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Call : Funding Scheme : Proposal Acronym :

FP7-REGPOT-2010-5 CSA Coordination and support action MUSHROOMBIOTECH

1. Scientific and/or technological excellence (relevant to the topics addressed by the call) (Threshold 3.00/5) Mark : 3.50 The setting up of a mushroom centre of excellence (MCE) offers real opportunities to develop mycology in the WB and to provide a catalyst for local industry. The MCE, as described, is broader than just the Institute X mushroom group who will provide the project management and will be the recipient of most of the direct benefits. It is intended to encompass researchers throughout the Balkan region. However, other than the intention to offer training in grant submissions to some 30 researchers and to encourage the initiation of at least ten new projects, little mention is made of possible Balkan partners and none are specifically identified. Otherwise the proposed programme appears geared to the activities of the Serbian group and the four partner organisations they have identified. The SWOT analysis provided deals only with Institute X and the mushroom group and not with any wider entity. The proposal is intended to address the lack of uptake of research by local producers/industry and the limited access to modern instrumentation, both weaknesses identified by the SWOT analysis. The concept and objectives are described too broadly and it is not always possible to understand the specific goals. The range of potential uses for mushrooms and their derivatives described are speculative and few have a strong base in science. 2. Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management (1) (Threshold 3.00/5) Mark : 3.50 The proposed management structure generally is well described and appears fit-for-purpose. However, the precise role and responsibilities of individuals are not always clearly specified, particularly in relation to the MCE Coordination platform. Issues relating to communication, decision making, IP and quality control are well considered. The cost of coordination and the steering committee are expensive (33% of total cost). Apparently this is because of the number of people (6) paid to manage the project and by the fact that members of the steering committee will also be paid for their work. Experts are also allocated fees for workshops, as opposed to expenses. The high cost of consumables for this project (100000 ) is not explained or justified. Potentially the most valuable action is the proposed establishment of a MCE Coordination Platform involving collaboration of researchers, industry, and various other stakeholders. This would be supported by an on-line platform for collaboration and information exchange (MCE Intelipedia) intended to be more widely available. Establishing this platform may partly explain the costs of coordination. The work packages described are backed by a timetable identifying milestones and deliverables. However, because MCE and Institute location are used synonymously, it is often difficult to establish whether activities described extend beyond the mushroom group. Thus exchange visits are described in terms of the MCE but the only specific example identifies a member of the Institute staff. Similarly, there is no indication that equipment acquired by the Institute group would be accessible to other MCE members. 3. Potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results (Threshold 3.00/5) Mark : 2.50 Although dissemination activities are the subject of a work package these are described only in outline and their likely impact is difficult to evaluate. More importantly, there is no indication how the MCE in its wider frame, which is a primary strength of this application, could continue beyond the life of the project without additional support. Overall, the capacity of the proposed tools to have a wide impact or to strengthen ERA is limited and unlikely to greatly benefit local producers or offer new opportunities to local industry. TOTAL (Threshold 10.00/15) Mark : 9.50

Call : Funding Scheme : Proposal Acronym :

FP7-REGPOT-2009-1 CSA Coordination and support action MUSHROOMBIOTECH

1. Scientific and/or technological excellence (relevant to the topics addressed by the call) (Threshold 3.00/5) Mark : 3.50 The initiative to start a Mushroombiotech Center is very valuable and sound because it focuses on research of a food with paramedical properties. - The participants are members of Institute X and the Institute Y. They have international experience and have adequate publication records. - Following a detailed SWOT analysis, the actions planned involve an increased research capacity: purchase of specialised equipment, exchange of know-how, recruitment, networking and dissemination of knowledge. - The action plan includes appropriate trainings for the applicants and SME members linked to the Institution. - More appropriate equipment and networking are needed for testing diverse interesting biological activities. - The proposal does not offer a well defined focus, either for the research activity or for the industrial cooperation. 2. Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management (1) (Threshold 3.00/5) Mark : 3.50 - The management is appropriate: it includes the coordinator, a management committee, and an advisory committee with external partners who will meet whenever necessary. - The participants have relevant experience and good published record in their field; however, there is no indication about their experience in participation in European projects. - The budget is well detailed, with a high fraction on specialised equipments (770.650 Euro). - The budget provides more details than the WPs do; it is a weakness of the proposal. - There is no justification in the proposal for the most expensive HDMS apparatus of 550.000 Euro. 3. Potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results (Threshold 3.00/5) Mark : 4.00 - The project will clearly upgrade the scientific status and the capacities in biochemistry and molecular biology of the Mushroom Center. - However, it will not fully contribute to its integration in the ERA. - It can contribute to the scientific aspects of the production of fungi that absorb and metabolise harmful materials or -conversely- useful ones having well proven pharmaceutical benefits. - It will benefit the regional economy by providing employment for mushroom production in farms. - An SME is involved and IP matters are discussed. - Dissemination of knowledge will employ standard procedures. TOTAL (Threshold 10.00/15) Mark : 11.00

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