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The Cartesian Coordinate System An Online Treasure Hunt For the Third Year High School Students Introduction

The Study of plane coordinate Geometry is deemed an essential component of the secondary curriculum because of the many uses in the practical world. The architects and the engineers, the pilot and the navigators, the businessmen and the artists and the sculptors, and even the carpenters make use of coordinate geometry in their respective field of work. To determine the safest and the shortest route for a ship or an airplane to take, to determine positions of celestial bodies, to pinpoint the location of a coming typhoon, to produce accurate perspective drawings, or to determine an entrepreneurs profit or lossall these require knowledge of plane coordinate Geometry. To fully understand the mathematical characteristics of lines and curves represented by their equations, it is important to picture them in a plane. In this activity, you will learn the parts of the Cartesian plane, how to plot points using the points using the coordinate system and its use in the realm. This will be done by groups with three members. Set of questions are listed below and you can find the answers on the website (also given below). Simply click on the URL or address to access the website. Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Describe the Cartesian Coordinate Plane Define the following Coordinate axis Coordinate or ordered pairs Abscissa and ordinates Quadrants To whom the Cartesian Coordinate System named after? why? How will you plot points on the Cartesian Plane? How will you name the coordinates of the points? In what field of work is the Cartesian plane system can be used?

Cartesian Coordinate System en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartesian_coordinate_system The cartesian Plane www.uncwil.edu/courses/mat111hb/ functions/coordinates/coordinates.html Coordinates and the 4 Quadrants www.mathsisfun.com/coordinate.html

Ordered pairs www.terragon.com/tkobrien/algebra/ topics/orderdpairs/op.html

Useful To www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/education/curricula/ giscc/units/u013/u013_f.html

Coordinate System Overview www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/notes/ coordsys/coordsys_f.html

Equatorial coordinate system www.answers.com/topic/equatorial-coordinate-system Basic Understanding of coordinate system www.posc.org/Epicentre.2_2/DataModel/ ExamplesofUsage/eu_cs31.html

Astronomical coordinate system www.seds.org/~spider/spider/ScholarX/ coords.html Coordinate system www.mckinleyville.com/cart/cabinet/cab_ cordsys.html

The Big Question After you have learn the concept of the Cartesian Coordinate System, you already have an idea as to where, when it can be used. Now choose a job that the above concept can be used of and show, illustrate and explain how it is being applied in your chosen field of work.You can surf the net to research or you can interview a person whos in that field of work. You can also look at the magazines as sources of information. You must work together on this report. You must agree on the job that you are going to present. Each member should participate in the research work. The following division of research among group members is suggested: Member#1 will research through surfing the net Member#2 will make the illustrations/drawings Member #3 will research in the magazines If the group decides to interview someone for information, you must do the interview as a group. In the writing of the report, each one of you should take charge of one portion. Member#1 will write the background about the job that the group has chosen Member#2 will write the part about how the coordinate system is being applied on the job Member#3 will design the illustrations and prepare the explanation of the drawings. The group will be given two weeks to prepare for the report.

The following will be graded using the following criteria: Criteria Content Very Good (20 Points) The report includes all the details required (The description of the job, on what part of the job the concept has been applied.) There are illustrations and drawings with its clear explanations. Good (15 points) Most of the required details are included Lacks information or justification on the illustrations/drawings on the application of the concept. Needs Improvement (5 points) Few of the required details are included No illustrations or drawings

Overall presentation

Presents the report clean and clear. Mastered their report

The report was presented not so clear and the reporters are not so mastered with their topic

The presentation of the report was a disaster. The reporters did not master their topic.

Teachers Guide to the Cartesian Coordinate System Subject Area & Year Level Mathematics III Learning Objectives: This online treasure hunt is an introductory activity to the study of Cartesian Coordinate System, the fourth unit in Mathematics III curriculum. This activity aims to introduce the system for graphing and naming points in a plane and the essential used of the concept in the technological world.. Its specific objectives are: 1. Describe the Cartesian coordinate System 2. Define the following - Coordinate axis - Coordinate or ordered pairs - Abscissa and ordinates - Quadrants 3. Plot the points using the coordinate system 4. Identify the coordinates of a given point Duration: 3-4 weeks Procedure Before you conduct the online treasure hunt, do the following: 1. In the computer lab, with the help of the Center Manager download all of the online resources/websites and save these for offline viewing. Make sure that the saved files can be accessed from all of the computers in the lab. 2. Make sure that all computers are working. 3. Load the treasure hunt onto each computer or to the teachers PC and make sure it can be accessed from of the computers in the lab. 4. Load the treasure hunt onto each computer or to the teachers PC and make sure it can be accessed from all of the computers in the lab. 5. Print copies of the treasure hunt for your students (one copy per group). (optional) 6. In the classroom, group your students into groups of three members each. 7. Each group computer will be assigned a computer. If you have more groups than computers, you may have to divide your class into two sets, with one set of groups working in the lab on this treasure hunt on Day 1 of this lesson and the other set of groups working on the treasure hunt on Day 2. Prepare a worthwhile classroom activity (seatwork) that is related to the topic for groups that will remain in the classroom on Day 1. On Day 2, the set of students who will remain in the classroom may work on their answer to the Big Question or be given a seatwork as well. 8. Explain the procedure of the online treasure hunt. You may distribute the print copies of the online treasure hunt (one copy per group). 9. Find out whether your students know how to use a computer (keyboard and mouse). If needed, bring your students to the computer laboratory and orient them to its use. Also give them instructions on proper behavior in the computer lab. During the online treasure hunt, do the following: 1. Lead the groups into the computer lab and get them settled in. When everyone is ready,

instruct all groups to start reading the online treasure hunt. (You and the Center Manager may open the treasure hunt file and have it ready for reading before the students enter the lab, or you can ask your students to open the file following oral instructions from you.) There is no need for a motivational activity since students will be motivated enough by the prospect of using the computer lab for this lesson. Also, the introduction to the online treasure serves as motivation. 2. Use the time allotted for your class. Do not borrow the time intended for other subjects. Start on time and end on time. The students should be able to finish answering the small questions in 30 or so minutes. The Big Question is to be done as homework. However, groups can begin planning their report (the answer to the Big Question) in the time remaining before the end of the period. 3. Move around the room. Observe how each group is doing the activity and write down your observations in a teachers log/journal. Assist students as needed. 4. Collect the groups answers to the small questions. Remind the class of the need to work on their answer to the Big Question. Tell the class that the synthesis for the lesson will be done after all groups have finished the online treasure hunt. 5. At the end of your workday, complete your personal notes on the conduct of the online treasure hunt in your teachers log/journal. After the online treasure hunt, in your classroom (Day 2 if all of the groups were able to participate in the online treasure hunt on Day 1 because there were enough computers for all groups, or Day 3 if the groups had to work at the computer lab in two batches): 1. Discuss with the class the answers to the treasure hunt questions. Be sure to discuss the answers to all six questions. 2. Summarize the main points of the lesson. 3. Remind the class to work on their report on the application of the Cartesian Coordinate System in the field of work that they have chosen. Be ready with the list of possible jobs that the group can be choose from. Also try to show your students an example of the kind of report you expect. 4. Monitor the students work from time to time in the two weeks during which they are to work on their group report (the answer to the Big Question), to make sure that they will be ready to submit something on the due date. When the answers to the Big Question are due: 1. Collect the group reports. 2. Ask each group to present to the class their report on the application of the Cartesian coordinate system in the field of work they chose to research on. 3.. Grade the group reports using the rubric and record the scores (group members get the same score). Let the students know what their scores are.

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