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Falun Gong is homophobic

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Blo gspo t.co m By Nathaniel Christo pher

20 12-10 -31

Earlier this week I went out f or f ish and chips with my f riend Andrew, his husband Alex, and our buddy Margaret. We'd heard good things about Dundas Fish & Chips located at 2077 Dundas St. in East Vancouver and decided to try it out. "I just gotta warn you that the owners are Falun Gong people," said Andrew. I f igured he'd learned that f rom some wonderf ully in-depth discussion with the owner. He is, af ter all, quite the social butterf ly. "Oh well. I don't think it'll be a problem," I told him. "If they don't preach to us I probably won't even say anything!"


An advertisement f or Falun Gong is prominently displayed next to the sign of of Dundas Fish & Chips When we arrived at the restaurant I quickly realised the owners didn't need to tell Andrew a damn thing. T he restaurant was plastered with Falun Gong posters and signs. T hey also had a table near the entrance with Falun Gong literature and video as well as a petition f or customers to sign.


My f riends Margaret and Alex enjoy their beverages while waiting f or their meal at Dundas Fish & Chips. Andrew has already received his won ton soup. "I don't do religion in the morning or on an empty stomach," said Margaret who thought it was all kind of creepy. Falun Gong, also known as Falun Daf a, is a religious organisation f ounded in China in 1992. Some of their f ollowers describe it as a cultivation of the central tenets of truthf ulness, compassion and tolerance. T he practice of Falun Daf a also includes meditation, qi-gong exercise as well as the moral teachings of their f ounder Li Hongzhi. Falun Gong presents itself as an organisation concerned about human rights, particularly their own. T hey regularly stage protests, and campaigns to raise awareness about the human rights of Falun Gong f ollowers in the Peoples Republic of China.

A table of Falun Gong Literature and DVDs at Dundas Fish & Chips But they don't really believe in human rights f or all especially not the gays who they say are not worthy of being human. Ref erring to a discussion about human rights protections f or gay people in many western democracies Li said "I told them [the students in the West], 'To be perf ectly f rank, your government may approve of it, but your Lord does not!'"


A large Falun Gong paintings in the restaurant. He has also said that "repulsive homosexual behaviour" bespeaks of a f ilthy, deviant state of mind that lacks rationality. Li and his f ollowers predictably use insane superstition to justif y their claims. T he writings of this "cultivation of practice" make unsupported claims about the existence of deities who have a real hate-on f or gay people.

"Let me tell you, if I weren't teaching this Fa today, gods' f irst target of annihilation would be homosexuals," Li said at the Fa Conf erence in Geneva, Switzerland in 1998. "It's not me who would destroy them, but gods."

Falun Gong stickers and petition at the till He went on to claim that humans were created by "the gods" who also set out standards of behaviour and that gay people, not terrorists or murderers, are their number one target f or divine incineration. "When human beings overstep those boundaries, they are no longer called human beings, though they still assume the outer appearance of a human," he said. "So gods can't tolerate their existence and will destroy them." I have no intention or desire of convincing Falun Gong practitioners that they espouse a very homophobic philosophy but I think those gaypositive people who would support them should know the truth.

Somebody wrote "FALUN DAFA IS A HOMOPHOBIC CULT " on the petition! I wonder who that was... T hey've managed to get support f rom politically progressive people, including politicians, who are probably unaware of the group's anti-gay stance. Many of these politicians support gay rights and some of them, including Bill Siksay and Libby Davies, are openly gay or lesbian themselves. Siksay, who was my MP, chaired an all-party group called "Parliamentary Friends of Falun Gong" which set out to "f oster a better understanding of the practice of Falun Gong among Parliamentarians."


Even babies dig Falun Gong protests! In late 2011 Davies introduced a petition in Parliament regarding the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. "It concerns the Falun Gong, which is an organization and a practice we are all f amiliar with, which is the peacef ul and benef icial spiritual practice centred on the principles of truth, compassion and f orbearance," she said. I f ail to see how Li's teachings about homosexuality are remotely consistent with truth, tolerance, and compassion. Li exhibits a prof oundly bigoted, wildly ignorant, and shockingly hostile attitude towards LGBT people normally attributed to religious f igures such as Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church.


Oh yeah, they also had f ood at the restaurant. It made three of us sick. Perhaps it's part of god's plan f or annihilating gay people!

Diarrhea f uel. I had halibut and f ries and Andrew had a double cheeseburger with two eggs and onion rings. (For some comments, Nathaniel says) If you're going to go of f and say gay people (or whoever) are inhuman or degenerate you better have something better to back it up with than the "the gods said so" unless you intend to provide evidence that your gods do, in f act, exist. Otherwise you're just making shit up and in the case of Li, he's making shit up that's quite harmf ul. In Vancouver it's not unusual f or restaurant owners to put up some display of their religion or f aith but usually the display is limited to a painting, statue, or small shrine. At the Dundas, however, they were clearly using the restaurant to proselytize. And while I've also witnessed that at other restaurants I have never been to an restaurant (even church restaurants) where so much of the wall space was covered with religious propaganda. It was downright creepy. I never said that Falun Gong protested gay marriage. And yeah, a rational personal might suppose that a group of people who get killed f or their political/religious belief s would think twice bef ore advocating teachings that f urther malign a marginalised population. (nathaniel.ca/blog, April 14, 2012)

Original text from: http://www.nathaniel.ca/blog/?p=2633

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