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JOHN 16:12-15
I grew up around the Church all my life. Unlike my wife I grew up in several settings anywhere from a Christian Reformed, Southern Baptist to Blazing Pentecostal. Something happened in our family that incredible day when my folks for reasons that I am not certain of attended a Kathryn Kulhman meeting. It was there that my brother experienced a powerful healing that without him going forward or having hands laid on him experienced a burning in his lungs and an ability to breathe like he had not before. It was dramatic in that suddenly our understanding of God was significantly enlarged! You mean God can still do that kind of thing today! So at the ripe age of about 9 years old I found my experience of Church dramaticly shifted from predicatable to sitting in house meetings and literally watching physical healings with my young eyes that will enlarge your faith. Being persuaded of Gods persuasion. So it was not long after this that we were attending conferences and meetings in what I would now call the 'Faith' movement. As a young boy I became convinced of what I heard my father confess. That God could do anything if we had enough faith. Then began a journey of what I will call almost unbroken contradictions. My Mother was diagnosed with cancer and given 6 months to a year to live. 3 years later I was diagnosed with uncurable inflamatory bowel disease. My Mother while she outlived all predictions did indeed pass 6 years later. By this point I had almost completely rejected tradtional faith teaching. Something was fundamentally wrong with a theology that said God was holding out to heal my mother who to my understanding had confessed every thing she could possibly confess. We had the biggest names pray for her and me. That may have something to do with why I choose to go to a non pentecostal charasmatic bible college. It was there I embraced a theology that said God indeed the Holy Spirit no longer moves in miraculous gifts. And I began to learn about the Holy Spirit as a teacher and comforter. Now there is more to our story it was hunger for a real experience of Gods presence and power that led me back to the scripture and to embrace His work for today. But here is a fundamental Truth that I have come to embrace after walking in both those camps. The Holy Spirit is not a Commodity To knock us over in a powerful setting although this kind of encounter is real! To empower us to do the things that we never dreamed although He certainly does! To gift us with supernatural abililties beyond our ability and He does! The Holy Spirit that Jesus describes is first and foremost A Real Person not an impersonal 'power' this is the 3 rd person of the Trinity in YOU. Jesus reveals not only a real Person but a Friend whose first job is to Tells us the Truth! About our Heavenly Father! About ourselves! And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 1/18/2013 Page 1

Please hear me The Holy Spirit does empower, enable and grant supernatural giftings. I want to talk to you this morning about Jesus introduction of the Person of the Holy Spirit John 14:16 I will talk to the Father, and He'll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spririt of Truth.

So I want to talk to you this morning primarily out of Jesus description of the Holy Spirit found in John 14 and 16. A Friend who Tells the Truth About the Heart of the Father, The Intentions of the Father The Words of the Father. 1. A Friend who Tells the Truth about the Heart of the Father. 20 years ago the Promise Keepers movement exploded onto the scene. Powerful call to men in the Body of Christ to become men of integrity. At these gatherings those of us who attended heard call after call as to how critical it was for children to have a Father of character and integrity true! But then came one of the most powerful points that almost everytime I heard it was left with the wrong conclusion. Most individuals will project their image of God as Father on the basis of their earthly Father. I would dare to say we opened the door to host of false premise's about God when we allowed this to become a teaching point. How can you know God as Father if you did not have a positive role model in a Father. So we put all kinds of pressure on how to be a good Father books, tapes, CDs. And while we opened the door to talk about the pain of having Fathers who were not 'good' but had caused great harm and pain to the lives of individuals now to be clear I think these are good discussions.

HOWEVER This hinge pin idea. That I CANNOT know God as Father. First of all placed these completely unrealistic expectations on guys....false pressure to 'do and be'. Next was what to do with the image of God as Father for the wounded....I had some collegues who went to far as to suggest that we not introduce the idea of God as Father to the emotionally wounded. This is seen by the person who said to me at one point I can't pray to God as Father because of the image of her earthly Father. My Point is simply this....we CAN know God as a Trustworthy Father no matter the basis of our earthly Father. If we allow Holy Spirit to introduce us to the Father Jesus knew John 16:12-15 Fatherhood begins in God NOT IN MAN! And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 1/18/2013 Page 2

The reality .how did Jesus live in wholeness in His humanity..... Earthly Father Joseph pretty good guy....still clay vessel. Who likely died somewhere after Jesus 12th birthday. Yet we come to end of Jesus short 33 years on the earth in His humanity....Mark 14:36....ABBA! Father! All things are possible for You......yet not my will but what you will

Mark 14 contains a very misapplied and mistaught reality in Jesus relationship with His Father. 2 things one is that He is throwing up His hands and saying.....I guess I have to do it. You win! 1. The other missed application is that the Father is about to Check out and leave Jesus on His own....Psalm 22:1 and forget verse 24..He has NOT....Hidden His face from me....2 Cor 5:19....God was IN CHRIST reconciling the world to Himself. Never checked out and left. 2. Not my will.....'active affirmation of the will' watch this .. NOT a Legal Obedience driven by commandment.....which is unfortunately what we Most often her conveyed not only by this verse but by 'discipleship' courses! Not my Will....TRUST in RESPONSE to KNOWN LOVE! I asked myself when did my kids go to class to become my kids? Reality of my relationship with them is not in a class or course was and is it my responsibility to impart training...YES! But the reality of my relationship with them was and is MOSTLY lived in the Context of LOVE given and received. Their ability to trust and follow what I attempt to teach them is not because they fill in the right blank....but a relationship of love that somewhere in this exchange they have decided that my intentions can be trusted. That my voice is mostly trustworthy. Point number one issue is not that they are 'doing what I tell them'. I have been around a bunch of settings like that . and while it looks good for a minute.... those are the same kids who when left to their own will many times choose exactly opposite of the code of conduct they have found themselves forced to comply by. Watch this The Holy Spirit is a Friend who is going to tell you the Truth about the Heart of the Father that is overflowing with Love for you! That is filled with Joy and Delight when He gazes on you and me! When our hearts are pursuaded of His persuasion....faith erupts beloved! You see the faith movement is right on some things but beloved the problem is that we had took the wrong starting point. It all begins in God and His ravished heart towards us! I want to invite you to study the Names of God What does He say about Himself? One of the best texts to get a hold of is Exodus 34 Ask Holy Spirit to tell you the Truth about the Father and Listen! The Holy Spirit is a Friend who Tells the Truth about the Heart of the Father. 2. He is also a Friend who Tells the Truth about the Intentions of the Father! And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 1/18/2013 Page 3

Again you know part of my good reformed background I had this really intense image of God and you know I don't think I was the only one..... You know you need to be careful of what you ask God for...... Those subtle statements reveal the truth of our persuasion about Gods real Intentions with us. He might force me to go through the worst for my own good.....etc etc. Matt 7:11.....James 1:17-18

Beloved I have become completely comvinced of this reality The primary reality of the Christian life is this from Glory to Glory! There was a time in my journey that as I read and studied texts like 2 Chronicles 5 and 7 the Glory of the Lord descended in such a way that the Priests where not able to do their job.... Or Exodus 24 or 34 my only image was Charlton Hestons encounter portrayed in the Ten Commandments! This is INTENSE! It was enlarged by a theology and preaching that presented God primarily as Judge. I remember when I came across 2 Cor 3:18 and really began to digest the truth of it....oh my goodness. That Glory....that was on Moses...we are going to experience something even more intense! OH man! So I have seen this idea of going from Glory to Glory....as this progressive revelation of the intensity of especially the awesomeness of Gods holiness and greatness that produces AWE. This deep sense of reverance for God. This is the Mt Sinai God! We are being changed from Glory to Glory. How many of us have been in settings where we have heard an individual from the front declare when the tangible Glory shows up....we won't be able to move! I think many of us can say we have likely had moments where we sensed the incredible closeness of His presence on our hearts or in a gathering. Yet beloved while I want to say those are love expressions of His heart they are not the primary manifestation of Glory. Moses is in the cloud...in the thunder....and his request....let me see your Glory! Now this is the stunning reality of Exodus 34 is that Gods response is this....I will declare my name...Moses. And I am going let all my goodness pass by you....Gods response to Moses request is to reveal His Nature! So what does 2 Cor 3:18 mean that we are transfomed into the same image from glory to glory.....? Can I say first is that this is not primarily about power encounters although they may occur. The primary reality of moving from Glory to Glory is to be transformed by the revelation of His Nature! When I thought it was about power encounters, meetings or spritual revelations I felt the pressure that I would not miss it! Or as I have heard some begin to portray.....we have it and they don't.....and if you don't respond like they are....you are missing it. Glory is revelation about the true Nature of God. Glory in the original language to be of a good opinion. And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 1/18/2013 Page 4

Now follow this.....my former image of Glory was this intense almost fearful sense only a few at few moments come close too. It was elusive. But Beloved that image is completely opposed to the revelation of the God who says we can come with confidence before the throne by the Blood of Jesus! To move from Glory to Glory is about encountering the Truth of the Good Opinion of the Father over and over....He really really loves us and He really really likes us! The Holy Spirit is declaring the Truth that His INTENTIONS are GOOD! Can I just give a gut wrenching definition of Idolatry that has permeated a great deal of the modern Church.....living convinced of a God who is other than He really is....Idolatry!

He is not mad He is not holding out waiting to lavish His good gifts..... Here is the God that many individuals like me deduced from their exposure to the Church God is Holy you are not try harder Combine this with a good dose of culture 'good things come to those who try.' And we have a mixture of modern theology that is not an accurate portrayal of the Nature of the Father Or the truth of the gospel. IE Matt 20:1-5 Parable of the Workers Jewish Rabbis told a similar parable point was owner paid the same amount BECAUSE they earned it! Conclusion work harder Jesus point opposite....in fact offensive.....in His parable the question is asked ...are you envious because I am generous..... Nothing to do with earning....flys in the face of acheivement The God of the Scripture has this compulsion to shower Grace and Generousity on people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve it and have certainly not earned it! In fact He even instructs His people to rehearse certain truths....Psalm 136....His lovingkindness endures forever. His lovingkindness Hesed Favor expressed in His Fierce Loyalty to His own Nature and His Word! Psalmist says....26:3 For your lovingkindness is before my eyes....and I have walked in Your truth..... See this...it begins in Knowing the Truth of His Nature! Generousity comes basicly from 2 sources.....abundance....and compassion! God is both Need is a revelation of this reality His Love, Forgiveness, Kindness are not commodities that run out....Mercy is new everymorning.

And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 1/18/2013 Page 5

From Glory to Glory....sometimes is as simple as deciding....I am going to reject accusation against the Nature of God and remind myself of His generousity This is living connected to our Genesis 1 Design! Hebraic mindset Heaven is connected to the Garden. The Joy, Peace and Pleasure of the Garden were not far off and distant but actual realities that could be experienced in the Present. Powerful isn't it that Jesus said....this then is how you should pray. As it is in Heaven let it be upon the earth! I want to encourage you to ask Holy Spirit to reveal tell you truth about the Intentions of the Father especially as it relates to the Kingdom. 3 Finally The Holy Spirit is Friend who tells the Truth about the Words of the Father! John 14:8-14 Look at this text..... The Father who resides in me crafts each word into a divine act..... John 14:10 The Message. I love verse 12 Greater works.....but as I meditate upon Jesus words here. I begin to lay them into the context of scriptures like Col 1:16 all things created by Him, through Him, for Him. What miracle did he perform that did not begin with His word.....Isaiah 55:11 performing everthing He set for to accomplish..... Oh my goodness.. Ponder this that Jesus declares that His work....was connected to speaking the Words of the Father. John 6:29 This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.... Luke 12:11-12...do not worry about what to speak.... Matthew 10:20 For it is not you who speak, but it is the Sprit of your Father who speaks in you

We live in a 'Hyper-text' culture. The problem with hyper-text is the disconnect from the story and its author. Speaking the words of the Father may look a lot like Jesus......never the less not my will..... speaking the words does not mean we get to by pass the story that God is telling in our life and the one who is writing it!

And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 1/18/2013 Page 6

I want to encourage you to Ask Holy Spirit to let the Words of my mouth and meditaiton of my heart be acceptable thats not just failing to think or speak 'bad' words' but to think and speak words that are in a agreement with Heaven! I was studying for another message this week but I was stunned as I considered this reality what was the first point of mans partnership with God? In the spoken Word! Where was man deceived in words that were twisted. How did Jesus resist temptation....His words came ain alignment with Gods! Beloved we were created for this reality that our words declare agreement with Heaven! As it is in Heaven! We have a Friend who tells the Truth His name is Holy Spirit! The Truth about the Father His intentions and His Words!

And the secret is simply this Christ in you! Yes, Christ in you bringing with Him the hope of all the glorious things to come. Col 1:27b JB Phillips 1/18/2013 Page 7

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