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Summary of development plan objectives and success criteria for 2013/14 Priority (area that we want to further improve)

Priority 1:
Improve the quality of teaching and learning in lessons in order to continue accelerating pupils progress in English, maths and science

Success Criteria for the year (what it will look like)

Teachers marking ensures that pupils are clear about what they have achieved and their next steps to improve in writing, maths and science. There are opportunities for pupils to demonstrate the progress. Planning and lesson observations demonstrate that all work is carefully matched to pupils abilities, providing appropriate challenge and support, through differentiation (using agreed format for English and maths and science) Pupils attainment and progress is tracked termly. Data is used by teachers to inform interventions for underachieving pupils. Pupils are able to demonstrate that they have met their targets or their progress towards targets for reading, writing, maths and science (Sc1) TAs are well deployed to accelerate pupils progress, increase pupils participation and develop pupils independence. Teachers make greater use of questioning to challenge pupils to explain their thinking. Teachers make use of success criteria when planning lessons in order to focus teaching and feedback Teaching demonstrates a good use of intervening in lessons to ensure that adaptations are timely and aid accelerated progress There is high productivity in the children Good use of intervention strategies are made by class teachers The learning environment including the outside area, creative area and home corner, is rich, stimulating and promotes the development of childrens language, numerical and writing skills Outside environment allows and encourages learning in all weathers A systematic, clear and rigorous monitoring and evaluation cycle is in place which enables the identification of subject priorities. Subject leaders provide governors with an annual review of their subject. Subject leaders regularly analyse summative and formative data and can both discuss pupil progress using supporting data and can explain what is being done to bridge any gaps School/ group/ individual interventions, initiative and priorities are monitored affectively and the results of monitoring are used to determine future steps

Priority 2
Improve the quality of provision in EYFS particularly in relation to the learning environment

Priority 3
Improve the leadership and management to secure rapid improvement and raise standards

Governors are involved in school improvement through committee meetings and a self-evaluation inset HT to become more proficient at presenting self evaluation data Pupil premium is well used to support those children in receipt Priority 4: Improve the standards and progress in writing There are opportunities for pupils to write at length for a variety of purposes across the curriculum Pupils writing demonstrates creativity, grammatical accuracy relative to age/ level, use of ambitious language and is well presented (includes Ros Wilson and Pie Corbet) Children have developed use of higher order reading skills Increased opportunities for extended writing across the curriculum There is a clear understanding and agreement of the progression in calculation strategies Pupils apply appropriate strategies to the four areas of calculation when independently solving problems Most pupils have a good grasp of mental maths at least in line with age expectations Problem solving and MA1/ rich tasks are used as part of day to day teaching Targets are well used, understood and acted upon Maths is more integrated across the curriculum Medium term plans reflect core English and maths learning in hist/ geog and science Science assessment results recorded more systematically (Spring) ICT assessments improved and results recorded (Summer) Stimulating starting points for topics are used School complies with the basic list of criteria provided by DFE School complies with the list of desired criteria provided by David Cousins Parents report that they find the website is a useful and informative communication tool A VLE has been organised The governors produced an independent monitoring plan to review the impact of school development The governors have reviewed the committee structure to ensure that it best reflects the schools situation

Priority 5: Improve the standards and progress in maths

Priority 6: - Curriculum Develop the curriculum to ensure a skills based approach to foundation subject. Priority 7: Develop the school website so that it complies with DFE standards and is as informative and useful as possible Priority 8: Further developing the capacity of school governors

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