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January29,2008 i


Rei UnauthorizedUseof OresonStateUniversitv Tr?delff,rks

DearSir or Madam:

This is to protestyour unauthorizd useof trade, arl<sprotectedby OregonStateUniversityin

connectionwith yourbusinessand/orits advertisingandprcmotion-

The CollegiateLicensingCo'nrpany of Oregon

(CLC) is the authorizedlicensingrepresentative
StateUniversity. We represmtthe Univssity in connectionwith the licensingnprotectionand
enforcementof its narre, logos, slogans,mascotsand other proprietary ri$ts (hoeinafter
"Marks"). TheUnive,rsityownsall rights,title andinterestin its respectiveMadc.

CI,C engages in a wide rangeof lice,nsingactivities,includingthe licensingof companiesto use

the Marksof OregonStateUniversityin connectionwith products, promotions and advertising.
By virtue of their long,continuousandextensiveuseon productsandin promotionalprograrns,
the Markshavedevelopedgoodwill andstength aside,ntifiersof sponsorship by theUniversity.
CLC andtheUniversityretaintheright to maintain qualityconfrolof the Marksby approvingthe
useof the Marksin all advertisingandpromotionalmaterials.Accordingly,no onemay usethe
Marls withoutthee:rpress writtenpennissionof CLC and/ortheUnive'rsity.

Notwithstandingthis, it has come to our attentionthat you are using certain Mad6 of the
University including but not limiteq to the BEAVER word Mark and a depictionof the
University'smascot,Benny,to promoteyour business.You are also using an imageof the
University's football stadiumon your site, a page of which is enclosed. Your company's
unauthorizeduseof theseMarks and the imageconstitutestrademarkinfringemeirtand unfair
competitionin that the public will erroneouslybelievethat your businessor its advertisingand
promotionalac'tivitieshavebeenlicensd sponsored or authorizd by OregonStateUniversity
and/orCLC. In addition")rouruseof the Ma*s without approvalwitl dilute their distinctivmess
by hading upon the goodwill and reputationthat the public associateswith OregonState
Univosity andits Marks.

CLC and the Universityare also concernedaboutthe domainnarneyour companyis usingin

conjrmctionwith this sitq www.beaveirent.com. This URL usesthe BEAVER Mart andimplies
anaffiliation with theUniversitythatdoesnot e:rist.

lrye demandthat your companyimmediatelycesseanddesistfrom the rmauthorizeduseof the

imagereferencedabbve,the www.beaverrent.comURL, andthe mascotdepictionin connection
with yourbusinessot othenrise.

Unlessws receivea comprehensive respoffrcto this lettenin nvritingby Fgbruary12,2W8,

includingassurancelsthat youhaveceasedto infringeon theMarks,we will advisetheinstitution
accordinglyand suggesta courseof action. This letter is without prejrrdiceto any claim for
damages or otherrelief in the eventthatlitigationprovesnecessary.

in thismatter.
I look forwardto )rcurcooperation


BruoeSiegat,SeniorVice PresidentandGeneralCounsel,CLC
ChrisPrindiviile Vice Presiden!CI"CInternational
Mike WarhanlqUnivtrsity ServicesRepresentative,CLC

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