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Universidad Central de Venezuela Ingles Instrumental Seccin: 01 Profesora: Graciela Martins Alumno: Daniel Cobelo Fuentes

Vocabulary Notebook

- Slag: escoria. High volume fly ash and slag concretes - Exposures: exposiciones. Those subjected to severe environmental exposures - Among: entre. Among the recent advancements - Noteworthy: notable. Most noteworthy is the development of - Superplasticized: superfluidificado. Superplasticized concrete mixtures - Assessment: evaluacin. Becoming increasingly important in technology assessment for the future - Friendliness: amistad. Environmental friendliness - Briefly: Brevemente. Are briefly reviewed - Statement: declaracin. A sentence may be a statement - Therefore: por lo tanto. Is grammatically independent and could therefore stand alone -Emerged: surgido. Portland cement concrete has clearly emerged as the material of choice for the construction -Availability: disponibilidad. The availability of high early strength -Approach: enfoque. This approach, however -Bonded: garantiza. And chemically bonded ceramics are examples of -Admixtures: aditivos. The use of corrosion-inhibiting admixtures -Outstanding: pendiente. An outstanding feature -Spite: a pesar. In spite of the -Surge: oleada. The recent surge of interest in many aspects -Perceived: percibido. This perceived gap by first deriving eleven principles from

-Emphasizes: hacer hincapie en. Is presented which emphasizes the incremental learning of vocabulary -Advises: informa. Advises learners to keep -Acquisition: adquisicin. To help promote vocabulary acquisition -Sources: fuentes. The sources from which students choose words -Overwhelmingly: abrumadoramente. For their notebooks overwhelmingly - Node: nodo. The position of the node word - Collocations: colocaciones. Sets of 12 target collocations - Glossed: glosado. Was presented in a single glossed sentence - Measured: medido. Was measured in pre- and post-tests -Bivalve: doble valvula. Bivalve molluscs such as oysters -Shellfish: mariscos. .Consumption of shellfish contaminated by -Sewage: aguas residuals. Human sewage -Illness: enfermedad. May then result in illness -Harvesting: cosecha. Controls are placed on the commercial harvesting -Risk: riesgo. In order to reduce the risk of infection -Predicting: la prediccion de.. . Predicting the effect of change in sewage -Discharges: descargas. Discharges in the vicinity of harvesting areas - Further: adicional. Were further analysed - Statistical: estadistico. Using a statistical software package - Vicinity: vecindad. From the vicinity of individual sewage improvement schemes -Suffixes: sufijos. Suffixes are added -Root: raiz. To the root of the word -Kindness: bondad. Is changed into a noun kindness. -Storage: almacenamiento. Storage reservoirs are used to -Reservoirs: embalses. Storage reservoirs are used to -Floods: inundaciones. To control floods -Stream: corriente. To regulate stream flow -Aside: a parte. Aside from location and structural problems

-Seasonal: estacional. They involve the seasonal distribution -Varying: diferentes. And other varying demands for -Intended: intensidad. The several purposes for which the reservoir is intended -Fluctuation: fluctuacion. The fluctuation of reserve levels for sanitary purposes -Certainly: ciertamente. Detergent company certainly now realizes -Advertising: publicidad. It started its new advertising program -Several: varios. Listed several favorite places -Clearly: claramente. Clearly, the marketing people were trying -Greasy: grasiento. Greasy hamburguer proper beach food -Avoid: evitar. Its important for them to avoid -Belief: creencia. The belief of ones own cultures way -Abroad: en el extranjero. Uses the same methods abroad that uses in the home country -Allows: permitir. The language allows the person to notice -Unimportant: sin importancia. Good and bad, important and unimportant -Manners: modales. Manners are ways of acting that the society believes are polite -Polite: cortes. Manners are ways of acting that the society believes are polite -Lap: regazo. Keeping the napkin in the lap -Supply: suministro. Supply and demand: stories in the news -Often: a menudo. A term that we often use when we -Oversupply: exceso de oferta. They noticed that there was an oversupply -Prairie: pradera. Had a different challenge: prairie dogs -Perhaps: tal vez. Was perhaps forty years of age -Sturdily: robusto. Was sturdily build -Hissed: siseo. They are all here, he hissed -Gathered: recolectado. Had gathered his family -Timbers: maderas. They floated the great timbers ver the water -Across: a traves de. Walked boldly across the road -Softly: suavemente. We are speaking about your house, he said soflty

-Shape: forma.

Would be banged out of sahpe

-Thoughtfully: pensativamente. Sabri took it up thoughtfully -Wiping: limpieza. Wiping away imaginary tears -Dreadful: terrible. A dreadful false laugh -Suddenly: de repente. Then he suddenly turned to her -Yell: grito. She let it out a yell -Commerce: comercio. His voice full of the poetry of commerce -Honeycomb: panal. As thick as a honeycomb -Bridge: Puente. To start using a bridge -Dissertation: disertacin. Is shown in a new dissertation -Assembled: reunidos. Sections that are assembled -Fiberglass: fibra de vidrio. Fiberglass beams that are reinforced -Underside: envez. Fibers on the underside -Advantageous: ventajoso. They are advantageous -Suitable: adecuado. Are highly suitable for industrial construction -Further: adicional. Ia further elaborated -Constrained: constreido . Economic conditions are constrained -Investments: inversions. The major investments that would be needed -Enhanced: mejorado. The concept can be enhanced -Mussels: mejillones. Mussels and cockles can concentrate -Cockles: berberechos. Mussels and cockles can concentrate -Nearby: cercano. Contamination of nearby shellfisheries -Overload: sobrecarga. Of overload failure -Propagation: propagacion. Crack propagation is addressed -Adressed: dirigido. Crack propagation is addressed -Passage: pasaje. The first passage failure -Crossings: cruces. Involving crossings of a random barrier -Ensemble: conjunto. By means of the ensemble -Dominance: dominio. Barrier failure dominance is discussed

-Reliability: confiabilidad. Improving the reliability -Bound: obligado. Particles closely bound together -Entrainment: arrastre. The concept of air entrainment -Growing: creciente. Use of a growing family of.. -Admixtures: Aditivos. Use of sjuperplasticizing admixtures -Girder: viga. The girder and beams -Railway: ferrocarril. Several road and railway -Slump: depresion. Having low moderate slump -Fluidity: fluidez. The fluidity of stiff mixtures -Dosage: dosis. Additional dosage of the -Often: a menudo. Often suffers from rapid slump loss -Cumbersome: incomodo. This method is cumbersome -Polymer: polimero. A cross linked polymer which -Compressive: a la compresion. The compressive strength -Held: lugar. Is usually held below -Permeability: permeabilidad. It is low permeability -Undersea: submarine. Undersea tunnels -Offshore: costa afuera. Offshore oil platforms -Husk: cascara. Rice husk ash -Pozzolanic: puzolanico. The use of pozzolanic or cementitious concrete -Cemetitious: de cement. The use of pozzolanic or cementitious concrete -Heavily: fuertemente. When heavily reinforced -Mortars: mortero. Are mortars with little or no coarse aggregate -Coarse: grueso. Are mortars with little or no coarse aggregate -Thermally: termicamente. Is thermally cured to obtain -Shear: corte subjected to high shear mixing -Moisture: humedad. That moisture has an -Densified: densificado. Products densified with small -Brittleness: fragilidad. Account of their brittleness

-Microfibers: microfibras. The steel microfibers -Quartz: cuarzo. Fine sand and pulverized quartz -Niche: nicho. May have a niche in the -Watertightness: estanqueidad. Preserving its watertightness -Workability: trabajabilidad. Namely high workability -Thus: asi. Thus, a primary distinction between -Achieved: alcanzado. Cannot be achieved unless.. -Shrinkage: contraccion. And drying shrinkage strains -Foresees: preve. The author foresses increasing -Hardened: endurecido. Both fresh and hardened -Placement: colocacion. Enhancement of placement and compactation -Thoughness: dureza. Strength, thoughness and volume -Encouraged: animar. Has encouraged de development -Highway: carretera. For use in highway structures -Therefore: por lo tanto. Therefore, unless a special measures -Measures: medidas. Therefore, unless a special measures -Jeopardize: poner en peligro. Can jeopardize the service -Timetables: horarios. Construction of timetables alone -Girders: vigas. A blended girders and pier shafts -Pier: muelle. A blended girders and pier shafts -Blended: mezclado. A blended girders and pier shafts -Lightweight: ligero. Performance lightweight concrete -Furthermore: ademas. Furthermore, according to the -Shotcreting: proyeccion de hormigon. The shotcreting process -Shortage: escasez. Shortage of skilled labor -Skilled: experto. Shortage of skilled labor -Cellulose: celulosa. Note that cellulose and acrylic -Substantial: cantidad considerable de. To use substantial aounts of.. -Limestone: caliza. Limestone powder

-Anchorage: anclaje. The anchorage consisted in -Namely: a saber. Namely the use of corrosion -Coatings: recubrimientos. Protective coatings on the concrete -Threshold: umbral. By mass raised the threshold -Ingress: ingreso. The ingress of chloride ions -Whether: si the question whether or not -Cell: celula. In the galvanic cell -Anodes: anodos. By using sacrificial anodes -Buildup: la acumulacion de. Due to a buildup of sodium -Checkered: a cuadros. A long but checkered history -Acrylic: acrilico. Highly elastic acrylic rubber -Rubber: de goma.highly elastic acrylic rubber -Tonnes: toneladas. Order of 450 million tonnes -Enhanced: mejorado. Can be considerably enhanced -Freezing: congelacion. The freezing and thawing characteristics -Thawing: descongelacion. The freezing and thawing characteristics -Permeation: penetracion. High resistance of wter permeation -Standpoint: punto de vista. From the standpoint of durability -Mixtures: mezclas. RCC mistures tipically contain -Ash: ceniza. Ash which have an unusually -Thermal: termico. From thermal powder -Lignite: lignite. Using lignite as fuel -Pretreated: pretratados. And as pretreated before use -Pavement: pavimento. Concrete pavement was constructed -Feature: caracteristica. An innovative feature -Coarse: grueso. A source of coarse aggregate -Bottom: fondo. And bottom ash applications -Soil: suelo. Include soil stabilization -Embankments: terraplenes. Embankments and road shoulders

-Furnace: horno. Of blast furnace slag -Mankind: humanidad. In the service of mankind -Disposal: disposicion. Of waste disposal land -Rubble: escombros. Consisted of concrete rubble -Freeway: autopista. Long freeway pavement -Precasting: prefabricacion. Fresh concrete in precasting yards -Screening: proyeccion. Requires screening to remove the fines -Handle: manejar. Are more difficult to handle -Mitigating: la mitigacion de. The relative cost of mitigating measures -Involves: involucra. Involves no increase in cost -Assessment: valoracion. Any exercise in technology assessment -Negligible: despreciable. Will have a negligible impact

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