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Notes from the Nybergs

February 19, 2009 http://thenybergs.wordpress.com

"We're praying for you"

It seems like we hear these four words every few days and we have been encouraged and humbled by the
number of people praying for us. The past three and half months have been busy: we became members of our
sending church, began teaching a Sunday School class, and spoke at
four churches – among other things. And God has been providing
for us and encouraging us every day.

Our first speaking engagement of the new year was at our home
church – Bethany Baptist in Dollar Bay, MI. We were blessed to
share our ministry in January; we taught a song in Spanish and
premiered a video created for the occasion. This past weekend, we
presented our ministry during Evangel Baptist Church's worship
service and we took questions during a potluck afterward. We are
thankful to have shared with both churches and enjoyed all of the
conversations we had. We spent Christmas with Lindsay's
family in northern MN
Recent Ministry Opportunities
Each Sunday at Bethany we are leading an adult class titled What's So Amazing About Grace?, which is
teaching us to see God's grace and how to show it to others. Lindsay is also leading a group of women from
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship through the book Passion and Purity, discussing the qualities of a godly
relationship. And during the week we've both been mentoring Michigan Tech students from InterVarsity. One
highlight of January was volunteering at InterVarsity's outreach retreat. Hans co-led a breakout session called
“Using Your Time for God,” in which he challenged students to be intentional with their time. Lindsay spent
a large amount of her time in the kitchen – 56 hungry college students (mostly boys) eat a lot of food!

As we prepare to minister to college students in Bolivia, we are grateful for the opportunity to volunteer at
Michigan Tech, as well as serve our church. We are excited for the plans God has laid before us, and want
to thank you for all of your prayers and support.

God bless!

Coming Up... Prayer Requests

February 21 – Fundraiser at Faith Lutheran Church in • that Bolivian college students would have a renewed
Hoyt Lakes, MN excitement and passion for Christ
February-March – Meeting with small groups from • that God would provide the support we need for a
Bethany Baptist Church May departure
March 14-16 – Sharing our minsitry with United • that our Spanish would improve
Evangelical Covenant Church in Gladstone, MI

If you feel called to partner in our ministry, you can make a commitment at worldventure.com

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