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Assignment 3 answers Math 130 Linear Algebra

D Joyce, Fall 2012 Exercises from section 1.3, page 19, exercises 1, 2bdfh, 5, 8a-c, 15, 23. See the answers in the book for exercises 1, 2, and 8. 5. Prove that A + At is symmetric for any square matrix A. We need to show that A+At equals its own transpose: (A + At )t = A + At . There are a couple ways of doing it. You could use two properties of transposes, namely, (A + B)t = At + B t and (At )t = A to justify the continued equation (A + A ) = A + (A ) = A + A = A + A .
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(a). Is the zero function 0 in D(R)? Yes, its dierentiable. (b). Is D(R) closed under addition? Yes, the sum of two dierentiable functions is dierentiable, and we know what it is by the sum rule for derivatives. (c). Is D(R) closed under scalar multiplication? Yes, if f is dierentiable and c is a scalar, then (cf ) = cf , so cf is also dierentiable. Therefore D(R) is a subspace of C(R). q.e.d. On the answer sheets, I usually give just one way to do the exercises, but there are always other ways. For instance, to check if a subset is a subspace, I checked to see if 0 is in it, if its closed under addition, and if its closed under scalar multiplication. There are other ways. For instance, you could note that its nonempty and show its closed under linear combinations. 23. Let W1 and W2 be subspaces of a vector space V. a. Prove that the sum

Alternatively, you could check that they have the same entries, that is, the ij th entry of (A + At )t W1 + W2 = {x + y | x W1 and y W2 } th t equals the ij entry of A + A . Heres the proof is a subspace of V that contains both W1 and W2 . with justications for each equality Its easy to see that W1 + W2 contains W1 since ((A + At )t )ij every element x W1 equals x + 0 which lies in = (A + At )ji by denition of transpose W1 + W2 . Likewise W1 + W2 contains W2 . t = Aji + (A )ji by denition of matrix addition To show that W1 + W2 is a subspace of V , check = (At )ij + Aij by denition of transpose the three conditions. = Aij + (At )ij by commutativity of addition (a). Is 0 W1 + W2 ? Yes, it equals 0 + 0. = (A + At )ij by denition of matrix addition (b). Is W1 + W2 closed under addition? Suppose that both x + y and v + w are in W1 + W2 where Since the two matrices (A + At )t and A + At have x W1 , y W2 , v W1 , and w W2 . Then their the same entries, theyre equal. q.e.d. sum equals (x+v)+(y+w) where (x+v) W1 and (y + w) W2 , so the sum is in W1 + W2 . Therefore 15. Is the set D(R) of all dierentiable functions its closed under addition. R R a subspace of C(R) of all continuous func(c). Is W1 + W2 closed under scalar multiplications R R? tion? Suppose that x+y is in W1 +W2 with x W1 First of all, D(R) is a subset of C(R) since ev- and y W2 , and that c F . Then cx W1 and ery dierentiable function is continuous. Next, you cy W2 , so c(x + y), which equals cx + cy, lies in can check the three conditions of a subset to be a W1 + W2 . Thus, its closed under scalar multiplicasubspace of a vector space. tion. 1

Therefore W1 + W2 is a subspace of V . q.e.d. b. Prove that any subspace of V that contains both W1 and W2 must also contain W1 + W2 . Let W be a subspace of V that contains both W1 and W2 . Well show W also contains W1 + W2 . Let x+y be in W1 +W2 with x W1 and y W2 . Then x W since W1 W , and y W since W2 V . Therefore, their sum x + y also lies in W . Since every element of W1 + W2 is in W , therefore W contains W1 + W2 . q.e.d. Together, parts a and b of this exercise prove this theorem: the sum of two subspaces is the smallest subspace that contains them both. Math 130 Home Page at http://math.clarku.edu/~djoyce/ma130/

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