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100 South 8th Street Arma, KS 66712 Tel.

Mailing Address: PO Box 948 Arma, KS 66712

Weekly Bulletin Saint Joseph Church, Arma www.stjosepharma.com


GIRARD Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:00 am Sat. 2:00-2:45pm

ARMA 4:00pm 8:00 am 3:15-3:45pm

The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, in union with the Blessed Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church family. Notes from the Pastor: Thank you again to all who in one way or another helped in making our Christmas celebration successful and meaningful. Thank you also for your cards and gifts. They are certainly spiritually uplifting! I appreciate all your love and care! The new year is here! We should celebrate it with gratitude and hope. Gratitude! After all we are a stewardship diocese, consequently a stewardship parish. As Christian disciples we are grateful for all the blessings we received in the year 2012! - spaghetti feed, homecoming breakfast, and bishops visit, to mention a few and especially the involvement of so many of you! One of the most wonderful things that happened at Saint Joseph this year that we should be greatly grateful about is our Sunday PSR classes. Young people are the future and hope of our church and society. PSR classes are signs that we have young people that will carry on our tradition here in the parish. We cannot thank enough our volunteer catechists: Cristie Goodman, Lucinda Bonine and Kelly Schaub for their sacrifices. Of course we are grateful to our parents for entrusting their kids to us. They could have brought their kids to Girard, Frontenac or Pittsburg for catechism, or not bother at all, but their efforts to bring their kids here revitalize our church! Let us continue to pray for all of them: our families, their kids, our catechists, that God will bless all our efforts to build the Body of Christ here at Saint Josephs! For these, we are grateful to all your support as we are grateful to God! It is also with hope that we now focus on 2013! This year we are preparing our High School PSR kids for the reception of the sacrament of confirmation. It is set on April 21 at 4PM at Saint Michael. We are blessed with 35 kids from first year to 4 th year to be confirmed. Four of them are from Arma. We are also looking forward to the Easter Vigil where three of our candidates will be Next Sunday(01/13/2013) 8:00 AM Kaylee Bogina Henry & Mike Ashbacher Tracey Bogina Linda Broyles Ron & Joan Black baptized and two will receive the sacrament of confirmation. One of the candidates to be baptized is from Arma. What a blessing! Let us continue to pray for all these candidates that they will persevere in their efforts to grow in their faith and love of God as they receive the sacraments! Its amazing to learn that both present church buildings of Saint Joseph and Saint Michael were finished and consecrated almost at the same time. The first mass on this church building was on Christmas eve of 1964 while the first mass of the present church in Girard was in December 19, 1964. In other words like Saint Michael we are to mark the golden anniversary of the construction of this church building in a years time, that is 2014. No doubt about it we should celebrate it in praise and thanksgiving. That means we only have a year, this year 2013 to reflect and to plan how we should celebrate this anniversary! It is also an opportunity for us for renewal. So this celebration should be mainly spiritual and educational. What the material aspect would be remains to be discerned. For all these I am counting on all of your inputs especially the Pastoral and the Finance Councils. In this New Year, may you be guided by your strong faith in God, filled with hope in His presence, and powered by the experience of His love. God bless you all! Fr. Roger

Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:

Weekdays before Mass; anytime by appointment.

STAFF Fr. Roger Lumbre Pastor Janel Scales/Marcel Normand Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor Rectory Office Hours Wednesdays 9AM-Noon Tel. (620) 347-4525

Next Saturday (01/12/2013) Altar Servers: Ushers E. M. E. Lectors: Gift Bearers 4:00 PM Noah Popejoy Frank Esposito & Wally Rons Sharon Giacometti Laurie Graham Mary Otto & Donna Fleury

Mass Schedules & Intentions for January 5th-13th:

Jan 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM 7;00 AM Monday 8:00 AM Tuesday Wednesday 6:30 PM 8:00 AM Thursday 8:30AM-3PM 7:00 AM Friday 8AM-6PM 4:00 PM Saturday 5:30 PM 8:00 AM Sunday 10:00 AM Saturday Jennie Carregio Justin Free John Albertini Pro Populo Chris Sponsel John Frances Schimber Jerry Sponsel Jennie Carregio Eucharistic Adoration Vera Diskin Eucharistic Adoration John Albertini Mabel Sponsel Ad Dantis Mary Oplotnik Arma Girard Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Arma Girard Girard Arma Girard Arma Girard

COLLECTIONS Last Week Contributions Expenses-Dec Over/ (Under)

Saint Josephs Upcoming Events Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm Finance Council Next Meeting, Jan. 22nd 6:00pm St. Ann Altar Society Next meeting, Jan. 16th Parish Hall at 6pm Chair Members at Large Secretary Parish Council Next Meeting, Jan. 8th After 5:30pm Mass Knights of Columbus 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm St. Michael Parish Hall

July 2012 to date $38,857.30 $28,672.56 $10,184.74

$1,410.70 $4,579.56

Parish Pastoral Council Officers: Pat Westhoff Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore, Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Karen Pryer Parish Finance Council: Chair Fred Bogina Members Bill Harman, Judy Wingebach, Linda Broyles

Worship Committee: Chair Karen Pryer E.M.Es Joann Black Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Altar Society Judy Smerchek Lectors Marcel Normand Music Jan Harman

Epiphany: The Three Kings Pay a Visit The word, Epiphany, means to reveal, or a flash of insight. In this case, it is a feast day commemorating the revealing of Jesus as the Christ to the Gentiles. It is God made manifest, that He is to be found in all creation--present in the world! Prior to 1984, the celebration was on January 6 each year, no matter which weekday it was. But in Nov. 1983, the USCCB approved the transfer of the solemnity of the Epiphany to the first Sunday after Jan. 1. The Vatican reviewed the transfer and made it official for 1984. At the most fundamental level, the three kings represent all the nations of the earth. These nations come and share with Jesus their treasures. In the early Church, there were many legends about the three wise men. Paintings of them appeared in the catacombs (underground burial place) of Rome in the 2nd century. These wise men came from the mysterious East and were thought to be scientists, astronomers, and interpreters of dreams and visions. The number of the wise men (now also called kings) was three, based on Psalm 72 in the Bible which speaks of kings bringing gifts - rulers from Tarshish, Sheba, and Seba. Their names were Melchior, Gaspar, and Balthasar. Melchior was an old man with flowing beard who wore a violet tunic and cloak. Gaspar was a young man, fair and beardless, wearing a red cloak. Balthasar was dark of skin and hair, who wore a red tunic. The fact that one of them was black came from Psalm 68 that said, Princes shall come out of Ethiopia and bow down before Him. St. Jerome, in the 4th century, furthered the story of the wise men. There were three continents known to the ancient world where Gentiles lived: Europe, Asia, and Africa and the wise men became symbols of these races who, Scripture said, would come to worship the newborn Messiah. These wise men brought three gifts: gold was for a great king; frankincense was for the true God, and myrrh for the childs future suffering and death. They made the long journey with many hardships, and it speaks to us of the long and difficult trek that we must undertake to find the presence of God. We are not perfect, but the Lord doesnt demand perfection. He asks for progress and for an honest effort on our part.

St. Raymond: Centenarian Saint 1175-1275 Christmas Decorations - Christmas decorations and the Nativity Raymond was born in 1175, at Penafort, Catalonia, Spain. He had been a brilscene will be taken down after 8 am mass on Epiphany Sunday, liant student and by the age of 20, he had become a professor of philosophy at January 6th. We would appreciate any help in taking down the decorations. Also, thank you to the many people who volunteered Barcelona. After his ordination as a priest, he earned a doctorate in both canon (church) and civil law. At 47, he joined the newly founded Dominican Order. to make the church look extra special for the Christmas season. Pope Gregory IX called him to Rome to be his Confessor. He was tireless in his labors, preaching, instructing, hearing confessions, and converting heretics, Jews, Christmas Poinsettias - Anyone who made donations to the poinand Moors (Muslims) to the faith. So successful were his papal teachings that the settia memorial are now welcome to take a flower with you after rule of the Moors in Spain was eventually overthrown. He was promoted to the Sunday Feast of Epiphany mass. Thank you for making the Archbishop by the Pope in 1235 and three years later, he was elected head of the Christmas flower memorial a great success. Dominican Order, only the second man to follow St. Dominic, himself! Just three years later, he asked the Pope to be relieved of his responsibility, citing age Spaghetti Feed Planning Committee - The next meeting of the as a factor, for he was 65. However, he lived 35 more years, continuing to conSpaghetti Feed Planning Committee will be held on Wednesday, vert thousands to the Church, including the Moors in Spain. He was most influJanuary 9, 2013 at 6 p.m. in the Rectory. The Spaghetti Feed will ential in getting St. Thomas Aquinas to write his Summa. Raymond died in be held on Sunday, March 10, 2013 at the St. Joseph Parish Hall. Barcelona on January 7, 1275, at age 100, a rarity among people of his time. He was canonized in 1601 by Pope Clement VIII. St. Anns Altar Society - The next meeting will be held on Articles by Marcel Normand Wednesday, January 16th at 6:00pm in the parish hall.
Knights of Columbus - there will be a meeting Sunday, Jan. 6 at 7:00pm in St. Michaels Parish Hall.

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