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Name Year st Date 1 February 2013 No.

of student Pupils Theme World of knowledge Topic Saving our environment Time 10.20 11.20 Duration 1 hour Summary of the lesson: In this lesson it focuses on speaking, listening and reading. In set induction, teacher show to the pupils a picture about environmental and environmental pollution. In activity 1, pupils will be given a word search activity relating to the Topic: Saving our environment. Pupils will talk what they understand about saving environment. In activity 2, pupils will read a passage from the text book. In activity 3, pupils will have to answer the comprehension question from the text book. As conclusion, teacher will summarize the lesson for today and asking the pupils what they have learned about today lesson using WH question. Learning outcomes: 1. listen to texts read 2. talk about our environment 3. read texts and answer questions Level Specification: 2.3.3 Talk about things seen or read. 2.3.6 Take part in teacher- guided discussions. 3.3.3 Read and understand simple paragraphs Behavioral objective:By the end of the week, pupils should be able to:1. understand and able to talk about our environment 2. understand read texts and able to answer questions Students Previous Knowledge: Pupils know about environment Content: Speaking /listening activities talk about environment Reading activities read passage from the text book Teaching aids: Worksheet, text book Focuses Skills: Speaking, listening and reading Integrated skills: Reading Moral values: Respect, courage, co-operation

Stage Set induction (5 minutes)

Procedure Teacher divide the pupils into 3 groups. Teacher shows a picture about environment and environmental pollution. Pupils guess the topic for today.

Thinking skills/ Moral values

Moral value: Co-operation

Note Teacher gives each group picture of the environment and environmental pollution.

Activity 1 (10 minutes)

Teacher tells the pupils about todays topic. Teacher asks the pupils to do a word search. Pupils will talk about the word given on a word search and talk about what they understand about the topic : Saving Our Environment.

Skills: Reading

Teacher gives worksheet of word search.

Moral value Courage

Activity 2 (20 minutes)

Reading about environment based on the text book page 27 28. Pupils try to understand what they read. Pupils list down the words they not understand on the passage. Courgage/ambitious

Activity 3 (20 minutes)

Answer the comprehension questions from the text book page 29 (7 question)

Skills: Generalize idea

Closure (5 minutes)

The teacher will summarize the lesson for today. The pupils will be asking what they have learned for today by using WH questions.

Skills: Speaking and listening

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