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Submitted to fulfill the requirement of English Final Practical Exam





Submitted to fulfill English School Final Practical Examination By: Galih Yogha Prakoso 1011.10.250 XII Science 2

Baleendah, January 2013

Guiding Teacher I

Guiding Teacher II

Dra. Mona Haldrina 196907311997022002

Dra.Euis Sutarsih 19550101 198003 2 010

Principal of Baleendah Senior High School

Drs. H. Aa Sudaya, M.Pd NIP.19581201 198303 1 011


Although the red onion rather than basic necessities, but every day it takes to cook the spices to complement traditional medicine, materials, industrial raw materials and food processing. Red Red onion is one of the important types of vegetable economical value that can be relied upon as a source of income to farmers and large contributor to revenue, State of food diversity and nutritional adequacy. Red red onion (Allium we have load l.) is a multipurpose tuber vegetables, can be used as seasoning, vegetables, Food flavorings, in addition to the traditional medicine due to the effects of compound antiseptic anilin and alisin it contains. The active ingredient of red onion essential oil consisting of sikloaliin, metilaliin, kaemferol, quercetin, and floroglusin.


Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT because of his mercy the author can complete this scientific paper. The title is BENEFIT OF RED ONION AS TRADITIONAL MEDICINE. There are many difficulties also the challenges faced by, during making this paper. But many people help the author to face it, they never stop to support the author to make this paper and also they always stay beside the author to help the author solve all the problems. And the author really want to say thanks to them. The author realized in the preparation of this paper is far from perfect, both in terms content and composition. Therefore, the author excepts critism and constructive suggestions from the readers to further improvement of writing paper in the future. Finally, the author hopes this paper can be useful and can give the positive knowledge and insight for general readers and writers in particular.

Baleendah, January 2013



The author deeply appreciates to those who have helped the author to solve all of problems, never stopped to support and give the motivations to the author until the paper complete, especially to;

Drs. H. Aa Sudaya, M.Pd, as a headmaster of Baleendah 1 Senior

High School.

Iis Triwartini as a homeroom teacher. She provided the author

with direction and technical support and also as a mentor in chemistrys subject. She helped the author to do the experiment that support this paper.

Dra. Mona Haldrina Hikmat as the supervisior, who has share

her time for supervising this research study. 4. Authors parents. They never tired to give spirit, support,

motivation from moral and material side. 5. Authors family. Their prayers always accompany the author to

complete this paper. 6. Authors friend. They always give the happiness in authors life.

They also have big act in the progress of completion this paper.

Chapter I Introduction


Background of The Study Traditional medicine is drugs tillable traditionally, hereditary,

according to prescriptions of ancestors; customs, trust, or habit of local either spatially magic and traditional knowledge. According to this time research, medicine is beneficial to health, traditional and now they are implemented its use because it is easily reached by the public, good price and its availability. Traditional medicine is widely used at this time because according to some research not too cause side effects, as can still be digested by the body. Traditional medicine many benefit mankind, in addition to the process naturally strengthens the body immune, can also be obtained easily and inexpensively. Plant is a source of component chemicals very complex. The benefits of its components have not revealed all and remains to be excavated. The movement back to nature or movement of living a healthy life with back to nature is very encouraging towards the use of plants as medicinal ingredients. The reality in society in some diseases that cannot be cured by medicine or pharmacy, eventually turning to traditional medicine. One of them is by using the medicinal herb business of plant (Kardinan, 2003). The Red onion is a plant that often we meet. Not only for seasoning, red onion has many benefits for your health because of the effect of compound antiseptic aniline and alisin they contain (Rukmana, 1994). Among them to overcome disorder erection and prolificacy woman. Red onion will never loose from everyday life indonesian and

the world in general. The history of even estimating this material already known to people since for centuries.


The Research Question

1.2.1 Does red onion can be a traditional medicine? 1.2.2 Is traditional medicine using red red onion is better than

pharmacy medicine?


Purpose and Benefit

1.3.1 Purpose : 1. To know substances contained in red onion. 2. To know excess traditional medicine than drug containing chemicals. 3. To find facts of some diseases that can be cured using the red onion.

1.3.2 Benefit : Give information and advice to society to be able to manage or making itself traditional medicine from raw materials available in nature. Especially is using red red onion as traditional medicine.


Methodology The methods used in this scientific writing are experiment and

literature study by searching information from the internet and the other people.



1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Background of The Study The Research Question Purpose and Benefit Methodology The Organization of The Paper CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1 Red onion plants 2.2 A substance contained in the red onion 2.2.1 Saponins 2.2.2 Essential Oils 2.2.3 Sikloaliin 2.2.4 Floroglusin 2.2.5 Dihidroaliin 2.2.6 Peptide 2.2.7 Vitamin and Mineral 2.2.8 Pectin 2.3 2.4 2.5 The Benefits of Red onion The Usefulness of Red onion A Consuming Manner Red onion That Should be Avoided CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1. The Research Design 3.2. The Research Site 3.3. Experiment 3.4 The Data Analyses CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1. Conclusion 5.2. Recommendation BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX



Red onion plants (Allium cepa L) Red onion plants (Allium cepa L) is The tubers of plants of the

family liliaceae living in tropical regions. Bulbous plant layer is derived from Western Asia. The development of discharging red onion not as fast as his relatives of garlic Red onion just common consumed by the living in southeastern asia. The tubers of armour in red are as if being seasoning compulsory for cookery typical Melayu. In addition, red onion often also be consumed in the form of pickle. Usually, pickled red onion tillable along with other vegetables, such as cucumber and carrots. Red onion can exist in many countries. Some countries have varieties red onion different. Differences be real, depending on varieties are cultivated typical traditional or local. In asia, red onion usually have size smaller and more round with a reddish color. In france, however, all red onion should all red onion more elongated and red onion more of a reddish brown color. In the Netherlands, the red onion is more round, in Denmark all red onion yellow brown traditional. As scallion another, red onion also has scent sulfur we sliced them we will smell the sharp and oil asiri consisting of sulfur. Compared with its relatives, garlic, red onion most asiri its content.

A picture of red onion


A substance contained in the red onion (Allium cepa L) Red onion is a kind of vegetable which is very easy grown and

propagated. Red onion is a kind of the tuber which very popular. The red onion can be grown well in rice paddy fields or even in a fairly exposed to the Sun. Red onion is very rich in content useful substances to our bodies. The important contents in red onion bulbs are: 2.2.1. Saponins A substance contained in the red onion this could help to melt phlegm exposed when you cough disease. Phlegm must be taken because sputum solidest will bother respiratory and also makes throat hurts when cough. A substance red onion apothecary life is very efficaciously as a cough.

2.2.2. Essential Oils Essential oils contained in the red onion, its benefits are: 1. Volatile oil red onion this has a typical, if inhaled can diminish dizzy also restore consciousness when faint or drunk travel both terrestrial, the sea, and air. Volatile oil red onion it is totally suitable to be carried on the way, because volatile oil red onion it serves as a contraceptive drunk land, sea or air. 2. Volatile oil red onion is also useful for massage when eject wind from the stomach and waged circulation. When you catch cold or exposed other diseases due to circulatory not smooth as menstruation that is not smooth in females massage with volatile oil red onion this can be approached.

3. Volatile oil and red onion also beneficial for wound healing blisters upon the nipples of nursing mother volatile oil and red onion also foam to treat hemorrhoids. A volatile oil red onion best to treat diseases hemorrhoids. 2.2.3. Sikloaliin Substance sikloaliin red onion is very powerful to lowers body temperature. Substance sikloaliin red onion this has any equal to think the other contents on shallots namely metialiin, kuersetin, kaemfreol, and floroglusin. Fifth substance red onion was a febrifuge or body temperature really powerful. So substance sikloaliin red onion this

can be used to drug fever. Substance sikloaliin red onion is a kind of drug famous as a full of hot extraordinary. 2.2.4. Floroglusin Substance floroglusin on tubers red onion and to lowers body temperature, substance floroglisin red onion it could also prevent the emergence of cancer cells in the body. Substance floroglusin on tubers red onion is one drug deterrents cancer good. 2.2.5. Dihidroalin Substance dihidroaliin red onion this help launched expenditure urine for the troubled by urinating. Based on clinical trial, substance dihidroaliin on red onion can solve disease water content art. Substance dihidroaliin red onion this much used by the troubled by urinating. 2.2.6. Peptide Peptide on red onion very useful also to offset blood sugar, so with shallots you can also treat piddle sweet or diabetes. Peptide on red onions red by the experts made into medicine diabetes. 2.2.7. Vitamin and Mineral Confirmed that all containing proteins, red onion fat calcium phosphorus, iron vitamins b1 and c metabolism useful to the human body. If bodily metabolic smoothly and badan you healthy. So with many mengkomsumsi shallots you will find vitamin & amp; mineral

enough to our body. In the red onion are many substances needed by the body as calories, proteins, fat calcium and others. 2.2.8. Pectin

Pectin in general are on primary cell walls of plants, especially stated between and cellulose hemi cellulose. Compound pectin also serves as adhesive material between the cell walls of each other. Part among two cell walls adjacent were called lamela middle. As a constituent of the tissues of plants, pectin substance liable to the most violent and texture trees bearing fruit and vegetables. Softening of tissue fruits during cooking, destruction steadiness icoloid often change the fruits caused by changes in substance pectin. As additive, pectin is shaper of gel and a thickener is valuable. Pectin in general consisting of various compounds of carbohydrates. Main compound consisting of polysaccharides comprising a unit acid d galakturonat connected with ties 1-4 glucoside, acid galakturonat is a derivative of galactose. Table of content of nutrients in 100 grams of red onion

A component of nutrition Energy Protein Fat Carbohydrate Calcium Phosphorus Iron Vitamin A Vitamin B1 Vitamin C Mineral

Sum 39 kcal 0,3 g 0,2 g 10,2 g 36 mg 40 mg 0,8 mg 0 IU 0,03 mg 15 mg 88 g



Source: Directorate Of The Department Of Health Nutrition RI (1992) 2.3 The Benefits of Red onion (Allium cepa L) Although has a pungent red onion, it can even make out tears precisely scent that signifies the compound efficacious drugs at red onion. Scent pincushion arising due to assorted amino acid. For containing flavonglycosides, he is regarded as anti inflammation, killer bacteria, while content the saponin diluting phlegm. He also have several other substance is efficacious to lose heat, warm; facilitate expenditure wind from the stomach, launched expenditure urine, prevent coagulation, lower cholesterol, and blood sugar. Investigators lastly. red onion can also for preventing cancer because sulfur content. Tuber layers containing such substances as protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins b1 and c.


The Usefulness of Red onion (Allium cepa L) : Red onion (Allium cepa L) can be used as follows: 1. Fever in children 2. Flatulence, puking, 3. Catch a cold,

4. Scrapings, 5. Cough, 6. Dysentery, 7. Hypertension, 8. Diabetes, 9. Water bug, 10. Ulcer/ wound, 11. The breast swollen / mastitis, 12. Irregular menstruation 13. Diabetes,


A Consuming Manner Red onion That Should be Avoided You shall consume red onion been sliced raw in the day, because crude

red onion been sliced and after passing one day will be very active substances in attracting bacteria in the vicinity; so consuming red onion raw remaining days ago can disrupt bodily health.



The Research Design In making this paper, author use two kinds of collecting data process. There are : 1. Experiment

The author did experiment to support this topic. The author practiced the process of making traditional medicine from red onions in authors house.

2. Literature Method The material in this paper author get by reading some literature book that proper with the topic in this paper and take a summary from so many source to make the contain of this paper shown the truth of the topic. The author also browsing from internet to get the source of this topic.


The Research Site Date : 23-02-2013

Place : Nur Herlianas house.


Experiment Tools and materials :

Red onion (Allium cepa L) Kerosene Eucalyptus oil

Grated Saucer Plastic as foundation Work steps :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

First, provide tuber red onion, grate until smooth. second, enter the grated red onion into a saucer. Third, add a little bit of kerosene. Fourth, add eucalyptus oil to taste. Finally, combine these ingredients using the fingers of the hand. How to use: the herb is smeared on the stomach bloating, whole body, legs, and hands on the child's fever.

Chapter IV Findings and Discussion

4.1 Finding

From the research writer have done, the authors found that red onions can be used as traditional medicine to treat a fever. 4.2 Discussion Red onion contains essential oil which is crucial for healing fever patients. This is because essential oils are the elements that have been widely recognized as a substance that is anti-bacterial and antiinflammatory. While an element flavonoids on red onions even more powerful, because it has an effect as an anti-bacterial, anti-allergic, antiinflammatory, and even as an anti-cancer. Fever is a general symptom that always arises in a person, when the person was having a kind of inflammation / infection in the body. Traditional medicine has an excess, namely its toxicity its relatively lower than of chemicals drugs. So, it is more relative safely even that no side effects if their used correctly, because Content

medicinal plants are complex and organists so can be synchronised with the organic food is a substance that is consumed in order to reconstruct the damaged organs or systems. In addition, the price is cheaper.

Comparison of the red onion as traditional medicine and Chemical Medicine


Traditional medicine

Chemical Medicine Prices relatively


The price is affordable and the ubiquitous is easily obtained


expensive because the






imports. Side effects the treatment more often.

smaller even not at all cause any side effects if used

appropriately. 3. 4.
The reaction is slow. The reaction is fast. Just fixing some body systems

Fix the whole body system.

Chapter V Conclusion and Recommendation


Red onion (Allium cepa L) is a plant of the Liliaceae bulbs family that

live in the tropics. Besides being used as a multipurpose spices, red onion

(Allium cepa L) can also used as a traditional medicine that can be used as an alternative medicine to cure various diseases.

Treatments by using red onions do not cause side effects such as using chemical medicines. Red onion contains essential oils that can be used as a natural febrifuge. 5.2 Recommendation Research has been proved that red onion that we often encounter is useful, one of them is as a febrifuge medicine, therefore the writer hope readers get a new knowledge about the red onion. From the study above, the authors suggest: 1. Need more research to find out other benefits of the red onions

The production of alternative medicines should more

improved again, because it proven to cure chronic diseases but does not cause side effects such as chemical medicines. 3. It is better to switch to using alternative medicine although the efficacy was not immediate. But alternative medicine is not causing harmful side effects.

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