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Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Muscular Synergy

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Hip external rotator and abductor Passive knee extensor

Important in many athletic tasks

Powerful hip extension

Train the glutes

Activation work first, followed by power/strength Clamshell, monster walk, kettlebell swing, squat, deadlift


Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Whole body synergy

No such thing as isolation movement

Passive Elastic Elements

Exploit passive as well as active tension for maximum force production Enhance efficiency of movement (ratio of energy input/ energy output)


Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Shoulder Brace
Chin tucked Shoulder blades down and back

Core Brace
Stiffen midsection NOT pulling in or pushing out stomach Test via fascial rake

Hip Brace
Grip floor with toes Spread floor Externally rotate toes


Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Monster Walk

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Glute med/hip abductor activation Band around knees/ankles/toes

Distal band placement = greater challenge

Walk forward in athletic stance

Activate abductors to resist band pulling feet medially

Monster Walk

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Hip Hinge

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Shoulder, core, hip brace on Neutral spine

Supports shear load

Push hips back

Pulling on a rope behind you

Knees bend passively Tibias vertical

Feel hamstrings tension

Conventional deadlift Low bar squat Kettlebell swing Picking up objects off floor

Hip Hinge

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Hip Hinge - Applications

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Hip Hinge - Applications

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Hip Hinge - Applications

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13


Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

All hip hinge cues Repetitive hip hinge with load and speed Keep arms relaxed Benefits:
Hip, knee extension power Activation/relaxation motor pattern Cardiovascular Posterior chain activation/hypertrophy

Kettlebell Swing

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Anyone can press a kettlebell overhead, but who can do it most efficiently? Experiment: Press using two styles
A) Relaxed B) Shoulder, core, hip brace on

Kettlebell Press

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Bulgarian Split Squat

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Rear foot elevated lunge Knee over toe

Avoid valgus/varus deviation Majority of weight placed on lead foot

Core, shoulder brace Grip floor with toes, squeeze front leg Benefits
Low tech easy to learn Lower body hypertrophy and strength Single leg stability Hip flexor stretch

Bulgarian Split Squat

Benjamin Lee 2/6/13


Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Experiment: Walk across room using multiple techniques

A) No arm swing B) Exaggerated arm swing C) Arm swing and forceful extension at toe off

Which one is faster?


Benjamin Lee 2/6/13


Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

Experiment: Squat jump vs. Counter-movement jump

A) Partial squat, hold position for 2 seconds, jump B) Stand upright, fast dip, jump Repeat experiment using core brace, glute activation (hip extension) and arm swing

Which one is higher?


Benjamin Lee 2/6/13

If passive tissues behave like springs and have viscoelastic properties, would it make sense to constantly static stretch to improve flexibility if power production is our goal? If activation of the whole body creates synergy to strength and stability, does the concept of isolation exercises still make sense?

Closing Thoughts

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