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[by {p 8 27} {title:Generates : ] {cmd:sutex} [ {it:varlist} help for {.

-}{it:varlist} LaTeX code for summary statistics {it:if} {smcl} {cmd:sutex} {right:(Antoine Terracol)} ] [tables.} ] [ {it:in} ] [ {it: weights} ], [{cmdab:dig:its(integer)}] [{cmdab:lab:els}] [{cmdab:par:}] [{cmdab: [{cmdab:nobs:}] [{cmdab:min:max}] [{cmdab:na:(string)}] tit:le(string)}] [{cmdab:key:(string)}][{cmdab:pl:acement}] [{cmdab:noch:eck}] [ [{cmdab:long:table}] {cmd:sutex} generates [{cmdab:append:}] [{cmdab:repl:ace}] {p} {title:Description} {cmdab:file:(string)}]LaTeX code for summary statistics tables. If {cmdab:file:( string)} is specified, the code is written to the specified file (if {cmdab:repl When Otherwise, the code is is selected, is if you {it:\usepackage{longtable}} in t {p} is not specified, then the in the appended to the :ace}{cmdab:long:table}displayed codeandoutput window. existing file, if any). The {p} [{cmdab:dig:its(integer)}] option defines the number of digits to he preamble of your TeX document, tables can span over several pages be display The {p} [{cmdab:lab:els}] option allows to display variable labels (if they exist) i ed (default is 3). The [{cmdab:nobs:}] option {p} [{cmdab:par:}] option adds a column with the Dev. nstead of variable names. adds parentheses to Std.number of observations for eac h variable (automatically specified if variables do not have the same number of The {p} [{cmdab:min:max}] option adds two columns with the minimum and maximum of ea observations). The {p} [{cmdab:na:(string)}] option allows to define the content of cells where a n ch variable. umerical value has no sense (for example a Std. Dev. for only^one{observation). ATTENTION : do not use the following characters # $ % & ~ _ \ } in that opt The {p} ion.[{cmdab:tit:le(string)}] option defines the table title ({it:Summary statist The {p} is default). ics}[{cmdab:key(string)}] option defines the table label ({it:sumstat} is defaul The {p} t). [{cmdab:long:table}] option allows to create tables that span over several p ages using the "supertabular" package (do not forget to {it:\usepackage{longtabl {p}The [{cmdab:pl:acement}] option specifies e}} in the preamble of your .tex document) the placement of the table in the . The {p} [{cmdab:nocheck}] option skips the tex doc (default is {it:htbp}) {p_end} LaTeX special characters search-and-repla ceeither you are sureshould be usedLaTeX special : routine. This option there are no in two cases characters within variable name s or labels, and want to speed-up thespecial characters and do not want {cmd:sut you deliberately included LaTeX command, The {p} [{cmdab:file:(string)}] writes the LaTeX code in the specified ASCII file (i ex} to translate them. f no extension is given, {it:.tex} is assumed), nothing is diplayed in the outpu The {p} [{cmdab:append:}] option (to be used in conjunction with {cmdab:file:(string t window. The {p} [{cmdab:repl:ace}] the specified file. )}) appends the code tooption (to be used in conjunction with {cmdab:file:(strin If {p}the LaTeX code is displayed in the the same name. g)}) overwrites any existing file withoutput window, one just has to copy/paste it into a LaTeX editor (in Scientific Word, it has to be pasted into a "TeX fiel If {p} d")a file is written, {cmd:sutex} displays "file {it:filename} saved". The conte {p 8 {it:filename} if foreign==0, clicking on longtable key(ltab)}{p_end} {title:Examples} foreign sutex, labels file(C:/myfiles/mytables.tex) append}{ nt of16}{inp:. sutexcan be:viewed bylabelsminmax it. sutex, labels file(C:/myfiles/mytables.tex) replace}{p_end} by digits(5)}{p_end} help for {p_end} On-line: {p 0 21} help outtex}, summarize} {title:Also see} p_end}21}{help for {help{help maketex}, {help outreg}, {help outtable} if instal 10 Questions, comments and bug-reports can be sent to terracol@univ-paris1.fr {.-} {p_end} led

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