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Name: Sem. Marwil B. De Roxas Subject: History of Modern Philosophy San Lorenzo Ruiz Seminary A.Y.

2012-2013 DATE born around 460 B.C. NAME Democritus MAIN VIEW POINT ATOMISM DISCUSSION All things are composed of simplest form called atom. The color, shape, size and etc. are only atoms Natural objects are to be understood in terms of their directly measurable properties, namely their shape, quantity, and motion. He contrasted these properties-the so-called primary qualitieswith odor, taste, sound, color, warmth, or coldness- the so-called secondary qualities. + Using methodic doubt (hypothetical doubt everything knows that pretending dont know) and there must be foundationalism (a way of thinking about knowledge that there must be an indubitable method to have a certain conclusion. + Thinking is the only thing that cannot be subjected to doubt. + First 2 meditation of Descartes * put everything in doubt * on the nature of the mind (questioning sense experience and reasoning power) + denies the union of thought and extension (res cogitans can exist even without res estensa) + I think therefore I am (cogito ergo sum) + He believed in the union of res cogitans and res extensa. + res cogitans and res extensa are inseparable (human blessedness is inseparable with the knowledge of the union existing between the mind and whole nature) + Vaccum Argument of Descartes *Spinoza-There cannot be necessarily nothing left (litteraly) Descartes-The imposibilty of vaccum *Spinoza- There is distance between 2


Galileo Galilei



Rene Descartes



Baruch Spinoza



Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz


sides. Descartes- distance is a mode, property , quality or measured, it impossible to measure nothing *Spinoza- There is extended nothing (possible extension). Descartes- There is only one extended nothing which is space. + Spinozas Mind and Body *substance exist in itself and is conceived through itself *corporeal being is not a substance but simply a mode gathered or compiled together *modes is qualities of particular substance *this mode can only be known through its attribute *attribute is a quality given to or for substance *thing is a conglomeration of modes *mind and mental predicate *mental predicates such as thought and feeling *res cogitans and res extensa are 2 different qualities in 1 substance *extension there is a mental predicate and there is mental concept or res cogitans + Spinozas Panpsychism *all extended things are thinking things *not only mental but includes subconscious desires and perceptions + Deus sive Natura kind of naturalism (nature is self-existing, self-regulating and homogeneous system) + rationalist (inadequacy of the sense experience in knowing reality) *using external senses only is like blind using his stick *being itself is known truly by sense only but something like a dream *these (things) are appearances so it is just apparent not already reality *there must be something beyond in senses which is called pure reason

(faculty which we grasp being and truth truthfulness of being) + Five Leibniz Philosophy 1. rationalist (sense experience is not enough 2. idealist (denied the existence of material substance) 3. leaving a room for contingency * necessary truth - truth of reason * contingent truth- truth of facts 4. acceptance of ontological argument * there is an existence 5. nature is a teleological explainable in terms of causality * Nature is the actually existing world. The actually existing world is one of the many possible worlds. Then, nature is one of the possible worlds before. * End is pre-conceived from the beginning through final causality + MONADOLOGY * Monad is a simple substance. * The existence of monads is because of compounds (collection of simple substance). * It is indivisible because it is unextended. * It cannot be perished. * It has no beginning nor end by natural means * It can come by means of creation and come to an end by annihilation * It is unchangeable. * It must have qualities. * It must be different from others. * Relation is being created, it is unchangeable. * Change is internal principle. * It is inherit to the specific nature of monad. * Changes are gradual because it has no parts and we cannot see it. * Substantial union (body and soul) * It cannot attain 100 perceptions. * Multiple in simple substance is contextualized in our experience.


John Locke



George Berkeley


* It consist only perception. * It is spiritual auto motor. * Soul cannot be in general because feeling is in the will. * unconscious thing * consistency and inconsistency in a thing * cause and effect principle * transition from unconscious to conscious * Monads can be passive. * It is a life source. + Foundations * power to perceive ideas ( through the image, you have direct consciousness of the idea) * power to perceive relation between ideas (they have commonality or similarity but not absolute) + Three active powers of perception: *combination *comparison *abstraction + Empiricism all ideas and all materials of knowledge come from experience by way of senses + He doesnt believe that we have innate idea. + Ideas are the only direct of sense experience. + Descartes pros by Locke: * using senses * all are images * inherit in the object that is something physical + Summary of Essay on Human Understanding * the presence of thoughts and things * the idea is independent from your previous idea + Idealism is the only metaphysics consistent with empiricism. + Only minds and their ideas are real. + Immaterialism is consistent with common sense-that it is not eccentric and paradoxical.


David Hume


+ Realist Metaphysics perceive the essence not just through external senses + Corporeal being is incompatible to common sense and it is not the cause of idea. + He believes in innate ideas or stored ideas. + Spirit causes of idea, it is known by its effect + Man is perceiver and the process is internal. + Esse est percipi (to be is to be perceive) *no ideas exist without the mind(unperceived) *everything that resembles an idea is another idea (nothing that resembles the idea without the mind) *qualities of perceive idea (if it is perceivable, it is true idea) + Idea is the only idea of perception. + Qualities are not part of idea. *Empericist experience/doubt *Skeptical doubt not the reality +scientific method cannot be justified *Theory of Knowledge -relationship between concepts -relationship between ideas +speculation - thinking not yet conclude/verified *Impression original idea or fruit of sensation *The difference between sensation and idea is vividness. +original perception is impression +without impression there can be no idea
*3 connecting principles of all ideas: Resemblance, Contiguity, and Causation.



2 distinct knowledge 1. a posteriori-empirical 2. a priori- non-empirical *The first Critique is an investigation of the nature and limits of "pure," i.e., a priori, knowledge. * All other claims to substantive a priori

knowledge, such as are found in rationalistic demonstrations of God and immortality, are based on illusion. *all a priori knowledge is analytic *all synthetic knowledge is a posteriori. *Principle of Causality- every event has a cause *Principle of Substance- nothing banishes without trace.

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