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Everywhen:. in every pa rt of the world, people havc

bel ief '" ' ign, and po rtent' , Somclime' thcy a re di,m,,
' ed J' mcr e ' upcrsti lion. ,omcllmc, the falc of a nation
ha, hu ng in ha lance on the deci'i on of an a'trologer Or
In COerY<;i,-ili,all<lIl . f",m thc m", t ancicn!
. .
to thc ad' a ne' ed We,l ern , uhmc, of l<><.J ay. rclian<' C "
pla<' cd on <, n,en' J nd thcir i"' er prctati"n
In Ind ia lhe<c nori"", devel"pcd from a hllge hody
of u",,,i llcn lilIUorc 11110 an intcrc, ting hranl'h of
xn" wledge , ail ed 0' thc " f
Ome ns. Ba" ng lhclr prcd' d io'" on lhc ,amc "ar" ",1
phcnomcna whi<'h <x;n,r lhro" ghout the wmld . 'ud , a,
the no"" ng of a , oex. " r a ,a l , een " n the "'aJ. lhe
'agel of ol d I:>ui ll I' p ., svvrcm of Ji v,nat", "
whlC'h he,ame rhe do, ely g ua rJ eJ <Ct'fel of the rrie' tly
t,,",, lie\ There are a ""mher or worb on Ili nJ u
mytl", logy h" , I have nol ' 0 far w mc an"" a
mmprehen''' e Engli' h I:>oo k on H' nJ u omc ", and
""",Ie' _The prc, enl worx. lherefore, i, a n atlc' '' pt to
hring lh" complex ",ien<'c within rhc rcadl of Ihe
majori ly of pcorle who frnd it dl nk-uil to rTf .lke u, e of
ril e ancient S" n,k " t tcx," 0" 'hc , uhje e!.
A la rgc r a rt of Ih", hook i, a 1"" " lat'on fr,'m
Sh,, /.; """w, a '01urne" ri tle n hy;ln linknnwn pe"on rn
the ", ;ddle "I' the e,:;hlcenth "cnt",} rn a I'K"I dialect
or RajaSlha n SJ"' /.; ,,"''''t; wa, it w'np,l au"n whIch
ind uJed rdc rem' c, fWIll ane' icll! S"n , km rext, ;I, wcll
a, from R" " /aj''''pm"I" ,,, of thc Samt -poc t Tulsid"" I
have '11, drawn frolll H"""m<ll'dj"l h" A""" Ju, ''U hy
Ila""lla raj a , "' rinen ,orne ti me hcf"rc thc twell'lh
PUU 1'110." ,11/1 PM' II" )n'! u' l'u . U! " IUO IOU l,rJ
)0 " "I' J,>uIS ur
pup ' U(HlIpU11 " IUJI_"' ,] pu" 0 .I"
u" 'I"." l<>U pU'I ','UUl l"UmllJUJUII '" l ,w4
'''_I I .10 ' U" lllpt l1 pUt 'IJ'P'!
" "II Jt.l ", " ! dtil U 1I 11 '
'JP'I.L p"'I"14nd UJJ4 J." ''I pu"
' !il'''A '0 ' ''H''''IS "lll1t.! pu" tJl n'rUlt )! '0,.1"1
x"PO\IIJ(>\ ln u" sl'''-'4 ( UP,,,
... I'UP ' IJV 1''''' ll'IJ "'"' ]" I,] .I"
SPP\I "' 1"'4"14" .1 ' 1' 1<' 4 pup t ' I'''
.I" U! 'IS!il<' I"p u, , n" ulnJ "'I
"t." 0."1 1' '' 1 jJ' 1I ""( 1
IL "' 1'"] uauJ
II p,,, J ,,) 'V,'JD "'I) I'Ut npu ' H P ' U" UI jJ'IjO
, p." "1"'1-"",( 1" '11 "1I LlI ,t,,, l!' !( ]
" 'IS 'oS ou "Oil 'Iiln'>1'11 " 1"'11'IJ"
UO'11O,., [I'U1i1" " II."" l !J 'I1 " I pit, "'I"
)11' IU" "' '' IU''U pu" pfO'I1l ' !lr J !l4S 'l'U (KJf " I ilu"F'4
01 ./1"."1/1'1""<1 ' IS t 4 1/ 1uo lU'I1'un' J
, UII'lU (1l 1JI'l q '\lJ "'1-'.III1""{ I',{ I/M" lflf 110." , "OUJPJ <1 4
LlI ""(1 " 'IS ''I f' l "1"'1"'''
uo >1: ;Jll!U! "IUO) l"ldt'l " ;Ju"l " ''''I J " ilOI
- ti t.) ' JF'"lll l1 "! "I pu" .\1t14"[lnpfUI'.L J'I I
UI f'/1l1"m"X",,'l .1" Id!J.' , m"" u V
" .iw I" 4 'I! 'l"n"'II I" "' 1' '' 1 III ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,
P 11"1'''1 ,' I .10 ilUI" ' lJlll .A4
'61'61 ' AUFd
. U"',) ' IPU" P,," 'S 1U 114 "J '1""X.r I p"n Ki n!
-nlf lA/ l,' '",nn l " .-l .r" f ",,,nl/ ,'.'(] p"'P""I': ; UH"J "PI]
IPJ1jJ' I ' 'I' !I;!u::J UI '1""" '..ill u,,, ,)
U! umulJ" '''14 '' .1 <>l
... n'l I l Uln,l llll ,d " .I"
'" " .,u" """d",,, " 'I) iiUlp'U"," ,u",uld"
u"'I,ul l\l'" ' 1''''1'
"'-"""'l"n.1" A4 'w""" Y'''I'
""'.I ' U' >1J p"P 'Ai/"I" ' I' '\' '''''I' '' ! "" 'lOll'''''
"4 r.'l<>l1 b .iI ,n mJ "" ['UI' "" {lIIlll,>,'
, ,,'11'<0 n<l"' '''

man)' faith In them. lhan lS
Iy an 'e pk d pre vai led al "ne li' lle an all il",k of
I,,<,klng up<' n ..... ith I!lsfaw' ut and diso""' t\g lh,",
as irralio"al ..... ith the ""Ull tha i Ihe
rolkl" ,,", tdepl ,,,1to "a"smi""", hy .....ord of
mou th a"d no t or ..... rinen a'XOUIlI' , am e
inlo In India. ho..... there doe' n "l
, ulli'-"-nl III lhlS lield. :-I""ada}S
suhJCds. likc Ps)', hia(ry. btra
Se" ,, " ) Perc,"p li" " and ncn and
.\ 1agi' " nrad ing a(lcntion of Sd ,''' li, ls and
' n,,"sllga l"" . (hc' rrom E.h l,"r" lore on (h"
un, >rl hod ox su 'urd y a ""ri" ,,, s(lHI)'
II" dut' from mc 10 pay ho magc 10 'piril of (h,"
Hima b )'a In bp.s of "hic'h I was ho rn.
Gra,cd wilh rl" ..... n val l"y'. d ,'ep c'a"'''. holy riva,. and
'c' nlre, of pili1ri n' agc Flada " )s,.Ih and ;so atho
region ha, he,"" hom" and nadk of
Arya n Ci" ili/ alio" .
I , an h" rd l)' ti"d ""o,d, (" my
my p.c."nl' . Va,,':ya Sh" :-Ia ra)'an Dall Blj a l..... an a nd
Sh, inla (i \ l a h,'shv,m ll.-vi and also 10 my' und e Pt.
li;I<: hl Ra m J)'a uli shl for my in rhe
"isd" m mas.w".
.\ 1)' gr<'l l(lJde lS I" fl r , \ Iadan \ 1i, hra. I' rim-iral
Shri La l Ba had ur Sha>l ri San' kra
lha. Dei hl for his I" ving inspi r.lImn and
' ion 10 use " " " e or lhe rarc Ul an or In,l ilU Ie
r also Ihan k \I rs. r a m TiHu. Hr R n I" ripalhi.
Ka" ira lna Sh ri Amir ( 'ha ndnl Sh" slri. Sh ri 1). 1)
a nd 1'",1' BtlJ llihatl Sa rup I' "
' p"nl anCOU' hel p in ,hi, endc a \'(, ue.
I "' o"ld al'o like 10 lha nk Me. Keda r "''' lh M"l holra
I" r hi, unli ring eIfml' In mar "r ial and hIS
to lilt' 10 e"mp l"le thi s Iwok.
Mr, Sh iv S "lh I\k ht " for his hd pl'tll du ring
an d \-It , Raj Tull t,' r secing the
Con t ents
r. II III v" r;. 1ity of Om,," ,
".,,,d up"" H"d,
Ou,,,,,' " . , ,,d " p<>n A" " " llis
4. ( l ,n"n, ".",d uI'o n Tlm, " " i" g or t ,no ", 5S
Ome"s N,,,d " P" "
Augur; related 10 prom' '' e'' l charade"
in the IU l1l ap na n
Omen, I" ' ed " I,,, n the My' lic"
Pec"alogue ( Raha , ) a- J),,,haka )
S Orne" , ha,<' d "1''''' Shi"a_,laka ( \ 1y' llc"
(kt a"" " r L,,,d Sh iva )

Omc", ha, ed upon " a' ga' , a" .' Ip" "I'
Playing " r Dic"c by Ib dha and "" ishna ua
O",,,n, "1''' "A" r<> I" gic"a l r" d ic"a li" " ,
O", ,,n, baS<"d "1' 0" Ihc
P" , t. ", ,,,g t" Life "nd Dcalb
Au' uh:h to "'a,d " IT Ihc d ied ,, [ B.,d Omen,
Hi" I,,,g, aph)

Universality of Omens
[ veryone of u' "n some o."Ca,jon or the olher "t some
",,)nlent of njm. may hhe faeed a" L1 nc" nny sense of
rhe worlJ awu"J l,,,,lcJ th reate n,n/! anJ
seemeJ to JlSsol"e II,tO It i, al
SlKh lime, th " , we Il nJ tO lurn from the Wl,rlJ Wl
know to ,h"se highe r supernatural I",wer< we hl'pe
may. ,n some unl nown an d ,,,,,reI intervene
come to our 'US"COIIL Befining thc w'"y "lIr "ns'C""'S
Jid , that ""'lehow those supc' ,i", I",wers may (Ull nt t',
the hlows of Fat e, 0' olhel the ,mpendi"g I'" ima/!i -
nMy, if y'o u lil e l di",st," we a,e ag'eeahle even to
perf"rm lill ie ,it"'. 0' carry lha rm, '" lal ismans .
fo' wa rding orr Ihe ev, l 0' to h" n/! /!''''d i"" l.
rhis is va lid as mm'h h>r the moJern ma n III (,>da)",
,,';e nlitk a" J le"hnol<>/!Kal age as it w"s in Ihe and ell!
pas l as we lea rn f,om 'e.x>rds or old dvi li/ati,>ns of
Egypt anJ InJ ,a. '" f,om the nWlhs of ( j , eeee and
R' ''" e, T ile lalln have "",I , ihll ted in "",h a la'ge
measure to Ihe though ts and 1I 1e,alll'e as well as hclids
1" ,J oli" ns a nJ sw , hzal, on of wha l we today knuw a, Ihe
Wes tern WMl d. The 'ho,seshoc', an em hlem I,,, )!.'l<lJ
Iuel. ;1s now hd ic'vcJ , is t"'''eahle jn Ihe
,hape "f lhe erc,",enl nwo" to Ihe ,dig;ous H e of
El!ypl, Ihe !raJ,I,on al H" me "I' M,,!;ic. The ' cal', nOW
,,,,,,,,i;1 ted wnh Hb d and nil Ome" s. was at
one time ;1 " ,n'I''''I.11'1 ohjcc' l "I' ,d'g''''' ' w"rsh ,p. As 11
s"ncd , ymh,,1. rn [ I!ypl ,ts ro le g"l ,e ve,sc-J III some
linknown way dow n Ihe cen luries, III ;1 nc,en! (, reece
',pill ing of ,all ' was conside'ed all Omen or m"Ii"III " c,
Salt Ihecallsc' "I' i" p,esc'rva,i ve power was mnsidcred
a, Ihe ,ymhol of life even fanher bad in Ihe earlier
primillw communi tie' . The bdief hold, good even now
and 10 olh el Ihe evil dkelS of an , pilling of
, alt, Ihrowin g of a pinch 'over Ihe left righl
' into the l>Cv'ir s a ''''mmOIl down 10 Our
o.... n day. It i, Ihu' "Iulle apparent Ihal Jch
man's hehef, arc prevalenl a' much in Ihe We,1 a, '"
Ihe EaSi and these go 10 Ihe an,:ien l paSI of man
all Ihe 'H. rld over,
In India, Ihe ori gin of such omens or hehef, goe,
hack 10 the andenl limes ot the VeJi e Civili/ation .... hen
Ihe sages anJ teachers u,,'Xl 10 run Ihelr famoo,
cd u<".alional and ph ilo",' phic cen Ire, in Ihe dense forc, t,
away f",m , 'ille ' and habl ta lions. Living in , uch d o'e
proxin"ly w, lh Natore ob,';ously necc"llaI,'Xl a
and deep a"arene,,"' of it, variou, mood, and change,
The call, and movement, of b"d, rdaled therelOwere
the fiN 10 be and analyted. Thu, orig inats-J Ihe
Sdence of Omen, and in lhe ,'Oo"e of lime, ol her
nlotles and medi a offureca'''ng were added 10 II.
II is inter,'St,"g ,n Ihi, u mlcxl, W 'pet'ulale Ihat In
andent cOmmUnillS'l<. Ihe ,ea",' nal chao);e, anJ naloral
phenomeoa ga"e ri, e 10 enla in behef, .... h,,h essen -
Iially repre, enred the <:um ulaliv' e e, pe ll enee of , mTe, -
sive generalio ns of men and "omen. passed dow'n In
rhe sha pe of rhe Inen",,!, of the human rac'C. In
primirive tIme" e"enllally, all "e llvllie, of men. whelh -
er on land or , ca. " 'ere greatl y by rhe
phenomena of "alure, " hdher for raiSIng the ,eawnal
ClOp' on la nd or "hen on Ihe high sea" Ihe , ign, of
approaching Ihe la nd _ma" so imp'-'rlanr to ", ilors Oul
on a long voyage The appearan<'e of hl rds ind k atlng a
land -rna" nearby wa, thus quite i mf'< >rla nl. SimIlarly.
the arrival of rbe ,ummer or ' pring ,cason or Ihe
impendIng rarn, c'oi ,,<' iJ <"<I with the ,ightlng of ,'ertaln
hird,. known ," , ur e of the awalled
wearher. In olden da ys rhese ,ign, ,erved cerrain nec'Xl,
for ful1i1ling whic'h the modern weather- men hac'e
dewloped rhe rad ar and Ihe , arel lile. Now ....c f'<"'cs,
I' NlVERSAU fY 0" "".. ""
"f ,uch aCUlc ac',:Ulac)' a nd ,uc'h large range" Slill , III
primilive limes. hehavlo" r of bi rd, and
high 10 ,cn,e the preeu"",,, <' ondllion' of
imporlam Ihe wnl1 ng ,lorm"
rain, elc. were lhe onl y ' Ioo!s' of Ihe
mel,,-,rologi sl orlho,e days, II is lu(ky that lhey' did nol
1'<'"1''' "f high Ihe 'hird"
"'",old had I" along on lhe 'ftighJ>' so
Ihal Ih(' in ne\l 10120 mik' wul d t>e
b:' walch ing or lhe feathered

1'11.. Indian Vi,... or Om",,,
Signs such as call 01 bird' failing "I' mel"'''S.
throbbing or limb, as Sh" k", ,,,
a"d Ihe bram'b of dealing wllh lhis subj eel
is <'ailed Sh"k'm",h".</m, and 'S.:ienc'e 01
Ome,,' are 'luil e appr<>priat e f<,nglish to
deno le Ihe <""KepI bebind lhe,e w"rd'
Ome,,' were gro " ped by ane ienl Indian lhinker>,
aft er ng var io"s of foreld ling
off"lure e"elll', inl" elgbl kn"wn as:
(I ) ll ha " ma, (2) UlpJ la. (3 ) Svapna. (4) (5)
Anga. (6) Vyanjana, (7) Labhana and (8) Svarmlaya .
lhe,e will be d,wm,ed In del ail III Ihe lollow",!!

Though lhe Sh"ku"" b"d iI' ongm m lhe
a''''K;ali"" " I' sound, "f bird, (d"e 10 "' primary
yet. ,I' ,I, elymol ogic'al meaning ' the
"I' fOrelelllllg' ( Slu,';""Ii Sh"bh'Hh"hh"", "y"ill/WI)
laken lnlo ('on,ider""on. tl' e lerm Sh"k,m embrac'es
"II n, a nnerS of forelclling of even !>. II is no doubl true
that t he Scienc'e of Omens migUlaled. al 1:>"1, in sludy
of lhe calls of hirds hy the who li"ed in ,",,,hl',,ma,,'
ln lhe dense Laler on of olher animals
and nalural such as fto"ds and earlh'luake, . ek,
.ds" gradually Includ ed undcr Ibe fo ld or Omens.
Il I'J Dt'
8nm" h," " f' he Sc i""... e ofOm,' n,
We may n ow {he varlOU, hran,hes mlo
wh"'h Omen, have hcen d", .,ilicd
l. RIo" "tn " :
1\ , h uman -heing, live Oil eanh. the h" prellings tha t
"Ifed the '(r"flu'C of ca rth Illcvital>Jy " flCd Ihe hvmg
being' aho,
h " r rim,mly the nal ural resources of a parl;""I"{
regio" whi"h make lh Tllhahila n(S pro 'perou, or
Indi an secrs were awa rC "r thi, fao:l and hen,,,, they
J" " kcJ up" " (he "alUral evcnl' as , o me of Ihe ini tial
m"l on gilla! lype, "r Omens. Fa"h4tlakes. tremors, el".
,'Ome unde r Ihi' he ad ing . The, e event, di,l"mlcd the
J ay_lo . day life of the pcopl e So. wnvcnti"nally they
were rcga "ktl a, inamr' WlUS . Ea ' lh4 uakc' brmll
ab<>1JI serio'" tl i'order and illJ icatc impend' ng ,J"astcr
"0' onl)' r"r the people. bu l also \() Ihe rule" "I' the
II . VIp.JI " Culamifin
Vnm ual evel\h, , ueh a, <l rough l. e",e"ive rain.
hor<.!e,or rars . plague, roreign ,",-a., ;on. el ,-. arc Ihe type
or Omen, which were ler m",1 as fI'pllla '" In<li" . Ra jn
lo"ki ng like blood (,cd) or mi lk (wh,le) Or "ur<.! also
co me' un<ler 1hi, category. The'e were nat ulally bad
thmg' and the masse, or In<lia nm,idere<l lhcm 10 hc
ominous. Thcy ""pendmg ,-alartu ly,
III . Dream.'
J)rcam, were laken 10 he onc of Ihc rclla blc
or premonilion , Svapna.l' ( Dream,) we rc Ihm a,-(-cplcd
a, pariS or the eighl ,fold S"ience or Omcn,. I' e" ' plc all
",-er the w", ld have drea m" hU! ex'nvcnli"n, offer
d, tfcren I 'ype' of inlerprelalio", w lI,c m. h i, . howevel,
generally' belic-'ed tha l lhc) arc mcdia "rew"muni,'a -
lion belween th c <lrcaming human he mg and other
ind ;"j d ua ls (al\<I aho thc 'pi"I' of the <lead). Indian
Iilcnu u, c wllla,n, n umerous 'nddenl ' related hI ac_
<"'lim, or the d reamt events. U,ba the ,-harming
daughlcr or Vanasura was ,uPP",oo 10 havc rallcn ill
love with Kri, bna' , grandson Ani ru<l<l ha whom ,hc
o r ( H l E'<S
'sa w' '" a dream. The pro hlern or d ream- state lind, a
me ntio n in lhe Upani shad , a, wel l. Th e Ja in Sage
Ahh a}ade" a ha, , 'ated tha t to feel oneself ea,ing in a
drea m, " ind i<:at;ve of one', impe nding 10'>. ' of money.
IV, U k<i, piila : Armmplieric E venl.<
Appe,,,an<: e of heave nl} bod ie> '" "nu",al for m"
<:olou" a nd <:ombina tion, ha' al,,-, heen rega rded a' a
di,tin,'1 t}pe of Omen. Sular and lunar edi p,e, werc
Indud,"d in lh is <: a legur y. Many I lmd u, du nul eat or
d"nl anything dUflng lhe perjod of an ed' p,e, After II
IS uver, they hat he and <:lean the ulen, il" <:Imhe" ere.
betore re, umi ng thelt normal "",k. Fire -baH" , hoo t
ing " al';, oorne" and anylhi ng dazzling hut ,horl li,'oo
al", Curne under lhe purview uf the,e al mo'pheric
pheno me na. which are taken a, ummou, hy Ihe mass e,
<>f lnd ia .
V, .... lI ga : Thrt,!>bing
T he people of India ha ve heen yuile ,en,iti ve to lhe,r
own ph)"ica l feature, and ,ensa llOn< alld the Indian
<age, have g",'en ample ' pace to Ibe phenomena of lhe
thro i'l bmg or I,mh, and indudoo Ihe ana ly,i, Ihere of ;n
Ihe c'ght -fold ,},'ern "I' the Ind "' n Serenee " f O men,.
S"" b behef, e,j'l in other pa' h " I' Ihe worl d al, o, II i,
generally helie'oo that Ihe Ihroi'lhing in the righl- ,ide
limh, of a " " ' ll a nd lefl - " de Iimh, 01' a wo n" , n ",e
au 'pi ,;ou,. A numher of work; on Ind la ll A'trology
<:ont aln vivid a",;ounl, of Ihe ""plll'al ion, or Ihe, e
VI. Murk.<
A ",ole. a i'lla..-k 'pot 011 a ny part of Ihe bu<.ly. blad
<pot in the pupil or the eve. or ",me , u<:11 ma rl in the
hllll" .,1' hUlllan heing' ha,e been viewed by Ind ian
Ihin lers a, a ground for una l},ill/; the l'harader. habrt,
and fate of Ihe ,'o ncerned Individ ual F<lf ill"tanee. " r,
held tha t a ghllenng mole in the ,'hln, or below Ihe
navel ofa girl,ndiea le, Ihat ,he will prove au,pkiou, 10
Ihe hu'hand ,,,,d her falllll)', Comlllon people of Ind ia
' lrongly believe in the Imporl"nee "fthe,e ma rl,.
(vii) The owl wa, dread,..J by the Romans as an
omen " f Ik " lh bill wa' revere d by Ihe (;reels as Ihe
bird of Athcnc. Godde" of wi, dol11. Sh" ke' peare
menlion, it In b,'th the COnle\I,.
("IiI ' Cals. though an obj"'-'I of wOI">;I"p ill [ gypt are
now a''' >ciat e>! "ith wil<"he> and Black .\ l agJe, ."" n,e
con, idered hl "" k ca ts to be b'lIlger, "I' l' ''' k and a
eat's was a for eeas l for rain
li \1 A heJ gehog " 'a, e",,,i dercd h> be an ellieienl
"ea, he r dj, ine,
I') Of .' nakes. a n aJ Je, " a, a n o me n of ill -luck but
' f k' lIcJ when ,ee n III e",I)' ' prtllg II was cx'n,iJe,ed to
he lu<ky. V,' hcn k, lIcJ lIS fat anJ , kIn were con,ide,cd
10 have med"' i" al "al"e. Lila, d, were looked "pon a,
b "' '' rahlc, b"l an ill -ome n if on c ems,cs th,' pat h ofa
hrl dal p"""e"i" ,, .
Rid inJ! on a donkey. as it ",aid t" he a",>ciated
"il h Je"" Ch' i,t. is bclicvcd fn he 'I C'ure fo, too lh -
,,,he'. " hoo ring co"gh. etc.. hUI ,,' II\e thi" k bad I" d.
will 1(,110" if anyone " alb Oll Ihe gro" nJ whe'e a
donkey may ha"e rotlcd.
II " 'omet imes 'aid Ihat 0,,1\ llic .:on" n,'" pe"ple
- Ihe ha lf -eJ,,<'ated ""Ii.: 01 II", n"' "llal 1. lh"", er ,,'
Ihe m.I" in the , lrce [- h"ld hd lef ' " Omcn, an d
l'0rte' lm, h" t "e lind thai d,,"n Ihe ""tuHe,, tile great
a nd thc mighly ha"e bcen c!j" ally imluenccd h)' them.
JIe, e we quot e ,,,me hlSlo"cal In" ance. of , ud !j"a InI
bel ief, from thc We, tern WortJ
(I) The B'itis h ( 'o",n,lIjon Th ronc hOi , r la,'cd unde,
it the , 1<\lle of Sw nc, on "' hid, every s"u'e"i,'e Ilrilish
m" " a,,'h has to si t al Ihe lime " I' the " " wnllig
,'e remo,,)'. It i' helie,ed In be of dlVille orgm " nd
emhod je' 'llperndhlra l I")wel">; llnll d'C imcmJcJ to
, afe-gua' J hOlh Ihe King and ]j-''' n nol.
(2) In d,,,,ien llim,,. AIc\al1de, the G'Ca l. ,bc ("" n -
guemr or the W"r1J . "lm'''1 mct WIth h" dcalh at
Ildhyl" " under an "h,,,,ioll eau 'cd h)' Ihc preJ ielion of
hj, deln i,e hy Ind idn o",dc' (h)' Cha ldean astrologers
10 d"ot hc' ' cr- ion).
01 The ( ireal Roma ". Cae, ,,r is ' aid to have hmi a
prem, ,,, i,io,, or hi, impending deal h and hi, wik
( ""(r um,,, was grOlly nvemhelmeJ by an om""""
fear. a, lhe hou , "r ('a le appwaeheJ
(4) Q ueen l-:I iIahelh I (allho,,h ,he pr<>m" lg,tl ed
!;ow, agam\! magi, "an> and " 'lc'hnafl\ w ll'l anlly IOd
advi,'" " f Dr. J"h" Dce, a &en,u, of "", Itifariuu, lalcnlS
a nJ all thor " I' 7Y " orb (n""1 "r "'h " '1l ,em,oned
"' ''nnw" p' ' . being dedi neJ b)' puhh,her, ) hul a
belie,-cr ,n magic (so IIlll,'I, '0 Ihal he . ni rmleJ hi,
yu" "g and prelly ,'O r" Jane 10 hI< "" i, lant Kelly. under
",(J"e".,,, "I' an all eged """' ",wn l,,,l ,,,n f " >I " ' piriI S.
rellJer ilig , ud ' an " J 'kel
(51 The greal N"p<'k,," 1\<.,,,,,1''' ''''. an,,(her drc;uner
"I' ""r l,J wllq ue' l. onen "'''11111 '" pCl nalur,,1 "oJ v;.."
fro", llo e .;b rn"Y"nle .\b'b mc o,; o' manu , ')\;a r " lcan's
1I, .. ,l of F;lle' is a fa m"''' "' an ,,,,; rip! ,,,,,t 10 "",nl' '' n
,"acdar pr cd"'"on, or Ihe f" lure dr eam' a nd
he " ' ed {(, )filin,,""y ,,,,,,,, It ,I
(6) .A, h,.ah"m Lin,'ol n had a p, c ", ,, n(li,>n "I' hi, dca lh
and i, ,a id 10 h,we sta led, during lhe /\meri.'a ll Civil
Wa r, lhal he h"d a pre, eu""' enl lh" r 'I ,hall nor
"ul - la, 1Ihe rebellion'.
(7; Ii " " " rn "rd Ih;1I Quccn Vld" ria of Lngbnd
""'Ie {( , I." rd Mel bourne Ifrom w' n<h ", ("a' llc 111
IH39) thai 'a lillk . harm , he ' ell! to hlln ",'uld l eer
him 'from "II evil, if he ""uld rU! il "'lh hi, l ey,,",
IH) AI lh,' 11 11 11lary f" neral of lale (I'rnidenl)
Gc ncra l I::i ' ellh" " er, the rll Ll al of pre'en"e of a Il, m e
,IIlU lhc pla.'i l1 /! "f a " 'ord on lhe ""tli n " erc b"lh reli",
"I' '''''''Cnt ,'u''''m,. a.','"rdl llg 10 "hid " Ihc charger and
" eapo n' "I' a "''"Hlor " crc I" I> t' b"r1cd "i th Ihc
deparlcd maqer.
(91 ,\.1,, 11' Hiller .'"n.,,, licJ a' lr"loge,"" f"r wpemalu -
,a l guid" fl,i: c an d " as ;:really a lfc" led by d,trl unJer -
r" ne, of I>I"d magi c, HI' ' yrnl>,,1 ,,1' S"a"lib "as an
"u c' elll nlagll'" l J iagra lH
Il, t' ab,wc In, l"m'c, mal c il am ply dear Iha l I>eli cf
1I1"'"c''' an,] I" ,nJ 'Glle the nal" re " f n1",; ng
O\n: \JS K\ SU) C1'0'\ 'rue llIR.:CflON AND
Il\n: OFT I IF c ooes CALI .
l'ar! of
{)j rn 'Ii" "
I' /ln "/
Oi recI lOll
Ih, da,l'
uj 1111' ,\{lund (h,- Jay
Easf <)u,,,le,
S"lIl h,'a,1
You may Sec a
II You ma y have mo,e
III Beware of the out
b'eak orti, e .
I V, You will get del i, -
ious r"od .
Bcwa' e o ( ob,truc_
tion' III )'ou' proj "'t ,
[[. You will ca m prolit
HI. Y<l UlI lay proceed on
"J<l urncy
IV, \J<l thtllg w,lI hapr en.
>l1'<(>U ""f'<S
Pari ol
th" Jar
orrhe w "" d
p"c/ "f
the d"y
() uarler
of th,' ,,,,,,,,d
Sout h .. es l
I .
You a ,,: headIng 10
I . Bewa re of lhin e'
ward, plea,ure.
H. You will obrain
may have
, ome pmtil
[H Beware of the imp"-
III You will oblain di me nt, _
wea!rb. [V.
may have to
IV. Skin -di'ea'e
111"y hear bad new"
er ur !.
Q"art,>r Quarter
I. Yo"w,lI l;a1n.
II . You "' ill gain wealth .
III. You "' 1I 1have a son.
IV, Yo" w,lI be having a
mee(Jng w, lh yo" r
Yuu may have lu
procee d un a jour
II. You have chance' uf
se,,,a[ inlerC"Ounoe .
III Q " ick gains .
IV. Dant\er .
Q"arter :\"rlh
I. You will gel " nex
pled protit .
II. Yu" will have HO _
x,e ly.
Il l . You will be , hocked.
[V. You ma)' have an
" nexpe<;led sidne"'.
I , You may have a
dash .
II. Yo" may be enter -
tai ned with delicious
[II , Yo" "'i ll earn fame.
IV. You will ha" e to fa,-e
d i""pp",i mmen! .
CHOWS .,.. "''1:<',
h, ,,,,, _"h".11 ,,,"""Iy " II
ofp/"""'II" F!Ii, hill, "no h",..
" od ,lo<;;f '" a.a ." '
( ;1'0"1 TIn: lll lu :n 10:-' A'\ "
11 M.: OF TIn: (' ROW' S C \ 1.1 ,
PUrl of
IhreCl!"" /'arl "1 Vi " 'Ui"n
Ihe duy
firIhe .<0",,,1 11t<, dll"
'if/h,' "'>lind
(lll'lr l .-r "' " um"esl
I , You w,ll ca rn pm!it.
II. Thcrc is a pu"ihi1 it)'
uf thc meeting of
II I. YtlU have to
facc I",uhk
IV. Thete he so me
b'l<1 ncws fo r vou
So,, 'h
I. YtlU will get ",oney
II You will attain the
p"Slti"n of authori, y
II I , There is a dHnger ttl
Ihe unit)' of ytlu r
fa mily,
I V, Yo u will hHve to fa<.'e
tm uhk.
I. A ""mpmnll se will
I" h plas'C he twe en
y'"" ao d your
eoe",)' ,
II. You will have to
Ill. You w,l1 have to
IV. There is a p'",ihility
ofhlood -sh-d.
Quarter Soulh ca, t
I. Yo u will have a
meeting with )'OUr
II. You will have satis-
fa<.'liull .
111 , Yo u will hear goud
IV. You will get muney.
Part of
Ih,' M ,'
Oi ft-"Ii""
ot Ii,.. .wl/nd
I'art oj
Ihe day
Q I l ~ r l c r
/)ira l i o"
'1'lh" ,<olI"d
" "rth-"'O,l
L Your
eoc o"'"
".. j II
", III IMye ",me
be de, twyed diSdppo ' oling ne"".
I' Yo u "' ill gel a "-'n
1'. Yo u
rnav haw new,
m. Your
ahour )'our '''0.
ha, e r lm perity. Il l. Grcdl protil awult>
' V.
y", muy have un you.
cneuunlc r wilh
tv Th ne ure d lunee, of
thief quid protit t' " YOII.
Qllart,>r :'\ orllo
QlIarl' '''
:"/", tlo.u, t
" I'
( , nod
awa, t.
w,ll hlc" )'0", yO"
1' . ['eork will I" ," c the
Yo u may have io
" p,,<,rt un, ty
fuee , orne Irouhle .
ha r ry_
Ill ,
Y,," r
elr." t'
Y" u w, 1I he in a I"" .
yIeld I:!"od I'rotil,
IV. You will gel mo nC)'.
IV. You may have
fa<:e 0.1 '''' 1'1'0;'' IIll <:n I
1\11s n: I.LA "' OUS
f:lfcel " f II,,, /lat h" rin!: of ( '....."
I, Gatheri ng of er,)W" in lhe comer of Ihe c'ily ;ndi c'a1e'
the 1''''''hillly of ;ntighting and ;mpenJ ing J ro"g ht.
~ Gathering of crow; On the rool o f a hou, c or a
,-an le- ' heJ ind ",' ales ' mpending 0.1 roughl
, . Galhering o f ero"', " " ide a hou, e ind icate' "-'r"'''
~ If a ern", l it, on th<: head "f a I'c" " n. he lila)'
hew me p"or,
5. If a crow ,i t, on the head of a lad)'. her h..shanJ "
likely 10 fa<:e serio ..s lrouble- ,
M,,,, ,'dy
To uvoid Ihe evil circels of the ' itt ing of a em". Ihe
person w necmed ,h ould olfcl , c,umc oil anJ garmem'
to Ihe poor or <.Ic ,crving persons.
" " F"S BASH )
O M t:NS HASEn L'I'O N TIl E U1Rtrno-.; ANn
O t' Tin: I'I(;UIY S C \ I. L
1'<1 "1<II
1)irn li ,,,, Pan vJ
{) i, ',', ',i,'"
I he dlJy ofII,, .,m",d lite oJ tI,e .<O' >IId
Q"a<"' r
Quarl cr SOlllh' ca'l
You ", <I I p r".__
I I Be""" e of ,Ile "u, -
break oft"e,
lll. You a re goi ng '" be
ble.,'<'<.-! ", jib a ""fe.
IV, Yo" "' ill have '0
j mpe<.i1 ""mIS
I y"" "'dl have I' r" lil,
II, You have ' he chan
ce, of being enler -
' 'l ined wi,l! deli"o '"
food ,
lJl Yo" r ene mies ",II
' mel y he des tr,,}ed
IV. Y" u may hav e g"od
new, 10 hear
Part "f
lire day
S oul h
Pari 'if
Ih,' day
Qua rt..
[l i rt' Cl i on
,,/ lire .",,,,,,1
SOUl h.,... , '
You may have
unexpeeloo gains.
11 . You may 3equire a
new vchid e.
II I Beware of Ihe dan_
IV. heeJ of the
L Y00 may have pmn.
[I. Sexual eM'Ilem"",
II I Yo" will earn money
IV. Your mer;" are
going 10 be ,,,,o/;-
oi,cd by lhe
(Juan er
I, ctlanc"s"fgood in -
II , You have ,"hanees of
acquiri ng a "chide
IV. c oor gaim.
I Yo" will earn "",ney
11 Bewa re Oflhieve.
III Ample prnljl,
IV. Ample ""allh will
grace y"'"' hO" M:,
Nurl h
Quan er
Beware ,,[ thieve.
lird. of
II You will hav " ample
friend s will
pwli K
widened .
may aeq ulre
Ik wa of Ihe out-
break of tire
You may
II I. Go...
hurdles m
IV _
Bewa re
O" H,S BASH> urns BtRDS
",", m ." b " . .. "' S""')
, ", . .. 0/ I, f"'''' V',,,'''"' I,
I",,,,. '" l"'1, ".110" INNJ",d ... i,
. ...." bl4c ' {i .... 1.\ , "mY""""
"I ,.. /)m j " '" "'k, ,
M " "'Jfi-df"'''' '-, . ,,. n" "...
O I\ H :NS 11,\ SF Il n n : I)IllrCl IO :,\
A:'\'1l TI '1F OF THF SI'AIiROW' S CAI. I.
P'''l of
Ihe <loy
Qua rter
oj {he ""und
Pal'l -1
'he day
S"'tlh n \!
Il l.
L Yoo will gel honour
fwn, the Govern -
II. Will get oppOrlUnil )
You may have a
wilh ) our
frie nd.
You may a
heavy gain.
L Beware of the oul
or lire
II. Yo u will have ample
prnl; ls.
III. GoVefnOl enl will
IV. You may he hle"ed
Wllh a son.
ParI "f

LJirn' Iill"
of Ihe ,,,,,,, ,d
Pari "J
Ih" day
Qua rlN

Sou l h_" ",t
I. You may have a
i( you le,,"\ 1<> pm-
II You will have heavy
III , Yo" may' ha,e a
mee ting Wi lh yo"r
IV. G"' cenlllcn( will
auu to yu" e
Il ,,-ill atl<l to y" " r
harpi ne"
II ( ;,wernmelll Illay
honour y" " r meri h
I I I. Yo u rna, ' h",e to
heM "nexl''''' t"J
new' ,
IV, Y"" will ge' ,he hes t
we-r Quart t-'
I, Yo" will ha,e to
J i fficul(ies.
Jl You w,lI have
(0 waru o !Ttllicyc',
ll l. You have chance' of
IV, y u" have III hear a

1<> ward on (hie' e.
I Ik wa re of uange,.
II Yo" ",III g" t
III, Y"" will gel publi-
IV. ,\ r my may "o mc
"v el' he, e ,
Q"art n
No rtb
I. Sh"ol ing eta p;
n"n e,
fall un the ""cas"," .
b"' ''ghl 10
II. Y Oil
I' .
ma y
ha, -e
ward oil' the
face <lisaPI'0jIl t me" t
yo " r CUIl,orl . Il l. Ik wure or Ihe
" UI
Take care
dOlhe,. 1' . You
rna, ha,e
IV Y Oil ma v
o r
a Jour-
sorneb"<l / ' J"ath
O i\IE:-;S B-\SrI> UPON rue I S O F
SI' ,\1I:1I:0W (CI/A TAAA OR SO.... A I
'\ 1I"ld Ille ()"Iden (til,> bird
pcl-Ill Ille (of Ihc 'l Ll c\l io", cr).
Le i Ibc hi"j (1)' " " Cr the didgram tra<'eJ o" t Hn thc
gmunJ. it >II up"n a ho",e in tile J iagra m.
r hen rdcr to Ihe eorre' f" >Il ,h ng numher in IIl e
1i,lI<>wjng or I I' il >I I' ,n thc rla,c.
whKh h" , no numbcr. Illc rro, 'c"" ,110,,1<1 be
rcr calcJ lill it , its JIl a h"u,e. mar ked "i lh ""nc
..\hcrnal;' e
1:1 . r ile c)'c< 01 tile 'l"c' li" ncr , ho"l d hc Ctwercd h)' a
thick doth ['hen he ,hould hc a, keJ to 'OfKh a
hou,c j n thc ",-j th I", nngcr. The nu",her or
thc h"u,,' ' o" ,hcd ,ho,.,ld be rcferred 10 the " ",,, hcr
in rhe roll"", ng ' able " f a n,,,,crs.
...... .


PLEASESEE 1' t'I.:XT PAGE 10 1( A," S
hili .. of ..\n, " ..rs
Sire IIfl " .'"
I I'lI,m I..:ala
2. I'o, i va
3, H!WWlII
4. HlII'wl",, ;
5. l.lh!l
6. Rmh"m
7, Sho,ik
S, ,'t llia
9. Po,a",
10, Ishat!
II. I'a" ('/",,,a,,
12, Ni ,,,,,"
(3 , RUl"lrash;
14 A,::"i
nood Lud
mil e ahead
J a n/;er fwm enemy
lime 10 slar! ne ..... project
GooJ L ud
Inam pi<"iom Jays ahead
Ih nger i, 0\...,
danger. n oo<l lime ((l
!" un<la lion, or a
vIllage or a Iw",<:
l"o danger
A!lad. 1>)' enemy
Opporlune lime
,\ " ' pin o " s ahea J
n ron s required ,
Omens based upon Animal s
l" ln><h" '/ol)'
In a beaulif"l pa'-'age, the Shalapalha Brahm"na "I'
lhe Yaj"rveda an mleresling ae<:ounl of the origin
of an ima"- P""'sha. lhe Sacred Bool relak". was all
alone and for oompany. li e lran<for-
meu him,clf inlo IWO bal" es-a man and a 'm man. The
woman OUI or mlX!c'l y disliled cohabi l;on "' Ih one
who bad produced her. She became a oow. The
P"r".,hl1 also lurned into a bllil . Tbey produced SOme
lone, After thai she a marc. a I!-0"t "n ewe and
so on. lie also became a slallion, a he goal, a ram etc.
In this way pairs of all anIma ls. right from the huge
e1ephan l down 10 the lilly an Is were erealed
GeneraI Ob""....ali,,",
I An;m"l, have gOI "gnincanl 'mportance m Ihe
religious life of the U",d us, Cow is generally wor
'hippeu and is honoured a, Cow ' MOlher Ilia""'"I11),
so 'I is and in alllXmdil;ons ausp;c;ous.
2. The effect 'of Ihe ac"l iviI;es of an ;mal, is m'hlly
no'iced in rela lion 10 a journey,
3, In ca,'e of ajaclal lhe n"mhers 1.2.3, and 4 prefi,,:u
;n lhe answer chan refer 10 Ihe 1. II. III and IV
""arler of Ihe day and also of Ihe nighl.
O>-H.NS B. SH l ANI I,uI-'
O \frNS BASH) nn:
M T I\ T IU:S (H' C \ I
l. Ir d pa"on qdrtS Ihe j o" rney and the <w me w,
wll ho"l ha ving a piece or ruoJ in Its 'nuut h. 'I "
inau,pi e",,,s
2. Durmg the co urse or a journey eN, ,,ng or the T<>ad
r"'lll dny side hy a cat is ,ndmrkiou'.
3 If a cat fdll, on a ,leer ing rerson, ;1 i, an inausrie-
IOUS s' gn,
4 If a ca t , n, O\ the teet. it i,hdd ,
5, If a cat bds the fo rehedd or d ,,,,,,,an . her hu,ha nd
may die.
(, If a cat lle'ks the hred" of a woman, her ,on may ule.
7. If a cat lick, the rO'-'1 ,)f a woman, her fathe r _in _Jaw
ma yule.
(Bl A" ,plein.. '
I. If a pe",on is going un a journey dnd sees d cal o n
the left , ide "rthe rood, ;1 is auspklous
2, If a pe r,on IS ente ri ng a vill age or dty or ho,, 'e and
d VI is eOlllmg ,)ut of the ho",'e toward,' h" righl
, ide it is a"'ri<'loos.
3, If a rer",)" has j u" star ted the j oorney and a Cdl
me ws (while kee ping a piece of meat in its "1Outh), 'I
" evsp'cous.
II OMf::\S I:l.... SEO LPn ,," Til l:
MO\iu.n.NTS l it" A 1'1 (;
I , A pig (dome'tic) is alway, good.
2 If the pig is >o Ct or cove red wilh mud. I t is " lOre
"",'l>1cio", . If. how,,"cr, Ihe mud is dried up. It is
J . If a pen.on sec, a pig by hi, kfl side wllilc
proceedi,,!! on a j ourney. he j, likely to a,'hiC"" his
4. If a PC!"' Oll sec, a pig toward, hi, right , i,l e whil e
entering a hou,e, a ,-illa!!c or a dly. he will have
III OVIf: NS RASF Il 1.JPO'" rue
OF A J\.10 ,," Kf:Y
I. If a pc,,,m ,lart, on a JOUrllcy and sec, a m" nkey by
hi, left sid c, It " good .
2. If a pCN.l[] , Iarh on aju"",,, ]' and sec, a monkey at
tw,lighl he is li kely l<l achieve hi, aim,.
or the h"'lel Indicates lro ubl e, Meditali" n.
h"" -ner, may brmg rchef 10 the wnccrned pcrson,
7hmhhing of Ih" eighl Ihigh or a peNm md,cate, that
,,,meone i, ,Iandering h im 11\ absence. If lhe palpilation
i' in the 1'1' thigh he may gel weallh.
ThmMinx of Ih,' " ghl restide indIca res regaln in!; " f
the I",t th ing., _ If the palp itation is in Ihe leli te, tide. it
predicl, Ihe gaIn " I' a sOn. happine" or a plea, u, c -1<l ur
Thmbhing or the hip inJicales fame. if It is in the righI
"de. plea,ufe if it i' in Ihe ccnlre. happine' s if the
pal pilat;on i., in Ihe leti ,ide. and lro uble if It i, in
exte ri"r pan of the hip,
11Imhhing of Ih,' Joint bet ween thc Ie!; and thigh
inJi eale, that 'omeboJy is bla min!; him in hi, absence,
Th'ohh",!!, of Ihe so'" of righi f ()<Jt Indicate' dlffi cullle,.
If the pul'a1i"n i, in the "'lc of lefl f oot (If a pe"'''n. he
i, likel y t(l go abroad.
7n'oMing uf Ihe elghl "nkle indicale' the labe
blam'ng "I' the per ,,,n hy ",me people. If Ihe palpila-
ti" n" fe lt in 141 "nkle ot a person he is likely to h"""e a
meeting wilh hI, friend,
7n,ohhillg of righl knl't' indicates Jiflicullie' fmm
enemle" delay H' the wor k and a , ,,il ah",ad
T1m,f,hmg Ih,' righl foO/ mdicate.' good luck If Ihe
",Ie al,,' l' uk ' le,."ne " likely io go o UI. , ide and C<\me
back ",fdy.
firroMing of Ih,' left f ool indica res Ihal Ihe 1'''1 Ihi ng
will he fegaineJ .
Th",M';lIg of the eighl 10<' Jndiea le, that the 10' 1thing
will he rega lned, Pub ali" " in Ihe ."('(md loe oflhe righl
JiWI. fore lell, a q uarrel with ,he ad versarie, . If the
",HJI,' 1M puls'"e' . il will hring g, ,,,d Iud . If Ihe ' ing
tne plJlsale. it indkale' Ihat a gue, t ,,- ill m me fmm a
far_orr place_Pulsation in Ihe lillie 10" indi cate, lrouble
Th' oh/>i nK of Ih" hig /(/('. senmd lOe. "'iddl,' 10<'. 'ing
10<' a nd Ii/ll,' lOe of th, left fo ot jnd ,c" le, h" nour,
s[[ eee". lro uble. gam, and plea'urc re' peetively,
Omens ba sed upon Sneezing
AlTurding 10 ('driO Signo", o. the hi,turldn, the
Chri stian of "'ying ' (,od hie" yo,, ' when
,ne"l.eS ' tarted in the 6th cent ury, when
G reg<>ry the G rea t was the I' upe a nd an eridemil' was
on. In India , huwcvcr, Ihe l', ,, lum of "l1e"ng 'OM' hv
the , necrcr and 'Sh<J ,"ih' by the "u '1",h an
oe<'a",,,, goe, bad tn the h"ary pas t, The Iliud",
geucrally helicve Ihal the 'pirils cut er lor leave Ihe body
of a h"",au being Ibrough Ihe now. So ,neez,ng
, nd Kale' Ihe emry '" Ihe e,it ur Ihe spiriI,. 'I'hi, view of
Ihe rd alio n between ' plril' and ""'CIing i, ,harc'J by
Ihe ",>mn"", people uf al mo,1 a1l1',ilh, Ihro ugho ul Ihe
worl d. 'I his g<' n",,,liza tiou of Ihe fol klore. of "o ""e. "'
no way a ffl-,." " th" v'lew, of Iho,e who a rc eug.aged "'
the "' ....h,a! prorc"ion, Sneezing i, <'o" ,ide,,'J to be
bad. wben the per,on Irymg to "art somelhing , neezes
hun-elf. But ;f Ihe sneCl er ",'meone eise, the e ffe(!
var ies a<'cord" 'g to the direction. time. age. SeX, ele. of
Ihe , ne"1-er and Ihe degre<" of Ihe Slep' that bave
already been laken by Ihe pcN>ll loward., Ihe starting "f
a part ieular aet ion. Sn eCl;ng in Ihe middle. thai is, arkr
Ibc ,tarting of an a<'lion do", not signif)' allyl hing.
Thf ""rid , 'if '" "f " men , "",,'t1 "I'0n ,neeli"l
Funl & Wagnall' , SI"nd"rJ DiCl I",wry oj f ' ,lklare.
", ui L"i:end , e",'o rd, the folluwing e",lo""
prn-alem among.'1 tribal ",,,,',,,,i,,s In . 'ariou' countri es
. '

JO '''i1 J" "JO< "4 0, <l' 4 "uo
UIe"" lJn< pur ':>I OUI III .""J
r 101 UO!1"" "'II ,]"1< 1'1" "4' :>uo '''OJ'''' "u " ""u' .11 ' f
-1'''' II'''1"''U ''
P"l'" "'II -",,,,,,,1' r <U(ljJ SO!'"ll''' '! 1"'''''ll< J'II J I 'z
", ,,u mu auol""u< J" P".IP
" 41" " II uo,p r ur J" 3" ' 11"I'J" "'Ull " ' II m hl lln" II -,
<" " !'l' ......"0
' '' '' Ul() :>UI." r I n " 14t-
-Jl"" "j r '" ' ''0> ;/'"0'' ''' q '>,Vf) "41OW>"'\, 0 1
" "' I""l U.,," 1' '' 41 J" In" "'I' J""1
Ol ",,,"U, h:>' p u" '1.\\ ' J,, {rJJ I,>lIn " ,m ' H,>,{ "'I.! I>
llja! " 1" ",,'U "411!" _'
II!," 1' .' '' 1' " 41 1"4' "''''1'''01 ""'II "' ''1''''''1 i!url""us
J' U" PIU" '1 11M ' '' ''H' ; ' '' 41 4"'," " ""Iwl .... '''I. L -H
""" 4' un il ullI',J "1'4'" " """ , I')' V "l
(w q "' uu'! "UI1""U' 1" '11 1">.'''!I'''1 '! 1) .,'m",,,;>!) " I -L
-' { 0'l J," " I 1I!-'I\ k ' 41'Plf Pi/"1 ",,,,,",
0..'1\1 pUE
" ," I .I ' IE'I1 pl"'1 ...."'uorI"3 '9
RlR nO.\ J ' '1 IR"P
R.I" lR., '1 lE-" no.\ IE'll W"""I""".) 'I!J0N "
"no.\ lnoqr , ilu,'l \ I'Eq """""JO' ''' ' I_w
In'',( J ' Ir 'll "'''' ),,'1 n,mJ/lm { 'r
' u:1" prq R ' !
,("uJ""f R" wp q Ir ql f
,("'11u" 'l'" ' l Ull 'l ' UJOp J <II/II.') 'c
' .\poq " 'I I 0 1 p r q
"wo.) <R'I In,,, " '11 IR'l1 uil" r " u
Ir 'll '1'""11 .I" "'1.1, " j
",;i "''''I UR<U " 'I u"J" 3U .I" i/u, pl
DNl'lHN, No ,' ;, ,UWH \ """,,,
vuwor o:\trNS K}:LAH:I> T O
OIRH,IO'\ A'\ 1l Tl :\UNG <W SNH:I.ING
Pari oj !)j r<,',i""
Pari OJ''','lio,,
Ihe day oj'w""; j,,x
In,- day ojm<,,,;i"R
Soulh .<'a' l Quarler
la' l
enJoy a
1. You will have 10
fa<:e hindran ce'.
II. He" "",e of Ihe oul -
break of fire .
Ill. Vou will bav e op-
porlun,l y 10 sec your
IV, Vou will fed ha ppy.
Qua rt <'!"
1. You will
rca-t ,
II. You may ba ve quiLk
gaUl' .
Ill. You rna)' have rn
face imped ,ments ,
IV. You ",II have a
meeling wilb yo ur
frienJ ,
L Work w,1I be ob,
II. There i, a danger.
lI l. You will get fooJ .
rv, You will hav e a
meetin g wllh your
frien d .
Qu arter South'..."
L You will Cam profits
II . Bewa re ofl hieve, .
Ill , You ma)' have 10
proceed on a j our
:V You w,ll have ,'om
Qu arl..r W",l Qua rt.'r
N" rlh "e, t
l. There arc <: ban" e' of
a Journey ,
II , You w,1I bave wm
fon '
IH You may ba ve a n-
gui' b .
I\' . You will pin
I , You will Cam prohts _
lJ You will haveeom
Ill. You may bave com -
I V. Yo u will ga in the
Ihing imnl<-dialdy.
Pari of
th,- day
J)i redio"
f ""'e::i" /!.
Pari "I
the ,1m '
[), ref/io"
of ""eai,,/!.

w, l! b,
<I i,
L Be"' are
0 1 <h , <Ian -
may have
l'>car a 10" of money.
I I I.
Yo u rn.ty have <Iel i," 111,
ha" c
iou, thing, locaL fa,-e tmpcd,mcnt,.
nc"" gain"
(I '
Sneel.mg from the rrnnt , ide Ina ",p i,' iou,
Sneeli ng 10 a chain GooJ
SncCling from lhe lett ' i<l e
S"ecl; ng or cal,
Ib d
Sncct.ln g at
time of pllreha, ing
an article
Au,pi, ;o,,'
SncCling in Ihe l'>qlinn ing ofa rclig-
'0 '" pcrfor mance
Sncc{.lng al lhe IIme or ,taIt' "g
Sncc f ing al Ihe lime of entcring 10'0
a new hou,c
Sneczing allhe lime oftak"'g rnedi
,: 1I1C A"'pi, i",,,
( I(J)
Snccling allhe I;me or,-aillng a
do,,,,r Had
(I I)
Sneezing a l lhe time of ,Iarling on a
Ina " ,pic"""
Augu rs related to prominent
cha racters in the Rnmnyana
Valmikl " a name a, imporl.lrll as H" mer, Th e
mel r'" '<>Inpo<ilion, in Ihe da"",al San,kri l a nd Ihe
' lyle of Ind ian epic poelry owe Ihei r (lligin 10 him. ' The
malerial of Ihe R"mllyl1nl1, in ii' simple'l f"' m, Ihe
,lo ry of the ",,","ery of a r.wi ,hed hride' , as Sisl er
"'i ,'edila opines, 'i, nu l unllkc tha i of .1n<>1her greal
epI C, Ihe fli"d of Homer' ,
Once ona line rnllrmng when Valmikl was
aboul I" en ter the liver f" r a b.l lh, 'I ' " e'nanH...l that
lwo f"nd herons I K,,,,,,,,.h.Mil hUlI"J di'1"orled on the
bank and all of a sudden a pa" ing hu nler 'hoI 'he male
bird wh,d' al " n,'e feU dead in a 1"'''') of blood, The
gr ief of Ihe female hemn wa' nal ura lly un falhomable.
Valm' k' " ncan wa, so dee pl)' moved by il' cr ie' Iha l he
was for..-cd 10 a rlie'urale h" ern" li,, ", in a ,I rc.lm of
melncal co mpo'i li" n'. which, at lhe command o f
Brahma, re, ulk..,) in the bi rlh of Ihe line Fpic, Ihe
Rii",iimllil .
In d.l)" "f )'o re Ko, hala and Milhi la wer e Ihe Iwo
010,1 powerful KIngdo ms in Sonn Indi a, K,nJ:\ J) a,ha_
ra ,na the falher of Ra ma ruk...l over Ihe Il)rmer and
Janaka , Ihe falner of beauleo u, Sila reigned <l ver Ihe
laner. I'here wa, dunng rhat ag e a va,1 Kingdom
adja"em 10 Ihe Soulhern , nores "f Ihe ocean, Lanka,
Ihe abode <If Rakshaw., (demon, and evil make "),
where Jl' ruler, Ra"a na, Ihr<> ugh hi, greal
pe nane.." CU lled favou r wilh Hrahma, oblaincd impor -
lalll b'l<'n> fro'" him anJ Ih" , . " 'HoI" crabk 10
god, and apc' a nJ men whom hc
to "" of lill ie wonh) . Va lmlki' , epic i, . in a
, en, c. " l"'n Ihe n'cn l' which occll rred
arollnd lhrec mlghty Kingdom, .
Th e " f Itama
\"'hnll, III order 10 relkvc th.: l!0d, anJ of Ihe
lyr"nnyor R" b h,,-WI.' rcw lveJ 10;'KMn" l.: and appea r
i".lhe hll", an 1(>r '" in wotlJ He 'enl 10 King
D",ha""h,, lhm<tgh prie'ls a pot " I' \tag le Wa le" . or
which half wa.' lak.:n by hi, y".:en Ka ll' ha l)'a and a
by and Ihc rema"'''' g 'l"arler hy
Sumi\ ra . The qll cen> or Da'haralha In dlle
m""c. wilh 1('lI r ""'1\ . Ka", hal)'a gavc binh 10
Rama. ,,' n was Hharala anJ SlItnllra bq ol
Laxmana and Sha lrughna, 1\lIlhe I><,y' grew IIp_ Rama
pcrli"med mirae"I,,", anJ kllk d '''eh a,
Taraka even in hi' e1li IJh"" d
Sila. hl.:rally a I'lIrr"w and. tnylhol"gically
referred to a, a "f from
ca n h. while adopl ivc fal her. Janaka wa, plollghi ng
Whcn Vi, hnu had d ecided to "'eMnale in lhc fo,m of
Itama. hi, wife l.a , m, haJ roll" wcd 'li lt an d
hcrself in Ihc f", m of Sila, wa, ob violl, ly
10 bring abolll of Itavaoa . Ihc wleh d
dc m<'l' r" tcr or La nka
Itama . by bending Shiv,, ', ....... u,derful bow. w"n Sila
In a loug,h conicS! arranged by Janaka in h" (\'url at
M' lhJla , The clem'll pa il "f Vl'mnll and Ihll',
l!0t in Ihd r a,," mcd hllman f<"m ,, (
Ita m" and Sita
It ama ,,'a, aboll ilo i"'lalled a, lhc ,ueec,
sor of hIS aged failler on Ihe lhrone or Ayud hya. 1",
S!cp-m"lhcr, Kaikey.:.: a prcviOIl,ly
pro"",e. a_' h'd Da,haralha h' in'tall ,on HIl ",ala 'IS
hi" '''eec,'or an d ah" I" 'end Rama away i" I" I< >r
ycars_ Laxman" and Sila abo ",-.cumpanled
Ra m" and lime in the
LJ"nd"b his
la't, lIha rala rcfu seJ the Ihrone and t,ied [" pc,""uad c
Ra ma to re( um had. Rama d iu not agree amJ auvi""d
Il harata In rule Ovcr K<>s hala as hi, , 'iccroy
Alie, p"" jng ovcr len years in the Uandal a Iinc,t,
Rama, under Ihe a<.lvi,e of , age Aga"ya decided [0
move 10 I'a nehavati, the area which wa, very much
infested Wil h rah h""" , There, Kavan,,', ,i , ter Surpa-
nakh" tr ied to ,cduc' , R" m" . When ,he fai led. ,he
inSlig.atcd her hrot her Ravana (" ahduct , Sit" which he
did. Ra ma alta,-keJ lanka. He was aiJ cJ hy Ln m" na
and the 'are,' Sugr;v" . llanuman Angada. Za" la ,-anla
and so <In. Rava na ', pi,,,,, brot her. V' !>', ;, h"na <x, -
operat c,] wit h Rama. Ra ma kdlcJ Kavan" anu re,c' \Jed
Sita , ahcr a lerrihlc ha llie In whIc h Itava na ', h",thcr
Kumhha ka rna a nd "," lndraj it were also killcd.
Ahcr winning v"'IMy ovcr Ravana, rcslMing lhe rule
or law In all lhe lr,-,uhled a rea, and wmplcting lhe
I, ' unecn )ca,-.; of CXllc. Ra ma rct urned 10Ayodhya with
S, la a nd t axma na, Thcy rCC'ci"cd a lusly wclc.)me from
lhe I''''-'ple or Km ha la . Rama "' :cupied lhe Ihmne. and
ruled ovcr lhe ktnd for a long lime wil h honesly, dignlly
a nd impartialily.
St-b,' nw and Scope of this ( l 'a l' l,.
Ra ma 's swry has heen regarded as highly symhoiie in
its csscnee a, wel l as ",,,,le,,l s, The term R,,," a ha"
hec'ome a .\ I 1/" It'l1 a"d alm, " 1all HInd us he lieve lhal he
w,,, Ihe inearnalion of L" r<j Vishn u, SImI lar is the ea,e
of Olher eharaner; al,o. Thai i, wh y a nurnher of
omen, and aU!lurie, haw heen developed M ha,e<J
upon Ihe 1<"",/1)-' 1/"", Thc effect o f lhe onwns presup-
po, e, " ,me <Jegree o r railh, Those wl1<> rcpo,e lheir
fa" h on lhe, e characters will find propcr 'olulion , to
therr pwh lem,
G,".... ,I OI>....,..a1ions
I. Read Ihe lahle of , ignili,'anl charade" i" Ihe
l<,i mll f, ,,, 1/
2. lJo "ut rea d the char! " f an, we" al Ihi, Slage,
AI:OI-' RS RELA rFU ro r II f Rh . A "" A 75
3 "I' II> mmti"ned , n table
"I' cha,,"'tcrs,
4 If it i' not I"" " bk ro rcmc mba the or
ch"'acter. any number b,'lween I to II> (b"th

5. "r the number pided. 'hould be
referred I" its c",respon ding number in the chart "f
<HI , wer' .
f>. Presid Ing deity of Ih i, lable is Ram". so It is advise d
Ihal Ihe mysti'" ,If,,mm ,1",uld
eigh t ti mes be f"re ,"enturing lin the "perati"n "I' Ih" .
, ,
Shn R. m Slta Vjbh, >ho
I< umbhoko, . o

Indr .jil
" "
Bh. .....
lorn.. ' .
S. ,.d.

" ' ,hyee
H, s I>L" O"ESS
Cha rt "r,.\ "".. ....
I. Y" " wdll;el wealth.
2, You, " orrie' "ii i
-' Yo u ",- ill
4 Yo " w, lI
5 , You hkel y 10 " e" lih
6, You will ",nfavour ",,'h G,wernmen(.
7. Yo u, he" " h " i ll
ti , YlOu "'ii i ha aII ,o'h of gams,
9. You .. ,II ha ve pk" ,u,e"
10. You .. ,II quarrel .. ith ""m" h"dy,
I I. You arc Ii k '0 uuda go a 1<>.,,, of money
12. You 10',11 all <W" , ,, fhe ue ht, .
13. You are like ly '0 get involve<1 in a
14. You .. ill oh,a in all , on, of ple"' ,,,e, .
15. You w,lI to q u,,,, e1 with ' o mdwdy
16 Yo u likely ' 0 gel Involved ' n a h'awl wi' h
Omens based upon the
Mystic Decalogue
(Rahasya-c- Dashnka)
l. , l e Chri.\lmm in (he Wesl, (he f e ~ l , v a l of J)urga}"'.ia
is celebrat ed with greal ual and zest in Ind ,a. Coincid -
ing with the /la.,halla,,, whi"h , emind, us of lhe "icwry
of Rama over Ra"a na or of good over Ihe evil,
ll urgap"j a represenls the viclory of llurgJ , the godd es,
of "alour and "i n ue ""er lhe demon s. the forces of
"anity and vice,
"\ ' ah;"-h,, ,,, ra, ki ng of lhe demon" a, the Marl an-
deya "ur"na des,-ri hes. o n,'e defe a led Ihe gods in "'ar
and forced them (0 wander her e a nd Iher e Oil e..th a,
beggars. Indra wilh olh er god, apprwd led Lord
V"hn" for hdr, The pa lhelic <.'O"d, lion of lhe gods
enrageJ Lord Vi,hnu ' 0 liero'e1y that a ,tream or power
(Irja) b"", fort h )rom his mo"th The moulhs of oth er
god, Brahma, Shi va, et<.' . gave similar powers rhe
,Iream, of I"'",'.r, .-om"'g from the mouth, of lh. , e
god" were (ra n,formed illlo a fi ery female ligure.
known a, ll" rgJ or Maha maya, The god, Ihen pre,en_
ted Ihe" weapons to D"rgJ . She ,lcw Mahishas" ra a " d
hi, followers a" d thus rehevw the god, of their agony
and trouble s
Godde,s Durg5 i, said 10 have (ell forms, viz i I)
})"'gll lhe deslroyer of demoll D"rgJ , (2 ) Dashabhuj a
(len armeJ ). (3) S ingham",n, (,ealed on a lio n), (4 .
M" I,;" "".,,,ramar-dhi ni (de, troyer of a demon III the form
of buffalol, (5) Jagaddhalri (the molher of lhe " orld ).
(6) Kati (lhe Black O"dde"_,,ho slew R"I-la" ljil l, 17)
MuJ,;w"eshi (Wilh """ing bair>. IS) ItJrii (the ,avi our).
(9) CI,hi,m"m,w"kfJ (headl e,,) a nd (10) j"g"J/i,w,i
(golde n coloured )
People of Ben!!a l wor, hip Dur!!a !!enerally in her
form of Kal L The wO"hi ppers of Durga are generally
known a, SI"' /.;I"" in to Ihe devotee., of Vi, hnu
and Shiya, who are termed a, and Sh" ikH
re, pel'lively
G.. Obw"'3li"n'
Th" and th,' prie'l (or a friend) 'hou ld pay
lhelr re, peet to goddess Durga,
L The questioner may read the tahle of ' I/ou,e,' of
Problem' in I corresponding to hi' que'lion .
Alle rnal ively. he may seleet al random any nu mber
out of I 10 40 (blHh ind u, i,'e ).
2 Then he may con sul! the table of pred iclors under
lhat problem io Section II. l ie may at thi,. ' lage
repeat l he fol lowing my' lic .\I" m", ,even time,
concenlra tinl\ on Godde" Dmga and praymg for
her Gra.-e:
'OM KRI 1'i G S HRING S ATU M VAllA S VA 1104 '
(L"t the GodJe" of power pronounce a Itue COm-
mandmenl to ", lve my problem)
Thereal'lcr. he may pi" k up at r" ndo m, any on e of
lhe len preJ Lcto".
l The posili" n "I' lhe predictor may be nOled and the
answer should be fo u" d al lhe ,amc number '" lhe
lable of I'rooil'l i" n, m Se,:tion II I und er the Ilameof
lhal pred ictor. (In Section Il l. the pred'c w" ha,e
bee n a "" nged under Roma n " Iph" belical otd er. I
( ;" n..ra l
I. Su pp,"e lh e q oeslion relate, to ' apprehension from
"'mebody' ta l 5 in lhe Hou,.." of the I'roblem,.
o r ''' ppo, e lhe quest ioner pi<'k> out No.5 io the l"t
in Section I.)
,, 'S t)!.; " ",ENS
2, Alier repeat ing the my" ie Mum", , even time' . if the
'1ucstioner toul'hes in Sect ion I I in the table under
Problem S o. 5, say the> ligur e 8, it means , hi,
nOm, nee in th" ,'o uncil of l' red,e w" is Atr; Kishi.
3, ."-tr i k ishI's anSWeTwIll be found at number 8 In Itis
te n eom mandmenls, his po, ition In tlte Problem
House No, 5 beln !!at So. K
4, Hence the reply will read 'Th ere t, no cause for
alarm. Do not worry' ,
5. lIefore vent uring on ' he opera tion of the numeric
Jcwlu!:uc. they ,hould utter- 'Na",,, D"'--gayu i'
(salutat ions to godde" Dur!!3j ten time, with folded
ha nd" bowin g head reveren tially and witlt complete
,'onn>ntration of milid.
Th" my,tie decalogue ,'om;st' of 40 houses of
prohlem,. F-"elt house ha, its own counci l of 10
pred ictors. F-"elt pred ictor has tlte aut hori ty to prono _
unce 10 comman d ments , The cou IIc'illo" of all ' hom,,'
are not the , a", e ind ividuals, hut moq of ,he member<
belong to more tha n nne ,,-,unc'd, a l!ho u!! h their or der
of , e'l Oenee drlfe" in differem -h" ose'"
They pronounce different command mem, from tlte
d ifferent coune, ls, To avoi d confu, ion, following proce -
d ure or , tel" ,hould be adopted
I. Th e '1uest ioner should hrst of all seled o ne /louse "r
ProM,'m amon!! " 40 ei ther b)' nanu ng ,t hnn,el f Or
by ullerin!! a nu mber between I ,0 40 (both inclu -
, ive) ,
III deh neali ng the ,' " nc'cpt and 1'''>Cc" or piayrng
d icc \1 y<l ic ' ylla hk"
"' }:Cl IO' I
' ....dhnJ!. Ii",..:
.n l ' l!>I anide

H,..:. ""
I' rie'khh, p

t\ r prehen" " n
2' .
C" min!!
b...d fw m
Imr, i",mmenl
l" u,.
I t """"
S" ,..i,,!! 'be Sent , .

G"", hli" g
I i111l1!!
tu r "'pl,,}"n, en I 31.
l) u,IItd
Pl....i ng " f "t>jeCI'
I hd )
1\ !fa,,, JJ
r ",ei! " r " u,
1I,, ' '''....ng
.. Vehk k JS. ,' rn, .l
ne.. l)
... cdd ed ... ife
!' . Igrim. ge
I' ''.!'' .....I
mar -
t :.JuclIIi' >11 nage
J" urnt)
o\mlTM"; ' } "

} ' eN om
I ,fe I'. nnc ,
In a . -il ltge
2' Au,ho. .. ) 0' Po;,t
[,a.J, lit>n "I"
We. lth
.I,...,. ..:
>U"' '' L" '"n.'''
SH ' 1l 0'\ II
IIlH"SrS O F l' II: Olll Y \1 Willi THEIN
CO l ,'\( 'II,S O F 1'lI:Ull Cl l l HS
n..elJing I I "u,""
J. S.",,-;,".,
MarKh' Rishl
King Chandrudaya
King I la" , hehandr"
Sallade. a
Va,,,lh,, R" hi
King H..",hc hanJ ra
Kumar R" hitawa
Va, ;"h" Rishl
l' ula, ') O11: " 1,,
Kumar K, >h il" ,,a
Vcn ll
Pulaqya Ki , hi
7. Killg Shall.ahana
King Venu
Angi ra Ki, hi
"Hlg Shal;""h"""
King Ilhagira lba
W Angira H"h,
10. Al r i Hi 'h,
2. He-id.'".'e
\ l ,'C1i dnc
Ki" g Chan drodaya L
K, ng l la ri., hchantlra
a. Sahade"a
V,,,,,! h,, KIShi
K,n", l l ari , hchandra 3
K uma r R" h, la",,,

Va,i, lha R" h,

I'ula, l } " lI:" h,
Kumar fl. " h;t" ",,"
King Venn
6. PUla'I). R" h,
6. King Shalivahana
7. King Ven n 7.
A"Il"a R" hi
KIng Shal;"ahana
Klog li il'lgir,, ' ha
llnglr" RIShi
\ lfi Ki ,hi
K' ng ro S.h" Cha nJ ra
0 " "''' HASU> UPO'i 1 11 10 "YHI{' IlI CAl o"n 83
1 Va ,i,l lt" Kt-It l
2 Kun", r K" ltl1 aw a
3. l' ula' l}a K" I"
4 Ven"
5, KlIll; Slta hvahana
6, Kt-hi
t . Kinl1 ll hagiralha
1\ . Ai" K"h i
9. Sh " K,,," Chall dra
10 , Sh ri Va,,,,.k v;'
6. 1"'1'<; , ,,nn"'''1
I. Kumar Koltila,,"a
2. Pula,r ya R" h]
J Kin!:, Venu
4. King Shal"'alt, ,,,,,
5. All gi ra Ki., hi
6 KIl' g Ilhaglnll h"
i, Alri K"l"
8, Sit" Kalil Ch,,"Jru
" Sit" Va,,,de,,a
10. Lax,"a na j;ll i
7. 11"" ,,-,
I Pllla,l"a Ri, hi
2 K,n!, Venu
3 K' ng Shall vaha na
4. Ang"a Ri'hi
5. K' ng IlhaJlira tha
6. Alri Kt-hi
i . Sh , i Ra m Chandra
8 Shr] Va, ude"a
9, La xn, a"a hli
10. K,nl:\ Vudh"lh" a
I VelHl
2. Kil1 !:, Shahv:o ha n"
J, Angir" R" hi
4, K, n!;' Rhagiratha
5 AIr< R" hi
6 Shr; Kam Chanura
7. Shri Va,udna
1\, La,mana Ja li
<) Ki ng V"d h" lhirH
10. Klllg S"gri"a
I. King Shali"ahana
2..\ ngira Ri ' h'
3. King Il hagira lha
4 Al" K" h,
5 Sh" Kalil Chandra
6, Sh" Va,,,,k,,a
7 I.a\mana Ja li
8. Ki ng VUUhl,lhi ra
" Kn' g Sugri' a
Ill, Arjuna
I Angira Ri, hi
2. King Bhagiral ha
3. ,\ni Ki'hi
4. Shrl Ra m Cha nura
5. Sh ri Va,ud",'a
6. Laxma" a jail
7. King Vudh i"It"a
1\ King SlIgn"a
9. Arj"na
10. Zallla"allla
utxru "'I n;,
II . "rOllj ",-t s 1 .
Vehi cl e<;
L King. Bhllg-ira!ha
Sh' ; Va,udeva
2. Alri Rishi
t a xmana Jati
J .
Shr; Ram Chandra
YwJ hi, lh' ra

Sli ri Va,,,dna

King SUllriva
La. ma "" h li

King. Yudh" lb" "
r King. Sugri\'a r Rhim" ",,,a
Arj una
:'>Ji la Vanara

to I" ila Va na ra
12. :\li1i tarl AlJairs
15. Marr,a\:e
Aln R;, hi
Las ma na Jmi
2. Shr; Ram Chandra 2.
King Y,,<I II " ,h, ra
J .
Shr; V",,,<.lev-a
King Sugri va
La, ma na Ja l;
,\ rj una
King Yud hi,lhira
Zama\'an la
Kmg SugTl"a
ll hima, cna
!"" ra MahaN li
Zamuva nla
Hhim", . " a
Nila Va nara
W l" ara Ma ha"ali
rc AngaJa
Borm" ill!:
1, .
l' il \:r;"''' I:' -
Shr; Ram Chandra I. Kmg Y" J hi, (hira
Shr; Va,udeva
2. King Sugriva
La, rna na Ja1l
Arj """

King Y"J hi, th;, a

King Sugri, a
Bhima, cna
Arj una
Nara Mahavali
t Zarnavanla
Hh,rna, ena
:-lila Vanara
l" am Maha vali
10. SahaJ e\'a
Hhi,h ma
O \1f NS 8"SEIl UPO", litE ' lnnr
F.dU<'a lio n
I.irc Pa rt" ".
Ki 0I:!Sugr iva
Ilhuna, clla
2. !\ rl una
2. "l aha"d b
J .
Zamava ntd
ll h"n a, cna
4 Vanara
:-.fara Ma has'all 5
Angad a
Ilili, h nta
Nila VanMa
King Vali
Bh" hma
King lbvana
1O. Il a ",, "' ao
.l ..
' L
or 1'""
:<la ra
2. Zam avanta
Sa hadna
Ilh,mascll a J .
Nila VanMa
4 Maha"ali
4 ,\og;>da
5. Sah" dc va
Ilh' ., h ma
i'o ila Vallara 6.
l lalll""a"
Klng v ali
Ill't i, hma
s Ki ng Ravana
IlanUl nan
Ca lurguna
King Vah

\\'<'al ll,
Zamavanu t.
Bhima, cna
:-.f ila Vanara
J .
Anga da
4. Sahade"a
ll h" hma
Nila Va"",,,
Il " nl"n dn
Kinl! V"li
Ill" , h", ,,
King R"" ana
5. Ha nu"' a n
Ki" l:! Valo
Cal urguna
Kiog Ravana 10 King Sa gara
Ln, t Art;d" u .
Ni la Vanara
I lanuman
Angada 2.
Kjng Vali
J .
Kmg Ravana
lI aouma n
Agu stya Mum
King Val;
5 Ap sty" Mn n;
King Ra va" "
8 K iog Sagara
r Cal l1r);nna r The !" pallr"e
Aga'tya Mn,,,
King SaFra
Chi, ranpoJ"
10, The Pipal Tree tn.
Sa ha"a,)"na
lli...." ...'
2J. "'" " i lll: ba<'k fro m
2. HhlShma
K i ng Val i
J .
Kin!:! Ravnoa
King Vah
K,ng Ra\'ana
\ 111 01
8. CalUrguna
5 Kmg Saga ra
Aga.lya Muni
8 T hc l'ipall ree
8. K"' g Sagara
"- !Il l; I\'a hu, ha
The Pipal Tree
Ch' lranl!"Ja
ro. King :"ah", ha
Saha,sra rj una
W K Ulllhh" ka rna
} ' , i<-nd,hip
Bhi , hrna l. King Ra\'ana
2. CalUrguna
J Kmg Vall
3. Aga,(p 'l un,
King Ravan"
K I ng Sagara
r he Pipal Tree
Aga" ya Muni
" mg Saga ra

The T ree

Kin); Nahll, ha


ro. Shrj
OA,H> LPON TH E >l n r J<: r' K Al OtiL E
S",,-inl( th., s.,."ls
t .
rhe Pipal Tree
Ag,,"ya Muni
King l'ahusha
Kin!! S"ga,a
Ch nra ngaJ a
The P'p,,1 t-ee
Sahas", 'I "na
5. K, ng !'Oahu,h"
K" mhhabrna
Chilrang" J a
SI"i \ lah"Je,a
S"b"""'j Un;'
V"h,-,ml l(fa
Kumhh" k",r.a

Ka rokey"
Shri r..h haJ eva
Sh, ingi Ri, hi
,"10. J J .
f'" ...
r. All",lya Muni
King "" " h" , ha
King Sagara
( 'hitmngaJ a
The l' i1"01 T,ee
\a ha"arjulla
K,ng !'Oa hu, lo a
5. Ch ' lranpJa
5 Shri MahaJ e, -a
\ 'j,h"a mUra
Ku",llha b 'na
K"ni key-"
Sllri MahaJ e, -a
Siai ng, R" h,
"' ." k h, R" h,
Ka rl, kev"
31. Q"arr"!
' '''''1'''1:
t . Kong Sal'-a ra
( ' hltr ang;,J a
The Pip,,1T, ee
Salla"a', utlU
King Sahu,ha
K"Ill I>h., karna
4 (
J Shri \ la ha,Je""
Vi,h,a m" ra
K" mhh" b rna
Karl ikey"
Sh" Mahadc' u
Sh"ng' R"hi
V"lI vamiln,
\ I.."ell , Rishi

K, ng CII .l11,J, ,,daya
Shn tlg' R"ln
<0. Shri flhaga' a na
HI NDU () ..
as. \,ri o'al " fWjf" rretod" m
S" ha" a rjuna
Vi,hv anll lra
Ka rt i k<; ya
Shri \ l uhadcvH
Sh ringi R" hi
Vi , h..unHl r "
M" "" h, K" h,
KMlike ya 5
King Ch"r"J r"J"ya
Shri ng; Rich i
Slm ll hag,wa" "
7. \ tar ie'hi Ri , hi 7.
Kill!; Jla ri,hchanJ ra
K i ng Ch.", Jrndaya
I. V",i'l ha Ri' hi
9 Shn Ilh" ga van"
9. Kumar Rohilaw"
King Har i, lll'ha nd ra
PUIa, ' }" R" hi
...al r..r
U .'i " l: In a ,'ill"!:,,
I. Kumhhab rna
"' " rtil ey"
2 Sri \hhadna
2. Shflngi R" hi
J V" lwamil m
:\,Ltrl l hi Ki' hi
Karu' eya
King ('hanJro<i aya
Shr ill gi R" hi
, 5.
Shr; Il haga va na
Marich; Ri' h'
K ing I la" ' hdMIl Jra
7. King
V"Sl,'l l> " Ri ' hi
I. Shr; Bhag" va na
9 King Ha r;., hd" , nd ",
l'u la' (F K"hi
10 Va, i" ha Ri' hi
K,ng Vc" "
.17. ,\ " i r.\
.tradkaf'on o r I
S hri
Shrin gi Ri, h'
2 Ri, t"
J .

3. Ki ng Chan J ",J'l ya
Sh"ngi Ri, hi
S hri
M.,id " Ri, hi
5 Kin/! Jla"' hc'hdnJr.
King Ch anJ ",J,,)'"
Va" 'lha Ris hi
Shri ll haga , a na 7.
Kuma r R" h,la, va
Ki ng tl,,, i' h,hanJ ,,, x
I' u la, tya Ri,hi
Va,i,l ha R" h, 9 Ki nl.' Vc nu
Ku mar R" hi ldsva
Kl n!; Sh ali'ahana
"'''''' ''S "AS,., U u-ov TIlE v vsnc llf CA!. OO UE 89
'I I:::" _ror .n ( 0 :\1\1.\'>;1)\1 [ !\ TS (I f 'I li t'
\ I I::\ IIl F RS OF nIl': COc.' ( It OF I' RHlICTORS
IWI .O M;I "' ; I UIUl I!llt:SFS or P RO IU .r::i\IS
\ 1\ SlIC Il H :AI .( )(; t ' [ (RA IIA S Y,f IHS fH KA )
I Farm will gel sco " hed .
2 Sow Ihe 'eesl s. lhi , will yiel J good COm.
3. BUMne" will ",Iieve you of your worr ies.
4 A Journey " bwad will pmvide ) 0" ,,-,lh ample
5. JlU} callie Thq willp",ve l'>eneflcial lO)'ou.
6, Frlend, h' p I'>elween YOll and yo ur friend will gww
'lronger day-by -day
7, The pa tie nt " 'ill feUlVe r. do nol worr}.
X 1.,"1 article will I'>e surely round
9 You will gel "lOne)'. You will have ample 'lvi ng
10 The ruler will get I'>ac k I", ,,-al of aUlhomy
immedialel) ,

Tl'>e d"ea,e " nm go'ng 10 be efadic"led wilhoul
serious etf"rl' "nd la'!e ill ve'!menl
2 f be 10, 1article will be found. bur , -ou will have 10
Inake a lhorough search for Iha1.
J You W,II gel weallh. You will enj oy life.
4, The king wlll get bad his Kingdo m w'lh Ihe
suppurt of hi, folio we" a nd friend,
5, Ma rriage will provide sou wilh ,nual plea ,ure In
the earl ier ' lage,. but laler on Y'0 u will have h, see k
divol e'e,
b. You will be bleS'ed wllh progen y', 1)<> nOI worry.
7, You will go <>n a j ourney. bul Ihere wol l be " , me
delay in your rel Uen joarn ey.
8, YOUI son will ' Iud). hut he IS hkel)' 10 become
ol'>., lina le
Ill SI>U
\I . You wili g" nn a pilgrimage a nd relurn bad
immed ial dy.
10. Yo ur Ilu, mess will run for " , me timt', bul ultima le _
ly 'I ,s likely to colla p"'.
... Rhhi
I wIll p" "' ,J e you " illl si/.abk amo unt 01
2. LJo not partielpatc '" gamblmg. w,l! losc.
3. You will gel riJ of yuur " or n e,. b ut 'Ilerc is some
J day
4 Th e for t wi ll bc broten and , he o" ner of Ihe fort
will be ea p' ureJ.
5. The caplive " 'illbe relea,ed. bul afler " ,me lime,
6. Be ,arefu t ther e i, a cause for ala rm
7. The drug ,n your I"" ,e",on " no t ell""lI ve Ha, 'e
"" melhing cise.
8, ' Sc" "ce' w,lI provide wilh a lillie
9, Do not li" e in this place. l.eave il ,,'ilhi n twent y-
four hou l'S.
10. Thi, place "i ll nol proviJe you " 'Ilh
Atj lll1"
I A, a rc, ull of your pilgrimagc 10 rdig"' u,' cenlrc,.
you w,ll a lIain a II sorls ofa"hi c" emel1t' ,
2 You w,lI st udy wlIh devo';"n.
3 Make a pilgrimae to religiou, placc, Yo u ,,'ill
back soo n
4. Your hu,i ncss "' ill run safdy.
5, You w;1I ,,>on gel ,he Jdivery o f liquor. II will be
, ,,1..1 and you will gct ample proli t.
(>, B" n ow mo"ey. l t " 'ill be relumcJ before long.
7, T he nee t of hoah " "II arrive safely.
8. I' Ul lhe tlull!:, in the J e,ireJ place.
9, 'Scrvice'" il! not bri ng you complete slUi, faeti"".
10, Ga mhlc. You w,lI ...in
lWON HIE "YSTlI lJI'AI.O(;lJ l 91
I , The Iket i' nOl comi ng. It i, del"i ned, SpcnJ
2, L" ying of lhe foulld" lion , lone will prove au' pic,,, u, .
J. 'Ser"ice' will pro,-iJe )OUwi lh a hll ie m"ne)'.
4 If y" " !,!a mhl e. your gain anJ I"" w,lI he ell"AI,
5, You wlil gel rid of Anxiel y heiore Jong
(), ForI wlil he ,aptllred. hUI Ihe inha hi lanl' w, 1l
7. The nmlinement willnol end 'honl)'.
8. There is no , all , e of a larm. D" nol worry.
9. Take Ih" meJ ici ne. It will ,raJ'"'ale you r J "ea", .
10. ' Se r" i,,'e' w-ill pro"ide )'OU wilh a Iinle mon9.
IShri )
I , Se,,-i.;e is henehd a l for yo u
2, Live III ,hi, pla.;e. It is !,!ood for you, Do not !,!O
anywhere e1",.
J, Li, -e in ,hi , pla.;e. You will have pro'perit )' ,
4 You w, ll gel rid " f lh" ditlk llity. Do nOI "orry.
5 The "ill age w,1I have great fenilil)'
11 lIondage w, lI .;ease he!ore long
7, Your 01'1'0oen" are houod 10lo,e gr"uoJ
8 Gel YOIlr;e1fmarried. YOII will have a n,'; e wife
9 IIrill!,! your wife to )'o"r home, YOll w,lI h""e olC'e
10. Il llnling will pr"vide )' 011 wllh a hig pr ey ,
(Kinlo:) llIla l:iral ha
I , l ay the f'H,nda lio n , lone of yoll r hou'e Th e lime i,
a ll'plC"O"',
2 Se rve. )' 011 will have proHt'
3 Do nol ind llige in gamhl ing. yOIl will 1::..110 wio
4. YOII wlil get rid of)'our anxiety 'honly.
5. l'he li'Tt w,1l he captured. hill Ihe owner or Ihe lim
will ew-pe
6. ("ontinemenl w,lI end ,oon, Somehody will mediate.
7. Do no t wor ry, ther e i' no ,'au,e of alarm,
8. This med icine w,l1 ha ve its elT""l.
<.12 IlIN"\! O"fNS
9. 'Service' will not provide }(}u with any, thing
10. Leave Ihis place, go somewhere ctse,
I. You will enter into husine".
2, Do nOI worry, you will have pro!!en)'.
3. Go on pilgrimage, You will have succe".
4. You will study' a little, hut have grealer intelligence,
, . Yo u will go on a pil gfl mage with joy.
6. You will run your business, but il will have SOme
7 Li'luor will soon arrive. You will earn profit
8, Borrow mon"}' . You will soon rdurn it. But there
will ensue some quarrel
9. Fled of boa!' w,1I soon a rrive.
10. I' ut Ihe th,ng in the desired place. bu t it will bave 10
be brough t "u t after a long time.
Bhishma CGangcya)
I. The friend concerned IS a thorough gendeman He
w,1l maintain fr iendshIp throughout
2 You can not gel rid Oflhi, dISease imrneJ iatdy.
3, You will nOl be able 10 gel the 10" art icle j usl now
4, You will have wealth, hut som,'b<x1)' else will enj oy
5. The King will get had hIS kingJ om through hI'
own forees,
6. Yo u will gel married. You will enjoy life.
7. Yo u will nol be ahle to have progeny', whalevcr }ou
may J o.
8. You will go on a journey', hut there will be no p in.
9 You will stuJy' linle, bUI will prove effective in
10, You arc going on a pilgrimage You will come bac k
(King) Chandnxlaya
I. Leave this place. Go somewhere else. It will he
advanta!!CO'" to )'OU

Il" SED l llE MYSTIC l'tl 93

2, to h e m this r 1a(e. )tlU will have rea(e
ofm,nd and
3 nonol wurry, You will Ihi, ('al ami Iy.
4 The village m pmvide you w, th greal j"y
5. B,mdage will end ,oon.
6. Allill"" ily will lead 10 lr" uhl e and wn'la nt
7. Get yo"rself marrie<!, You will have pea(e of Illind
a nd happine".
Bring yo", wife to your ho me. You wi ll 'pend a
lillie and gel m"Lh.
9. Il ullling will pmvide yt>u wil h hig 'porI.
10 Go ro your home , yo" will happy
Calur gllna
I, Sow [he s"eds. They wi II pr,ld u('e good ''<.'1''.
2. lluSl n"" " ill nol provide yo" wllh any profll.
3. Yo"r jo" rney a hroad "i II yield good "'lOrn.
4 Buy <allle. 11 w,lI prove benefi cial 1" ytlu .
4 Friendship belween yo" a nd your frie nd will grow
6, T' he dlSea.se will soon he (ured and you w,lI reel
7, Lt>Sl Ihing will be tilUlld, wnllnuc a vlgowU>
You will gel mOlley, Bm you " 'ould n"l be Jble In
ma keuseof,L
9, The ruler WIll gel ba,' l Ihe sea I or a lIlh",i ly
10, Yo " "ill gel married. have sexual picasure J ml
enj"y life.
Ch ilrallgada
I. r.o fm h llllling. You are like ly ' 0 kill a big ani mal
2, Yo ur journey' a broad will provide )'tl U wilh
'ullkient benelil.'
J. tl Uwill gel ba, 'k alil he q olen a n leles.
4 Quarrel ,,ill nol gain for )'tlll anylhmg,
5, Fa rm ing, even if yielding a Iitlle, WIll pm"e a
ble" ing II, l'Oll.
6. Sow the seeds. You w,ll ha"e a j;ood n or .
7. Do nOI enl er InlO bu.,ines,. 11 is n01 bendic-ia l 10
you .
S. Yo" will reru-n from abroad wilh adequale wealth.
~ . fluy a "Ow. It w,lI remain wilh you fora Shorl lime.
10. Yo ur frie ndshir will !!row SIr"nger day_hy _day.
I Iluy a quadru ped.
2. He i, nol your Slead fa>l friend. I'riendsh ip will, him
w,lI nOll a'l lon g.
). I'al ienl will rem ver before long.
4. Lo" ohject will he found . Sear<: h for il.
5. You will j;el wealth, you will male use of ,I.
6. The King will rule over Ihe lerrilory. There will be
pea"e and prmpemy in lhe cou ntry
7. Marria!!e will lale pia,..., . B" I l h ~ r e will he SOme
difficulty in lhe sexual affair>.
S Whatson cr you do. you will nOI have progeny.
9. Yoo w,lI go on a journey. You will have benefits.
10 The hoy w,lI nol 'Iudy in ' :, ' Ie of your greal efforts.
(Ki"!:) llarishd u", dr a
l. lI a, 'e Ih" drug. You will he "u rc<l.
2. Ser v,ce will pro,'i<le you wlih am ple he ndils.
). nus place is goo<l . 00 nol/,o 10 a nolher place.
4 Conlinue 10 IiV., in lhi, pla(e. You will have
5. The lrouhle will he over hUI nol SO Soon.
6. ["he village will he foiled wilh)oy.
7. Ilondage will end hefore long
8 Your en emy wilJ be <l e, IlX' Ycd
9. \ 1arry. you will have a fa ilhful wife.
10. IIring your wife 10 your home. You will ha\'e
happiness a nd pro'perily.
" arfil<eya
I. lj' e III Ihc village You will have frie ndship wilh
all Ihe inhahilanl s.
2, Confinemenl will end , hortly.
J, AnimoSi ty will renmm for a ,I ,, " t time hut fri end -
ship w,1l haw lnn g durati on
4. "t arry, you r wi fe will he a n,ee and eharm, nl\ laJy.
5. Bring y'o ur wIfe 10 y" 'ur home, " 'n wol l ha "c , es uai
pleasu re and enJoy life.
6 j} , no, 1\0 on for Y<'u ",011 ha,'e I" , et urn
cmply- han deJ
i Do nol go 10 your home. you will bee, mlC' pen -
nile ",
II St.)lcn Ihings will not he Lound. w on e whal may.
Q Djsi)ule will p""e henet k ial lOy"u
[ 0 The re will he a good n or in y.. ur fa rm. lIewar e of
the bi rd<,

Yo " will marry, hul lhere is no H el, hoo'J oll<we
het" 'ccn yo u and your wife
2, IJ rinl\ }o ur wife to yo ur home, lIut the c,r"mony
will ha , '" some dl!fleulty.
J, lI unt,l ng will pro,'id,' you wllh hig "", mal.
4 Yo u will go on a Journey hUl lhe rohhers w' ill "hase
S y " u " ill "Ot gel !'>ad Ihe slolen th,ngs. whatever
yo" may do,
6. Do no t you "ill nOI win.
7. Do not go in f", fa rming. It 1',,1 1he a fr uille" d Toll
II Do "01 "'I" Ihis ",cd It will nnl grow
9 Go In ror hu,ine,-,. h ul he,,'a re "fyo", partner.
10 The per",n gone abroad " ,ill relurn!'>ad HUI it will
ta lc a long lime, The rumours of hlS earl y reI ur n
are fahe.
IJl sn, au " Jati
Y" " r bmine.. will run nn ,,,unJ lines.
2. H e sh ip will arrive. f irsl you will haw a I"" hUI
[aler on you will hav e profit.
3, Lend m<lIlC}. It wilt he henefi "ial lO y"u.
4. The fleet "fhoal' will arri,' e wi th ,,,me Jday.
<J , y o" r anxiety wtll end b ut It will take a long
to. For I " n"ll ikc!y 10bc dc, tr<>yed. D" n"t IfY.

I , Y,," w,ll progeny, bUlahe r grea l ellom.
2. Go On a pilgrimage YOll will 'le' hin e , ueeess
3. Yo u wtll ,I udy, You arc
4, It will no t he !",,"ble ror you 10 go on a pilgrimage.
5, You will have bll"ness, bUI lat er "n It w,1I rlln , nlO
6 lkh,-ery or Io,! "or wtll be sare, bllt later on therc
w, lI be somc Ir,, " hle.
7. Horrow. 1t w,1I have to be relU rned artcr a long Iillle
S. The neet or boat , w, 1I arr,, 'e, It will be dela, ned t,,,
,,,me time in the pmt
'I . I' ul the thmg in a desircd plac'c. 11 "" ill rcmam ,arc
10 , ' Service' will not prov,dc Y" u with moncy
Omens based upon Shivastaka
(Mystic Octave of Lord Shiva)
Inlrod ",torJ .
A mcl carv ing at I:lephanla nca r l:I " mbay is one of
Ihe many amhenl ic evidences. ",h", h prove that (hc
Hindu c"n"cpli"n of (he TRI.N/1T, ",nn['<>",,1 of
Hrahma thc Creal o r. Vi,hnu thc Prc' crvcr anj Shiva
the D"" a " ycr is "I' a anti'lu ity. A' (he Jl indus
bel ,cve III rcbinh Ihc God "I' de,lIuction i' al'"
considered au'piclOu, (Shiva ) ,in"e endJng of one life
Invariahly bnrl!' aboul a nc..... one He, ides IhlS, Lord
Sh,va IS. hy' virl\Jc of hi, nalurc. "C l} li nd W Ihc needy
pc"ple and ca 'il y amcnahl e 10 hIS , in,"erc dcv"'ec ' . He
i, ;.aiJ t" be the propo under of a number "f ""ien,cs.
ar ts anJ dancc' indllJing Ihe onc that is l no", n a,
l 'bnd(l>'<l . Pc"ple belong'ng 10 all wall , of Ide, th0" gh
val"in! him from J rvcrgcn! angle,. ha vc faith in hi,
powcr and au'picious f..:mn, ThaI i' ..... hy a nraj",ily "I'
the Hindus arc hi' w,,,,hippers
l}ma IS Ihe 1ll0S1 popular na me am0ngSl many hy
",h"'h the con,,," ofShi"a i, l no..... n. He " said I" have
,.....0 '''"'' , Gancsha a nd H" veh' dc IS the
grcal hull-l"a",h. IIi ' arm)' con,i,l, "f ghosts. IIc i,
mc ntioncd a, Ihe presidi ng delty <>f e ighl .,Milki"
(aua inmcnls), cigh t slagc, "I' )'Og" (mcd llalion) and ",
"n , KaliJ a;.a, Ihe grea l IlJ<! ia n poet , ha, in his famo us
10 the eighl
e1cmcnral form' "I' Lo rJ Shiva li e IS nWSIl y wo" hlp,
pcd '" Ihc form of Ung", HIS alllibute , arc the bo.....
Ajur,<1w<, an hourgla" J rum. a e1u b, a,h"meared h<ldy.
a tridcnt and a ere",ent mo,." On the f"rchea d, lie ha,
th ree eyes. r bough marm-u, he k ad, the lire or a n
a, eel;" .
1lil ll",y ()y,i" ,' med ila le upon Ihe e'gh t IOlU ,,hapcd
ganglion , 'nlll ' n ,heir 1><>J ,c, a nd the "r
l ord Sh' n " ,Ihin , hc b(>Jy of e'wy hum" n hCl ng.
Shiva 'S, Ihu,. conn<-... l,-u "ilb Ihe mystic numhcr cigh l
in mor c lban on e
Sche me a"d Scul'" ur Ihi, chaple,
II COns" l, or 40 An, ,, cr-Seh each or " hi ch ha' eigb l
d,vi"" ",.
I. Ullcr my' tie ma nl ra Om ",.m"l, Shh',)n. : (Salu-
lalh,"' 10 Lord cighl lune, hctorc vc nt uring
"n lht opcralinn of lhi , OClavc
2 Thc 'l u"'l inncr ,hould Ul1er any numher hcr" cen
onCdml rony Thc ull ered numbe r ,h"" ld bc
Ihe l.'cnCraI Ing o f Ihe sd ed ed ,e1. I Ie ,houId
aga' n u{{ cr a numher bcl"-een one 10 eighl a nd find
lbe a n,we, 1<> hi, q ue ry in Ibe Tahle, I 1(41) gi\cn
l>d ow.
J, If a pe","n fiN ullC, ' the number 33. anJ uuers 6 on
Ihe ' ceond oeca , ion, Ihe given no, (> Tn l al> k
r-; o_J.l "ill he a' 1, )lIo",, - ' !l ,,-ill lakc a Inng l' IlIC 10
lind Ibe pc",,,,, ,-
A"",,' r Sel,
I . 1 hi, \-illage "Til he au' piciou' f" r,y" " 10 li' -e in
2. r hos j, a o jneur ahk tlj,,'<I se
J. Yo u " ill bc " crra inly gCIl, ng rid of h" bondagc.
4. Thi, med i,'i ne will he "hole,ome to
5. Ilc sure, y" u ,, 01 1 bc free fro m ao .iel)'.
6. Re<t a"u retl. yo u " i ll gel rid "f lhi,
7. ( j o 10"our v,1I "ge, " ,II ana,"
S. Buy the " " idc. hUI il " ,I I nol he prnlit" ble lu )'UU
' he land. I , willl>e hencli"i,t1 10"'ou.
, It " nOl l.'"oJ 10 li ve , n lhj, or " al C. Do nol
he in ,I
HI " DU n Mf"s
3. You ,,, II gel rid "fth"di'ea,,, Il a ppiness awail<
4. Th" bondage ..... 11 1 la,1 I" "l:'-
5. Ib ee this medicine, Yo" ,,,,lIrcc,,'n ,eT)
6. Yo " will he frc c r"'ln the "'orri", " nel wi ll feel
7. nil, (w uhl" will he o,cr.
8. Do not go 10 y<> ur , illag". It is n()( I'rohtahk,
r. n" hu , incss, you \>, 'ill carn mo ney.
2 :-10 bc nclit is p""ihk in the cull;.'at;"n or lanJ
Do not <I,) II
3. \ b l e;1 your re,idence,1 1is 80,><1 and au,picious,
4. Th" lmohle wili lasiiong. It is , na usp; cio" s,
S. You will he frce fwm the dutch", or lh is <.Ii,case.
h h medkine 10 cure it.
n. r lli, drug is Do not lal e it.
7. Your " nx'''ly ,,-ill be owr. Yo" will have gooJ Jays.
r h" " a d " "n]c disea,e. It is inc"fahle
I. This job is ,'er y gooJ Y00 will gain
2. Do "0' cnler inln till ' I>U'lt1"". Yo " wilille in 10".
3. Adopl farmi ng. l our farm will yi eld good crops.
4. It is nol a good place 10 live in
5. Th" diwa,e wli lhe cured You will good day',
h. Yo u w,ll he free fWIll th" hom(age wllh in len days.
7. TIl " drug i, ve ry g""d, f ake il.
S. Thi, an , iely IS had. (i,,'e II up
I, TIm i, a krnd a nd geni i. land lord
2, Do not enl er into Ihi, ,e"'lee. II is nol good
) , Enl er inIU Irade or hu,i n.", II ""II Ile hen efieia l 10
4, I).. farming, Ihe land , howe"cr. is not fcr ule.
5. Tlli, res,denee i, good It w,llhe ben eficial 10you,
6, f h" bondage" d,ff",,, ll l" CUI,
7, You wi ll be free fmm Ih" bombge, RUI l OU will
ha ve 10spend a l<li.
8. Th " ,l rug i, n,,1 good I)., n,' ! lake ii.
Omens based upon Gnrga' s
analysis of Playing of Dice by
Radha and Krishna
' " trod"... "r)'
' A thing or is a JOy ror rhat is why,
Rad ha , maiden who IS Invariahly a",, -
,'iated wllh the na me or Lord Krishna, has heen a
or to the saJ;e, . a matter or in' pirah" " to
"r arts a nd a or
gla m" ur in and " r Indi" .
Radha and Krish na, as the sl'irit ualis" were
incarna tions "r (Sha kti ) "r the Lord and
the I.ord himselL Even so Radha has n"t r"und
at the hands of eJasskal San'hit writers of
Ind Ia. She is as a prominen l o r friend
"r Krishna durin g his b<'yh""d days, spent by him in
Vrindavan , Fa m" " s w"rb like Gilago.,,,,t,, by Jaideva
portray her a, a sweel. char ming, playful. and
well -mannered who was very r" nd or hearing
and da"",,'g 10 Ihe bewl1ch'ng tune fro m the Il ute or
pla)'I"ul Krishna , ShrimiJIlh!>llgllWlla bear-s evidcnce 10
the fact thaI Radha wa, con".-ious of her captivati ng
e!egan,'e and al", of the sincenly and lortiness 0 r
the lo\'e that Krishna chen shed and de monslrated
t"ward, her
Tile hinh "f Radlla and Krishna
." 1 the d o'e of f).llpa,a. i'IlJ,,.,,-,. the descendanls "f
l unar dynas ly dwelt on the hank of the Yamuna. willi
\ hthu'a as thei r capi tal. "",' lI en Ugra,cna was ruling
o,' cr thc kingdom, his queen I'avanarckha bcg"t a
no",riu", " ,n. Kama. who depmed h" fatlier and
unlea,hed a reign of terror on his , ubjeds. Kansa was
virlually a dem " n A ' i/,eable , ell ion or the Yada"as
oMt:NS II,\SU' l'I'ON P[ AVIISO O f [>10: 123
""illed in [he alljoining tran , known a, Vraja. Gulula
an<! Vrindavan !'eople re,iding in [he' e area, were
furccd to pay ann ual Innule 10 the ruler of Malhura
and unller [he lyTan nic'a l rule uf Kama. people were in
dee p mi'ery, In re\pon", to Ihe prayers of [he
l1odde" !:a rlh anll al Ihe re'luesl of l1o,h. Lor ll Vi, hn".
[he Sur reme Soul. haJ 10 Im'a rna[e ll im",lf " n the
earlh and look binh among'[ the Yadava, as Ihe eighth
,'hi ld of Va,udeva and Devaki. who were al [hal lime
behinll (he hars under [he orders of Kar"a, on " c" '"m,(
of "n aSlrol0l!er"s pred'dion lhal De,'aki" eif hlh s"n
would kill hllll . I' ven Ihough Oev" l , was (he rea l s" rer
of Ka nsa. rhe demome ruler did no( \ pare any of her
c'hiluren . flul with the gr",'e of (Jou, V" \ udeva some_
how managed k, remm e Kri, hlla immc-tliatdy aher hi,
birrh. to (Jokula. where he wa, ll ur",-d by J',; a nlla and
Ya, houa . Duri ng the pcriou mher he"vellly god,
al", too k hirth in the humal1 fo n" . Ka<! ha w", ,,"e ,,1
:he>c hea w l1 ly I>emgs. She I>ec'ame a c'on,(al1 t part ner
of Kri,h l1a m almos ( all o f hIS _<'Ii'" I;e, aI1d I!a ",es.
Ib dh. illl h, ' C;"'l("""mhita
r he ep it'S, (he _n<! (he folklore or
India arc all rull of the ;lJu, t"OlP' an'ount' " I' lhe hfe
alid ad, ic>emenr. of '-or d Kr;, hna. hUI ha"e negle<"leU
and il1nored the rdal i"ll ., h,1' "I' " ri, h" a w,ith Kad ha
T hey ''''<'epled KaJ ha a, a I': irl friend ur a nd"ve<!, I> Ul
did nO! a'"<"<>rll to her the sla tu,; of a legi(lma(e w;fe of
Krishna /'hI> ",ri"", amb iguity hmh a sy"'palheli, '
",1 uti"" ;n (ill ry;a."m,hi/u. (he illu, (",,,,, work I>y "cha -
rya (J a ,!:,a. wherein he "ale, tha i Kad ha wa, :he
tcguimatc "i1"c of Lord Kri, hna !'eoplc ;n '" "mund
Ma th"", have acecpred tili, verd ict and ,rill 1>"ld
Garga anll hi, Su", IIitu in Ihe highesl e,teCIll.
Analy,i, of Ill<' Il ie.,
I he vcncranle A,'han-'" Garga "a, the family prie'l
of Lord K",hna, li e was wcll -ve" ed net " nly III lhe
rnallen; "r l.a w and but al w in a ll
of art'. craf ts. gamcs. etc. l Ie wa, famom for hi,
interpretations of the nanoral eve nt, . In hi>
, hort J<lraka, he expres., e, hi, on
var i" a, astrological problems a, well lIe ""y' that
Rad ha and Krishna were VCr} tonJ of playmg wIth
Krishna's Ji k,n!! for dk e has at",
by vanou, a Ulh" r; in the hst of game' which he la leron
wllb his other '1" een, . like Rul mln,. Sat yahha_
rna. etc. Garga see m, to have mad e a thoroughly
","e>tigation of such game,. II i, ,"kulal;on,
arc to have heen b<h ed upon Ihe a<:tual
In<:iJen,, tba t occu red between RaJ ba a nd Kri, tln a
Dice ,,ere aL,o Sh"kuni with Yudhi, thira,
a, a re,ult "f which King YuJ hi' lh,ra 10'1 eve!)thing.
l' ala. the an'Vmpltsh ed young r" kr of :-iishadha wa,
al<o hy hIS brotber I' " ,hl ata In a !!ame of
dice. It i, apparen t thaI playIng wnh d ice had been a
I"'pular game In ancie nt India. Ga rga .,,>cha!)'a wa,
<:ertainh' a ware of It. SO he had talen into ac,o"nt all
the available " ,format ion or data. before Jevi.IOg hIS
ohservatlon, on Ihe and
In the playi ng " r d ice
Scheme alld Seo[W of Thi , Chapter
Thi, "hal'ter n'n, I", of two parts The nrst p,rrt is
ba, ed upon lhe playing of dice bearing my.,tlc d igrt- I.
2. J . and 4 It i, pn marl ly pr<:J ictive The heading of
eac h set " ba<;<; d " pOll or <:" mulatl"e impact
oflhe results mentioned under it. It ha.' in al164 of
all' we " , and each set ha, got a head jng.
Th,' , e,-ond I" m i> ba, ed upon II,,' playIng of dice
con lainmg llI y,tic ' yllable' a, h, d a nd y. l aeh " r the
,e" is ba''d upon Ihe totality of characteristic fea ture'
of the <j" e, tioner and the -',ol " llon' or pred iction, that
hi, problem, call for. It al>o of 64 Sets of
/\ n, wc,-,; . E.:lch set ha, 1;01" ,epa"rte caption u" der the
na me' of various lind, and the four , eric, abo have the
name' of their pre, idlng deitie'i attached to Ihem
""':-;S R"'U> CPO", PLAnNe, 01 DI CE 125
O" '>l'n aliuns
L a piece or me lal or
rl"qlC, Marl myst ic ,ligi l< J. 2. J an114 On II> fou r side'
Th"''' lile d ice Ihrice. NOle down Ihe n,"mbe r exhl" ;led
" ' I rhe " pper lil,'e , me by one rill a ,er of rhree di gi" i,
t<"' ncd, Afler ro r ming a ,,"r or lh gn, rhe
cmre,p"ndlng lable of r he 'luesli"ner i,
adv"ed I" Ihn'" Ihe dIce h"n",lf '" he"e1f. and Ihe
priesr (iF " ne i' lhere) or " friend .twuld con,u lt rhe
rable "r an, wer<,
2. The ", me procedure ,h""I<I be followed in lhe
pr"ce" "r llly<I ic <yl lab Ie, as well.

"'oney. II i., la.,1 will he cumpleted, He will add 10 the
eomforl' of ot hers. l ie may 'ee e1 ephams in hi, dreams
1.2.2 = (PllIp;li"u, )
It indicates Ihat the ques tioner ;s gOl ng 10 have
moncy, properl)'. famc anJ honou r. He will ,ee hi,
separated frienJ or relal ion withi n a momh. His day's of
d'llk"l ly arc over. The a "-,p;cio,,., per iod has hegun, All
his effo rl' will he ({owned wilh success.
1.23 = ' ,I a" " ra m (Plca", ,,tj
[( indical" s thaI the q" e,lioner\ wor1 will he accum_
plishcd . his famil)' wdl p""per, li e will have a mee ling
with hIS w, fe, li e wd! gel money. He will a l" , meel a
friend who i, scpara,ed from him fora long lim" .
1.2.4 _ Bhadra
Illsredicts lhal your brolher w, ll meel you very ,oon
In Ihe,e you se" ,n d ream ' yo'" brolher an d Ihe
people hd onging to thc ruhng class,
I .3.1 _ Shuhha (Furtunate)
It indkale' ,hal yo", fr;cod will ".on relurn fenm the
I' ''eign COllntry. YOII will acq llire money. properlY',
grain. clC. an d also gel back your 10,1 artide. Now-
a day' you generally , ee mOil ntain' I n your dr"",""
1.1.2 = S hanl; f I' eaee l
It 'ndi ca t'" thaI lhe plan y'o" have dra wn ,n you r
mind wd l he accomplished hefore long, Yo u genera lly
sec you r w,fe m dream, Discard lhe worr ie, from YOllr
mi"d Yo ur d esires will he fulfilled
13 _l = Malllhana (Agilali" n)
It md icares lha t you will have to face a 10" of wea hh
and fall ill The sources of yo" r income arc likely to be
U .4 - (Viet" ry)
It indi "ates Ihal yOIl will win vlClmy over >'ollr
" pponenls, Yo ur mi"'ppr ehensions ab""l the mo" es of
Ihe govern men!, mlll i, te". etc. wdl be a llayed.
I .4.1 = A..." a"il..a f (:,n lll'l" li" " I
Il ind i"at es lhal >' 0'" work w,lI he '''''''I11 I'I"hed
lhruugh ",rio"s e1TOll. You will b<: fn:c fro m your
On InC seventn day from I,>da y yo u will see
Ihe res ul! of )'our aC'll on"
1.4.2 ,., Sn'plIlt i (Wealth)
11 ind icate, thai your wi,he' regard'ng wealln. c tops,
elc. w;1I he ful fi lled. Yo ur , Iar, are brigh t. Your anxlel y
a imu l your relal im, s wili lle as suaged. Yo u will gelllack
Ihe ,' tolen articl e and Ine (j oVetlllnenl al,,-, is hk ely 10
give )'ou mo ney. You see fi ghting in dreams. All your
de, ire, willlle fu!tilled ,
104 .3 '" "' nuk ula (Fa>'ourallle)
It predic!> Ihal you will gel the de,ired Olljttl . within
a few days. You will gel rid of vou r You
vi"ual "e your vil lage ,n Ihe drea m" All your de,ire, aTe
going to be fu!tilled
1.4.4 _ Ya<J1a (Fame)
It ind ... ate' tha t you will gel all ""IS of COmfOrls,
wealth food- gr ain,. e'c, Your deSltcs will be fullil led.
You will see a dell)' In Ihe d ream. All your d",ir"" will
be fultilled .
2. 1.1 = P.. ( Ufo rls)
It ind icale, lha l you are wo rtied about a Ilig maile r.
\ ' o ur de,ire , will be fullilled. You will "'e mOIJnUin, .
fru'''. a"d Rowe rs in Ihe d rdm
2. 1.2 = S<tha", (C" " ra\:e)
It ind,ca le, Ihat YOIJr fa mJly will prosper , Yo" ",II
have a mce tl ng WJth )'o ur llel,wC\l ,friend ," ' K,n, man'
You will get ma rried . YOli " ,ill "c'l uire gold an d all
,oris of wealth, You will , ee a ", hi te <x>w Wi th cal l' i " the
dream. Yo u rna)' und ertake " Itlp abr<>ad, Wor,ll ip
yOllr fa moly good e" aod you " ill reah,' e all your
2. 1.3 '" Ar<>li: ya (Saluhri",,, )
It i"d i{'a le, tha t YO" are about some person.
YOli will ",e hi m wi thin a monl h. The de,ire, of vo"r
O MENS L'P<. l :"l PLAYI N!) OF DI C1 129
hn"hc" pMcnls will ab" he fulfillcd. y " " w,1I gCI
rid uf yo u r physical di,ea,e and men ial worric' ,
\V"rh" p the ma ne' . y"" w,1l ha"e "lI creo""e wilh
yOUT Wife in the drea m'
2.1." ""i' heh;Il la
1I 1L1J lcaies Iha l yo" Will gel back Ihe lu" a r"de, or
' Iolcn money. Y" u will 'Ce Ihe image "r yo " r family
de, ly olher I\" d" river ami ,,, me of ""u r frien ds in
drcam' .
1.2.1 Kamana
II ,,,d i, a(e, Ihal v"u will nOI face anY"o"hle al lea't
I< >r ab"U I three Y' ; a" from hencc y,:" have ,cl your
hearlon ",me ohJeCI. you ....,ill gCI il. Y"u w,lI have a ll
rtlunu p"'gre,,' , Ij,ually you sec thc ,magc' "f guds III
",ur dreams,
2.1.2 = V;mddlla (Ad, e" ..)
II ' nd',a le, thai yo" ", ill have fne ndshi p with "'>ur
adve"",i,,, and ;"' Immily with your friend,. You wish
10 acc,'''' pli,h a hig ta.' k. BU I V<lU w!l l have 1<> make
serio,,' eIT, ,,,, fo r Ihal
2.1.3_ Ka, hla I..."hle'
II ,nJi'''lc., ' hal yo" bave 'el y'ou, hear! uP" "
w nleb,,<ly', wcal lh Yo u will n" r be able I" gel II. Y""
""II have hard Jays, There" a ,Iackne" In yo" r df'>lt>
Lca ve Ihi' field and ad"enr ure "nJ <I " ,, " "e'bi ng eI,c
2.2,4 _ I' rapl; (Gain )
It indi cate' that y'o" are about y"ur lam ily
anJ wife, N"" you r sra" Me bn)!hl. Y"", had are
over. All "f you r desires wi ll be f" lIilled. \V""h,p you r
preceplo" anJ fa mily goJdess. Y" u will ge! ,hc ohiec!
"p"n ,,hi,h )'()" have , e l )'o" r hcart .
2.3.1 ""A, ha f HOlle)
Y" u wLi I gel " eall h and a "'1I ,hon ly, Your go" d
da y< are fast arproac' h' l\g, W,,"h, p )',,"r famtl)' dei 'y
HJ"ul.' 0 .. ...."
Your efforts will be <;ro"ncd wllh , ,,'x c'' within a
mo nl h You a rc li kely' 10 we a fig lrcc. a lcmpk. a cit)
and so many ot her thin g' in Jrcam, .
2..l .2 .. IPn" i Mli!) )
II ioJ "' ''lc, (hal you a rc anxjo tl< fOJ canHll1; money_
Yo u will lot "f it
2..'3 " ,h han! i
It lIlu,,'atc, that you ""II nOt he a ble to Eel the
coveted money at a ll. There w,ll he no peace " fmlm!.
23 ." _ l lahul "
It ",di<:alcs Ihat your ,k",e for enor mous wcallh wil/
he fulJilk-<.i hdorc long. ou r anxicty " h"UI you, family
will l>c YOUJ , I" " arc brig ht. You, , i n< will be
,,"<.I you will have all rou nd progK" ' . In the
d reams you will sec c<>w, wilh calve' and swi", in big
po nds. Yo ur <.l ay' or trouble a rc " vcr W" " hip your
famli y <.I ci ly. You will he bappy in hfc.
2.4. 1 = ...
It lnUKale, tha i yo " r ",ill be fuUi llcd You
will desired and a higher po,i lion ,n "",,, I", e of
profe"lon. In your d ream, you will ,ee a and a
man In Ihe po,ilioll ohcxua!
2....2 _ ,h a....
II ind Kale' lhal yo " are an ,i" u, aboul wh"
has gone abmad. The pe r" ln <:on<:crn<:d " ", rc. Do nol
2.3... _
It indl<'8 le, tha t y"" r menial ",,, ,,ie, and ph )"i ",, 1
di,<:a,e will be <:radi<:a led hcfore long. Your d<:, ires will
be flllfi lled . All 110 <: im ped imen t< will 10<: re m"ved from
YOll r way. Govern ment may give you ",",e IlIgh er
p""llion or
2.01." '" Sa,nbh"" a ( p ""ihl" ,
11 ",d,cale, thai your mind is ", ri"",ly agilaled Y" " r
"'''Iely ", ill he (We'- You wi ll have happllle" alld
rl ,AYl o,; O OF ]}WE 131
COmr" r1' 111 y''' ''' lire. You will reah' e Ihe de,ireJ
"hJcc'l ivc, . II " th.u in )'""r d ream' y" u ma) ,ee
" , me r er" I11 ' beari nJ:! lib Ll "n their r"r ehead.
] . 1. 1 _ Vj,ha' a (h ilh)
II ",d,cale, that Y" " a re w"rr ied ab" ul a piecc "rland
" nd m"ney '1" " 1' will !:let rid "I" y" ur an,ie ly
,,,me lime Wor, hil' ) " "r famil) g" dde" (Cha ndika)
wh,,'e grace can ,,,, I) pr, >Vi de ) " " with h" ppine" amI
c"mr"'t" In )"" r y,' u 'ee m"umain ,.
J .1.2
It ' nd icale, ,b.n )'Ollf wi, hc' w,ll he r" lli lled Y,, " will
'Imrie weulth, Y" ur n"nrty will I' ro'rer , YOII
\00 ,11get rid 01") ," " W,,,, I,,p your ram ily deil) .
Yo" ",II ,ee c1epha nl>in your dreu m'.
J . J-' =
It 1I1dica'e, Ihal your de,i re ror nw ney " , II " '<111 he
h' lIilled ."lake elTor"- If you are nol Slrung eno" gh
your I"riend' may nol help y"'u HII! wlih a 'en, e 01"
Jele""inalion l OU w, 1I defi nite ly ach,eve your ai m, .
Y" ur d iflln!l tic><; w,lI he e radin"ed Wl",h ' I' ) 0" r Sla" .
) . I A = !'ril i (Alr,,rion)
II ,nd' C'l leS li,a I vo" r de" "' , "ill he rlilfilled. Y" ur
, tillS are hrigh!. Y" u \00, 11 be ha ppy Y" " r anxiel ic' " ill
he eradrcaleJ . I I is lildy th" l 111 y"" r dr<>am. you " ill
,e, lish in the sea,
3. 2. 1 (:\I" I;" nl
II , nd,c;' ,es 11l " I, n yo" rd ream,. yOll genera lly ' ee Ihc
bea"t , rul " ,t ies or he'lng' . III y" ur mind II' i,
will ,'''me ' "n " r , nJ ,l'ICrence toward, the w" rld
a nd y" u " ill , lad en your elf<>rl' alld gel di.hearlencd
You r family " ill he in trouble. II is. therefor e. better 1'",
yo" [, > go I" ,,,,,, e " Iher place
J.2.2 = A,ambha.'a ( ItnllO" ibl<' )
II Iha t Y"" a l\xioll' r"r gell ing Il' <> ney'
a nJ var im" lype, or coml"ort" h" 1) "" w, ll nOI he a"k
1<> have ll1cm.
3.23: Mitra (Fr i" " d)
11 indicate , that w,[1be ful fIlled. You will
get rid "f )'our W"rrle" YO" will feel happ) , Vour
enemie, will he de'lroyed, Yo" wtll h,,,e a
wlln yo"r friend" ])" n't " orry """ut anylhlng
3.2.-1 (All ",,11 ..1::"i", )
II indie.lte, Ihat V"U Will ha,'e all_ro und progre",
Your fa rm will prod uce ample f,,,,d _grain,,
vou ha"e , k", ired Ii' ,,",",-ompli,h will he delinllel)'
' X) 1ll pkleJ Y ,1Ur """el) ,, 'ill he over
.kl. 1 _ I' "j a (W"",llil'l
It indle' al '>' rh.u )'0" are " nxiuu, aboul m" ne) . r,Ulll l)
anJ wea llh Y" ur wealth will Inn ea,e da) - hy-day,
Yo" r r"' HII) g"dJess wlil help you 11 \ ) """ .. rron s,
\\' o" hll' y,'" r "'mil)' It i, lIkel y Ih"l 111 Ihe
d rea m, )OU may , ee " while mw wilh or withou l" ,-alf.
.13. 2 _ s.."lii. pa C ".. , a",'",
It ind"'al"' 11",1 your w,11 p"we to be ,1
s" urce or com lanl I" Y" m de.,ire" w,11
no l he fllllilleJ Do ,omelhing ebe, , n ) "U "" II
achieve , u(:ce", Yo" w,1i , ..e your relal,ve, '" 'he
drea m, .
.1..\3 '\ 1"" " '-alll" " " ""t ifoll >
It ;l1 dicale, Ihal y<>ur desire, will he r" lf,lled, You
, h" uIJ nOI WOrr", y" Uw, II "el rid of vour !rou ble,
. . .
_Ll .-l _ 1\-1,,1i" "
II i" di<;ale , lh,,1)'O U arc greatly concerned aho u( )'our
n" , ine" and ,e [;o li,.e" YO" will he free r",nl " nxiet)"
Y"0 r de" re, will he rulli lleJ hd" , e long,
3.-1 .1 = S" "l.: Ol I; (G... ..I C""'I"' '' ))
h mJ icale, 11",1 y,,, ,, >exati"" """UI mo ne) and
e<>mf"rh will enJ , h" rtl y, You will reel ha ppy' l eave
" " de ,,'wa rd ice, Yo u are likel) 1<>
" , Ih g,,<),j people.
3.4,2 _ (J{ cc" " ci lialirmj
It that you will have rewn<'i balwn wttb
your ad ver", ric" . You w,lI ba ppy and y"ur dc"rc.,
will hc ful hl kd Good fon unc i, J' M l; " mg to hlcss y"u,
You wi ll ,ec mounlai n, in thc dream, .
3.-Ll _ Pra)'" '''' (r.tfor,,)
It that day' ofdifficulry arc over. Your
StM' arc hrigh!. Yo" will a( hicvc su( c-c" in y"ur held of
3. 4.4 .. Sh"" l; / I',,'.-er)
It ind k a tc' ' hal y"ur cllim , will hc n"wncd with
' ''''C''. You ",ill have inlcr('ou" e wnh your " 'fe. Your
hu,inc,", will ft" umh like anyl hing, Y" " w,1I h" vc a
mcc ting with relm,ve, and fn cnd, In the drcam' y" u
will 'cc pcoplc with injurie, on lhclf han<.k
cfforts. You will .",-,-ccd
" .1.1= Il an; ( L..',, )
It that vo u will undcrgo lu" of " "'ncy.
y , ,,, r hcalt h will dClcri",mc. lIut ahcr ,cvcn yea " from
the ( ' Hn mcm'cmcnt of the h" d per iod you will gel rid of
you r troubles and lead" very happy and p" " perou,
I rfe.
" .1.2 .. Sa"l:h" ....h" IS lrugglc)
I I ind,(ate, tha t you are greall;.' ( "ncerncd ahuu I y"ur
wife and ""ne rd a live. YOl' are w",ried a!>tlU! m"ney
"I,,), You ", oi l gel rid " f y"ur w""y. lIut yo " h"ve to
ha ' d and fi ghl 1,,, y" ur right,. V,([OfY will he
:"bkc efl(>r1' . Yo u, dC";1fe, will he fultillcd hcf"'c
I" ng
" .l .l - A.'"", ra (OPJH"nmily)
It tha t you will gcl ' he de' ired You
are w" ,ri ed ah"ut ","ney. You will gell!. You will al><>
havc a mcc ling Wilh y"ur rdatives, The, e are cham' e'
fo r you I" !\O ahroad Y"u will w,n vicl<Hy over y,,"r
opponen t. Y" " will gel , u"cess heJ("e long
O" l "S
., ( ;""c.. j
It indica te, lha! }OU will aeh, eve , ueee" ", jth the
gra ce of you r famil y deities. You a re an"" ", for your
rd al ive_He will co me 10 you ",i lhin a month, You will
enjoy ", und hea lth. You w,lI be free from me" lid
worne, . You will ge t 'Ul....." in yo ur lield of ac t;v, tje,.
4.2.1 _ Sa.'adh"n" (O"' li"n)
II In<l i,"a tes lha t your worries allo,,! the I" " of money
will he ",-cr. You may go on a Journey and get mo ney.
. .
Have faith on God . Y'>ll , 11 achie ve your obje<:tive,
" .2. 2 '" ... ;" 1:)
n mdical ..,; lhal you are womed ab<.' ut gelling higher
pm itio n in your ficlJ of act ivi t, es and also fur the
eraJil"allOI1 of f'<"-Crly. You Me engaged in the work of
ot her peopl e So metime. you thInk of w rnrnitt ing
sui ci de. Il<l' do n"t h,' di,hearkne<.l Vour w,>rrie' will!>c
ov er aft er I!> ree veal"<, \-lior,l"p your pre.:epwr am]
fam ily goJ<.I e", Vour effor!> " ill be enmne<.l wi lh
= milll (Tri"ml,haul)
11 ,n<.li ea le, tha I yo ur ene n"e, "1I 1 be de'l royed, You
" ill F in over your oppon ent.'. You will gai n
money. You wi ll ha ve a meeting ",th your friend"
Your de, ire, wi ll be fultilkd Vour lile will be lu ll of
joy and Vo u will , ee a number of Irees ,n your
<.I rea" " ,
01.2.01 _ s.a hi,hnulii (Tok ranee)
11 ,nd ica le, lhat your anxiet y will !>e The
ohJc-':li,' e Iha t you sel in yo ur mimI w,ll be
achi eved. You will be , Ul...e",ful in yo ur m,,,i on . You
will hapl'ines., in life.
4.3. 1 .. Sama rlhp (Sln'ul:lhJ
II ind ica tes that yo" will ga in "rengll>, Vou r ctk""
will he crowned wil h s"cce", . Your relatiws who have
ll MH,S H>SED UJ'{)!< I'LA I"'G I>ICE 13 5
go ne ahroad wiII \<",n rel urn, You wiII a( ( oml'l i, h yu,"'
w<>rh , You a", al", likdy 10 a('-!uire some p!\)pe rly,
y " ur lrouhleS will he over. Your ' lars are hright, Yo"
will go on a j o urney and rell' ''' ha(k ", fdy
....3.2 = I)hairya (fortitude)
11 indica tes that you WIll gel rid of ),our ditJi culli es.
You r , lars are hrigh!- Your desi re" will be fultilled You
will go " hroad . acco mpli sh you r work "nd reWrn ha,' k
safel y
" ,l ..3 = Vi, d.a
I I m, hc ale ' thai y" " r de, ,,e' a ho" t ea rn' ''g money
will nol he rultilled, .,\ , pre'enl your friend, and
rd atiw , ,,,e WOrklng aga 'n,t your intere, 1. Rut a l'tet
", me li me lhey w-,l1 'Upp' ,1'1 your ca,e,
.. ..3... .. Il " la 1.\ 'l .." e"I:" r)
I I ind ICate, that you will ge ' m l or y"uranxiely a hnul
the welfa re or yom fn end . Your 'la rs are hrigh l a nd
your de,i res will he hrlhll eJ hefore long,
4... . . = (Waiti"lll
II ",d"ate, tha i you have 10 ,uffer ],om ill ne' , Yo u
will h,,,'e 10 fa ce d, llie, lIlies , n the a(com pli,hment or
your ,,,,,rk. Bul after tive da y' ),our will he
over, Your efforts a ", likd y lo go in ""in
4....2 _ Nir."rth" ka (l ' selh sl
It inJ ic"les th. 1 you will " art you r wor ' c",crully.
hUI il will not he acem" p"' hed, Y<l ur dlims will go in
valn The refo re. do ""melh,ng ebe,
4.4_l = .\ dh,'a"a, a.-a (r " l,>rpri, ...)
Il mdicak , lhat ),ou will ha _e to ma ke co n,tan l and
, e","" effi >rts 10 a( hieve ,, "Xe'-' in your
y "" should no t lhinl of gelli ng "'meone' s wea lo h.
In, lead tr)' to ear n ", ,,n C)' ,hro ugh your own el f"' t' .
Uti H1NJ.>l' O"l t:NS
4A.4 '"
It " ...hcatcs that yo" are wur ric<! aoout s"mcthing,
Y"'I w,ll get the <!c,i re<! ' hing ber" rc I" ng, Your
ahout a pc"" n. wh" ha, gmlc ahroa<! . will be ovcr. He
wHi return " ,,,n. Yo" wtll also get a Son, The stolen or
lo,t artides wtll be found with, n a m"n th,
0 \1 ENS 11,\ SEf) ueo-, Tli E 1IIRO\ \ ' I' G (H
[)I U:: Co:'HAI'\ ING TIn: cus'nc SH l. ABI ,. S,
' a' ' t>' 'd' an d '.\" ,
I I I a+a + a :
Cud i, lhe "uly h,'pe I,'r mu. You have " H"l"
ene mies. hill yo" will ove rp"wer lben] and acw mpl"h
V<<l,r "orl.
II I a + a + b :
Yo" arc laIy, '1ale CHe "r YOll! hea!lh, It is ddlic "l1
In kuo" lile waY' or Ihe w, ,,ld, o"""",ien1.
Orfe r ol> la l""" ro 11,,; 'Iar;. ll..l unt rdy upon cn<'m les,
olherw",' v,'o "re lil cl v to he decei... ed.
(J) a + a + d : J ar,,,.'<I a
You have a "'awro ng JJ""d. wherea, rbe las k " mk' r-
tah' u I>y you is 'lUlle hi g, It ",[1 re'l lllTe <'xlraOl<.lI"al)'
elTurh on y'u"r pa rI ro a""" " ' pl,, h II If y"ll ""i,l roo
Il lllCh. yo" w, ll repcn!. Y<> " ha"e 'lI;lny enemies '0 it i<
heller to aha uJu" lhe w"r1
a + a + ." K, i,I",,, ,'a'IIl ,ii
Y,, " " ,II a""I."""I'I"h lh" wor k. Vou dr,' " hldy
pel "'" 1I" , e pat,ence, You will he happy, Yo" have a
religiu"s mi nd. ' H' are a k" " I. hearieJ man. There i,.
however. <> '''' enemy . Yo" ,h",,11I he aware or Ill '" Do
" 0 1 worry. Yo" are on a "ght palh anJ "inory is ""ur; .
(:Oi l a +h +a :III:'"
f hi s i, ted" " " J"h, lI ,o,,' who 1""" to I>e yo" r
frie nds are really y<>lI r enem,cs, But yo" are aware or
lhis. lI a, 'e pali en(c. i\ " umh<' . or y"'l' proj" cl ' in lhe
pas l had been 'pOl leJ dllJ same is g",ng 10 he lhe fa te

H,,,U O ,W"S
(6) a +h +b: !:Iac, ba. ahan"
Y" n will come aerm, Iwo j!cntlc mcn They will tell
yo" ".'Ille good th i,,!!,. Yon will feci hapr )'_ Do not
worry. 'lb erc is ,orne del ay. hll t the wor k will he , urcly
(7) a + b+d' ,\bh""ha
I. on my own pan. have a do ubt aho" t your
'nita!>i lity 10 perform Ihi, wor k. It is ditlicult for you to
acc"IIlpli,h thi, ta, k, Do m'( "Ilow yourself l<l he
bcf'''.'lcd hy others. Do nol <I,) ,I. Ii " helow dl! nity.
Yuu will achine ''' eX'C'' in ytJur pla n. You ar ea oi..,,,
and kind -hearted pc,",on Yo" are gc nnum and helpfUl
10 o'hers. If you n ln' ;" uc ytJur c1J(,n,. you will rcali'e
your ohj ed ivc.
(9) a +d + a : l\;ara)'an a
r hlS work is ni",: , Some peN.m, may try to misguide
you, hut do not lake bc"cd of thcir "l1ewn"c, . Thi' wor k
will be dune. if yo u try 10 perf"r", il 'l u" 'l<]y Jf you lfy
to do il ,l owly. you will h"ve nO g""l. D0 nOI he
d"hearlened Yo" have n ice Jay' noW, GoJdes, of
weallh will hie" you . Itlve <,a li,fadion, Yo" will feel
hap r y_
(10) a +d+b:Adili
Your proj ect is nice You will ",'h ie,'e whatever you
wish, ( ....>dde" of weah h" going 1<> hie" you, You have
many enemies. They will have to face a defeat There
arc <orne p,'<.'plc who appear to he your friends, hUI
many of them ahuM: you in your "hsence . Do no t
helieve the m. You will win,
( Ill a+ d + d :Vj sh nu
The ohj ect, that you have set hefore you, requi res the
slrength of" lion, E. 'en lhen do m,l he d i,hear tened.
You arc !la,-j"l! a Judy time Yo ur rroj<"C1 ",e,"htes
the hi,'e "f hees. Therefore, ,mly . <mslant efforts cou ld
warJ off the impeJ" nelll' . II' yo" wi,h to "im <.lo
v"" ,;an
( 12)
'1',,,, ,'en l"ring " r " n " phill task. II w, 1I nm he
'''',;,'''' pli,'' ed, cven j l' y"u 1''' 1 III harJ Iah"" r and
...>n'lalll ,m,'rc' l
Y""r is '1 '''''' dolJ i,;ull You cann,,1 J(\ Jl singk _
nanJ ",1, '1' n, ,,. e, er, y' >[ ' 1' ra"" ly nl,-"nhers unJ fri"n d,
eXiend Illci l' it i, likely 10 be acwmpli-
,h eJ M"'le r Ih,' ir ' " pp" rt

'1'"" ar c" ," ,;e pn"lIl. y"" """Id a""""'pl"h y' " " r
wor k, if y" " mcnJ yu ur waY" .... iNI of al L Iher e i, Y''' "T
,,,, n Ii I'c. Ta ke re of yo"r inler", " . lla"e r." Ih in y"ul
Th ere j , an iJll ernal ,," nd " ithll' y"ur minJ.
hee J I" ' " v"ice . '1'"" are " ,rely g"i n/( I" c"mpkle
Ihe work
a + , ' + d : ll rahma
The "hjed ivc " " ned at i, bey,,, ,,J y'"ur ca puc'ly 11 "
" " I'<,,, ,blc, Yo" ",e a wi", per"," , There ". Iherd,,,e,
n" , en'e '" ch,oIknging u h" n Ii" a tighl ill ir, <.l en.
Leave it. D" s"merhing e1,e
( 16)
'1',-, " " ill allai " y"" r " "n , There " . h""",",er. ,,'me
<.l elay. '1'"" had gor am plc l'" nJ s. b"r ;1 "a, all 'penl
,, " Wyou arc III adve rsily. :"lake 'eri,, ", elf",r>.. you will
'u.." eed and feci happy.
(I ) b + a +a: RuJ l1I
'I' our Job j, to" f h. 'I' u" havc a n"mher "r HJ vcr" , " es.
l hey " pp",e Y'"'' 'n ""cry srep, G,,,J j, Ihe ,,,,I)' hope Ii'T
y"", S"cce" is doubtful.
(2) 1> + 8+ b: ( ;i rhha
You started a hu[!c wor k. Your enem'e,' will he
brought '0 " lake e ffi >rt'_ bUI you will ha, e to
repen' . [( j, belle, ' hal you , hould d" something crse.
I'hi, is no' .' "",nh . while work.
(3) h + a +d: k apa rdi
Be cMeful. Work with" deci, j"e mind Do IIO!
sladen your d r" rh , Vid0'Y w,lI he y" Uf<.
(41 S hankar"
Y" ur pmjcct " nil"e. You w111 defini tel y ""mplele i '
Be comen!. Slars a rc favourable to you .
(5) 1> + 11 + ,, : I\'<hl
llo no! entr,,", your wor k 10 o'he" . Yo" have m"ny
ene mie, . They wan t to you They a re likely'"
ha lch a con,pi racy aga ins' you . Beware of them. They
wo uld ",, 1 be" ,a,e to exe cu, e 'he " cnmity. You arc.
however. a lucky person. .\"".:o\'er. Ihe " ars a re
favour;ng y"u,
(ti l b + h +b: S hh a
Have patien ce, Yo u wdl deti '"1cly compkle }"ur
wor k You ,houl d nOl, however, helie,-e e,'ery" ne ,
(7) h + b+ d:
Thi' i' a big work. There "' any ,mpedonenl' in
y" ur ,,-ay Yo u have "'an} enem;"". They wa nl 10
befriend you, lIul there i", ",lIllC person. wh" creale, a
rih . l ie is, howe"cr. 10 he J " omeJ , You ar e a k", J
heaned man. Y" u wil l Jeron,tely aeco"'plish , ou r w"rk
(II) h + l>+ y: Sh r;katl1ha
Y"ur mi"i"n i' going 1Il be <'rowneJ "'l ib success .
SpenJ generou,l y. OoJ will he lp yo u. Anyh" w, you a re
going 10 reali'e your aim,.
(9 )
You wi'h h' e mbar k up"n an ,,,J uo u, enterp rise
" -hieh is hesel wilh ditlieull)', As a hoal. made " I' iron,
cannol s,,, 1 lhrough Ihe waler" , imilarly wilh JinuleJ
resou rces you will n"l he able 10 unJ en ake lh" task.
(1ll1 hllla,a
YOUf pfl'Jec l IS ,! ui ,c d, tficuh , You arc a talenlcd
pC"" _" ' , A' pres ent JOu, arc had l' h rc i" " mol.'
On ,he hdly " f yo or ",'ik
( 11) 1:> + 11 + 11 : SlIalllhhu
You havc laken a ,ed ious ta.k in , our hand , bke
help fm m lr uSl ..... on hy f" cl1<l s. You ha.c go' a number
of cne nlle,. They po..: io be fn cnd" bul ha llll )"U in
yOU, a b. en,' e. So ,here ,,'ill bc ro",ide rnbJc del ay 'n th e
com pl e,ion of thc work , I f you arc car elc", ' I w,lI nOI
be acc'<.'mI'Ji. hed,
(ll ) h+ ,I+ l : Sana
You have an um le.J dy ' hind The pmjecl underla ken
hy you re,!u i'e' patience and hard lalx, ur. ,\ , a
well- e, pe" en,'ed surgeon alone , "" eradi,''' ' e a n i,,,,u , _
ab le d,waw, "mila rly an ext raordi nary' pe rson a lone i,
ea pahlc of "ecmnpli, h,ng ,ueh a Ilc reulean lU, k.
I Ll ) b+ )+a: Ithul<>, ha
I he " ", k undert aken hr you i, very im f'onun1. Hut
you arc likely '0 face a n" ", her of ha rd ,h if" n ,c
pe"o n. pUll,n g hu rdl e, in you r way, will ha. e to ,ulfer
for hi, wmng be hu. iou r. Y" u ", ill , m',' eed in your
proj en
( 14 ) b+ ) + b: Shia i
Ca" a wa. f .. klene". lrom your mi nd Fie Sleady.
I'h, ,, e who po", 10 he . ,,,Ur friend, bu t aelU.III ), ael
aft" " " l your interest. are 10 he doomeJ , You a
Lind -hea rted person. The " ' '' ' ..... ill he de fmitely ae _
(15 ) h + Y' + II :
You ",,,10 '0 v"n lure " pon an uphdl lU, k. WlllCh "
beyon d you r '''paCi ly. I){) nor Iry you r ha nd " I ,I. Do
,, 'me,h, ng el 'e, O,h,'r", i, e )OU", ill have In repenl.
142 mxnu OME" S
(16) b + ) +) : I' a, bupat;
Yo u a rc " ' a di lemma You arc Iindlll g II quite
di lli"ull 10 dcriJ e a, 10 wbctbcr to go fmrn or , tay in
yo ur own pla..-e. Worship your fami ly dei tv, You will
lake rigbl auion,
(II d + a + a,I'ii", " ll
Yo u arc doublf,,j " bo"l tbc ' ''''Cc'' or lhl' work. l"ow
ca'l a,ide your J "ubt. Have palience. You will ' " .."ced.
t 2) d + ,, + I> : Ap".n;;
Your bad day, arc over YOlLr ' lars arc brigbt. Yo u
will have a meel ing wilb your friend, Ha" e palien<: e.
Yo" w,lI aUam yo ur objecl ive,
(3) d + a +d: Bairn".'al i
Leave a,i de ,'uch a prodigiou, pla n, II j , bcyond your
rc-;o" rces. lf you pcrsi'l , you w,lI r" pcnt. IJ,." omclbing
d" " ,
(4) d +a +y: Sbi",
Y" lL ba,,, <:mbarked ,,!,on a <:)' d op" an ta,k , It will
entai l e"" rruOu' d,trI<: ulll"' , f h" re i, n" , en, e in
pla<:llll; yo"r haoJ in lhe j aw, or a 1"' 0. Ilavllll; '0 Illa ny
ad ver ,;ari"" you can hardlv bope 10 accomph, b ,ucb a
d + l> +a: Kali
Yo ur a nxlI,e, " ill he ovc r befme long You have an
enemy, a " l d" nol hother ahOlll him, He will hc
de'lrnycd or "" rrender her",e Y'OIl,
(6) d + b + Io: Gaur i
YOll r w"be, will he A person i, , eparalcJ
"mm you. He wlll rnecl yo" ''''In. The art ide 10, 1 by
yo u will al,o be I(' unJ, Yo" will fcel ha ppy when yo"
gel hac'k the m"ney an d tbe 10,1 arlide,
O", E1'5 BASH' \ : PO'< PI .o.YI"C; ' H 14 1
(71 <1 +1> +<1: RUJ.HUi
You will adm'vc , un'css day-by -day, a, the moon
dcvelop' bll -hy-bil in Ihe bli ght f",ln ight. SlillIJarJy
you, ha ppine" will rea,'e da y_by' _day,
(KI d + l>+l : O, andil a
Y<)u will all ain , n your work 0 " n<>1 be
afra id or any one, Di" card Ihe tk klencss that haunt ed
you in the P'''l. Ha,e patience. The man . helpful in
your work. woll "l<m mee l you.
4\1) d + J + a: Allll>i J.. a
You are a ni<'e per'on . Th ere are 'OIllC pcoplc who
mi' l!uidc you Yo u are help ful 10 everyOl,e, Treal )our
brolher a, friend a nd )'ou " ,Il -ee tha i everyth"'g
mOVe' acmrdi ng to yo"r choice
(10) d + J + 1>: Bha, a,,;
Go on givi ng " ,me,h ing , n ,harily, You w,lI alla",
your ohj c"l i,'e . Governmenl will honou r you, Y<l(, w,ll
ga, n
(11) d +ll + d:l.:", a
The ohj ee",'e set "[1<'" by YO" w,ll he ach ieved
hcfore long, Yo" " lil have a ", eeling "i lh a genlleman
who wlil he or grea l help 10 you, The hinh of a ,on
be,<)Ille> a "", rCe o f grcal j oy 10 Ihe palen". , imiIMly.
0] your task will del' ght you like
(121 d +J + .\ :I)u'l: il
Th ink bd(>re you ael r he projecl taken in hand by
yo u i, too hig r", ) ''''L Leave i1. Do ,,>melhing e1,e.
( UI d + ) + a:Sanh i
Wi lh Ihe an 'ompl"hment of thIS w",k, vo u will ea rn
fame. You have al,o thoughl of a plan to hel p ulh ers.
Thi, ,, nice , You will have happine" and , ,,li, j'Kl ion in
you r li fe .
HI!'il>U O" l'<'
(1-1) d + b:
A number of pc<>plc "PP" ' c Y'Ou in your endea""" r ,
D" "ot ha"e, Do ,,<>1 Im' l you r " pl")Jl cnt, You
will alla;n r obj ""I iYe. bu t aftc r ,,,me dclay

You ;mend ro go out You r staf' arc bright. You ure
Iikdl' to bave m"",,)' and a son You may bave to face
">Ille lroublc. but do om """ry. You will ach icve von..
o bj \><' li vc.
(16 ) d + y' + y: Saru m" "::,,la
f his wor k i, likel y' to yiel d ample money to y'"'' Yo u
ha '" gO! a number "I' " ne 'TII CS, Yo u shoul d nut,
h"","c,"cr. be afraid of (hem. They will bow before you ,
Yo" will 'u<'Cc'""fully acc<,mpli,h your wor k.
(II y'+ a+ a: (l,a ndt a
l ike the ","stene" ofa tlowcr III tbe , kyo. n ,,,mpli, h -
men I"e yo"r 1""j ,cl " ab" ,lwely I'op,,,,, hie. You rC a
relig;ou, peN'''. Your cstraunhnary dCW1UOil 10 y<>ut
lam; h' .. h,)wevcr. hel p yo u in Ihis giga nl;C
(21 ) + a + II, SlIukra
You w1l1 gc t rrwncv from tile Govern mcnt a, wcll a,
from the pUbli c. You will havc a mccting with a nicc
la dy who is to creatc a rift hctwccn v"u and w ur
w,fc .
(Jl )' + a + d : h lla
You shoul d nol dcpend uporr mcn Have failh in
God . l ie wlll help you . You wi!lgct moncy.
(4. } + a +y: f't,n d"rih
You lIave take n up a go, ><l Your success ISal
hand. Therc is, howe"er. one pctso n. wllo"" assi,tancc
"c"cnrial In your wmk, T.". you will Win hIm ovcr.
O\tENS lIASEDl ' PONPLAytNGO. [)lCE 14.,
(5) , -+ b+a: A, ra>-afll
Your mInd is wavering. Ind ed sion i, lhe root of .lour
trouhle. Do no t heed 10 Ihe adv,,'c of an,one. t ea, 'e
Ihi, habi t I-Iavc pat icncc. You will reali"c ,our objcc' -
It ,-c.
(6) I' + h+ h: Nairifa
Yo" r J e, HeS will he fulfilled . Do nol wo rry
Rememher .lo ur deily. People are al,o in
fa"ou r. Yo"r sra f\ are hrighI.
(7) y + h + d: Varu.. a
Yo"r proJC"1 j, 100 big, You have a number of
enem,e, a, well a, fnends, Yuu will sueee.. 'Cl . hUI lhe
progress wd] la ke a long lime.
(MI .I' + h +.f : RlI>i
Your enemie, are going to he k, lieJ , Yo" wdl gel
money . a gooJ wife and a nice ,,'" Ik happy. God w,lI
help vov.
(\l) Rudhll
!' he t,,, l takcn in hand by yuu is quue dillie'u lt Vuur
mind is u,,"eady, Onc person is 1><".1. Im,1 him
It 1>, hown er . nOI proper Ihal yuu are nN on good
lern" wllh .lour hr<>th er .
( 10) t + d+ b: MlI n' l
Vou arc likely 10 fa"our w,l h the Governmc'n1.
lI a c-e faith and patience. G ive s,-"nelhll' g m
You w,lI he ,,,""'e,,f,,1 in your mi"ion.
( I I ) .I' + d + d: " tlr;plll;
You r enemie, are in a ha hil of pUlling hu rdie, in
your way, l"ever Iru,,1 Ihem. God "alkr all Ihere He
will hel p you, It will take a lunger ([me. hut Ihe wml
will be delillilel .l mmpleted,
(Il ) y+ d +y: Kub<>ra
Vour mind is !idle. A doul>l create<! in y"ur mind by
a lady '" a maO ha s nu ha,;s. Do nut w"rry. Yo" have
embar k,..J upon a guod pmjec(. You will sue':e,,'!.
(13) y +)' + ll: Man!:"l a
You are "iorrkcl ahoul money_ You will ge l il. You
wm gel hack lhe lo, t article. You WIll win. Do not
( 14 ) Y+ Y+ h: 8ri hll'l'llli
Ih an ea rthen lamp cannol he kIndled IInle,s oil is
pUl lO rbe earthen cup. similarly Ihe project uodenaken
by yOll will nO! be ac(omph,he<.! un lil yOll 'pend some
money. Even i f II is done. il may be 100 late.
n s) y + y + 0.1 : Hahnl
The usk, pr"f'<" ed 10 he undenalen by )'ou. is ,."
gigantic lhal God alone ca n help it, execu lion. You
ha,'C 1<> he sleady in y<>ur mind. Worship you r lamily
deily. YOti will Jchi e,'" )'our ohjeclive
(16) y+ y+ y: Indra
The proj ect \a leo in haoJ hy you will be accom
You meaowbole. your family
dei ty_ Tbe progre" of the wor" w'''lld be remarb blc.
Your opp<menls are li"e1y 10 1<>"" ground.
Omens based upon
Astrological Indicati ons
. nt rodu.cl or )' :
Varahannh"a. Ihe ('eJehraleJ <lo('ient InJj a n a,lm-
"'<I' "'ell aware "f Ihe concept tha t lhin!,,' ri'e,
e\1S1and J e<ay ill rime, and Ihal hme o r Ihe GoJ of
r ime i, Ihe 'upren'" ""('lor h...h,llll,he eV01 1J1 i" o Of lhi,
unl'W''''. Indja n w"rk",) ""1dn
('ha", of Ihe "n tl' of lim... right from !I,e m;,nx-,,,mie
part "I' Ih '''''''''Hll" the ",h"l... kno wn a,
Kal, ,,,, Th var ;ou' unil' of lime. whid' arc inlil1 Mld y
('"nl1e(leJ ", ;Ih Ihe Jay -Io -Jay e'e'lls in the life of
ncry livm):! indi'-")ual Me 'en,,,,J. minul .... ho ur. Jay
(Iilh ;), 1<)r1 n'l.! hl (pabhaj. mon lh, ''''a,,,n. year. dccud...
(da,hab j and c...nt ury (,Ila "[hda ).
1'h e foll " ..-;ng lahl.. "'ak.... th",... 'uhdi' i'ion' qui t...

Trela}' u!!"
Ka li}' uga
14 \ h havuc", or !\1ao,-antara,
, Kro la,
Tr" la, lh a pa ra anJ Ka lil
17.28J)()() years of Ii uma n he' ''g'
l2. %.<)(10 years of h" man hei ng'
8.64.00(} of h" m" n he;ngs
4J2,(J(J())'ea r; "fhuman hemp
A,'cord ing 10 lh" "n('lenI I'I<han "f <'al <0l"l ion
",e are al pre,enl linng '" Ihe flrs l 'l uarl "r of kalil'IOg"
pertai ning 10 Ihe V"iv",,-,al" ..\fan",,,,wm uj Sh ,w",,,,,, -
H I N Il ' :
n<1kalpa. ThIS 'l "arter of kali yuga ha d commenced a t
midnight he tween the 17th and 18tl> f-' ebruJ ry_ 3102
li e
Irnlian .... (Enol
Vik ramaul/)'<l and 'lie Sha ka pnnce Shalivahuna ",ere
h.iO famous Kings associated ,.,ilh 1wo very popular
'ystems of chronology f"II""e<J in ,he Indian al manac.
T he era wil h the name of the former
fro m 57 1:I .e. and lhe era na med all ellhe lauer
counted from 78 II [) rhe year 1976 A D. for
;nWUlce, corre'p<md, to Vikra"," Samm! 2OJ3 and
Shaka.\I1"""" 1898. The Govt. of India h,we
Shaka F.ro a' the ha,i s oflhe Calendar.
I'h< '0.... ' I...,."
"!',., "",", of ' lo<
0 """.
l i" ..., ,,k
19'6 '1. ".
''116 "1"' 1
" ' J
191' Jo" '
19'6 h d,
107. "' UI ""
1'170 "' ptemo"
1"'. ,,,.,,,",,
1976 ,"O" rnl><,
I.'" o.."' ml><,
,.... ",',1.
," /w.Qf.",

"" 1&.'
" IO!
f4",..lnt ,""",It,"""",,,,,
"f'" -"/wk" h "
"au" , II '. '1.,,,, II
\t. gh. 11 10
Ph' Ig. " II ta ,-,h, ,,,. II
n ,;". 11 to V",h, ' h. I"
V' ''''.kh. II w J,.,h,'" 10
J",,"' th. II "' As"".I""
A" .ah. 10 '. s,,,.......
>J "...., '"' 10 La 1Ih" ' '' p. J. "
O"' d" f"J. IUw A,'_;"" B
....'h'"' "," m.h
" . n' h 10 La Ag"h.,
..... "' h.' IO'" P, ",h. 10
Th<' I'ak._ha. (r
The month . according lO Ind ia n 'ystem " di\-ided
inlO two hal ves, know n a' S h"Ual'ab ha ( Ilrighl Iialn
and Kri"hnapab ha ( Dark Ila ll) couespondi ng 10 the
waxi ng and waving fort night s of the mnon
Tho' India n Vicw 'Or lh., Zodiac
Indian astronomers S1udie<.J the p", ill0n o( 7,:>diac
minul el y. The 12 na me, given by them 10 the l2 pari'
of the are called Rd.<hi s. A <?i.Ihi is. Ihu,. the
()II c. l....dft h pan of the rod ;...e. riJ.,/ri em'en ..
of 2J ..... oon.lel l"'l io/l.,-a., II'
eo.".llIuent componcnt>.
The nam"" of the ",,/rll_ the" cqu,.-.knt> In
lind Ihe .. aflll paJtu IquarIC"I"f the co n, lclld
lion.... hKf, ""rUi n 10 lhem. a rc ..,," a, under:
s ..... .Wp

I ..,
1 ........
, l<. nM .
I< n"".


""!" ""
"".... .

I ......"'" 1
II t ....
P ...
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II .......
...- .

.... Ipa, 1
Il II...

I ,....
,. 0"..
n ....


17. "". ,,,"h,

I '
,. ".... .
:0 P." d...
11 t , .Iud...
HI ""\! ''\In<5
C.pri w m \l. k...
U".....,... "'"
' h" .....
"h' n;"" '"
,,-. ... nu,
" u mho
[ ~ ...;,.,..
~ " h " ~ "
p,,,, .bn. J"I"J,
u PC
P"".i>I ..J " I"''"'
ae l " ....hh J "ro<l
n .

D1 KSHl' U
("0\ 1111''; 4 noxs OF 'H' S A'II IlIIlI ClIO'S
"o\l'SPIOOl S UJR' J()(R'l\'
" " ,h Wr ' t
N" nhE."
TucsJay r uc"tay WN nr >day
Wedn. " lay
F ~
Su...b y. F n d . ~
"'".....y. s..'urJ..
Soo dl We..
s..u,h u "
SunJ.y. Fr>d. y Tb unda, M.-i.ay. Th u..-d. y
" 2
IIl NDU " "'!:NS
fl U <H:S . lJI'<" l Hf I'Os'TK',< ,It
"-"ITS '" Til" 11111 "' "".oso:ort: ()O
...U .. , ....., ,,. 1I.L'..uU . .....V...,. . ....


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"0"''''' ' ,sR' .J.' ''''' . _Jo. l ..... UUIII'. 01 '
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l.<Jnt lif, G, u, '"
s<po r. "o"

"1" 1

Iffi'i "l!

Rehti " u,
...-.. Ilh W.. llhy
" . uy

S;. f ul
fon " ,",
U""h "
, , ;w"' u
l.u" of De"h
"',,,,U ....Klo" Fonu""
O", h","
I ",. u/ l)ea,. [la ,,, "

F""" ",
' 50
l .... U.H SIG"S OF TII F 1-(m,u.:
1;"Kh, 1o

F'1"'''''' "'
:India< &d,
0 M" h, An "
R. m II...
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1. Thl,
( i b<.
Balon"" '0_
V",h . So-"",..

f',j, ,,,.
, h,h
0 Dhon.
"-!In'..;. '
"..., l><,
10. M.....
C. pncom
The moo ' lOki..
,,;,. pi"' ..-
lho h ,h

P" . ",

M. ", h ll Apri l lO
Lu ,ny Venn,

Ap,il ll M.ylO
" . oon')'

..ay 21_J"", 20
Em"dd J" "ell -J ulyl'
Rnhy l uI!' 2l _A" go" l '
" ,,,,"'}'
J.."., ll- s<p. II
,Airy \ ' 00"' D" "",nd
Sopt. 22_0 <1. II

OoUJ No . )O
1" <1)' l up"",
" "". 221\ . 20
s.' u,o
De<.1 1 I... 19
l ,',, "u,
"n. l O-- hb, ' S
W" " y l up"
Ch'J'X'li\< r ob_19 " Of. lO
H, ,, m J O., E'<S
' "'
run,. n'
(... ""I' -",i
2. n,nd,.
"- "
Sd. "



f m, ,,lo

5. Vnh.o>pa'; lup;'" U
" old
( ...,"J")


ll,. ",o""
,;1." ""u,
I lIi ,.. !
1. 'W.n;
Sa' . m
1'ii1. m
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Moho Ot.! OO ', ..


., K" ,
n ' O(O" ...;1 UI'"""ul,
I Va....''''')
AVlIJ I.FT TO WAR!) OH' nn: ion. S P IIU I S
rRO\ 1 HUMAN IU:l Nl.>S
, ,
" '"
4 s
Met hod s ;
Th ,s amul el <.'(l nl" " " ng Ihe mY'l; or 70
shou lJ be pu l on the body.
AMIH..:! HlR \'I(1UR\' 1-'; A RATTU:
A Warrior sboulJ ' mcribe Ibi, my' S! ;': Jiagram On a
plale of <"Opper anJ wo"' b'p il w, lb ' ncn.sc or
anJ pUI il on bi, per'on. Then. if he d ' alleng, Ihe
enemies_Ihey will tlee from Ihe b.lnler,e1J,
""""U ( ) M [ ~ S
5 4'1'195

This ,h"ul,J he wriUe" on a sacred hird' pape r and.
pUI in,ide (he bronze ,'\.lvcr and lhe ". l ied. in (he (ail or
nc,-k of (he , ufferlng "nimal.
~ \l ULlU TO W AKI> 'lI'l 8 AI> '''' <: NS 171
Al\l1 'UT H ) K S I "KE S I '("U :SS 1:-'> A;\o \
K..ng Klang K,." g
K."" g
K "g
, . ~
K' ""g
U"". h,.og
",. d
,\-It't h. l<! :
This amulel should he inscr ihe<J on a pi ece of hirch
paper Wilh ....trron (Kumku m) and yel low pil;;menl
(gomchana) while 'ining at a nemation grou nd. The
' Yan lra' ,hould be tied in the arm. II will re,ull in , ure
SUCce" in {he held or pu" ua, ion. Following mantras
sh,'uld he wri lten in {he h<>lIom of the Ya nt ra
I. \ Ia nlra:
"Om namo dhar yilre drayakhadgava{ai vidyadha raya
khadgagra hine Swaha 1' ," ,lam' .
2. Mantra :
" Om nam" aing I..: ring h " ng padmavali mama
....pha laladytre varadepm nam,lh,
The ulterance of these manlras ., hould he made I O ~
lime' to gain su,Xe'SIn ddlicuh malte".

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