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Philosophy 2050 – 601

February 24, 2009

Rationalization of Religious Tyranny for the

“Common Good” of the People

Preceding the dialogue are the quotes.

“What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to

power, power itself. What is bad? All that is born of weakness. What is happiness?

The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome.” – Friedrich

Nietszche. (1)

“We may be confused about the distinction between tolerance and the refusal

of evaluation, thinking that tolerance of others requires us not to evaluate what they

do.” – Martha Nussbaum. (2)

What would happen when they meet in the afterlife, discussing the philosophy

of tolerance and integration? Religious freedom and freedom from religion?

Following is the dialogue exchange between Nietzsche and Nussbaum.

Nietzsche: I argued about the benefits of master and slave morality. What is

that? Masters create values what they consider good for the masses to embrace.

Slaves are suspicious of the values promulgated by the masters, be it in corporate

business, religion and government. When oppression is terrible enough, slaves rebel to

counterattack the master responsible for certain (and perhaps forcibly) imposed
values, like in revolt. Masters demand obedience by making life inextricably

communal to establish in homogeneity, wherever it is in the mortal world. Let me

illustrate the point. The cultural dominance of a very strange group what is now called

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints – I’ll call it Mormon Church – in

Utah. There is a degree of pervasive influence in America and abroad, which is the

goal of the Church to create its own brand of values through proselytizing and

propaganda to enforce dominance throughout the world. The masters dictate these

values with rigid rules and procedures through fire-and-brimstone and tedious faith-

promoting sermons to instill the congregation with insistent obedience amid guilt and

fear of Hellfire if they err from the doctrinal authority of a theocratic oligarchy

comprised of octogenarian men. Any dissent that challenges the Church’s veracity in

organizational structure, history and divinity is crushed with effortless ferocity by

harassment or disciplinary council that authorizes excommunication, disfellowship,

and ostracization. This oppressive cultural atmosphere may root in the societal

disharmony and distrust of the Gentile people who do not belong or refuse to conform

to Mormon faith or values. When religion dominance – Mormon in particular – is

firmly established, it destroys everything in its path in the single-minded quest to

enslave the majority and become tyrannical in process, as Islam do in the Middle East

and Southeast Asia as a theocracy. This is the self-conceived justification of master

morality to befit the wanton need of the rulers to control the masses. What do you say

to the others who feel so oppressed they might be compelled to revolt in insurrection,

Mrs. Nussbaum?
Nussbaum: I quote by recollection. “When we recognize the ‘diverse frailties

of humankind’ and the way in which these are brought out by social circumstances,

we recognize that few human beings are so firm that they can resist temptations to

wrong… [D]amage has set in earlier, and the character is deformed by what it has

encountered. [A] human being like us, with diverse frailties and weaknesses, who has

encountered circumstances – whether personal or social – that bring out those

weaknesses in the worst possible way. [T]his creates incentives to … think hard about

those circumstances, so we do not put people under pressures that many agents

cannot stand.” Does that make sense, Mr. Nietzsche? (Nussbaum)

Nietzsche: I reply. “A morality of the ruling group … is most alien and

embarrassing to the present taste in the severity of its principle that one has duties

only to one’s peers; that against beings of a lower rank, against everything alien, one

may behave as one pleases or ‘as the heart desires’…” I want to emphasize the point

on the opposition of good and evil. “Into evil one’s feelings project power and

dangerousness, a certain terribleness, subtlety, and strength that does not permit

contempt to develop. According to slave morality, those who are ‘evil’ thus inspire

fear; according to master morality it is precisely those who are ‘good’ that inspire, and

wish to inspire, fear, while the ‘bad’ [e.g. truth-seekers, apostates, atheists, skeptics,

nonconformists and the unconverted] are felt to be contemptible.” (Nietzsche)

Nussbaum: We might have something in common. You propounded master

and slave morality. Machiavelli advocated the concept of master morality in

The Prince, but I’m sure that was not his intention. He was a cynical scholar who saw
the power at work in management of the common people under autocracy. I add

comment to your thesis. Mormon Church proliferates the perpetuality of victimization

by imposing control on the innocuous and gullible through determined

proselytization. When the faithful finds the truth by agency, she becomes demoralized.

They are incognizant slaves who paid mandatory tithing to secure communal respect

and believe in the illusion. When the curtain is drawn through their diligent search for

truth and knowledge, they make the choice to continue to believe the myth through

mental self-denial or desert the Church altogether.

Nietzsche: Yes. I wrote one of my very last essays “The Anti-Christ” for

precisely this reason. I deconstruct the myth of organized religions and reveal for what

these particular religions, so dependent on the natural law of master morality to rule

over the people in socio-cultural and -psychological subjugation, arebuilt on the

foundation of lies and deception. Mormon Church is indeed a sham, a cruel hoax

perpetuated by maniacal egotism of Joseph Smith and bullheaded tyranny of Brigham

Young. Smith fabricated Book of Mormon by plagiarizing King James Bible. And

embellished with his fervid imagination. Laughable fiction and charisma to make

money off the poor, naïve, docile idiots and pervert girls and steal idiots’ wives to

partake in polygamy! Young salvaged Mormon Church from self-destruction with his

unwavering leadership after Joseph and Hyrum’s pitiful death by murder. This is how

Mormon Church survived and it thrives in wealth and power nowadays. Young taught

that Adam – supposedly the forefather of mortal mankind – is God in a sermon, as

though he pretends to be a prophet and seer admitting this astonishing fact only to be
suppressed and denied by the Church later! He approves of the atrocities in the name

of this religion to denote fanaticism to control the people, resources, land, and routes

in the American West. The fringe and extinct American cults do not hold the candle to

the encompassing power and influence of this religion. Who remembers The Shakers?

The rebels search to locate and discover the truth. They free themselves from this

slavish mentality. But it comes with severe price on self-faith, happiness and

contentment. I say Mormon Church is a thinly veiled tyranny under the guise of a

legitimate religion, run with unadulterated emphasis on prosperity as a profitable

business, that upholds bold lies to perpetuate hypocrisy, dishonesty and fraud by

claiming it is the only true church on Earth by propagation of weepy testimonies.

Preposterous, nothing could be further from the truth! It’s absolutely

a sham from the beginning, conceived by Joseph in his money-making endeavor to

invent a stupid religion after glass looking adventurism! And Joseph tried to run for

President once he fooled enough people to join his fringe movement to make a

frivolous bid! Imagine what he could do to eviscerate the American Constitution to

satisfy his ego as a dictator in the bizarrely farcical utopia of a fascist theocracy,

because he was the silver-tongued charlatan and military commander drunk on power

and madness! Flocks live to be conditioned and die true believer as deceived souls! I

could go on and on, but you get the picture. Damned shame Mormon religion controls

every facet of life that produce unhappiness and instability for everyone as the

consummation of encompassed dominance, while the masters claim they hold the key

to the Heavens by truth and gaiety when they speak with forked tongue!
Nassbaum: Yes, unwitting and ordinary Mormons suffer as perpetual victims.

The rulers of the Mormon Church – First Presidency, Apostles and some Quorum of

the Seventy – know their religion is certainly and affirmatively false. They learn the

truth later in life when they ascend in the hierarchy. They made the choice to keep the

truth as forbidden knowledge. The masters are aware of the truth so disturbing they

must strive to suppress and burn to conceal it in consciousness. Power matters to

them. They partake in “Lying for the Lord” as a strict for-profit enterprise. They tell

lies and fabrications to instill obedience and fear to complete conditioning of the

believers (from birth) and converts. Integrated community of this religion interferes

with personal choice, as we see with Mormon rulers’ subversion of the state

sovereignties with moral laws conflated by their values passing as ostensible virtue,

hypocrisy by concealed facts of master’s design notwithstanding. What is the ideal

solution for the problem of the Church’s existence now that it is illegitimate as a

wholly untrue religion emphasizing control over the masses?

Nietzsche: Dissolution of the Church by abolishment after overthrow of the

United States government or apocalypse. I believe that to free the people from this

slavery, such cults must be dismantled by force for being ghastly in the evil of

exploitation & deception of mankind. This is to protect the innocent in averting

deliberate victimization by inherently dangerous cults that care for nothing but power,

influence and money. I can only wish Founding Fathers had the foresight to insert a

specific provision that limits the regressive influence of organized religions

encroaching on the people’s happiness and welfare of the American republic by

immediate abolishment upon firm, irrevocable evidence of a fraud that was developed

to exploit and defraud the gullible people.

Nassbaum: Considering the importance of religious liberty, I might disagree.

Every person has the right to believe, even if it’s inane fantasy. Like Jehovah’s

Witnesses, Church of Scientology and Unification Church, for example. But, Mr.

Nietzsche, you are correct. People should be deprogrammed, unless they prefer to live

the lie, which is the definition of religious slavery. Many of them die believing in

fabricated religion and they go to heaven to find out it’s all for naught. I mean,

Mormon men want to become Gods lording over their own planets to populate with

thousands of spirit children with Goddess wives? That’s one illusion Mormons never

learn until they are indoctrinated at the temple to believe this patently ludicrous tale.

Same goes for silly temple ceremonies involving sign codes and attires – ideas stolen

from a Masonic organization, which Joseph was once a member of.

Nietzsche: Yes, indeed. Humans are weak and stupid when they believe this

illusion. Such insanity! We possess the human brain, bestowed as a gift by the

supreme being, to filter the information intelligently, yet we are capable of living in

complete delusion confusing fiction and bullshit for “received truth,” expecting to

receive salvation with fantastical promises to put the chain on poor idiots! This

appalling lack of logic among less intuitive and intelligent humans who meekly

conform to religious and governmental tyranny is maddening! Yet they can live their

lives – even well-examined life – in comfort without adverse effect of facing the
reality in revealed Truth. Insulation of self, community, and arrogant pride – the

principle of a righteous belief, proclaiming their church is absolutely, verifiably true

and all else abominable as heretical – by hostile ignorance and cowardice. This is the

principle of a master morality in enslaving the masses to consolidate entrenched

power by fraudulent claims. Slave morality is right to rebel against the master

morality when they discover the truth, but still may have to endure the consequence of

existential despair because they might believe they live in the matrix of an alien

reality. Master morality, with obstacles eliminated or minimized, ultimately triumphs

to rule for eternity. There’s nothing mere mortals can do to reform or

dismantle such corrupt sects that wield formidable power to control the vast sea of

humanity and in process destroy the very concept of personal liberty in independent

mind and soul with authoritarian tyranny. Personal – slave morality – drive of

absolute truth against community ideology that bear falsities as received truth which

furnishes artfully cruel, malicious nature of master morality that pretends to be

benevolent while preying on the minds of the poor people to consume the

effervescence and individuality of their perfectly innocuous lives to complete the

control of each and every believing person to extort monetary and volunteering offers

and admonish the fools to produce the abundance of children to condition for life

to mark the unilateral consolidation of theocratic despotism and extravagant wealth.

Pity, the doom of humanity!

Works cited

(1) Memorable quotes and quotations from Friedrich Nietzsche.

quotes.com/friedrich+nietzsche,a497.html>. 23 February 2009

(2) Straight up quotes by Martha Nussbaum.

sbaum&type=w>. 21 February 2009.

Nietzsche, Friedrich. “Beyond Good and Evil.” Living Ethics: An Introduction. Ed.
Michael Minch and Christine Weigel. Belmont: Wadsworth, 2009. 62.

Nussbaum, Martha. “Victims and Agents.” Living Ethics: An Introduction. Ed.

Michael Minch and Christine Weigel. Belmont: Wadsworth, 2009. 148.

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