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Natal site Site goes somewhere- Natal Dispersion to Habitat where resources and defense lies Difference between

orientation.Natal Dispersion is all direction, just leaving home. Orientation goes one direction to a landmark Natal Philopatry-non dispersers Ultimate Why? Proximate How? Why?- Costs and Benefits Cost of philopatry- staying close to home 1-inbreeding depression- breeding with kin- reduces genetic variability. Increases the risk of producing offspring homozygous for recessive traits. If two siblings breed- they have the same recessive traits which will appear. Incest tabooCrows in Ithaca NY- offspring with parents who have close relatives have higher incidence of disease. Saw this with the West Nile Virus. German Cockroaches- if a female is given a choice between a non-kin male or kin male. She will choose non-kin mates. Cost #2- reproductive suppression- adult breeders suppress development of young ins. Philopatric sons usually Insects use chemicals Bigger animals use behavioral aggression- chimps and apesCost #3- increased competitionEx- small intestional parasite- infect at an small intestine less eggs when there are a lot of eggs from 50 eggs to limited to 10. competiting for food, sheltor, space. Benefits of philopatri1- adaptation to local condition- combination of genes and a)the enivorment b) familiarity of local environment -resources -sheltor relatives- less aggression -less stress cost of natal dispersion1) unfamiliarity of new habitat. 2) High energy cost- cricket species- 2 phenotypes- huge wings and muscles and other where it has stubby wings. In the big wing guys- eggs are produced while stubby wing guys start making eggs earlier and lots more eggs. More larvae survived in the dispersers 3) Increased predation risk- fossorial rodents(moles) have underground tunnels but have to come out when to move. 50 percent die

4) harsh weather Benefits of dispersions1) avoid inbreeding depression 2) avoid competition for scarce resources- wolf spider- takes all the spiderlings which on on her back after they hatch. Walks around dropping off few on a path. Walks 4x the distance than females with no spiderlings- drops them where they are no other wolf spider. How? Natal dispersions- 3 phases 1)Search 2)settlement- animal arrives and establishes home or territory 3) residency- lives in a new habitat Search Strategies2 tactics1) comparsion search 2) sequential search In comparsion search, you go to habitat to habitat to check where you want to stay.You go back tostrategy. You could go back In sequential search, go habitat to habitat but you don't go back. Acceptance threshold. Habitat Quality is very high. It changes with age and distance from natal site. Decreases as you get older and distance from natal site. You accept less as you get older Barnacles- have a larval stage which float on the ocean current. Compared age with mearues of habitat quality substate and light and wave action . There needs to be a right amount of each. After time like a month, they lower acceptance and lowers each month. When search stops, you just settle. Indicators of good habitat- food, nest sites, conspecific. Rest sites, prey. All are direct indicators forest buffalo- in west africa- likes large grassy with alots of trees. Less than 1 percent of all habitats social animals eye contact with all those in the herd. 2)indirect or secondary indicator of resource quality. quick and dirty to assess habitat quality. Lizard- feeds on a diet of arthropods- spends 2 to 3 hours then moves on. Makes decision on light levels and litter depth which is tied to prey availability. Black throated warblars- use dendrology to red spruce forests. In spring, favorite prey items appears. Praire deer mice- created an experiment field (football field sized) fenced off which decidous forest on one half and grass land on another. All the mice would settle at the grassland. New born who lived in the forest also prefered grassland. Biophilia- lawns to prefer what is the best habitat. How we like rich houses. Ecological traps- peregrine falcons- love cities buildings are like cliffs so nest

prey- pigeons. RS is low- eggs do not survive from polution. A) conspecific- does not matter if conspecific at habitat. Allec effect- is the # of conspecific vs indiv fitness R. as the number of conspecific increase as more access to mates and defense against predators but will decrease at some point because of competition. Anolis Lizards- made it chose between 2 different environment hab. Make a juvenile lizard chose. Will chose the territory that had a territory owners of its conspecific. Czech republic black capped worblors- habitats with streams have much more insects . Forest near forest will have 4x more birds than forests that are farther away. Agrregated. In good habitat, fitness have 2 clutches , 4 eggs/ cluthces so 8 babies in not so good habitat, they have fitness with 2 clutches, 4 eggs/cluthces so 8 babies. Game Theory- Ideal free distributions- 2 major assumptions 1)animals have ideal knowledge 2)free to move across habitats fitness per individual decreases as the number of competitors increases. In either good or not so good habitat, will have the same reproductive success since the good environment will be over crowded which individuals will more to not so good environment. Birds will over crowd the best habitat till it is full then other will move. Aggregated distribution.In the good habitat makes it just like a not so good habitat. A box with 6 stickle backs where 5 daphnia/ min and other side where 1 daphnia/ min entering. The sticklebacks, many will be on the side with 5 and one on the other side. Same type of experiement with ducks. One guy threw bread into pond at 10 pieces per min while another threw 5 pieces per min, 6 ducks when to the side with 10 and 3 went to the one with 5. ducks switch when guys switch the number they threw. Does IFD work? Big Bad Bully- taking more than their share. Despotic Dominance. - control territories. Any patch that is defended Benefits of Terrirorality- C) exclusive access to resources (food, sheltor, mates). Cost of Territorality- a) energy cost to defend and patrol. Surgeon fish- on a reef and very territorial. Patrol 1900 times a day. b)takes time away from forgaging. Great Tit- its territorial defense is to sing in tree tops . Forgaging height is 10 meters down. Like insects on bottom of tree. 1) resource abundance- territorality vs abundance. When low abundance , too few to defend. When high abundance, there is not need to defend. Peaks at the middle water spider- food increases, stop bury

2) resouces distribution-more territorial when resources are clumped than when dispersed. Harvestor ants- arizona desert spouce #1- feed sead from clumped plants , very aggressive very territorial spouce #2- seed that widely dispeared- no territorial. Mammals- herbivours- grass, never territorial. Distribution- space in time. Related in time. Lizard 3) resource size- as the terr size increase, the costs go up. The benefits go up as the size of the territory but stays at one limit since the terr size will be too big. The max benefit is the optimal size,

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