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Captulo 7 Aplicaciones de la termodinmica a los procesos de flujo

La termodinmica del flujo se apoya en los balances de masa, energa y entropa, que se han desarrollado en los captulos 2 y 5. En el presente captulo se examina la aplicacin de estos balances a procesos especficos. La disciplina fundamental en el estudio de los flujos es la mecnica de fluidos, la cual incluye no slo los balances termodinmicos sino tambin el principio del momentum lineal (segunda ley de Newton). Lo anterior hace de la mecnica de fluidos un amplio campo de estudio. La diferencia entre los problemas termodinmicos y los problemas de la mecnica de fluidos depende de si se requiere de este principio para su solucin. Los problemas cuyas soluciones obedecen slo a la conservacin de la masa y a las leyes termodinmicas se suelen apartar del estudio de la mecnica de fluidos y se tratan en cursos de termodinmica. Por lo tanto, la mecnica de fluidos considera un amplio espectro de problemas en los cuales es necesario aplicar el principio del momentum. Aun cuando la divisin es arbitraria, suele hacerse de tal manera porque es lo ms conveniente. Considere, por ejemplo, el flujo de gas en una tubera. Si se conocen los estados y las propiedades termodinmicas del gas a la entrada y a la salida de la tubera, la aplicacin de la primera ley establece en tal caso la magnitud del intercambio de energa con los alrededores de la tubera. Por lo tanto, el mecanismo del proceso, los detalles del flujo y la trayectoria de los estados que en realidad sigue el fluido entre la entrada y la salida son innecesarios en este clculo. Por otra parte, si slo se tiene un conocimiento parcial de los estados inicial y final del gas, en tal caso se necesita contar con informacin del proceso antes de hacer cualquier clculo. Por ejemplo, la presin de salida del gas tal vez no est determinada. En tal caso es preciso aplicar el principio del momentum de la mecnica de fluidos, y ello requiere de una expresin emprica o terica para el esfuerzo cortante en la pared de la tubera.

 Noel de Nevers, Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, 3a ed., McGraw-Hill, Nueva York, 2005. La mecnica de fluidos es tratada como una parte integral de los procesos de transporte por R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart y E. N. Lightfoot en Transport Phenomena, 2a edicin, John Wiley, Nueva York, 200; por C. O. Bennett y J. E. Myers en Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2a ed., McGraw-Hill, Nueva York, 982; por J. L. Plawsky en Transport Phenomena Fundamentals, Marcel Dekker, Nueva York, 200; por D. P. Kessler y R. A. Greenkorn en Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer Fundamentals, Marcel Dekker, Nueva York, 999; y por D. E. Rosner en Transport Processes in Chemically Reacting Systems, Butterworths, Boston, 986, y DOVER, Mineola, Nueva York, 2000.


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7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Flujo en conductos de fluidos compresibles 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids

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De manera inevitable, los procesosresult from pressuregradientes de presin dentro del fluido; adems, Flow processes inevitably de flujo resultan de gradients within the uid. Moreover, pueden temperature,processestemperatura,result fromypressureconcentracin within the fluido enuid. existirFlow velocity, inevitably concentration aun de gradients within the del owing circulacin. gradientes de and even velocidad gradients may exist dentro uid. Moreover, Lo anterior contrasta velocity, and evenconditions that prevail at equilibrium in closed sistemas uid. temperature, con las condicionesconcentration gradients may exist within the systems. cerrados. La This contrasts with the uniform uniformes que prevalecen en el equilibrio en owing The This contrasts with the in los systems requires that properties be attributed to point masses distribucin de las of conditionsen owsistemas dethat prevail at equilibrium in closed sean atribuidas a las distribution condicionesuniform conditions flujo requiere que las propiedades systems. The distribution fluido. De esta ow systems requires such as density, intensivas, point masses masas puntualesThus we assume in manera, suponemos que las propiedadesattributed tocomospecic of uid. delof conditions that intensive properties,that properties bespecic enthalpy, la densidad, la entalpaof uid. etc.,la entropa are that intensiveen unby the such as density, specicla temperatura, la presin especfica, at a assume determined solely punto se determinan slo por enthalpy, specic entropy, Thus wepoint especfica, etc., properties, temperature, pressure, and composition at entropy, etc., eseapunto, are determined solely by the temperature, pressure, and composition at y la composicin uninuenced by gradients that de gradientesthe point. Moreover, we assume thatsuponemos the point, en at point sin la influencia may exist at que se hallen en el mismo. Es ms, the the presenta el mismo gradients properties at at point en el punto, como si existiera un que el fluidoexhibits the same setconjunto dethat may existintensivasas though it existed at equilibrium equiliuidpoint, uninuenced byof intensivepropiedades thethe point. Moreover, we assume that the uid same temperature, pressure, and properties at The implication is it existed at equilibrium brio a la misma temperatura, presin y composicin. La consecuencia es que se an equation of state at the exhibits the same set of intensive composition. the point as though that utilizara una ecuacin de at the same temperature, pressure, cualquier punto estado local y de manera instantnea en and any point in enuidsistema fluido, y an equation of state un system, and that one may invoke a applies locally and instantaneously at composition.aThe implication is that que es posible invocar el applies of local, independientemente any point in a equilibrio. La experiencia may that this concepto de estadolocaland instantaneously of del concepto of equilibrium. Experience shows invoke esto conconcept locally state, independent at the concept deuid system, and that onemuestra que a concept practical purposes to results in accord with observation. duce, para propsitos prcticos, a resultados que van de acuerdo con la observacin. shows that this leads for of local state, independent of the concept of equilibrium. Experience leads Thepractical purposes to for 7. sesystems fromecuaciones 5 are summarized here in for equations of en la tabla open resumen las Chaps. 2 and Para una fcil referencia,balanceresults in accord with observation. de balance para sistemas abiertos de The equations of balance ecuaciones (7.) y (7.2), (7.2), las are forms of the del los captulos 2 y 5. Se hanreference.las for open systems(7.1) andque sonrestrictedsummarized here inbalance Table 7.1 for easy incluido Included are Eqs. from Chaps. 2 and 5formas restringidasmass Table 7.1 for easy son la base del anlisis Eqs. (7.1) and (7.2), restricted forms los siguientes de masa. Estas ecuaciones reference.the basis for the thermodynamic procesosof processesof the mass dos balance. These equations are Included aretermodinmico de analysis en ste y en in this and balance. These equations are combined with la propiedad termodinmica permiten this and captulos. Cuando sechapters. When the basis for the thermodynamic property of processesthey clculo de las the next two combinan con los enunciados dethermodynamic analysis statements, inel allow the del two process When combined with velocidadesnext proceso y de los estados del sistema. thermodynamic property statements, they allow calculation ofchapters.rates and system states. calculation of process rates and system states.


Algunos problemas como la eleccin of pipes and the shaping ofla forma de las toberas requierenthe la apliSuch problems as the sizing del tamao de las tuberas y nozzles require application of de cacin del principioprinciple ofsizingmechanics, 2 and fluidos,2 ydo not lie within entran en el campo de la terSuch problems momentum de la mecnica the shaping por lo tanto, no the province of thermomentum del as the uid of pipes and de therefore of nozzles require application of the modinmica. De cualquier modo, la termodinmica proporcionado not lie that interrelate the changes momentum principle of thermodynamics and provide ecuaciones que the province of thermodynamics. However, uid mechanics, 2does thereforeequations within interrelacionan los cambios que ocurren en la in pressure,velocidad,cross-sectional area, enthalpy, entropy, and specic volume of modynamics. However, thermodynamics la seccin transversal, la entalpa, la entropa y el volumen occurring presin, la velocity, el rea de does provide equations that interrelate the changes especfico de unastream. We consider here the adiabatic, steady-state, one-dimensional ow volume of estaoccurring in pressure, velocity, Consideramos area, enthalpy, flujo en and specic of a estado a owing corriente que circula. cross-sectional en este caso un entropy, una dimensin, encomcionario, owinguid in the absence of shaft work and of de trabajo de flecha yenergy. ow en a coma adiabtico de un fluido compresible en ausencia changes in one-dimensional The pertinent pressible stream. We consider here the adiabatic, steady-state, potential de cambios of la energa potencial. thermodynamicin the absence rst derived; they are changes in potentialseguida se aplican al flujo en Primero uid equations are of shaft work and of then applied y en energy. and pertinent pressible se deducen las ecuaciones termodinmicas pertinentesto ow in pipes The nozzles. tuberasthermodynamic equations arebalance is Eq.they are With appliedandow all pipes and to zero, y toberas.appropriate energy rst derived; (2.32). then Q, W to z in set equal nozzles. The s El balance de energa apropiado es la ecuacin (2.32). Con Q, Ws y zz all set equal to zero, The appropriate energy balance is Eq. (2.32). With Q, Ws and igualados a cero, u 2 H + u 2 = 0 H + 2 = 0 2 In differential form, d H = u du (7.3) En forma diferencial, form, In differential d HdH u du = = udu (7.3) (7.3) . The aplica la equation, Eq. (2.27), is also applicable. Because m is constant, its differTambin se continuityecuacin de continuidad, la ecuacin (2.27). Puesto que es constante, su forma . The is: ential formcontinuity equation, Eq. (2.27), is also applicable. Because m is constant, its differdiferencial es: ential form is: d(u A/V ) = 0 d(u A/V ) = 0 d(uA/V) = 0 du dA dV (7.4) or d V du d A = 0 V u A =0 (7.4) (7.4) or o V u A
2 See W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith, and P. Harriott, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th ed., Sec. 2, 2 See W. L. McCabe, 2006; R. H. and and D. Green, Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, J. C. Smith, PerryP. Harriott, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7th ed., Sec. 6, Sec. 2,


2 Ver W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith y P. Harriott, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 7a ed., Seccin 2, McGraw-Hill, Nueva McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997. R. H. Perry and D. Green, Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook, 7th ed., Sec. 6, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2006; York, 2006; R. H. Perry y D. Green, Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook, 7a ed., Seccin 6, McGraw-Hill, Nueva York, 997. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997.

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Table 7.1: Equations de balance Tabla 7.1: Ecuacionesof Balance Balance Equations Ecuaciones de balance for Single-Stream para procesos de flujo estable Steady-Flow Processes de una corriente (7.1) . . . m1 = m2 = m H + (2.30) (7.2)

General Equations of Balance Ecuaciones generales de balance

Balance de balance para EcuacionesEquations for

procesos de flujo estable Steady-Flow Processes

dm cv . + (m)fs = 0 dt (2.25) . (m)fs = 0

. . . d(mU )cv + H + 1 u 2 + zg m fs = Q + W 2 dt (2.28)

. . . H + 1 u 2 + zg m fs = Q + Ws 2

u 2 + gz = Q + Ws 2 (2.32a)

CAPTULO 7.Applications of Thermodynamics to a los procesos de flujo CHAPTER 7. Aplicaciones de la termodinmica Flow Processes

. Qj . d(m S)cv . = SG 0 + (S m)fs dt T, j j (5.21)

. Qj . . (S m)fs = SG 0 T, j j

S (5.22)

Qj = SG 0 T, j j


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7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Flujo en conductosofCompressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow de fluidos compresibles 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids

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The The fundamental property relation appropriate to this application is: La relacin fundamental property relation appropriate to this application para esta aplicacin es: para la evaluacin de una propiedad apropiada is: The fundamental property relation appropriate to this application is: The fundamental property relation appropriate to this application is: The fundamental property relation appropriate to this application is: fundamental property relation appropriate to this application is: The d H = d S + dP (6.8) dH = T dS + V d P (6.8) dH = T dS + V d P (6.8)(6.8) dH = T dS + V d P ddH = T ddSS+ V ddP H = T dS + V d P =T +V P (6.8) (6.8) dH (6.8) In addition, the specic volume of the uid may be considered a function of its entropy and addition, may considered a function of its entropy and In es posible the specic volume of the uidfluido be considere en funcin de su entropa y de la preaddition, the specic volume of the uid may be considered a function of its entropy and In Adems, addition, the specic volume of the uid may be considered aafunction of its entropy and In addition, = Vspecic Then, of the del may se considered function of its entropy and In addition, que (S, P). the el volumen especfico uid be pressure: In V(S, P).V = (S, P). volume pressure: V theVspecic Then, pressure: V = V (S, P). Then, sin: V pressure: VPor lo(S, P). volume of the uid may be considered a function of its entropy and = pressure: V = V (S, P). Then, V = V tanto, Then, = V (S, P). Then, pressure: V V dV = V d S + V d P V = V d S + V d P = V d S + V d P d V V dV S P P S ddV = V P ddSS+ V S ddP V = S P + P S P dV = SS P d S + P S d P P S P S PP P SS P S This equation is put forma ms conveniente por la identidad matemtica: This equation is put into more convenient form through the mathematical identity: Esta ecuacin se expresa eninto more convenient form through the mathematical identity: This equation is put into more convenient form through the mathematical identity: This equation is put into more convenient form through themathematicalidentity: This equation is put into more convenient form through themathematical identity: This equation is put into more convenient form through the mathematical identity: V V T V = V T V V T V = T V = V S S T T V P = T P T P S P = V P S P S V P = T P S P SS PP T PP SS PP T S P T P S P P P P Substituting derivadas partial derivatives on the right by Eqs. (3.2) and (6.17) gives: Sustituyendo las dosfor the two parciales de la derecha por las by Eqs. (3.2) and y (6.7) se obtiene: Substituting for the two partial derivatives on the right ecuaciones (3.2) (6.17) gives: Substituting for the two partial derivatives on the right by Eqs. (3.2) and (6.17) gives: Substituting for the two partial derivatives on the right by Eqs. (3.2) and (6.17) gives: Substituting for the two partial derivatives on the right by Eqs. (3.2) and (6.17) gives: Substituting for the two partial derivatives on the right by Eqs. (3.2) and (6.17) gives: V V T V T V = V T V = V T = V T V V S CP V P = V T S P CP S P = CP SS PP = C PP C P S P CP P where coeficiente de expansivity. volumen. La ecuacin physics en fsica para sound c donde es el is the volumeexpansin delThe equation derived in deducidafor the speed ofla velocidad del where is the volume expansivity. The equation derived in physics for the speed of sound c where is the volume expansivity. The equation derived in physics for the speed of sound c The the in a uid is: a un is sonido where fluido es: cwhere is the volume expansivity. equation derived in physics for the speed of sound cc where is: The in a uid is: the volume expansivity.The equation derived in physics for 2 speed of sound inen uid is the volume expansivity. equation derived in physics for the speed of sound c P V V2 in aauid is: in a uid is: uid is: P V = V 22 V V2 2 2 P in or c2 = V P V = V 2 or c2 = V 2 V V2 or c2 = V 2 P 2 P P S V S = c22 P S = c2 P o = V 2 V S V2 or or = c2 cc22= V 22 V S V S = V22 or c = V SS V P S P cc2 V S P S c Substituting for the two partial derivatives in the equation for d VSnow yields: for the two partial derivatives in the equation for d V now yields: S Substituting for the two partial derivatives in the equation for d VS now yields: Substituting Substituting for the two partial derivatives in the equation se produce: yields: Substituting for the two partial derivatives in the equation for ddV now yields: for the two parciales en la ecuacin para dV for dV now yields: partial derivatives in the equation for V now Sustituyendo las dos derivadas Substituting V T dV d V = T d S V d P d V = T d S V d P (7.5) (7.5) T ddV = T d S V2 d P V (7.5) CP c2 P V2 T dVV = C P ddSS cVddP V = 2 (7.5) (7.5) (7.5) V = C P d S c22d P (7.5) V V C PP C cc2 V CP c P Equations (7.3), (7.4), (6.8), and (7.5) relate the six differentialsd H du, d V d A, d S, (7.5) S, Equations (7.3), (7.4), (6.8), and (7.5) relate the six differentialsd H , du, d V d A, d S, Equations (7.3), (7.4), (6.8), and relacionan the six differentialsd H ,, du, d V ,, d A, d y Las ecuaciones (7.3), (7.4), (6.8) y (7.5) treat drelatelas seis diferenciales dH,,du, dV, ,,dA,A,ddS,dP. Con dS Equations(7.3), equations, we (7.5) S and d A as independent, and , du, ddV ,,ddA, d S, (7.3), equations, and and d Equations (7.3), (7.4), (6.8), we treat drelate theAsix differentialsd H ,developVequations d P. With but four(7.4), (6.8), andtreat drelate the six differentialsd Hdevelop equations P. With but four (7.4), (6.8),we (7.5) S and the six independent, and develop equations With but four equations, and (7.5) relate d A as independent, and du, dV d A, S, S and d as differentialsd H du, and d P. ecuaciones, no ms andcuatroWith but fourtratamos dS we treat d S independientes, y desarrollamos ecuaciones que exprede dEquationsremaining differentials as functions d as independent, and (7.3) and (6.8) are y dA comoS and of and d P. With remaining differentials as functions d A these two. First, Eqs. develop equations and P. that express the remaining differentials as functions ofA as independent, Eqs. (7.3) and (6.8) are First, and d P. Withrestantes equations, as independent, and develop that express the but four equations, we treat dS and d Athese two. First, Eqs. develop equations that express thebut four equations, we treat d estas dos.these two. se combinan lasandequations (7.3) y sen lasthat express the remaining differentials as de and of these two. First, Eqs. (7.3) and (6.8) are diferenciales remaining differentials as functionsof these two. First, and (7.3) and(6.8) are como funciones thatexpress the remaining differentials as functions of these two. First, Eqs. (7.3) and (6.8) are express the of Primero Eqs. (7.3) ecuaciones (6.8) are combined: that functions combined: combined: (6.8): combined: combined: T d S + V d P = u du (7.6) combined: T d S + V d P = u du (7.6) T d S + V d P = u du (7.6) T ddSS+ V ddP = u du T d S + V d P = u du + V P = u du (7.6) (7.6) T Eliminating d V and du from Eq. (7.4) by Eqs. (7.5) and (7.6) gives upon rearrangement: (7.6) (7.6) Eliminating d V and du from Eq. (7.4) by Eqs. (7.5) and (7.6) gives upon rearrangement: Eliminating d V and du from Eq. (7.4) by Eqs. (7.5) and (7.6) gives upon rearrangement: Eliminating dd V and du from Eq. (7.4) by Eqs. (7.5) and (7.6) gives upon rearrangement: Eliminating V and du from Eq. (7.4) by Eqs. (7.5) and Eliminating de and du from Eq. (7.4) ecuaciones (7.5) (7.6) gives upon rearrangement: Eliminando dV y du d V la ecuacin (7.4) por las by Eqs. (7.5) andy(7.6) gives upon rearrangement: (7.6) obtenemos, despus de reacomodarlas: 2 2 2 2 u2 u2 u22 T d S u22d A = 0 2 (7.7) (1 M2 )V d P + 1 + u 2 T d S uu2 d A = 0 M2 )V d P + 1 + u 2 T d S u 2 d A = 0 M )V d P + 1 + u (7.7) (1 (7.7) (1 22 C A T A A= + CP (7.7) (7.7) (7.7) (1 M 2)V ddP + 11+ uP T ddSS u ddA = 00 (1 M2 )V d P + 1 + C P T d S A d A = 0 M )V P + (7.7) (1 C PP C A A CP A P where M is the Mach number, dened as the ratio of the speed of the uid in the duct to the where M is the Mach number, dened as the ratio of the speed of the uid in the duct to the where M is the Mach number, dened as the ratio of the speed of the uid in the duct to the where of sound in the uid, u/c.dened as the ratio of the speedSof the A. in the duct to the where nmero Mach number, Equation relacin de la to d and d fluido donde M es elMsound in the uid, u/c.dened asla(7.7) relatesthePvelocidadthe uid in en elduct to the a la vespeed M is the Mach number, Equation the relates d to d S of the uid the conducto where M is the de Mach, definido como the ratio of d P to d S and d uid in the duct to the speed of is the Mach number, dened as (7.7)ratio of the speed anddelA. speed of sound in the uid, u/c. Equation (7.7) relates d P speed of d A. speed Equationsin the uid,(7.7) are combined torelates ddP VtoddSSand ddA. speedEquations (7.6) and (7.7) are combined relaciona P VconSdS y d A. of sound the uid, La Equation (7.7) eliminate locidadspeed of soundelin the uid, u/c.ecuacin (7.7)torelates d dPtoddP: and dA. del sonido en influido, u/c.u/c. Equation (7.7) eliminatePto d P: and A. of sound (7.6) and u/c. Equation (7.7) relates Equations (7.6) and (7.7) are combined to eliminate V d P: Equations (7.6) (7.7)(7.7) are combined eliminar a V dP:dP: Equations (7.6) and se combinan para to eliminate V Las ecuaciones (7.6) y and (7.7) are combined to eliminate V d P: Equations (7.6) and (7.7) are combined to eliminate V d P: 2 u2 u 2 2 u22 + M2 2 2 u + M2 2 1 u2 u u 2 + M22 C u2 d A = 0 u du C P + M 2 T d S + 11 2 uu22d A = 0 du C P + M T d S + 1 u2 d A = 0 CP + M T dS + 1 (7.8) u (7.8) 1 u du CPP M2 (7.8) 1P 2 T CP M2 T ddSS+ 1 1M2 u 2 ddA = 00 A 1 M2 A A = M 1M A dA = 0 uudu du + (7.8) (7.8) (7.8) T dS + 1 u du 11 M22 (7.8) 2 2 A M 11 M22 A M 1 M2 1 M2 A

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CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. 7. Aplicaciones Thermodynamics to Flow Processes de flujo CHAPTER 7. Applications of de la termodinmica a los procesos CAPTULO Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes

This equation relates du to d S and d A. Combined with Eq. (7.3) it relates d H to d S and d A, This equation relates du to d S and combinarse con la Eq. (7.3) it relates d H d and d A, Esta ecuacin relaciona du (7.4)dS dddA. AldA.toCombinedwithecuacin (7.3), relacionatoddSanddSdy dA, y al This combinedrelatescon to relates d VA. Combined withEq. (7.3) ititrelates ddH todH S andd A, This equation relates du to and relates A, and equation with du it ySSand dd A. Combined with Eq. (7.3)variables. H to Scon these same independent and con la ecuacin(7.4) relates d dVtothese same independent variables. combinarsecombined with (7.4) ititrelates ddV tocon esas mismas variablesvariables.uid as it traverses and combined with (7.4) itrelacionaVV toequations represent changes in the and combined with (7.4) the preceding these same independent variables. these same independent independientes. The differentials in relates The differentials in the preceding equations represent changes in the uid as it traverses Lasdifferential length ofecuaciones anteriores representan cambiosthe in the uidofasitittraverses The differentials its the precedingequations represent changes el fluido asowtraverses The differentials in path. If this equations then each of en in the uid a diferenciales en las in the precedinglength is d x,representchanges equationsconforme stebe may atraviesa adifferential length of its path. If this esta longitud theneach tal the equations ofow may be differential length su trayectoria.this lengthis ddx, es each of the equations of ow may be una longitud diferencialby dofits path. If this length(7.8)x, thendx, en of the equations of de lasmay be de of its path. If (7.7)length is d then become:of caso cada una ow ecuaciones de Si and is x, then each aa differential length x. Equations divided through flujo se dividedentre dx.by ddx. Equations (7.7) and (7.8) then (7.8) sern: divide through by x. Equations (7.7) and (7.8) then become: divided through by dx. Equations ecuaciones (7.7) ybecome: divided through De ese modo, las (7.7) and (7.8) then become: u 2 d S u2 d A 2 dP u 2 dSS u 2 dAA dPP 2 (7.9) V (1 M 2)ddP + T 1 + u 22 ddS uu2ddA = 0 2 2 u d x A d x = 0 (7.9) V(1 M 2 ) 2 + + = (7.9) (7.9) (7.9) VV(1 M2 )) d x + TT 11 + C P d x A d x = 00 (1 M d x + T 1+ C P dd x x C PP dd x AAdd x C x x P 2 u22 + M2 u 2 u uP 2 + M2 d S 1 u 2 d A du C + M2 2 2 2 1 u2 d A = 0 C + M d S + du udu T C P (7.10) 2 A 11 2 uu 2dd A S P u du T C 2 dd S + (7.10) P uud x TT 1 P M 2 d x + 1 M 2 A d x = 00 1 M 2 dx + 1 M 2 A dx = 0 = (7.10) (7.0) (7.10) dxx x 11 M dd x 2 2 dd x x M2 11 M AAdd x M2 According to the second law, the irreversibilities due to por friction in adiabatic ow flujo De acuerdo con la segunda ley, las irreversibilidades propiciadasuidla friccin del fluido en un causeadiabAccording to the second law, the According aumentosecondentropainirreversibilitiesofdireccin the flujo.in adiabatic ow cause el flujo According to the in the uid the fluido en due to uid friction in adiabatic ow cause an entropy increaseen la law, theirreversibilities ladue to uidfriction En adiabaticapproaches tico provocan un to the second law, theinirreversibilitiesdue to uid del limit as the lmite, ow cause el direction ow. In friction in el ow conforme an entropy increase in the uid inenthe direction of ow. In the limit as the ow approaches an entropy increase in theapproaches zero. In general, then, the limit as the ow approaches an entropy this increase uid the direction of ow. In direction of ow. limit as the reversibility,increase in the uid inthe tiende a cero. En tal In theen general, ow approaches se aproxima a la reversibilidad, este aumento zero. In general, then, caso, reversibility, this increase approaches zero. In general, then, reversibility, this increase approaches zero. In general, then, reversibility, this increase approaches dS dS ddx 0 0 dSS 00 dxx ddx

Pipe Flow Pipe Flow Pipe Flow Pipe Flujo For the Flow steady-state adiabatic ow of compressible uids in a horizontal pipe of conen tuberas case of

For the case of steady-state adiabatic ow of compressible uids in a horizontal pipe of conFor the case of steady-state adiabatic 0,owof compressible(7.10) reducehorizontalpipe of conFor cross-sectional area, d adiabatic and of compressible uids in to: stantthe case of steady-stateA/d x = ow Eqs. (7.9) and uids in aahorizontal pipe of constant cross-sectional area, dA/d = 0, and Eqs. (7.9) and (7.10) reduce to: En el caso decross-sectionalarea, enA/dxx =estacionario (7.9) and (7.10) reduce to: una tubera horizontal de stant cross-sectional area,dd A/d x 0, and Eqs. de fluidos (7.10) stant un flujo adiabtico estado= 0, and Eqs. (7.9) and compresibles,to: reduce en rea de seccin transversal constante, dA/dx = 0 y las ecuaciones (7.9) y u 2 se reducen a: (7.0) u 2 1 + u 2 u 2 + M2 2 2 2 2 u 2 u uP 2 + M2 d S T 11 + uP d S du dP 2 2 1+ C + C dS C + M2 d S +M T du dP udu = T C P ddPP = TT 1 C PP ddx dx = V S CP C 2 SS u du = T C 2 dd S P P = V 1 MP d uud x = TT 1 P M 2 d x 1 M d dxx = VV 11 M22 ddx dxx = 11 M2 2 ddx M 2 dxx M M xx dd x dd x 2 2

For subsonic ow, 2 2 < 1; all terms on the right sides of these equations are then positive, M Para un Forsubsonic ow, M<2,<1; all tanto todostheright sidesde los lados derechosarethen positive, flujo 2 For subsonic ow, M 2< por lo terms on the right sidesof these equations are then positive, For subsnico, M 2 < 1; all terms on the right sides of these equations are estas positive, son 1; all terms on los trminos of these equations de then ecuaciones and subsonic ow, M positivos; y, and dP du and and dP du and ddPP < 0 dx < 0 du > 0 du > 0 and d x > 00 < 00 < and and y dxx dxx > dd x d x Thus the pressure decreases and the velocity increases indthe direction of ow. However, the Thusthe pressure decreases and the velocity increases in the direction ofow. However, the Thuspresin disminuye y indenitely. velocityincreases in the exceed theofSin embargo, nothe posible Thus the pressure decreases and the If the velocity were the direction ow. However, es the pressure decreases and the aumenta en la direccin del flujo. ow. However, the velocity cannot increase la velocidadvelocity increases in to direction ofsonic value, then the As que la velocity cannot increase indenitely. If the velocity were to exceed the sonic value, then the velocity cannot increase indenitely. velocidad excediera eltoexceed thesonicenvalue, then invertiran velocity cannot increase indenitely. If transition not exceed a sonic tal caso se the above inequalities would reverse. la If the velocitywere possible in sonido, constant crossaumentar la velocidad indefinidamente. SiSuch a thevelocityis weretovalor delthepipe of value, then the above inequalities would reverse. Suchaa transition is not possible in apipe of constant crossabove inequalities would reverse. Suchnotransition is not possible in aade in of pipeseccin transversal above inequalities would reverse. the a sera uid not una tubera pipe a de of constant sectional area. For subsonictransicin maximumviablevelocity obtainable rea constant crossow, Such transition is en possible in pipe of constant crosslas desigualdades anteriores. Esta sectional area. For subsonic ow, the maximum sectional area.subsnico, la sound,the mxima deluid velocitythe exit unain pipe. At seccin transversectional area. For subsonic ow, and this value is reached at obtainable in a pipe of constant cross section the speed of ow, the maximum uid velocity obtainable tubera of this point constante. Para flujo isFor subsonicvelocidad maximum uid velocity obtainablethe aapipedeofconstant fluido alcanzada en of in pipe constant crosssection is the speed of sound, and this value is reached at the exit of the pipe. At this point cross x reaches the limiting value este valor valueais reached at the exit low enough Ateste punto, dS/dx cross section is its speed of sound, and this value isdischarge at the de of the pipe. At this point section is the speed of sound, zero. Given reached pressure of the pipe. for the ow d S/d es la rapidez del sonido, y ofand this se alcanza en la salidaexit la tubera. En this point sal constante dS/d reaches itslimiting value of zero. Given a discharge pressure lowenough for the ow limiting value of zero. Given discharge pressure low enough for ddS/dxx reaches de lengtheningunaof zero. denot alter this result;baja mass que el flujo setheow snico, to S/d x reachesits cero. Dada the pipe doesGivenaadischarge pressure lowrate of ow decreases become sonic,its limiting value presin descarga bastante the para enough for the ow llega a su valor lmite vuelva to become sonic, lengthening thepipe does not alter this result; themass rate of ow decreases to become sonic, velocity alterathe pipedoes notalter this result; the msico disminuye, de modo to become la tubera no is still pipe does the alter of de flujo mass rate of so that the sonic, lengthening este resultado; outletthis the lengthened pipe. ow decreases el alargamiento desonic lengthening theobtained atnot la relacinresult; the mass rate of ow decreases que la so thatthe sonic velocity is still obtained at the outlet of the lengthened pipe. so snica sonic obtiene is still obtainedattubera alargada. lengthened pipe. so that the equations for en laow indicate that when ow is supersonic the the sonic velocity is salida de the outlet of the velocidadthatThean sevelocity pipestillobtainedla atthe outlet of the lengthened pipe.pressure increases The equationsfor pipe ow indicate that whenow is supersonic the pressure increases The equationselforpipe ow direction thatwhen However, such a ow regime presin aumenta y The equations for pipe the indicate of when ow is supersonic the pressure unstable, and the velocity decreases en owindicate that ow. cuando ste es supersnico, la isincreases in la tubera indican que ow is supersonic the pressure increases Las ecuaciones para flujo and the velocity decreases in the direction of ow. However, such ow regime is unstable, and the velocity decreases in thedel flujo. of of constant crosssuch aow compression shock and disminuye decreases in direction of ow. However, section, a es inestable, y cuando la and the velocityen la direccin enters a pipe obstante, tal rgimen a flujoregime is unstable, la velocidadwhen a supersonic streamthedirection No ow. However, such adeowregime is unstable, and when supersonic stream enters a pipe of constant cross section, a compression shock and when aaresult of en una is an enters seccinof constant cross section, aa compressiondeshock and when supersonic stream abrupt and nite constant in pressure and decrease in velocity occurs, the asupersonic stream enters aapipe transversal constante, ocurre compressionshock which tubera de pipe of increase cross section, un choque compresin corriente supersnica entra occurs, the result of which is an abrupt and nite increase in pressure and decrease in velocity occurs, the result repentino yisan abrupt and niteincrease una disminucindecrease in velocity occurs, the result of to a un aumento of which an abrupt presin, increase in pressure and de la velocidad a que origina subsonic value. which is finito en la andnite as comoin pressure and decrease in velocityun valor to a subsonic value. to aasubsonic value. to subsnico. subsonic value.

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7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Flujo en conductos de fluidos compresibles

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Example 7.1 Example 7.1 Example 7.1 Ejemplo 7.1 steady-state, adiabatic, irreversible ow of an incompressible liquid in a Consider the Consider the steady-state, adiabatic, irreversible ow of an incompressible liquid in a
Consider the steady-state, adiabatic, irreversible ow of an incompressible liquid in a (a) The velocity is constant. (a) The velocity is constant. (a) The velocity is constant. (b) The temperature increases in the direction of ow. (b) The temperature increases in the direction of ow. (b) The temperature increases in the direction of ow. (c) The pressure decreases in the direction of ow. (c) The pressure decreases in the direction of ow. (c) The pressure decreases in the direction of ow.
a) La velocidad es constante.

horizontal irreversible, adiabtico, en estado estacionario de horizontal pipe of constant cross-sectional area. Show that: Considere un flujopipe of constant cross-sectional area. Show that:un lquido incompresible, que est horizontal pipe of constant cross-sectional area. Show that: en una tubera horizontal de rea de seccin transversal constante. Demuestre que:

b) La temperatura aumenta en la direccin del flujo. c) La presin disminuye en la direccin del flujo.

Solucin 7.1 Solution 7.1 Solution 7.1

b) El balance deentropy balanceecuacin (5.23) en este caso simply S G =en 2 =1S2For an Para un . G S (b) The entropa de la of Eq. simply G (b) The entropy balance of Eq. (5.23) here becomes se convierte S2S S1 .. ForSan (b) The entropy balance of Eq. (5.23) here becomes simply S = S lquido incompressiblecon capacidad calorfica CCbecomesejemplo SG = S2 S1 . For an incompresible liquid with heat (5.23) here(vaseEx. 6.2, pp. 203204), incompressible liquid with heat capacity C (see Ex. 6.2, pp. 6.2), liquid with heat capacity C (see Ex. 6.2, pp. 203204), capacity (see el 203204), incompressible T T22 T2 dT dT =S S = C SG = S2 S1 = C dT SG = S22 S11 = CT SG T T T11 T T1 But G positive (ow is irreversible) and y, en by the last equation, 2 > T But SG ises positiva (el is irreversible) and hence, by the last equation, T2 > T 1 , No obstante,SSGis positive (ow flujo es irreversible)hence,consecuencia, para laTltima11,, But SG is positive (ow is irreversible) and hence, by the last equation, T2 > T ecuacin and temperature increases in the direction of ow. and temperature increases in the en la direccin del flujo. T > T ,and temperature increases in the direction of ow. y la temperatura se incrementa direction of ow.

a) En este caso, el volumen de control es simplemente una longitud horizontal pipe, with finita de una tubera horizon(a) The control volume simply a nite length (a) The control volume here is simply a nite length of horizontal pipe, with (a) The control volume here is simply a nite length of la ecuacin de with tal, con las secciones de entrada yhere isidentificadas como By2.of horizontal pipe, continuidad, salida y the continuity equation, Por entrance and entrance and exit sections identied as 1 and 2. By the continuity equation, entrance and exit sections identied as 1 and 2. la ecuacin (2.27), exit sections identied as 1 and 2. By the continuity equation, Eq. (2.27), Eq. (2.27), Eq. (2.27), u A u A u 22A22 u 11A11 u 2 A2 = u 1 A1 = = V1 V V V22 1 V2 V1 However, A = A (constant cross-sectional area) and V = V (incompressible A = A (rea de cross-sectional area) and V y V V (fluido incompresiDe cualquier modo,22 ==A11 (constantseccin transversal constante)= V21=(incompressible However, A A2 A  (constant cross-sectional area) and V22 = V1 (incompressible However, 2 1 2 1 uid). Hence, ble). Por lo tanto, u2 =uu2 .= u11.. uid). Hence, u2= u . uid). Hence, u 2 = u 1

Solution 7.1

(c) indica en el inciso = and y por lo the energy balance, Eq. (2.32), reduces c) Como seAsshown in (a), u 22 a),u 11,,= u,therefore tanto el balance de energa, ecuacin (2.32), se (c) As shown in (a), u 2 = u2 ,and thereforethe energy balance, Eq. (2.32), reduces (c) As shown in (a), u = u 1 and therefore the energy balance, Eq. (2.32), reduces for the stated conditions to H H = 0. Combining this with the integrated form reduce parathestated conditions to H22 H11H2 0. H = 0. Al combinar staintegrated form las condiciones establecidas a = 0. Combining this with the con la forma integrada for the stated conditions to H2 H1 = Combining this with the integrated form for of Eq. (A) del ejemplo 6.2 aplicada a un lquido incompresible de la ecuacin(A) of Ex. 6.2 applied to an incompressible liquid yields: se obtiene: of Eq. (A) of Ex. 6.2 applied to an incompressible liquid yields: of Eq. (A) of Ex. 6.2 applied to an incompressible liquid yields: T T22 T2 H = C dT + V (P P ) = 0 H H = C dT + V (P22 P11) = 0 H22 H11 = C dT + V (P2 P1 ) = 0 H2 1 Whence, Whence, De donde, Whence, T T22 T2 C dT V (P2 P1 ) = (P P = C dT V (P22 P11)) = C dT V T
T11 T1 T T11 T1

As shown in (b), T > T T ; by the last equation, P P < , y pressure As shown in (b), T22 b), T2 ; thus by por la ltima ecuacin, < P1 , and pressure Como se muestra en el inciso > T11;;>thus as, the last equation, P22 < 2P11,Pand la presin dismiAs shown in (b), T2 > T1 thus by the last equation, P2 < P , and pressure  decreases in the direction of ow. decreases in the direction of ow. nuye endecreases in the direction of ow. la direccin del flujo. Repeating this example for the case of reversible adiabatic ow is instructive. Repeating this example for the case of reversible adiabatic ow is instructive. ResultaRepeating this exampleejemplocase of reversible adiabatic ow is instructive. u2 = ilustrativo repetir este for the para un flujo adiabtico reversible. En este caso In this case u22 = u 1 Porbefore, but SG = 0. de entropa balance then shows that this case u = u as before, but S = 0. The entropy balance then shows that Inantes,case uSG= u 11 as before, but Sbalance The entropymuestra que Tshows ,that cuya siu comoIn this pero 2 = 0. as lo tanto, el G = 0. The entropy balance then 2 = T en G T = T1 , in which case the energy balance yields P = P We conclude that the T2 = T11,, in which case the energy balance yields P2 = P1 . We conclude that the tuacin T22 balance de energa produce P2 =balance yields P22queP11..aumento de temperatura en el el = T in which case the energy P. Concluimos = el We conclude that the temperature increase la presin en pressure decrease of (c) originate from ow temperature increase of (b) and the pressure c) son la causa de las irreversibilidades del temperature increase of (b) and the pressure decrease of (c) originate from ow inciso b) y la disminucin deof (b) and the el inciso decrease of (c) originate from ow irreversibilities, specically from the irreversibilities associated with fluido. irreversibilities,de las irreversibilidades asociadas con la friccin deluid friction. irreversibilities, specically from the irreversibilities associated with uid friction. flujo, especficamente specically from the irreversibilities associated with uid friction.

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CHAPTER 7. 7. Aplicaciones Thermodynamics to Flow Processes de flujo CAPTULO Applications of Thermodynamics to a los procesos CHAPTER 7. Applications of de la termodinmica Flow Processes

Toberas Nozzles Nozzles

The limitations observed for ow of compressible uids in pipes do not extend to properly The limitations observan para el of de fluidos que son in pipes do en tuberas properly Las limitaciones que seobserved for owflujocompressible uids compresiblesnot extend tono se extienden a designed nozzles, which bring about the interchange of internalde energas interna of cintica de un toberas designed nozzles, which bring about the interchange of internal and kinetic energy y a uid diseadas adecuadamente, las cuales originan el intercambio and kinetic energy of a uid as the result of a changing cross-sectional area available for ow. The relation between nozzle as the result of dechangingde seccin transversal variablefor ow. The relation between nozzleentre la fluido como resultado a un rea cross-sectional area available disponible para el flujo. La relacin length and cross-sectional area is not susceptible to thermodynamic analysis, but is a problem length and cross-sectional area is not tobera no to thermodynamic analysis, but is a problem longitud y el rea de seccin transversal de lasusceptiblees susceptible al anlisis termodinmico, sino que es in uid mechanics. In a properly designed nozzle the area changes with length in such a way as in uid mechanics. In a fluidos. En una nozzle the diseada, el with length con la longitud, un problema de la mecnica deproperly designedtobera bien area changes rea cambiain such a way as de tal to make the ow nearly frictionless. In the limit of reversible ow, the rate of entropy increase manera to make the ow nearly frictionless.En el lmite de flujo reversible, therapidez entropy increase entroque el fluido casi no tiene friccin. In the limit of reversible ow, la rate of de incremento de approaches zero, and d S/d x = 0. In this event Eqs. (7.9) and (7.10) become: approaches dS/dx and d S/d x =caso, las ecuaciones (7.9) yand (7.10) become: pa tiende a cero y zero, = 0. En este 0. In this event Eqs. (7.9) (7.0) sern: 1 dA 1 dA 2 dP du dP = u2 dA dA u u 1 du = u 1 = V A 1 M2 d x = A 1 M2 d x dx dx dx V A 1 M2 d x dx A 1 M2 d x The characteristics of ow depend on whether the ow is subsonic (M < 1) or supersonic The characteristics dependen de si es subsnico (M < is supersnico < > or En la tabla Las caractersticas del flujoof ow depend on whether the ow) osubsonic (M (M1) ). supersonic 7.2 se (M > 1). The various cases are summarized in Table 7.2. (M > 1). The various resumen los diversos casos. cases are summarized in Table 7.2.

Tabla 7.2: Caractersticas del flujo para a Nozzle. Table 7.2: Characteristics of Flow for a Nozzle. Table 7.2: Characteristics of Flow for una tobera
Subsonic: M < 1 Subsnica:M < 1 Subsonic: M <  Supersonic: M > 1 Supersnica:M > 1 Supersonic: M > 

Convergente Divergente Convergente Divergente Converging Diverging Converging Diverging Converging Diverging Converging Diverging
dA dA dx dx dP dP dx dx du du dx dx + + + + + + + + + + + +

De esteThus, for subsonic ow in a convergingtobera convergente, la velocidad aumenta y la presin modo, para el flujo subsnico en una nozzle, the velocity increases and the pressure Thus, for subsonic ow in a converging nozzle, the velocity increases and the pressure decreases as the cross-sectional area diminishes. The maximum obtainable uid velocity is the fluido disminuye conformethe cross-sectional area diminishes. The maximum obtainable uid velocity is the decreases as decrece el rea de la seccin transversal. La velocidad mxima alcanzada por el speed of sound, reached atse obtieneBecause of this, a converging subsonic nozzle can be used ser la rapidez del sonido, y staat the exit. Because of this, a converging subsonic utilizar can be usedconverspeed of sound, reached the exit. en la salida. Debido a esto, es posible nozzle una tobera to deliver a constant owrate into a region of variable pressure. Suppose a compressible uid to deliver a constant owrate into a region constante pressure. Suppose a compressible uid gente subsnica para entregar una relacin de flujoof variable en una regin de presin variable. Suponga que enters a converging en una at pressure P1 and discharges from the nozzle into a chamber of enters a converging nozzle at pressure P1 and discharges from the nozzle into a chamber of un fluido compresible entra nozzle tobera convergente a presin P y desde la tobera se descarga a una cmavariable pressure P2 medida discharge pressure decreases below P1 the owrate and velocity variable pressure A As this discharge pressure decreases below P1 the owrate aumentan el ra de presin variable P2.P2 .. As thisque esta presin de descarga disminuye ,,debajo de P,and velocity caudal increase. Ultimately, the pressure ratio P2 /P1 /P llegaa critical value at which the velocity at increase. final, la relacin de las ratio P2 /P1 reaches un valor crtico en el the la velocidad y la velocidad. AlUltimately, the pressure presiones P2reaches a acritical value at which cualvelocity at en la the nozzle exit is sonic. Further reduction in P2 2 nono effect on the conditions in the nozzle. the tobera es is sonic. Further reduccin PP has afecta las condiciones de in the nozzle. salida de lanozzle exitsnica. Una mayorreduction inen 2 has no effect on the conditionsla tobera. El flujo perThe ow remains constant, and the velocity at the nozzle exit is sonic, regardless of the value maneceThe ow remains constant, and the velocity at the es snica, sin considerar el valor de P2valuea condiconstante, y en la salida de la tobera la velocidad nozzle exit is sonic, regardless of the /P, of P2 /P1 ,, providedmenor que el valor crtico. Para value. For el valorthe critical value cociente es, a cin deof P2 /P1 provided it is always less than the critical value. For steam, the critical value of this que siempre sea it is always less than the critical el vapor, steam, crtico de este of this ratio is about 0.55 at moderate temperatures and pressures. ratio y presiones at moderate temperatures temperaturasis about 0.55 moderadas, de casi 0.55. and pressures. Supersonic velocities are readily attained in the diverging section of a properly designed Supersonic velocities se readily attained in the diverging section of a properly designed Las velocidades supersnicasare consiguen con facilidad en la seccin divergente de una tobera converconverging/diverging nozzle (Fig. 7.1). With sonic velocity alcanzada en lathroat, a further converging/diverging nozzle (Fig. 7.1). la velocidad snica reached at the garganta, otro aumento gente/divergente bien diseada (figura 7.). Con With sonic velocity reached at the throat, a further increase in velocity and decrease in pressure requires an increase in cross-sectional area, a increase la disminucin decrease in requiere de un aumento en el in cross-sectional area, a en la velocidad yin velocity and en la presinpressure requires an increase rea de la seccin transversal, una diverging section to accommodate increasing volume of La transicin ocurre occurs at the seccindiverging sectiondar cabida al creciente volumen de flujo. ow. The transition en la garganta, donde divergente para to accommodate increasing volume of ow. The transition occurs at the throat, relacin A/d x velocidad, rea y presin en unavelocity, area, and pressure in a converg- numdA/dx =throat, where d A/d x = 0. The relationships between velocity,convergente/divergente converg0. La where d entre = 0. The relationships between tobera area, and pressure in a se ilustra ing/diverging nozzle are illustrated numerically in Ex. 7.2. ing/diverging nozzle ricamente en el ejemplo 7.2.are illustrated numerically in Ex. 7.2.

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7.1. Flujo en conductos de fluidos compresibles 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids

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7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids

Figura 7.1: Tobera convergente/divergente. Figure 7.1: Converging/diverging Figure 7.1: nozzle. 7.1: Figure 7.1: Figure Converging/diverging Converging/diverging Converging/diverging Figure 7.1: nozzle. nozzle. nozzle. Converging/diverging nozzle.

La rapidez del sonido se lograattained at the throat of a converging/diverging nozzle only when la preThe speed of sound is en la garganta de una tobera convergente/divergente slo cuando sin en thegarganta es the throatbaja para alcanzar el valor crtico de PP/P. Si la cada de insufcient la pressure at bastante is low enough that the critical value of 2 /P is reached. If presin disponible 2 1 The speed of sound is attained at the throat of a converging/diverging de la only when en la tobera es insuficientesound queattainedat the sea velocityconverging/diverging nozzle toberawhen como The speed of sound is attained at the throat of a converging/diverging diverging section The speed of para is la velocidad throat of a to become sonic, the nozzle only acta pressure drop is available in the nozzle for the snica, la seccin divergentenozzle only when difusor.thethe Thedespus throatdiffuser.enoughthat the criticalavalue of la2velocidad disminuye; and theel comEs pressure atthe throatis low garganta after the aumenta of P /P is reached. If insufcient the pressure at theofas llegarlow enough is, la presinthroat is of P 22/P11is reached. If insufcient the decir, speed de a is lowenough that throat of value y P /P is pressure rises ste es of pressure atacts throat is isaattained atthat the critical value reached 1the reached. If insufcient nozzle the sound la That the the critical converging/diverging nozzle only when pressure drop is available in the subsnico en seccionesto become sonic, the diverging section portamiento convencionalthroatis thethe nozzle that the velocity to become sonic, diverging insufcient pressure decreases; para el in the nozzle for the critical value of P2 /P1 is reached. If sections. the pressure atis available flujoenough for behavior for divergentes. in the diverging section pressure drop the this is low nozzle for velocity to become sonic, the diverging section velocity drop is available in conventional the velocity subsonic ow of the nozzle acts as a diffuser. That is, after tobera isentrpica se the pressuremanera analtica La relacin relation as aadiffuser.presinis, after the throat isbecome sonic,pressure rises and the si el of theThe de la velocidad in lato nozzleis, inthe the throat is reached the expressedrises and the pressure drop acts of velocity pressure after velocity tonozzle can expresa de rises section of the nozzle is available a the That en una isentropic is reached the pressure analytically nozzle acts as diffuser. That for an the throat reached be the diverging and the velocity decreases; this is the conventional behavior for subsonic ow in diverging sections. fluido se comporta behavesthis anidealconventional behavior for capacities.ow inpressure ofsections.the velocity decreases;as gasis the conventional behavior for subsonic ow Sidiverging sections. of the nozzle acts this is idealcon with after the heat subsonic thein diverging Eqs. (6.8) velocity decreases; a the That capacidad throat is constante. se combinan las if the uid como unas diffuser. gasunais, constant calorfica reachedCombination rises and ecuaciones The relation of velocity to pressure an isentropic nozzle (6.8) y (7.3)(7.3)decreases;of velocity se pressure inbehavior for subsoniccan beinexpressedanalytically para el isentropic ow to obtiene: in an isentropic nozzle can be expressed analytically The relation of velocityconventional an isentropic nozzle can be expressed analytically velocity for flujo isentrpicogives: ow diverging sections. The relation this is the to pressure in and if the uid behaves as an ideal gas with constant heat capacities. Combination of Eqs. (6.8) if the The relation ofas an ideal gas with constant heat capacities. Combination of Eqs. (6.8) if the uid behaves as an ideal gas with in an isentropic nozzle can be expressedof Eqs. (6.8) uid behaves velocity to pressure constant heat capacities. Combination analytically u dP and (7.3) for isentropic ow gives: u du = V d P and (7.3) for isentropic an ideal gas with du = Vheat capacities. Combination of Eqs. (6.8) if the uid behaves as ow gives: constant and (7.3) for isentropic ow gives: and (7.3) for con las condiciones La integracin,isentropic ow gives:de entrada yV d Pde la tobera, indicadas por  y 2, produce: u du = salidaP Integration, with nozzle entrance and exitdu = V d denoted by 1 and 2, yields: u du = V d P u conditions u du = V ddenoted 1 2, yields: P P2 Integration, with nozzle entrance and exit conditions denoted by 1 and1)/ Integration, with nozzle 2entrance and exit conditionsV1 P ( 2 P1 Integration, with nozzle entrance and exit conditions denoted by 21 and 2, yields: by and 2, yields: 2 (7.11) (7.) = 2 = u 2 u 1entrance andV d Pconditions denoted 1 2, yields: 1 by and Integration, with nozzle 1 P2 ( 1)/ PPP exit P1 (1)/ 1 222 ( 1)/ 2 P1 V1 P P 2 P V (7.11) u 22 u 22= 2 V d P = 2 P11V11 1 P22 2 2 (7.11) u22 u11 = 2 P P2 V d P = 1 1 P1 ( 1)/ (7.11) u2 u1 = 2 1 V d P = 2 P V 1 of 1 1 by Eq. (3.30c), P V = const. V P11 1 1 2 where the nal term u 2 = 2 upon V d P = 2 is obtained P11 elimination P P y, mediante la ecuacin (3.30c), PV = constante. (7.11) 1 donde se llega al trminoufinal al eliminar V 2 1 1 /P Equation (7.11) may be solved for the pressure ratio P2 P1 for which u 2 reaches the P La ecuacinnal term puede resolver1para la relacin de presiones P21  para =que u2 llega a la rapidez (7.) se /P where the nal term is obtained upon elimination of V by Eq. (3.30c), P V la= const. where of sound, termwhere the nal i.e., is obtained upon elimination of V by Eq. (3.30c), P V = const. where is obtained upon elimination of V by Eq. (3.30c), P V const. speed the del sonido, esEquation (7.11) may be solved for the pressure ratio P2 /P1 for which u 2 reaches the decir, donde may be solved for the pressure ratio P /P for which u reaches the whereEquation term is obtained solvedelimination 2of V Pratio P2 /P1 for whichconst. the nal (7.11) 2 1 Equation (7.11) may be upon for the pressureby Eq. (3.30c), P V = u22 reaches the 2 2 speed of sound, i.e., where u2 = speed Equation (7.11) may be solved= c theV Vratio P2 /P1 for which u 2 reaches the for pressure S speed of sound, i.e., where of sound, i.e., where P 2 2 P speed of sound, i.e., where u 22= c 22= V 22 P 2 2 u 22 = c = V u = = respect to The derivative is found by differentiationcwithV V VS of P V = const.: P V u 2 = c2 = V 2 V SS 2 The derivative is found by differentiation P respectP V Sof P V = const.: with respect to V of P V = const.: V The se encuentra found by differentiation with respect to V V = const.: The derivative is por diferenciacin con with = a to La derivada derivative is found by differentiation respecto V de PVof=Pconstante: V respect to V of P V = const.: The derivative is found by differentiationP S with VP P P P = P = V V S = VP 2 =P V V SS 2 2 V Substitution then yields: uV P 2 = V S 2 = P V V 2 in Eq. (7.11) and with u =20,2solution for the pressure ratio at the throat Substitution then yields: u 22 = 1 P V 2 With this value foryields: u2 Substitution then u 22 = P2 V2 La sustitucin nos da: yields: 2 2 Substitution then u 2 gives: 2 in Substitution then yields:Eq. (7.11) and with =1= 2 V2/( 1) for the pressure ratio at the throat u u P 0,solution With this value for u 22 With this value en u 2ecuacin (7.) 2y con u 2 = solution for thepressure ratio at the throat With this value for u in Eq. (7.11) P with  = 0, 0, solucin para pressure ratio at the throat and 2 Con este valor para u 2 for la22 in Eq. (7.11) and withuu11 = 0, solution for thela relacin de presiones en la garla 2 gives: 2 in Eq. (7.11) and = (7.12) gives:this value for u 2 With 0, 1 1 solution gives: ganta da: P1 withu 2 = /( 1) for the pressure ratio at the throat + /( 1) /( 1) P2 gives: P22 = 2 P 2 (7.12) (7.12) = (7.12) P1 = + 1 /( 1) 2 1 P11 +1 2 P = + (7.12) (7.2) P1 +1

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Example 7.2 Example 7.2 Example 7.2 Example 7.2 Example 7.2 Ejemplo 7.2 nozzle is designed to operate withwithsteam 700700kPa and 300At At A Example 7.2 high-velocity 7.2 high-velocity operate steam at kPa and 300 C. Ahigh-velocity nozzle designedtooperate with steamat700 kPa and 300 C. Example nozzle isisdesigned totooperatewith steam atat700kPa and 300C.C.AtAt A Ahigh-velocitynozzle isisdesignedto operate with steam at 700 kPa and 300 C. At Example nozzle designed to operate with steam at 700 kPa and 300 C. At A high-velocity 7.2 1 A high-velocity nozzle is designed 1 1
600, 500, 400, 300, and 200 kPa. Assume that the nozzle operates isentropically.

262 262 262 262 262 262 262 262

CHAPTER 7. 7.7. ApplicationsofofThermodynamicstotoFlowProcesses CHAPTER Applicationsof Thermodynamics Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications Thermodynamics to toFlow Processes CHAPTER Applications ofof Thermodynamics Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CAPTULO Applications de la termodinmica a los procesos CHAPTER 7. 7. Aplicaciones Thermodynamics to Flow Processes de flujo CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes

thethenozzle inlet nozzlevelocidad m s to1 . .Calculate values 700 theratio A/A 11(where A A nozzle inletinlet alta velocityis para . operate nozzle velocity 30 .Calculate values of 700 ratioA/A Enla A Calculate values ratioyA/AA/A (where Se disea una toberathethevelocity isis30mmfuncionar con vapor of ofoftheratio3001 C.(where 1At 11 de kPa the nozzle inlet the velocity3030 ms1 . Calculate steam the 700 kPa and1 (whereentrada A thenozzle inletthe velocity is 30 m sssCalculate values a atthe ratio A/A(where A At high-velocityde the 1 is C. thehigh-velocity the velocity is 30 m s1operate withvalues of the ratio A/A 1 300 C. A1 Ais nozzle inlet nozzle is designed nozzle inlet)withrelacin atthe where and (whereis 1de is thethe cross-sectional areaCalcule nozzleCalculate values ofA/A1where the1 pressureAisis secthethe cross-sectional sis of isofthe los1inlet) forfor values of the ratiothethe es el rea1is the cross-sectionalareaof 30nozzlevalores deforthe sections (donde A 1 (where A cross-sectionalvelocity the the s1. Calculate the sections where thepressure area .designed nozzle inlet) the steam where A/A 300 areaofthe to . inlet) for the sections kPa pressure pressure la tobera lanozzle inlet the m la sections is velocidad es 30 is the cross-sectional area of them s . Calculatethe sections where A/Apressure A the nozzle inlet the velocity is 30 nozzle inlet) for values of the ratio the 1 (where is 1 is the cross-sectional area of the m the 500, 400, 300, and lakPa. Assumelas seccionesnozzleoperates isentropically. is1 300 1 is 600, 500, 400, 300, de 200kPa.Assume that the sections where the 600, 500, 600,the500, 400, 300, and 200 the nozzle thatthatthenozzle operates isentropically. 400, 500, 200 kPa.Assume that nozzle operates isentropically. Assume the cin transversal400,la entrada and200kPa. nozzle inlet) forthenozzleoperates isentropically. is para 600, 600, 500,de 300, and area tobera)nozzle inlet) for the sections where es pressure is the cross-sectional area ofkPa. Assume that the the donde la presin the pressure 600, 500, 400, 300, and 200of the Assume that for the sections where the pressure is 400, 300, and nozzle is Suponga que la tobera funciona de manera isentrpica. operates isentropically. cross-sectional 200 kPa. inlet) the nozzle operates isentropically. 600, y 200 kPa. 500, 400, 300, and 200 kPa. Assume that the nozzle operates isentropically. 600,

Solution 7.2 Solution 7.2 Solucin 7.2 Solution 7.2

3 When u is in (ft)(s)1 , 1 in H in (Btu)(lb must must be multiplied by 778.16(ft lb )(Btu)1by the dimensional 3 When 1 1 1 1 (ft)(s)1 in (Btu)(lb )1 be be multiplied by 778.16(ft lbf )(Btu)and and by the dimensional 33 When uis in(ft)(s)1 ,H(Btu)(lbm ) m1 mustmultiplied by 778.16(ft lb )(Btu) 1 and by the dimensional f 3 When uuis in (ft)(s)1 ,, ,H 1(Btu)(lb 21 must be multiplied by 778.16(ftf lbf )(Btu)1 and by the dimensional When is is in(ft)(s) H H in (Btu)(lbm )m ) 3 When g is 32.174(lbm , H in (Btu)(lbm . . constant gc gg32.174(lbm )(ft)(lbf )in )11 2m )1 must be multiplied by 778.16(ft lbf )(Btu)1 and by the dimensional constant u c =in  32.174(lb )(ft)(lb f ) 2 . constant= u ==32.174(lb1m )(ft)(lb)1 (s)2 )1 must be multiplied by 778.16(ft lbf )(Btu)1 and by the dimensional 2 in , H 1(Btu)(lb1 (s)debe c(ft)(s)(ft)(s)en)(ft)(lb f(s)  (s) . multiplicarse por 778.6 (ft lb )(Btu) y por la constante dimensional g = 32.74 constant 3 When Cuando3u es gccu=is in (ft)(s)m1 H in)1)(s)2m ) 1must be multiplied by 778.16(ft lbf )(Btu) 1and by the dimensional m f c constant en 32.174(lb m)(ft)(lbff (Btu)(lb . , When constant g . u is in (ft)(s) , H in (Btu)(lb ) must be multiplied by 778.16(ft lbf )(Btu) and by the dimensional (lbm)(ft)(lbf) (s)2c = 32.174(lbm )(ft)(lbf ) 1(s) 2.m constant gg = 32.174(lbm )(ft)(lbf ))1 (s)2 . (s) . c = 32.174(lb )(ft)(lb constant c m f

The required area ratios are given The required area ratios are given by Eq. (2.27), and the velocity u is found from the theintegratedforma of Eq. (7.3): by Eq. (2.27), and the velocity u is found from the integrated form Eq. (7.3): the integratedform Eq. (7.3): The required form integrada de by Eq. (2.27), and the velocity u is found from cuentra the integratedareaofof ofEq.(7.3): labyEq. (2.27), and the velocity u is found from a integratedla form of are given ecuacin (7.3): partir de form ratios (7.3): Eq. The required form of Eq. (7.3): the integrated area ratios are given the integratedAformuofuu 1 V(7.3): A A 1 V11 V the integrated formofuEq. (7.3): V A =u V A = u 1Eq. 22 2 2 andand yand u 2u= 2=uuu2(HH11 ) uu =2 22(H2(H ) 1 ) 2 u =2 2(H H H and A== =u Vu = u 1 2(H H ) H and u 2 = 1u 2 11 2(H 1H1 )) 1 A1A A= 1V V1 u A11 V u111 Vu 1V and u 22 2 1 1 u V AA V 1u 1 u = u12 2 2 H )) A1 = V1 u m s, and 1 = V1 u 12 22 u2 tiene unidades2u2m2(H . H1unidades de J kg para and u2 = de 2(H Las 1 1 Con unidades para la velocidad de 1 s 1 1 kg for ForForvelocity units ofofms1u, ,uhashasthe units, m2222 Units ofofJkg11for HHare2 2 Forvelocity units m mmss ,u3 has the units, m2sss Units of J kgJkg for H are are velocity unitsAof of s11 u, velocity A11 units V 1 2u the units, m s2 2 . .2Units ofJ 11 for H are 2 has the units, m . 2 . Units For H son consistentes con estas m 3 1 , u 2 has que  J =2kg sm .s Units donde1 J kgH 2m s . , de of J kg for H are = For velocity units of m s units of unidades, ya the units, 2 2 s 1 For velocitywiththese,3 s1 , u1 has1the kg m2 m2 ,2 . Unitskg11  ==form2ssare consistent withwiththese,3because2J111J= kg1m2 m2mswhence 1 J111Jkg1 1111m2s22 . consistent units of becauseu 2 has the units, s22whence of J kg1 2 s2 . are these,3 m because J 1 kg sm s ,whence of J = = m m2 kg 2 2 2 , whence kg 3 consistentwith these, s because= J==1 units, m22,s2 . Units J Jkgkg11for2 H2 . . consistent with these, valores , For velocity units los because 1 J = 1 units,s entropa, la J kgJ kg el for De las tablas de vapor, of 3m s1 , u inicialeskg m2 la2 , whence 1entalpa = 1 m2 sH areespecy m consistent with these, because 1has the para s m , whence 1 J of 1 = 1 m s2 . s volume fromsteam volumen . Units kg1the steam 2 . For velocityvaluesfor 3 entropy,enthalpy, and 2 specicvolume from the steam tables: J = 1 and consistent values for entropy, enthalpy, kgandspecicvolume the steam tables: Initial values for entropy, enthalpy, and specic , Initial tables:. Initial Initial values forentropy, enthalpy, specic volume 1JJ kg1 = 1 m ss2 . consistent values for entropy, enthalpy, and m 2 volume from kgthe steam2tables: fico son:consistentvaluesthese,3 because 1 JJ= 1 andm 2 ss2 ,whence 1from the = 1 m 2tables: Initial with these, because 1 = kg specic volume from the steam tables: Initial with for entropy, enthalpy,1 kg specic whence from Initial values11 1K1 enthalpy, and 103 10 volume fromthe steamcm33 1 3 = ==7.2997kJkJkgKentropy,HH1=3,059.8 1033volume V V1=371.39 3 cmg1 7.2997 kJ kg for1K1 7.2997 kg 1 = 3,059.8 103kgJkg1 = 371.39 cm g 1 3,059.8 J kg 371.39 tables: S1 SSS1Initialvalues kg11K1H1enthalpy, and specicJJkg111from =371.39cm31gg1 =7.2997 kJ forentropy, H ==3,059.8specic 11 V V = the steamtables: 1 = 7.2997 kJ kg K H 1 = 3,059.8 103 J kg V 1 = 371.39 cm g S1 1= 7.2997 kJ kg1 K1 H1 1= 3,059.8 103 J kg1 V1 1= 371.39 cm3 g1 S1 33 1 K1 H1 = 10 J kg1 V1 = 371.39 cm33 g1 S1 = 7.2997 kJ kg 1 K1 A 1 A 3,059.8 30 V kg1 V = 371.39 cm g1 1 30 V HA A 3,059.8 V V S1 = 7.2997 kJ kg 1 = 3030 10 J 1 A = 30 V Thus, Thus, (A)(A) (A) (A) Thus, = 30 371.39 Thus, (A) A== = 371.39Vuu As queThus, 371.39 u V (A) A1A A= 371.39 A11 30 u Thus, (A) 1 30 V AA = 371.39 u 371.39 u 1 Thus, (A) A1 = Thus, (A) A 371.39 u A andand and u 2u= 2=90012(H3,059.81033 ) 2(H2(H3,059.8 3 )10 3,059.8 u 3,059.8 (B)(B) (B) (B) 22 900 900 3 y uu ==90012(H371.39 10103 )) 2 = 900 2(H 3,059.8 10 ) and (B) and u (B) and u 2 = 900 2(H 3,059.8 103 ) (B) 2 = 900 2(H 3,059.8 103 ) and u (B) 3 Because the theexpansionuis isisentropic,= S=SS1=;steam-table valueslas600 kPaare: Because the expansionis= es isentrpico, steam-table values at at 600 kPaare: steam-table Because expansion is 2 isentropic, and 900 2(H 1; steam-table values kPa (B) Puesto que el procesoexpansionisentropic, S SS=; 1S1steam-table)values at at600kPa are: Because the de expansin isentropic, S = S; ; S; valores de 600tablasare: are: Because the expansion is isentropic, S =1S 3,059.8los 10 values at 600 kPade vapor a 600 Because the expansion is isentropic, S = S1 ; steam-table values at 600 kPa are: kPa son:Becausethe expansion is1 Because the expansion K1 = 3,020.4 S10steam-table V =V418.25 cm3 cm3gg1 isentropic,3,020.41 31033J11 values =418.25 cm11 S = S ;; 10 Jkg1 valuesat 418.25 g are: 600 kPa are:1 S = S=7.2997 kJkJkgK11 isentropic,3,020.4 103 kgkg11 V = 418.25kPa3 3g1 7.2997 kJ kJ1 1 K 7.2997 kg1 is H= =at 600 cm 1 H = = S = steam-table J SS==7.2997 kgkg1 K1 H H H=3,020.4 10J3 J kgkg VV= 418.25 cm 3 g 3,020.4 S = 7.2997 kJ kg1 K S = 7.2997 kJ kg1 K1 H = 3,020.4 1033J kg1 V = 418.25 cm33g1 1 SFrom Eq.Eq. (B),1 K1 H u=3,020.4 m 103ssJkg1 V = 418.25 cm3 g1 , , 1 S = FromEq.kJ kg =7.2997 kJ(B), K1 H ==3,020.4 mm1 kg1 V = 418.25 cm g, , 7.2997 (B), From (B), kg Eq. u=282.3 ms J1 282.3 1 1 282.3 From Eq. (B), uu= =282.3s10 = 282.3 s From Eq. (B), u = 282.3 m s1 , From u m 1 , s 1 From Eq. (B), u30282.3 mm1 ,, 30 =282.3418.25 De la ecuacin (B), (B), A A u u = 418.25 = 282.3 mss 418.25 418.25 From Eq. A A = 3030 A = 30 418.25 = = 0.120 30 By ByEq. (A), Eq.Eq. (A), By (A),(A), Eq. = 0.120 371.39 282.3 0.120 By Eq. (A), A== = 371.39 418.25 = =0.120 371.39 418.25 = 0.120 By 0.120 A1A A= 371.39 282.3 A 282.3 30 282.3 By Eq. (A), 1 418.25 30 AA11 371.39 282.3 1 A1 = 371.39 282.3 = 0.120 UsandoBy ecuacin (A), la Eq. (A), ByEq. (A), = 0.120 = 371.39 282.3 Area ratios for for other Apressures are evaluated the same way, and the results are Arearatios other pressures are evaluated the same way,way, and results are are ratios for other 11 Area ratios for other pressures are evaluated the same way, and the results are A pressures are evaluated the same and the the results 371.39 282.3 Area ratios for other pressures are evaluated the same way, and the results are Area ratios for other pressures are evaluated the same way, and the results are Area de lasthe following table. summarized in ininthefollowing table. evaluated the same igual manera y los resultados se summarized reas para otras presiones se evalan de way, and the results are the following table. summarized inthe following table. Las relaciones summarized for other pressures are Area ratios in other pressures are summarizedfor the following table. Area ratios summarized in the following table. evaluated the same way, and the results are resumen en la siguiente tabla: summarized in the following table. summarized in3the following table. P/kPa V /cm3 g1gg1 u/m s11 A/A 11P/kPa V /cm3 g1gg1 u/m s11 A/A 11 P/kPa s1 1 A/A P/kPa V /cm3 1 u/m 1 A/A s1 3 P/kPa V V /cmg1 /cm3 1 u/m 1 P/kPa /cm3 1 1 P/kPa VV/cm3 g1 u/m u/mss A/AA/A P/kPa VV/cm3 g1 u/m u/mss A/AA/A P/kPa V/cm 3 g1 u/m s 1 A/A 1 P/kPa V /cm3 g1 u/m s1 A/A 1 /cm u/m s A/A 1 P/kPa V /cm3 g1 u/m s1 A/A 1 P/kPa 1 1 3 g1 1 3 g1 1 P/kPa 371.39 A/A1 P/kPa 571.23 P/kPa V 371.39 /cm u/ms P/kPa V 571.23 /cm u/m A/A 700 700 V /cm 3 g1 u/m301 1.0A/A1 400 400 V /cm 3 g1 523.0ss1 0.088 11 371.39 3030s 30 1.0 571.23 u/m 523.0 0.088 0.088 700 371.39 1.0 400 571.23 523.0 A/A 0.088 700 1.0 400 523.0 700 371.39 30 1.0 400 571.23 523.0 0.088 700 371.39 30 571.23 523.0 0.091 418.25 282.3 1.0 0.120 400 711.93 633.0 0.088 0.091 600 600 418.25 418.25 282.3 282.3 1.0 0.120 300 711.93 633.0 633.0 0.088 0.091 600 418.25 282.3 0.120 0.120 300 300 711.93 300 711.93 633.0 0.091 600 700 371.39 30 400 571.23 523.0 418.25 282.3 0.120 300 711.93 633.0 0.091 600 700 371.39 30 1.0 400 571.23 523.0 0.091 0.088 600 418.25 282.3 0.095 0.120 200 200 970.04 300 711.93 633.0 0.104 500 500 481.26 481.26 411.2 0.095 0.095 300 970.04 752.2 0.104 0.104 500 481.26 411.2 411.2 0.120 0.095 200 970.04 752.2 752.2 0.091 0.104 500 481.26 411.2 200 970.04 752.2 418.25 282.3 711.93 633.0 600 500 481.26 411.2 0.095 200 970.04 752.2 0.104 418.25 282.3 0.095 0.120 300 711.93 633.0 0.104 0.091 600 500 481.26 411.2 200 970.04 752.2 500 481.26 411.2 200 970.04 752.2 500 481.26 411.2 0.095 0.095 200 970.04 752.2 0.104 0.104 The Thepressureatatthethroat ofofthenozzle about 380 380kPa. At lower pressures, pressure at atthe throat ofthe nozzle isabout 380 kPa.At lower pressures, pressure the throat the nozzle about kPa. At At lower pressures, Thepressure the throat of the nozzle is is isabout380 kPa. lower pressures, The pressure at the throat of the nozzle is380 kPa. A presiones ms pressures, The La presin en la clearlythe throat of the nozzle is about 380 kPa. At lower pressures, de casi about 380 kPa. At lower bajas, es evidente The clearly the thenozzle clearly diverges. tobera esnozzle is about 380 kPa. At lower pressures, nozzlepressurediverges. la thenozzle clearly diverges. nozzle garganta de the nozzle clearlyat diverges. of the The pressure at the throat the nozzle clearlyat the throat of the nozzle is about 380 kPa. At lower pressures, diverges. que la tobera difiere. The pressure diverges. the the nozzle clearly diverges. the nozzle clearly diverges.

Solution 7.27.2 Solution Solution 7.2 Solution 7.2area ratios are given Eq.Eq.(2.27), ecuacin velocity found from u The Therequiredreas requeridasgivenbyEq. por andand the velocityu is isfound from required area (2.27), la the the (2.27) found from The de 7.2 Solution las area ratios givenestn by Eq. (2.27), and velocity u y la velocidad The required ratios are are by Las relacionesrequiredarearatios are given bydadas (2.27),and the velocity isuuisfound from se en-

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7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Flujo en conductos de fluidos compresibles


263 263 263 263 263


Example 7.3 Example 7.3 Ejemplo 7.3 7.3 Example 7.3 Example 7.3 nozzle of Ex. 7.2, assuming now that steam behaves as an ideal Consider again Example the nozzle of Ex. 7.2, assuming now that steam behaves as an ideal Example 7.3 again the nozzle of Ex. 7.2, assuming now that steam behaves as an ideal Consider again the Consider

Considere de nuevo la tobera del ejemplo7.2, assuming now that steam behaves as an ideal Consider again the nozzle of Ex. 7.2, pero ahora suponga que el vapor se comporta como un gas. Calculate: gas. Calculate: Consider again of Ex. 7.2, Ex. 7.2, now that now that steam behaves as Consider gas. Calculate: the nozzle ofassumingassuming steam behaves as an ideal an ideal again Calculate: gas. the nozzle gas ideal. Calcule: gas.(a) The critical pressure ratio and the velocity at the throat. Calculate: gas. Calculate: The critical pressure ratio and the velocity at the throat. (a) The critical pressure ratio and the velocity (a) a) La relacin de presiones crticas y and the velocityla at the throat. garganta. (a) The critical pressure ratio la velocidad en at the throat. (a) The critical ratio and the for a the velocity atof throat. the (a) The critical pressure pressure ratio andMach the throat. 2.0 at the nozzle exhaust. velocity at (b) The discharge pressure for a Mach number of 2.0 at the nozzle exhaust. (b) The discharge pressurenmeroMachnumber en el escape de la tobera. (b) The descarga pressure b) La presin de discharge para un for aa Machnumber of 2.0 at the nozzle exhaust. de 2.0 (b) The discharge pressure for Mach number of 2.0 at the nozzle exhaust. (b) The pressure for a Mach number of 2.0 at of nozzle exhaust. (b) The dischargedischarge pressure for a Mach numberthe2.0 at the nozzle exhaust.

Solution 7.3 (a) The ratio calores especficos steam vapor es aproximadamente .3. Sustituyendo en Solutionrelacin de los of specic heats for para elis about 1.3. Substituting in Eq. (7.12), 7.3The ratio of a) LaSolution 7.3 specic heats for steam is about 1.3. Substituting in Eq. (7.12), (a)
(a) The ratio of specic heats for steam about 1.3. Substituting in Eq. (7.12), (a) The ratio of specic heats for steam is about 1.3.Substituting in Eq. (7.12), is (a) (7.2), heats is steam 1.3/(1.31) for is1.3/(1.31) (a)la ecuacinThe ratio of specicsteam about 1.3. about 1.3. Substituting in Eq. (7.12), The ratio of specic heats for P Substituting in Eq. (7.12), 2 P2 = 22 1.3/(1.31)= 0.55 2 PP2 =1.3/(1.31) 1.3/(1.31) = 0.55 2 = 1.32 1 1.3/(1.31) = 0.55 + 1 P2 = 1.32+ 1 = 0.55 2 P2 1 1.3 + PP1= 1.3 + 11 = 0.55 = 0.55 = 1 P+ 1.3 1 1 1.3 the The velocity P1 the throat, equal to + 1 speed of sound, is found from Eq. (7.11), at the throat, equal to the speed of sound, is found from Eq. (7.11), The en la garganta, al igual que rapidez del at the throat, La velocidadvelocity at the throat, equal lato the speed sonido, se encuentra a partir (7.11), The found The velocity atthe product P1 V1toFor steam asof sound,gas: the speed of sound, found from Eq.de la ecuacin whichvelocity equal to theequalto of steam is an ideal isisfound from Eq. (7.11), which contains thethroat, Pspeed Forvapor como un gas contains Thecontiene at the productequal1. For sound,as an ideal is ideal: from sound, gas: The velocity atvelocity el producto PV.VV.1 .For steam as an ideal gas: Eq. (7.11),Eq. (7.11), the throat,the product PP1Para the steam of found from 1 (7.), que contains which contains product 1 V1 . el speed as an idealgas: which which contains the V1 . RT1 steam For steam as which contains the product P1product P1 V(8,314)(573.15)an ideal gas: 2 2 For 1 . as an ideal gas: RT1 (8,314)(573.15) P1 V1 = RT1 1 = (8,314)(573.15) = 264,511 m2 2s 2 RT P1 V1 = M = (8,314)(573.15) = 264,511 m2 s2 = M = = 264,511 m s2 18.015 PP1 1 (8,314)(573.15) RT1 VV1= RT1 = (8,314)(573.15) = 264,511 m 2 s 2 18.015 1 M 18.015 18.015 = 264,511= 264,511 m s m2 s2 P1 V1 = P1 V= = M = 1 M En esta In this equation R/M has18.015 18.015 ecuacin R/MM tiene las unidades: In this equation R/M has the units: In this equation R/M hasthe units: the units: In this equation R/M has the units: In this equation R/M has In this equation R/M has the units: the units: 2 2 2 2 J Nm m2 s2 J N m = kg m ss2m N m = kg m s m = m 2ss2 kg m m m J J = N m 2 kg m s2 m = m2 s2 = kg K = 2 m = m2K 2 2 s2 kg K = kgm s kg kgm J s = J NkgK = kg mK= m m sK m kg K N K kg K K K = kg kg K = kg K = kg K = 2 2kg K = = K 2 , kg K K K Thus RT /M,tanto hence son 1 , is insm 2las2 theK de lavelocity squared. Substi- sustikg K 1 kg m K Thus RT kg Kand hence PPVen,is in m2 2s2 , ,the units of velocity squared. Substi/M, and PV, P1 V1 , kg2in2 ss kg K units of velocity squared. SubstiAs, RT/M, y,RT /M, and hence P VV,1 isis m s unidades of velocity squared. Substi-Si the units Thus RT lo , the units of velocidad al cuadrado. Thus por /M, and hence 1 1 1 in m tution in Eq. (7.11) gives: tution in Eq. (7.11) gives: Thus RT /M,(7.11) ,gives: tuimos en and inEq. (7.11)1gives: m2 is the 2 s2 of velocity squared. Substi(7.) obtenemos: Thus RT /M,la ecuacinand hence P1 V1s,2 ,in munits , the units of velocity squared. Substitution hence P1 V is in tution in Eq. tution in gives: tution in Eq. (7.11) Eq. (7.11)2gives: (2)(1.3)(264,511) (1.31)/1.3 (2)(1.3)(264,511) 2 u2 throat = (30)2 2+ (2)(1.3)(264,511) 1 (0.55)(1.31)/1.3 = 296,322 (1.31)/1.3 222 uu = (30)2 + (2)(1.3)(264,511) 11 (0.55)(1.31)/1.3 = 296,322 throat = (30) + (2)(1.3)(264,511) 1 (0.55) = (30) + = 296,322 (0.55) 1.3 1 1 u u throat (2)(1.3)(264,511) = 296,322 garganta throat 1.3 2 (1.31)/1.3 1.31 u2 2 1.3 11(0.55)1 (0.55)(1.31)/1.3 = 296,322 u2 = 296,322 throat throat = (30) += (30) + 1.3 1 1.3 1= 544.35 m s1 u throat = 544.35 m s1 u throat 544.35 m s1 uuu throat= 544.35 m s1 garganta = 1 throat 544.35 obtained in Ex. 7.2, because steam u throat = s This result is in good agreement with the valuem s1 u throat = 544.35 mthe value obtained in Ex. 7.2, because steam This result is in good agreement with the value obtained This va de in good agreement obtenido en el agreement with steam This result isacuerdo con el valorwith the an ideal gas. 7.2,Ex. que, because condiciones, Este resultadoresult is in good with approximates valueinejemplo in Ex. 7.2, because steam at these conditions closely the value the value obtained in ya 7.2, en at these conditions closely approximates an ideal gas. This result agreementagreement withobtainedidealgas. because steam estas This resultat these conditions closely approximates an idealEx. 7.2, in Ex. 7.2, because steam is in good is in good at these conditions a un gasapproximates an obtained closely ideal. gas. el vaporat these closely approximates an ideal gas. se asemeja mucho at these conditionsconditions closely approximates an ideal gas. (b) For a Mach number of 2.0 (based on the velocity of sound at the nozzle throat) (b) For a Mach number of 2.0 (based on the velocity of sound at the nozzle throat) (b) For Mach number of b) Para (b) nmero Mach de 2.0 (con (based on the velocity of sonido at the gargantathroat)tobera) un discharge number of 2.0 (based on the velocity sound at the nozzle de la the For a a Mach2.0 (based2.0 base en la velocidad delof sounden la nozzle throat) the discharge velocity of (b) For a Mach numberis: (b)la velocidad dischargevelocity is: 2.0 the velocity ofvelocity of sound at the nozzle throat) For a Mach number ofvelocityis: on (based on the sound at the nozzle throat) the de descarga es: the discharge velocity is: the discharge velocity is: the discharge velocity is: 1 2u throat = (2)(544.35) = 1,088.7 m s1 2u throat = (2)(544.35) = 1,088.7 m s1 1 2u throat (2)(544.35) = 088.7 m  2u throat = = (2)(544.35) =1,088.7 m ss1 2ugarganta=(2)(544.35) = 1,088.7 m s s (2)(544.35)= 1,088.7 m = = 1,088.7 m s1 2u throat Eq. (7.11) allows calculation of the pressure ratio: 2u throat = (2)(544.35) Substitution of this value in Eq. (7.11) allows calculation of the pressure ratio: Substitution of this value in Eq. (7.11) allows calculation of the pressure ratio: Substitution of this value in Substitution ofvalorvalue in Eq. (7.11) allows calculation of the pressurelas presiones: La sustitucin de este this value in allows (7.) permite pressure (1.31)/1.3 ratio: calcular ratio: de ratio: relacin Substitution of this en la ecuacin calculation of of (1.31)/1.3 Substitution of this value in Eq. (7.11) Eq. (7.11) allows calculation lathe pressure (2)(1.3)(264,511) the P2 2 2 (2)(1.3)(264,511) 2 2 (1,088.7)2 2 (30)2 2= (2)(1.3)(264,511) 1 PP2 (1.31)/1.3 (2)(1.3)(264,511)1 P2 (1.31)/1.3 (1,088.7) (30) = 2 (1,088.7) (30) = 1.3 1 1 (1,088.7) 2 (30) = (2)(1.3)(264,511)2 11 P2 (1.31)/1.3 (2)(1.3)(264,511) 11 P (1.31)/1.3 1.3 1 1.3 1 1 PP1 1.3 1 (1,088.7)2(1,088.7)= (30)2 = (30)2 1 P1 (1.31)/1.3 1.3 1 1.3 1 P1 P (1.31)/1.3 P2 (1.31)/1.3 2 Thus, PP2 (1.31)/1.3 = 0.4834 and P2 = (0.0428)(700) = 30.0 kPa (1.31)/1.3 (1.31)/1.3 = 0.4834 and P2 = (0.0428)(700) = 30.0 kPa Thus, Thus, P2 = 0.4834 and 2 = (0.0428)(700) = 30.0 kPa 1 Thus, = 0.4834 and PP2= (0.0428)(700) = 30.0 kPa P2 P2 1 P1 = 0.4834 yand = (0.0428) (700) (0.0428)(700) = 30.0 kPa =P0.4834 and P2 = = 30.0 kPa kPa P1 = Thus, As, Thus, 2 P2 = (0.0428)(700) = 30.0 P1 P1

Solution 7.3 Solucin 7.3 Solution 7.3 Solution 7.3

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CAPTULO 7. Aplicaciones de la termodinmica a los procesos de flujo

Procesos de estrangulamiento
Cuando un fluido pasa por una restriccin, como un orificio, una vlvula cerrada parcialmente o un tapn poroso, sin ningn cambio apreciable en la energa cintica o potencial, el principal resultado del proceso es una cada de presin en el fluido. Este proceso de estrangulamiento no produce trabajo de flecha y, en ausencia de transferencia de calor, la ecuacin (2.32) se reduce a H = 0 o H2 = H

Por lo tanto, este proceso ocurre a entalpa constante. Ya que la entalpa de un gas ideal depende slo de la temperatura, un proceso de estrangulamiento no cambia la temperatura de un gas ideal. Para la mayor parte de los gases reales en condiciones moderadas de temperatura y presin, una reduccin en la presin a entalpa constante origina un descenso en la temperatura. Por ejemplo, si el vapor a  000 kPa y 300 C se estrangula a 0.325 kPa (presin atmosfrica), H 2 = H  = 3 052. kJ kg  La interpolacin en las tablas de vapor para esta entalpa y a una presin de 0.325 kPa indica una temperatura corriente abajo de 288.8 C. La temperatura ha disminuido, pero el efecto es pequeo. Es posible que el estrangulamiento de vapor hmedo a presiones suficientemente bajas haga que el lquido se evapore y el vapor se sobrecaliente. De ese modo, si el vapor hmedo a  000 kPa (t sat = 79.88 C) con una calidad de 0.96 se estrangula a 0.325 kPa, H 2 = H  = (0.04)(762.6) + (0.96)(2 776.2) = 2 695.7 kJ kg  El vapor a 0.325 kPa con esta entalpa tiene una temperatura de 09.8 C; en consecuencia, est sobrecalentado (tsat = 00 C). En este caso, la considerable cada de temperatura es resultado de la evaporacin del lquido. Si un lquido saturado se estrangula a una presin menor, algo del lquido se evapora o vaporiza repentinamente, lo que produce una mezcla de lquido y vapor saturados a menor presin. De manera que si el agua lquida saturada a  000 kPa (t sat = 79.88 C) se vaporiza de manera repentina a 0.325 kPa (t sat = 00 C), H 2 = H  = 762.6 kJ kg  A 0.325 kPa la calidad del vapor resultante se encuentra mediante la ecuacin (6.73a) con M = H: 762.6 = ( x)(49.) + x(2 676.0) = 49. + x(2 676.0 49.) Por lo tanto, x = 0.52

As, 5.2% del lquido original se evapora en el proceso. De nuevo, la gran cada de temperatura se debe a la evaporacin del lquido. Los procesos de estrangulamiento con frecuencia se encuentran aplicados en la refrigeracin (captulo 9). El siguiente ejemplo ilustra el uso de las correlaciones generalizadas en los clculos para procesos de estrangulamiento.

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7.1. Duct Compressible 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. conductosof fluidos compresibles Flow Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Flujo enDuctFlow ofdeCompressibleFluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids

265 265 265 265 265 265 265


Example 7.4 Ejemplo 7.4 7.4 Example 7.4 Example Example at 20 bar and 400 K is throttled in a steady-state ow process to 1 bar. 7.4 Propane gas at 20 bar and 400 K is throttled in a steady-state ow process to 1 bar. Propane gas at 20 bar and 400 K is throttled in a steady-state ow process to 1 bar. Propane gas
propane can be found from suitable generalized correlations.

Propane gas aty 20 bar se estrangulaisthrottled in aasteady-state ow process to 1 hasta Propane gas 20 K and 400 K throttled in a steady-state ow process to bar. ow process to bar. Propane gas at 20 bar and 400 K is throttled in a steady-state ow estacionario1 bar. Propane gas at 400bar and 400 K is en un proceso steady-state change. Properties of Gas propano a 20 barat 20 temperature of thethrottled inandde flujo en estado process to 11bar. 1 bar. Estimate the nal bar and 400 K is propane andsteady-statechange. its entropy Estimate gas nal temperature of the propane inandits entropy change. Properties of Propane the nal temperature of the propane a its entropy change. Properties of is propane Estimate the at 20temperature the nal bar and 400 su propane la its entropy propiedades del bar. Properties of Estimate the nal temperature ofKthe throttledenandentropa. Laschange. Properties of Estimate the nal temperature ofy the propane and its entropy ow process to 1 propano se Estimate can befinal del propanoof the cambio and its entropy change. Properties of Estime propane la temperatura found from suitable generalized correlations. propane can be found from suitable generalizedand Estimate can be found from suitable generalized correlations. propane the nal temperature of the propane correlations. be found from suitable generalized correlations. propane can correlaciones generalizadas apropiadas.its entropy change. Properties of propane can be found from suitable generalized correlations. propane can be found from suitable generalized correlations. obtienen a partir de

Solution 7.4 Solution 7.4 Solucin 7.4 Solution 7.4 Solution 7.4 Solution 7.4

Solution 7.4 to this constant-enthalpy process: Apply Eq. (6.93) Apply Eq. (6.93) to this constant-enthalpy process: Aplicando la ecuacin (6.93) a este proceso de entalpa constante: Apply Eq. (6.93) to this constant-enthalpy process: Apply Eq. (6.93) to this constant-enthalpy process: Apply Eq. (6.93) to this constant-enthalpy process: Apply Eq. (6.93) to this constant-enthalpy process: Apply Eq. (6.93) to this constant-enthalpy process: ig ig H = Cig H (T T1 + H2R H1R = 0 ig H = C Pig (T2 T1)) + H2R H1R = 0 + H2 H1 = H = Cig H (T H = C PigH(T22 TT1))+ H2RR H1RR= 00 H = C P H (T2 T1 ) + H2R H1R = 0 H = C PP HH(T22 T11) + H2R H1R = 0 P H = C H (T2 T1 ) + H2R H1R = 0 R If propaneel propano state atestado is assumed to es un gas ideal, thenlo 2RR= 0,Hand 0, y la propane in its nal state at 1Pbar is assumed to be an ideal gas, por Htanto0, and in its nal en su 1 bar final a  bar be an ideal gas, then HR = Si se supone que in its nal state at 11bar is assumed to be an ideal gas, then H 2R ==0, and= If propane in its nal state at bar is assumed to be an ideal gas, then HR 0, and 2 If If propane in its nal state at 1 bar is assumed to be an ideal gas, then H22R = 0, and If propane If propane in its nal state at 1 bar is assumed to be an ideal gas, then H22 = 0, and the preceding its nal state2, ser: is2assumed to be an ideal gas, then H R = 0, and preceding equation, solved bar T 2,, becomes equation, solved for T becomes for the preceding equation, T at 1 for ecuacin anterior, resuelta parasolved for TT, ,becomes If propane in equation, solved for T 2, becomes becomes the 2 the preceding equation, solved for T22, becomes the preceding the preceding equation, solved the preceding equation, solved for T2 , becomes R 2 HR H1RR R H1 H1 (A) (A) T2 = HigR + T1 (A) T2 = HigR + T1 1 = + (A) (A) TT2 = CH11 + TT1 +T (A) T2 = (A) T22 = Cig1 H + T11 ig ig H P (A) T2 = C Pig H + T1 CPigH 1 C P H C PP H Pc = P H bar = 42.48 42.48 = 0.152 = For propane, Tc = 369.8 K propane, Tc = 369.8 K Pc C 42.48 bar = 0.152 For propane, TT = 369.8 K P = = bar 0.152 0.152 For Pcc = 42.48 bar Para el For propane, Tcc c= 369.8 K propano, = ==0.152 P = 42.48 bar = 0.152 For propane, T = 369.8 K Pcc = 42.48 bar =0.52 For propane, Tcc = 369.8 K Pc = 42.48 bar = 0.152 For propane, Tc = 369.8 K Thus for the initial Thus for the initial state, Thus for the initial state, Thus for the initial state, As, para el estado inicial: state, Thus for the initial state, Thus for the initial state, Thus for the initial state, 400 20 400 20 400 20 400 20 T = 400 = 1.082 P = 20 = 0.471 Trr1 = 400 = 1.082 Pr1 = 20 = 0.471 = 1.082 P1 = 20 = 0.471 = 0.471 = = TTrr11= 369.8 = 1.082 Prrrr11= 42.48 = 0.471 Tr111 = 369.8 = 1.082 Pr11 = 42.48 = 0.471 = 400 = 1.082 Tr P 369.8 42.48 369.8 42.48 Tr1 = 369.8 = 1.082 Pr1 = 42.48 = 0.471 369.8 42.48 42.48 At these conditions the generalized correlation based on second virial coefcients the generalized correlation based on coefcients At these conditions 369.8 At these conditions the generalized correlation based on second virial coefcients At these conditions the generalized correlation based on second virial coefcients At these conditions the generalized correlation based on second basa coefcients En estasis satisfactoryes satisfactoria la correlacin generalizada,second virial en el segundo coeficondiciones (Fig. 3.14), and calculation of based Eqs. (6.87), (3.65), (6.89), que se virial At these conditions the generalized correlation H R byon second virial coefcients R is satisfactory (Fig. 3.14), and calculation of H RR by Eqs. (6.87), (3.65), (6.89), At satisfactory (Fig. 3.14), and calculation of HR by Eqs. (6.87), (3.65), (6.89), is these conditions 3.14), and de correlation based ecuaciones (3.65), (6.89), is satisfactory (Fig. the generalized H R a travs 1deby Eqs. (6.87), (3.65), (6.89), is satisfactory (Fig. 3.14), and calculation of H las Eqs. (6.87), (6.87), (3.65), ciente virial (figura(6.90) isyrepresentedcalculation of H11R by on second virial coefcients (6.89), is satisfactory (Fig. 3.14), and calculation of H 1R by Eqs. (6.87), (3.65), (6.89),  (3.66), and (6.90) is represented by (Sec. 6.7): and 3.4), el clculo by (Sec. 6.7): (3.66), and (6.90) is represented calculation of H11 by Eqs. (6.87), (3.65), (6.89), is satisfactory (Fig. 3.14), and by (Sec. 6.7): 1 (3.66), and (6.90) is por (seccin 6.7): (3.66), and (6.90) is represented by (Sec. 6.7): (3.66), se (6.90) is represented by (Sec. 6.7): (3.66) y(3.66), andrepresentarepresented by (Sec. 6.7): (6.90) (3.66), and (6.90) is R represented by (Sec. 6.7): H1R H1R H H1RR = HRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.452 H1R H11 = HRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.452 = HRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.452 H1R = HRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.452 RT = HRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.452 RTc = HRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.452 RT RTccc = HRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.452 RT RTcc RT Whence, H1R = (8.314)(369.8)(0.452) = 1,390 J mol1 Whence, H1R = c(8.314)(369.8)(0.452) = 1,390 JJmol1 1 Whence, H1 = (8.314)(369.8)(0.452) = 1,390 mol1 Whence, H1RR= (8.314)(369.8)(0.452) = 1,390 JJmol1 Whence, H1R = (8.314)(369.8)(0.452) = 1,390 mol1 Whence, H1R = (8.314)(369.8)(0.452) = 1,390 J mol1 De donde, Whence, H1R = (8.314)(369.8)(0.452) = 1,390 J mol ig The only remaining quantity in Eq. ( A) to be evaluated is Cig H Data for quantity be evaluated is ig Data for ig The only remaining quantity in Eq. ((A) to be evaluated is C Pig . Data for ig The only remaining in A) to evaluated The only remainingenquantityin Eq. ((A) to evaluarse es C iC PigH....informacin para The only remaining quantity in Eq. A) to be evaluated is gCP. La Data for in Eq. para be evaluated is C P H Data for The only remaining quantity the Eq. ( A) to be equation: is CHP HH. Data for La nica cantidadremaining provide the heat-capacity equation: isPC P H . Data for la ecuacin (A) propane from Table C.1 provide in heat-capacity evaluated from restante quantity propane from Table C.1 provide the heat-capacity equation: The only Table C.1 provide the Eq. ( A) to be equation: propane P H propane from Table C.1 providethe heat-capacity equation: propane from Table C.1 propane tabla C. proporciona the heat-capacity el propano de la from Table C.1 providelathe heat-capacity equation:calorfica: propane from Table C.1 provide ecuacin de la capacidad heat-capacity equation: ig ig Cig ig C Pig 3 6 Cig C Pig = 1.213 + 28.785 103 T 8.824 106 T 22 CP C PP = 1.213 + 28.785 103 T 8.824 106 T22 3 6 P = 1.213 + 28.785 10 3T 8.824 10 6T 2 = 1.213 + 28.785 103 T 8.824 106 T2 CR = 1.213 + 28.785 10 3T 8.824 10 6T 2 R = 1.213 + 28.785 10 T 8.824 10 T R RP = 1.213 + 28.785 10 T 8.824 10 T R R ig ig R For an initial calculation, assume that C ig H equals the value of C ig at the initial an initial calculation, assume g C ig equals the value of C ig at the initial that ig ig ig For an initial calculation, assume ithat C PigH equals the value of C Pig at the initial For an initial calculation, assume that C igual equals the value a C P at the initial assume H CP al valor de C i g of Cig For an initial calculation, assume that CPigHH equals the value of la Pig at the initial For an initial calculation, que CPthat es PP H equals the value of C PP at the initial Para unFor clculo inicial, suponga temperatura inicial de ig P ig 1 1 For an initialg calculation, assumeH  94.07H mol1 K1value of C P at the initial = P J temperaturei of 40094.07 J molig Hthat 94.07H mol1 K1 .. P of 400 K, i.e., C Pig K =. C P J equals the K, i.e., Cig ig temperature of = K, i.e., C  = 94.07 mol1 K1 400 K, temperaturePof H400K, i.e., C PigH = 94.07 JJmol 1 K 1.... es decir, C of 400 K, i.e., C P HH = 94.07 JJmol 1 K 1 temperature temperature 400 temperature of 400 K, i.e., CPP H = 94.07 mol1 K1 P temperature of 400 K, i.e., C P H = 94.07 J mol K . 1,390 1,390 1,390 From Eq. (A), T2 = 1,390 + 400 = 385.2 K From Eq. (A), T2 = 1,390 + 400 = 385.2 K De la ecuacin (A), = 1,390 + 400 = 385.2 K FromEq. (A), Eq. (A), (A), From Eq. (A), TT2 = 1,390 + 400 = 385.2 K From T2 = 94.07 + 400 = 385.2 K From Eq. T22 = 94.07 + 400 = 385.2 K 94.07 94.07 + 400 = 385.2 K 94.07 From Eq. (A), T2 = 94.07 ig Clearly, the temperature change is small, and C ig H is reevaluated to an excellent the temperature change is small, and C ig is reevaluated to an excellent ig Clearly, the temperature change 94.07 and C PigH is reevaluated to an excellent ig i Clearly, is small, Clearly, ver, temperature change is small, and C P H Creevaluated to an evaluar para una Clearly, the el cambio de temperatura es and CPP H is reevaluated to a excellent Como se puede the temperature change is small, and CPigHH is reevaluated to an excellent Clearly, the temperature change is small, pequeo,y is Pg H se vuelvean excellent ig P ig Clearly, the temperature the arithmetic mean temperature, approximation as C ig at change is small, and C P H is reevaluated to an excellent as C Pig g approximation asde Pigiat athe arithmetic mean temperature, ig at the arithmetic mean temperature, aproximacin excelenteasC PigPat the arithmetic mean temperature, una temperatura media aritmtica, approximation approximation as C C at the arithmetic mean temperature, approximation CP approximation as CPP at the arithmetic mean temperature, approximation as C P at the arithmetic 385.2 temperature, 400 + mean 400 + 385.2 400 + 385.2 = 400 + 385.2 = 392.6 K Tam = 400 + 385.2 = 392.6 K T am = 400 + 385.2 = 392.6 K TTam = 400 + 385.2 = 392.6 K = 392.6 K Tam = am 2 = 392.6 K Tam = 2 22 2 = 392.6 K Tam = 2 2

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CHAPTER 7. Applications of de la termodinmicaFlow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. 7. Aplicaciones Thermodynamics to Flow Processes de flujo CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow procesos CAPTULO Applications of Thermodynamics to a los Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7.7.Applications ofof Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER Applications Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes

ig ig 1 1 C PigH = 92.73 J mol1 K1 ig This gives: C P H = 92.73 J mol1 K1 This gives: C PigH = 92.73 JJmol1 K1 Esto da:This gives: This gives: C ig = 92.73 mol1 K1 This gives: C P igH = 92.73 JJ mol1 K1 P This gives: Cig H = 92.73 mol1 K1 P H = 92.73 J J mol1 1 This gives: gives: C P P H H = 92.73 mol1 KK1 mol K This gives: C Thisrecalculation T2 by Eq. H = 92.73 J nal value: C P and recalculation of T2 by Eq. (A) yields the nal value: T2 = 385.0 K. and recalculation of T2 by Eq. (A) yields the nal value: T = 385.0 K. and recalculation of T2 by Eq. (A) yields the (A) sevalue: T2 = 385.0 K. and nuevamente of by Eq. (A) yields the nal obtiene = 385.0 K. y calculandorecalculationof TT2mediante layields the nal value: T22el valor final: T2 = 385.0 K. a and recalculation of T22 by Eq. (A) yields the nal value: T22 = 385.0 K. andThe entropy change of the propane is given by Eq. (6.94), which here becomes: (A) ecuacin T = 385.0 K. and The entropy changeby the propane is given nal value: 2 = 385.0 K. becomes: recalculation of T2 by Eq. (A) yields the of T (A) value: T T 385.0 K. and recalculation delTby the propane is given by Eq. (6.94), ecuacinK. becomes: andThe entropy change 2of the propane is given by Eq. (6.94),== 385.0 (6.94), que recalculationchange of the (A) yields the nal Eq. (6.94), which here The entropy change of Eq. propane is the nal value: Tla which here becomes: El cambio de entropa of 2 propano se yieldsgiven by Eq. (6.94),2which here becomes: en este proporcionaby mediante 2 which here The entropy change of Eq. propane is given by Eq. (6.94), which here becomes: The entropy of the The entropy change of the propane is given by Eq. (6.94), which here becomes: The entropy change the propane is 2 Eq. Tgiven by Eq. (6.94), which here becomes: P2 caso ser: The entropy change ofof the propaneTis given byP22 (6.94), which here becomes: ig R T2 T P2 ig ig S = C PigS ln T22 R ln P 2 S1R S = C P S ln TT R ln PP S1R S = C PigSln T22 R ln P22 SS1R R ln S = C ig ln 2 R ln P SRR = C ig S ln 1 S = CP igS lnT1 2 R ln P1 2 S11 R P S T1 ig S ln T2 R ln P2 S R T1 R ln P1 S P ln 1 R lnP1 R 1 S = C P S S T1 S C P P1 S1 1 1 S == C PS ln T 1 1 P1 1 T P T1 1 Because the temperature change is so small, to an excellent approximation, Because the temperature change is so small, to an excellent approximation, Because the temperature change is so small, to an P1 1 Because the temperature change is so small, to an excellent approximation, Because the temperature change is so small, to an excellent approximation, Because the temperature change is so small, to an excellent approximation, excellent approximation, Ya que elBecause detemperature change pequeo, una to an excellent approximation, cambio the temperature changeigso small, to an excellent approximation, Because the temperaturachange isis small, to an excellent approximation, so Because the temperatureig es tan isig so small, excelente aproximacin es, ig ig ig ig ig 1 1 C P S = C P H = 92.73 J mol1 K1 ig ig C P S = C P H = 92.73 J mol1 K1 C PigS = C PigH = 92.73 JJmol1 K1 C ig = C ig = 92.73 mol1 K1 S C P igS = C P igH = 92.73 JJ mol1 K1 P S = Cig H = 92.73 mol1 K1 P Cig P = C P H = 92.73 J mol C P P SS = C P H H = 92.73 mol1 KK1 K1 C S = C P H = 92.73 J J mol1 C P P R R by Eqs. (6.88) through (6.90) is represented by: Calculation of S 1R by Eqs. (6.88) through (6.90) is represented by: of S RR by Eqs. (6.88) through (6.90) is represented by: Calculation of S1 by Eqs. (6.88) through (6.90) is represented by: Calculation of S1R by Eqs. (6.88) through (6.90) is represented by: Calculation of S1 Calculation of S1 by Eqs. (6.88) through (6.90) is represented by: Calculation R Calculation of S1 by ecuaciones (6.88) la (6.90)represented by: El clculo de S R medianteRlasEqs. (6.88) througha(6.90) isisse representaby: Calculation S R R Eqs. (6.88) through (6.90) represented por: S by Calculation ofof 111by Eqs. (6.88) through (6.90) is represented by:  S1R SRR SS1R = SRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.2934 SR S1R R= SRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.2934 1 1 SRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) 0.2934 R SR 1= SRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.2934 R1 = SRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.2934 SR = SRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.2934 1 RS ==SRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) ==0.2934 1 = SRB(1.082,0.471,0.152)= 0.2934 R = SRB(1.082,0.471,0.152) = 0.2934 R R 1 1 Whence, S1RRR (8.314)(0.2934) = 2.439 J mol1 K1 Whence, SRR = (8.314)(0.2934) = 2.439 J mol1 K1 = Whence, SS1RR= (8.314)(0.2934) = 2.439 JJmol1 K1 Whence, SR = (8.314)(0.2934) = 2.439 mol1 K1 De donde, Whence, S1R R= (8.314)(0.2934) = 2.439 JJ mol1 K1 1 = (8.314)(0.2934) = 2.439 mol1 K1 Whence, 1 = (8.314)(0.2934) = 2.439 J mol1 K1 R Whence, S111== (8.314)(0.2934) = 2.439 mol 1 K1 Whence, S (8.314)(0.2934) 1 2.439 J J mol K Whence, S1 = 385.0 1 385.0 1 385.0 1 1 1 and S = 92.73 ln 385.0 8.314 ln 11 + 2.439 = 23.80 J mol1 K1 y and S = 92.73 ln 385.0 8.314 ln 1 + 2.439 = 23.80 J mol1 K1 and S = 92.73 ln 385.0 8.314 ln 201+ 2.439 = 23.80 JJmol1 K1 and S = 92.73 ln 385.0 8.314 ln 1 + 2.439 = 23.80 mol1 K1 and S = 92.73 ln 385.0 8.314 ln 20 + 2.439 = 23.80 JJ mol1 K1 385.0 and S = 92.73 ln 400 8.314 ln 20 + 2.439 = 23.80 mol1 K1 1 400 and S == 92.73 ln400 8.314 ln20 ++ 2.439 = 23.80 mol1 KK1 and S = 92.73 ln 400 8.314 ln 20 + 2.439 = 23.80 J J mol1 S 92.73 ln 400 400 8.314 ln 20 2.439 = 23.80 J mol K and 400 20 400 El valorThe positive value reects the irreversibility of throttling processes. positivo refleja la irreversibilidad de los 20 procesos de estrangulamiento. 400the irreversibility of throttling processes. 20 of throttling processes. The positive value reects the irreversibility of throttling processes. The positive value reects the irreversibility of throttling processes. The positive value reects the irreversibility The positive value reects the irreversibility of throttling processes. The positive value reects The positive value reects the irreversibility ofof throttling processes. The positive value reects the irreversibility throttling processes. The positive value reects the irreversibility of throttling processes.

Example 7.5 Example 7.5 Example 7.5 Example 7.5 Example 7.5 Example 7.5 from conditions of moderate temperature and pressure usually Example gas Ejemplo 7.5a real7.5 from conditions of moderate temperature and pressure usually Throttling a real gas from conditions of moderate temperature and pressure usually Throttling a real gas from conditions of moderate temperature and pressure usually Throttling a real gas from conditions of moderate temperature and pressure usually Throttling Throttling a real gas
Solution 7.5 Solution 7.5 Solution 7.5 Solution 7.5

Throttling real gas real conditions moderate temperature and pressure usually results in a temperature decrease. Under what conditions would an increase in temresults in a temperature decrease. Under what conditionsywould an pressure usually Throttling a a de ungas from en condiciones de temperatura would an increase in temresults in a real gas from conditions ofof what conditions would an increase in temEl estrangulamientotemperature decrease. Under moderate temperature andincrease innormalmente results in a temperature decrease. Under what conditions would an increase in temresults in temperature decrease. Under what conditions presin moderadas, temperature be temperature decrease. Under what conditions would an increase in temresults inbe temperature decrease. Under what conditions would increase in tema temperature perature be expected? perature in aexpected? decrease. Under what conditions would anseincrease in temresults inbeuna disminucin de la temperatura. Bajo qu condicionesan esperara que aumenperature a expected? da como results be expected? resultado expected? perature be expected? perature perature be expected? perature be expected? perature be expected? tara la temperatura?

Throttling real gas from conditions of moderate temperature and pressure usually results in aatemperature decrease. Under what conditions would an pressure usually Throttling a real gas from conditions of moderate temperature and increase in tem-

Solution 7.5 7.5 Solucin 7.5 Solution of the temperature change is determined by the sign of the derivative Solution the temperature change is determined by the sign of the derivative Solution of7.5 temperature change is determined by the sign of the derivative The sign of the temperature change is determined by the sign of the derivative The sign 7.5 temperature change is determined by the sign of the derivative The sign of the temperature change is determined by the sign of the derivative The sign of the sign of the The sign El signoThe/ P) , called temperatura se determina por el signo de la derivada (T/P) , que se del ( T cambio de la the Joule/Thomson coefcient :

The / P)H of the the Joule/Thomson coefcient : by the sign the derivative sign of determined H ( T / P)H the temperature change iscoefcient : (The sign ,,,,calledtemperature change coefcient : by the sign ofof the derivative The/ P) H , called the Joule/Thomsoniscoefcient : by the sign of the derivative (T / P)of the temperature change is determined (T / P) H called the Joule/Thomson determined Joule/Thomson coefcient ( T sign H called the Joule/Thomson : T H called conoce (( T / P) Hcalled the Joule/Thomson coefcient: como P) H , called the Joule/Thomson coefcient : ( T /el coeficientethe Joule/Thomson coefcient : T / P) H , , called de Joule/Thomson T the : T T T T T P T T T P H P H P H P H P H P H H P HH Whenpositivo, el estrangulamiento conduce P una disminucin de la temperatura; cuando is positive, throttling results in atemperature decrease; when negative, in is positive, throttling results in a temperature decrease; when negative, in When is positive, throttling results in a temperature decrease; when negative, in When is positive, throttling results in a temperature decrease; when negative, in CuandoWhen is positive, throttling results in a temperature decrease; when negative, in es is positive, throttling results in a temperature decrease; when negative, in a When aWhen is positive, throttling results in a temperature decrease; when negative, in When refleja increase. a When temperature increase. aatemperature increase. When is positive, throttling de temperatura. a temperature increase. temperature en un throttling results a temperature decrease; when negative, in increase. es negativo, se is positive,aumento results inin a temperature decrease; when negative, in a temperature increase. temperature Because H = (T, a temperatureH = la(T, P), the following equation coeficiente Joule/Thomson temperatureH P), f (T, P), the following equation relates the de Joule/Thomson con increase. Because H = siguiente ecuacin relaciona el relates the Joule/Thomson Because H = ff(T, P), the following equation relates the Joule/Thomson a a que H = f(T, = fff(T, P), the following equation relates the Joule/Thomson Because increase. Puesto temperature increase. P), the following equation relates the Joule/Thomson Because H = (T, P), the following equation relates the Joule/Thomson Because 4 coefcient termodinmicas:4 the following equation relates the Joule/Thomson Because other f (T, P), the following equation relates the Joule/Thomson Because other f (T, P), the properties: f (T, P), coefcient to other thermodynamic properties:44 coefcient to H = thermodynamic properties: equation relates the Joule/Thomson Becauseto other thermodynamic following coefcient to other thermodynamic properties:4 otras propiedades to HH==thermodynamicproperties:44 coefcient to other thermodynamic properties: 4 coefcient coefcient other thermodynamic to other properties:4 coefcient other thermodynamic coefcient totoT thermodynamic properties: H 1 H T properties:4 1 T T H H 1 H T T H H 1 H H 1 1 T = T H = H H T H T H T T H 1 H H 1 H T = T = = = H = T = H P T H = HT P HH T = T H P 1 HH T P P P = H = T T H = H P H T = H P P H P H = H P P T = T P P T P P H H P P T H P P P P T P P TT T P P T P P P H = HH P P P P TTT T T P P P P TTT H P P T = T P P T H P T P T PP H H
4 4 Recall the general equation from differential calculus, 44Recall the general equation from differential calculus, 4Recall the general equation from differential calculus, 4Recall the general equation from differential calculus, Recall the general equation from differential calculus, Recall the general equation from differential 4 Recall the general equation from differentialcalculus, x z x 4 Recall the general equation from differential 4 Recall the general equation from differential calculus, x z calculus, x x calculus, x z

Recuerde la ecuacin general del clculo diferencial: = x z x x = x z = yxz = xx y y x x z z = z y y z y y x zzz = z x yy yy xx x xy zz = = z yy zz xx z y = z y y x y y z z y y x y y z z zz y y y y x x

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7.1. Duct Flow de Compressible Fluids 7.1. Flujo en conductosof Compressible Fluids 7.1. Duct Flow of fluidos compresibles 7.1. Duct Duct Flow of Compressible Fluids Flow of Compressible Fluids 7.1.
6 6 6

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4 Tr 2
Tr Tr Tr 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 Tr 2

Figure 7.2: Inversion curves for Figura Inversion curves for Figure 7.2:7.2: Curvas de inversin para reduced coordinates. Each Cada Figure 7.2: InversionEach line lnea curves coordenadas reducidas. line Figure 7.2: Inversion for reduced coordinates. points curves for represents a locus of Each line de puntos for reduced coordinates. pointsEach line representa un configuracin reduced coordinates. for represents a 0. Solid curve is which = locus of = represents acuales locus0. Lafor for locus curve is curva of pointspoints para los of whichrepresents a from a = 0. Solid curve is correlacin data dashed whichwhich correlation; dashed continua correlation; una = 0. from a = 0. Solid Solid curve is data pertenece a curve,datos;correlation; dashed se from thecurva discontinua Redlich/Kwong from afroma la correlation; dashed de data data curve,fromA the Redlich/Kwong equation. de la ecuacinincrease temperature de Redlich/ curve, from the Redlich/Kwong obtiene from the Redlich/Kwong curve, equation. A temperature increase results from temperature increase equation. AUn aumento en la temperatuKwong. throttling in the equation. A temperature results from throttling in the increase region wheredel is negative estrangulamiento results wherethrottling in thein the en la ra resulta is throttling results region from from negative region wherewherenegative zona donde es is negative region is negativo.
12 12 12 12

0 0 0

4 4 4


8 8 Pr 8 4 Pr 8 Pr Pr


5 D. G. Miller, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., vol. 9, pp. 585589, 1970. 5 D. G. Miller, Ind. Eng. Chem. vol. 9, pp. 585-589, 970. D. G. Miller, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam,Fundam., vol. 9, pp. 585589, 1970. 5 D. G.5Miller, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., vol. 9, pp. 585589, 1970. D. G. Miller, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., vol. 9, pp. 585589, 1970.

1 H Whence, by Eq. (2.20), = 1 H (A) 1 P Whence, by Eq. (2.20), = C P H TH (A) 1P Whence, ecuacin (2.20), (A) (A) De donde, por la by Eq. (2.20), (A) Whence, by Eq. (2.20), = = P C C P C P of T Because C P is necessarily positive, the signP Pis T determined by the sign of T Because C , is necessarilyispositive, to P V T of is determined by the sign of ( esBecause C in turn related the sign sign of determined by by the of Ya que CPH/ P)TP whichis necessarily positive,signbehavior: ispor el signothe (T/P)T, que a necesariamente positiva, el signo de Because C is necessarily positive, the se determina determinedde sign sign of of is P ( H/ P)T P which in turn is related to P V thebehavior: , T su vez se relaciona ,conTelwhich in His related V TPbehavior: ( H/ P)T P) , comportamiento PVT: to T V is ( H/ which in turn related = V T V V turn to P behavior: (6.19) H H TH V T V V P T P = (6.19) V (6.19) (6.9) P T = V = T T P T P P T more concisely as (6.19) Because V = Z RT /P, this equation may be written T T Because V = Z RT /P, this equation may be writtenPT P more concisely as Ya que V = ZRT/P, = V RT Z RTthis equation may be 2 una writtenms concisa como: en be Because V esta ecuacin se puede escribirmay forma more concisely as Because Z = /P, /P,this equationRT written more concisely as H Z H = RT 2 Z 2 2 H TH RT RT Z Z P P T P = P T = =P T P P factor. SubstitutionTinto T (A) gives: P P P T Eq.P T P donde Zwherefactorthe compressibility factor. Substitutionla ecuacin (A) se obtiene: es el Z is de compressibility where Z is the compresibilidad. Sustituyendo en into Eq. (A) gives: SubstitutionEq. (A) gives: into into Eq. (A) gives: where Z is theis the compressibility factor. where Z compressibility factor. Substitution RT 2 Z = RT 2 Z RT 2 T P = C P P RT 2Z Z = P P T P C= En estos trminos / T ) and tienen el same PC P T Cuando / T ) is es cero, como para un C P sign.PWhen P Thus, ( Z (Z/T)P y have the mismo signo. T ( Z (Z/T)P zero, as for an P P P Thus, gas, then and no hay temperature change accompanies is zero, as ( Z / = 0, y and no the same temperatura que acompae el estrangulamiento. gas ideal, en tal casoT ) P = 0, have cambio design. When ( Z / T ) P throttling. for an idealThus,/ T )/ and have have the same sign. When/ T )/ is )zero, zero, as for an Thus, ( Z ( P ) and the same sign. When ( Z as for an T P ideal gas, (Z/T)PT 0, / Tno temperature change accompaniesgases. is La condicin thenZ == P andpuede obtenerobtain locally for ( Zgases reales. Dichos puntos 0 se en forma local para P throttling. The condition ( Z and )and no temperature change accompanies throttling. real Such P = 0 may ideal ideal then = 0, = 0,no temperature change accompanies throttling. points gas, gas, then The condition ( Z de inversion curve, which separates the region of positive definen dene the Joule/ThomsonJoule/Thomson, la cual separa la regin positiva points la rela curva de inversin / T ) P = 0 may obtain locally for real gases. Such de de The condition ( Z / T ) P = 0 may obtain locally for real gases. Such points condition dene the. of figura 7.2 Z / T ) P 7.20 may de inversin reducidas y da laSuch points Joule/Thomson inversion= shows reduced gin negativa deTheLa negative( presenta las curvas obtain locally for real gases.positive entre from thatthe Joule/Thomson inversion curve, whichinversion region of relacin . Figure curve, which separates the curves giving the dene the Joule/Thomson inversion curve, which separates the region of positive dene =negative . continua esshows reduced inversion curves giving the 4, N2, of positive from that Tr y Pr para la que of 0.TLa lnea Figure 7.2una0. The solid separates the regionfor Ar, relation that that of and Pr for which 7.2 correlacin de informacin para Ar, CH between negative . Figure = shows reduced correlates data line from from of negative5 . Figure 7.2 shows reduced inversion curves giving the the Hbetween Trr and Pr for which = 0. 5The solidaline inversion curves giving r)Pr, relation CO y NH . H CO and NH . The dashed line is calculated from CO, C2H4, C3 8,, CO,2C H , 3C La ,lnea ,punteada se calcula partir de la condicin Ar, (Z/T CH4 , N between 2 r 4and3Pr8for which = 0. The solid line correlates data for Ar, 2 3 relation 2 T correlates data for CH4condition ( ZH4 ,T Tr and 0 rapplied to the5Redlich/Kwong equation of state. , N2 , CO, C2 / estado P for which The dashed line is calculated from que se aplicarelation between C3 H8 , CO2 , and NH3 .5= 0. The solid line correlates data for Ar, a la ecuacin de ) = de Redlich/Kwong. the 5 r P , CH , N2 , CO,, C2 H , 2 H H8C CO , , and NH3 . The dashed line is calculated from C the 4 CH4 , N2(CO, 4Cr )34 , = 3 H82 CO2 ,to theNH3 . The dashed line is calculated from condition Z / T P r 0 applied and Redlich/Kwong equation of state. the condition ( Z / Tr ) Prr T= P applied to the Redlich/Kwong equation of state.state. 0 = 0 applied to the Redlich/Kwong equation of the condition ( Z / r ) r

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CHAPTER 7. Applications of de la termodinmicaFlow Processes CAPTULO Applications of Thermodynamics to a los procesos CHAPTER 7. 7. Aplicaciones Thermodynamics to Flow Processes de flujo CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes



La expansin de un gas en una tobera para to produce a high-velocity stream is a processproceso que convierThe expansion of a gas in a nozzle producir una corriente de alta velocidad es un that converts The expansion of a gas in a nozzle to produce a high-velocity stream is a process that converts The interna en energa in a nozzle which convierte en trabajo de shaft cuando la corriente golpea en te la energaexpansion of a gas cintica, la cual se in turn is converted intoflechaa process that converts internal energy into kinetic energy, to produce a high-velocity stream is work when the stream internal energy into kinetic energy, which in turn is converted into shaft work when the stream internal on blades attached una turbina shaft. Thus a turbine (or expander) consists de toberas y las aspas de unaenergy into kinetic energy, which (o expansor) consiste en shaft work when the stream impingesflecha giratoria. As,to a rotating in turn is converted into un conjunto alternadoof alimpinges on blades attached to a rotating shaft. Thus a turbine (or expander) consists of alimpinges of nozzles cuales fluye vapor o gas Thus proceso (or expander) a steady-state aspas giratorias aon blades attached to a rotating through whichturbinede gas ows in consists of alternate setstravs de lasand rotating blades shaft. en un a vapor or expansin en estado estacionario, ternate sets of nozzles and rotating blades through which vapor or gas ows in a steady-state ternate sets la nozzles overall result is the through which una or gas ows a a steady-state cuyo efecto total es of conversin eficiente de la energa interna devaporcorriente de ofin high-pressure trabajo expansion process. Theand rotating blades conversion of the internal energy alta presin en un expansion process. The overall result is the conversion of the internal energy of a high-pressure expansion shaft work. overall result is the conversion of force planta de energa, the device de flecha. Cuandoprocess. The When steam provides the motiveen unaas in a power plant,al dispositivo se le stream into el vapor proporciona la fuerza motriz, como the internal energy of a high-pressure stream into shaft work. When steam provides the motive force as in a power plant, the device streamturbina; cuando unit is de alta presin gas, such asforce as in como amoniaco chemical conoce is called a turbine; whenWhenasteam provideses el motive de trabajo, or power plant,athe etileno en una como into shaft work. gas high-pressure the fluido ammonia a ethylene in o device is called a turbine; when it is a high-pressure gas, such as ammonia or ethylene in a chemical is calledoapetroqumica,the device is called an gas, such as ammonia or ethylene in caso el proceso se planta qumica turbine; when al dispositivo se le conoce como expansor. Enshown in Fig.chemical or petrochemical plant, it is a high-pressure expander. The process is cualquier a 7.3. or petrochemical plant, the device is called an expander. The process is shown in Fig. 7.3. or petrochemical ilustra en la figura 7.3. plant, the device is called an expander. The process is shown in Fig. 7.3.

Figura 7.3: Flujo en estado estacionario a travs de Figure 7.3: Steady-state ow through a Figure 7.3: Steady-state ow through a una turbina o expansor. Figure 7.3: Steady-state ow through a turbine or expander. turbine or expander. turbine or expander.

1 1 1

Turbine Turbine Turbine


2 2 2

. Ws . Ws Ws


Las ecuaciones (2.3) y (2.32) son relaciones apropiadas de energa. De cualquier modo, es posible Equations (2.31) and (2.32) are el cambio energy relations. However, the potentialEquations (2.31) and (2.32) are appropriate energy relations. However, the potentialomitir el trmino de energa potencial, porqueappropriate en la elevacin es pequeo. Adems, en cualquier Equations be omitted, because appropriate energy relations. However, the potentialenergy term can (2.31) and (2.32) are there is little change in elevation. Moreover, in any energy term can turbina, la transferencia de calor es insignificante, y los tubos de la entrada y la salidiseo apropiado de una be omitted, because there is little change in elevation. Moreover, in any energy term can be omitted, because there is little change in elevation. pipes are sized to properly designed turbine, heat transfer is negligible and the inlet and exit Moreover, in any da de laproperlyse dimensionan de tal manera que las velocidades del fluidoand exit pipes are Por loto tubera designed turbine, heat transfer is negligible and the inlet and exit pipes are sized tanto, las properly designed turbine, heat transfer is negligible and (2.32) therefore reduce to: and the inlet sean casi iguales. make uid velocities roughly equal. Equations (2.31) and (2.32) therefore reduce to: sized to make uid y (2.32) sern ahora: ecuaciones (2.3) velocities roughly equal. Equations (2.31) and (2.32) therefore reduce to: make uid velocities roughly equal. Equations (2.31) . . . . . . . Ws = m H = m(H2 H1 ) (7.13) Ws = H = H2 H1 (7.14) . . Ws = m H = m(H2 H1 ) (7.13) Ws = H = H2 H1 (7.14) Ws = m H = m(H2 H1 ) (7.13) Ws = H = H2 H1 (7.14) Por lo general, las condiciones de entrada TP1yand y la discharge pressure PP2 son fijas.Thusesto, en la Usually, the inlet conditions T1 and P1 and the discharge pressure P2 are xed. Thus in the inlet conditions T1 and  P the presin de descarga 2 are xed. Por in Usually, Usually, H is known; both ecuacin (7.4) slo se conoce conditions T1que H21W s are unknown, and the energy equation alone energa W son incgnitas, y slo P2 la xed. Thus in Eq. (7.14) onlythe 1inlet H; mientrasHand P yands the discharge pressure con areecuacin de la 2 and Eq. (7.14) only H1 is known; both H2 and Ws are unknown, and the energy equation alone are unknown, and the energy un proceso de Eq. (7.14) onlytheir is known; both H2 and if the uid in the turbine somete aequation alone expanH1 clculo. No obstante, si Wsfluido en la turbina se expands reversibly and no es posiblenot allowalgn calculation. However, if the uid in the turbine expands reversibly and does realizar does not allow their calculation. However, el doestantoallow their comois isentropic, ste es isentrpico, second S. La segundathe nal state not reversible calculation. However, S theSuid in the 2turbine expands reversibly and if = . This y S = equation xes ecuacin permite la sin que es adiabatically, the process adiabtico, and 2 1 adiabatically, the process is isentropic, and S2 = S1 . This second equation xes the nal state adiabatically, determines isentropic, special case, H . given equation xes the nal determinacin del andthe process isH2. For this and StantoS1 . W s 2issecondby Eq. (7.14), written:est dado por of the uid estado final del fluido, y por lo 2 = deThis given by caso especial, Ws state of the uid and determines H2 . For this special case, Ws isPara este Eq. (7.14), written: of the uid and determines H la ecuacin (7.4) y se escribe como:2 . For this special case, Ws is given by Eq. (7.14), written: Ws (isentropic) = (H ) S (7.15) Ws (isentropic) = (H ) S (7.15) Wss(isentropic) = (H )S (7.15) (7.5) W (isentrpico) = (H) S The shaft work |Ws |(isentropic) is the maximum that can be obtained from an adiabatic The shaft work |Ws |(isentropic) is the maximum that can be obtained from an adiabatic The given inlet conditions es the discharge pressure. Actual turbines an adiabatic El trabajowith given|Ws |(isentrpico) and ismximo que se puede obtener de una fromproduce less con las turbine deshaft work |Ws |(isentropic)elgiven maximum that can be obtained turbina adiabtica turbine withflecha inlet conditions and given discharge pressure. Actual turbines produce less turbine with given actual expansion process is proporcionan. Las Actual turbines produce less condiciones de entradathe actualconditions and que se discharge pressure.turbinas reales efciency menos trabay lainlet expansion process is irreversible; we dene a turbine efciency as: presin de descarga given irreversible; we dene a turbine producen as: work, because work, because the work, because the actual expansion process is irreversible; we dene a de la turbina se define jo, porque el proceso de expansin real es irreversible. Por lo tanto, la eficiencia turbine efciency as: como: Ws Ws Ws W (isentropic) Ws (isentropic) s Ws (isentrpico) (isentropic) actual shaft work. By Eqs. (7.14) and (7.15), where W where W s is the actual shaft work. By Eqs. (7.14) and (7.15), donde Ws es elWss is thereal de flecha. Por las ecuaciones (7.4) y (7.5), is the where trabajo actual shaft work. By Eqs. (7.14) and (7.15), H = H (7.16) H = (H ) (7.16) (7.6) = (H ) S (7.16) S (H )

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7.2. Turbines (Expanders) 7.2. Turbinas (expansores) 7.2. Turbines (Expanders)

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Values usually abarcan desde to 0.8. El diagrama HS de la figura 7.4 muestra actual Los valores de of usualmenterange from 0.70.7 a 0.8. The H S diagram of Fig. 7.4 shows an una expansin Values of usually range from 0.7 to 0.8. The H S diagram of Fig. 7.4 shows an actual real en expansion in y una expansin reversible para igualesthe same intake conditions la misma presin de una turbina a turbine and a reversible expansion for condiciones de entrada y and the same expansion in a turbine and a reversible expansion for the same(constant-entropy) and the same discharge pressure. The reversible path is the dashed vertical intake conditions line punto descarga. La trayectoria reversible es una lnea vertical discontinua (entropa constante) desde elfrom  a la discharge pressure. The reversible path is the dashed vertical (constant-entropy) line from presinpoint 1 at intake pressure a 1 to point 2 at discharge2pressure P2 . The solid line, showing trayectoria de entrada P al punto 2 P la presin de descarga P . La lnea continua, que representa la the point 1 at intake pressure P point 2 at discharge pressure P2 The solid line, Because actual irreversible en el punto 1 to termina en el punto at point 2 on .the para for P2 showing the irreversible real, empieza path, starts at point 1 and terminates2 sobre la isobaraisobarP2. Ya .que el proceso es y actual irreversible path, starts at point cause an increaseat point 2 on the isobar for P2 . Because the las irreversibilidades ocasionan un 1 and terminates in entropy of the y la and the path adiabtico, process is adiabatic, irreversibilities aumento en la entropa del fluido, uid, trayectoria se dirige the process is adiabatic, irreversibilities more irreversible the process, the further point is directed toward increasing irreversible cause an increase in entropy of the uid, and the path hacia entropa creciente. Cuanto msentropy. Thesea el proceso, el punto 2 se encontrar ms a la2derecha is directed toward increasing lies to the right on ser menor la entropy. The more irreversible the process, the further point 2 sobre la isobara para P2 y the P2 isobar, and the lower the efciency of the process. eficiencia del proceso. lies to the right on the P2 isobar, and the lower the efciency of the process.

1 1 H

H P1


P1 2 2


(H)S (H)S

H (H)S

2 S S

Figura 7.4: Proceso expansion process Figure 7.4: Adiabaticde expansin adiabtica en Figure 7.4: Adiabatic una turbina o expansor. in a turbine or expander. expansion process in a turbine or expander.


P2 2 P2 S

Example 7.6 Example 7.6 Ejemplo 7.6 A steam turbine with rated capacity of 56,400 kW (56,400 kJ s1 ) operates with steam

at inlet vapor con of capacidad nominal C, and discharges into a funciona con a Una turbina de conditions una8,600 kPa and 500de 56 400 kW (56 400 kJs1)condenser at vapor en at inlet conditions of pressure of 10 kPa. 6008,600 kPa and 500 C, and discharges into a condenser at a condiciones de entrada de 8 Assuming 500 C y descarga en un condensador a una state of de 10 kPa. kPa y a turbine efciency of 0.75, determine the presin the pressure of 10 kPa. Assuming a turbine efciency of 0.75, steam at eficiencia and turbina de 0.75, ow of the steam. determine the state of the Suponiendo una discharge de lathe mass rate of determine el estado del vapor en la descarga y la rasteam at discharge and the mass rate of ow of the steam. pidez de flujo de la masa del vapor.

A steam turbine with rated capacity of 56,400 kW (56,400 kJ s1 ) operates with steam

Solution 7.6 Solucin 7.6

Solution 7.6

At the inlet de entrada of 8,600 kPa y 500 C, las steam tables provide: the En las condiciones conditions de of 600 kPa and 500 C, C,tablas de vapor indican: At the inlet conditions 8 8,600 kPa and 500 the steam tables provide: 1 1 = H1 = 3,391.6 kJ kg1 1  1 6.6858 kJ kg kg 1 SS= S 6.6858 kJ  KK K1 = 3 39.6 kJ kg = 6.6858 kJ kg HH =3,391.6 kJ kg 1 1 If the expansion to 10 kPa is isentropic,tanto, S 2 = S 1 = 6.6858. Steam con esta entropa then, S2 = S= 6.6858. El vapor with this Si la expansin a 0 kPa esto 10 kPa is isentropic, then, S = S = 6.6858. Steam with this If the expansion isentrpica, por lo v = x entropy at 10 y is wet, and Eq. (6.82b), = S M =S 21 produce: 2 kPa , a 0 kPa es hmedo, 10la ecuacin (6.82b), con Mwith y x2= = and x x v = ,xyields: entropy at kPa is wet, and Eq. (6.82b), with M x S and , yields: 2 x2 = 0.8047 x2 = 0.8047

l v l S2 = S2 + x2 (S2 S2 ) l l v S2 = S2 + x2 (S2 S2 ) Then, 6.6858 = 0.6493 + x2 (8.1511 0.6493) Then, En consecuencia, 6.6858 = 0.6493 + x2 (8.1511 0.6493)

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This is the quality (fraction vapor) of the discharge stream at point 2 . The enthalpy This is the quality (fraction vapor) la corriente de stream at point 2. The enthalpy is the (fraccin de of the sta esThisis alsoqualityby Eq.vapor) de of the dischargedescarga en el punto 2 . La entalpa H2 la calidad quality (fraction vapor) of the discharge stream at point 2 The enthalpy This is the quality (fraction vapor)written:discharge stream at point 2.. The enthalpy H2 given (fraction vapor) of the (6.82b), This is the given by Eq. (6.82b), written:discharge stream at point 2 . The enthalpy H2 is dada given by Eq. (6.82b), written:se escribe: is also por la ecuacin (6.82b), que also tambinH22 isisalso given by Eq. (6.82b), written: discharge stream at point 2 . The enthalpy est also quality (fraction vapor) of the is the given by Eq. (6.82b), written: H2 This H2 l v l H written: v H2 is also given by Eq. (6.82b), = Hl2 + x2(Hv Hl2) H22 = Hl2l + x2 (Hv2 Hl2l) = H l + x (H2 H l ) v l v l H22 = H22 + x22(H22 H22) H 2 = H2 + x2 (H2 H2 ) H2 2 2 2 2 1 l 191.8)l = Thus, H2 = 191.8 + (0.8047)(2,584.8(H2 H2 ) 2,117.4 kJ kg1 H2 = H2 + x2 v = 191.8 + (0.8047)(2,584.8 191.8) = 2,117.4 kJ kg1 1 Thus, H2 = 191.8 + (0.8047)(2,584.8 191.8) = 2,117.4 kJ kg1 As, Thus, Thus, H2 = 191.8 + (0.8047)(2,584.8 191.8) = 2,117.4 kJ kg H22 = 191.8 + (0.8047)(2,584.8 191.8) = 2,117.4 kJ kg 1 Thus, H2 1 (H 191.8 + H1 = 2,117.4 3,391.6 = 1,274.2 kJ kg1 = H2 (0.8047)(2,584.8 1 Thus, H2 =)S = H2 H1 = 2,117.4 191.8)= 1,274.2kJ kg1 (H ) S = H 2 H 1 = 2,117.4 3,391.6 = 1,274.2 kJ kg1 )S 3,391.6 = 2,117.4 kJ kg1 (H )S = H2 H1 = 2,117.4 3,391.6 = 1,274.2 kJ kg (H ) S = H2 H1 = 2,117.4 3,391.6 = 1,274.2 kJ kg 1 (H S 1 2 (H ) S = and by Eq. (7.16), H2 H1 = 2,117.4 3,391.6 = 1,274.2 kJ kg1 y por laand by Eq.(7.16), ecuacin (7.16), and by Eq. (7.16), and by Eq. (7.16), and by Eq. (7.16), 1 H (H ) = (0.75)(1,274.2) = 955.6 kJ kg1 and by Eq. (7.16),= (H ) S = (0.75)(1,274.2) = 955.6 kJ kg1 1 H = S H = (H ) S = (0.75)(1,274.2) = 955.6 kJ kg1 H = (H ) SS = (0.75)(1,274.2) = 955.6 kJ kg1 H = (H ) S = (0.75)(1,274.2) = 955.6 kJ kg 1 De donde, Whence, H = H 1 + H = (0.75)(1,274.2) = 2,436.0 kJ kg1 H = (H ) S = 3,391.6 955.6 = 955.6 kJ kg1 1 Whence, H22 = H1 + H = 3,391.6 955.6 = 2,436.0 kJ kg1 H 2 = H 1 + H = 3,391.6 955.6 = 2,436.0 kJ kg1 Whence, H2 = H1 + H = 3,391.6 955.6 = 2,436.0 kJ kg Whence, H2 = H1 + H = 3,391.6 955.6 = 2,436.0 kJ kg 1 Whence, 2 1 Por esto, el vaporsteam = H1 actual estado final 955.6 = 2,436.0 kJ kg1 calidad se encuentra se halla en su = hmedo y su Thus the que 2 in its + Hnal state is also wet, with its quality given by: Whence, steam in its actual nal3,391.6 real tambin esits quality given by: Thus the steam in its actual nal state is also wet, with its quality given by: the H state is also wet, with Thus the steam Thus the steam in its actual nal state is also wet, with its quality given by: mediante la ecuacin: in its actual nal state is also wet, with its quality given by: Thus x2 = 0.9378 2,436.0 = 191.8 + x (2,584.8 191.8) Thus the steam in its actual + x 2(2,584.8 191.8) x2 = 0.9378 2,436.0 = 191.8 nal state is also wet, with its quality given by: 2 x2 = 0.9378 2,436.0 = 191.8 + x2 (2,584.8 191.8) x22 = 0.9378 2,436.0 = 191.8 + x22(2,584.8 191.8) x2 = 0.9378 2,436.0 = 191.8 + x2 (2,584.8 191.8) 1 1 Then S2 = 0.6493 + (0.9378)(8.1511 0.6493) = 7.6846 kJ kg1 K1 x2 kJ kg1 K 1 2,436.0 = 191.8 + x2 (2,584.8 0.6493) 1 Then S2 = 0.6493 + (0.9378)(8.1511 191.8) = 7.6846 = 0.9378 1 S 2 = 0.6493 + (0.9378)(8.1511 0.6493) = 7.6846 kJ kg1 K1 Luego, Then S2 = 0.6493 + (0.9378)(8.1511 0.6493) = 7.6846 kJ kg 1 K 1 Then S2 = 0.6493 + (0.9378)(8.1511 0.6493) = 7.6846 kJ kg K Then value may be compared with the initial value of S = 6.6858. This 2 This value may be compared with the initial value of S1 = 6.6858. Thenvalue may be compared with the initial value of 7.6846 kJ kg1 K1 1 S = 0.6493 + (0.9378)(8.1511 0.6493) = S 1 = 6.6858. . ThisThe2steam ratecompared withEq. (7.13).value 6.6858. 6.6858. This value may be m is givenwith the initial value of S1 = of 56,400 kJ s1 , . by inicial de For work rate Este valor sevalue mayrate compared valorthe(7.13). For=a of S11 = 6.6858. This puede compararis given by Eq. initial S1 a work rate of 56,400 kJ s 1, 1 ... The steam rate m is given by Eq. (7.13). For a work rate of 56,400 kJ s1 , steam be m con el 1 The steam be m is given by Eq. initial For of S1 Para una The steam rate compared by Eq. la ecuacina work = 6.6858.transferencia This value de vapor . is given with de(7.13). value work rate of 56,400 kJ s La proporcin mayrate m se da a.travs the(7.13). For a(7.13).rate of 56,400 kJ s 1,, de trabajo The . . . = m(2,436.0 3,391.6) 1 1 . . . m = 59.02 kg kJ W The W = 56,400 given by Eq. 3,391.6) steam rate m is ... rate 59.02 kg s1 1 de 56 400 kJ s1... ss = 56,400 = m(2,436.0 (7.13). For a work m = of 56,400 s1 s , , ... . . . m = 59.02 kg s1 Ws = 56,400 = m(2,436.0 3,391.6) m = 59.02 kg s 1 Wsss = 56,400 = m(2,436.0 3,391.6) m = 59.02 kg s W = 56,400 = m(2,436.0 3,391.6) . . . m = 59.02 kg s1 Ws = 56,400 = m(2,436.0 3,391.6) Example 7.6 is solved with data from the steam tables. When a comparable set of tables Example 7.6 is solved with data from the steam tables. When a comparable set of tables data the steam a of tables Example 7.6 is solved with data from the steam tables. When a comparable set of tables is notExample 7.6 is solved withuid, fromgeneralizedtables. When ofcomparable setbe used in available for the working the correlations Sec. 6.7 may is not Example 7.6 is solved with data the generalized tables. Whenof Sec. 6.7 may be used in not available for the working uid, the generalized correlations of comparable set of tables available for the working uid, from the steam correlations a Sec. 6.7 may be used in is not available for the working uid, from the steam correlations of Sec. 6.7 may be used in is not Example 7.6 is solved and data informacin de las the Whenvapor. Cuando no of cuenta tables conjunction sefor the a partir (6.94), generalized in tablas de a comparable El ejemplo 7.6with Eqs. (6.93)withde la theas illustrated tables. following example. set seused in con un is available resolvi conjunction with Eqs. working uid, the generalized correlations of Sec. 6.7 may be as illustrated conjunction with Eqs. (6.93) and (6.94), as illustrated in the following example. conjunction with Eqs. (6.93) and (6.94), trabajo, es posible following example. generalizadas is cotejable de for the(6.93) and (6.94), as illustrated in the following example. working (6.94), as illustrated in the following example. correlations correlaciones conjunto not available tablas para elanduid, the generalized in theusar lasof Sec. 6.7 may be used in de la fluido de conjunction with Eqs. (6.93) seccinconjunction with con las ecuaciones (6.93) y (6.94), como sefollowing example. ejemplo. 6.7 en conjunto Eqs. (6.93) and (6.94), as illustrated in the ilustra en el siguiente

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CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CAPTULO 7. Aplicaciones de la termodinmica a los procesos de flujo CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes

Example 7.7 7.7 Example 7.7 Exampleethylene gas at 300 C and 45 bar is expanded adiabatically in a turbine Example 7.7 Ejemplo 7.7 ethylene gas at 300 C and 45 bar is expanded adiabatically in a turbine A stream of A stream of ethylene of Example 7.7 gas at 300C and 45 bar is Find the properties of ethylene by: A stream of ethylene gas at 300 C and 45 bar is expanded adiabatically in a turbine A stream Calculate the isentropicC andproduced. expanded adiabatically in a turbine to 2 bar. A stream of ethylene gas at 300 work 45 bar is expanded adiabatically in a turbine
(a) Equations for an ideal gas. (b) Appropriate generalized correlations. Solution 7.7 Solution 7.7 Solution 7.7 Solution 7.7 Solucin 7.7 Solution 7.7and The enthalpy changes for the process are: The enthalpy Solutionentalpa yentropychanges for the process are: Los cambios de 7.7and entropy changes for the process are: entropa The enthalpy and entropy changes for the process are: The enthalpy and entropy para el proceso son: (a) Equations for an ideal gas. (b) Appropriate generalized correlations. (a) Equations for an ideal gas. (b) Appropriate generalized correlations. (a) Equations for an ideal gas. (b) Appropriate generalizadas apropiadas. (a) Equations for an ideal (b) Appropriate generalized correlations. a) Ecuaciones para un gas ideal. gas. b) Correlaciones generalized correlations. to 2 (a) Equations for an ideal gas. (b) Appropriate generalized correlations. by: bar. Calculate the isentropic work produced. Find the properties of ethylene

Una corriente de gas etileno aisentropicwork produced. Find the properties of ethylene by: a 2 bar. 300 C y 45 bar se expande adiabticamente en una turbina to 2 bar. to 2 bar. Calculate the isentropic work produced. Find the properties of ethylene by: to streamCalculate thegas at 300 work produced. Find the properties of ethylene by: A 2 bar. Calculate theque se produce yproduced. Find the properties of ethylene by: of ethylene isentropic C and 45 bar is expanded adiabatically in por: to bar. Calculate the isentropic work encuentre las propiedades del etileno a turbine Calcule el2trabajo isentrpico an ideal gas. (b) Appropriate generalized correlations. (a) Equations for

ig The enthalpy and entropy changes for the process H R H R (6.93) H = C ig H (T2 T1 ) + are: ig ig 2 1 P (6.93) H = C ig H (T2 T1 ) + H R H R = C P H (T 2 T 1) + H 2R H 1R The enthalpy and entropy changes for the processH 2R H 1R ig (T 2 T 1) + are: R R P (6.93) H = C P H 2 (6.93) (6.93) H = C P H (T2 T1 ) + H2R H1R (6.93) H 1 P2 2 2 R 1 R 1 T ig ig P HT 2 P (T (6.93) H C ig P ln T2 T ) P 2 2R 1 (6.94) S = = C S HT 2 2 R1ln +2H+ SR H1RSR ig R R 2 P ln T 2 R ln P 2 + SR SR ig 2 2 (6.94) S = C P S R R R R P ln 1 R ln P1 + S2 S1 (6.94) S = C ig S ln T2 R ln P2 + S2 S1 (6.94) (6.94) S = C PigSSln T1 R ln P1 + S22 S11 (6.94) S = C P S T2 1 1 2 1 P P2 ig 1 1 R R Given values are P1 = 45 bar, PS ln 2 1bar, and T11 = 300 + 273.15 = 573.15 K. S = C 2 = T1 R ln P1 + S2 S1 (6.94) Given values are P1 = 45 bar,P P2 = 2 bar, and TP1= 300 + 273.15 = 573.15 K. values are P1 = 45 bar, P2 = 2 bar, and T1 = 300 + 273.15 = 573.15 K. 1 Given values are P1 = 45 bar, P2 = 2 bar, Given values are P1 = 45 son P 2 = 2T1bar,and = 1 = 300 + = 300 = 573.15 573.15 K. Given 1 Los valores que se proporcionan bar, P2 = 45bar, and T12= 300 T1 273.15+= 573.15 K. P2 T1 bar y + 273.15 273.15 = K. 1 Given values are P1 = 45 bar, P2 = 2 bar, and T1 = 300 + 273.15 = 573.15 K.

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7.2. Turbines (Expanders) 7.2. Turbines (Expanders) 7.2. Turbines (Expanders) 7.2. Turbines (Expanders) 7.2. Turbines (Expanders) 7.2. Turbines (Expanders) 7.2. Turbines (Expanders) 7.2. Turbinas (expansores)

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(a) If ethylene is assumed an ideal gas, then all residual properties are zero, and (a) If ethylene is assumed an ideal gas, then If ethylene is assumed an is assumed an are zero, (a) If ethylene is assumed an ideal gas, then all residual properties are zero, and (a) If ethylene is assumed an ideal gas, then all residual properties are zero, and (a) If ethyleneequations reduceideal gas, then all residual properties are zero, and (a) preceding is assumed gasideal gas, then all residual properties are zero, and the preceding equations reduceideal, entoncesall residual properties residualesand a) Si se (a) If ethyleneequations un an ideal gas, then all residual properties are zero, and cero y supone al etileno como reduce to: todas las propiedades son the preceding equations reduce to: preceding to: the preceding equations reduce to: the the preceding equations reduce to: the the preceding equations reduce to: las ecuaciones anteriores se reducen a: to: T2 P2 ig ig T P T2 P2 ig ig S = C Pig ln T22 R ln P22 H = C Pig (T2 T1)) Cig (T T S = C ig S ln T2 R ln P2 = Cig S ln T1 R ln P1 Cig ln T2 R ln P2 H = C ig H (T22 T11) = Cig H (T T S = C PigSln T22 R ln P22 H = C PigH (T22 T11)) ig ig S = P H = P H 2 P P S = C P SS ln T R ln P H = C P H (T2 T1 ) S = CP S ln T11 R ln P1 H = CP H (T2 T1 ) S H 1 T P 1 P H P S T11 P11 P H P S T1 P1 T1 P1 1 1 For an isentropic process, S = 0, and the second equation becomes: an isentropic process, S = 0, and the second equation becomes: For and the second equation becomes: For an isentropic process, S = 0, and the second equation becomes: For an isentropic process, S = 0, and the second equation becomes: Para unFor an isentropic process, Sy=la0, and the ecuacin se convierte en: proceso isentrpico, S = 0, For an isentropic process, S = 0, and the second equation becomes: For an isentropic process, S = 0,segunda second equation becomes: ig ig C PigS T2 P2 2 Cig C Pig ln T2 = ln P2 = ln 2 = 3.1135 ig P 2 T Cig S P ig C P S ln T22 = ln P22 = ln 2 = 3.1135 T2 P 2 C P S ln T2 = ln P2 = ln 2 = 3.1135 P S C P SS ln T22 = ln P22 = ln 45 = 3.1135 ln T1 = ln P1 = ln 45 = 3.1135 = ln P2 = ln 45 = 3.1135 ln P = ln 2 = 3.1135 R ln T P R T1 R S ln T11 = P11 1 R T1 P1 45 R 45 R T1 P11 45 R T1 P1 45 1 3.1135 3.1135 3.1135 + ln 573.15 or ln T2 = 3.1135 + ln 573.15 or ln T = 3.1135 or ln T22 = 3.1135 + ln 573.15 ig or ln T2 = 3.1135 + ln 573.15 or ln T22 = C ig /R + ln 573.15 or ln T2 = Cig S /R + ln 573.15 o or ln T2 = C Pig /R + ln 573.15 ig ig ig S /R CP SS/R P ig /R C P S/R C P S P C P S P S 3.1135 3.1135 3.1135 Then, 3.1135 + 6.3511 T2 = exp 3.1135 + 6.3511 (A) = exp 3.1135 + 6.3511 Then, Then, T (A) T22 = exp 3.1135 + 6.3511 (A) ig Then, Then, T2 = exp (A) T22 = exp C ig /R + 6.3511 (A) Then, T2 = exp Cig S /R + 6.3511 (A) Then, T2 = exp C Pig /R + 6.3511 (A) ig En consecuencia, (A) igS /R ig /R CP SS/R P ig C P S/R C P S P C P S P S ig ig Equation (5.17) provides an expression for C PigS /R, which for computaEquation (5.17) provides an expression for Cig /R, which for computa(5.17) provides an expression for Cig /R, which for computaEquation (5.17) provides an expression for C PigS/R, which for computaig Equation (5.17) provides an expression for C ig S /R, which for computaP ig Equation (5.17) provides an expression for C P S/R, which for computaEquation (5.17) providesuna expresin para C P S /R, which for computaan expression for C P S / R, que para fines de clculo se P S Equation tional purposes is represented by: La ecuacin (5.7) is represented by: P S tional purposes proporciona by: purposes is represented by: is represented tional purposes is represented by: P S tional purposes tional purposes is represented by: tional purposes is represented by: tional representa por: ig ig C PigS Cig C PigS = MCPS(573.15,T2;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) ig Cig S P ig C P S = MCPS(573.15,T2;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) CP S = MCPS(573.15,T2;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) P C R S = MCPS(573.15,T2;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) P S = MCPS(573.15,T2;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) P S = MCPS(573.15,T2;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) R R = MCPS(573.15,T2;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) R R R where the R where the constants for ethylene come from Table C.1. Temperature T2 is found the constants for ethylene come from Table C.1. Temperature T is found constants for ethylene come from Table C.1. Temperature T is found where the constants for ethylene come from Table C.1. Temperature T22 is found where the constants for ethylene come from Table C.1. Temperature T 2 is found where the constants for ethylene come from Table C.1. Temperature T22 is found ig where T2 is found where the constants for ethylene comefor evaluation of C ig /R. Equation ( A) donde las constantes Assumeetileno resultan defrom Table C.1. C Pig /R. Equation ((A) by iteration. Assume an initial value for evaluation of Cig S /R. Equation A) iteration. para el an initial value for evaluation La Temperature T2 se encuentra por by iteration. Assume an initial value la tabla C.. of temperatura 2 iteration. of ig by iteration. Assume an initial value for evaluation of CPig SS /R. Equation ((A) ig by iteration. Assume an initial value for evaluation of C P S /R. Equation ( A) P ig /R. Equation ( A) by Suponga unAssume an initial value for evaluation ig CR. S/R. Equation laA) by an initial la evaluacin de C C P S ig P S ig by iteration. Assume value para value for evaluationPof S / P A continuacin, the iteracin. provides a newinicial of T2 from which to recompute SC ig /R, and ecuacin ig then provides valor P C ig then new value of T from which from recompute Cig ig then provides a new value of T22 from which to recompute C P S/R, and the then provides a new value of T2 from which to recompute C P S /R, and the recompute C ig S /R, and the P ig then provides aa new tovalueTofaTpartir delwhichsevalue: (A) proporciona un nuevo valorconvergence on the naltovuelveTa calcular S/R, Sand the procede 2 2 cual / then provides a new value of T2 from which to recompute C P S /R, and the P K. then provides a new value of T22 from which to recompute 370.8SS/R, and the procedure continues to convergence on the naltovalue: T2 = 370.8CP The R, y el continues to convergence on the nal value: T = 370.8SK. The valueig P K. The value P procedure = P value procedure continues to convergence on the nal value: T22 = 370.8 K. The value procedure continues to convergence el the nal value: 2 = procedure continues to convergence on the nal value:=T370.8370.8 K. The value ig dimiento continacontinuesconvergencia is for valor final: T2 purposesK. ElK. Thede CP H / R, procedure continues to Eq. (4.8), en on the nal value: T2 = 370.8 valor by: procedure /R, given by convergence on computational T22 = 370.8 K. The value ig ig hasta la of C P /R, given by Eq. (4.8), is for computational purposes represented by: C ig H /R, given by Eq. (4.8), is for computational purposes represented value 2 ig of ig H represented by: of Cig H /R, given by fines de is for computational purposes represented by: ig of ecuacin given by Eq. (4.8), is for computational por: P of C P H /R, given by Eq. (4.8), is for computational purposes represented by: dado por laCP H /R, (4.8), paraEq. (4.8), clculo se representapurposes represented by: of C P H P of C P H /R, given by Eq. (4.8), is for computational purposes represented by: P ig H ig C Pig Cig C PigH = MCPH(573.15,370.8;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) = 7.224 ig Cig H = MCPH(573.15,370.8;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) = 7.224 P ig H C P H = MCPH(573.15,370.8;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) = 7.224 C P H = MCPH(573.15,370.8;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) = 7.224 P C P H = MCPH(573.15,370.8;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) = 7.224 R H = MCPH(573.15,370.8;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) = 7.224 P H = MCPH(573.15,370.8;1.424,14.394E-3,-4.392E-6,0.0) = 7.224 R R R R R R ig ig ig Then W (isentropic) = (H ) = C ig (T2 T1 (isentropic) Then W (isentropic) = (H = Cig H (T T Then Wss(isentropic) = (H ) S = C P H (T2 T1 ) ig En seguida, Then Wsss(isentropic) = (H ))SS = C PigH (T22 T11)) Then W (isentropic) = (H S = Cig H (T2 T1 ) P Wss(isentrpico)= (H ))SS = C P H(T22 T11)) Then Ws (isentropic) = (H )S = CP H (T2 T1 ) P H Then Ws P H S P 1  Ws (isentropic) = (7.224)(8.314)(370.8 573.15) = 2 53 JJ mol1 W(isentropic) = (7.224)(8.314)(370.8 573.15) = 12,153 mol1 Ws(isentropic) = (7.224)(8.314)(370.8 573.15) = 12,153 J mol1 (isentropic) = (7.224)(8.314)(370.8 573.5) = 12,153 mol1 Wss(isentropic) = = (7.224)(8.34)(370.8573.15) = 12,153JJJmol 1 s s(isentrpico) (7.224)(8.314)(370.8 573.15) = 12,153 mol1 W Wss(isentropic) = (7.224)(8.314)(370.8 573.15) = 12,153 J mol1 Ws (isentropic) = (7.224)(8.314)(370.8 573.15) = 12,153 J mol W (b) For ethylene, b) Para (b)etileno, el For ethylene, (b)For ethylene, For ethylene, ethylene, (b) (b) For ethylene, (b) For (b) For ethylene, Pc = 50.4 bar = 0.087 Tc = 282.3 K P = 50.4 bar = 0.087 T = 282.3 K Pcc = 50.4 bar = 0.087 Tcc = 282.3 K Pc = 50.4 bar = 0.087 Tc = 282.3 K Pcc = 50.4 bar = 0.087 Tcc = 282.3 K Pc = 50.4 bar = 0.087 Tc = 282.3 K Pc = 50.4 bar = 0.087 Tc = 282.3 K At the initial state, At the initial At the initial state, En el estado inicial, state, At the initial state, At the initial state, At the initial state, At the initial state, 573.15 45 573.15 45 45 45 Pr1 = 45 = 0.893 Tr1 = 573.15 = 2.030 = 282.3 = 2.030 = 45 = 0.893 P = 45 = 0.893 T = 573.15 = 2.030 Prr11 = 50.4 = 0.893 Trr11 = 573.15 = 2.030 P = 50.4 = 0.893 T = 573.15 = 2.030 Prrr111 = 50.4 = 0.893 Trrr111 = 573.15 = 2.030 Pr Tr Pr1 = 50.4 = 0.893 Tr1 = 282.3 = 2.030 282.3 282.3 282.3 50.4 1 1 1 1 282.3 50.4 282.3 50.4 According to Fig. 3.14, the generalized correlations based on second virial coefAccording to Fig. 3.14, the generalized correlations based on second virial coefto Fig. 3.14, the generalized correlations based on second virial coefFig. 3.14, the generalized correlations based on second virial coefAccording to Fig. 3.14, the generalized correlations based on second virial coefAccording According to be satisfactory.correlaciones generalizadas, on second virial coefDe acuerdo con lato Fig. 3.14, the generalized correlations basedque second virial (6.88), los segundos According figura 3.4, las According to Fig. 3.14, the generalized correlations based on se apoyan encoefcients should be satisfactory. The computational procedures of Eqs. (6.87), (6.88), cients should be should The computational procedures of Eqs. (6.87), cients should be satisfactory. The computational procedures of Eqs. (6.87), (6.88), cients should sonsatisfactory. The computational procedures of Eqs. (6.87), (6.88), cients should be satisfactory. The computational procedures of Eqs. (6.87), (6.88), coeficientes viriales, be satisfactory. The computational by: de clculoEqs.las ecuaciones (6.87), satisfactorias. are represented procedures of de (6.87), (6.88), Los procedimientos cients should be satisfactory. The computational procedures of Eqs. (6.87), (6.88), cients (3.66), (6.89) and (6.90) (3.65), (3.66), (6.89) and (6.90) are represented by: (3.65), and (6.90) are represented (3.65), (3.66), (6.89) and (6.90) are represented by: (3.65), (3.66), (6.89) and (6.90) representan por:by: (6.88), (3.65), (3.66), (6.89) y (6.90) se are represented by: (3.65), (3.66), (6.89) and (6.90) are represented by: (3.65), (3.66), (6.89)Rand (6.90) are represented by: R HR R HR H1R HR = HRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.234 H11 = HRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.234 H11 = HRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.234 H1R = HRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.234 1 RTc = HRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.234 1 RT RTcc = HRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.234 RTc RTcc = HRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.234 RTc RTc

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R SR R S1R = SRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.097 S11 = R R 1 S S R SRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.097 SRR = SRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.097 SRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) 1 SS1 = 1SRB(2.030,0.893,0.087)= 0.097 R = SRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.097 1 R = SRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.097 R1 = RSRB(2.030,0.893,0.087)= 0.0971 R = = SRB(2.030,0.893,0.087) = 0.097 = 0.097 Then, H1RR= (0.234)(8.314)(282.3) = 549 J mol1 Then, H1RR= (0.234)(8.314)(282.3) = 549 J mol1 Then, H1R R (0.234)(8.314)(282.3) = 549 JJmol1 R = R = (0.234)(8.314)(282.3) = J mol1 Then,Then, H1R = (0.234)(8.314)(282.3) = 549549 J1 1 = (0.234)(8.314)(282.3) = 549 mol mol Then, HRR = (0.234)(8.314)(282.3) = 549 J mol1 Then, H1 R H1 En consecuencia, Then, H11R= (0.234)(8.314)(282.3) = 549 J1 1 mol Then, H1 = (0.234)(8.314)(282.3) = 549 Jmol 1 SR = (0.097)(8.314) = 0.806 J mol1 K1 1 SR = (0.097)(8.314) = 0.806 J mol1 K1 S1R = (0.097)(8.314) = 0.806 J mol1 K1 R 1 = R = (0.097)(8.314) = 0.806 1 K1 S11 =S(0.097)(8.314) = 0.806 JJmolJ1 K1 K1 SRR = (0.097)(8.314) = 0.806 J mol1 K1 (0.097)(8.314) = 0.806 mol mol 1 S1R 1 R Sestimate of SR , assume that T2 = JJmol 1 the value determined For an initial S1 = (0.097)(8.314) = 0.806 370.8 K,K 1 mol K 1 = (0.097)(8.314) that 2 For an initial estimate of S2R,,, assume = 0.806370.8 K, the value determined an initial estimate of SR assume that T2 = 370.8 K, the value determined R 2 assume that T2 = 370.8 K, the For (a).initial inicial de ofR,SsupongaassumeT22370.8= 370.8 K,value determined el inciR For an an = in part an initial estimate of2 S2R, assume that T2 = 370.8 K, valor the determined For For an Then, estimate S R Parain part (a).initialinitial estimate22ofassume that2Tthat 370.8 K, the value value determined una estimacin estimate of S R , S2 , que T = = T2 K, el the value determined determinado en For an Then, 2 in part (a). Then, estimate of S2 , assume that T2 = 370.8 K, the value determined 2 in loFor(a). initial part partThen, in in part (a). Then, so a). Por part (a). Then,Then, tanto, (a). in part (a). Then, in 370.8 2 370.8 2 Pr2 = 2 = 0.040 Tr2 = 370.8 = 1.314 370.8 = 1.314 2 = 0.040 = 370.8 = 1.314 = 22 = 0.040 = 1.314 Prr22 = 50.4 =20.040 Trr22 = 370.8370.8 P = T = 282.3 = 1.314 Prr22 = r50.4 = 0.0400.040 Trr22 =Tr282.3 = 1.3141.314 P2 = 50.4 = 0.040 T2 = 282.3 370.8 = = = P P 50.4 T 2 = 2 2 282.3 = 1.314 Prr222= 50.4 = 0.040 Trr222= 282.3282.3 Pr = 50.4 50.4 = 0.040 Tr = 282.3 = 1.314 282.3 50.4 282.3 50.4 R SR 2 SR S2R = R Whence, R S SRB(1.314,0.040,0.087) = 0.0139 S22 = SRB(1.314,0.040,0.087) = 0.0139 S2R = SRB(1.314,0.040,0.087) = 0.0139 SRR =SRB(1.314,0.040,0.087) = 0.0139 De donde, Whence, Whence, 2 Whence, Whence, Whence, SS2 = 2SRB(1.314,0.040,0.087)= 0.0139 Whence, SRB(1.314,0.040,0.087) = 0.0139 R = SRB(1.314,0.040,0.087) = 0.0139 2 R = R = SRB(1.314,0.040,0.087) = 0.0139 R Whence, Whence, = 0.0139 R R R = SRB(1.314,0.040,0.087) J mol1 K1 and SRR = (0.0139)(8.314) = 0.116 R R = (0.0139)(8.314) = 0.116 J mol1 K1 2 = (0.0139)(8.314) = 0.116 J mol 1 K 1 and S2R = (0.0139)(8.314) = 0.116 JJmol 1 K 1 1 1 and S2 1 y and and S R = R = (0.0139)(8.314) = 0.116 J1 K1 K and SR and S2 S (0.0139)(8.314) = 0.116 mol mol1 and expansionS2 = (0.0139)(8.314) =(6.94) becomes: K1 S 2 R = (0.0139)(8.314) = 0.116 J mol1 K If the process is isentropic, Eq. 0.116 mol and expansion 22 = 2(0.0139)(8.314) =0.116 JJmol 1 K1 If the If the expansion process is isentropic, Eq. (6.94) becomes: If the expansion process is isentropic, Eq. (6.94) becomes: If the expansion process is isentropic, Eq. (6.94) becomes: process is isentropic, Eq. (6.94) becomes: becomes: the expansion isentrpico, la Eq. Eq. (6.94) becomes: Si el procesoIfexpansionprocess is isentropic,ecuacin (6.94) ser: If the de expansin es process is isentropic,(6.94)becomes: If the expansion process is isentropic, Eq. (6.94) 2becomes: If the expansion process is isentropic, Eq. (6.94) T2 ig T2 2 T2 2 0 = Cig S ln T22 8.314 ln 2 0.116 + 0.806 ig ig T 2 P 0 = CPig ln 573.15 8.314ln 45 0.116 + 0.806 2 ig T2 ig 0 = C= S ln 573.15 T2 8.3148.314 ln 2 0.116 + 0.806 0 = C ig Cln 573.15 8.314 ln 45 0.116 + 0.806 = CP S ln T22 8.314 ln 45 0.116 + 0.806 T ln 0 P S P 573.15 ln 22 0.116 + 0.806 0 = C PigSSln 573.15 8.314 ln 45 0.116 + 0.806 P S 45 0.116 + 0.806 00 = C P SS ln 573.15 8.314 ln 45 45 573.15 P 573.15T2 45 26.576 573.15 45 T2 Whence, ln T22 = 26.576 T = 26.576 ig T2 = 26.576 Whence, ln 573.15 T= 26.576 = 26.576 Whence, ln T 2 ig S Whence, ln 573.15 = 26.576 Whence, ln 573.15 2 Cig26.576 2 T Whence, ln2 =P Whence, ln 573.15 C ig Whence, ln 573.15 = C PigS ig De donde, P Cig Whence, ln 573.15 = C PigSS C ig S P S 573.15C P C P S 573.15 573.15 C 26.576 PP SS 26.576 + 6.3511 or T2 = exp 26.576 + 6.3511 or T2 = exp 26.576 + 6.3511 = exp 26.576 + 6.3511 exp C ig + 6.3511 26.576 or T2 = ig or or T22 = Texp exp ig S + 6.3511 or T ig or T2 = exp 26.576 + + 6.3511 P 2 = 26.576 C P S ig or T22= exp C PigS ig 6.3511 Cig or T = exp C PigSS + 6.3511 o C P C S C PP SS P S C An iteration process exactly like thatPof part (a) yields the results An iteration process exactly like that of part (a) yields the results An iteration process exactly like that of part (a) yields the results An iteration process exactly like that of part (a) yields the results An An iteration process exactly that of part part (a) yieldsresults yields An iteration process exactly like that of part (a) yields the results Un procesoiteration process exactly like that ofinciso(a) yields thelosthe results iterativo exactamente like like that of a) An iteration process exactly like el delofpart (a) Tyieldsthe results An iteration process365.8 como that part (a) produce results the resultados: T2 = exactly K and = 1.296 T2 = 365.8 K = 365.8 K and Trr22 = 1.296 = 1.296 T22 = 365.8 K and Trrr22 = 1.296 T2 = T365.8 K K and and Tr22 =T1.2961.296 T2 = 365.8365.8 and T = 1.296 = T T2 = 2365.8K and 2 = y TTr 2== 1.296 rT .296 and T22 2 = r1.296 T and with K and r With this value ofT2r2= 365.8 KPr2 = 0.040, T 2 = 365.8 K With this value of Tr and with Prr22 = 0.040, With this value of Trrr222 and with with= 0.040, With this this of T 2 and with P of T and With this value conTP and2with Pr22 = r0.040, Con esteWithWithvaluevalueR2ofandwith Prrr22 =P0.040, valor de value of T 2 =r with P = 0.040, 2 = 0.040, With this value of Trr222rand 0.040,P 2 2 = 0.040, this Tr2 y S r r R R 2 SR S2 = R SRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) R S2R = SRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0144 S2 S SRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0144 SRR = SRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0144 2 = = 0.0144 SS2 = 2SRB(1.296,0.040,0.087)= 0.0144 R = SRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0144 2 R2 = SRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0144 R = SRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0144 R R = SRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0144 RR (0.0144)(8.314) = 0.120 J mol1 K1 and SRR= y R 1 R R 1 1 and S2R = (0.0144)(8.314) = 0.120 J mol1 K1 and and S22 =S(0.0144)(8.314) = 0.120 JJ molJ1 K1 K1 R =R (0.0144)(8.314) = 0.120 mol mol1 K1 and SR = (0.0144)(8.314) = 0.120 J mol1 K1 and S22 = (0.0144)(8.314) = 0.120 J mol1 K1 2R = 2 = (0.0144)(8.314) = 0.120 1 K1 and SS (0.0144)(8.314) = 0.120 J la and representa un cambio tan pequeo a partir demol 22 changed from the initial estimate thatestimacin inicial, que se conEste resultado This result is so little changed from This result is so little changed fromthe initial estimate that another recalculation of recalculation of This resultresult little changed from from evalareducedthat another recalculation of of This result is so little calcular T2, the at theestimate las another recalculation of sidera innecesariois so little changed from ythe initial estimate that another just established: recin a se the HR condiciones reducidas T2 isresult is so is and H2R is evaluatedinitialestimate conditions just established: unnecessary, and H R is evaluated at the reduced conditions recalculation of estimateanother This result isvolverso changed from the initialinitial 2 en thatanother recalculation of T2 is This isso little littleRchanged the initial estimate that anotherjust established: is unnecessary, and H2R is evaluated initial estimate conditions just established: unnecessary, and H2R is evaluated at the reduced that that another recalculation This result so little changed from the at the This T22 is unnecessary, and and H R is evaluated reduced conditions recalculation of T2 establecidas:T2 is unnecessary,H2R is evaluated at theatreduced conditions just established: the reduced conditions just established: T2 is unnecessary, 2 2 T22is unnecessary, and H2RRis evaluated at the reduced conditions just established: T is unnecessary, and H2 is 2 evaluated at the reduced conditions just established: H2R R H2R H2R = HRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0262 H2R = R H2 H2Rc = HRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0262 RT H HRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0262 H2RR = 2HRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0262 H = HRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0262 RTc = HRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0262 RTcc = HRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0262 RT2c RTc = HRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0262 RT RTc = HRB(1.296,0.040,0.087) = 0.0262 RTcc R 1 HRT= (0.0262)(8.314)(282.3) = 61 J mol1 2 H2R = (0.0262)(8.314)(282.3) = 61 J mol1 H2R = (0.0262)(8.314)(282.3) = 61 J mol1 R =R H2R = (0.0262)(8.314)(282.3) = 61 JJmolJ1 1 (0.0262)(8.314)(282.3) = 61 61 1 mol mol HRR = (0.0262)(8.314)(282.3) = 61 J mol1 H = (0.0262)(8.314)(282.3) = H22R= (0.0262)(8.314)(282.3) = 61 ig mol H2 =2(0.0262)(8.314)(282.3) = 61 + 549 By Eq. (6.93), H(H ) S = C ig H (365.8 573.15)61JJmol 1 2 ig P By Eq. (6.93), (H ) S = C ig H (365.8 573.15) 61 + 549 Eq. (6.93), (H ) S = C P (365.8 573.15) 61 + 549 By Eq. (6.93), (H ))SS = C PigH(365.8 573.15) 61 + 549 ig BylaEq. (6.93), (6.93), (H )CPigH (365.8 573.15) 61 61 + 549 By Eq. (6.93), (H ) S = C= C (365.8 573.15) 61+ 549 (H = S ig H ig (365.8 573.15) + 549 By Eq. (6.93), Mediante Eq. (6.93), (H ) = C P H (365.8 573.15) 61 + 549 By ecuacin P By Eq. (6.93), (H ) S = C P HH P H 573.15) 61 + 549 S By P (365.8

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CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes Thermodynamics to Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes de flujo CHAPTER 7. 7. 7. Applications of Thermodynamics losFlow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow procesos CAPTULO Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes a to CHAPTER Aplicaciones CHAPTER 7. Applications of de la termodinmicaFlow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes

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7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Procesos de compresin

Evaluation ofC H as in part (a) with T = 365.8 K gives: Evaluation ofigCP H as in part (a) with T2 = 365.8 K gives: La evaluacin de CP HPcomo en el inciso a) con2T2 = 365.8 K da lo siguiente: C P H = 59.843 mol1 K1 C P H = 59.843 JJmol1 K1 Whence, De donde, Whence,
1 W (isentropic) = (H = 11,920 mol Wss(isentropic) = (H ))SS = 11,920 JJmol1 Ws (isentrpico) = (H) S =  920 mol This differs from the ideal-gas value by less than 2%. This differs from the ideal-gas value by less than 2%. ste difiere del valor del gas ideal por menos de 2%. ig ig ig ig

273 273


and and

(H = 11,920 mol1 (H ))SS = 11,920 JJmol1


Al igual que los procesos de expansin dan como resultado la disminucin de la presin en el fluido que circula, los procesos de compresin provocan aumentos en la presin. Los compresores, las bombas, los abaniJust as expansion processes result inson dispositivos diseados owing uid, so compression cos, losJust as expansion processesde vacoin pressure reductions in a owing uid, so compression ventiladores y las bombas result pressure reductions in a para este propsito. Son importantes processes bring about pressure increases. Compressors, pumps, fans, blowers, and vacuum para: elprocesses bring about la fluidizacin de partculas slidas,pumps, afans,fluidos a la presin apropiada transporte de fluidos, pressure increases. Compressors, llevar los blowers, and vacuum pumps are all devices designed En esta seccin They are vital for the transport of de estos para la pumps are allprocesamiento, etc.for this purpose. They are vital for the por el diseouids, fordisposireaccin o el devices designed for this purpose. no nos preocupamos transport of uids, for uidization of particulate solids, for bringing energticos para la compresin en estado prouidization of particulate solids, for bringing uids to the proper pressure for reaction or protivos, sino por la especificacin de los requerimientosuids to the proper pressure for reaction or estacionario cessing, etc. We are concerned here fluido. cessing, etc. We are concerned here not with the design of such devices, but with specication que ocasionan un aumento en la presin delnot with the design of such devices, but with specication of energy requirements for steady-state compression causing an increase in uid pressure. of energy requirements for steady-state compression causing an increase in uid pressure.


Compresores Compressors Compressors

La compresin de los gases se logra en equipos con aspas in equipment with rotating blades (like a a la inThe compression of gases may be accomplished in equipment with rotating que funciona The compression of gases may be accomplished giratorias (como una turbina blades (like a versa) oturbine operating pistones oscilantes. El equipo giratorio se usa para el flujo de volmenes consideraen cilindros con in reverse) or in cylinders with reciprocating pistons. Rotary equipment is turbine operating in reverse) or in cylinders with reciprocating pistons. Rotary equipment is bles, donde no es muy alta la ow where descarga. Para pressure isaltas toorequieren compresores oscilantes. used for high-volume ow where the discharge pressure not too high. For high pressures, used for high-volume presin de the discharge presionesis not se high. For high pressures, Las ecuaciones de energa son independientes del tipo de equipo; en are independent of the type ofpara las reciprocating compressors are required. The energy equations are independent mismas que reciprocating compressors are required. The energy equations realidad, son las of the type of turbinasequipment;indeed,porque sethe samequefor turbines or expanders, because here too potentialo los expansores, they are supone as tambin los cambios en las energas cintica y potencial equipment; indeed,they are the sameas for turbines or expanders, because here too potential- son insignificantes. De este modo, las ecuaciones (7.3) a la (7.5) son tiles parathrough(7.15) apply to and kinetic-energy changes are presumed negligible. Thus, Eqs. (7.13) la compresin adiabtica, un and kinetic-energy changes are presumed negligible. Thus, Eqs. (7.13) through (7.15) apply to procesoadiabaticcompression, afigura 7.5. que se representa en la process represented by Fig. 7.5. adiabatic compression, aprocess represented by Fig. 7.5.
2 2

. Ws

.. W Ws s

Compressor Compressor


Figure 7.5: Steady-state Figure 7.5: Steady-state Figura 7.5: Proceso de compresin compression process. compression process. en estado estacionario.

1 1

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CHAPTER 7. 7. Aplicaciones Thermodynamics to Flow Processes de flujo CAPTULO Applications of de la termodinmica a los procesos

In a compression process, the isentropic work, as given ecuacin (7.5) the trabajo de En un proceso de compresin, el trabajo isentrpico dado por la by Eq. (7.15), ises el minimum flecha from un estado inicial dado hasta una presin mnimoshaft se requiere parafor compresin de un gas desde a given initial state to a given discharge de desque work required la compression of a pressure. Thus esta manera, la eficiencia de un compresor se define como: carga determinada. Dewe dene a compressor efciency as: Ws (isentropic) Ws (isentrpico) Wss W In view las ecuaciones (7.4) y (7.5), also given by: De acuerdo conof Eqs. (7.14) and (7.15), this issta tambin se da por: (H ) S H (7.17) (7.7)

Compressor efciencies are usually encuentran en el to 0.8. En general, las eficiencias del compresor sein the range of 0.7intervalo de 0.7 a 0.8.

2 2


Figura 7.6: compression Figure 7.6: AdiabaticProceso de compresin process. adiabtica.

P2 2


(H)S S


1 P1 1

1 S

P1 S

The 7.6 se muestra un proceso de compresin diagram in Fig. 7.6. The vertical dashed En la figura compression process is shown on an H S en un diagrama HS. La lnea vertical discontinua line rising from  al 1 to point 2 represents the reversible adiabatgic (constant-entropy) comque se eleva del punto pointpunto 2 representa el proceso de compresin adiabtica reversible (constantepression process P2. El 1 to P2 . The actual irreversible compression la lnea continua desde el entropa) desde P hasta from Pproceso de compresin irreversible real sigueprocess follows the solid punto  hacialine fromapoint 1 upwarddireccin del aumento de la entropa, y terminaentropy, terminating ms arriba y la derecha en and to the right in the direction of increasing en el punto 2. Cuanto at point el The more irreversible encontrar the further this point lies to the right P y P2 irreversible sea 2. proceso, este punto se the process,ms a la derecha, sobre la isobara paraon2theser menos isobar, del the lower la eficiencia and proceso. the efciency of the process.

Example Ejemplo 7.8 7.8

Saturated-vapor steam at 100 kPa (t = 99.63 C) is compressed adiabatically 300 Vapor de agua saturado a 100 kPa (tsat = 99.63 C) se comprime de manera adiabtica hasta to kPa. 300 kPa. If compresor es 0.75, cul es el trabajo necesario y cules son las propiedades de la the compressor efciency is 0.75, what is the work required and what are Si la eficiencia del the properties of the discharge stream? corriente de descarga?

Saturated-vapor steam at 100 kPa (t sat = 99.63 C) is compressed adiabatically to

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7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Procesos de compresin 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes

275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275

Solution 7.8 Solucin 7.8 Solution 7.8

1 H1 = 2,675.4 kJ kg1 1 1 1 1 H1 = 2,675.4 kJ kg1 S1 steam at kJ kPa, 1 For saturated= 7.3598at 1001 K1 For saturated steam 100kg1 1 kPa, 1 1 H1 = 2,675.4 kJ kg1 S1 steam at kJ kPa, For saturated= 7.3598 100kg1 K1 1 1 1 1 K S1 = 7.3598 kJ kg 11 kPa, 1 = 7.3598 kJ kg kg 1 For isentropic compression to kPa,K1= S 2 = 7.3598= 2,675.4kg1kgkg1Interpo- en las isentropic compression to 3001 2 S 2 = S1 H17.3598 K1 Kinterpolacin 300 kPa, S = S1 = HkJ= 2,675.4. kJK1 .. InterpokJ kJ La 1 Para la compresin1isentrpica kJ300 K S kg For = 7.3598 a kg H1 = 2,675.4 kJ 1 S S1 = 7.3598 kJ kg 2 1 1 1 S compression to K 1 For isentropicsobrecalentado 1300kPa, S2 at 300= 1 =shows that steam with this lation in the = 7.3598 kJ kga300 1steam at 300 H 7.3598 kJ kg1 K1 Interpotablas para isentropictables for superheated kPaSmuestra=kPa el2,675.4conkg1 ..entropa tiene la el vapor compression to 300 kPa, 2 = S1 kPa vapor kJ K esta Interpolation in the1 tables for superheated steam = S1 que shows that steam with this For 1 = 2,888.8 kJat 300 kPa shows that steam1 1 . 7.3598 kJ kg 11 1 with this lation inhas kgcompression to to 300 kPa, = 1 .= 7.3598 kJ kJ kg K Interpoentropy kJ tables for superheated steam S 2 entalpa: 2For in has the enthalpy: H2 = 2,888.8 S2 Skg=1 S1 = 7.3598 that1 K 1.with this For888.8 the tables for superheated steam2 kg1 isentropic .compression isentropic entropy the the enthalpy: H2 300 kPa, kJat 300 kPa shows kg steam . Interpo2 lation For isentropic enthalpy: H = 2,888.8 S2 kg1 =S kg K Interpoentropy has thecompression 2to 300 kPa, kJ at at 1. = 7.3598 kJ1 steam .with this lation in thethe enthalpy: H 2 = 2,888.8 kJ kg1300 kPa shows tables for superheated steam 300 kPa shows that lation entropyinin the tables for = 22,888.8 2,675.4300213.4shows1 that steam with this Thus, has tables for Ssuperheated steam 1.1kPa kJ kg 1 steam with this (H ) S = 2,888.8 steam at = 213.4 kJ kg that ) S superheated 2,675.4 = lation the As, Thus, has the enthalpy: H H = 2,888.8 kJ kg . . 1 entropy has the(H S 2 = 2,888.8 kJ kg entropy enthalpy: 2 1 Thus, has the enthalpy:= 2,888.8 2,675.4 1 .213.4 kJ kg1 (H ) S 2,888.8 kJ kg = entropy 2,888.8 213.4 Thus, (H ) S =H2 = ) S 2,675.4 = 213.4 kJ kg 11 S (H )S 1 1 By Eq. Eq. H (H 213.4 = 284.5 kJ kg Thus, (7.7), (H Por la ecuacin(7.17), (H ) S=S (H ) S = 2,675.4284.5 kJ kg11 ByThus,(7.17), (H ) = = 2,888.8 213.4 == = 213.4kg1 H )= 2,888.8 = 2,675.4 = 213.4 kJ kJ kg 0.75 Thus, 1 S 0.75 By Eq. (7.17), H S = 2,888.8= 213.4 = 284.5 kJkJ kg = (H ) S 2,675.4 213.4 kg1 0.75 By Eq. (7.17), H = (H ) S = 213.4 = 284.5 kJ kg 213.4 S De donde,By Eq. (7.17),= H1H = (H )= = + 284.5 = 2,959.9kg1 1 0.75 = = 284.5 kJ 1 kg 1 213.4 284.5 kJ kg kJ By Eq. (7.17), 2 = H1 += (H2,675.4 + 284.5 = 2,959.91 kg 1 1 + H = ) S Whence, H 2 H H 2,675.4 = kJ Whence, H2 By Eq. (7.17), H = = 0.75 = 284.5 kJ kg 1 2 1 Whence, H2 = H1 + Hthis 2,675.40.75 = enthalpy,0.75 = 2,959.9 kJ kg1 +interpolation yields: 1 284.5 For superheated steam with = que el + 284.5 = 2,959.9 kJ Whence, H2 steam H De nuevo, por interpolacin1 sewith this 2,675.4 vapor sobrecalentado con esta entalpa tiene las For superheated= H + muestraenthalpy, interpolation yields: kg 11 Whence, Whence, H2H2 H withH 2,675.4 + 284.5 = 2,959.9 kJ For adicionales:steam + H = enthalpy, + 284.5 = yields: kg 1 propiedadessuperheated = = 1H++ this = 2,675.4interpolation2,959.9 kJ kg Whence, H2 steam 1 H = 2,675.4 interpolation yields: 1 H 284.5 = 1 kg 1 For superheatedT= = 1 withthis enthalpy,+= 7.5019 2,959.9 kJ 1 2 246.1 this S2 kJ kg1 K 2 S2 = 7.5019 kJ kg1 K1 T2 steam with For superheated steam with C this enthalpy, interpolation yields: For superheated = 246.1 C enthalpy,2interpolation yields: 1 1 1 K For superheated2steam withC enthalpy, interpolation kg1 1 2 S2 = 7.5019 kJ yields: T2 = 246.1 T 2 = 246. this S2 =is: 7.5019 kJ kg K T2 = 246.1 C Moreover, by Eq. (7.14), the work required is: (7.14), the Moreover, by Eq.2T2 = 246.1work required= = 7.5019 kJ kg1 11 S2 S2 7.5019 kJ kg1 K 1 T = 246.1 C C K Moreover, by Eq.2(7.14), el C the work required =es: is:7.5019 kJ kg1 K S2 T = 246.1 Adems, por la ecuacin (7.4), trabajo requerido 1 Moreover, by Eq. (7.14), the work required is: kJ kg1 1 W = H = 284.5 Moreover, byby Eq. (7.14),Wss = H required is: kg1 Moreover, Eq. (7.14), the swork required is: kJ 1 the work = 284.5 Moreover, by Eq. (7.14), thes work required is: kJ kg1 Ws = H = 284.5 Ws = H = 284.5 kJ kg 11 Ws = = H = 284.5 kJ kg Ws H = 284.5 kJ kg Ws = H = 284.5 kJ kg1 The direct application of Eqs. (7.13) through (7.15) presumes the availability of tables direct application of Eqs. (7.13) through (7.15) presumes the availability of tables The The an equivalent thermodynamic diagram for the uid being the availability of tables of data or direct application of Eqs. (7.13) through (7.15) presumes compressed. Where such the uid being of data or an equivalent thermodynamic diagram for(7.15) presumes compressed. Where such The an not available, of generalized correlations of the availability of ofaplicacin isequivalentla ecuacinEqs. (7.13) through (7.15)labeing compressed. tablas ofsuch o de data or direct application theEqs. (7.13) correlations of Sec. disponibilidad de conjunction thermodynamic diagram for supone presumes theused in conjunction the uid 6.7 may be availability tables information is notapplicationthe of (7.3) a through (7.15)Sec. 6.7 may be used in Wheretables The direct available, of Eqs. (7.13) through presumes the availability information direct La data or an directaapplication generalized la (7.5) the uid being compressed. Wherede tables datos The equivalent of Eqs. (6.93) andde thermodynamic diagram forEx. of Sec. 6.7 expansion process.of tables direct available, exactly as illustrated of Eqs. (7.13) through information is notapplicationexactly as illustrated in (7.15) uidan expansion process. of such with The anan and (6.94), the generalized correlations 7.7 presumes the availabilityWhere such of of termodinmico,(6.94),the generalized diagram seruid 6.7 may be used in Where such data or for the for being be used no with data orisequivalent thermodynamic diagram in for ofcomprimido. compressed.se disponga un diagramaEqs. (6.93)equivalent thermodynamicfluido queEx. theSec.being compressed. conjunction de tal equivalente para el correlations 7.7 for an may Cuando in conjunction information equivalent thermodynamic diagramin Ex.of uid being compressed. Where such available, of data or assumption of ideal gases leads to equations 7.7 for the with Eqs. (6.93) and available, gases as illustrated la seccinfor an 6.7 may be By Eq. (5.18) for The an notnot (6.94), information is not correlaciones generalizadas de The assumption of ideal the generalized correlations Sec.an expansion process.(5.18) informacinEqs. (6.93)lasavailable, exactly as illustrated in Ex.of relative simplicity. conin inecuaciones (6.93) en may be used Eq. information isand (6.94), exactly leads to equations ofrelative simplicity. used conjunction Sec. expansion By las conjunction with se utilizannot available, the generalized correlations7.7of6.76.7 conjunto process.(5.18) for information is the generalized equations of for 6.7 may be used Eq. The (6.93) and (6.94), exactly leads tocorrelations 7.7Sec. anan assumption el ejemplo 7.7 illustrated in Ex.de 7.7 for expansion process. anwith Eqs. (6.93) andof ideal gases as as illustrated in Ex.relative simplicity. Byprocess. for ideal gas: ilustra en (6.94), exactly para un proceso of expansin.expansion in conjunction gas: with Eqs. for an ideal se y (6.94), tal comoassumption of ideal gases leads to equations of relative simplicity. By Eq. (5.18) for The with Eqs. (6.93) and (6.94), exactly illustrated 2 Ex. Pfor an expansion process. in 2 an ideal The de los gases ideal gases as leads to equations7.7P2 relativa simplicidad.Eq. (5.18) la gas: The assumption of idealesS = C a SequationsRdeof relative simplicity. By (5.18) for leads La suposicin assumption of idealS = C P ecuacionesR lnrelative simplicity. By Eq.Mediante forecuaconduce to ln T 2 ln 2 gases P ln T2 of una an ideal gas: S The assumption of ideal gases leadsPto equations of relative simplicity. By Eq. (5.18) for T2 P2 S T2 R ln P2 P1 1 1 anan ideal gas: T1 cin (5.8)ideal gas:gas ideal: para un S = C P S ln T2 1 P21 P S an ideal gas: S = Chas ln T1 T2 R ln from the mean heat capacity. If the S been1 omitted P1 P2 2 where for simplicity the superscript ig has been2omitted ln12 the mean heat capacity. If the for simplicity the superscript = = C ln T12 ln P 1 ig P ln where P S C P S S T R R from S P where for simplicity the superscript andC P Sbeen1omitted from the mean heat capacity. If the compression is isentropic, S =S and this equation becomes:1 is isentropic, S = 0, igthis equation becomes: 0, = has ln T T R ln P1P 1 compression T omitted from the mean heat capacity. If the P where for simplicity the superscript ig has been 1 compression simplicity the S = 0, and thishas been omitted 1 the mean heat capacity. If the is isentropic, superscript ig where for simplicity the superscriptand this equation becomes: been omitted from where for is isentropic, S = 0, ig hasequation becomes: the mean heat capacity. If the from compression R/CP S beenlaR/CP S from the meanmedia. Si la compresin es omitted where for simplicity the superscript ig 2 donde, por simplicidad, se omite S = = 0,andhasequation becomes: calorfica heat capacity. If the capacidad compression is isentropic, el S 0, T = ig P2 R/C Pbecomes: and this de R/C P S compression is isentropic, superndice T1 P2 R/C P S this equation S (7.18) 2 1 (7.18) compression is isentropic, S convierte T1 equation becomes: and en: P2 P 2 isentrpica, S = 0, y esta ecuacin se = 0,T2 =this P2 R/C P SS P1 (7.18) T2 = T1 P21 R/C 1 1 P 2 (7.18) T2 = T1 P1 P R/CSP S 1 2 P T (7.18) T2T =1 T compression where T 2 is the temperature that results=when compression from T1 and P1 to P2 is isentropic (7.8) T is the temperature that results2when1P12 2 R/C P S from T1 and P1 to P2 is isentropic (7.18) where 2 2 1 1 2 (7.18) T2 = T P1 where T2 isCPtemperature that results when compression from T1 and P1 T1 to2Tis..isentropic and where C S is the mean heat-capacity 1for P1P1temperature range from1 T1 to2 T2 where the is the mean heat-capacity for the temperature range from to P the and T 2 is the temperature that results when compression from T 1 and P to P is isentropic 2 P S where Applied S is the mean heat-capacity for the here becomes: 1 from donde T 2 eswhere C Pto isentropic compression, Eq. (4.9) temperatureP a P2 es 1 T1 to2 T2 . y donde CP S temperatura que resulta cuando la 2 and laT T the S isentropic compression, compresin de T y range andisentrpica, 1 1 whereAppliedPtheis the mean heat-capacitywhen compression rangeand P P to Tis isentropic temperature that results forcompression from where2 2 S media para el results when(4.9) temperature van T1 T a 1 . P 2 temperature 1 and whereis isPtotemperature thatintervalo Eq.temperaturas quefrom1defrom1Ttoto 2P2. is isentropic C Pto isentropic compression,when(4.9) here becomes:T 1 and P1 to P2 22 isentropic the here becomes: T es la capacidadTcalorfica de  where 2 is the that results Eq. compression from is Applied is and where CCSPisentropic compression, Eq. for the temperature temperature range from T2 to T . andApplied toS S the mean heat-capacity for the here becomes: where Para una compresin is the mean heat-capacity(4.9)se convierte en: range from1 Ttoto2T2 . (4.9) temperature and where CP S is isentrpica, la ecuacin C Pthe(T2 T1 ) range from T1 1 T2 . the mean heat-capacity for PH (T 2 T1 ) S 1 ) S = C H here becomes: (H )S = Eq. (4.9) 2here becomes: (H AppliedP to isentropic compression, (4.9) to Applied isentropic compression, Eq. H P Applied to isentropic compression,= C(4.9)(T2 becomes: S 1 (H ) S Eq. P H here T1 ) P H 2 ) (isentropic) = C (7.19) In accord with Eq. (7.15), accord with Eq. (7.15), W s(isentropic) =PC (TH 2 1 T1) Ws (H ) S = C H P2 (T T T1 ) P H (T2 T ) (7.19) In s (H ) S )= = C P 2 2T ) 1 (T (H S C H (T2 = P P (T2 2 T1 H 1 (7.19) In accord with Eq. (7.15), Ws (isentropic)CPCPHH(T2T1 )1 1 ) s (H ) S = HP H (7.19) In accord with Eq. (7.15), Ws (isentropic) = C P H (T2 T1 ) (7.19) (7.9) In In accord with Eq. (7.15), accord with Eq. (7.15), De acuerdo con la ecuacin (7.5), Ws (isentropic) = = C H H 2 1T1 ) isentrpico (7.19) Ws (isentropic) C P P (T(T2 T ) (T T ) (7.19) In accord with Eq. (7.15), Ws (isentropic) = C P H 2 1

Solution 7.8 Solution 7.8 For saturated Para Solution 7.8steam at 100 kPa, vapor saturado asteam at 100 kPa, For saturated Solution 7.800 kPa, kPa, Solution 7.8 at 100 For saturated steam Solution S steam at 100 kg1 K1 7.8 1 For saturated = 7.3598 kJ kPa, 1 1 1

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CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CAPTULO CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to a los procesos CHAPTERCHAPTER CHAPTER7. Aplicaciones Thermodynamics to Flow Processes de flujo 7. Applications of ThermodynamicsThermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of de la termodinmica Flow Processes 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes Applications of to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes

This result may be combined with the compressor efciency to give: Es posible combinar este resultado con la eficiencia del compresor obteniendo: Thisresult may be combined with the compressor efciency to give: This resultThis resultThis result may combined with the the compressor efciencygive: may be combinedmaybe combined with the compressor efciency to give: to give: This result may be combined with the compressor efciency to give: Thismay bemay be be combined with compressor efciency to give: This result combined with the compressor W (isentropic) result with the compressor efciency efciency to give: This result may be combined with the compressor efciency to to give: s (isentrpico) = Wss(isentropic) (7.20) (7.20) Ws(isentropic) (isentropic) W (isentropic) Ws (isentropic) W W (isentropic) Wss = Wss(isentropic) = (7.20) W= W s (7.20) Ws = (7.20) Ws W =s (isentropic) = W = (7.20) (7.20) Ws Wsss = (7.20) W s (7.20) compresin, se encuentra tambin from Eq. (7.20) compression is also found a partir de la ecuacin La temperatura de dischargereal T2, resultado de la from The actual descarga temperature T2 resulting (4.9), Thetemperature The actual dischargeThecomo: temperature T2fromTcompressionfromcompression is Eq. also found(4.9), Eq. (4.9), The discharge T2 resulting resulting resulting from found fromis alsofound from Eq. (4.9), (4.9), rescrita actual discharge temperature2resulting from compression is also(4.9), Eq. from (4.9), The actual actual discharge temperature TT2resulting from compression found from from Eq. (4.9), The actual discharge temperature T2 T2from compression is also is also found from Eq. (4.9), The actual discharge temperature 2 resulting is also compression is found actual rewritten as:discharge temperature T resulting from compression is also found from Eq. (4.9), The actual discharge temperature 2 resulting from compression also found from Eq. rewrittenas: rewritten as: rewritten as: as: rewritten as: rewritten as: rewritten as: H = C P H (T2 T1 ) rewritten rewritten as: H = CH (T2 H = (T2PCH(T)2(T T)) ) = C ) HP =C P (T2 T ) T P H =HT= C P T(T 2 T11 ) C H C PHP 1H T1 H H = H (T 1 2 2 H 1= C P H(T2 T1 ) 1 H H Whence, T1 + H (7.21) H H T2 = H H Whence, T = T + HH (7.21) Whence, Por lo tanto, T2 = T1 +T2 = TTT2 = TT1+ C P H (7.21) Whence, T2 = T1 + +H (7.21) Whence, Whence, (7.21) (7.21) (7.2) Whence, Whence, (7.21) (7.21) 1 22 = T 1 T1C P 2 = = + C 2 Whence, (7.21) C P HT+TC11 +C PCH HP CPH H P H CPPH H where by Eq. (7.14) H = Ws . Here C P H is the mean heat-capacity for the temperature por H Eq. (7.14) H W Here C P is the mean heat-capacity la (7.4) la capacidad calorfica media para el intervalo where (7.14) (7.14) C = s. where by donde, where fromEq.H =Hs .P=HWss.EnHere C PCHmean esmean heat-capacity for for the temperature Eq. (7.14)Eq.ecuacinto HereH = WW the.este casoCisthethe mean heat-capacity the temperature Here H C H H the mean heat-capacity temperature where where by = T1(7.14). H = Ws .WsHereC heat-capacity forheat-capacity for the temperature by where Eq. Eq. T2 H = = .. Here is theH is the heat-capacity for the for the temperature for where by Eq. . (7.14) by range by byWs(7.14) WH is C Pmean PHP P H mean the temperature the temperature Here is is where by Eq. (7.14) de temperaturas deT1to T22 . H = W s. Here CPPH is the mean heat-capacity for the temperature a rangefrom . to T . range from T1 tofrom T1fromTT1special. case of an s T2 . range from T T2. range from 2T to TT. T . range range For T T1 to T2 . 2 to the 1 2 range from 11 to to2 from ideal gas with constant heat capacities, range casothe special case gasan ideal gas with constant heat capacities, Para el For the specialgasun of an ideal gas with constant heat capacities, ideal con capacidades For especialofcase of of ideal heatwith heat calorficas constantes, For the specialtheForofthespecialdecaseof an ideal gas gas with constant heat capacities, an ideal For case For the special with constant gaswith constant heat capacities, special case case of an ideal gas with constant heat capacities, ideal For the special an case gas ideal capacities,capacities, capacities, Forthe specialcase of an anwith constantconstantheat C CP = C P H = C S = = C C CH == C = C P = C P C PH = C C P H = C P = C PPH = CC = C C P H C PCH = C PCH = = CSS=SC PPC C H = = P P = CP C PHP H C PPH H = P S = C P H = PPH S = CH S C P P S =P P H C H Equations (7.18) and (7.19) therefore become:P = CPPSP= CPP P Equations(7.18) and therefore therefore (7.18) and(7.19) (7.9) sern: EquationsPor lo tanto, las ecuaciones (7.19)therefore become: (7.18) Equations and(7.18) and (7.19)become: become: andEquations (7.19) (7.8) y therefore become: (7.19) therefore (7.19) therefore become: Equations (7.18) andbecome:thereforebecome: Equations (7.18) (7.18) and (7.19) therefore become: Equations Equations (7.18) and (7.19) P R/C R/C P2 R/C PP P = T R/C R/C P22 R/C P P T2 P 1 P R/CR/C and Ws (isentropic) = C P (T T1 ) P2 P P T T T and R/C Ws andand (isentropic) T1 ) = C T(T2 TT1 ) == P and W (isentropic) = C (T T2 = T1 T = TTT2= 2TT1 T P212 P2 P and (isentropic) =Wss(isentropic)(T C PPC2(T T)) ) C (isentropic) C (T2 = C P T2 = T1 P2 and Ws W (isentrpico) = C=(T (T) )T ) T W P(isentropic)= (T2 T 1 = and W (isentropic) = =P2 1 P 2  11 y 1 2 2 = T1 1P1 s s WssWs (isentropic) CPP(T2 T1 ) 1 P 2 2 T2 P 11 P1 P and 2 2 2 P1 P P1 1 1 P1 6 Combining these equations1 gives:66 6equations6gives:6 6 Combining these equations Combining theseCombiningequations gives: gives: 6 6 equations these equations gives: Combining these equations gives: Combining these gives: equations gives: Combining these Combining these Combinando estas these equations gives: 6 Combining ecuaciones se obtiene: R/C P R/C R/C T P2 R/C PP 1 PP2 R/C P P P P R/C R/C Ws (isentropic) = C PP 1 R/CP R/CPP (7.22) P2 2 W (isentropic) = = T2 1 (7.22) Ws (isentropic) =Wss(isentropic)T1=C PPTT1 T P21221 1 1 (7.22) C (isentropic) C T T1 W P(isentropic)= C 11 P P 11 (7.22) Ws (isentropic) = P P = C PPT1 1 P 2 C = (7.22) (7.22) (7.22) WssWs (isentropic) C PC1P 1 (7.22) (7.22) s(isentrpico) = 1 P1 P Ws (isentropic) W (7.22) 1 1 P1 P11 1 P P 1R/C = 2/5 = 0.4. For such diatomic For monatomic gases, such as argon and helium, P For monatomic gases, such as helium, helium, For For monatomic gases,monatomicsuchandsuchas atargonandand helium,2/5 P such diatomicForsuch diatomic such as argon helium,argon and R/C 0.4. R/C For monatomic gases, such asargon and 2/5 = P =R/C = = 2/5==0.4. Forsuch diatomic For gasesFor monatomic gases, airasargonyand helium, R/C PP==2/5 2/50.4. ForFor such diatomic For monoatmicos, como 2/5 = = 2/7 such diatomic gases For oxygen, nitrogen,assuch asargn Pel= helium, R/C P2/52/5 P= diatmicos as monatomic gases, suchelas argon and helium, R/C =0.4. = Para diatomic = Foroxygen, nitrogen, and air at moderatehelium, R/C P = 2/5 For0.4. For such diatomic monatomic gases, argon moderate temperatures, R/C such = 0.2857. For Paramonatomic gases, gases, and suchand argon helio, R/CP R/CR/C0.4.0.4. For=such diatomic como = P= gases as oxygen, molecular andand at moderate temperatures, R/C depends more=For ForFor as oxygen, nitrogen, and temperatures, R/C Ptemperatures, 2/7 For 2/7 0.2857. For temperatures, R/C PP 2/7 = 0.2857. For = gases as oxygen,gases as greater nitrogen, complexityat temperatures, R/C P R/C = 2/7 = 0.2857. For nitrogen, nitrogen, moderate air at gases as and air nitrogen, andair at moderate temperatures, 0.2857. 2/7 = 0.2857. on 0.2857. 0.2857. gases asgases of as y aire attemperaturasairairmoderate temperatures, R/CP P de mayor For 2/7 gases as oxygen, a and air andmoderate moderate 2/70.2857. Para 2/7 gases gases of greater molecular at air at the ideal-gas heat=capacity depends more strongly on oxgeno, oxygen,oxygen, nitrogen, complexitymoderate temperatures, R/CPP gases = 0.2857.complejidad nitrgeno oxygen, nitrogen, moderadas, R/CP heat capacity 2/7 gases gases of greater ofgasesof greater molecularideal-gaslikely capacity dependscapacity dependsstronglystronglyon on complexity (7.22) complexity the be ideal-gas One can easilydepends more assumpgases of of greater molecular complexitytoideal-gas heat more strongly gases moleculargreater molecular del gas idealthe the heat capacitycapacitydemoreonmore the strongly progreater molecular complexity the heatthe ideal-gas heat medida depends more strongly on on gases of greater calorfica complexity the ideal-gasmayorcapacity depends more stronglymenos greater molecular complexity depende en heat depends lashow that strongly on ideal-gas temperature, and molecular complexity the ideal-gas heat capacity depends more strongly on Eq. the is less ideal-gas suitable. heat capacity temperatura, y es gases capacidad Eq. (7.22) is less likely to be suitable. One can easily show that the assumpmolecular,gases la of temperature, and likely less temperature, and temperature, andheat Eq.to beislessless likelybe suitable. Onethat can assump- thatthat the assumpEq.temperature, Eq. (7.22) likely likely to canbeOne can easily easily show that the assumptemperature, andand is(7.22)issuitable. One be suitable. Onecan the easily show the assumptemperature, ecuacin(7.22) capacitieslesstolikelydemuestra con One can show that thethatthe assumpand is and Eq. (7.22) is leads to the result: temperature, and Eq. (7.22) is less likely to to suitable. One can easily show assump- capacidades be suitable. can que hiptesis de las tion (7.22)Eq.lessEq. (7.22) is less likely to be suitable. facilidadeasilylashow that the assumpof constant(7.22) sea apropiada.be suitable.easily showOne easily show also Se temperature, bable que laof constant heat capacities also leads to the result: tionof of constant heat also leads leads to tion of constant heat tionconstant heat capacities result:leadsto the the result: tion of constant heat capacities alsoto the to to result: tion of tioncapacities also leads capacities also leadsthe result: constantconstant heat capacitiesalsoresultado:the result: tion of heat tambin to the al tion of constant heat capacities also leads to the T calorficas constantescapacitiesconducealsoleadsresult: result: T1 T (7.23) T2 T T1 = T1 + TT2 TT1 T2 T (7.23) ==+ 2 1 T = 2T + 2 11 (7.23) T2 = T1 +T2 2 TTT2 =TTTTT1T2 2T T1 (7.23) T2+T T11+ +2 T T1 (7.23) (7.23) (7.23) = 1 22 = T1 + (7.23) (7.23) 2 1 1 (7.23) T 2 = 1 +

6 Because R = C C for an ideal gas: R = C P C V = 1 . An alternative form of Eq. (7.22) P V C C 1 C CV R 1 C PP C V R 11 1 6 6 Because R = C 6CBecauseR = Cgas: C R for an Pidealgas: CC R = .VAn C CV1= form1.An alternative form of Eq. (7.22) R C an V Eq.alternative la form for 6 Puesto 6 Because = paraan Vgas gas: 6 Because6R = = anRR CRCforCCV forideal: R gas: gas:P = CCP CVC= forma alternativa deform ofEq. (7.22) es, por lo tanto: P = An alternative form of Eq. (7.22) 6 V R C C R = P C C for for ideal gas: P = P alternative . An An alternative ecuacin(7.22) P que 6 BecauseCV CP unideal an ideal gas: C R C =CP C V = An alternative (7.22)of Eq. (7.22)Eq.Eq. (7.22) form Because PR = C=P PC P C V anideal gas: C RP = =PC P V =Una 1.ofAnalternative form of Eq. (7.22) Because idealC = for C P ideal= P an P C . Because =V P VV for anideal = CC C= CC C . = .An. alternative form of of (7.22) P P V C C C1)/ CPP P RT1 P P2 (PPP P P ( P ( 1)/ RT P 1)/ ( 1)/ is therefore: Ws (isentropic) = RT ( P (( 1)/1 . Although this is the form commonly encountered, RT P2 RT 11 1)/ ( 1)/ 1)/ 22 RT P1 ( 1)/ 11 . .Although this isthe form commonly encountered, istherefore: 1 therefore: this 2 = ecuacin is therefore: Wss(isentrpico)therefore:(isentropic)1= P211 . 1 PP2 P2 sta AlthoughAlthoughthis isiscommonly (7.22) esencountered,y se aplica con W (isentropic) = Ws (isentropic) = RT1 RT Although . es the .form Although thisthethe form commonly simple commonly the form commonly encountered, is therefore: W (isentropic) = RT1 P is therefore:therefore:Wss(isentropic)= 11 Aunque 1 this isla1forma .ms thethisisencountered,encountered,encountered, this is comn, the form commonly encountered, isis therefore:Wss Ws= 1 1 1Although formla is form commonly ms is P1 W (isentropic) = =11 P12 1 P 1 is Ws (isentropic) (isentropic) P 1 1 PP P 1..Although thisisthe form commonly encountered, Although 1applied. 1 1 11 1 P Eq. (7.22) is simpler and more easily

If methane (assumed to be an ideal gas) is compressed adiabatically from 20 C and If methane methane kPa estime ideal estimate the work requirement de from 20 C and20 C andC and an If methane (assumedto ideal ideal gas) is compressed adiabatically from 20 C Cof If (assumed to to (assumedgas)be an an ideal temperaturaadiabatically from from 20C and (assumed kPa, to be compressed is compressed adiabatically from La IfIfmethane 560 el trabajobe an idealygas) adiabatically descarga del metano.20 C and to is an ideal compressed adiabatically 140kPa, be (assumed to to an ideal gas) is compressed adiabatically from 20 eficiencia del If methane (assumed necesario la gas) is compressed and hasta 560methane(assumed an be begas) isgas) is compressed the adiabatically from 20 and If methane 560 to be estimate the work requirement and the discharge temperature of 140 kPa to 560 kPa, estimate the work the discharge and discharge temperature of 140 kPa to 560 140 methane. Thework requirement andrequirementand thethe discharge temperature of kPa,es 0.75.to 560 kPa, the work work requirement and estimate kPa, 140 kPa to 560 kPa, estimate thethe workis 0.75. and thedischarge temperature of 140 kPa tokPa to 560 kPa, estimate therequirement and theandthe discharge temperature of 560 kPa, estimate estimate work requirement discharge temperature of 140 kPa to the compressor efciency requirement temperature of temperature kPa to discharge the140 kPa 560 kPa, estimate the work requirement and the discharge temperature of compresor 140 methane. The compressor efciency is themethane. The compressor efciency 0.75. the methane.methane.methane. The compressor efciency0.75. the methane. The compressor efciency is 0.75. the The compressorThe compressor efciency is 0.75. thethe The compressor efciency is 0.75.is 0.75. the methane. efciency is 0.75. the methane. The compressor efciency is is 0.75.

Ejemplo 7.9 7.9 Example Example 7.9 Example 7.9Example 7.9 to be an ideal gas) is compressed adiabatically from 20 C and Example 7.9 Example(si se(assumed un gas ideal) se comprime adiabticamente desde 20C y 140 kPa Example 7.9 como Example 7.9 Example 7.9 If methane Si el metano 7.9supone

Eq. (7.22) issimpler simpler Eq. (7.22) is ms (7.22)Eq.Eq. (7.22)simpler andmore easily applied. simpler and (7.22)easily applied. andapplied. applied. Eq. more is and more and more easily applied. Eq. facilidad.(7.22)issimpler and more easily applied. is (7.22) easily more easily Eq. (7.22) isissimplerand more easily applied. Eq. simpler is simpler more easily applied. and

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7.3. Compression Processes Compression Processes 7.3. 7.3. 7.3. Compression Processes Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Procesos de compresin

Solution 7.9 Solution Solution 7.97.9 7.9 Solution Solution 7.9 Solution 7.9 Solucin 7.9 Application of Eq. Eq. (7.18) evaluation of of the exponent R/CPS .. . is Application of of (7.18) requires evaluation of of the R/C . S is Solution Eq. (7.18) requires requires evaluationthe exponent R/C PThis This is Application of 7.9 Eq. (7.18) requires evaluationthe exponentexponentS R/C PThis This is Application S P

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Application ecuacin evaluation of the La aplicacin deEq.of Eq. (7.18) requires present la evaluacin is representedPby:/ This S. sta se la exponente Application of Eq. (7.18) requires evaluation of the exponent R/C Pby: This is provided (5.17), which (7.8) requiere de computation del is R/C S.. This provided Eq. (5.17), whichrequires evaluation of the exponent R/C S Application of Eq. (7.18)whichthe present computation is represented R. CP is providedprovided(5.17), whichthe present computation isexponent represented by: is Eq. Eq. (5.17), for the the present computation for for for represented by: provided Eq. (5.17), which for el presente computation is represented by: Eq. (5.17), which for the present computation is represented S logra con la ecuacin(5.17), (7.18)para the present computation is representedPby:. This is (5.7), que for the evaluation of se exponent R/C provided Eq. of Eq. which requirespresent clculo thesimboliza por: by: Application provided P S C S providedC P S =S which for the present computation is represented by: Eq. (5.17), C P S P C P MCPS(293.15,T2;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) = MCPS(293.15,T2;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) CP S C RSMCPS(293.15,T2;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) = = MCPS(293.15,T2;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) P = P = MCPS(293.15,T2;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) R CR S = MCPS(293.15,T2;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) R MCPS(293.15,T2;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) R S R C P R = MCPS(293.15,T2;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) where the constants methane methane fromfrom Table Choose a value for T2 where the constants for methane are are Table C.1. Choose a value for for where the constantsconstants methane fromfrom Table C.1. C.1. a value for T2 T2 T2 where the for for for are are Table C.1. Choose Choose a value R where the higher are from Table Choose a exponent a exponent where the constants for methane temperature T 1 C.1. Choose a value for T2 somewhat constants for methane are from Table T 293.15 K. exponent for T2 donde las constantes para than than initial temperature =1 293.15 Seleccione un valor para T2in somewhat constants for methane are from1 Table C.1. Choose K. The in in where the higher than initialse initial temperature=C.1. K. K. Thevalue for Tin somewhat higher than el metanothe obtienen de la tabla=1293.15The Thevalue exponent algo somewhat higher the initial the the temperature T T C.. 293.15 = 2 somewhat higher reciprocal of Ctemperature T 1 P2 /P1 = K. The (7.8)for el somewhat higher thanfor T = 293.5 /R. With1 P=C.1. = 560/140 exponentandrecproEq. (7.18) higher than reciprocalCPare/R. exponente293.15560/140exponent4.0 mayor que la temperaturareciprocalinitial ofPS K. /R. T/P=/Pen/P ecuacin value4.0 and and inicialof C temperature TWith P la = = = = in Eq. Eq.the is reciprocalthemethane C WithWith = =12560/140The 4.0 and in2 (7.18) is the than the initial temperatureP2 1 1 293.15 K. The exponent in the the the initial /R.S from Table2 293.15 K. 560/1404.0 T of El where constants Choose a = es Eq. somewhatthe is (7.18) is (7.18) S /R. With P /P = 560/140 = 4.0 and P C /R.S With P /P = 1560/140 = 4.0 and P Eq. / 293.15 the reciprocal of the  Eq. (7.18) is K, nd a new valueCtemperature T = 1is= 560/140 no valor in 2 1 T1 TR.= higherK, nd a new C.P T /R. procedure 1 repeated untiluntilfurther co de CP1=(7.18)293.15PreciprocalinitialofPTy2.TTheWith 1Pis repeated repeatedexponent further. El S T procedure is repeated nuevo no de somewhat is the new new of T P S . The The procedure is untiluntil 4.0 the of Eq. S(7.18) is P2 areciprocalvalue 4.0S2of  =. 293.5 2/Pencuentre The further and 293.15Con T1 =T = 293.15 K, /nd=a560/40 = 2ofThe procedure 2K, 293.15 K. unno =no further T2 1 K, nd thanvalue of value = 293.15 K, hasta new value of 293.15 the occurs value of nd T1 = 293.15 K, nd a newin the of T . The procedure is repeated until no further T1 =(7.18) change reciprocalthe value/R.2 procedure is repeated until = de T signicantrepite nd ainoccursof value2..ofThisprocedureprocess producesvalues:and procedimientochangeK,changequeinvalueC PT2ofThe..With Thisproducesen elvalues: 4.0 2. Este prose is occursa new value of T T2of This P2 /Pis = 560/140 values: cambioTsignificativo 1 produces the no further . process produces valor signicant change occurs ningntheT S . The This process repeated until no further Eq. T1 signicant signicant the in value 2 T2 process ocurre the the the values: signicant change occurs in the value 2. T 2 procedure is produces the values: signicant change occurs in the value2of T2... This process repeated the values: ceso dasignicant change occurs in value of T2ofThe This process produces untilvalues: los = 293.15 K, nd a new the value of T This process produces the no further valores: T1 2 C signicant changeSoccurs in the value of T2 . This process produces the values: S P C P 4.5574 C P C P S =S4.5574 T2 =T397.37 K = = 4.5574 and and and T =T397.37 K K K and CP C RS4.5574 2 = 397.37 = y P 2 T = 2 = 397.37 CR S R 4.5574 = 4.5574 4.5574 and 397.37 K = and T2 = 397.37 K R P S = 2 = 397.37 K and T2 R R C P S R For the same T1 ,T T evala CP HC/RC/REq. Eq. (4.8): = For the same and =2,4.5574 C P H andby Eq. (4.8): and and evaluate T T , C Para lasthe samethe yT12R se1evaluate evaluate por/R by (4.8): (4.8): 397.37 K mismas T same , T2 , evaluate / RP H la ecuacin T(4.8): For For T1 and 2 2 by H /R by Eq. 2 P H P For the same T1 and T2 evaluate C P /R by Eq. (4.8): For the same T1 and T2 evaluate C P H/R by Eq. (4.8): For the same T1 and T2 ,,, evaluate C P H /R by Eq. (4.8): H , evaluate C /R by Eq. (4.8): C P C same T1 and T C H H H = MCPH(293.15,397.37;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) = 4.5774 C PForPthe P=HMCPH(293.15,397.37;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) = 4.5774 P H 2 CRH C P=H MCPH(293.15,397.37;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) = 4.5774 4.5774 = MCPH(293.15,397.37;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) = P C P H R MCPH(293.15,397.37;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) = 4.5774 R = MCPH(293.15,397.37;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) = 4.5774 = MCPH(293.15,397.37;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) = 4.5774 R = R CR H P R Whence. MCPH(293.15,397.37;1.702,9.081E-3,-2.164E-6,0.0) 1 De Whence.Whence. C P H = (4.5774)(8.314) = 38.056 J 1 K1 K1 K1 = 4.5774 donde, R =C P C = (4.5774)(8.314) = 38.056 J mol1 K1 Whence. C (4.5774)(8.314) = 38.056 J mol mol mol 1 H P (4.5774)(8.314) = 38.056 J mol 1 K1 P C = H = H = (4.5774)(8.314) = 38.056 J1 K1 Whence. CP H = (4.5774)(8.314) = 38.056 J mol1 K1 Whence. P H = (4.5774)(8.314) = 38.056 J mol Whence. Eq. (7.19), H C ThenEq. Eq. (7.19), Then by by Eq. (7.19), by ThenWhence.(7.19), CP = by Then 1 1 En consecuencia, por la ecuacin(4.5774)(8.314) = 38.056 J mol K (7.9), Then by Eq. (7.19), by Eq. (7.19), Then by Eq. (7.19), H P Then W (isentropic) = (38.056)(397.37 293.15) = 3,966.2 J mol1 Then sbyWss(isentropic) = (38.056)(397.37 293.15) = 3,966.2 J 1 J 1 Eq.Ws (isentropic) = (38.056)(397.37 293.15) = mol mol1 (7.19), mol W (isentropic) = (38.056)(397.37 293.15) = 3,966.2 J3,966.2 1 W(isentropic) = (38.056)(397.37 293.15) = 3,966.2 mol (isentrpico) (38.056)(397.37 293.5) = 3,966.2 W (isentropic) = (38.056)(397.37 293.15) = 3,966.2 J mol 1 Wss(isentropic) = = (38.056)(397.37 293.15) = 3 996.2 JJ mol1 Ws s 1 The The W work is found from Eq. (7.20): actual is found is = (38.056)(397.37 The The actual sworkwork fromfrom(7.20): (7.20):293.15) = 3,966.2 J mol actual work(isentropic) found from(7.20): actual is found Eq. Eq. Eq. El trabajo real se encuentrafound from Eq. (7.20): (7.20): The actual work is found from la ecuacin actual work is a partir de Eq. (7.20): The actual work is found from Eq. (7.20): The 3,966.2 The actual work is found sfrom3,966.2 = 5,288.3 J 1 1 1 Eq.3,966.2 (7.20): W 3,966.2 = = 5,288.3 J mol 1 W = 3,966.2 Ws = s = 3,966.25,288.3 J5,288.3 J1 Ws3,966.2 = mol mol mol = W = 0.75 = 5,288.3 J mol 1 = = Wss = 0.75 0.75 5,288.3 J mol1 Ws 0.750.75 = 5,288.3 J mol 0.75 3,966.2 Ws = 0.75 = 5,288.3 mol1 Application of Eq. (7.21) for the calculation of T2 Jgives: Application of Eq. (7.21) for the0.75 calculation gives: Application of Eq. (7.21) for the calculation of T2of T2of T2 gives: Application of Eq. (7.21) for calculation gives: the Application of Eq. (7.21) el the calculation obtiene: Application of Eq. (7.21) for the calculation of T2 gives: Al aplicar la ecuacin Eq. (7.21) for clculo de T2 seof T2 gives: Application of (7.2) parafor the calculation of T2 gives: 5,288.3 Application of Eq. (7.21) forTthe calculation 5,288.3 of 5,288.3 5,288.3T2 gives: 2 = 293.15 + 5,288.3 2 = 2 = 293.15 + T2 =T293.15 + + 5,288.3 T 293.15 5,288.3 C P H T2 = 293.15 + C + T2 = 293.15 + H P C T2 = 293.15C P C P H P H C P H 5,288.3 H T = 293.15 + C P H Because C P H dependsTon we2,againwe againWith T as 2 as a starting value, this this T2 , we ,again iterate.PWithWithstartingavalue, this this Because depends on 2 , 2 T2 iterate. C H T2 T a starting value, Because Because C P H dependsTon we again iterate. With T a as 2 as starting value, C P C P H depends on iterate. H 2 Because C P H depends on T2 we again iterate. With T2 as a starting value, this Because theP H depends on T2 ,, we again iterate. With T2 as a starting value, this leads to C results: leads to to the results: Because C Presults: leads to the the depende de T on T2 , we de nuevo. Con T2 T2 as a starting value, this leadsH H Puesto que C Presults: depends 2, iteramosagain iterate. With como valor inicial, lo que conduce leads to the results: leads to the results: Because C P H depends on T2 , we again iterate. With T2 as a starting value, this leads to the results: a los resultados: T2 = 428.65 or 155.5 C leads to the 2 =T428.65 K K K or or or t2 =tt2 = t155.5 C C 2 = 2 = 428.65 2 =2 C 155.5= 155.5 Tresults: T428.65 K T2 = 428.65 K = 428.65 K or = 155.5 C or tt2 = 155.5 C T2 = 428.65 K 2 = 155.5 C or T2 T2 = 428.65 K o t2 t2 55.5 C = 1 1 and C C = 39.027 J mol1 1 428.65=H = 39.027 J 1 J 1 Kt1 K 155.5 or T2 =C P C P K39.027 J 39.027 K1 K1 = 1 C H PH P H = mol mol1 1 mol 2 and and and and C P = 39.027 J mol K and C P H = 39.027 J mol K and C P H = 39.027 J mol1 K1 H and C P H = 39.027 J mol1 K1 y

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CAPTULO Applications of Thermodynamics to a los procesos CHAPTER 7. 7. Aplicaciones Thermodynamics to Flow Processes de flujo CHAPTER 7. Applications of de la termodinmicaFlow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes

Liquids are usually moved by pumps, generally rotating equipment. The same equations apply Liquids are usually moved by pumps, generally rotating equipment. The equipo giratorio. Se Por lo general es posible mover lquidos usando bombas, que normalmente sonsame equations apply aplican Liquids are moved by pumps, generally rotating equipment. The same apply to adiabatic usuallyas to adiabatic compressors. Thus, Eqs. adiabticos. De esteequations(7.17) to adiabatic pumps as to adiabatic compressors. Thus, Eqs. (7.13) through (7.15) and Eq. (7.17) pumps and Eq. las mismas ecuaciones a bombas adiabticas que a compresores (7.13) through (7.15) modo, son vlidas las to adiabatic pumps asapplication of Eq. (7.14) for the Eqs. (7.13) through = Hand Eq. (7.17) to adiabatic compressors. Thus, calculation of W (7.15) requires valare valid. However, y (7.7). De Eq. (7.14) for la calculation of Ws = H requires valare (7.3) a la (7.5) ecuaciones valid. However, application ofcualquier modo,the aplicacin de la ecuacin (7.4) para el clculo s = H requires valare application of Eq. (7.14) s ues valid. However,of compressed de lquidosfor the calculation of Wseldom available. The de Ws =ues of the enthalpy of compressed (subcooled)comprimidos these are seldom rara vez se The Hof the enthalpy of compressed (subcooled) liquids, and these are seldom available. The requiere valores de la entalpa (subcooled) liquids, and these are (subenfriados), y available. encuentran ues of the enthalpy liquids, fundamental property relation, para(6.8), provides de unaand Eq. (6.8), provides an alternative. For ecuacin (6.8), proporciona una an isentropic process, fundamental property relation, disponibles. La relacin fundamental Eq. (6.8), provides an alternative. For an isentropic process, propiedad, fundamental property relation, Eq. la evaluacin an alternative. For an isentropic process, alternativa. Para un proceso isentrpico, dH = V dP (const S) dH = V dP (const S) dH = V dP (const S) dH = V dP (S constante) Combining this with Eq. (7.15) yields: Combining this with Eq. (7.15) yields: Combining this with Eq. (7.15) yields: Al combinar sta con la ecuacin (7.5) se obtiene: P2 P2 2 Ws (isentropic) = (H )S = P2 V d P (isentropic) = Ws(isentrpico) = (H ) S = Wss (isentropic) = (H ) S = P1 V d P W P1 V d P The usual assumption for liquids (at conditions well removed from the critical point) is that V La suposicin acostumbrada paraliquids (at(en condiciones muy alejadas del punto crtico) es que V es indeThe usual assumption for lquidos conditions well removed from the critical point) is that V The usual assumption for liquids (at is independent of P. Integration thenconditions well removed from the critical point) is that V pendienteindependent of P.la integracin proporciona: is de P. En tal caso Integration then gives: gives: is independent of P. Integration then gives: Ws (isentropic) = (H ) S = V (P2 P1 ) (7.24) (7.24) Wss(isentrpico) = (H ) S = V (P2 P1 ) W (isentropic) = (7.24) Ws (isentropic) = (H ) S = V (P2 P1 ) (7.24) Tambin se consideran the following equations from Chap. captulo 6: tiles las ecuaciones siguientes del 6: Also useful are the following equations from Chap. 6: Also useful are Also useful are the following equations from Chap. 6: d H = C P dT + V (1 T ) d P d H = C P dT + V (1 T ) d P d H = C P dT + V (1 T ) d P (6.28) (6.28) (6.28)

Bombas Pumps Pumps

dT d S = C P dT V d P (6.29) d S = C P dT V d P (6.29) d S = C P T V d P (6.29) T T where the volume expansivity is dened by Eq. (3.2). Because temperature changes in the donde el coeficiente de expansin volumtrica se define(3.2).laBecause temperature changes incambios de where the volume expansivity is dened by Eq. por ecuacin (3.2). Puesto que los the where the volume expansivity Eq. (3.2). Because pumped uid are very small and is dened byproperties of liquidstemperature changes in the temperatura en el fluido que sesmall and becausepequeos y las propiedades deinsensitive toson insensibles a pumped uid are very bombea son muy the properties of liquids are insensitive to pressure because the are los lquidos pressure pumped uid are very small and the critical point), theseof liquids are insensitive to pressure because the properties equations are usually integrated on (again at conditions not close to the del punto crtico), en general, estas usually integrated on la presin (de nuevo en condiciones alejadas critical point), these equations are ecuaciones se integran con la (again at conditions not close to (again at conditions to critical point), these are usually integrated on the assumption that not ,closeand the are constant, usually equations values. Thus, to a good suposicin assumptionV y C P , constantes,are constant,en los valores iniciales. En estos trminos, para una son V , the de que CP, that C P V , and usualmente usually at initial values. Thus, to a good at initial the assumption that C P , V , and are constant, usually at initial values. Thus, to a good approximation buena aproximacin approximation approximation H = C P dT + V (1 T ) P H = C P dT + V (1 T ) P H = C P dT + V (1 T ) P (7.25) (7.25) (7.25) T2 S = C P T2 V P T S = C P T2 V P S = C P T1 V P T1 1 (7.26) (7.26) (7.26)

Example 7.10 Example Ejemplo at 45 C7.10 kPa enters an adiabatic pump and is discharged at a pressure 7.10 and 10 Water
Solution 7.10

Water at 45 C and 10 kPa enters C y 10 to bepump En unaof 8,600adiabtica entra agua a 45 an adiabatic y 0.75. and is discharged at a pressure bomba kPa. Assume the pump efciency to be se descarga a una work of the pump, of 8,600 kPa. Assume the pump efciency kPa 0.75. Calculate thepresin de 8 pump, Calculate the work of the 600 kPa. Suof 8,600 kPa. Assume the pump efciencythebe el trabajo de laofthe work cambio de temperaponga que temperature de la bomba es water, and the entropy Calculate the water. the pump, la eficiencia change of the de 0.75. Calcule 0.75. change bomba, el of the temperature change of the water, and to entropy change of the water. the the temperature change of the tura y el cambio de entropa del agua. water, and the entropy change of the water.

Water at 45 C and 10 kPa enters an adiabatic pump and is discharged at a pressure

Solution Solucin 7.10 7.10 Solution 7.10

The following are properties for saturated liquid water at 45 C (318.15 K): The following are properties el saturated liquid water 45 C (38.5 K): Las siguientes son propiedades para foragua lquida saturada a at 45 C (318.15 K): The following are properties for saturated liquid water at 45 C (318.15 K): V = 1,010 cm3 kg1 V = 1,010 cm3 kg1 V = 1,010 cm3 kg1 = 425 106 K1 = 425 106 K1 = 425 106 K1

C P = 4.178 kJ kg1 K1 C P = 4.178 kJ kg1 K1 C P = 4.178 kJ kg1 K1

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7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Procesos de compresin 7.3. Compression Processes 7.3. Compression Processes
Por la ecuacin(7.24), By Eq. (7.24), By Eq. (7.24), By Eq. (7.24), = (H) = ( 00) (8 600 0) = 8.676 10 kPa cm kg1 WWs (isentrpico) (H ) S S= (1,010)(8,600 10) = 8.676 066kPa cm33kg Ws (isentropic) = (H ) S = (1,010)(8,600 10) = 8.676 10 6 kPa cm 3 kg 1 s (isentropic) = Ws (isentropic) = (H ) S = (1,010)(8,600 10) = 8.676 106 kPa cm3 kg1 Puesto que  kJ = 06=kPa6 cm3, cm3 ,, Because 1 kJ = 10 6 kPa cm3 Because 1 kJ 10 6 kPa Because 1 kJ = 10 kPa cm3 ,  Ws (isentrpico) = Ws (isentropic) = = (H)S = 8.676 kJ kg 1 Ws (isentropic) = (H ) S = 8.676 kJ kg 1 (H ) S 8.676 kJ kg 1 Ws (isentropic) = (H ) S = 8.676 kJ kg (H ) S 8.676 By Eq. (7.17), H = (H ) S = 8.676 = 11.57 kJ kg1 de la ecuacin (7.7), By Eq. (7.17), H = (H ) S = 8.676 = 11.57 kJ kg1 = 0.75 = 11.57 kJ kg1 By Eq. (7.17), H = 0.75 0.75 1 and WW==H = .57 kJ kg y and Ws = H = 11.57 kJ kg 1 s s H = 11.57 kJ kg 1 and Ws = H = 11.57 kJ kg El cambio de temperatura del agua the water during pumping, from Eq. (7.25):(7.25): The temperature change of the water during pumping, from Eq. (7.25): The temperature change of durante el bombeo, a partir de la ecuacin The temperature change of the water during pumping, from Eq. (7.25): 8,590 11.57 = 4.178 T + 1,010 1 (425 106 )(318.15) 8,590 1 (425 106 )(318.15) 8,590 11.57 = 4.178 T + 1,010 6 6 11.57 = 4.178 T + 1,010 1 (425 10 )(318.15) 10 6 10 6 10 Solution for T gives: Solution for T gives: La solucin para for T gives: Solution T proporciona: T = 0.97 K or 0.97 C TT = 0.97 K = 0.97 K or 0.97 oor 0.970.97C C C T = 0.97 K The entropy change of the water is given by Eq. (7.26): The entropy change of se water la ecuacin (7.26): El cambio de entropa del aguathe da poris given by Eq. (7.26): The entropy change of the water is given by Eq. (7.26): 319.12 8,590 S = 4.178 ln 319.12 (425 106 )(1,010) 8,590 = 0.0090 kJ kg1 K1 S = 4.178 ln 318.15 (425 106 )(1,010) 8,590 = 0.0090 kJ kg1 K1 319.12 6 6 S = 4.178 ln 318.15 (425 10 )(1,010) 10 6 = 0.0090 kJ kg1 K1 10 6 318.15 10

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Figura 7.7: Eyector de una sola Figure 7.7: Single-stage Figure 7.7: Single-stage etapa. 7.7: Single-stage Figure ejector. ejector. ejector.

Eyectores Ejectors Ejectors Los eyectores transfieren gases o vapores de un espacio a evacuar y los comprime para descargarlos a una Ejectors

Ejectors remove gases or vapors from an evacuated space and compress them for discharge presinEjectorsCuando es posible vapors from gases o vapores con el fluido impulsor, por lo discharge eyecmayor. remove gases or mezclar los an evacuated space and compress them for general los Ejectors remove gases from an evacuated space and compress uid is discharge at a higher pressure. Where mixing of the gases or vapors with the drivingtipos de allowable, vaco. at ms baratos y tienen or vapors mantenimientoor vapors with the drivingthem forbombas de tores son a higher pressure. Where mixing of the gases ms bajos que los otros uid is allowable, costos de at a higher usually lower in rst cost and maintenance costs than other types of vacuum pumps. pressure. Whererst cost of the gases or vapors than other types of vacuum pumps. mixing and maintenance costs with the driving uid is allowable, ejectors are usually lower in ejectors en Como se ilustraare la figura 7.7, un eyector consiste en una tobera interna convergente/divergente a travs de ejectors are usually lower in ejector than other types of Asalimenta al in Fig. impulsor (por loand maintenance costs tobera externa, msnozzle through de la As illustrated fluido 7.7 an rst costconsists of an inner converging/diverging vacuum pumps. la cual se illustrated in Fig. 7.7 an ejector consists of an inner converging/diverging nozzle through general vapor) y una grande, a travs As illustrated in Fig. 7.7 an ejector consists of an inner converging/diverging nozzle through

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CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes

CAPTULO 7. Aplicaciones de la termodinmica a los procesos de flujo

which the driving uid (commonly steam) is fed, and an outer, larger nozzle through which cual pasan los gases o gases or extrados y el fluido impulsor.pass. The momentum of de alta velocidad, que both the extracted vapores vapors and the driving uid El momentum del fluido the highsale de lauid leaving the driving nozzle parcialmente a los gases o extracted gases or vapors, and es menor speed tobera impulsora, se transfiere is partly transferred to the vapores extrados, y por lo tanto la velocidad develocity is therefore less than that of the driving uid leaving the smallerA pesar de eso, sta the mixture la mezcla que la del fluido impulsor que sale de la tobera ms pequea. nozzle. es mayor que la rapidez del than the speed of sound,tobera ms grande acta como difusor as a It is nevertheless higher sonido y, por lo tanto, la and the larger nozzle therefore acts convergente/divergente en donde aumenta la presin y disminuye la velocidad, pasando por la rapidez del sonido en la garconverging/diverging diffuser in which the pressure rises and the velocity decreases, passing ganta. Aunque para lasof soundse aplican las ecuaciones acostumbradas de la energa, forproceso de mezclado through the speed toberas at the throat. Although the usual energy equations el nozzles es complejo y, por ello, el diseo del eyector es emprico en gran medida.7 apply, the mixing process is complex, and as a result ejector design is largely empirical.7

7.1. El aire se expande adiabticamente a travs de una tobera, desde una velocidad inicial insignifican7.1.te hasta una velocidad final throughm s. Cul es a negligibletemperatura del aire, nal supone que Air expands adiabatically de 325 a nozzle from la cada de initial velocity to a si se 1 velocity gas ideal para el que C = (7/2)R? ste es un of 325 m s . What is the temperature drop of the air, if air is assumed to be P an ideal gas for which C P = (7/2)R? 7.2. En el ejemplo 7.5 se encontr una expresin para el coeficiente de Joule/Thomson, = (T/P)H, 7.2.que Ex. 7.5 an expression is found for the Joule/Thomson coecient, = ( T / P) H , DesarroIn lo relaciona con la informacin de una capacidad calorfica y una ecuacin de estado. that relates it to a heat para las derivadas: lle expresiones similares capacity and equation-of-state information. Develop similar expressions for the derivatives: a)(a)(T/P)SP) S ;(T/V)U. V )U . ( T / ; b) (b) ( T /
What can you say acerca de los signos de derivatives? For what types of de procesos Qu se puede decirabout the signs of these estas derivadas? Para qu clase processes estas demight podran ser cantidades importantes? rivadas these derivatives be important characterizing quantities? 7.3. The thermodynamic sound speed c is dened define en Prove that: 7.3. La termodinmica de la rapidez del sonido c sein Sec. 7.1.la seccin 7.. Demuestre que: V CP c= MC V where es el volumen molar y M es la masa mass. To what does este resultado general para: a) donde VV is molar volume and M is molar molar. A qu se reduce this general result reduce for: (a) Un lquido incompresible? Qu sugieren cualitativamente estos resultados acerUn gas ideal? b) An ideal gas? (b) An incompressible liquid? What do these results suggest qualitatively about the speed con respecto a los relative ca de la rapidez del sonido en lquidos of sound in liquids gases? to gases? 7.4. Steam enters nozzle at a 800 kPa 280 C una velocidad insignificante y se descarga a una 7.4. Entra vapor enauna tobera800 kPa andy280 C atanegligible velocity and discharges at a pressure 525 kPa. Suponga expansin isentrpica del vapor dentro de la tobera. Cul presin deof 525 kPa. Assuming isentropic expansion of the steam in the nozzle, what es la velois the exit velocity and rea is la cross-sectional area at the nozzle la tobera para una cidad de salida y cul el what detheseccin transversal en la salida deexit for a ow rate relacin de of 0.75 kg s kg flujo de 0.75 1 ?s? 7.5. Steam enters converging nozzle at 800 kPa and 280 C con velocidad velocity. If 7.5. Entra vapor enauna tobera convergente a 800 kPa y 280 C with negligible insignificante. Si la exexpansion is isentropic, what is the minimum pressure that can be reached in such a pansin es isentrpica, cul es la presin mnima que se alcanza en esta tobera y cul es el rea nozzle and transversal en la garganta area tobera con esta presin para una relacin de la seccinwhat is the cross-sectional de la at the nozzle throat at this pressure for a de flujo de 1 ow rate of 0.75 kg s? 0.75 kg s ?
7 R. H. Perry and D. Green, Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook, 7th ed., pp. 10-5610-57, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1997.

R. H. Perry y D. Green, Perrys Chemical Engineers Handbook, 7a ed., pp. 0-56 y 0-57, McGraw-Hill, Nueva York, 997.

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Problemas Problems



7.6. Un gas entra en una tobera convergente a presin P con velocidad insignificante, se expande de manera 7.6. A gas enters a converging nozzle at pressure P1 with negligible velocity, expands isenisentrpica en la tobera y se descarga a una cmara a una presin P2. Trace grficas que muestren la velotropically in the nozzle, and discharges into a chamber at pressure P2 . Sketch graphs cidad en la garganta y la relacin de flujo de la masa como funciones de la relacin de presiones P2/P. showing the velocity at the throat and the mass owrate as functions of the pressure ratio P2 /P1 . 7.7. Para una tobera convergente/divergente con velocidad de entrada insignificante en donde la expansin es isentrpica, trace grficas de la relacin de flujo de masa m, velocidad u y relacin entre 7.7. For isentropic expansion in a converging/diverging nozzle with negligible entrance . lasvelocity, sketch graphs de la relacin de presiones P/P. En este caso, AA/A reathe la seccin reas A/A en funcin of mass owrate m, velocity u, and area ratio es el vs. de 1 transversal ratio P/P . en el punto the cross-sectionales P yof the nozzle  denota la entrada de la de la tobera Here, A is donde la presin area el subndice at the point in pressure 1 tobera. the nozzle where the pressure is P, and subscript 1 denotes the nozzle entrance. 7.8. UnAn ideal gas with constant calorficas constantes entra en una tobera convergente/divergente con 7.8. gas ideal con capacidades heat capacities enters a converging/diverging nozzle with velocidad insignificante.it expands isentropically within the nozzle, show la tobera, demuestre que negligible velocity. If Si ste se expande isentrpicamente dentro de that the throat la velocidad en la garganta est dada por: velocity is given by: 2 RT1 2 2 u garganta = u throat M +1 donde T T1 is the temperature of the gas entering the nozzle,la masa molar y R la constante molar where es la temperatura del gas que entra en la tobera, M M is the molar mass, and delR is the molar gas constant. gas. 7.9. Se Steam expands isentrpicamente a converging/diverging nozzle from inlet conditions 7.9. expande vapor isentropically in en una tobera convergente/divergente, desde las condiciones de entrada de kPa, 325 C, and negligible velocity to a dischargeuna presin de descarga de 40 kPa. of 1,400 400 kPa, 325 C y una velocidad insignificante, a pressure of 140 kPa. At Enthe garganta, el rea de la seccinis 6 cm2 . Determinecm2.mass owrate of the steam flujo de la la throat the cross-sectional area transversal mide 6 the Determine la relacin de masa del vapor ofel estado de ste exit of the nozzle.tobera. and the state y the steam at the en la salida de la 7.10. Se Steam expands adiabatically in a en una from inlet conditions of 130(psia), 420( F), 30(psia), 7.10. expande vapor adiabticamente nozzle tobera desde las condiciones de entrada de 420(F) y una velocidad de 230(pie)(s) a una presin de descarga de 35(psia),. donde su velocidad and a velocity of 230(ft)(s)1 to a discharge pressure of 35(psia) where its velocity is es 2,000(ft)(s)1 . What is thees el estado steam at the nozzle exit, and what is SGcul the S G para el de 2 000(pie)(s). Cul state of the del vapor en la salida de la tobera, y for es proceso? process? 7.11. Se Air dischargesdesde an adiabatic nozzle at a 5CC con una velocidad de 580 mWhat 7.11. descarga aire from una tobera adiabtica 15 with a velocity of 580 m s1 . s. Cul es la temperatura en la entrada de la tobera si la nozzle if the entrancees insignificante? Suponga que el is the temperature at the entrance of the velocidad de entrada velocity is negligible? Assume air to be an CP = (7/2)R. aire es un gas ideal conideal gas for which C P = (7/2)R.
7.12. estrangula at 15 C a throttled from 5(atm) to (atm), como kitchen faucet. What is 7.12. Se Cool water agua frais 5 C desde 5(atm) hasta1(atm), as in a en una llave de la cocina. Cul es the temperature change of agua? Cul es is the lost work per kilogram of de agua el cambio de temperatura delthe water? What el trabajo perdido por kilogramowater for por da en this everyday household happening? At 15 C and 1(atm), the volume expansivity esta casa? A 5 C y (atm), el coeficiente de expansin volumtrica para el agua lquida es casi de for liquid water is about 1.5 104 K1 . The surroundings temperature T is 20 C. .5 04 K. La temperatura de los alrededores T es de 20 C. Establezca con cuidado cualState carefully any assumptions you de vapor son una fuente de informacin. quier suposicin que realice. Las tablasmake. The steam tables are a source of data. 7.13. gas at upstream conditions arriba is , P) se to a downstream pressure of 1.2 bar. 7.13. UnA gasen condiciones corriente(T1 ,P1 ) (Tthrottled estrangula a una presin corriente abajo de .2 Use the ecuacin de Redlich/Kwong para estimar la temperatura corriente abajo y S bar. Use la Redlich/Kwong equation to estimate the downstream temperature and S of para uno the gas for onegases: following: de los siguientes of the

a) b) c) d)

(a) Carbon dioxide, with T1 = 350 K y P P1 80 bar.bar. Dixido de carbono, con T = 350 K and = = 80 (b) Ethylene, T = 350= 350  =and bar.= 60 bar. Etileno, con with T1 K y P K 60 P1 (c) Nitrogen, with T1 250250yK and 601 bar.60 bar. Nitrgeno, con T = = K P = P = (d) Propane, with= 400 K y Pand Pbar. 20 bar. Propano, con T T1 = 400 K = 20 1 =

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282 282

CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes

CAPTULO 7. Aplicaciones de la termodinmica a los procesos de flujo

7.14. Un gas en condiciones corriente arriba, que son dadas por uno de los incisos del problema 7.3 se 7.14. A gas at upstream conditions givenUse one of the parts Soave/Redlich/Kwong to a presestrangula a una presin de .2 bar. by la ecuacin de of Pb. 7.13 is throttled para estimar la temsure of 1.2 bar. Use the Soave/Redlich/Kwong equation to estimate the downstream peratura corriente abajo y S del gas. temperature and S of the gas. 7.15. Un gas en condiciones corriente arriba, dadas por uno de los incisos del problema 7.3 se estrangu7.15. A una presin de .2conditions given by one of the parts of Pb.estimar la temperatura corriente la a gas at upstream bar. Use la ecuacin de Peng/Robinson para 7.13 is throttled to a pressure of 1.2 abajo y S del gas. bar. Use the Peng/Robinson equation to estimate the downstream temperature and S of the gas. 7.16. Para una ecuacin de estado explcita en la presin, demuestre que la curva de inversin de Joule/ 7.16. For a pressure-explicit los estadosof state, prove that the Joule/Thompson inversion Thompson es el lugar de equation para los cuales: curve is the locus of states for which: Z Z = T T T
Apply this equation to (a) the van der Waals equation; (b) the Redlich/Kwong equation. Aplique esta ecuacin a: a) la ecuacin de van der Waals; b) la ecuacin de Redlich/Kwong. AnaliDiscuss the results. ce los resultados. 7.17. Two nonconducting tanks of negligible heat capacity and of equal volume initially 7.17. Dos tanques noquantities of the same ideal gas at the same T and P. y de igual volumen contienen contain equal conductores de capacidad calorfica insignificante Tank A discharges inicialmente cantidades idnticas del mismo gas ideal con las mismas T y isentropically; descarga a to the atmosphere through a small turbine in which the gas expands P. El tanque A latank B discharges to the atmosphere through a porous plug. Both devices operate until el tanque atmsfera a travs de una pequea turbina en la que el gas se expande isentrpicamente; B discharge a la atmsfera a travs de un tapn poroso. Los dos dispositivos funcionan hasta que se descarga ceases. termina la descarga. (a) When discharge ceases, is the temperature in tank A less than, equal to, or greater than the acaba la descarga, B? a) Cuando se temperature in tankla temperatura del tanque A es menor, igual o mayor que la temperatura the pressures (b) When del tanque B? in both tanks have fallen to half the initial pressure, is the temperature of the en discharging from the turbine la mitad equal to, or inicial, b) Cuando las presionesgas ambos tanques disminuyen a less than,de la presin greater la tempethan the temperature of the de discharging menor, porous plug? ratura del gas que se descargagas la turbina esfrom theigual o mayor que la temperatura del gas que se descarga del tapn poroso? (c) During the discharge process, is the temperature of the gas leaving the turbine less c) Duranteequal to, or greater than the temperature of the gas leavingde la turbina es menor, igual o than, el proceso de descarga, la temperatura del gas que sale tank A at the same mayor que la temperatura del gas que sale del tanque A en el mismo instante? instant? d) (d) Duringel proceso de descarga,isla temperatura delthe gas leaving thetapn poroso es menor, Durante the discharge process, the temperature of gas que sale del porous plug igual othan, equal to, temperatura delthe temperature of the gas leaving tank B at the less mayor que la or greater than gas que sale del tanque B en el mismo instante? e) Cuando instant?descarga, la masa del gas que queda en el tanque A es menor, igual o mayor que same cesa la la Whendel gas que queda is the tanque B? remaining in tank A less than, equal to, (e) masa discharge ceases, en el mass of gas or greater than the mass of gas remaining in tank B? 7.18. Una turbina de vapor funciona adiabticamente a un nivel de potencia de 3 500 kW. El vapor entra en la turbina a 2 400 kPa y 500 C, y escapa de la level of 3,500 kW. saturado a 20 kPa. 7.18. A steam turbine operates adiabatically at a powerturbina como vapor Steam enters the Cul es laturbine at de vapor a and 500 C and exhausts fromla eficiencia as saturated vapor at 20 cantidad 2,400 kPa travs de la turbina y cul es the turbine de la turbina? kPa. What is the steam rate through the turbine, and what is the turbine efciency? 7.19. Una turbina funciona adiabticamente con vapor sobrecalentado, que entra a T y P con una relacin de flujo de masa m . La presin de superheated 2 y la entering de la turbina es . 7.19. A turbine operates adiabatically with descarga es Psteam eficienciaat T1 and P1 with aPara uno de . los conjuntos dem. The exhaust pressure is siguientes, determine la potencia de salida of la turbina, condiciones de operacin P2 and the turbine efciency is . For one de mass owrate as como la entalpa ofla entropa conditions, determine the power output of the turbine the following sets y operating del vapor de descarga. and the enthalpy and entropy of the exhaust steam. . a) T = 450 C, P = 8 000 kPa, m = .80 kg s, P2 = 30 kPa, = 0.80. (a) T1 = 450 C, P1 = 8,000 kPa, m = 80 kg s1 , P2 = 30 kPa, = 0.80.

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Problemas b) c) d) e) f) g) . T = 550 C, P = 9 000 kPa, m = 90 kg s, P2 = 20 kPa, = 0.77. . T = 600 C, P = 8 600 kPa, m = 70 kg s, P2 = 0 kPa, = 0.82. . T = 400 C, P = 7 000 kPa, m = 65 kg s, P2 = 50 kPa, = 0.75. . T = 200 C, P =  400 kPa, m = 50 kg s, P2 = 200 kPa, = 0.75. . T = 900F), P =  00(psia), m = 50(lbm)(s), P2 = 2(psia), = 0.80. . T = 800(F), P =  000(psia), m = 00(lbm)(s), P2 = 4(psia), = 0.75.


7.20. Gas nitrgeno, inicialmente a 8.5 bar, se expande de manera isentrpica a  bar y 50 C. Suponiendo que el nitrgeno sea un gas ideal, calcule la temperatura inicial y el trabajo producido por mol de nitrgeno. 7.21. Los productos de la combustin de un quemador entran en una turbina de gas a 0 bar y 950 C, y se descargan a .5 bar. La turbina funciona adiabticamente con una eficiencia de 77%. Si se supone que los productos de la combustin son una mezcla de gases ideales con capacidad calorfica de 32 J mol K, cul es el trabajo de salida de la turbina por mol de gas y cul es la temperatura de los gases que se descargan de la turbina? 7.22. De manera adiabtica se expande isobutano en una turbina desde 5 000 kPa y 250 C hasta 500 kPa, con una relacin de 0.7 kg mol s. Si la eficiencia de la turbina es 0.80, cul es la potencia de salida de la turbina y cul es la temperatura del isobutano que sale de sta? 7.23. La cantidad de vapor a una turbina para una salida variable se controla mediante una vlvula de estrangulamiento en la tubera de entrada. Se suministra vapor a la vlvula de estrangulamiento a  700 kPa y 225 C. Durante una corrida de prueba, la presin en la entrada de la turbina es  000 kPa, el vapor se descarga a 0 kPa con una calidad de 0.95, la proporcin de flujo de vapor es 0.5 kg s y la potencia de salida de la turbina es 80 kW. a) Cules son las prdidas de calor de la turbina? b) Cul sera la potencia de salida si el vapor suministrado a la vlvula de estrangulamiento se expande isentrpicamente a la presin final? 7.24. Gas dixido de carbono entra en un expansor adiabtico a 8 bar y 400 C y se descarga a  bar. Si la eficiencia de la turbina es 0.75, cul es la temperatura de la descarga y cul es el rendimiento del trabajo por mol de CO2? Suponga que el CO2 es un gas ideal en estas condiciones. 7.25. Pruebas en una turbina adiabtica de gas (expansor) producen valores para las condiciones de entrada (T, P) y para las de salida (T2, P2). Suponga gases ideales con capacidades calorficas constantes y determine la eficiencia de la turbina para uno de los siguientes casos: a) b) c) d) e) T = 500 K, P = 6 bar, T2 = 37 K, P2 = .2 bar, CP / R = 7/2. T = 450 K, P = 5 bar, T2 = 376 K, P2 = 2 bar, CP / R = 4. T = 525 K, P = 0 bar, T2 = 458 K, P2 = 3 bar, CP / R = /2. T = 475 K, P = 7 bar, T2 = 372 K, P2 = .5 bar, CP / R = 9/2. T = 550 K, P = 4 bar, T2 = 403 K, P2 = .2 bar, CP / R = 5/2.

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CAPTULO 7. Aplicaciones de la termodinmica a los procesos de flujo

7.26. La eficiencia de una serie particular de turbinas adiabticas de gas (expansores) se correlaciona con la potencia de salida de acuerdo con la expresin emprica: = 0.065 + 0.080 ln | W | En este caso, | W | es el valor absoluto de la potencia de salida real en kW. Gas nitrgeno se expande desde las condiciones de entrada de 550 K y 6 bar, hasta una presin de salida de .2 bar. Para una relacin de flujo molar de 75 mol s, cul es la potencia entregada en kW? Cul es la eficiencia de la turbina? Cul es la rapidez de generacin de entropa S G? Suponga que el nitrgeno es un gas ideal con CP = (7/2)R. 7.27. Una turbina funciona adiabticamente con vapor sobrecalentado que entra a 45 bar y 400 C. Si el vapor de salida debe estar seco, cul es la presin de descarga mnima permitida para una eficiencia de la turbina, = 0.75? Suponga que la eficiencia es de 0.80. La presin de descarga mnima sera menor o mayor? Por qu? 7.28. Las turbinas se usan para recuperar energa de corrientes lquidas a alta presin. Sin embargo, no se utilizan cuando la corriente de alta presin es un lquido saturado. Por qu? Demuestre este hecho determinando el estado corriente abajo, para una expansin isentrpica de agua lquida saturada desde 5 bar hasta una presin final de  bar. 7.29. Entra agua lquida en una hidroturbina adiabtica a 5(atm) y 5 C, y se descarga a (atm). Estime la potencia de salida de la turbina en J kg del agua si su eficiencia es = 0.55. Cul es la temperatura de salida del agua? Suponga que el agua es un lquido incompresible. 7.30. Un expansor funciona adiabticamente con nitrgeno que entra a T y P con una relacin de flujo molar n La presin de descarga es P2 y la eficiencia del expansor es . Estime la potencia de salida . del expansor y la temperatura de la corriente de descarga para uno de los siguientes conjuntos de condiciones de operacin. a) b) c) d) e) T = 480 C, P = 6 bar, n = 200 mol s, P2 =  bar, = 0.80. T = 400 C, P = 5 bar, n = 50 mol s, P2 =  bar, = 0.75. T = 500 C, P = 7 bar, n = 75 mol s, P2 =  bar, = 0.78. T = 450 C, P = 8 bar, n = 00 mol s, P2 = 2 bar, = 0.85. T = 900(F), P = 95(psia), n = 0.5(lb mol)(s), P2 = 5(psia), = 0.80.

7.31. Cul es la cantidad de trabajo ideal para el proceso de expansin del ejemplo 7.6? Cul es la efi ciencia termodinmica del proceso? Cul es la rapidez de generacin de entropa SG? A qu es igual Wperdido? Considere T = 300 K. 7.32. Se descarga gas a 400 C y  bar desde un motor de combustin interna fluye a una proporcin de 25 mol s en una caldera de calor residual, donde se genera vapor saturado a una presin de  200 kPa. El agua entra en la caldera a 20 C (T), y los gases de escape se enfran a la temperatura de vapor, ms o menos 0 C. La capacidad calorfica de los gases de escape es CP /R = 3.34 + .2 03 T/K. El vapor fluye hacia una turbina adiabtica y se descarga a una presin de 25 kPa. Si la eficiencia de la turbina es de 72%, a) Cul es Ws, la potencia de salida de la turbina?

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b) Cul es la eficiencia termodinmica de la combinacin caldera/turbina? c) Determine S G para la caldera y la turbina. d) Exprese Wperdido(caldera) y W perdido(turbina) como fracciones de | W ideal |, el trabajo ideal del proceso. 7.33. Un compresor pequeo de aire adiabtico se usa para bombear aire hacia un tanque aislado de 20 m3. El tanque contiene inicialmente aire a 25 C y 0.33 kPa, exactamente las condiciones con las que entra el aire en el compresor. El proceso de bombeo contina hasta que la presin en el tanque alcanza los  000 kPa. Si el proceso es adiabtico y la compresin es isentrpica, cul es el trabajo de flecha del compresor? Suponga que el aire es un gas ideal para el que CP = (7/2)R y CV = (5/2)R. 7.34. 2.5 kg s de vapor saturado a 25 kPa se comprime de manera adiabtica en un compresor centrfugo a 700 kPa. La eficiencia del compresor es 78%. Cul es la potencia requerida del compresor y cules son la entalpa y la entropa del vapor en el estado final? 7.35. Un compresor funciona adiabticamente con aire que entra a T y P con una relacin de flujo mo lar n. La presin de descarga es P2 y la eficiencia del compresor es . Estime la potencia que requiere el compresor y la temperatura de la corriente de descarga para uno de los conjuntos de condiciones de operacin siguientes. a) b) c) d) e) f) T = 25 C, P = 0.33 kPa, n = 00 mol s, P2 = 375 kPa, = 0.75. T = 80 C, P = 375 kPa, n = 00 mol s, P2 =  000 kPa, = 0.70. T = 30 C, P = 00 kPa, n = 50 mol s, P2 = 500 kPa, = 0.80. T = 00 C, P = 500 kPa, n = 50 mol s, P2 =  300 kPa, = 0.75. T = 80(F), P = 4.7(psia), n = 0.5(lb mol)(s), P2 = 55(psia), = 0.75. T = 50(F), P = 55(psia), n = 0.5(lb mol)(s), P2 = 35(psia), = 0.70.

7.36. Se comprime gas amoniaco desde 2 C y 200 kPa hasta  000 kPa en un compresor adiabtico con una eficiencia de 0.82. Estime la temperatura final, el trabajo requerido y el cambio de entropa del amoniaco. 7.37. Se comprime  kg mol s de propileno adiabticamente desde .5 bar y 30 C hasta 8 bar. Si la eficiencia del compresor es 0.8, cul es la potencia requerida del compresor y cul es la temperatura de descarga del propileno? 7.38. Se comprime .5 kmol s de metano adiabticamente en la tubera de una estacin de bombeo, desde 3 500 kPa y 35 C hasta 5 500 kPa. Si la eficiencia del compresor es 0.78, cul es la potencia requerida del compresor y cul es la temperatura de descarga del metano? 7.39. Cul es el trabajo ideal para el proceso de compresin del ejemplo 7.9? Cul es la eficiencia termodinmica del proceso? Cules son los valores de SG y Wperdido? Considere T = 293.5 K.

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CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Flow Processes

CAPTULO 7. Aplicaciones de la termodinmica a los procesos de flujo

7.40. 7.40. A fan effect) a gas compressor whichwhich moves volumes of air of air at low pressure A fan is (in is (in effect) a gas compressor moves que large volumes volmenes de 7.40. Un ventilador es (en efecto) un compresor de gas largemueve grandes at low pressure aire a baja across (1 to (1 kPa) The design equation is: across small small 15 to 15 kPa) pressure differences. a 5 usual design equation is: presin a travs de pequeaspressure differences. The usual kPa). La ecuacin de diseo comn es: diferencias de presin ( . .. RT1 . RT1 W = W = n P P n P 1 P1

donde elsubscript 1 denota inlet conditions andentrada yefciency with respectrespecto isensubndice denotes las condiciones de is the es efciency with respect to wherewhere subscript 1 denotes inlet conditions and isthe la eficiencia con to isen- a la operacin isentrpica. Desarrolle esta ecuacin. Tambinalso how it cmo se deduce a partir usual ecuatropic operation. Developequation. ShowShow also how it follows from the de la tropic operation. Develop this this equation. demuestre follows from the usual cin comn parafor compresin de un gas ideal con capacidades calorficas constantes. equation la compression ideal ideal gas with constant heat capacities. equation for compression of an of an gas with constant heat capacities. 7.41. Para unFor an adiabatic gas compressor, the efciencyrespect to isentropic operation is es una 7.41. 7.41.an compresor de compressor, the la eficiencia conwith respectla operacin isentrpica is For adiabatic gas gas adiabtico, efciency with respecto a to isentropic operation medidaade las irreversibilidades internas; is the dimensionless rate of entropy entropa sin dimensiomeasure . internal irreversibilities; so rapidez de generacin of entropy generation a measure . internal irreversibilities; so as, lais the dimensionless ratede la generation of of . nesGes S/RG . R. /n R. Suponiendo que el gas is with constant heat capacities, show constantes, . Assuming that the ideal ideal with capacidades capacities, S /R G S /n SG Assuming that the gas is gas es ideal conconstant heat calorficas show that G /R SG related relacionadas por medio and G /R are related through the expression: demuestre que ySare/R estn through the expression: de la expresin: that and S G + + SG SC P= C Pln 1 1 = R ln R R R
where donde where  (P R/C R/C P p (P2)R/C2 /P1 ) (P2/P/P1 ) P P

7.42. 7.42.atAir at 1(atm) and 35 y 35 C en in a staged reciprocating compressor interenfriamiento) a Air 1(atm) and 35 C is C is compressed in a staged reciprocating compressor in7.42. Se comprime aire de (atm) compressedun compresor oscilante por etapa (con (with (with intercooling) to a nal pressure of 50(atm). For each the the inlet gas temperature tercooling) to a nal pressure of cada etapa, la temperatura deinlet gas temperature C la una presin final de 50(atm). Para 50(atm). For each stage,stage,entrada del gas es 35is y is tem C 35 C and the maximum allowable outlet temperature isC. Mechanical power is 35 and the maximum allowable outlet temperature is 200 mecnica es la misma para todas peratura mxima permisible de salida es 200 C. La potencia 200 C. Mechanical power is las the eficiencia isentrpica es and isentropic efciency La relacin de The The volumetric the same for all stages, and isentropic efciency is 65% 65% for eachflujo volumtrico etapas y la same for all stages, 3 1 65% en cada etapa. isfor each stage.stage.volumetric del aire es owrate of 0.5 m3 la primera inlet inlet rst stage. air de s1 3 s ofla entradais 0.5 m atsthe at theto the to the rst stage. owrate a air is 0.5 m etapa.

(a) How stages are required? (a) How many many stages are required? a) Cuntas etapas se necesitan? (b) What is the mechanical-power requirement per stage? b) (b) What is the mechanical-power requirement per stage? Cul es el requisito de potencia mecnica por etapa? (c) heat duty for each intercooler? (c) What What is theduty for each intercooler? c) Cul esis the heat para cada interenfriador? el calor til (d) Water is the coolant for the intercoolers. It enters at 25 Cleavesleaves at 45 C. d) (d) Water es el refrigerante para intercoolers. It enters at 25 25 and y and aat 45 C. Cul es la El agua is the coolant for the los interenfriadores. Entra a C C sale 45 C. rate per What What is the cooling-water por cadaintercooler? cantidadis the cooling-water rate per intercooler? de agua de enfriamiento interenfriador? Assume air is an ideal gas with (7/2)R. Assume air is an ideal gas with C P =C P = (7/2)R. Suponga que el aire es un gas ideal con CP = (7/2)R. for 7.43. 7.43. Demonstratethe power requirement for compressing a gas a gas is smaller, the more Demonstrate that that the power requirement . compressing is smaller, the more 7.43. Demuestrethe gas. Assume xedde potencia. paraTun, T1and1 , and P2thatms gas is gas cuando el gas complex the gas. Assume xed values of 1 gas , P P2 , and and that the ideal complex que el requerimiento values of n, , n,, P1 , comprimido,es the pequeo is ideal eswith constant heat capacities. ms with constant heat capacities. complejo. Suponga valores fijos de n , T, P y P2, y que el gas es ideal con capacidades , calorficas constantes. 7.44. 7.44. on an on an adiabatic gas compressor values for inlet conditions (T1 , P1 )1and1out- outTests Tests adiabatic gas compressor yield yield values for inlet conditions (T , P ) and 7.44. Experimentos con un (T2 ,Assuming ideal gasesgas producen valoresheat capacities, determine let conditions 2 ). P2 ). Assuming ideal with with constant para las condiciones let conditions (T2 , Pcompresor adiabtico de gasesconstant heat capacities, determine de entrada (T, P)thede salida (T2efciency for one of the following: capacidades calorficas constantes, dey compressor , P2 for one of the following: the compressor efciency). Suponiendo gases ideales con termine la eficiencia del compresor para una de las condiciones siguientes: (a) 300 K, P = 2 = T2 = 464 K, P = 6 = C P /R P 7/2. (a) T1 = T1 = 3001 K, P1bar, 2 bar, T2 = 4642 K, P2bar, 6 bar, C=/R = 7/2. (b) 290  = bar, 2 1.5 2 K, 2 = 6 bar, 5 R C P /R a) (b) T1 300 1 =P29012= P1 Tbar,464= TP2 =5472 K,CPbar,= 7/2. C=/R = 5/2. T = = T K, K, P K, 1.5= = Tbar, 547 K, P = P2/ = 5 bar, P 5/2. b) (c) T1 290 1 =P2951.5 P1 = 1.2 547 K, PK, P2 bar,PCP / RCbar, C=/R = 9/2. T = = T K, K, P K, 1.2 bar,= bar, T2 =2 455 K, 62bar, 6 = 5/2. P 9/2. (c) 295  = = bar, T2 T2 = 455 = 5 = = P /R c) (d) T1 295 1 =P3001.2 P1 = 1.1 455 K, PK, P2bar,P2bar, 8 = 9/2. =/R = 11/2. T = = T K, K, = K, 1.1 bar,= bar, T2 = 505 K, 8CP / RCbar, C P 11/2. (d) 300  P = bar, T2 T2 = 505 2 = 6 = = P /R d) (e) T (e) T1 =P305 . P1 = 1.5 505 K, PK, P bar,PCP / RCbar, C=/R = 4. T = 300 K, K, P K, 1.5 bar,= bar, T2 =2 496 K, 72bar, 7 = /2. 4.  = = bar, T2 T = 496 = 8 = = P /R P 1 = 305 1 2 2 e) T = 305 K, P = .5 bar, T2 = 496 K, P2 = 7 bar, CP / R = 4.

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Problemas Problems



7.45. Se comprime aire en un compresor de flujo estable, entra a .2 bar y 300 K, y sale a 5 bar y 500 K. 7.45. Air is compressed in a steady-ow compressor, entering at 1.2 bar and 300 K and leavLa operacin es no adiabtica, con transferencia de calor a los alrededores a 295 K. Para el mismo ing at 5 bar and 500 K. Operation is nonadiabatic, with heat transfer to the surroundings cambio de estado del aire, el requerimiento de potencia mecnica por mol del aire es mayor o meat 295 K. For the same change in state of the air, is the mechanical-power requirement nor para una operacin no adiabtica que para una adiabtica? Por qu? per mole of air greater or less for nonadiabatic than for adiabatic operation? Why? 7.46. Un calentador produces produce un gran exceso de vapor a baja presin [50(psig), 7.46. A boiler house domstico a large excess of low-pressure [50(psig), 5( F)superheat]5(F) sobrecalentado]. upgrade is proposed that would rst el the low-pressure steam through steam. AnSe propone una modificacin: primerorun vapor a baja presin recorrera a travs de un compresor steady-ow flujo estable, produciendo vapor a presin media [50(psig)]. Un joven an adiabatic adiabtico decompressor, producing medium-pressure [150(psig)] steam. ingeniero expresa su preocupacin that compression could result in the formation of A young engineer expresses concern de que la compresin d como resultado la formacin de agua lquida, daando el compresor. Existe motivo para for concern? Sugerencia: Haga liquid water, damaging the compressor. Is there cause preocuparse? Suggestion: Refer referencia al diagrama de diagram of Fig. 6.4. to the Mollier Mollier de la figura 6.4. 7.47. Una bomba funciona en forma adiabtica water entering at T1 and a with a mass 7.47. A pump operates adiabatically with liquid con agua lquida entrando P1T y P con una relacin de . flujo de masa m La presin de descarga and y pump efciency bomba es . of the owrate m. The .discharge pressure is P2 ,es P2thela eficiencia de la is . For one Para uno de los conjuntos de sets of operating conditions, determine the power requirement ofde potencia de la bomba condiciones de operacin siguientes, determine el requerimiento the pump following y la temperatura de descarga del agua desde la bomba. and the temperature of the water discharged from the pump. . (a) T1 = 25 C, P1 = 100 kPa, m = 20 kg s1 , P2 = 2,000 kPa, = 0.75, 6 K1 . = 257.2 10 . (b) T1 = 90 C, P1 = 200 kPa, m = 30 kg s1 , P2 = 5,000 kPa, = 0.70, 6 K1 . = 696.2 10 . (c) T1 = 60 C, P1 = 20 kPa, m = 15 kg s1 , P2 = 5,000 kPa, = 0.75, 6 K1 . = 523.1 10 . (d) T1 = 70( F), P1 = 1(atm), m = 50(lbm )(s)1 , P2 = 20(atm), = 0.70, 6 K1 . = 217.3 10 . (e) T1 = 200( F), P1 = 15(psia), m = 80(lbm )(s)1 , P2 = 1,500(psia), = 0.75, 6 K1 . = 714.3 10 7.48. Cul es el trabajo ideal para pumping de bombeo del ejemplo 7.0? the thermody7.48. What is the ideal work for theel proceso process of Ex. 7.10? What is Cul es la eficiencia termodinmica del proceso? A qu es igual S SG Cul es Wlost ? Take T = 300 K. namic efciency of the process? What is G? ? What isel Wperdido? Considere T = 300 K. 7.49. Demuestre que los puntos en la curva de inversin de Joule/Thomson [para / que 7.49. Show that the points on the Joule/Thomson inversion curve [for which = ( T losP) H = = (T/P)H = 0] also characterized by each por cada una de 0] aretambin son caracterizados of the following:las siguientes expresiones: H V V Z Z = 0; (b) = 0; (c) = ; (d) = 0; (a) T P P T T P T V P P P (e) V +T =0 V T T V 7.50. De acuerdo Pb. 7.3, the thermodynamic sound speed la rapidez del sonido c equation 7.50. According tocon el problema 7.3, la termodinmica de c depends on the P V T depende de la ecuacin de estado PVT. Demuestre cmo pueden measurements can be used to estimate the of state. Show how isothermal sound-speedemplearse las mediciones de la rapidez del sonido para calcular el segundo coeficiente virial B de un gas. Suponga applies, and la ecuacin second virial coefcient B of a gas. Assume that Eq. (3.38) que se aplicathat the ratio(3.38) y que la relacin CP/CV by dada por su valor C P /C V is given estits ideal-gas value. de gas ideal. 7.51. El comportamiento turbomachinery is sometimes empirically accommodated through 7.51. Real-gas behavior forde gas real en la maquinaria de turbinas en ocasiones se adapta de manera em. . . prica por medio = Z W ig , where W ig is ig, ideal-gas mechanical power and Z del the expression W de la expresin W = Z Wthe donde W ig es la potencia mecnica gas ideal y Z es suitably promedio que es convenientemente definido del factor de compresibilidad. is some un valor dened average value of the compressibility factor.

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CAPTULO 7. Aplicaciones de la termodinmica a los procesos de flujo CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes CHAPTER 7. Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes

a) Explique racionalmente esta expresin. (a) Rationalize this expression. (a) Rationalize this expression. b) Planee un ejemplo incorporando el comportamiento de gas real en una turbina mediante propie(b) Devise a turbine example incorporating real-gas behavior via residual properties, (b) dades residuales yexample incorporating real-gas behavior via residual properties, Devise a turbine determine un valor numrico de Z para el ejemplo. and determine a numerical value of Z for the example. and determine a numerical value of Z for the example. 7.52. Se captura la informacin de operacin para una turbina de aire. De una corrida en particular, P = 7.52. 8 bar, T = data K y P2 = .2 bar. air turbine. Fortemperatura de salida = 8 se registra es poco legi7.52. Operating data are taken on an air turbine. For a particular run, P1 = 8 bar, T1 = Operating 600 are taken on an No obstante, la a particular run, P1 que bar, T1 = 600 K, and P = 1.2 bar. However, the recorded outlet temperature is only partially ble; podra ser2 T= = 38, 348 o 398 K.the recorded outlet temperature islas condiciones observadas 600 K, and P2 2 1.2 bar. However, Cul de stas debera ser? Para only partially legible; it could be Tes= 318, 348, or 398 K. Which must it be? For the given condiconsidere que el be T2 = 318, 348, or 398PK. Which constante. For the given condilegible; it could aire 2 un gas ideal con C = (7/2)R must it be? tions, assume air to be an ideal gas with constant C P = (7/2)R. tions, assume air to be an ideal gas with constant C P = (7/2)R. 7.53. Benceno lquido a 25 C y .2 bar se convierte en vapor a 200C y 5 bar en un proceso de flujo 7.53. estable de dos etapas:compresin por medio de unavapor at a 5 bar, and 5 bar in a two7.53. Liquid benzene at 25 C and 1.2 bar is converted to vapor at 200 C and 5 bar in a twoLiquid benzene at 25 C and 1.2 bar is converted to bomba 200 C seguido por vaporizacin en un step steady-ow process: compression by a pump to 5 bar, followed by vaporization step steady-ow process: contraflujo. by a pump to requerimientos by vaporization intercambiador de calor encompression Determine los 5 bar, followed de potencia de la bomba y el in a counter-ow heat exchanger. Determine the power requirement of the pump and in a counter-ow heat exchanger. kJ mol. the power requirement de la pump de rendimiento del intercambiador en DetermineSuponga una eficiencia of thebomba and70% y consithe duty of the exchanger in kJ mol1 . Assume a pump efciency of 70%, and treat the al vapor de benceno como mol1 . Assume a = 05 J mol K 70%, and dereduty of the exchanger in kJun gas ideal con CPpump efciency of constante. treat benzene vapor as as an ideal gas with constant C P = 105 J mol1 K1 . benzene vapor as as an ideal gas with constant C P = 105 J mol1 K1 . 7.54. Benceno lquido a 25 y .2 bar se convierte en vapor a 200 C y 5 bar en un proceso de flujo C 7.54. Liquid benzene at 25 C and 1.2 bar is converted to vapor at 200 C and 5 bar in a Liquid benzene at 25 7.54. estable de dos etapas: C and 1.2 bar is converted to vapor calor enC and 5 barain a bar, seguido vaporizacin en un intercambiador de at 200 contraflujo .2 two-step steady-ow process: vaporization in a counter-ow heat exchanger at 1.2 bar, two-step steady-ow process: vaporization in a counter-ow heat exchanger at 1.2 bar, de una compresin como un gas a 5 bar. Determine el rendimiento del intercambiador y los requefollowed by compression as a gas to 5 bar. Determine the duty of the exchanger and the  followed de potencia del compresor bar. mol1. Suponga una the exchanger and the rimientos by compression as a gas to 5en kJDetermine the duty of eficiencia de compresor de 75% y power requirement of the compressor in kJ mol1 . Assume a compressor efciency of power requirementde benceno como un gasmol con CP = 05 J mol Kefciency of of the compressor in kJ ideal . Assume a compressor  constante. considere al vapor 75%, and treat benzene vapor as as an ideal gas with constant C P = 105 J mol1 K1 . 75%, and treat benzene vapor as as an ideal gas with constant C P = 105 J mol1 K1 . 7.55. De los procesos propuestosin Pbs. 7.53 and 7.54, which would you recommend? Why? por qu? 7.55. Of the processes proposed en los problemas 7.53 y 7.54, cul recomendara usted, y 7.55. Of the processes proposed in Pbs. 7.53 and 7.54, which would you recommend? Why? 7.56. Los lquidos que se mencionan a C are completely C se encuentran completamente vaporizados a 7.56. Liquids (identied below) at 25 continuacin a 25 vaporized at 1(atm) in a counterLiquids (identied below) at 25 C are completely vaporized at 1(atm) in a counter7.56. (atm) en un intercambiador de calor de contracorriente. El medio de calentamiento es el vapor current heat exchanger. Saturated steam is the heating medium, available at four prescurrent heat exchanger. Saturated steam is 9, 7 y 33 bar. De la diversidad pressaturado, disponible a cuatroWhich variety thesteam is most appropriate for eachde condiciones del presiones: 4.5, heating medium, available at four sures: 4.5, 9, 17, and 33 bar. Which variety of steam is most appropriate for each case? sures: cul es 17, andapropiada para cadacaso? Suponga una aproximacin mnima T de 0 C en 4.5, 9, la ms 33 bar. case? vapor a minimum approach T of 10 C of heat exchange. Assume a minimum approach T of 10 C for heat exchange. Assume for el intercambiador de calor. (a) Benzene; (b) n-Decane; (c) Ethylene glycol; (d) o-Xylene (a) Benzene; (b) n-Decane; c) Ethylene glycol; o-Xileno a) Benceno; b) n-Decano; (c) Etilenglicol; d) (d) o-Xylene
7.57. One hundred (100) kmol hr1 of ethylene is compressed from 1.2 bar and 300 K to 7.57. Cien (00) kmol hrkmol hr1 of ethylene is compressed from 1.2 bar and 300 mediante un com7.57. One hundred (100) de etileno se comprimen desde .2 bar y 300 K hasta 6 bar K to 6 bar by an electric-motor-driven compressor. Determine the capital cost C of the unit. presorby an electric-motor-driven compressor. Determine the capital costde of the unit. Considere al capital C C la unidad. 6 bar impulsado por un motor elctrico. Determine el costo1 Treat ethylene as an ideal con with constant C P =  constante. K1 . etileno como un gas ideal gas with constant C P = 50.6 J mol1 K1 . Treat ethylene as an gas CP = 50.6 J mol K 50.6 J mol Data: (compressor) = 0.70 Data: (compressor) 0.70 . Datos: (compresor) ==0.70 . C(compressor)/$ = 3,040(W S /kW)0.952 . C(compressor)/$ = 3,040(W S /kW)0.952 . W S isentropic power requirement for the compressor. where isentropic power requirement for the el compresor. where . donde WS W Spotencia isentrpica que se requiere paracompressor. . C(motor)/$ = 380(|We |/kW)0.855 C(motor)/$ = 380(|We |/kW)0.855 . . donde We Wepotencia de eje trasmitidaof motor. where W delivered shaft power of motor. where e delivered shaft power por el motor. 7.58. Four different types of drivers for gas compressors are: electric motors, gas expanders, 7.58. Cuatro clases diferentes de impulsorescompressors are: electric motors, gas expanders, expansores 7.58. Four different types of drivers for gas para compresores de gas son: motores elctricos, steam turbines, and internal-combustion engines. Suggest when each might be approde gas,turbines, de vapor y mquinas de combustin interna. Sugiera en qu momento es ms aprosteam turbinas and internal-combustion engines. Suggest when each might be appropriate. How would you estimate operating costs for each of these drivers? Ignore such piado cada uno de estos. Cmooperating costscostos para these drivers?estos impulsores? Ignore priate. How would you estimate estimara los for each of cada uno de Ignore such add-ons as maintenance, operating labor, and overhead. cuestiones adicionales tales como mantenimiento, gastos de operacin y gastos en general. add-ons as maintenance, operating labor, and overhead.

7.59. Se proponen dos esquemas parathe reduccin en pressure of ethylene gas at 375 K and 8 bar hasta la la presin del gas de etileno a 375 K y 7.59. Two schemes are proposed for the reduction in pressure of ethylene gas at 375 K and 7.59. Two schemes are proposed for reduction in .2 bar to 1.2 bar in a steady-ow process: bar en un proceso de flujo uniforme: 18 bar to 1.2 bar in a steady-ow process: 18

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Problemas a) Pasarlo a travs de una vlvula de estrangulacin, reguladora. b) Enviarlo a travs de un expansor adiabtico con 70% de eficiencia.


Para cada proposicin, determine la temperatura de descarga y la rapidez de generacin de entropa en J mol K. Cul es la salida de potencia para la propuesta b) en kJ mol? Discuta los puntos a favor y en contra de las dos propuestas. No haga la suposicin de que son gases ideales. 7.60. Una corriente de hidrocarburo gas a 500 C se enfra al combinarlo de manera continua con una corriente de aceite ligero en una torre adiabtica. Este aceite ligero entra como un lquido a 25 C; en tanto, el flujo combinado sale como un gas a 200 C. a) Dibuje un diagrama de flujo cuidadosamente sealizado para el proceso. b) Si F y D denotan, respectivamente, la masa molar de hidrocarburo gas caliente y el aceite ligero, haga uso de los datos que se proporcionan a continuacin para determinar un valor numrico para la proporcin aceite-gas D/F. Explique su anlisis. c) Cul es la ventaja de enfriamiento del hidrocarburo gas con un lquido en vez de hacerlo con otro gas (de enfriamiento)? Proporcione una explicacin.
v Datos: CP (promedio) = 50 J mol K para el hidrocarburo gas. v CP (promedio) = 200 J mol K para el vapor de aceite. H lv (aceite) = 35 000 J mol a 25C.

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