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Pemodelan Berorientasi Obyek

Tujuan Dapat menggunakan syntax dan semantic OOP Memahami konsep pengembangan perangkat lunak berorientasi obyek Dapat membuat aplikasi perangkat lunak berorientasi obyek


Konsep Dasar OOD Class dan Method Inheritance dan polimorphism Dasar UML Use Case Diagram Activity Diagram Sequence Diagram Class Diagram Deployment Diagram

Software Development


A methodology is a systematic way of doing things. a repeatable process that we can follow from the earliest stages of software development (the germ of an idea or a new business opportunity) through to the maintenance of an installed system. a methodology should specify what were expected to produce as we follow the process include advice or techniques for resource management, planning, scheduling and other management tasks


A methodology can help to impose discipline on the coding effort. Going through even the basic steps of a methodology increases our understanding of the problem, improving the quality of our solution. Writing lines of code is only one of the many activities in software development: performing some of the other activities helps us to spot conceptual and practical mistakes before we commit them to source code.


At every stage, a methodology specifies what we should do next, so were not left scratching our heads, thinking Okay, what now? A methodology helps us to produce code that is more extensible (easier to change), more reusable (applicable to other problems) and easier to debug (because it has more documentation).

Good Methodology

Planning: Deciding what needs to be done. Scheduling: Mapping out when things will be done. Resourcing: Estimating and acquiring the human, software, hardware and other resources that are needed. Workflows: The subprocesses within the wider development effort (for example, designing the system architecture, modeling the problem domain and planning the development effort).

Good Methodology

Activities: Individual tasks within a workflow, such as testing a component, drawing a class diagram or detailing a use case, too small or indefinable to be a workflow in their own right. Roles: The parts played by personnel within the methodology (developer, tester or sales person). Artifacts: The products of the development effort: pieces of software, design documents, training plans and manuals. Education: Deciding how to train personnel, if necessary, to fulfill their required roles;deciding how end users (staff, customers, sales people) will learn how to use the new system.


Requirement Analysis Design Specification Implementation Testing Deployment Maintenance

Key Questions

Requirements phase:

What is our context? What are we trying to achieve? What entities are we dealing with? How can we be sure we have the right ones? How are we going to solve the problem? What hardware and software will we need in the finished system?

Analysis phase:

System design phase:

Key Questions

Subsystem design phase:

How are we going to implement the solution? What will the source code and supporting files look like? What rules govern the interfaces between the system components? Can we remove ambiguity and ensure correctness?

Specification phase:

Key Questions

Implementation phase:

How can we code the components to meet the specification? How do we write stylish code? Does the finished system satisfy the requirements? Can we break the system? What do the system administrators have to do? How can we educate the end users?

Testing phase:

Deployment phase:

Key Questions

Maintenance phase:

Can we find and fix the faults? Can we improve the system?


http://sern.ucalgary.ca/courses/cpsc/451/W98/Complexity3.gif http://www.vantagepoint.ca/images/blueprint.jpg http://www.emb.org.hk/irooms/eservices/eserviceshelp/eServices%20Help%20Maual/RoBoHelp/School/en/!SSL!/WebHelp/appendixIa.JPG



The process of developing a computer program to solve a specific problem:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Specify the problem requirements Analyze the problem Design the algorithm Coding Testing and verification Maintenance

Also known as the Waterfall Method; one step is dependent on the previous step.

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT METHOD Fun Example: Assemble a Swing Set

I. Problem Specification to assemble a swingset from a kit II. Problem Analysis What are the inputs? The objects! The Things! Need a kit (go buy one) Does it have all the parts in the kit? Screws, braces, directions, etc. Need tools scissors, screw driver, wrench What is the output? The result? A swing set III. Design Plan for doing the work Step 1: Major tasks refinement into more detailed subtasks 1. Assemble the individual components Assemble the frame Assemble the seats Assemble the teetertooter Assemble the slide 2. Put the components together Step 2: Now, Convert the outline of the steps into a detailed step-by-step list, the algorithm.

IV. Follow the detailed steps/directions Implement the algorithm! V. Test the swing Is it safe? Any sharp edges? What is the max weight? OK kids come play!!! Released for use VI. Check on it occasionally maintenance Add a chin-up bar Check for broken parts Upgrade the slide, etc.



1. Specify the problem requirements

Establish the level of abstraction: Understand the problem. What is NOT the problem? What is essential to solve the problem? Eliminate unnecessary unimportant information. Gather missing information.
State the Problem Specification We will simplify the specification to a formal one-line statement of the problem. Be clear and concise To calculate To produce To determine


2. Analysis Identify the input data needed (inputs)
What are the things or objects? Ex. Names, stock numbers, quantities What is the data you must work with or manipulate? How should the data be input? What is the format or appearance of the data? What is the range of acceptable values?

Identify the output data (outputs)

Outputs are the desired results of the processing. How are the results to be presented to the user? May need to specify formulae and special constants. What is the general appearance of the output? Report headings, summary information, etc.


2. Analysis continued Identify data needed for processing only. Begin a descriptive list of the data elements required. The list will grow in detail as the process continues. Contains: data that is input, data used in processing, data to be output. Data Dictionary: a formal list documenting the data elements required to solve the problem.
Variable Name Use/Description Acceptable Values Data Type ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------StuName name of a student alphabet ?? SocSecurityNum social security number pos 8 digits ??


3. Design Develop an algorithm Algorithm a list of steps, that when followed will solve the problem. Specifies actions & sequence (one after another). Usual Technique: Divide and Conquer Breaks a large problem into many smaller ones. Also called algorithm refinement. ----------------------------------------------------STEP 1: List major tasks and refine then, in successive steps, define the subtasks, then define subtasks under the subtasks,


Tasks are expressed as descriptive English statements.



3. Design

Simple programs follow this generic pattern: Major Task Identification 1.0 Get the data 2.0 Perform the computation(s) (Processing) 3.0 Display the results


Now refine; use indentation for subtasks: 1.0 Get the data 1.1 Prompt for the data 1.2 Get the data Subtasks ..



3. Design continued
Step 1: Major task, subtask identification STEP 2: Convert tasks into the algorithm Algorithm: A series of instructions, which if performed in order, will solve a problem. An algorithm must: 1. terminate, 2. be precisely defined (no ambiguity), 3. effectively solves the problem. Write the algorithm using pseudocode, using informal English-like statements. Each line of the algorithm will be converted into the chosen implementation (high-level) language most of the time.



3. Design continued
STEP 1: Major task, subtask identification STEP 2: Convert tasks into the algorithm

DO NOT USE programming language syntax DO USE variable names as an abstraction of memory locations. Variable: a named data element in a program. The compiler will associate a relative memory location with the name. Variables have values that change over time. Walk through the algorithm to simulate execution. - Create a Trace Table to show how the values of data elements will change during execution. - Show the Expected Output



3. Design continued
STEP 1: Major task, subtask identification STEP 2: Convert tasks into the algorithm

Examples of Good Pseudocode Statements:

GOOD: Display Enter Weight (lbs) PatientWeight GOOD: Set SumScores to sum of Test1 and Test2 and Test3 GOOD: Display Sum of Test Scores: SumScores BAD: Add all the test scores. Prints contents of BAD: Print all of the test scores memory location Use the following English commands: called SumScores To Get Data: input, read, get from keyboard, get To Output Data: display, print, put on monitor, put To Calculate: calculate, set, determine, compute


SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT METHOD Where are we? 1. Specify the problem requirements 2. Analyze the problem 3. Design the algorithm
Major task / Subtask Identification & Algorithm Design

4. Coding
5. Testing and verification 6. Maintenance


4. Coding (Implement the Algorithm
more on this later)

Step 1: Choose the C++ data types based on the internal storage representation and the max and min values of the data Is it an Integer? Real? or Character? Step 2: Convert the algorithm to C++ code. Write out the C++ code by hand! Step 3: Compile the program Create your source file, compile, execute. Debug the code: locate and correct errors. Code (a little at a time), Compile, and Debug in increments.



5. Testing and Verification Verification:
Is the output correct? Are the results what they should be? Have I done it right? Output here should match Design Output.

http://www.first-to-fly.com/Adventure%20Images/1901%20Glider%20Replica/Testing%20pitch.jpg http://www.first-to-fly.com/Adventure%20Images/1901%20Glider%20Replica/Testing%20pitch.jpg

Have I done the right thing? Does the solution meet the clients expectation? Have the requirements been met?

SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT METHOD 6. Maintenance Fix Problems: Logic errors Make improvements, Upgrade or replace equipment (tech change), Most expen$ive part of Software, Legacy code: old code that has had many changes and revisions. Especially difficult to follow.



6. Maintenance continued

ALWAYS CONSIDER MAINTENANCE, MAINTENANCE especially in design and coding steps. The following contribute to low maintenance: Reusability of code, Good documentation, Structured programming, Kiss method.


SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT METHOD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Specify the problem requirements Analyze the problem Design the algorithm Coding Testing and verification Maintenance

End Software Development Method




How you would eat this elephant?

would you prefer to open wide and swallow the beast whole or to eat a manageable portion, have a rest, eat another portion, have a rest, and so on?

New Methodologies

We need to accept that it is impossible to develop a piece of software in one pass However hard we try, the first time around our software will be incomplete or imperfect or both We need to perform the classical phases of software development several times, adding to and perfecting the system as we go.

Spiral Methodology

Iterative Methodology

Incremental Methodology

Combining the Methodologies

At the highest level, we know from the incremental methodology that we must plan a succession of increments. Within each increment, the spiral methodology suggests that we should have at least two attempts to produce each increment. Within each spiral, the waterfall methodology specifies the phases and the order in which they occur. Within each mini-waterfall, the iterative methodology allows us to repeat phases, or combinations of phases, as we see fit (for example, several cycles of requirements and analysis); the iterative methodology also allows us to fix a problem as soon as we discover it (for example, we might discover during subsystem design that the system design makes some piece of functionality impossible, so we fix the system design before we carry on).

Combining the Methodologies


Object-oriented methodologies tend not to be too prescriptive:

the developers are given some choice about whether they use a particular type of diagram, for example

Development team must select a methodology and agree which artifacts are to be produced, before they do any detailed planning or scheduling.

Each methodology addresses:

Static modeling involves deciding what the logical or physical parts of the system should be and how they should be connected together. static modeling describes how we construct and initialize the system Dynamic modeling is about deciding how the static parts should collaborate.

dynamic modeling describes how the system should behave when its running

The Need for Development Tools

To be effective, any spiral, iterative and incremental methodology requires an end-toend development tool. The need to amend project artifacts iteratively is a strong justification for the use of a software tool. Such a tool should allow members of the project team to produce the artifacts and then to store them.

Development Tools should support :

Traceability Change history Multiuser access control Reduced redundancy Consistency checking Networked operation Testing the artifacts that we produce, as we go along

Development Tools

Rational Corporation developed a tool called Rose, based on RUP and UML. Rose became probably the best-known object-oriented development tool. In 2003, Rational was bought by IBM and the tool has been reworked as a set of modular products (and is now called Rational Application Developer). Of course, there are many development tools available Rational products are only mentioned here because of the historical perspective.

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