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Highwoods Safeguarding Statement

Providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn is our paramount concern. Ofsted in December 2009 said about our school; The school has excellent safeguarding procedures which surpass recommended good practice across all areas of its work. Extremely robust arrangements are in place for ensuring that all children are safe. There are high levels of awareness issues related to safety which permeate the work of the school. Highwoods Community Primary School is committed to supporting young people and their families who may be suffering from significant harm with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at school and at home.

Equality Statement
At Highwoods Community Primary School we will abide by the law in respect of any legislation on Equal Opportunities including the Equality Act 2010.

Welcome to Highwoods Community Primary School.

The school prospectus sets out the aims, policy and organisation of the school and it includes information about our school which you will need to know. We hope you will find the prospectus helpful and informative. Highwoods is a Community Primary School for children aged 4 - 11 years. The school is a modern building that opened in January 1989 and now has 15 class bases, 2 halls, 2 libraries and an ICT suite. There are also two group rooms and a resource area. There is a newly extended kitchen and provision is made for cooking school meals on the premises. A large playground and playing fields are situated at the rear of the school. The grounds also include a valuable environmental area with a pond. There is an adventure playground with a safe surface and a ball wall. The school also benefits from a seating area with a pergola and specially designed sail shades to provide protection from the sun. The school building is surrounded by attractive paved areas and flower beds.

Vision and Aims


We value our children and believe they deserve to learn and achieve their full potential in a stimulating environment where they will thrive in this secure, happy and enjoyable school. Our school should be the key to a successful and fulfilling life. Our aims are: to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which develops the whole child to provide access to the curriculum for all levels of ability, based on a partnership between pupils, staff and parents to inspire enthusiastic and inquisitive children with an appetite for life long learning to develop confident, independent and articulate individuals with a strong sense of self fulfilment and high self esteem to ensure our children and staff enjoy full mental and physical health to enable children to take responsibility for their actions and decisions so that they will become responsible members of the community to enable children to develop spiritually and engender tolerance and respect for one another, the school environment and the wider community to ensure that a variety of reviewing and monitoring strategies are employed to enable reflective self evaluation and challenging target setting to respond positively to changes in the curriculum and the changing needs of the children

School Curriculum and Organisation National Curriculum

Many of the school activities are determined by the National Curriculum, which provides a programme of study for each level of attainment. The National Curriculum consists of ten subjects which all primary-age children must study at school. English, Mathematics and Science, which help children in studying all the other subjects, are also known as the 'core' subjects. In these subjects we set targets to encourage pupil achievement. The other foundation subjects are Design and Technology, History, Geography, Information and Communication Technology, Music, Art, Religious Education and Physical Education. We teach Spanish as a modern foreign language to our school. Art Art work arises from all areas of the curriculum and often affords opportunity for self-expression coupled with awareness of colour, pattern, space and shape. The school is enhanced by the displays of childrens art-work throughout the building.

Design Technology
Work in Design Technology is often linked to other aspects of the curriculum, particularly to Mathematics and Science. Children have the opportunity to design and make a variety of products. Food technology is incorporated into Design Technology.

English is mainly taught through daily literacy lessons, with many skills practiced during cross curricular activities. This provides an opportunity for pupils to be involved in whole class reading and writing when aspects of grammar, punctuation and vocabulary work will be taught. Phonics and spelling skills are also covered. The children will spend some time working in groups during the hour and will work both independently and with the guidance of the teacher for both reading and writing activities. At the end of the session there are opportunities for pupils to present and discuss key issues in their work and revise and practise new skills.

Reading and Writing Skills

A great deal of emphasis is placed on the development of reading skills which enable children to read with fluency and understanding. When a child starts school they are guided towards a wide range of exciting story, information and poetry books which we hope they will share and enjoy at home. Following initial assessment children are given a reading book and a reading diary for the teacher and parents to use. We ask that you try to spare a little time each day to share the reading book with your child and encourage them to read to you. At Highwoods we have adopted the Read Write Inc (RWI) approach to teaching reading and writing skills. This is a carefully structured method which gives children a thorough grounding in phonics, acquiring key words, putting sounds together to make words and how to use these skills when reading. It also teaches children how to form their letters correctly and how to spell accurately. Children are taught in small groups based on their phonic ability. Progress is assessed and tracked by the Reading Manager. A wide range of materials including big reading books, flash cards CD ROMS, story tapes and DVDs are used to ensure that each child makes the best possible start to reading and writing. Older children regularly use our well stocked library to pursue their own interests and to broaden their tastes. A cursive handwriting script is taught throughout the school with the early introduction of joined-up writing. The displays of work in the school help children to share ideas and foster communication.

Geography and History

History is taught through units which focus on a particular period in time. Children are encouraged to develop investigational skills and use different sources for their evidence. Visits to local places will be used to enhance their understanding. In Geography younger pupils will compare aspects of our immediate locality with surrounding areas. Older pupils learn about the wider world, including climate change and environmental concerns.

Gifted Children and Ability Grouping

For much of the time children work in ability groups within the class. Special provision is made to give extra extension work to the very able children. Small groups are organised, from Y2 onwards, to receive extra sessions to broaden their thinking skills. In Key Stage 2 children are taught Mathematics in ability sets. When resources allow extension work is organised for science, art, drama, music and physical education. A register of gifted and talented pupils is maintained and advice is sought from specialist teachers when necessary. Some of the Gifted and Talented children take part in local events organised to challenge their thinking.

Information and Communications Technology

The school has many computer systems which are used to enhance work across the curriculum. We have a suite of lap tops and a wide range of software and other technological resources. Interactive whiteboards are used in all the classrooms and also the ICT suite and school hall. The ICT suite provides the opportunity to teach the skills which the children will use across the curriculum. The children can also enjoy using the Internet safely to learn. We have a robust policy on E-Safety and children are taught in an age appropriate manner about responsible use of the internet, to be mindful of words and images they post on the internet and to treat their passwords and personal information with discretion.

The teaching of mathematics is based on the Primary Strategy, which places a strong emphasis on mental and oral manipulation of numbers to form a firm foundation for written computation. Investigational work forms an important part of the mathematics curriculum and will enable children to acquire the necessary skills and concepts and to develop their mathematical thinking. Children will be involved in practising these skills and where appropriate will apply them to other areas of the curriculum. Much of the mathematics taught is of a practical nature, which helps the children's understanding of new ideas. Proficiency in basic number work is important and Key Stage 2 children are taught in ability sets. In Key Stage 1 the work is differentiated according to ability. Computation is often linked with measurement, shape and money. The children learn to apply these skills to solve real life problems. An emphasis is placed on learning number bonds and children are expected to learn their tables.

Modern Foreign Languages

As part of our curriculum at Highwoods all children learn Spanish. In reception and Key Stage 1 this learning is done through themes. Children learn language linked to what they are already learning about in class. This sows the seeds of an interest in language learning ready for KS2, when language learning is a formal part of the curriculum. In KS2 children learn Spanish through exploration of key phrases and other activities in Spanish, eg the register and games in PE. Teachers follow plans which are based on the KS2 framework for languages which enables progression from year to year.

Children have opportunities to sing and enjoy music and to play a range of percussion and tuned instruments. Essex Music Services provide visiting music teachers to give individual lessons in a variety of instruments. There is an opportunity for all Year 5/6 children to learn to play the violin. Concerts are often performed for parents during the year.

Physical Activity
We encourage children to adopt a fit and healthy lifestyle. The physical activity curriculum includes individual and team activities, taught at a level appropriate to the needs and capabilities of the pupils. We are well resourced for the teaching of games and both halls are fully equipped for the teaching of dance and gymnastics. Swimming is also part of the Key Stage 2 curriculum. Professional coaching-staff frequently teach at the school and we encourage pupils to participate in a wide variety of sports. Extra-curricular activities are offered to pupils of all abilities and we currently have very successful football, rugby, cricket, netball and athletic teams who participate in local leagues and competitions. Each summer the children participate in our annual sports day.

Religious Education
School Assemblies and Religious Education, are based broadly on Christian principles, and set out to emphasise the belief that children should live and grow together in harmony. They also promote a greater understanding of other people's needs both locally and worldwide. The RE syllabus covers a number of religions including Christianity. Parents who wish their children to be withdrawn from Religious Education and Assembly should consult the Headteacher and alternative arrangements will be made.

Science is a practical subject and from the earliest age children are encouraged to ask questions about the world around them and to look for answers to their questions. The science curriculum is studied in units which are revisited as a child progresses through the school. During the Foundation Stage a wealth of first hand experiences are provided for children to explore and make sense of the world around them. At Key Stage 1 the Science units are taught through topics and the work is integrated with other units wherever possible. At Key Stage 2 Science is taught as a discrete subject although links are still made with other curriculum areas. At all ages there is an emphasis on practical investigations. Science is studied in units which may be linked to other areas of the curriculum. The children are encouraged to think scientifically, to ask questions, and to plan and carry out investigations in order to answer their questions. A practical approach is adopted wherever possible.

Sex and Relationships

Sex and Relationships form part of the Personal, Social and Health education programme for the school and as such is fully integrated into the curriculum. Work on animal reproduction, parental care, family life, growth and development, personal relationships and caring for others will provide opportunities for children to ask questions about the basic facts of reproduction and about values and attitudes. Parents will be offered the opportunity to view any multi media material prior to their use with the children. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of sex and relationship education.

School Organisation
The children are arranged in classes throughout the school in accordance with their Year group. All children will start full-time at school in the Autumn Term (September) following their 4 th birthday, at this stage they are Reception age children. Reception children are at the Foundation Stage. At the beginning of the following year, in September, the children become Year 1 pupils. Each September children progress to the next year group until the end of Year 6 when they transfer to Secondary Education. Y1 and Y2 children are at the infant stage known as Key Stage 1; Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 are juniors and are at Key Stage 2. The teacher in each class is responsible for the childrens work for much of the time but your child may occasionally work with other teachers or adults in other parts of the school. Parents wishing to discuss their childs individual needs can make an appointment with the Headteacher or class teacher.

Foundation Stage
Children in Early Years and Reception classes are working at the Foundation Stage. This is now called the EYFS. They study a very broad curriculum which aims to develop skills that give a good foundation for learning at Key Stage 1. At Highwoods we aim to create a calm, happy working atmosphere, placing great value on strong links between home and school. The classrooms are well resourced and they lead onto a secure outdoor area with a patio, garden and a variety of play equipment. At the Foundation Stage great emphasis is placed on personal and social development, so many activities are planned to encourage sharing and co-operation. A special feature of the day is snack time, which provides opportunities for the children to practise a wide variety of social skills. Many strategies, such as special child are in place to increase the pupils self esteem. Resources are organised so that the children can work as independently as possible and a simple uniform of polo shirts and joggers is encouraged so that pupils can change independently. At the end of the Reception Year practitioners complete the Foundation Stage Profile. The outcomes of this assessment are then shared with parents through the end of year written report. Learning Support Children with special educational needs are assessed on a regular basis. Some children are given individual education plans which are devised to support them. For children with individual educational plans and statements a specialist teacher may help to support them in class and for additional tuition. Children will work individually and in groups. We work in accordance with the guidelines of the government's 'Code of Practice for Identification and Assessment of Special Needs' and seek to co-operate with parents to provide maximum support for their child.

Parental Involvement
We encourage parents to take an active interest in the education of their child and to feel involved in the work and life of the school. The school welcomes the involvement of parents in sharing their expertise with the children. We also welcome parents in as helpers both in the classroom and on educational visits. Parents who wish to help at the school have to go through the necessary police checks before they start. The school has introduced the Early Bird initiative which means parents may come in to class with their child to help them get organised and settle down to work before school starts. Classroom doors open ten minutes before the bell and you will have time to help your child with their early morning activities. There are opportunities for parents to discuss their child's progress at Parent Evenings and to find out about various aspects of the curriculum. Parents are welcome to make appointments to discuss any aspect of school policy with the Headteacher. Each Autumn term we hold an open morning when prospective parents join us to see the school in action. Children are encouraged to follow up particular interests related to their class work. Teachers can advise parents on how to help their children at home, thus ensuring that parents and teachers work together for the benefit of the children. Most children will be asked to learn spellings and practise their reading and tables at home. The older children are also expected to undertake more formal homework on a regular basis.

School Council
Our school has an established School Council which is a body of pupils whose purpose is to represent their class and be a forum for active and constructive pupil input into the daily life of the School Community. This is to encourage the development of citizenship throughout the school. The councillors meet regularly with a teacher and discuss items that have been brought up in their class meetings. This is fed back to their fellow pupils and displayed on the School Council notice board in the main corridor.

Eco Committee
The elected eco committee members meet regularly to discuss all aspects of environmental concerns. Action plans are then drawn up to implement any changes/improvements e.g. recycling, energy saving etc. The eco committee have opportunities to speak to the governing body on a regular basis through the curriculum committee. Minutes of eco committee meetings are also on the notice board in the main corridor. The school has created a set of allotments for each class to grow their own fruit and vegetables. The school has achieved Green Flag Status.

General Information
The following information has been set out in alphabetical order for your easy reference.

Absence from School

We take child safety and regular school attendance very seriously. In order to be sure that your child has either arrived at school or has been kept at home for a good reason, we need to hear from you on the first day that your child is absent. You may contact us by phoning the school office on 845887 and using option one to report a pupils absence. If we have not heard from you by 9.30 am then following national and local authority policy we are obliged to make contact with parents to establish why the child is not at school. Government regulations require that all unauthorised absences are reported to the Education Welfare Officer. You are strongly urged to avoid booking a family holiday during term time. Parents do not have a right or entitlement to take their child out of school for such a holiday, but schools may choose to grant leave of absence for up to two weeks in any school year to enable a child to go on holiday. In deciding whether or not to agree leave for a family holiday, schools will normally consider each case individually and will look at the childs overall record of attendance. In most situations schools will not agree leave during term time. If permission is not granted and you still take your child out of school for a holiday, the Local Authority may issue a penalty notice. This is a fine of 100 for each parent for each child.

Admission Arrangements
See Appendix 1

It is vital that you inform the school of any allergies suffered by your child. Epipens must be kept in school for those who need them. We will require parents to complete a School Agreement Protocol and submit a recent photograph of the child. The school kitchen will advise parents about our lunch time menus and every effort is made to ensure pupils with allergies do not eat inappropriate foods. The school has an allergies policy which is available on request.

Arrangements for Parents to Visit the School

(See also Pre-School Children - Page 12) Arrangements can be made to visit the school by appointment with the Headteacher, who will be pleased to see parents, show them the school and provide further information.

Induction of new foundation stage children

Parents of pre-school children are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school at any time. The common application form enables parents to apply for up to three schools in preference order. Parents of new entrants are invited to an evening Induction meeting to learn about how the Foundation Stage is organised. Parents and children are invited to join their new reception class for a Picnic and Play afternoon during the summer term; and also Story Telling Sessions every Friday at 2.40pm during the summer term so that the children become familiar with their new environment. We hold Parent consultations which are a chance for parents to talk to class teachers about their child. Finally, the children will be invited to spend an hour in their new classroom with their new teacher on Moving up day as the rest of the school visits their new classrooms and teachers.

Attendance Times
School Hours: Infants Juniors 9.00 am - 12.00 noon 8.55 am - 12.10pm (Lunch 12 - 1 pm) (Lunch 12.10 - 1 pm) and 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm. and 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm.

Children should not arrive at school unaccompanied before 8.45 am as the school cannot take responsibility for any child before this time, however, please ensure that your child is punctual as lateness is disruptive. If your child is regularly late you will be notified by the school and if the problem continues the Education Welfare Officer may be involved. Any child arriving after the completion of the register will be marked late. During a normal school week 23 hours will be spent on teaching at Key Stage 1 and 24 hours at Key Stage 2. These hours do not include registration, assembly and break times. Parents should collect their children promptly at the end of the day.

Behaviour and Conduct and Exclusion

It is the responsibility of all staff and parents to provide positive role models of good behaviour and conduct to our students. Throughout the school, children are praised and rewarded for good behaviour, polite manners and high standards of work. There are Golden Rules of behaviour in every class and a traffic light system is used throughout the school to highlight the positive behaviour of the majority of children. All children start the day with their name on the green light they are good to go. Notably good behaviour is celebrated by moving a name to the gold star. Instances of poor behaviour result in a name being moved to the amber or red warning lights and sanctions are applied. If a child displays persistent antisocial behaviour a consultation is arranged between the teacher and parents so that a combined effort can be made to improve the situation. The advice of external agencies may be sought. In exceptional cases, the Headteacher may exclude a child from the school for a fixed period, or may propose permanent exclusion. Parents have a right to make representation (written in the case of fixed-term exclusion) to the Governing Body and Local Education Authority at the meetings called to consider the exclusion.

The school has a written policy on bullying. Because we regard bullying as extremely serious any incident is dealt with promptly. Please let us know immediately if your child experiences any problem of this sort. The school holds an annual anti-bullying week and has recently published a Cyber-Bullying policy.

Charging and Remissions Policy

Details of the Charging Remissions Policy are available in the school office.

Complaints Procedure
Governors resolve any complaints as speedily as possible under an approved procedure. Copies of this are available in the school office.

Educational Visits
Visits to an appropriate part of the locality are often an important element in the children's work. When these visits take place during school time we ask parents to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost. The majority of trips are dependent on voluntary parental contributions. If any family finds these payments difficult please contact the Headteacher to discuss this in confidence. No charge is made for parent helpers on these visits. See also Charging and Remissions, Appendix 2.

Eleven-Plus Policy
The policy of Highwoods Community Primary School is to support children being entered for the selection procedure in the following ways:Work for all children is differentiated according to their ability and this ensures that those children who are able will work at the appropriate level of the National Curriculum, e.g. Levels 5 and 6 for Maths and English. Very able children will be included in Extension Groups. The Headteacher supports children to prepare them for the 11 plus tests. The Consortium of Selective Schools can provide parents with information on the Eleven-Plus tests. The Headteacher will discuss any queries on an individual basis and parents will be given further advice about their child. Practice papers can be purchased through most book stores and on the internet.

Emergency Closure
If the weather is very bad, heavy snow, for example, or there are local power cuts, it may not be possible to open the school. In these circumstances parents should listen for messages on local radio stations or contact the school for information before sending their child to school. Children that are sent to school without adult supervision should be told that they must always report to the office even if they learn that the school will be closed. This is important to prevent children returning to an empty house. The full school policy on emergency closure is available in the office. The school will contact parents via Parent Mail, so please make sure that you notify the school office immediately of any changes to your phone number or email address.

At Highwoods School we abide by the law in respect of the Equality Act 2010. Our aim is to ensure that individuals or groups of individuals with protected characteristics (Race, Gender, Religion or belief or those without a religion or belief, Sexual orientation, Ethnicity, Impairment / disability, socio-economic status) are not disadvantaged or discriminated against and we will take prompt and positive action to address issues that arise. There are plans and policies in place to facilitate equality of access to the school building and the curriculum. Where appropriate reasonable adjustments will be made to enable equality of access and participation for disabled pupils. For details, please see our policies for Equal Opportunities, Disability Action, Race Equality, Gender Equality, Behaviour, Anti-bullying, SEN and Inclusion

See Pastoral Care and Behaviour Policy section.

Extra-Curricular Activities
Clubs take place in the lunch hour or after school. Their exact nature varies with the time of year and the interests of the staff. The activities may include Art and Textiles, Choir, Violin, Netball, Football, Rugby, Cricket, Computer Club and Athletics. The following activities are provided by outside agencies: Little Musketeers, Colchester United, Carolyns School of Dance, Runaround, Colchester School of Gymnastics and Water Sports club.

First Aid
Minor injuries, such as cuts and grazes, are dealt with by staff trained in First Aid. If your child is unwell or has a more serious injury we will contact you as soon as possible. A record is kept of all incidents that require medical attention. Please make sure we have an emergency telephone number in addition to your home number if you are not at home during the day.

Governing Body
(See Appendix 4) The school has a Governing Body which is responsible for governance, strategy, policy, and the Headteacher is accountable to the Governing Body. Parent Governors have an important role and are elected by parents of pupils at the school. They have every opportunity to play their full part in decision making and it is our policy that whenever practicable a Governor is involved with teaching staff appointments, including being part of the interviewing panel. The Governing Body of the school consists of the Headteacher, and representatives of the staff, parents, the community and the Local Authority.

Healthy Schools
The school is committed to providing a healthy environment in every respect and we are proud to have achieved the Healthy Schools Award. The school has a Healthy Schools working party looking at current issues connected with health.

Holidays (See Appendix 3)

Children should not wear jewellery except watches and small sleepers or studs. On days when they are involved in PE or Games we strongly recommend that no jewellery at all is worn as any damage resulting from the wearing of these items cannot be regarded as the responsibility of the school or the Education Authority. Children with pierced ears will not participate in PE sessions unless they can be removed.

Kids Club
There is an independent Kids Club situated on the school site and this can provide before and after school care for pupils between 7 am and 9 am (Breakfast Club) and 3 pm and 6.30 pm. The club is also available for the majority of the school holidays. The phone number is 01206 855837.

Lost Property
Lost property is kept in the family room and parents are welcome to check to see if their child's property has been handed in. Labelled garments are always returned to the child but each year many items which have not been named remain unclaimed. Items which remain unclaimed at the end of each term will be disposed of.

If your child has been ill but is regarded by the doctor as fit to return to school it may then be necessary for you to come in to school to administer a prescribed medicine at the correct time. Medicines must be labelled with the child's name and class. Non prescribed medicines may be administered by school staff on receipt of written permission. Although we try to ensure medication is given at the correct time parents should be aware that this is not always possible. With young children, who may forget to go to the office, it is necessary that parents make arrangements to come in and give the medication themselves if the timing of the dose is important. Pupils suffering with asthma should keep an inhaler in school. These are always kept where children have easy access to them. Our school nurse regularly advises us on updating policies for medicines in schools. Our school nurse holds regular drop-in sessions each term.

Meeting Children from School (See also - Road Safety Page 13)
You are welcome to wait for your child in the paved area outside the school. Please do not bring your dog into the school grounds. Pre-school children should be closely supervised. It is important that children are collected on time but if parents are delayed they should collect their child from the front entrance. Children must be supervised until 3.20 pm. If families decide to use the adventure playground they do so at their own risk but please do leave the school site at 3.20 so that extra curricular clubs can begin.

Parent Appointments to see Teachers

Parents wishing to see a teacher to discuss their child are welcome to visit the school at any time when staff are available. We would ask that whenever possible an appointment is made and that parents avoid coming in just before school starts, as this is a particularly busy time for class teachers.

Parent Governors
(See Appendix 4)

Parent Letters
Parents are kept in touch with forthcoming events through the means of fortnightly school newsletters. These are sent home with the eldest child in each family and we hope that most of them arrive safely! School newsletters are posted on the school website. Each term Year group newsletters are also posted on the school website.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

We have an active and hardworking PTA Committee which organises fund-raising and social events. It depends on parents giving of their time and effort to maintain its success and we hope that by contributing you will feel really involved in the life of the school. Events include; quiz nights, fashion shows, discos, bag2school collections, Christmas and Summer Fairs.

Play Activity Leaders (PALS)

The Playground Leaders are taught a variety of games and encourage group play. The PALS are led by a Play Activity Leader who organises a timetable of children on duty. Children who are PALS wear distinctive caps and bibs.

Pupil Involvement
Buddies - Buddies are Year 6 pupils who have been trained by the childrens charity Childline. They are available at playtimes to listen to any pupil who wants to talk to a friendly and trustworthy Buddy about a problem - usually quite small. Buddies look out for the lonely child, set up group games and generally make playtimes a better experience for many pupils.

KATS Club (Kids are Totally Special)

At Highwoods we have a special nurture group that meets every lunch time and caters for children who may find the outside playground challenging. The club has two members of staff who volunteer to spend time with the selected children, playing games and eating lunch with them. This gives the children quality time with each other and the staff members. There are opportunities to build Lego, use Knex and play board games. KATs club is an integral part of our inclusion programme and valued by children, parents and staff.

Eco Committee See Page 8

Librarians Year 6 pupils act as Librarians, using the computer to check books in and out, returning books to shelves and helping younger pupils in their choice of books. Prefects - Year 6 prefects are chosen because of their high standards in all areas - work, attitude, presentation, relationships and responsibility. They are given many duties throughout the school which contribute to the welfare of pupils in particular and everyone in general; for example, prefects answer the phone at lunchtime, they assist younger children in the dinner hall and they show visitors around the school for special events. School Council - See Page 8

Road Safety
The children are regularly taught about road safety. In order to ensure that it is as safe as possible for children leaving the school premises at the end of the day, parents should not park near the school. Whenever possible children should be brought to school and collected on foot. Walking to school is beneficial for children's health and fitness and assists in the development of Road Safety skills. The police have requested that we remind parents that parking is a problem in the area, so when it is essential to use your car please park with care - avoiding yellow lines and blocking roads and turnings. Cycling The school is now a Bike It school. The school runs Bikeability courses at Level 1 and Level 2 for children. Highwoods is committed to Cycle Colchester Bike partnership which runs adult training events at our school.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The school has an important role to play in ensuring the safety of its pupils. Teachers are in a good position to observe changes in behaviour or signs of non-accidental injuries. Where there are concerns the school has a duty to refer cases to the Social Services Department. All the staff have undergone safeguarding training and are aware of child protection issues in school and during visits.

School Audit
We regularly carry out a School Audit. Questionnaires are issued periodically for parents to complete and return. This normally takes place during the Autumn term. The results are used to help us draw up our School Improvement Plan.

School Meals
It is our priority to offer a school meals service which provides pupils with a healthy balanced diet based around sourcing local fresh ingredients and creating high quality meals cooked by our own staff on site. We continue to develop our food and service to meet and exceed the government requirements for school meals and as such we are committed to ensuring that through our meals we support teaching, learning and our healthy schools status. All dinner money must be brought to school on Monday (or the first day of the week that the child is at school). It is essential that all money must be in an envelope/money bag labelled with the child's name. Envelopes specially designed for the payment of dinner money are available from the school office. Cheques issued to Highwoods C P School are also acceptable. If your child normally stays at school for lunch it is important that you inform us in writing if you wish them to come home for lunch on an odd occasion. This is to ensure that a child does not leave the school premises when parents have not actually requested that they do so. Packed Lunches Parents can opt for their child to have a packed lunch. In line with our healthy school approach we encourage all parents who supply a packed lunch to follow healthy eating guidelines. Those bringing packed lunches may include a drink in a non-breakable flask. Children should not bring glass bottles, fizzy drinks or sweets, including chocolate and crisps. School Uniform As part of its policy of promoting an ordered school in which the children can take pride in, the children wear a school uniform as detailed in Appendix 6. The uniform can be purchased from school and local stores. We ask that all children should wear shoes rather than trainers to school. Please make sure your child's clothes are all named.

Secondary Education
We maintain close links with The Gilberd School and the majority of pupils transfer there in Year 7. During Year 6 the children may take the Secondary Selection Procedure on the 22 nd September 2012, organised by the Selective Schools (see Eleven-Plus Policy section). During the Summer Term there is an opportunity to discuss how this procedure works.

This is a non-smoking establishment. For the benefit of the children we ask that you refrain from smoking on the school premises.

It is the policy of the school to provide placements for students. Nursery Nurses and work experience students regularly spend time in the school and assist teachers in the classroom. They are always supervised and make a valuable contribution as classroom helpers. We regularly have student teachers on teaching practice who work with a particular class. They work alongside staff in teaching the curriculum planned for the term and gradually take increased responsibility for the class.

Sweets, Drinks and Crisps

Children should not bring sweets to school for playtime. Children are encouraged to bring a labelled water bottle which they can keep on their desk in class. All the children in Key Stage 1 receive a free piece of fruit or vegetable each day. Children in Key Stage 2 are encouraged to bring a healthy snack for playtime. Please note that sweets are not classed as a healthy snack.

Swimming is taught as part of the National Curriculum and delivered during years 3 & 4. This requires a voluntary contribution from parents to meet the cost of tuition and transport. It is important to remember that a voluntary contribution is essential for this activity to take place. The school cannot fund this activity from our funds.

Travel Plan
As part of the Healthy Schools Initiative we aim to improve all aspects of school life which contribute to the well-being and health of pupils and staff. We believe a School Travel Plan has benefits for children, parents and the whole school community. Parents can contribute to the success of the Travel Plan by walking all or part of the way with their children and reinforcing their road safety skills. There should also be benefits for our local environment such as reduction of unnecessary car journeys where there is a safe alternative way to travel. Our school travel plan paid for a modern cycle shelter to support children cycling to school. Our latest School Travel Plan was written in February 2010.

The school website can be found at www.highwoods.essex.sch.uk. You can access information about the school and new pictures of events and activities. The website also provides a link to the most recent Ofsted report which provides a detailed picture of the schools strengths and areas for development.

Appendix 1
Admissions Policy Statement The number intended to admit for each academic year is 60, however for the academic year 2008/2009 the governing body were given leave to admit an additional 30 children to the foundation stage for one year only. In 2009/2010 the school moved to an all in entry in the Autumn term. LA Policy (2010/2011) Children are legally entitled to a place in school at the beginning of the term after their fifth birthday. Children can be admitted at the start of the term during which they become five, if their parents so wish, and at this age they are known as 'rising-five'. Admissions Procedure There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admissions area. However, reception aged children who submit an application by the closing date will be allocated a place if they are either : Children Looked After; Children living in the priority admissions area with a sibling attending the school; Children resident in the priority admission area of Queen Boudica School or Myland School with a sibling attending Highwoods who joined before the academic year 2010/11 Other children living in the priority admissions area; Children living outside the priority admissions area with a sibling attending the school; Remaining applications. Application for Places

The common application form is the only acceptable form of application, and this enables parents to apply for up to three schools in preference order. The availability of the common application form, printed in the Primary Education in Essex booklet and available online, will be communicated to parents of all known Essex resident eligible children registered with an Essex GP. The Primary Education in Essex booklet will be obtainable from primary schools, libraries, the LA and downloadable from the ECC website.

Appeal Mechanism Where parents are unsuccessful in securing a place at their preferred school arrangements for an appeal within the terms of the 1996 Education Act will be sent out automatically.

Appendix 2

Availability of Information
Please refer to the publication scheme on information available under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Parents are welcome to request a copy of documents and policies from the school.

Charging and Remissions

Details of the Charging and Remissions Policy are available in the school office. Charges cannot be made for education during school hours but voluntary parental contributions will be sought to enable the school to provide a full range of educational activities. No child will be discriminated against on the basis of their parents inability or unwillingness to pay such contributions. The school may charge for trips mainly outside school times and for board and lodging for residential trips during school time.

School Attendance
In the academic year 11/12 there were 425 pupils of compulsory school age on roll for at least one session. 4.2% of sessions (half days) were missed through authorised absence and 0.1% through unauthorised absence.

Appendix 3


First day of Holiday SUMMER 2012 NON PUPIL DAY AUTUMN HALF TERM CHRISTMAS SPRING HALF TERM 2013 EASTER HOLIDAY MAY DAY SUMMER HALF TERM Monday 23 rd July Monday 3 rd September Monday 29 th October Monday 24 th December Monday 18 th February Friday 29th March Monday 6 th May Monday 27 th May Friday 31st May 2013 Monday 5 th November Monday 7 th January 2013 Friday 22 nd February Friday 12th April 2013 Last day of Holiday Friday 31st August

Non Pupil days 2012 - Monday 23rd July, Monday 3rd September, Monday 5th November Non Pupil Days 2013 - Monday 7th January, Monday 22nd July, Tuesday 23rd July

Appendix 4


Name Mrs Deborah Hoy Mrs Lisa Phillips Mrs Diane Leacock Mr Graeme Wallington Mr Alan Parsons Mrs Mel Idroos Mr James Rice Mr John McCullagh Mrs Jo Lenihan Mrs Joanne Hayter Louise Edwards Mr Nigel Hookway Mrs Tracey Prince Mrs Kate Djurovich Mr John Turner Representing LA Appointment (Chair) LA Appointment LA Appointment (Vice Chair) Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Parent Governor Community Appointment Community Appointment Community Appointment Headteacher Non Teaching Staff Governor Teaching Staff Governor Clerk to the Governors Serving Until July 2013 July 2013 October 2012 October 2012 September 2015 September 2015 November 2014 November 2014 July 2014 November 2013 May 2015


Mrs Debbie Hoy can be contacted via the School

Appendix 5


Headteacher: Deputy Headteacher: Mr Nigel Hookway Mr Paul Disley

Teaching Staff
Mr Peter Appleton Mrs Nicola Bedford Mrs Nicola Cox/Mrs Sam Cosh Mrs Gemma Chester Miss Zoe Cornick Mrs Sharon Corton Mr Paul Disley Mrs Kate Djurovich Mrs Maggie East Mr Simon English Ms Emma Grant Mrs Hannah Harbord Miss Holly Kularatne Miss Martha McLewin Mrs Hayley Mitchell Mrs Helen Rose Mrs Katie Tait Mrs Beth Tolhurst

Learning Support Staff

Mrs Natasha Rice Mrs Helen Bailey Mrs Ingrid Camfield Mrs Diane Cavens Mrs Gaynor Cordner Mrs Vicky Costanzo Mrs Cathy de Beaufort Mrs Denise Denmead Mrs Helen Elliston Mrs Debbie Emm Mrs Tracy Fisk Mrs Sandra Hinson Mrs Marieke Hooker Mrs Kirsty Hunt Mrs Sue Mason Mrs Leonora Michael Ms Anne Munford Mrs Tamzin Myatt Mrs Sonya Constable Mrs Tracey Stallwood Mrs Gail Williams Mrs Sandra Moutell Miss Sarah Halls


Mrs Jennie Mallinson

Office Staff
Mrs Eve Sargent Mrs Helen Bailey Mrs Elaine Dingwall Mrs Joan Stuart Office Manager Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant

Mrs Sally Frankland Mrs Karen Ward

Nursery Nurse
Mrs Sue Wright

Kitchen Staff
Mrs Sue Murrell Mrs Kelly Bishopp Mrs Andrea Collins Mrs Beverley Hutley Catering Manager Catering Assistant Catering Assistant Catering Assistant

Midday Staff
Mrs Denise Denmead Mrs Tracy Fisk Mrs Yvette Witney Mrs Sandra Hinson Mrs Sonya Constable Mrs Vicki Costanzo Mrs Tamzin Myatt Mrs Janet Marven Mrs Leonora Michael Mrs Ingrid White Mrs Soumi Mandal Senior Midday Assistant Senior Midday Assistant Midday Assistant Midday Assistant Midday Assistant Midday Assistant Midday Assistant Midday Assistant Midday Assistant Midday Assistant

Premises Staff
Mr Neil Mecklenburgh Miss Judy Hinson Miss Hayley Hopkins Site Manager Cleaner Cleaner


Plain pale blue shirt/ blouse/polo shirt Navy jumper/cardigan Grey or navy skirt or pinafore dress Grey shorts or trousers Blue and white gingham dress/skirt Blue/white/grey socks/tights Sweatshirts/reversible fleeces and cardigans in our own school design are available from the school office. Black or brown school-type shoes/sandals Trainers should only be worn for some PE activities Please send children with a peg to hold wellington boots together if these are worn in wet weather All coats should have a large hook in order that they can be hung up properly. Early Years and Reception Pale blue polo top Navy jogging bottoms Navy sweatshirt All clothing should be easy to put on and take off so that the children can be independent.

Physical Education - Clothing for ALL Pupils White short-sleeved T-Shirt Dark blue shorts Black or white plimsolls. Trainers and a tracksuit are recommended for outdoor lessons. A large drawstring bag is necessary to hold PE clothing. Summer hats with the school logo are also available from the office


SATs Results Key Stage Two Teacher Assessments

Mathematics Reading Writing Science Level 3 95% 95% 97% 97% Level 4 84% 91% 86% 91% Level 5 40% 33% 39% 16% Level 6 7% 7% 2% 0%

Key Stage Two SATs results

Mathematics Reading Writing Science Level 3 11% 98% n/a n/a Level 4 89% 93% n/a n/a Level 5 49% 53% n/a n/a Level 6 5% 2% n/a n/a

Key Stage One Teacher Assessments 2012

Mathematics Reading Writing Science Level 1 98% 100% 100% 100% Level 2 83% 83% 70% 75% Level 3 18% 23% 10% 5%

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