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***Base tShock Complete command list: Commands available to everyone /register [username] [password] - Register a user account /login

[username] [password] - Log in to a user account /help [page] - Provides a list of commands. /playing, /who, /online - List of players on the server. /me - Third person chat. /p - Party/Team chat. /rules - Prints server rules. Commands available to logged in users /password [oldpassword] [newpassword] - Change your password Commands available to groups Permissions Required: Logged in as 'superadmin' group /user add [accountname:password] [group] - Adds a user account and assigns them a group. /user add [IP.add.re.ss] [group] - Adds a user IP address and assigns them a gr oup. /user del [accountname] - Removes a user account /user del [IP.add.re.ss] - Removes a user IP address /user group [accountname] [newgroup] - Assigns a new group to a user /user password [accountname] [password] - Assigns a new password to a user /auth-verify [CODE] - Verifies initial superadmin account(s). [CODE] is display ed in server console. /ip [player] - Privately print the IP address of a player Permissions Required: kick, ban, unban /kick [player] [reason] - Use "quotes" for player names with spacing. (Example: /kick "sarah connor" abuse) /ban [player] [reason] - Use "quotes" for player names with spacing. /ban [ip] [reason] /unban [player] - Use "" for player names with spacing. /unbanip [ip] Permissions Required: maintenance /off - Turns off the server after saving. /off-nosave - Kills the server without saving. /checkupdates - Checks for TShock updates. /clearbans -1 - Removes all bans Permissions Required: whitelist /whitelist [player] - While "EnableWhitelist: true" in the config.json, only pl ayers who are added to the whitelist with this command are able to enter the ser ver. These names are stored in \tshock\whitelist.txt. Permissions Required: causeevents /dropmeteor - Drops /star - Attempts to /bloodmoon - Starts /invade - Toggles a a meteor on the map. bring a star to your location (required night time). a blood moon event. goblin invasion.

/itemdrop(/idrop) drops an item( or group of items) randomly throughout the sky . Permissions Required: spawnboss /eater - Summons the Eater of Worlds. /eye - Summons the Eye of Cthulhu. /skeletron - Summons Skeletron. /king - Summons the Slime King. /hardcore - Summons Eater of Worlds, Eye of Cthulhu , Slime King, and Skeletron . Permissions Required: spawnmob /spawnmob [npc-id or name] [amount]- Spawns an NPC from the NPC list - Use "" f or mob names with spacing. Permissions Required: tp /tp [player] - Teleport to the requested player. /spawn, /home - Teleport to home. (Bed, or spawn) Permissions Required: tphere /tphere [player] - Teleports the requested player to you. Permissions Required: warp /warp list - Lists the available warp destinations. /warp [destination] - Warps to the named destination. Permissions Required: managewarp /setwarp [destination] - Sets a named warp at your current position. /delwarp [destination] - Removes a named warp. Permissions Required: managegroup /addgroup [optional permissions, space separated or comma separated, not both] - Allows adding of additional group types, other than the default groups (VIP, n ewadmin, trustedadmin, etc.). Example: /addgroup tester ban kick heal OR: /addgroup tester ban,kick,heal NOT: /addgroup tester ban, kick, heal /delgroup - Delete an existing group. /modgroup add|del - is the permission required to use a set of commands. Example: /modgroup add vip managewarp Permissions Required: manageitem /addItem Example: /delItem Example: - Add an /addItem - Delete /delItem item to the ban list. "gold coin" an existing item from the ban list. "gold coin"

Permissions Required: cfg /setspawn - Sets the map's spawn point at your current position. /reload - Reloads the configuration file. /showconfig - Shows the current configuration settings.

/serverpassword - Remotely changes the server's password. /save - Saves the server. /maxspawns [amount] - Changes the maximum spawns per wave. Higher numbers resul ts in more mobs per spawn wave. /spawnrate [amount] - Changes the rate at which monsters spawn. Lower results i n faster spawn rates. /broadcast [message] - Broadcasts a message from the playername. /convert - This command will dump all users from both Regions and Warps and als o change all Worlds to reference this WorldID. You must manually fix multi-world configurations. Permissions Required: time /time [day|night|dusk|noon|midnight] - Sets a specific world time. Permissions Required: pvpfun /slap [player] - Slaps [player], defaults to 5 damage if not provided - Use "qu otes" for player names with spacing. Permissions Required: editspawn /antibuild - Toggles build protection. /protectspawn - Toggles spawn protection. /region set [1/2] - Sets temporary region points /region name - Shows the name of the region you are in /region define [name] - Adds temporary region points into the region list /region delete [name] - Deletes the specified region /region allow [name] [regionname] - Allows a player to build in specified regio n /region list - Shows a named list of all regions for that world /region help - Lists region help Permissions Required: logs Note: By default, groups with this permission will automatically see all server console messages (slash "/" commands). /displaylogs - Turns on and off Server Console messages. Permissions Required: whisper Note: groups with the "logs" permission (above) will be able to see all /command s being used, and thus will see whispers. /whisper, /w, /tell [player] [message] - Sends a private whisper to another pla yer /reply, /r [message] - Whisper replies to the last person to send you a whisper . Permissions Requred: annoy /annoy [player] [time in seconds] - Plays the Whoopie Cushion sound on a player for [time in seconds]. Cannot be heard by other players. Permissions Required: kill, butcher, item, heal /kill [player] - Kills provided [player] - Use "" for item/player names with sp acing. /butcher - Slays all non-town NPCs.

/item [id or name] or /i [id or name] - Gives you id or name Example: /i "molten pick" /give [id or name] [player] - Gives [player] item id or name Example: /give "molten pick" "sarah connor" 1 /heal [player] - Heals you, or if defined, player Other Permissions Note: These are not in-game commands, but can still be added to a group's permis sions. canwater - allow this group to use water canlava - allow this group to use lava canspike - allow this group to place spikes canbuild - allow this group to build (does not bypass other checks, such as pro tected regions) adminchat - Colors and adds a prefix to the group's chat. This prefix and color is set in \tshock\config.json. immunetokick - group can't be kicked immunetoban - group can't be banned ignorecheatdetection - allow group to cheat (health/mana cheats) ignoregriefdetection - allow group to grief (use explosives, water, lava even i f they dont have premission to) usebanneditem - allows group the use of banned items reservedslot - allow this group to join the server, regardless of whether or no t it is full Commands in parenthesis are aliases. allowclientsideworldedit Description: Allow unrestricted Send Tile Square usage, for client side world ed iting Commands: None annoy Description: None Commands: /annoy ban Description: User can ban others Commands: /ban /banip /unban /unbanip buff Description: User can buff self Commands: /buff buffplayer Description: User can buff other players Commands: /gbuff(/buffplayer) butcher Description: User can kill all enemy npcs Commands: /butcher bypassinventorychecks Description: Bypass Server Side Inventory checks Commands: None canbuild Description: Required to be able to build (modify tiles and liquid)

Commands: None canchangepassword Description: User can change password in game Commands: /password canlogin Description: User can login in game Commands: /login canpartychat Description: User can use party chat in game Commands: /p canregister Description: User can register account in game Commands: /register cantalkinthird Description: User can talk in third person Commands: /me causeevents Description: None Commands: /dropmeteor /star /fullmoon /bloodmoon /invade cfg Description: User can edit sevrer configurations Commands: /setspawn /reload /serverpassword /save /settle /maxspawns /spawnrate /broadcast(/bc /say /yell /scream /yellinanguish /speak) /convert /stats clearitems Description: User can clear item drops. Commands: /clearitems converthardmode Description: User can convert hallow into corruption and vice-versa Commands: /convertcorruption /converthallow editspawn Description: Allows you to edit the spawn Commands: /antibuild /protectspawn grow Description: None Commands: /grow hardmode Description: User can change hardmode state. Commands: /hardmode /stophardmode(/disablehardmode) heal Description: None Commands: /heal ignorekilltiledetection Description: Prevents you from being reverted by kill tile abuse detection Commands: None ignoreliquidsetdetection

Description: Prevents you from being disabled by liquid set abuse detection Commands: None ignorenoclipdetection Description: Prevents you from being reverted by no clip detection Commands: None ignoreplacetiledetection Description: Prevents you from being reverted by place tile abuse detection Commands: None ignoreprojectiledetection Description: Prevents you from being disabled by liquid set abuse detection Commands: None ignorestackhackdetection Description: Prevents you from being disabled by stack hack detection Commands: None ignorestathackdetection Description: Prevents you from being kicked by hacked health detection Commands: None immunetoban Description: Prevents you from being banned Commands: None immunetokick Description: Prevents you from being kicked Commands: None item Description: User can spawn items Commands: /item(/i) /give kick Description: User can kick others Commands: /kick kill Description: None Commands: /kill logs Description: Specific log messages are sent to users with this permission Commands: /displaylogs maintenance Description: User is notified when an update is available Commands: /clearbans /off(/exit) /off-nosave(/exit-nosave) /checkupdates managegroup Description: User can manage groups Commands: /addgroup /delgroup /modgroup manageitem Description: User can manage item bans Commands: /additem /delitem manageregion

Description: User can edit regions Commands: /region /debugreg managewarp Description: User can manage warps Commands: /setwarp /delwarp /hidewarp movenpc Description: User can change the homes of NPCs. Commands: None mute Description: User can mute and unmute users Commands: /mute(/unmute) pvpfun Description: None Commands: /slap reservedslot Description: Allows you to bypass the max slots for up to 5 slots above your max Commands: None rootonly Description: Meant for super admins only Commands: /user /userinfo(/ui) /auth-verify spawnboss Description: User can spawn bosses Commands: /eater /eye /king /skeletron /wof(/wallofflesh) /twins /destroyer /ske letronp(/prime) /hardcore spawnmob Description: User can spawn npcs Commands: /spawnmob(/sm) time Description: None Commands: /time tp Description: User can teleport Commands: /home /spawn /tp tpall Description: Users can tp to anyone Commands: None tpallow Description: Users can stop people from TPing to them Commands: /tpallow tphere Description: User can teleport people to them Commands: /tphere /sendwarp(/sw) tphide Description: Users can tp to people without showing a notice Commands: None usebanneditem

Description: Allows you to use banned items Commands: None warp Description: User can use warps Commands: /warp whisper Description: User can whisper to others Commands: /whisper(/w /tell) /reply(/r) whitelist Description: User can modify the whitelist Commands: /whitelist ***Commands added by MAC /ghost [playername] - Toggles ghost mode for you or for another. When ghost mode is on, you are invisible to other players, with the exception of those things l isted in the "Things that people can still see" section. Permission is "ghostmode" /freezetime - Freezes and unfreezes time. Great for keeping it daytime for build ing or nighttime for PvE fun. Permission is "time" /autoheal [playername] - Toggles autoheal mode for you or for another. When auto heal mode is on, the server will heal you if it sees that your health is below h alf of your maxhealth, or your mana is below half of your maxmana. Obviously not perfect, as it tends to take a few seconds before the server realizes you need healing, and lag will obviously make it worse. Permission is "heal" /spawnmobplayer mob amount player - Don't want to be near a person when you spaw n a monster, too lazy to tp to them, or do you want to send monsters from the se rver console in a place other than the spawn? Use this to spawn mobs by a specif ic player. Permission is "spawnmob" /fly [playername] - Turns on the flying carpet, for you or for someone else! (Th e one made of glass and platforms. XD) This will allow you to walk/run through t he air as a magic carpet of glass follows beneath you. Jump onto the platforms a bove to ascend. Press the "S" key to descend. Pretty amazing, I think, but be ca reful about lag. Doesn't destroy tiles, or anything, for that matter. Environmen tally friendly. Permission is "fly" /fetch - Fetches the magic carpet to you, in case you somehow still manage to fa ll off, and the carpet doesn't come to you. Permission is "flymisc", because I may add the ability to give the flying carpet to other people soon. /mow regionname - Turn on auto-mow for the specified region, mowing away grass, mushrooms, corruption thorn, saplings, etc. Does not affect trees and sunflowers , mostly just the useless stuff. (Maybe I shouldn't clear saplings?) Permission is "editspawn" /permabuff buff [player] - Gives you or a player of your choice an everlasting b uff.

Permission is "buff" /forcegive item player [amount] - Basically the EXACT same thing as give, except the item will be spawned by the player regardless of whether or not he/she has enough room in the inventory. This idea has been up for a while, and no-one has said anything against it, so it's been implemented. Use with your own discretion . Permission is "item" /killall - Do I even need to explain? Kills all players at once (except for you, of course). In lieu of the fact that this has the potential to be extremely dis astrous, I have made its own separate permission, and the only person who can us e it initially is the superadmin. I'll let you decide if you even want to distri bute such a dangerous command amongst your admins. Permission is "killall" /mute player [seconds] - Mute the player specified, either until he/she leaves, you remove the mute by typing the command again, or the amount of time specified runs out. Permission is "mute" /permamute player - Mute the player by the IP. In other words, basically the /ba n command, except with muting. Every time the player tries to come onto the serv er, he will be auto-muted until you take that mute off or remove him-her from th e permaban list by using this command again. Permission is "mute" /butcherfriendly - Tired of not being able to get rid of NPCs like the merchant, and they're lagging up your server? Use this to kill all town NPCs. Permission is "butcher" /butchernpc npc - Butchers all NPCs/mobs of the type specified, by id or name. Permission is "butcher" /spawnbyme - Basically just /spawnmob, but the mob(s) is/are spawned right on to p of you. Permission is "spawnmob" /muteall [reason] - Mutes all players that don't have the mute permission, givin g the specified reason whenever anyone without the "mute" permission tries to ta lk. Permission is "mute" /permabuffgroup group buff - Gives everyone in the specified group the specified buff or group of buffs as defined in the config file. Permission is "permabuff" /clearitems [radius|all] - Clears all items on the field either in the radius sp ecified or a default radius of 50. Permission is "clearitems" /reloadmore - Reloads the More Admin Commands Config file. Permission is "reloadmore" /viewall - Activates viewall mode, which allows you to see the position of every one as if they were on the same team as you. The team color can be changed in th e config. You cannot harm anyone via PvP on viewall mode. Permission is "viewall" /spawnall - Spawns all NPCs, excluding the Dungeon Guardian, for obvious reasons

. Permissions is "spawnmob" /spawngroup groupname [multiplier] - Spawns all mobs as defined in the group in the config file, the amount multiplied by the multiplier. Permissions is "spawnmob" /butchernearby [radius] - Butchers all enemies within the given radius, a radius of 50 blocks by default. Permission is "butcher" /permabuffall buffname - Applies the specified permabuff to everyone, including those who connect after this command is used. ***Commands added by Jail & Prison, AFK, Chest Rooms, Kill Zones, Timed Commands plugin for TerrariaAPI[v1.10] Features: Create a region named "jail" and users will need to type /ireadtherules to get o ut Create a region named "prison" and users cannot get out if warped there ireadtherules command can be changed in config When users are IDLE for 5mins (or a defined amount) they will be sent to a prote cted AFK Zone. Users can also send themselves there using /afk. When they are ba ck they can type /back and continue where they left off. Create Chest & Kill Zone Regions where people either can't enter or die if they try! Limit the use of item or heal commands Commands: /ireadtherules - warps user to warp named spawn (command name can be changed in config) /imprison - sends user to prison - and won't let them out! /setfree - lets the user out of prison /afk - sends you to afk warp /back - sends you back where you were when you typed /afk or were warped for bei ng idle /afktime - tells you how many seconds you have been idle (doesn't reset the afkt ime) /setidletime - changes the default idle time from 300secs to whatever you change it too /allowchests - can give access to users to chest rooms /killzone - can give access to users to kill zones /setcmdtime - changes the default time between /item, /give, /heal commands Permissions: jailcomm - gives users the /ireadtherules command (I give to registered users) jail - permission to use /warp /tp /home /spawn while in jail or prison prison - gives users /imprison and /setfree commands rulerank - used with groupname config option - allows you to users in group "Nee ds Rules" to type the jailcomm and change groups. idlecomm - gives the following commands - /afk /back /afktime cfg - gives the following command - /setidletime (default time is 300 secs), /se tcmd time (default 120 secs), /jailreload (reloads config file) alwaystp & alwaysheal - Allows users to tp or heal without being limited by the cmdtimer killzone - allows users to enter a killzone without dying

chests - allows users to enter a chest zone without dying & gives /allowchests c ommand General Setup: Create a warp named spawn use /hidewarp spawn true to hide it from your list this is currently needed for /spawn to work. will update in next version Setup Jail: create a jail on your server and name the region "jail" use /setspawn to make the main spawn be in your jail Setup Prison: create a prison on your server and name the region "prison" Create a warp named prison (you can hide it with /hidewarp prison true) Setup Your AFK Zone: Create a region named "afk" Create a warp named afk (you can hide it with /hidewarp afk true) Any regions with "afk" in the name will be protected regions from monsters Setup Chest Rooms: Create a region with "chests" in the name If you add a group name, prefix, or username to the region name that group, pref ix, or username can enter the chest room Setup Kill Zones: Create a region with "kill" in the name If you add a group name, prefix, or username to the region name that group, pref ix, or username can enter those kill zones. Configuration Options: jailmode - true / false (enables jail functions) prisonmode - true / false (enables prison functions) jailcomm - command name (changes /ireadtherules) groupname - optional changes group to this if someone types the jailcomm (Requir es the group has the "rulerank" permission to move to this group) guestgroupname - optional changes group of a not logged in user to this group created to give people the option to not require registering and logging in. chestzones - true / false (enables Chest Zones) killzones - true / false (enables Kill Zones) afkmode - true / false (enables AFK mode) afktime - Amount Of Time Before Auto AFK cmdlimit - true / false (Enables Cmd Time Limits) cmdtime - Amount Of Time Between Cmd Uses.

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