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Based Package Management RPM configuration file: /usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc RPM Package Naming Convention: rpm-package-name.versionnumber- buildnumber.architecture.rpm RPM packages are built from CPIO archives. o To extract the files form an RPM package without installing the rpm use the program rpm2cpio man rpm2cpio for syntax. o CPIO program takes the i flag to extract contents of the archive. Step 1: rpm2cpio Step 2: cpio i make-directories < archivename.cpio Common RPM Operations o h: Displays operation progress o -nodeps: Dont check for package dependencies o -test: checks the install operation for issues without installing o -prefix path: sets path for installation o a: verifies all packages o i: displays package information o R: displays files and packages that the package depends on o l: display the contents/files of the package (important) Common RPM Options o i: installs RPM package. Package names must be unique to system. o U: Upgrades or installs a NEW package. o F: Upgrades a package only if an older version exists o q: queries a package to determine if it is already installed on system. o e: Uninstalls a package (Think extract from a system) o b: builds binary package (builds binary) o rebuild: rebuilds package o -rebuilddb: rebuilds rpm database. Rpm qi: verifies that a package is installed Installing Programs With YUM Yum configuration file: /etc/yum.conf Yum Repository Files: /etc/yum.repos.d/ YUM Commands o Install o Update o Check-update: check to see if updates are available o Upgrade o Remove/erase o List displays information about a package

o Search o Info same as rpm qi o Clean cleans yum cache and removes package install files that are no longer needed o Resolvedep resolves dependencies o Deplist displays decencies on a package Examples o Force package installation Rpm I name.rpm force

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