volume of approximately 30 000 cm3. The difference in volume is due to the fact that A. Steam molecules are larger than water molecules B. Steam contains more molecules than water C. The mass of steam is greater than the mass of water D. The space between the molecules is greater in steam than in water. 7. The motion of fine pollen grains on the surface of water (Brownian movement) is caused by

A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D.

Collision between pollen grains and water molecules Convection currents in the water Attraction and repulsion between charged particles Diffusion of pollen grains. Increasing the pressure on a liquid Decreases its volume makes it solidify increases its mass increases its boiling point.

9. When smoke particles are illuminated and viewed through a microscope, the particles are observed to move with a jerky, random motion. Which one of the following best explain this observation? A. Electrostatic charges are caused by particles rubbing together. B. Light energy excites the particles making them move faster. C. The particles are charged and repel each other. D. The smoke particles collide with invisible particles in the air. 10. A gas jar containing dark brown nitrogen dioxide gas is placed upside down over a gas jar containing air. Which one of the following best describes the colours inside the gas jars after a long period of time? (Nitrogen dioxide has a higher density than air.) Upper gas jar Lower gas jar A. Dark brown colourless B. light brown light brown C. dark brown light brown D. light brown dark brown 11. The braking system of a car contains a liquid. The reason for using a liquid is because it A. Cannot be compressed B. Readily turns to a gas C. Takes up the shape of the container D. Does not have a fixed shape Questions 12 and 13 refer to the figure below. The figure shows a cooling curve for a liquid organic acid which is cooled by immersing the test tube containing the acid in a bath of water.

12. Which one of the following gives the correct states of the organic acid at X, Y and Z? X Y Z A. Gas liquid solid B. Liquid solid solid C. Liquid solid and liquid solid D. Liquid liquid solid and liquid 13. A. B. C. D. The temperature of T C represents The boiling point of the organic acid The melting point of the organic acid Room temperature The temperature of the cooling water.

14. Which of the following properties can be attributed ONLY to the gaseous state of matter? I There is a large decrease in volume when pressure is applied. II The gas takes the shape of the bottom of the container. III The kinetic energy of the particles is great. IV The density is usually high.

I and III only I and IV only II and III only II and IV only 15. The melting points and boiling points of two pure substances, X and Y, are given below: Melting Point / K Boiling Point / K X 273 373 Y 317 400 Which of the following statements about X and Y are correct? I. II. III. IV. A. B. C. D. 16. At 298 K, the particles of X can occupy the volume of its container. At 298 K, the particles of Y are in fixed positions. At 380 K, the particles of X have more energy than the particles of Y. At 380 K, the particle of Y are not mobile. I and II only I and III only II and III only II and IV only

Supplemental 2 (CSEC Past Papers) 1. The figure below shows how the three states of matter can be changed from one form to the other. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and sublimation represent the process through which these transitions are made..

a) Identify the processes taking place at 1, 2, 3 and 4. ( 2 marks ) b) Give the name of ONE solid that sublimes. ( 1 mark ) c) Explain the differences between solids, liquids and gases in terms of arrangement of particles. ( 3 marks ) d) A glass tube was arranged as shown in the figure below. A compound is formed between ammonia and hydrogen chloride in the tube.


Calculate the relative molecular mass of ammonia and hydrogen chloride (Relative Atomic Mass: Hydrogen = 1; Nitrogen = 14; Chlorine = 35.5) ( 2 marks ) (ii) Give the NAME of the compound that is formed between ammonia and hydrogen chloride. ( 1 mark ) (iii) Write a balanced equation to represent the reaction in which the compound was formed in the tube. (Include state symbols.) ( 2 marks ) (iv) At which of the positions, X, Y or Z, shown in the figure above, should the compound be formed? Give ONE reason for you answer. ( 3 marks )


Imagine you are in the kitchen and you observe the following: (i) Some crystals of red food colouring fall into a cup of water. After a while the water becomes red. (ii) When chopping onions, you eyes begin to water. (iii) When salt is added to cucumber slices in a bowl, water is observed in the container. Explain EACH of the observations above in terms of the particle nature of matter. ( 8 marks )


(b) possible.

Water can exist as a solid, liquid or gas. Explain how this is ( 4 marks )

3. (a) (i) Describe ONE piece of experimental evidence for the existence of the particulate nature of matter. (2 marks)

(ii) Water can exist as solid ice, liquid water or gaseous steam in spite of the fact that the individual particles in these three states are the same. Explain the differences between these three states in terms of the arrangement of their particles, forces of attraction between them, and their kinetic energy. (6 marks) (b) Discuss how it is possible for gaseous pollutants emitted from a factory to affect areas far removed from its source. You should include in your answer the role of the air molecules in this process. (4 marks) (c) The experimental arrangement in Figure 1 is set up by a group of students.

What phenomenon are the students (1 mark ) (ii) Make a drawing of the figure above in your answer booklet. Next to it make another drawing to show any changes which may have occurred after two hours. (2 marks) (iii) Suggest reasons for the changes you described in (ii) above. (2 marks) investigating? 4. Suzie made the following observations while spending the weekend at her grand mother's home. Observation I: Observation II: it Observation III: Observation IV: scent of her perfume Red bean swells when soaked in water Cucumber "springs" water when salt is added to Cigarette smoke causes light to scatter She can tell when her sister is around from the


(i) State TWO general deductions which can be made from all these observations about the nature of matter. (5 marks) (ii) Use your deductions in (d) (i) above to explain Observation IV above. (3 marks)

Ideas for projects Poster showing arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and gases. Poster showing summary of the changes of state.

Poster showing movement of particles across a semi-permeable barrier. Demonstrate the resistance of a liquid to flow (viscosity), which is affected by the size and shape of particles, and generally increases as the temperature decreases and as intermolecular forces increase. Demonstrate that sublimation involves a large change in volume dry ice bomb. Create a PowerPoint presentation on matter Create a short movie, 1 minute or more, on the properties of each state of matter. Model quicksand using corn starch (quick sand behaves like a solid at sometimes, a liquid at others). Demonstration showing the non-Newtonian behaviour of cornstarch/water mixture.

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