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Menurut penelitian terbaru, orang yang gemar bangun pagi untuk berolahraga sebelum sarapan ternyata mampu membakar

lemak tubuh lebih dari 20 persen ketimbang orang yang berolahraga setelah sarapan.

Dalam penelitian ini, para ilmuwan berusaha untuk mengetahui manfaat dari berolahraga setelah puasa semalaman yang kemudian dirusak oleh peningkatan nafsu makan dan konsumsi lebih banyak makanan di siang hari. Sebuah tim dari University of Northumbria di Newcastle, Inggris, meminta 12 pria aktif sebagai partisipan untuk melakukan latihan treadmill pukul 10.00 pagi, baik setelah sarapan atau dalam keadaan berpuasa dan tidak makan sejak malam sebelumnya. Setelah latihan, semua partisipan diberi minuman milkshake recovery rasa cokelat. Kemudian di siang hari, peserta diberi makan siang pasta yang diminta untuk makan sampai mereka merasa kenyang sekenyangnya. Lalu, energi konsumsi makan siang dan lemak mereka dinilai dan dihitung, untuk memperhitungkan jumlah energi dan lemak yang dibakar selama periode pagi. Para peneliti, dipimpin oleh Emma Stevenson dan Javier Gonzalez, menemukan bahwa orangorang yang berolahraga di pagi hari tercatat tidak mengonsumsi kalori tambahan atau mengalami peningkatan nafsu makan di siang hari untuk mengimbangi aktivitas mereka sebelumnya. Tak hanya itu, peneliti juga menemukan bahwa mereka yang berolahraga dalam keadaan berpuasa berhasil membakar lemak lebih dari 20 persen dibandingkan dengan mereka sarapan sebelum berolahraga. Para peneliti menyimpulkan, olahraga dalam perut kosong mampu memberikan hasil yang paling efektif dalam pembakaran lemak. (jay)

Latihan kardio merupakan latihan terbaik untuk memaksimalkan pembakaran lemak tubuh. Namun tidak semua orang memiliki waktu luang untuk melakukan latihan kardio.

Saat ini masih banyak di antara Anda yang melakukan kardio berlama-lama dengan hasil yang kurang efektif. Sehingga saat Anda tidak punya waktu luang, latihan ini pun akan Anda tinggalkan. Nah, daripada Anda meninggalkan latihan kardio dan program diet Anda menjadi berantakan, lebih baik Anda mencoba latihan kardio singkat dengan efek membakar lemak yang efektif dari kardio Anda sebelumnya. Anda tidak perlu menggunakan peralatan khusus. Cukup luangkan 9 menit saja setiap hari dan bersiaplah membakar lemak lebih banyak. Berikut pola latihannya: 1. Jumping Squat 15 detik

Tahapan Pelaksanaan:

Posisi jongkok sampai paha sejajar lantai Lakukan lompatan di tempat setinggi mungkin Kembali ke posisi awal, kemudian melompat lagi Step Up 15 detik

Tahapan Pelaksanaan

Posisi berdiri dengan tubuh tegak dan kedua tangan diletakkan di pinggang Kaki kanan berada di atas bench dan kaki kiri tetap di lantai seperti pada gambar Naikkan kaki kiri ke atas bench kemudian turunkan kembali

Ulangi gerakan tersebut sebanyak yang diinginkan kemudian ganti dengan kaki kanan untuk melakukan gerakan ini Superman 15 detik

Tahapan Pelaksanaan

Posisi telungkup di lantai dengan posisi tangan dan kaki lurus seperti pada gambar Kemudian angkat lengan dan kaki sehingga mirip dengan gerakan terbang Turunkan kembali kemudian ulangi gerakan ini Plank Punch 15 detik

Tahapan Pelaksanaan

Ambil posisi push up Beban tubuh bertumpu pada kedua tangan Angkat tangan kanan lurus ke depan dengan posisi tangan mengepal Turunkan tangan kanan kembali ke posisi semula Ulangi gerakan untuk tangan kiri Squat Thrust 15 detik

Tahapan Pelaksanaan

Dari posisi berdiri, turunkan tubuh seperti saat melakukan gerakan squat dengan kedua tangan lurus ke bawah hampir menempel lantai Kedua kaki melompat ke belakang hingga posisi push up seperti pada gambar

Dari posisi push up, kedua kaki melompat ke depan sehingga kembali ke posisi awal dan ulangi gerakan di atas Istirahat 60-90 detik. Ulangi lima latihan di atas sebanyak 3 x dengan jeda istirahat 60 detik antar circuit hingga waktu 9 menit usai. (dan)

The essentials listed below are cleansing boosters. They can help ease the physical symptoms you may experience and help work through any emotions or discomforting thoughts that come up. 1. H2O

Water helps eliminate toxins from the body. It also keeps all your vital organs hydrated and functioning properly. When your organs are functioning properly you will detox at a more rapid rate. Dehydration does not feel good when youre cleansing, it only magnifies the uncomfortable side effects of the cleanse. So drink LOTS of water and then drink some more water! 2. Pranayama (Breath Work)

Breathing is such an autonomous part of our bodily functions that we really never pay attention to it at all. But, if you stop whatever you are doing and observe it mindfully, you will know how you are inhaling and exhaling air into your lungs.

Proper breathing will bring more oxygen to the blood and to the brain. Better breathing calms and stimulates the nervous system and balances the brain hemispheres. I like doing breath work in the morning and before bed. Try the following exercise: 1. Breathe in through the nose for 6 counts 2. Hold for 6 counts 3. Exhale for 6 counts 4. Hold for 6 counts 5. Repeat 1-4

3. Turn Up The Heat

Steam rooms and saunas are one of the most effective ways to flush toxins from your body. Grab a towel and water bottle and head to your local gym or spa for a sweat session. Remember to drink extra water to replenish and re-hydrate your body.

4. Flush Out Toxins Everyones body reacts different to cleansing. Sometimes you eliminate a lot of old sludge during a cleanse and sometimes you can feel constipated. When you do extended cleanses you are not putting any fiber in your diet so your digestive system slows down. Proper elimination is an important part of the journey to health and it is crucial to get out old sludge. I suggest that you either take natural laxative teas or schedule a colonic. 5. Nurture Your Soul

Meditation is a great way to calm your nervous system and take care of your mind and soul. Just taking 10 minutes of your day can drastically improve your mental and physical well being. It can help start your day in a centered, calm state or take you into dream land feeling relaxed and safe before bedtime.

6. Catch Your ZZZs A solid night of sleep is incredibly rejuvenating for the body and spirit. Your body heals when you are sleeping and during times of rest is where all the amazing benefits of cleansing take place. 7. Work It Out

Boost your organism and get your bowels flowing with activity. The deeper breathing that comes with exercise improves circulation, increases oxygenation of the blood and helps flush toxins and cellular waste from the body. Exercise decreases stress hormones, such as cortisol, and increases endorphins. 8. Have A Blast

Cleansing is one of the best things you can do for your body. So why not have fun while youre pampering your insides to the max? Do an avocado face mask, the fats in avocados are so hydrating for your skin. Drink your juices out of a martini glass or add paper umbrellas, drinking from sexy glasses is always a good time. Recruit a friend to cleanse with you and buy each other a reward for completing the cleanse. Doing cleanses with friends is so much easier in my opinion. You can rely on them for support and you can take fitness or yoga classes together.

Today Im laughing. Why? Because Im thinking back about a decade when I believed the back pain that plagued my 30s was something I was going to have to live with for the rest of my life. I figured that it was simply a matter of aging. In my 30s! If youve had a chance to read my story, then you know I looked like this four years ago

Well, today I turn 44. Im officially starting the 45th year of my life, and I feel SO much better than I did at the time that photo was taken! Back pain is gone. No more bright orange horse pills. No more inhaler for my asthma. Allergies are almost non-existent. The cancer never made a comeback. How have I done this? Well, to be honest, I cant pinpoint any one thing. But Ive made a whole lot of changes over the last seven years, removing toxins from my life a little at a time and adding practices to reduce stress and build muscle. I now understand that my lifestyle choices have a HUGE impact over the way I feel. So I want to give a gift to YOU today. I want to share with you what Ive been doing.

I feel that too often, we dont hear enough about these little tweaks. We see ads for drugs and were often given prescriptions as a first round of treatment. If youve not been feeling so great, please give these steps a try, too. YOU are worth it! 1. Drink warm lemon water in the morning. 2. Ditch the soda, juice, and colored sports drinks. Water. Drink water. 3. Eat greens- romaine, spinach, kale, collards, swiss chard, dandelion, mustard, beet. 4. Take a probiotic supplement or eat fermented foods.

5. Include raw foods everyday. 6. Practice yoga at least once a week. 7. Get outside. Often. 8. Grow your own food. An herb totally counts. 9. Practice meditation. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for 3 minutes. Not while driving. 10. Volunteer. 11. Laugh. 12. Get together with friends. Friends who make you laugh. 13. Learn something new weekly. Dot on top of i is called a tittle. There. Got you started. 14. Stop or reduce your gluten intake. 15. Practice gratitude. List all the things going right in your life.

16. Try a new adventure. Often. 17. Meet new people. 18. Watch a TV show that isnt reality. 19. Take a media break every month. 20. Smile. At strangers, too. 21. Eat nuts. But never ask the guy at Whole Foods where his nuts are. 22. Share. 23. Make a meal for someone in need. 24. Eat breakfast. Smoothies count. 25. Be mindful when you eat. 26. Limit your alcohol intake. 27. Make most of your meals from food that comes from the ground. Not boxes. 28. Have sex. Solo counts, too. 29. Eat seaweed. Not off the beach. 30. Read. 31. Ditch the dairy. 32. Throw out the microwave. Okayeventually throw out the microwave. For now, use less. 33. Eat LOTS of colorful veggies. Every day. Corn doesnt count.

34. Play with the children in your life. 35. Start and end your day with an affirmation. I AM AMAZING. I LOVE MY LIFE. I HAVE ENERGY. 36. Try a new recipe at least once a month. 37. Ditch the lawn chemicals. Make friends with dandelions.

38. Chew your food. 39. READ LABELS. 40. Find something you are passionate about. 41. Lift weights or plank every week. 42. Burn only soy or beeswax candles scented with essential oils. 43. Recycle. And other such stuff for the planet. Laundry lines, consignment, cloth bags 44. Face your fears. Its natural to have them. But dont let them rule your life.

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