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Deirdre Manifold


Preface The Message of Fatima The roots of communism Money - the root of all evil The role of secret societies The essence of communism Taking over Russia Life under communism Transfer of Communism To China Is peace possible? Postscript

PREFACE TO POLISH EDITION The beginning of calamities that affect humanity, was a lie. In the garden of Eden Eve was lied to by a snake. Then convinced her husband Adam to eat forbidden fruit. When God punished Adam, spoke to the serpent: "Because you have done ... put enmity between thee and the woman, between your offspring and hers. He will crush your head, and thou shalt bruise his heel "(Gen. 3:15). This was the beginning of the war between the Woman and the serpent, between her offspring and the offspring of a snake, spiritual warfare, which was to take place on earth. In war, combatants must participate. This is extremely important to know the tactics of the enemy. Various popes recognize those who fought on the side of the enemy and warned Catholics against risks that were not only for Catholics but for all mankind, all children of Adam. Pope Leo XII called Freemasonry main enemy of the Catholic Church and Pope Leo XIII ordered all Catholics to mask broke wolnomularstwu . That was not done, is a measure of the impact of Freemasons within the Church, because Masons are well aware, they will never reach their goals in an open battle. They had to find other ways. Here is a quote from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, "penetrates to the heart of the Vatican, and be sure that they do not leave it until we break its power. King of the Jews will truly be the Pope of the Universe, the Patriarch of the Church of the International ... "(Protocol XVII) When The soldiers found themselves in real danger, a woman came down from heaven to lead their children. When the enemy struck in the time of the Reformation came to Guadeloupe, where he graciously left her image, the picture that the human hand not been able to paint. There has been many miraculous conversions - eight million in less than three years. In 1830, Our Lady came to the Rue du Bac in Paris, so we have her medal, known as the Miraculous Medal. France, the country's most distinguished, was blessed with the apparitions of Our Lady of La Salette in 1846, and at Lourdes in 1858, where the Mother of God confirmed that this is immaculate. In 1879, a woman came in an extraordinary way to Knock in Ireland, where, by a silent picture warned before the upcoming events. In this picture released lamb on the altar, which grew out of the cross worshipers surrounded by angels. St. John of the missal in hand, held the Holy Sacrifice, he raised his hand like teaching, but fifteen people watching the picture in silence for three hours, have not heard a word. Can he repeat the words of the Book of Revelation: Behold the Lamb, which looks like a lamb and speaks like a dragon ? The woman stood at the side of John, looking toward heaven with uplifted hands, with a crown on his head.

Next to her - bent in prayer St. Joseph. A little boy, who also witnessed the miracle, he noticed that pages of the missal are moving and that the Lamb looks at the Mother of God. This vision was silent and lasted three hours. It happened Aug. 21, 1879 year. At the beginning of that decade Cadorna marched on Rome, and on 20 September at six in the morning, Pope Pius IX, hung up a white flag. At the same time, Pike and Mazzini established the 20 September high ritual - Masonic rite, which takes its name from the Masonic obiediencja. Also announced the dogma of papal infallibility, and St. Joseph proclaimed patron of the universal Church. In 1917, God sent to Our Lady of Fatima to warn mankind of the consequences of sin. Three children, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta, was prepared by the Guardian Angel of Portugal, who taught them how to pray, and sink in God, the coming of Mary. Our Lady appeared to the 13th of each month from May to October, and there were months during which Lenin and Trotsky strives to Moscow. July 13, Mary gave the children a vision of hell, then said: "you have seen hell where the souls of poor sinners. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. "She said that after the ongoing war, then a repeat, during the pontificate of Pius XI, who became Pope five years later, in 1922 She also announced that Russia will extend its errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecution of the Church, God-fearing people will be harassed, the pope suffered many, many nations will cease to exist. According to Our Lady of the Second World War was to be preceded by a great sign, which will appear in the sky. And indeed a great sign appeared on January 25, 1938 in the form of glare, which reached the sky, illuminating the whole of Northern Europe, even in Malta widzocznej ... Lucia, who then was already a nun, she knew that war was imminent. Great sign appeared in the sky at midnight. Immediately in Moscow held a meeting lasting six hours, which definitely changed the course of history. They met at a Christian G. Rakowski, one of the founders of communism in the Soviet Union, which later became the Soviet ambassador in Paris and had to be tried in one of Stalin's purges and Stalin's most trusted agent, Gawry G. Kuzmin, known as Gabriel. That night, Rakowski hinted that he is in possession of information that should be of particular interest to Stalin. Presented a proposal to Stalin and Hitler signed a nonaggression pact, and Germany had attacked Poland from the West and the Soviets from the east. Rakowski Gabriel assured that as a result of the Allied invasion, which occur on the side of Stalin, Hitler will be defeated. Gabriel asked who dares to ask this to Hitler. Rakowski said that Davies, U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, will organize everything.

Rakowski hinted that Davis is waiting to start negotiations. Both Rakowski, and Davies were the high-level Masons. Everything happened so, as suggested by Rakowski. Poland was attacked by the plan, 1 September 1939 began World War II. Please note that the message of Fatima was confirmed by a miracle, and by the remarkable prophecy. The miracle is known as the miracle of the sun, and his witnesses was 700 thousand people. The history of salvation for the third time God used the sun to make people believe. The previous two cases took place in the Old Testament. One of them was an extension at the request of Joshua, the second one was the king of Judea, and lay in the fact that the sun has ceased to run for ten hours. Miracle of Fatima was jednyn of its kind, because its time and place were announced a few months earlier. Poland has played, and continues to play a key role in planning the Freemasons, who intend to introduce a world government, according to the order of the Antichrist. That is why the Polish Nation is incumbent to take a special effort in spreading the message of Fatima, which could save us from World War II and the expansion of Communism, or, in the words of Our Lady Russia's mistakes. Pope Pius XII named Fatima hope of the world. The way sczeglny Fatima is also the hope of Polish. Since Poland has played such an important role in starting World War II, it can also now play a decisive role in defeating the enemy, and also in ensuring peace in the world. Deirdre Manifold

PREFACE In the New Year 1982 with a friend talked about the bad state of the world and why the times seem to be different from any other period in history. I asked him: - Do you accept accidental or conspiratorial theory of history? He looked at me and said: - What exactly do you mean by przypadkowciowej or conspiracy theory of history? I replied: - Do you really believe that everything that happened, say, in this century, it was by accident, such as the two world wars, the crisis between the wars, local wars where nobody wins, the current huge unemployment and inflation is frightening - and believe that people have no control over this, that these events occur is the same as earthquakes and we have to deal with it? - He said it - I'm afraid that will never be over it seriously did not think I know just what newspapers write. Then he asked if he ever heard what Disraeli said that the world is ruled by different people behind the scenes, and much later, Roosevelt had said that whenever something happens in politics, as was planned. Then I told him that for a long time scholars have ignored what was happening behind the scenes of history, but the events of this century, unlike every previous one, fascinated them. Eye of them began to get real data, and now it is undeniable that the world is ruled by a handful of people who can lead to wars, crises, unemployment, inflation, etc. My friend did not seem to trust, and being a good person asked why anyone or any group of people would want such a horrible thing. He asked who are these mysterious individuals, of whom I spoke, and why they want to cause so much suffering in the world. - These are the richest people in the world, and their goal is power. - I find it hard to believe. - Okay, but I believe that a man called Hitler once lived, desiring power and he managed to get it to a large extent. - Yes, it is a historical fact.

- As it turns out that Hitler was a fool. He took it and wrote about everything that he intended to do. If he was really cute, spiskowaby in the world would have taken the mystery and deceit, as historians have shown, always happened in the case of the conspirators. How they had to rub his hands with glee when read Hitler's Mein Kampf, and said to myself: this is our puppet par excellence. It is designed to give orders, we have only properly program it to give him money and make our countries have been weak until he is ready for war. Nothing to serve our plans to acquire global totalitarian dictatorship as a decent war in which we own both sides, as it usually do. Now the nations of the world have had enough of war so that the need for such a Hitler to force them to her. Whatever their thoughts and words, so they did. This is the book of prof. Anthony Sutton "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" (Wall Street and Hitler's birth), of which he says that with her every other book on World War II is out of date. Are you sure you did not hear about it. Books that contain too much truth, fails to address. - Yes, but did not say who they are or how they won with such authority. What are the tricks used to get so much power? - Despotic power has its roots in the Reformation, but it was followed by two big returns in history, namely the creation of the Bank of England (Bank of England) in 1776 The first - the Bank of England - through a truly trick kuglarsk took control of the coin in the country for the first time in history, and those others - the Bavarian Illuminati - have used this control and all revolutionary groups with ambitions to take the whole world into captivity. - Still seems to me it's unbelievable. - Do not accept something so horrible because you did not have in hand evidence. Do you speak Greek umiaby if you do not teach it? -No. - Have you ever heard the message of Fatima? You might think that this has nothing to do things, but in reality these things are closely related. - Yes, but only in general, I'd have to find out more. - In 1917, when communism was just a concept whose importance few people pojmowao, Our Lady appeared went to three children in Fatima, Portugal. She told them at several meetings about everything happening in the world, until today. She asked for prayer and penance, and sacrifice of the faithful.

Otherwise, she said, Russia will expand its errors throughout the world, many nations will perish, the Holy Father will suffer much. - I have to admit that all this has happened, but go on ...

Chapter I MESSAGE FROM FATIMA The story of Fatima and their start in 1915, when three children, Lucia Santos, 10, and her two cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, children aged 9 and 7 years old, noticed a strange cloud in the sky. There have been three times whiter than regular clouds and the shape of human form. This was the announcement of the next events. ANGEL OF REVELATION 1. In the spring of 1916, we can repeat the phenomenon as "a light whiter than snow," which took the form of man. He spoke: "Be not afraid, I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me. " Uklknowszy struck his forehead on the ground and prayed, and finally told the children to pray in these words: "My God, I believe, I adore you, trust you and love you. I ask forgiveness for those who do not believe, you do not adore, do not trust you and you do not love. " Then he said: "Hearts of Jesus and Mary are sensitive to the voice of your supplications." Then he disappeared. 2. In summer 1916, the Angel suddenly appeared again, saying: "What are you doing? Pray, pray a lot. Heart of Jesus and Mary have designs of mercy toward you. Ofiarowujcie constantly Supreme prayer and mortification. From everything that you do offer up a sacrifice as an act of reparation for sins, which He is offended, and beg the conversion of sinners. In this way, will get a room for your homeland. I'm the Guardian Angel of Portugal. First of all, Accept and bear with submission the suffering which the Lord shall give you. " 3. Autumn of 1916 angel appeared to the third time, holding a cup over which floated the Host. From Host to run into the cup drops of blood. He dropped the chalice and the Host of the hand so that it hung in the air, and fell to the ground by repeating the three words of the prayer: "O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I love you the most profound reverence. I offer you invaluable Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrilege or omissions which offend him. By the immense merit of His Most Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners. "

Arose from his knees Angel picked up the chalice and Host. Host gave Lucy a cup of Francisco and Jacinta, saying: "Receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly insulted by ungrateful. Rewards their sins and console your God."

Marian apparitions 1. 13 May 1917 Lucy, Francisco and Jacinta were playing in Coba da Iria, about 1.5 km from home, when suddenly scared to see what they thought was lightning. Then they saw a beautiful lady dressed in white robes hovering over the young oak. She was brighter than the sun, surrounded by her strong light. Lady spoke: "Do not be afraid. I will not do you any harm. I'm from Heaven. I come to ask you to come here for 6 consecutive months, the 13th of each month, at the same time. Later I will tell you what I demand. And then I come for the seventh time. " Ms. Lucia asked, "Do I go to heaven? - Yes, go. - And Jacinta? - She also. A Francis? - He, too, but first you must refuse many rosaries. " Our Lady asked the children: "Do you want to offer to God and endure the suffering that you want to send, in reparation for the sins which offend Him, and the conversion of sinners?" When the children replied: "Yes, we want to." Our Lady announced: "You suffer so much, but the grace of God will give you encouragement." At the end of Mary puczya children, "say the rosary every day to beg peace for the world and that the war ended." 2. June 13, 1917 Children's Rosary modliwt ended with a group of accompanying persons, the Lady appeared at the same place as last time and spoke to Lucia: "I want you to recite the rosary every day and you learn to read. Later I will tell you what I demand. - Soon I'll take Francisco and Jacinta to Heaven. But you must stay here for some time. Jesus wants you to use the people I know and love. He wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. "Lucy saddened at the thought of being alone, not cousins, but Mary told her:" Do not lose courage. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the road that leads you to God. "

3. July 13, 1917 Again, there was a flash of bright light and the oak tree appeared to Our Lady. She said: "Pray the Rosary every day continue to honor the Mother of God, to implore peace for the world and the end of the war, because only she can get." "Tell us who you are and make a miracle, so they and others believe that we objawia" - Lucy asked. "Come here is still the 13th of each month. In October, I'll tell who I am, what I want and do a miracle, then everyone will be able to believe. Deny yourself for sinners and say often, especially when the victims are making, "Jesus, this love for you, for the conversion of sinners and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Then the children saw the inferno, which saw the demons and the damned. Our Lady told them: "Have you seen hell where the souls of poor sinners goes. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If you will do what I tell you, many souls to save, and be at peace. The war ends, but if people do not cease to offend God, will begin the next, even worse, during the pontificate of Pius XI (if not yet the Pope) ... When I see a night illuminated by an unusual glow, you know that this is a sign from God that will punish On the world for its crimes of war, famine, persecution of the Church and the Pope. To prevent this, I ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart and Holy Communion. reparation on the first Saturday of the month. If my wish is fulfilled, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be tortured to death because the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be destroyed. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph, Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, who converted, and for a time there will be peace in the world ... When we pray, say after each mystery: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy. " 4. 13 and 15 August 1917 On the morning of Aug. 13 to three children have been insidiously taken away by the mayor to jail and could not be in the Cova da Iria to see the Mother of God. At that time, a crowd of about 18,000 people gathered in this place. At noon, they heard a sound like thunder and saw a flash of light, and then clear the cloud, which arrived from the east, he stopped for a few moments over the oak tree, then lifted up and disappeared.

August 15 children returned home and went out with the sheep to a place called Vallinhosi near the village. Here Our Lady appeared to them and said: "I want you to continue to come to the Cova da Iria on the 13th of each month and continue to recite the rosary. In the last month, will perform a miracle so that all others may believe. " Then her face became sad when she spoke: "Pray, pray much and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to hell because they do not have anyone who sacrificed for them and prayed." 5. September 13, 1917, the As before, there was a flash of light, and Our Lady appeared on the oak. She said: "We continue to recite the rosary to ask the end of the war. In October, your Lord will come, and Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of Mount Caramel and St. Joseph with the Child, to bless the world. God delights in your gifts ... do a miracle in October so that others may believe. " 6. 13 October 1917. Each month, from May to October, the revelations were coming into place more and more people. October 13 there were about 70,000 pilgrims, not zwaajcych the torrential rain that began falling the previous evening. At 12 Lucy announced that she will have you coming. Mary appeared on the oak tree and spoke to her: "I want to tell you that the chapel was built here in my honor, I am Our Lady of the Rosary. Continue to recite the rosary every day. The war was nearing its end and the soldiers return to their homes ... Let the people no longer sins offend God, because He already was very offended. " When Our Lady had disappeared, the veil of clouds covering the sky broke up like a cut in the middle, showing the sun shining brightly in the sky. Although it was the middle of the day, people could look straight at the sun without any harm, because it shone like a silver disk, very clearly, but not blinding, as usual, the full day. To the right of children of the sun they saw the Holy Family. St. Joseph and the child did sign of the cross three times over the crowd. Lucy then saw Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lord at her side. He made the sign of the cross he collected. Then Lucy saw Our Lady of Mount Caramel of the Infant Jesus on her lap. The whole crowd saw the miracles promised by the Blessed Virgin during her previous appearances. When looking at the sun, see how it moves. It started spinning like a giant circle and zigzag closer to the ground. The phenomenon lasted about 15 minutes, and the witnessed not only the pilgrims gathered in the Cova da Iria, but also many other people in a radius of 30 miles.

REVELATION OF THE YEAR 1917. When Francisco and Jacinta seriously ill, Our Lady came to tell them that they will soon take them to heaven. Francis died on 4 April 1919. Jacinta was to be in two hospitals, "not to recover, but to suffer for the sinners." Our Lady appeared to her and said, "sin, which leads many people to destruction, is the sin of the body, people should learn to live without luxuries, not should continue in their sins as they do, it takes a lot to repent. "Speaking to Jacinta was very sad. For this reason, Jacinta often repeated: "Oh, how I pity our Lady. How I pity her. "Jacinta went to heaven on Feb. 20, 1920 year. December 10, 1925, Our Lady and Child Jesus appeared to Lucia in the convent in Pontevedra, where she lived at the Sisters of St. Dorothy. Our Lady put her hand on her shoulder, her hand in the second heart surrounded with sharp thorns. Infant Jesus spoke: "Repent the heart of your Most Holy Mother. Surrounded by thorns which ungrateful stick constantly and there is nobody who took them to a deed of redress. " Then Mary told Lucia: "My daughter, look at my heart surrounded by thorns which ungrateful men pierce at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to soothe your mother and tell him that promise to assist at the hour of death with all the graces necessary for salvation to all those who for five consecutive first Saturdays wyspowiadaj month and take the Holy Communion., Recite five mysteries of the Rosary and the quarter will accompany me , contemplating the mysteries of the Rosary in reparation to me. " Jesus explained to Lucy that a confession may be held within eight days, and even later, "provided that they will take me in a state of grace and with the intention of reparation Immaculate Heart of Mary." In June 1929, Our Lady again appeared to Lucy in the chapel of the convent in Tuy, to ask for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart, promising that it will stop the spreading of its errors and result in the conversion of Russia. In 1943 Jesus appeared to Lucia, and bitterly complained that so few souls want to stick to what the law requires the fulfillment of His saying: "The sacrifices required of each is meeting its responsibilities and to obey my laws. This is repentance, which I want and I demand. "

MIRACLE OF THE SUN The miracle of the sun was described by the Jesuit Padre Pio naukowaca Sciatizzi as "the most spectacular and the greatest miracle in history." For the first time in 2000 years so great a miracle was announced in a particular place and time, allowing both believers and wolnomylicielom see him "make the whole world may believe" - and underlined the Mother of God. Not only the 70,000 people present at Fatima, but and thousands of others in the area about 900 square miles, not quite zoritowanych the topic of Fatima, also seen as the sun dances in the sky, and then zigzags close to the ground like a giant ball of fire. In Fatima, as well as throughout the area close to 100,000 people have seen miracle of the sun. "Facts are facts - said the writer John D. Sheridan - and the miracle of the sun is so authentic, like the sinking Titanic" - Titanic, which saw thousands, while the miracle at Fatima saw hundreds of thousands. This event is now part of history. Nowhere does not describe it as vividly as in the anticlerical Portuguese newspapers that day. According to Francis Johnston, author of Have You Forgotten Fatima (Did you forget about Fatima): "In addition to skeptical journalists, many unbelievers hostile intellectuals who gathered in Fatima to poke fun not to have to witness the miracle and the myth, fell to his knees in deep mud with the size of the miracle of the sun and screamed with shame to the great God, whose existence so vigorously denied. The sheer size of the miracle - not something viewed before in history - and the precise time and place for a few months before the three children leads to the conclusion that only God could have done this with some valid reasons. In bygone days, God spoke to a sinful world by subsequent prophets. But, in Fatima, God warns us by the Queen of Prophets: "The sins of the world are too great - a punishment for sin is a war - people need to stop offensive to God and ask forgiveness for their sins' - if the world is to find unity and peace ... These events, Pope Paul VI described as a confirmation of the Gospel. They are an unusual acknowledgment of faith for today, confirming the truths of evangelical talking about heaven, hell, sin, the wages, the Eucharist, the communion of the saints, the existence of angels and, above all, a spiritual need for compliance with daily duties - the adoption of God's will in everything. Was put on the new emphasis on devotion to the Mother of God as the source of the force needed to penetrate into both the Gospel message and life with her. As there is no doctrine which was not disputed that today, it's not the truth of faith, which was not confirmed by Fatima ... this is the message of the Gospel for the current time "- said 300 thousands of pilgrims in Fatima, Bishop of Leiria 13 October 1975 year.

CHAPTER II ROOTS OF COMMUNISM While we are still aware that we are dealing with the operation of the Princes and Powers, for the purposes of this study, we assume that the errors referred to Our Lady of Fatima said that they will be scattered around the world by Russia, have their origin in the Reformation of England. Lucifer said: "I will not serve." Adam said: "I will not serve." Henry VIII, said: "I will not serve." From the sixth to the fifteenth century, for 900 years, England experienced a golden age of Christianity. At that time, life went on around the church, that is, focused lives of ordinary people around the monasteries. Monasteries had the land. The earth was divided into medium-sized or rather small farms, which leased to peasants on very favorable and safe conditions. Tenant gave the repayment of a tenth of everything produced. When produced little or nothing, he paid little or not at all. When crops were good, gave tithes. His right to this land was assured because he had to deal with one master, who could sell their land or leave it to someone in the fall. Peasant land leased from the monastery, so did not fall prey to any single man or his whim. Monks and nuns took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Purpose and meaning of life revealed in the dedication of charity and protect ordinary people, because for them it was God's will that the state retains a genuine Christian character. That was the meaning and purpose of their marriage. Monasteries took care of the poor, the sick, widows and orphans. There was therefore needed a state social services, public hospitals, orphanages, shelters or schools. The aim was to look for the religious life of God in need. This was accompanied by prayer and sacrifice, without which the conduct of life so far removed from selfishness prove to be impossible. You can cite a contemporary example of the miracles that happen when such dedication is focused on land use. More than a hundred years ago, a piece of land Cistercians pardoned on the top. There was much grass as the eggshell, that quantity could have some food at the most wild birds.

Today, on this mountain are lush, green pastures and arable land, which give the best yields of cattle and richest in the country. This is called the Monastery of Mount Melleray is in County Waterford. With time, the right of ordinary people have been guaranteed by the Great Charter (Magna Carta), the Charter of checks and balances (Charter of Checks and Balances), represented by the king, the House of Commons and the Church. Drew up the Charter of the United Catholic archbishop of Canterbury and it was fully accepted by the king and the commune as the best guarantee of good conduct of both parties. The church, which has the law of God, interpreted and communicated by the pope, was the true defender of ordinary people. Evidence of this was the death of the martyr Thomas Beckett. Henry II said: "Who will free me from this predicament klechy?". Henry really wanted to get rid of the restrictions which St. Thomas put the king in defense of human rights. Henry, however, did not realize that the people of the martyrdom of Thomas realizes the importance of the Church as a defender of his rights. This awareness is manifested in pilgrimages to the tomb of the saint, a major pilgrimage up to 50,000 participants. During this 900-year period was not in English the word "pauper" (a poor beggar.) This word had been invented after the so-called. reforms, which brought an end to the Church's role as defenders of human rights. When the king (Henry VIII) was head of the Church of England, the most important element of checks and balances in the Great Charter has been eliminated and merged with the prerogatives of the king. Instead of the three elements of checks and balances and the remaining two, which Most importantly, one that assumed obedience to God, has been removed. As a result, apart from a few privileged, England became a huge, impoverished orphanage, while the mother, it is the Church, has been relegated to the underworld. England, which for 900 years was the dowry of Mary. The Reformation brought about a solution orders. A dissolution of religious houses in London, was described by Dr. Sharpe London and the Kingdom of the Protestant Reformation (Protestant Reformation History): "The sudden closure of these institutions resulted in the fact that the streets were filled with sick and biedakami, a small parish churches were so crowded that there were not enough space for the parishioners themselves.

The city authorities immediately observe, that something must be done with this if you do not want to see on the streets of beggars and cripples, or if you did not want to spread the disease by infected people wandering around alone. " Cobbett describes one of the closed sites, "Holy Cross, situated in a meadow about a quarter of a mile from Winchester, is a hospital founded and sponsored by the Bishop Winczesteru about 700 years ago. Successive bishops adds to this foundation, so that the hospital was able to maintain the 48 patients, and priests, nurses and other persons ancillary services were also there for lunch a hundred poor people in the city. They were gathering in the lobby ... Each received a loaf of bread, three quarts of beer and two low bowls of soup, but they were allowed to take home what you do not eat on the spot. Reformation deprived the working class of their patrimony, she tore them what they attributed their nature, took the help in need, that they belonged on the basis of the inviolable rights and ensured that the law of God and the law of the land. Brought compulsory and forced sparse form of assistance that would cause hatred between rich and poor instead of connecting them, as they did in the days of the Catholic Church, bonds of Christian charity. " It should be noted that there was before the Reformation, it was not even a penny to raise taxes to help the poor. After the word "pauper" entered the English language the words "Poor Law Valuation" (rights of the poor). Cobbett writes about this change: "Take the county and to any view, even today, the ruins of about 20 abbeys and monasteries, and ask yourself: 'What we have in return?" Go to the place once prosperous female monastery. Look at these walls, which in the hands of a man collecting exorbitant rent is the composition of the fertilizer, obroku and brushwood, look at the hall, where for centuries the widow, the orphan, the old man and the stranger were ready for the meal table, look at the wall, remnants of which now are home to cattle and the remaining part was demolished to build a shelter, barn wall was once part of the magnificent chapel ... in which resounded evening prayers. Look then at the monasteries as the perpetrator of this constancy in most human affairs, which is so closely linked with high moral and which is so greatly contributed to the prosperity, as private and public. The monastery was the host, who never died, his tenant had to deal with the immortal master, his lands and houses have never changed their owners, dependent on him have never been subjected to sample uncertainty, like other tenants, the oaks have not tremble before the ax profligate heirs ; his property were not threatened change masters; residents of his village were born and grew up under his care, his role was obviously of great value and was the subject of great respect.

The monastery was the center of the county, in a natural way by pulling toward you all who needed help, advice and defense. The monasteries of dwelt men and women who did not take care of themselves and have the knowledge needed to lead inexperienced and bring forth good help depressed kids. " That was the situation in England when Henry VIII ascended the throne. Henry inherited the crown of a great and rich kingdom, full of all good, inhabited by happy and satisfied people. Was eighteen years old when his father, Henry VII, died in 1509. When he became king, Henry immediately taken the necessary steps towards the marriage with Catherine, the Spanish princess, with whom he was engaged from June 25, 1503. Catherine came to England in 1501. To marry her husband Henry, Arthur. She married him on Nov. 14, 1501. Arthur was a boy, a weak and sickly, he was only fourteen years when they married. He died less than five months later, on April 2, 1502. This marriage was not consummated because of the age and poor health, Arthur. Canon Law requires, however, to Henry and Catherine have received a dispensation to marry if they had, since Henry and Arthur were brothers. Dispensation granted by Pope Julius in December 1503r. Apparently Henry truly loved Catherine, who was beautiful and virtuous woman. The marriage was blessed with three sons and two daughters, of whom only Mary, later Queen Mary, lived to adulthood. After seventeen years of marriage, Henry's eye fell upon a young lady waiting, Anne Boleyn. This happened often, but this time was different. She was ambitious. She wanted to be queen. Adam once said: "The woman tempted me." Now we turn to Henry. Was not without difficulties, but Henry was subterfuge. Suddenly realized that all those years he lived with Catherine in sin, and feared for his life, although his own Council and Pope unanimously and without hesitation, endorsed the marriage and that in 1503, obtained a dispensation. Despite this, Henry decided to ask the pope to ask for permission to divorce. This attempt failed, although retry it several times. Henry Pope ordered that the penalty of excommunication sent Anna. Dr. Bayley in his book Fri "Life of Bishop Fisher" (The Life of Bishop Fisher) writes that Anna was the daughter of Henry and the Lady Boleyn, her mother, said the king when he was already married Anna: "Lord, for God's sake, be careful what you do with marrying my daughter, because as far as I recall, it is just as your daughter and mine. " The king replied that "it is anyone's daughter, would be my wife." Perhaps this is not true, although mention of this and other authors.

Sander Anglican Schism at work (Anglican Schism) stated that "the least of faiths Henry and both Houses of Parliament Anne Boleyn was a child of Henry." Henry did not really want to discord with the pope and he lost six years of fruitlessly searching for a better solution. For three years, Anna was "under his care, until she became pregnant. Now, there was no time to lose and had to "restore her honor." In January of 1533., There was a quiet wedding. We urgently had to announce this fact, and this need wspwinowajcy Henry. In his own way Henry loved the church, otherwise would not have waited five or six years before it broke. If at that time a sufficient number of bishops were opposed to Henry, as did the pope, the king could withdraw and proceeded with Anna in a more human way than it took place shortly afterwards, when he did not hesitate to send her to the scaffold. Cranmer had accomplices. In April 1533, wrote a letter to the king, begging him to for the good of the nation, for peace of conscience and the good of his soul to allow Cranmerowi tried to divorce, and swearing to the king no longer expose himself to danger of life in the "incestuous relationship". On Friday, May 23 Cranmer as primate announced that Henry's marriage to Catherine was invalid from the outset. In Lambeth Cranmer summoned counsel in another warehouse and announced that he did so under his pastoral and judicial power, received from the successors of the Apostles. Later, under the same authority he had to announce that the marriage to Anne was not the case and that his daughter Anna, Elizabeth, is a bastard. Only a bishop objected to Henry Fisher, there was no difficulty with the conviction of Parliament to acknowledge that the King of England is also the head of the English church. At the same time become the master of all church property, including property of the monasteries. What a lust was consumed Henry and his wicked associates. Henry and his associates at all times be able to reach for God's grace to overcome this desire, but God can not compel anyone and will never make to the king or anyone else received this grace. It depends on our will, which is our tragedy, but our hope.

We change the course of history for better or worse through the adoption or rejection of God's grace. In our day we see how the course of history is changed by the people who say to God, "yes" and received the fullness of grace. One of these is Mother Teresa of Calcutta, an apostle of dying thrown into the street. Another example is Frank Duff, founder of the Legion of Mary, who during his life he witnessed, as in every diocese in the world, a group of lay people taken out under the banners of Mary in order to gain the world for Christ with greater dedication than it did the Roman legionaries for his emperor. But back to Henry. If a single stone can cause an avalanche, Henry, by rejecting the grace of God throughout the world sparked an avalanche of evil, the pivotal moment may be watching today, if we're lucky and we will be spared the worse. The power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely in a way that, say historians. In so doing, head of the Church itself, and thus taking over the supreme authority, which belongs to God alone, having at its disposal the sword and the gallows, Henry began the work of destroying not only himself, but for the whole nation. Year 1536. The King, "the head of the Church," ordered his archbishop, Cranmerowi, to convene a "court minister" and freed him from Anne Boleyn. Cranmer previously announced that her marriage is "a fully fledged, and confirmed his authority, under the pastoral authority of judges and received from the successors of the Apostles." Now he cancel this relationship at the behest of Henry and declare them as null. Cranmer urged the king and queen that showed up at the meeting of Council ". This call included a statement that their marriage was illegitimate, that he lived in sin and to save their souls are to show the reasons why it would still be in this relationship. Now, dear reader, take careful note of the date. It was May 17, two days earlier, on May 15, Anna was sentenced to death, May 19, but was cut. Cranmer convinced the Council said: "In the name of Christ and the reverence for God, this marriage was always void." Here attention. Since the marriage was invalid, as Anna could be guilty of adultery and betrayal (as the wife of the king), for which he lost his head? 15 have been convicted of a king's wife, 17-th proclaimed that it never was his wife, a 19-to were executed for having been unfaithful wife. Indeed, the people raised up high, if not fear God, they can say and do whatever they like ewnie.

The next day, Henry married Jane Seymour in Marewell Hall in Hampshire. Thus began the "reformation", which was opposed by Thomas More, John Fisher - and shed his blood. How evil can triumph so easily? Edmund Burke said that if evil is overcome, it is enough for good people to remain idle. Many good people have to sit on the cusp of history, otherwise the race would be different. It is the duty of those who can protect the innocent defenseless against attacks by a powerful evil. Unfortunately, vulnerable innocence was left alone. Denial of the sovereignty of the king, and assigning it the pope has become synonymous with treason, a refusal to take the oath declaring the king's sovereignty over the Church deemed to acquire the rebellion. Therefore, More and Fisher had lost their lives. Henry has created a precedent for using "the Council" and the Act of Parliament to legalize the crimes, so any crime to become a lawful, and it was in 1967, the day when the most innocent and defenseless of human beings, unborn children have been legally sentenced to death . Just as in the days of Henry, Catholic bishops have done nothing to oppose the other hand there is the possibility that it may be also legalized euthanasia, raised a faint voices of protest. Was the protest was due to fear for his own skin? Ticking time bomb in the same way for all. None of the modern St. Thomas More, Bishop Fisher is no modern weapons no longer innocent and defenseless unborn children. Does abortion is no longer the top of barbarism? Does evil can come up with something even worse? On the European continent rot had already appeared in 1517. The pope granted an indulgence, it is the forgiveness of temporal punishment for sins, for prayer, penance and sacrifice for the construction of the Cathedral. Peter's in Rome. The announcement of this fact has been entrusted to the Order Dominikaskiemu. Martin Luther, Augustinian monk, who made his vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, undertook the mission of "reform" of the Church, and release him from what he considered to be abusive. As Henry, who had rejected God's grace, he also had to begin the work of destruction. Though he vowed to celibacy, he took a wife, and later was asked to landgafowi Hesse permit to have two wives simultaneously. Henry, still a lucky husband, objected to Luther, and even with the help of St. Thomas More, wrote a book against him. Thus was considered "defender of faith", a title he really flattered.

Of course this was before they said the woman tempted me. His new wife Jane Syemour, she died giving him a son, Edward VI. Having now heir to the throne as king of Parliament (but without the Church) passed that both Mary and Elizabeth which his two daughters, came out of wedlock, and in accordance with the law of the king should be able, through a patent or a testament to transfer the crown to anyone, according to his tastes. Finally, in 1537, the eighteenth year of the reign of Henry, was passed that with the exception of purely personal, "the resolution of the king is synonymous with an act of Parliament." And where is the Great Charter? King greatly helped to escape from the Parliament by means of two resolutions. One of them gave legal force of its proklamacjom, the latter determined the tribunal consisting of nine secret advisers who had the power to punish offenders opposing proklamacjom at that. Thus, law and justice were in the hands of one man, the adulterer and murderer. One appealed to lust over. More tempting than any religious women were good, which attracted to his eyes gleaming greed. The monasteries were rich. Living in community life filled with prayer and work, saving for himself, orders supported the poor, the sick and needy, and anything left over, contributed to the prosperity of the monastery. Year after year, came the beautiful vestments and liturgical items, stained glass windows. Formed a wonderful monuskrypty, richly decorated, and all this is the glory of God. Imagine a group of spoiled children, left alone in a candy store! Instead of sweets greed sees gold and silver. The fifth and sixth commandment of the Decalogue was erased. The turn of the seventh commandment. Adultery was legalized. It was to be legalized theft and robbery on the scale of the country. The monasteries were the schools, hospitals and institutions caring for the widows, orphans, poor and needy. Because these people were not at the moment dependent on the government, the government is not over, almost no power. When the dependent from the government in all, the government is omnipotent. Monasteries had the land. All historians agree that they were benign masters. Leased land for a low cost and for long periods, so that the peasants saw themselves as the owners taking care to renew the contract before it expires. The resulting class of farmers (yeomen), host-independent real aristocracy. This class completely destroyed by the Reformation. According to his own state, the monks worked as best they could. Their gardens, fish ponds, farm, looking after by people seeking to fulfill his duties perfectly.

As a partner in Henry wanted a divorce, so now need someone to take over religious property. How often do we hear today about taking over the assets of small businesses that fail? This practice is adopted and, of course, is legal, just as the King Henry. In taking over the goods of the monastery was one partner of Henry Thomas Cromwell, was appointed vice-regent and the royal governor general of the new head of the Church of England. He gained the peerage of the kingdom. In Parliament he was before the primate and sit in front of all the bishops at a meeting of the clergy. He had precedence over all representatives of the nobility, occupying some positions and not holding public offices. Cromwell began his work on visits to monasteries. Its aim was to gain a basis for prosecution of monks and nuns. Fit officials had no intention to carry out the visit itself. In an atmosphere of peace and tranquility stormed acts calling for the immediate transfer of ownership, money and jewels. They threatened his innocent victims of an accusation of treason and written reports are not about what they found, but about what was expected from them to hear. Monks and nuns did not know the date of such visits. They had no idea that the Great Charter, and any law could be rejected at once. Their safe and peaceful life is not taught them to deal with these guys, with such mastery and conscious wickedness. The defendants had no opportunity to defend and there was no such court, to which they could ask, do not dare, even if they had the opportunity to defend themselves or complain, because they saw the terrible consequences - of arson and killing all those brothers who dared to oppose any dogma or decree, tyrannical king. The sole purpose was to deprive these people of their property, and to those who received the property, they had nobody to ask for the defense, a hearing, did not have anyone to complain, unless risking their lives. They, as well as the poor, orphans, widows, the infirm, and all who depend on them, they had at one time been deprived of everything they had only on the basis of reports written by people who are sent to quickly find an excuse to terminate the orders and that the king could grab them property that never belonged to him or to his ancestors.

As a result of Cromwell and his agents in March 1536 was passed in the Parliament Act, under which abolished, thus confiscated 376 monasteries and transferred their property, real and personal, the king and his successors. He took over tableware, jewelry, gold and silver, paintings and decorations. Although Parliament's wickedness and greed of robbers act has not passed without any opposition. According to the History of Sacrilege (History of sacrilege) Spelmana: "Law is stuck for a long time in the lower house and could not go through it until the king ordered the Jewish communities that their members showed up before noon in the gallery of his palace, where he allowed them to wait until the afternoon, and then went out of his chamber, walking between them, and looking evil eye is on one side, then the other, "he said finally:" I hear that my project does not go, but I will make it go, either one of you is przypaci head "and not waiting for an answer, he returned to his chamber. It was enough - the project was adopted and the king was everything I wanted " This brings to mind Stalin's like that, what he saw those who stood by him when he was at the peak of power. The power corrupts and absolute power ... So the king and his descendants and successors have gained all these great good and be able to use them at their leisure, and "the glory of Almighty God", for grandeur and good of the kingdom. And it's all done in the name of God! In addition to land, property and inventory tyrannical act gave Henry and such goods as jewelry, silver, gold and everything that belonged to monasteries. In this way violated the provisions of the Great Charter, convents were looted, and the poor, widows, orphans and immigrants deprived of defense, along with religious orders robbed. Robbed, even though they were the actual owners of the seized property, not defended. None of the monastery is not prosecuted the case. Allegations were general and addressed to all the monasteries, the proceeds of which are not reached a specific amount. This "fixed amount" was a cause. The cause of action at this point was that it had to do something first with the aristocracy and nobility, before you can safely proceed to the suppression of large orders. For starters attacked the weakest, but he soon found a way of cracking down on others. Since there was no longer the Great Charter, the force became law, and so it is today, though mutandis chosen words make it not look so terribly.

At the moment when Henry took over the lands and goods of the Church, he darowywa them their "beneficiaries" as he calls them that famous parliamentary act. Before we had passed four years, the royal casket was so empty, if they did not confiscate the assets of even one of the monastery, so strict were religious reformers, and so eagerly sought to "satisfaction of Almighty God." When Henry complained to Cromwell, that reminded him that he can still gain a lot. "No, no, man, all my kingdom not satisfy their appetite" - was the reply of the king. But it still was erased as the larger monasteries. Given the law, under which all the monasteries that have been submitted, become the property of the king and his descendants and successors. And by the way all other monasteries and hospitals and schools. As noted by Cobbett, fell victim of predators and vultures assisting her death began to tear it to pieces. People here and there raised their rebellion, but without the leaders of the uprising were hopeless. Their natural party leaders held a tyrant. Cobbet writes in "History of the Protestant Reformation": "Tyrants are often robbed his people, but in all other cases - apart from this could be in the process to find even a semblance of law enforcement. In this case, nothing remarkable took place. Nefarious members of parliament who were involved, and largely participated in the robbery, gave not only lands and houses a tyrant, or rather appropriated them myself, but disposals in this way all movables, inventory, collections and, more importantly, gold, silver and valuables. Let the reader judge the robbery itself ... People in those days they were honest enough to endure it all and remain in place without the army or police.Never since the world began there has been no looting. The robbers entered the monasteries, Cromwell, peeled altars of gold and silver, searching through boxes and drawers monks, took cover books, which were decorated with precious stones. All these books were manuscripts. A single book prescribed by the half life to correct the effect was. The entire library, which lasted for centuries, picking and eating up huge amounts of money were looted by the miscreants from hell, who strips the book of precious ornaments. Money found in convents were taken every penny ... and everything that touches people, women and men, who by law are not guilty of any crime, for which nothing of accused whose defense was not heard and whose ownership and guaranteed them the Great Charter - as like a royal crown belonged to the king - and the good to serve the poor. "

Canterbury - it was the cradle of Christianity in England and to the city rushed out of the reformers. There was a wealth of altars, tombs, gold and silver images, diamonds and other precious stones. It was buried in Canterbury St. And St. Augustine. Thomas Beckett. Tomb of the latter was a rich target for robbers. Beckett, the Archbishop of Canterbury during the reign of Henry II, he lost his head for resistance to the will of the king, when he wanted to rob and enslave the people of the church. People thought St. Thomas as a martyr who died in defense of their liberty and their religion. His crime was to defend the Great Charter of the king. Pilgrimages to his tomb had no end, and the number of pilgrims reached a hundred thousand. Flowing in the gifts. He was devoted to hospitals and other pious institutions, above all, Hospital St. Thomas. These gifts have made the tomb of a very rich and wonderful. One of the kings of France gave a diamond, reportedly the most beautiful in Europe. Gold, silver and jewels filled two large crates, each of which had to carry six or eight people (and the workers of that time used to eat lots of meat) to move them to the door of the cathedral. No greed, waste and arrogance are not equaled to this robbery. Will Henry was now the law. He stifled the voice of the Church (the most important in the system of checks and balances, watchful over the fairness of the law), and bribed the natural leaders of the people that supported him. The only remaining buildings of the monasteries, and even this soon blown up. The whole country was zeszpecony the impression as if some barbarians attacked him. Civilizations usually die from the inside, and not due to an attack from outside. Alfred's name is dear to every Englishman. He taught his people sobriety, diligence, courage and integrity. He supported education, founded the University of Oxford, introduced the jury. But even his grave was desecrated, and the abbey and the entire mansion took Earl of Southampton. The Catholic Church not only taught religion and worship, and was minister of the sacraments. He also had an influence on earthly life of people. Zapokaja, and this generosity, the needs of the poor and unfortunate ... It had a huge amount of land, and profit from it in various forms were distributed among the people, always on terms favorable to the users. It was a great fortune independent of the aristocracy and the Crown, and naturally the people standing on the side. But above all, the Church took care of the poor and the hospitality rendered to them, unite a community through node religion and not okowom law.

Thanks to the Church there was class tenants, who formed an important link in society, standing for the owner, which should have been paid, and the tenant, as ruled by its own will, to some extent by taking part in the possession of land, but not without some depending on the owner. This class, once so numerous in England, almost completely disappeared, and her place was taken by relatively few tenants and a huge number of extremely poor. The Catholic Church believed lending money for profit to be incompatible with the teaching of the Gospel. He believed such a profit of Usury and of course a crime. Usury among Christians was completely unknown until Henry VIII did not put his paws on the property of the Church and the poor. At every church altar was located more or less gold, silver, and censers, candlesticks and other items needed to celebrate Mass. Mass therefore had to disappear. There was no altar, only a table. Long been argued that where a table would be like look, which way had to be returned and whether people are with him to stand, kneel or sit. Where we have been hearing lately about all this? England in a short time has become a den of thieves, where the food of the poor workers were the potatoes with water. When the church property passed into private hands, lease immediately raised the money from it uzykane issued outside the property and the tenant met the greed of men. How familiar it sounds to Ireland! Entire fortunes were lying fallow. Tenants gone. Even the villagers were deprived of common pastures, where cattle grazed past. It was noted the fall of people, and so far has an abundance of very modest. When Henry VIII came to his son Edward, the boy, who was not given long rule. After that, there have been governments, in turn, the Queen Mary. She was attempting to restore the Church's property. But looting has reached a ceiling, the grabbers were so numerous and so powerful and so many families participated in the activities anyway hostile to the Church, that the queen faced the almost impossible task. Again, the Mass celebrated in all corners of the country, people are not burnt or hot iron being made slaves of them just for the fact that they asked for a handout, and gave rise to the hope that England will again be England and that they will return the hospitality and charity. But you had to deal with grabiecami and Parliament. That Parliament approved a divorce with Queen Catherine, and thus proclaimed Mary a bastard. Now, the same parliament had to announce that Elizabeth was a bastard, and Maria rightful queen of England. Later, when Mary died and Elizabeth was crowned, the story was again reversed its course. How much truth was in the confirmation of one of the fathers of the American people, "let him not hear about trust in man, pledge it to good conduct by the constitution."

Ninijeszy chapter conclude with words from the encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, published in 1878, entitled: "Quod Apostolici:" This poisonous doctrine (ie the principles of the Protestant Reformation), as the seed weeds scattered among the nations with sometimes deadly fruit seemed ... Taking their name from the mind false doctrine ... has penetrated the whole civilized society. Since then, governments are formed without consideration of God and His law, it is even claimed that a public authority is derived not from God but from the people who, believing themselves to be unfettered to any imposed by the law of God does not want to comply with any laws that do not arise of his free will. The Creator and Redeemer of mankind was a step by step erased from the curriculum of universities and schools, as well as from public life ... The longing for happiness narrowed the horizons of today's life ... It's no wonder that there is no room in public or private life, and that mankind rushes straight to the edge of a precipice. "


I started to read the Act of Parliament of 1694 years which created the Bank of England. Its founders knew very well what they want. Their plan was to gradually load of debt around the country, the whole earth, all the houses and all property, and even work against those who lent money to the State - this plan, a cunning, clever, deep plan, resulted in something that the world has never seen before - hunger among the wealth. W. Cobbett, (A History of the Protestant Reformation.) Our Lady of Fatima said that Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and that many nations will be destroyed. In the previous chapter we saw how the seed has sprouted bugs in the so-called., Reformation. Great card was lost, and with it the power of the Church, guardian of the poor and needy. In a country having no standing army, and almost did not need an army, police forces became commonplace.

The kings came and went. Dictators have come and gone. England was shaken by civil war. England, called the "merry England." 900-year-old golden age of Christianity is gone forever. The year 1690 witnessed the completion of one of the civil wars which resulted in the rightful king James was banished, and William, a foreign prince, became king in his place. The decisive battle, now known as the Battle of the Boyne, fought in Ireland. The introduction of a foreign prince to get rid of the rightful king is in a language many people adultery, but as the poet said, "when the betrayal of blooms, no one dare call it treason." The real reason for bringing William appeared four years later, in 1694. In the same year, a group of buccaneers led by William Patterson dialed the greatest trick in the history of mankind. This act was to change the course of history, not only England but all over the world. Once the ground soaked with water. It soaks in debt, and all started in 1694. At that time, Patterson and his friends went to King William and gave him the following proposal: "lend to you, O king, 1.2 million pounds in gold at 8%, provided that you give us permission to release of that sum in bank notes and lend it to 8 %.

This meant making money from nothing, calling them to borrow money and the high percentage. Always a figure head or stamp of the king or the emperor had made money tender. Christ said: "Bring me a penny ... Whose is this image and inscription?" ... Render therefore unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what belongs to God. "

Then this private syndicate decided that it would be Caesar, but only they will know about it. Until now, the king took responsibility for the issuance of money as the equivalent of certain assets, and put his stamp as proof. Letting go of the money in circulation without any percentage, a private syndicate that while he talked, persuaded, or bribed the king that this allowed them to take anything from 1.2 million pounds that were not covered. This was the beginning of inflation, which eventually led to a private syndicate that has gained a permanent monopoly on the provision and bringing into circulation of money, not only in England but throughout the world and, as noted by Cobbett, caused something of which the world has never seen before - hunger among the wealth. Today more than ever it is true that people are hungry while living among the rich, and all this started from that event. This was the turning point of history, and in addition to the privileged few who wield power, every man, woman and child around the world adds to the interest of the government debts incurred. Some time later, the syndicate had the idea to call the Bank of English - the Bank of England. Still the king borrows money and every loan, under royal authorization, printed so much paper money as it was a loan and lend them on to a percentage, and was it cost as much as paper, ink and bookkeeping. Soon, these people are convinced the king that he took from them 16 million pounds in gold, which allowed them to print 16 million pounds and lend at interest. Since the country needs more money for their own affairs, the government could reasonably do, and instead borrow, let own paper money. Also were to be at the expense of paper and printing. There you would have to pay interest (usury), which was charged to the taxpayer. Again, after some time a group which called itself an English Bank had the idea even smarter. Printed money for ten times the amount borrowed gold and money is borrowed at interest. Soon after that a private monopoly, the Bank of England, he gained absolute power over the state cash, and his position was stronger than the position of the king or the Commons. In the first half of the nineteenth century, commercial banks have introduced "checks" since ceased to print its own banknotes.

This new kind of money did not exist even in the form of banknotes, but came up through a simple process - either by introducing into the bank accounts of the numbers defining the amount of lending, or by filling out a check to enable banks to buy a security. With this czekom, importantly, could not be made to take or transfer of existing money, as in the case of checks of individuals, they form a new sum of money for which they were attributed. During World War I, in 1914-1918, it was easy to create a lot of money to banks and either "lent" them the government, or allowed wealthy people to buy bonds in the war loan and shared interest in a ratio of 4% of the bank to 1% of the nominee. Of course, the pound fell waarto during those four years to catch. In 1914 the national debt amounted to 700 million pounds. To 1920 amounted to 7 billion and approximately 90% of the loan war was in the hands of banks. The huge sums to banks under the interest (usury) to accelerate the advent of the industrial crisis in the 20's and 30's and led to World War II, he secretly planned. To be discussed in a later chapter. In 1934-1935 the total income tax revenue was 229.214963 pounds, and interest on the national debt at that time reached 211.657232 pounds. In the years 19351936 gave the income tax 237.362332 pounds, while the percentage of the debt was 211.533776 pounds. During these two years of tax revenue amounting to 446 million pounds of just 43 million went to government spending needed to meet the needs of citizens. Moreover, approximately 70% of the national debt was created from nothing in the banks and there was in store. If the national debt is not a nation hanging on his neck like a millstone, is there a way to cope with them and its disastrous consequences? The answer is simple but not easy. First of all, should be separated those who bought his shares in the national debt with the money saved, earned, inherited or otherwise acquired, and those who bought their shares for newly created money, ie, banks, and those nominees who have been granted loans to made this purchase. Banks should sell his shares in state government bonds, which would have paid them money and not the newly introduced-bearing debt (usury). The money - according to the practice of banks - would be destroyed, because, as in the current system, they create new money by providing loans or buying a security, so it destroys the money they receive reimbursement of principal debt or sell a security when, stopping the only interest. If such activity are being, part of the national debt would disappear immediately, without the risk of inflation.

Not allowed to be no injustice, even to other banks because their profits are big enough thanks to interest received in the past with government bonds, which were not bought with money or their depositors, or for money saved or earned. As for the nominees of bank, ie those which banks lend money to the newly formed able to purchase government bonds with them should do likewise. Banks should require the repayment of loans nominatom. The government would give then a new, do not pay the debt money that people are able to make repayments, and banks, according to the existing procedure, niszczyyby the money. Remain only a part of the national debt purchased by individuals, organizations, etc., for money of existing and acquired in the normal way. Such persons should pay the full value of their shares of newly created money quickly enough to avoid inflation risk, and they may be obtained in this way to spend money or invest in the industry. It would be possible and desirable to accelerate this process by fewer bank lending in this period. The less money arises when granting credit, the more you can safely set up for other purposes. If you ask: "How can the government get the money previously received by borrowing at interest?", The answer would be very simple. It may require the banks to create money is not as laden interest (usury) of debt and may use the anti-inflationary tax from time to time to collect as much money as you will need to avoid an excess of circulating money in circulation outside the whole of the goods and services that could be the money to buy. The U.S. Federal Reserve (the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank) when it comes to money, is a dictator who has absolute, autocratic power over the American people, and indirectly, and the rest of the world. The similarity between the structure of the Federal Reserve System and the Soviet Communist Party is amazing. In Soviet Russia, closely linked to the Communist Party circles oversee all acting in complete confidence and completely ignoring the people and the Constitution of the United States. In both countries a small group of people know about these decisions, closed circles and draw benefit from them. In the U.S. monetary policy controls the seven members of the Federal Reserve Board, the twelve hundred and eight presidents and directors of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. Those 127 people, acting in secret, has an absolute influence on decisions relating to financial policy.

In Soviet Russia, a group of 133 members of the Communist Party Central Committee directs all projects in the country. Both these bodies have a more elite group - a small nadkomisj. The Federal Reserve System, the group is known as the Open Market Committee (Open Market Committee), consisting of seven members of the Federal Reserve Board and five presidents of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks - a total of twelve people - with the participation of the other seven governors. In Soviet Russia, there is a small committee within the Central Committee, known as the Politburo. It has eleven members, one less than the Open Market Committee. When Open Market Committee meets every three weeks in Washington, the doors are tightly closed, windows covered, and special guards to ensure the hall did not show up any intruder. We do not know what happens at those meetings, except that six years later, when the rules comes across a crime that may have been committed. During this session, decisions are made regarding the monetary system, interest rates and stock funds. Even the president of the United States can not participate in those secret meetings. That is democracy in the U.S.. In the Soviet Union Politburo meets several times a month in Moscow, on a completely secret sessions. Armed guards will not let anyone undesirable. As in the United States, the Politburo decisions are kept secret until the party chooses not to disclose the information. Communist Party of the Soviet Union cares about his friends in Russia, and the U.S. Federal Reserve System takes care of friends of bankers. In both countries, ordinary people are excluded from participation in any benefits that are the domain of a small elite. 240 million supposedly free Americans agree on such an absurd situation - and this is not the faith. But it is not so unbelievable when you understand the depth of their ignorance about what is happening at the highest levels. These millions of people are treated as if they were a bunch of retarded children whose caregivers know best what is good for them. For twenty years in business, about five months a year, I had the opportunity to meet Americans every day. I've never lost the opportunity to test their knowledge of the conspiracy and those who wield money. During all the years I met only one person who knew something about this power of controlling our lives. He was a government official in Massachusetts.

The only thing they are afraid of these people, it dekonspiracja, and anyone who dares to such a project can expect wdepcz him in the mud, and even deprive of life. World Bank (World Bank), Export and Import Bank (Export-Import Bank), IMF (International Monetary Fund) - are all tools created by insiders to be able to control humanity. The International Monetary Fund was established at Bretton Woods in 1944. Its founder was Harry Dexter White, a known communist spy. President Truman knew from the FBI about his Communist ties, but rather than preach to arrest him, recommended him to the International Monetary Fund, along with other Communist spies, occupying high positions. They were Frank Coe, Laughlin Currie, William Ullman, Nathan Silvermaster and Alger Hiss. All occupied the highest positions of the U.S. Department of State, and, on the direct instructions of the president, could not be disclosed. Why does the U.S. president would protect communist spies? There is only one answer: the president, like a spy, receives orders. Everyone knows at what walks through the world. The theme of the book Professor. Quigley'a titled "Tragedy and Hope" (Tragedy and Hope) is the fact that we have gone far too far in the direction of world dictatorship to be undone. The issue of Saturday Evening Post, October 18, 1944, issued shortly after the meeting in Bretton Woods, a spokesman for the initiated, Peter Drucker, wrote: "If the world adopted a controlled economic system, leadership in a logical manner przypadoby Soviet Union. Russia would become a model of such a dictatorship, since Russia was the first country that has developed a technique midznarodowej economic control. " The International Monetary Fund demands that its sovereignty, immunities and privileges to replace the same privileges belonging to the Fund's member countries, within these nations. Ust. 2 of Article IX provides that the Fund has full legal personality and, in particular the possibility of: (1) contracts (2) to acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property, (3) the establishment of legal procedures. In one article by the Fund acquires a judge, determine their statutes and conducting their own decisions, reducing the Member States to the role of policeman. Ust. 10 of Article IX requires each nation, ab introduced the principles contained in this article to its own legal system and been notified to the Fund for its activities.

Ust. 3 of Article IX does not permit that the Fund has been accused before the court of any state or country, unless formally waived the immunity law. Ust. 3 of Article IX states: "Property and assets of the Fund, no matter how invested and by whom held, they can not be the subject of search, confiscation, seizure or any other form of seizure by executive or judicial." Ust. 7 of Article IX provides to the Fund the same diplomatic immunity, which has each country with consular representation, except that representatives of other nations can always be deported. Ust. 8 provides immunities and privileges of officials and personnel. Part II of this paragraph states: "All governors, directors, deputies, officials and staff, WHO ARE NOT NATIONALS OF THE COUNTRY, are guaranteed the same immunity against immigration restrictions, alien registration requirements and national commitments to staff and to the same conditions in terms of restrictions interchangeable, as are determined by members to representatives, officials and staff of a similar level in other EU member states ". Ust. 1 and 9 of Article IX of tax-exempt assets, income from property operations and transactions, as well as the salaries and emoluments paid by the Fund directors, alternates, officers and staff of the Fund, WHO ARE NOT nationals. Also, are exempt from taxes of any kind or insurance obligations issued by the Fund, including interest or dividends. History has recorded that when the great civilizations fell into disrepair that he never observed the good of these civilizations were in the hands of a small group. John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson: "All the dilemmas, confusion and gaps in America arise not from defects in the constitution or confederation, not from desire of honor or virtue, but from the mundane ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation." In response, Jefferson said: "... I sincerely believe, like you, that banking ventures are more dangerous than armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid later generations, under the name of funding is only cheating future generations on a large scale."

Meyer Amschel Rothschild said: "Let me float and control of money belonging to the nation, and I will not care about those who represent the law." Gold from Fort Knox does not belong to the nation amerykaskieog, but the Federal Reserve, a private group. The names of those whose property is the contents of the vault, never been disclosed. The money, which must not be forgotten, they take their value from the presence of appropriate facilities in the country of goods and services. Do not take money from the values of the fact that were first produced as a debt to pay a percentage or any other debt. According to Gibbon's decline and fall of the Roman Empire was due to inflation, submissive society and sudden movement of population from rural to urban. All these reasons are now in our society today, at the beginning of 1984. (I am obliged to Abundance, Centre for Social Credit, Montagu Chambers, Mexborough South Yorks, and the data on government borrowing.) As for escape from villages to cities, many believe that this is a natural phenomenon. But it is not. In 1900, 11% of the U.S. population lived in cities, and 89% in rural areas. Until 1970, within two generations, these proportions have changed dramatically. 11% of people living in rural areas and 89% in urban areas. So far, that early 80's, over 90% of people live in cities. It was a conscious policy of getting rid of people from the countryside, the only place on earth, they've had the greatest range of freedom. In a city where a government or a dictatorship controls both water supply and electricity, enough time elapses before the residents are forced into submission if for some reason cut off their supply. In the Catholic weekly The Wanderer, a few years ago, contains a full description of the plan established by the Communists, who had to take over the United States in such a way that the right people they will cut off water and electricity at the same time in every city in the country. In his book, Fri "Technological Terrorism (Terrorism and Technology), published recently, Professor RC Clark warned that" computers can be tapped as well as mobile, "and that" if we accept the general principle is that the weakness of the nation or urban area is roughly proportional to centralization in it, then the possibility of damage in this area (for PCs) is enormous. " The threat is the increased centralization of technology by the financial policy of inflation. Radical unions are then able to impose a ransom for the nations. A single person can see then that it becomes increasingly difficult to defend. In a healthy society is technology unit. But under the condition that the financial policy excludes inflation. A healthy, Christian society would be easy. What is physically possible, it is also possible financially.

We are here to Principalities and Powers, and the key to power that enslaves humanity, is the total power in the hands of a small group that creates and releases into the circulation of money, and all started in 1694 when King William, who came from the Netherlands, the throne usurper British allowed this to go persuaded or przekupiono and allowed several people to make money with a pen *. (Indispensable for understanding how the banking system holds all of humanity in the iron grip - through money creation, literally "nothing" - is the reading of Leopold Soucy book titled: "The Counterfeiters money.") If only those who celebrate the Battle of the Boyne, I really understood what the festivity. In 1694, King William headed the London branch of Freemasonry, secret societies considered the father of communism. Could this be retaliation for a patent of King William, who gave birth to financially enslave the entire world, as a result of which millions are starving among the well-being? Reproduced below the letter was sent in 1943 to His Eminence William Godfrey, Apostolic Delegate in Great Britain, the Anglican Archbishops of Canterbury, York and Wales and other members of the hierarchy of the Churches of Great Britain. The content of the letter is as follows: "Reverend Father, 1. We Brits from the blood and origin, after examining the fundamental causes of the current unrest in the world, have long come to the conclusion that the primary, the first step towards the return to human happiness and brotherhood in the economic sense of security and freedom of conscience and lifestyle, which would allow Christian ethics to bloom again, is the immediate re-admission by the community of each nation of its prerogatives on the issue of money including its modern substitute in the form of the loan. 2. Usurped the prerogative of the people are generally called "bankers", both locals and midznarodowi, who had perfected a method to create the money they lend, and destroy them by withdrawing the books as he sees fit, according to a completely erroneous and outdated ideas that can not defend against impartial and scientific criticism and examination. In this way was a form of national debt, at which the lender's risk, and which is physically impossible to repay the society. Any attempt to artificially induce the same "economic blizzard", as it was during the First World War. 3. This led to a gradual increase in the form of national, international and supranational power, dominating through the monopolization of the national credit of all basic social and creative activities of mankind. So, in this as in other countries, it became impossible to get published in newspapers or on radio for the truth of this economic dependence, which enslaves all the nations of the world.

4. In ruling out the world financial system, money, with few exceptions, are created by borrowing at interest by the 'bankers' who would not lend anything, but in effect create a forced taxation of the nation by giving the borrower to purchase the appropriate amount of goods on the market that is goods do not belong to them, nor to the lenders, but to society. Profit from the issuance of new money - whether in securities, or any other form of credit - is a nation in which it exists, or is accepted as a means of payment and not the one who produces the means of payment. Here lies the basic flaw of the existing monetary system. 5. Through this method, which is considered to be lawful by virtue of its practice, the banks in our country are responsible for the issuance of new money generated by it in amounts of from 2 to 3 million pounds - and therein lies the difference between an extended loan, including those whose give themselves a loan since we sold when they formed this system - and thus forcing through an annual tribute of interest from the nation of 100 million pounds for what has become for them a relatively cheap and nieryzykown service. But the real threat that the previous era of well-understood, it is undermining any authority established by law through the creation and destruction of money carried in the mystery so that the government got into private hands. 6. Any form of government, whether conservative, liberal, labor, fascist, socialist or communist, they get under the control of political power group that is ultimately, and largely unconsciously dominated by the creators and manipulators of money. In this way the national political power, which, if an individual is to enjoy maximum personal freedom in accordance with its duty to respect other people's conscience and, should belong to the nation, was captured without his knowledge or consent. 7. It appears that the current monetary system, which through disregard for the fundamental rights of individuals and ethical inevitably destroys civilizations, in which there is, it requires compensation both when it comes to his methods and substantive ethics, which at the moment, inspires and control of those methods. Especially in the face of such devastating consequences in the moral sphere we dare to ask the church authorities, and encourage the Church to action. 8. Therefore, we urge your reverence as a person of great authority and influence of the nation to declare the truth in this matter and we hope that your reverence shall deem fair notice text of this statement as widely as possible, so as to how important this issue could be disclosed and thoroughly examined by British Commonwealth nations.

9. We do this full of brotherly and Christian feeling, knowing and recognizing the efforts that your reverence take to oppose the abuse of our present economic system and the evils of usury, believing that the world is now in the most dangerous crisis in state history. The issue of new money by the lender is unexpected consequence of the introduction of a check as a substitute for money - and it is a valuable invention, which in itself was certainly convenient for the public when it comes to inflation and the effect. If this system had been improved, as can easily be corrected to restore the full benefit of the peoples of the issue of currency, there are any grounds to save it. We fully appreciate the service banking organizations that can continue to provide to the public. However, the issuance and destruction of money by the lender is not a service, but a weapon that can be and has been used to reinforce the poverty of abundance, by which individuals and nations become helpless and defenseless, and can be reduced to this, to serve the wide-ranging plans for total surrender of the human tyranny, exploitation, and authorities of evil and darkness. " Letter signed the 32 most outstanding people in public life of England. One of them is Frederick Soddy, Doctor of laws, a member of the Royal Society, Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry, the author of such works as Wealth, Virtual Wealth and Debt (Wealth, virtual wealth and debt), Money versus Man (Money Man Vs) and the Role Of Money (The role of money). In an explanatory letter, signed by Norman A. Thompson and Professor Soddy concluded that "if the road is still closed to cease hostilities against the healthier economic system in which everyone in the nation will be treated more justly and humanly speaking, the return of our compatriots serving in the armed forces, who are increasingly more aware of the injustice of the current monetary system, you may become the beginning of uncompromising resistance. " An abridged version of the letter appeared recently in the magazine The World as follows: "We, after examining the fundamental causes of the current unrest in the world, have long come to the conclusion that the primary, the first step towards the return to human happiness and brotherhood in the economic sense of security and lifestyle and freedom of conscience, which would allow Christian ethics to bloom again, is the immediate re-admission by the community of each nation's prerogatives concerning the issue of money including its modern substitute in the form of the loan. Usurped the prerogative of the people are generally referred to as the 'bankers', both local and international, who had perfected a method to create the money they lend, and destroy them by withdrawing the books as he sees fit. In this way was a form of national debt, at which the lender's risk, and which is physically impossible to repay the society. " Spanning 26 counties in Ireland at the beginning was not to pay any debts. It is indebted for more than 8 billion, and everyone, from infant to retiree, in one

form or another taxed just because they have to pay interest (usury). Recently it was found that over 80% of all income tax goes just to pay interest on our national debt. The long road to travel before we solve our economic problems, before we can replace the recipients of large amounts of money and the means by which they came into their possession. Sir Josiah Stamp, director of the Bank of England, two generations ago, has made such a statement: "Banking was conceived and born in sin ... Bankers own the earth. Take it to them, but leave the right to make money and create a single stroke of the pen so much money that will be able to buy back this land ... Take them to the right, and all great fortunes like mine will disappear and should disappear, because then our world will a better and happier ... But if you still want to be slaves of bankers and pay for your own slavery, let the bankers continue to do controlled the money and credit. " Sir Josiah, with later Lord Stamp, also openly spoke about taxes. He said: "While a few years ago nobody would have believed it, that the scale of tax such as the present one, could be imposed on the British public without a revolution, I hope that with proper education and propaganda, this scale can be greatly increased." Suppose that nationalization is the right answer here, so it would be well to consider the statement of another director of the Bank of England, Sir Montagu Norman: "Nationalization, for what reason is welcome." He meant that nothing has changed, only the card on the door . Evil is a monopoly. State monopoly simply means that the power monopoly is extended. Private monopoly of any kind is wrong, but how long is separated from the state, the government provides a counterbalance. This raises the question of who owns the actual credit society. The essential components of kredytuto not work as well as teach the Marxists, but the heritage and equity, cultural heritage, a division of labor and tools and capital equipment handed down from generation to generation. The credit belongs to the individual members of the public - under certain conditions. Depriving individuals access to their own credit situation resembles the state, or any other form of power, the unit refuses access to money or property that it receives from his ancestors. The proper function of the state lies in respecting the rule of law - to ensure justice - so that the unit feel free to access to their credit. Forcing individuals to engage in some form of production - even if only in filling out forms in the government bureaucracy, similar to digging holes and filling them again before you will have access to their credit, it is tantamount to

the imposition of conditions of actual use of credit by that body. This stems from the philosophy of totalitarianism. Brings to mind the teachings of Marx and Keynes. Nationalized banks in Poland, but the people there continue to suffer hunger and thirst for material things is perhaps the least of their worries. The present financial system is the medium of inflation, and inflation is a clear violation of God's commandment - Thou shalt not steal. This is a more sophisticated form of theft, than a simple robbery with a gun in his hand, murder and theft. This is what recently happened in Ireland because of the limitations of the law on pensions is to admit that inflation is theft. Inflation is a kind of slavery, tax system, which it winds, it is also a kind of slavery, prepared by the contemporary form of black magic, which most intelligent people terrified retreat asking simple questions about fairness. Really reminds mankind Gulliwera bound and helpless in the hands of a handful of dwarves, behind which is an evil force. Gentle Jesus made a whip to drive out the merchants from the temple. Whip, which his followers must now use, the precise understanding of what is happening and how to conquer evil. Usury was condemned already in the Old Testament, the books of the Priests 25: 1936-1937, Exodus 22: 25, Nehemiah 5:7-10, Psalm 15:5, Proverbs 28:8, Isaiah 24: 2, Jeremiah 15:10, Ezekiel 18:8, 13, 17 and 22:12. In the New Testament, Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount (Luke 6, 35) forbade the percentage of the loan request. Greek philosophers also condemned usury. Patrick Cleary, in The Church and USURY (The Church and Usury) writes that according to Plato sets the usury of the poor against the rich and defined as evil moneylenders. Aristotle despised usury, and Cicero was comparing it to murder. Second Lateran Council, convened by Pope Innocent II in 1139 revealed the evil of usury, like Innocent III in the 1206th The penalty for usury was excommunication. Christians could not be witnesses in the preparation of wills moneylender, who was considered to be unlawful, and writing a will belongings were confiscated. The Council of Turin in 1163 years the descendants of restitution ordered moneylenders until all is paid. Under Archbishop Langton and some Christian Barons obwowizywao canon law on a given land, and 15 June 1215 year was signed Runnymede United Charter. This forced King John to reduce taxes, guaranteed the right to home ownership and property, so that the Englishman's house today is considered to be a fortress. The 63 clauses of the Great Charter of clauses 7 and 8 concerned

the protection of the debtor and his heirs against officials of the king and the Jews (Encyclopedia Britannica, p. 577). A period of prosperity bezprecedensowgo. English Pens have the same value for 400 years. The average worker worked only 150 days a year, and the standard of living was far higher than it is today - receive a daily quart of beer and meat. It was at that time the most beautiful cathedrals in Europe were built mainly by volunteers. In 1835, Pope Benedict XIV issued an encyclical Vix Pervenit, which condemned usury. Had England remained loyal to Rome, probably another Archbishop Langton in defense of ordinary people, as it did in Runnymede in 1215, the farmers would win over people the money to other borrowers. (Comment: (jo) The amount of tax owed depends on the size of the loan with interest by the government, which is charged directly to the whole of society (taxpayers). While inflation is legalized theft, and this is the difference between interestbearing loan and the taxed product).

CHAPTER IV The Role Secret Of Societies One might ask why any towarzysztwo to be secret to the extent that it consists of an oath to maintain secrecy, since it has nothing bad to hide. For over two centuries, popes have written good reason encyclical condemning secret societies. This is a new and terrible phenomenon, which has no counterpart in any previous period in history. In 1776, their declared aim was the "Novus Ordo Seculorum," "New World Order." The main weapon in meeting this goal was control over the finances and the war. Control over finances meant the power, as is apparent from the previous chapter. Pushing people to war is the quickest and most effective way to capture peoples in the financial trap. The war is also, inevitably and irrevocably reduced morale, destroy patriotism, the degree of industrialization, honest ambition, relationships and family ties and many other features of a bygone civilization. Until now, various groups have had some idea of zagarnianiu power for themselves for some time. In 1776 it was different. A man called Adam Weishaupt, a professor from Bavaria, began taking over complete control of humanity. He founded a group called the Illuminati. To put into practice his great idea, planned and organized the French Revolution. He achieved this by integrating into its organization of all Masonic lodges in France. The reign of terror until then, the revolution gives an idea of the kind of ambition, Weishaupt. Ten popes condemned secret societies in words so harsh and sharp, which is rarely used in church history. They were Clement XII, Benedict XIV, Pius VII, Pius VI, Pope Leo XII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVI, Pius IX, Leo XIII, Pius X and Pius XI. In 1884, the encyclical Humanum Genus, Pope Leo XIII wrote to bishops around the world: "Tear down the mask from the face of Freemasonry (secret societies) and Show yourselves of all, what it is. It seeks to complete the destruction of the religious world order, which was created as a result of teaching the truths of Christianity and to replace it with a new state of affairs, based on the principles of pure naturalism. Embracing its range, almost all nations, Freemasonry unites with other sects, which is a true inspiration and hidden driving force. First attracted, and then stops his colleagues using bait in the form of global benefits that they provide. Bend governments to his will, sometimes by promises, sometimes by threats. It reaches to every social class and creates an invisible and unpredictable force, an independent government within the community of legitimate state. Denies that the first parents sinned, and that, consequently, man's free will is somewhat weakened and inclined to evil.

For this reason, we can see that people are clearly tempted by the lure a lot of pleasure, that there are many newspapers and brochures without restraint or shame that the performing arts are particularly profligate, that in the projects art shamelessly seeks to fulfill the so-called rights. realism - and that it urgently to be chasing all the blandishments of pleasure, which virtue can be put to sleep. Among these secret societies are those that deftly and in particular to propose that this diversity has been saturated with unlimited freedom of vice, and when it happens, the easier to give up their power. " Communism is the child of these secret societies openly condemned by many popes. At least warned the Catholic world, but Catholics are seldom heard, and if - it is by accident, a similar warning. Church's social teaching is extensive and the only area of teaching that could counteract the evils of today. This is logical. Since Christ said that he will remain with his Church all the days until the end of the world, he could not leave his church in helplessness in the face of such opposition of evil. How is unfortunate that young Catholics end Catholic schools are not only unaware of the contents of the Church's social doctrine, but not knowing that such a thing exists. They know, however, that there is no such thing as Marxism-Leninism, and many of them believe that it contains all the correct answers to social problems of the world. Our Lady of Fatima said that the victim, as he asks, is based on the responsibilities of the state. Surely it is the duty of making sure that our youth will not be finished school with his hands tied to lack of knowledge on the concept of evil, throwing challenges to today's world, which will have to face. Pope Pius XI wrote: "There is another explanation for the rapid spread of communist ideology, permeating into every nation, great and small, developed and backward, so that no part of the world is not free from them. The explanation can be found in the devil's propaganda, the world has not experienced ever before. It is managed by a resort. It is skillfully adapted to the various nations. Has at its disposal great financial resources, gigantic organizations, international and countless meetings, trained workers. Step by step, it pervades all classes, comes even more enlightened citizens with the result that few are aware of the poison that is being increasingly pervades the hearts and minds. It is the army of Satan on earth. In a sense, it is Satan himself, the enemy of God and the children of God. " In his first encyclical St. Pius X wrote: "So extreme is the general hypocrisy that must be feared that the experience and early foretaste of the evil that has come to the end of time, and that the son of perdition, the Antichrist, had arrived on earth."

Keep in mind that an organization founded by Weishaupt is the beginning of all secret societies, guided and inspired by all their actions. Today, there are two branches of the great significance of one of them called Bilderbergiem (Bilderbergers), now enjoying a less appreciated since its chairman, Prince Bernhardt, the Netherlands, as it turned out, was involved in suspicious financial machinations. Much more important is a group known as the Trilateral Commission (Trilateral Commission). This committee conspires so at their meetings, it usually keeps it from 30 to 40 bodyguards, and in the police department disputes. Newspapers do not have access to the meeting place and did not give her any information. Topic of discussion will be trade between Japan, the USA and Western Europe, but why is surrounded by such secrecy? The Commission was founded by the Rockefellers, and other countries are invited only those of particular interest. Senatro Mrs. Mary Robinson was for some time a member of the executive body, but gave up when she felt uncomfortable having to represent Labour in the elections to the lower house of the Irish Parliament in 1970. Dr Garrett Fitzgerald also belongs to the Commission, and the scope of his zanczenia it is known only to him. The Trilateral Commission emerged from hiding during the last presidential election. Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan promised that no member of the Commission will not enter the cabinet, but changed his mind when he learned who is the master in America. Tritaterals over Washington (Washington, DC over the Trilateral Commission), two-part work of prof. Anthony Sutton, talks about everything that could be disclosed on the most secret of secret societies. We can be sure that secret societies do not waste time on gaining power. Absolute power over all of humanity - this is their goal. Communism is the offspring of secret societies condemned by many popes over the past two centuries. Scientists believe now that the Communist conspiracy is merely a tool, and those who use it, hiding in the concentrically organized (a secret society inside the other) running circles in the West. In the last century, Irish bishops have condemned the secret societies operating in this country, and rightly so. They forgot, however, explain the brave young men who joined them (only in order to liberate Ireland from English domination), how bad are the objectives of such societies and that these young people who wish to liberate their country from foreign yoke, will be used to start a revolution world, which was to end the world's most brutal dictatorships. If not given them adequate explanation, the young brave people took for granted that the bishops were on the side of the British Government and against the freedom of their country.

Many have been excommunication and to live fully the bitter feelings against the Church, and all because of that I completely did not realize the existence of evil forces, and became international tool for the leaders of secret societies. In August 1879 a meeting was held one of the secret societies in County Mayo, Ireland. During the meeting discussed the matter of teaching the priests of the parish of Knock, directed against the secret societies. The shooting of a priest would be deed-reaching too far away, but I had to teach him a lesson. Orders were issued for two young men to cut off his ears next Saturday, when he had to go to the neighboring parish to hear confessions. The young men were horrified by what they had done, but were afraid to not obey orders. This would mean for them in death or torture. Then the Mother of God find their way into these young people to fill the order so diabolical. On Thursday ahead of a disastrous day on the wall of the church at Knock image appeared. He presented a live lamb standing on the altar. Around the altar, bows, bending the steel adorant angels. A little was visible on the front of St. John, holding in his hand missal. It was so real that a little boy jumped over the wall surrounding the church and watched mszaowi whose cards fluttered lightly. Besides St. John became the Mother of God staring in rapture at the sky, and next, lost in silent prayer, St. Joseph. This vision lasted two hours and fifteen people have seen it in ages. Heavy rain fell, the wind blew toward the place where the picture was visible, but not one drop does not fall into this place. Since that day in August 1879, as in Lourdes and other holy places of Marian miracles were happening countless touching the body, mind and soul. Immediately after this vision of two young people who are not cut off ears of the priest, performed with the company. Members began to leave en masse this shameful organization. As soon as Michael Davitt founded the League of Earth's (Land League), public association, which did not bind its members by any oaths or strict rules. In a very short time league has done more for small land tenants, than all the secret societies in the country able to know, so that today a small Irish farmer has a better protection of their leases than farmers in other countries. Researchers believe conspiracy theory of history, the idea of the creation of 1,916 years was born in the secret societies of Great Britain, although of course there is no access to the minutes of their meetings! As always, used in the creation of the brave young men and women to carry out their plans. At that time, the internal law of Ireland, the whole of Ireland, was recorded in British law. It achieved a rise for Great Britain. This was the excuse to shoot all natural leaders and to send Irish troops and bloody murderous Black and Tans. Using the Masonic Scottish Rite of old and found there was a division of the state and six counties taken away from the rest of the island nation. This was the cause of constant hostility between the two faiths communities in the six counties.

Since 1968, there are scary place, inhumane acts. Remember that the head of the secret societies have always been internationalists, who never for a moment lose sight of his goal, absolute power through a world government. In order for it to happen, was needed to break the British Empire. Uprising of 1916 was the inspiration for all nations undergoing Empire, which agreed to strive for independence. Most of them did not understand very well that had to be freed from the tyranny of one just to have yourself worse, communist dictatorship. Gen. Lowe, who led British troops in the uprising of 1916, declared that he never had any doubt that the creation could be crushed in a week. When the uprising began, all the officers stayed at the races at Fairyhouse, which gave the impression that they were surprised. According to the paragraph. 65 Government of Ireland Act of 1920 all the secret societies were to be declared illegal, with one exception, of Freemasonry. No wonder that soon after the treaty was a result of civil war and the murder of Michael Collins. He knew too much about the activities of secret societies, and wanted to pay the interest on government debt was not part of our lives. Today 80% of the taxes paid by citizens to bear the debt, even though people have no idea how they are being deprived of their money. German Bishop Kettler, founder of Catholic Action, wrote in 1865: "As a result, the overall agreement or conspiracy among European authors, Freemasonry is considered the most sacred, untouchable. Everyone is afraid to talk about it as if it were an evil spirit. This strange state of affairs is in itself proof of the vast power that he exercises in the world of Freemasonry. " In 1925, Pope Pius XI instituted the feast of Christ the King. He wrote: "When people recognize, both in his private life and public, that Christ is the King, the society eventually receive abundant blessings of true freedom, well targeted discipline, peace and harmony." But our enemies within the Church has done its job well, because this great Encyclical not only not been implemented, but even it is not printed. Pius XI continued to write like this: "We would ask the leaders of nations. Lies with you primarily responsible for the safety of the common good. So much you can do for the sake of morality. We beg you to never let the fact that the morality of your peoples has been challenged. Family is the fundamental unit in the country. Tolerujcie not any law that would introduce to the family practice of objecting to a natural law of God. There are other ways in which the government can and should solve the problems of the family, ie, by placing the rights of family support and education through the wise, so that the moral law and freedom of citizens are equally protected. "

From the time when Bobby Sands died of a hunger strike, a group of Provos became known throughout the world. It was founded in 1970 in protest against the main group of which has become a Marxist-Leninist. This term is used in Ireland to hide from the ordinary voter the fact that Marxism-Leninism is communism. From the beginning of the Provos, the main aim of his existence felt further struggle for a united Ireland and the six counties of the protection of minorities, which at that time actually needed protection. Today we do not have to be clairvoyant to see that members of secret societies condemned by many popes, somehow crept into the Party, and it is on the top, where they can exert control. Recently, many young idealists from the north and south joined them for the reasons most precious, but once they find themselves in these circles, and they did not like what they saw, they could not withdraw. Like the two young men from Knock in the last century, they are afraid not to fill orders no matter how they are for them personally repulsive. And again, secret societies seem to win. Cardinal Pie, Bishop of Poitier, an adviser to Pope Pius IX in social matters, the great personality of the First Vatican Council, he wrote: "When Christianity in a country is limited to domestic life, where Christianity is no longer the soul of social life, government and public institutions, he Christ will treat this country as he is treated. He will continue his graces and bestowed blessings upon those who serve Him, and then those institutions, governments, kings and class will be like sand in the desert, or like a dead autumn leaves that the wind blow. " The following excerpt is from the Italian documents, "Alta Vendita". These documents have been taken over by the pontifical government in 1846: "Let the clergy march under your banner, believing that marches under the banner of papal authority ... Cast Network zakrystiach, seminaries and monasteries ... We will spread evil among them, let them absorb all the senses, let drink it and fill it up. 'Do people's hearts corrupted and wicked, and will no longer Catholics. Removal of priests from the altars, and practice the virtues. Try to fill their minds and take their time with something else ... we have made the corruption of the masses - the moral decay of people by clergy, and clergy by us resolution, by which we will one day Church in the grave. "

CHAPTER V THE ESSENCE OF COMMUNISM Pope Pius XI described communism as evil in its essence. Neither the pope did not speak about it without paying much attention to the matter. If communism is so bad in its essence, must be the antithesis of Christianity. Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, came to earth to save humanity. He said: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." He died for each of us individually, as if each was the only human being in the world. For a Christian, therefore, human life is sacred, to be regarded as something more than all material things, it is not comparable to anything else. The right to life from conception to the last breath comes from God, the Creator of life, and man can not be answered. According to the doctrine of communism all rights come from the state or the collective. Units do not count and can be sacrificed if you need to satisfy the collective. Naive told that in a collective everyone has the right to vote, that collective is a democracy. How does it work in practice? Communist Party commands the proletariat, the Party Central Committee orders, commands Committee Politburo and secretary of orders to members of the Politburo. So did Stalin for thirty years. So there is one man, a dictator who decides how to live not only millions of people in his country, but millions of people in every country where there is communism. Demand the right to control has been formalized in the so-called., Brezhnev doctrine. This doctrine states that the international communist movement is responsible for ensuring that no communist government was overthrown by the citizens of any country in which he won power, and when it comes to something like this, necessary and moral (in accordance with communist morality) is a military intervention. This ensures that the Communist Party dictatorship, imposed to some country, which will remain there forever, unless that miracle happened. Freedom comes from the barrel of a gun, how to convince Hungary and Czechoslovakia when you try to throw off the communist yoke. But a miracle happened. 10% of Austrian citizens denied the rosary to the Communists left their country, and in 1955 years to happen. It was the only country that the Communists had left on their own (say) will. For a Christian family is sacred. This is the basic unit of society. "Therefore a man shall leave father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh ... What therefore God has joined together, let man not separate."

Communism maintains that all rights come from the state and that marriage is only a contract, it can be broken, and the children belong to the state. Life in every communist country, especially when it comes to family, was described by George Orwell in Animal Farm (Animal Farm). Child and every human being, the only thing which is to serve the Almighty State. Communism declared war on the three fundamental institutions: the family, religion (recognizing God as the Creator of life) and the possession of private property. In Christianity, at times most people have settled on their own soil, where they worked. No man living in the good earth can be called a slave. Take him to the most permanent of the means to force a citizen will do depends on the allpowerful state when it comes to food (through rationing), clothing, residence, electricity and water, and become less free slaves in the old days. Those least aware of their masters. Modern slaves can only wonder, looking at multi-office, where there are people more powerful and far groniejsi from the regular army. Pius XI in his encyclical on Communism wrote: "But ... since the fall of Adam ... the virtue of running a bitter struggle against wystpkowi ... until we came to the revolution of our times ... that threaten whole nations are reduced to a state of barbarism worse than that which prevailed among the majority of the peoples of the coming of the Redeemer ... We mean nothing but the Bolshevik Communism, whose sole purpose is to subvert completely ordered structure of society and undermine the very foundations of Christian civilization ... Our predecessors in clear words warned the world against what may result from the disconnection of human society on Christian principles " . The false doctrine of communism was already well debunked in 1846 by Pius IX. He wrote in Qui Pluribus about "this infamous doctrine of absolute communism opposing the same natural law, adoption of which completely destroy all human rights, property and assets, and even human society itself. " (Note that this was the year 1846, two years before he issued the famous manifesto approved by the group which called itself "Justice League", now the main conspirators, it was a continuation of Weishaupt group he founded in 1776 and has since then been able to collect the his hands all secret societies, and force them to submit to her orders. The name is attached to the Manifesto, Marx's only 20 years later.) Pius XI wrote further: "Leo XIII described the descent of the word the right way as a deadly plague insidiously penetrating the most vital point of human society and threatens its destruction."

Next Pius XI as he referred to the words of Leo XIII: "With intuicji characteristic of his mind for he showed how this organized efforts of the masses in the direction of atheism, which took place at the age of great technological progress, was the result of a philosophy that a lot earlier had postawi barrier between science and faith, and between human life and the Church ... In 1924, after returning from Russia, our mission, we unveiled the false doctrines and methods of communism in subsequent encyclicals ... protested against the persecution of Christians in Russia, Mexico and Spain ... " Writing about the theory of communism, Pope Pius XI stated: "This theory teaches that matter with his blind and hidden forces, is jednyn reality that exists, and that this matter through the natural process of evolving into a tree, animal, or human. Even human society is merely a symptom or form of matter, evolving in the same manner and with a tendency by the overwhelming need for, and by the ongoing conflict of forces to achieve the ultimate objective, which is a classless society. Such a doctrine, of course, leaves no room for the concept of the eternal God, to distinguish between spirit and matter, or between body and soul, for the duration of the soul after death, nor for any hope of a future life ... And because ... the human person is nothing more than part of the machinery in the system of the world, denied the natural rights of all people ... and assigns them to the community ... declined even parental authority, no individual has the right to own natural resources or the means of production. In a system that ignores and rejects all the holy actions of human life, it is obvious that marriage and family are seen as purely secular and artificial institutions ... and consequently denies the unsolvable stability of marriage. The total liberation of women from all ties with home and family is the distinguishing feature of communist theory. A woman claims that it is completely free from protecting the power of her husband, is thrown into the vortex of public life and 'industrial' society, her house and the children transferred to state custody at the end ... the parents denied the right to educate their children ... What becomes a human society based on such materialistic terms? Association of people with no other principle that ensures the unity of power resulting from economic factors. Its sole function is to produce goods by working together, and its sole purpose is to delight the material goods in paradise, where everyone works according to the forces and replaced as needed.

This system gives you the right along with the unlimited and arbitrary power to manage individual citizens uspoecznionemu industry regardless of his personal fortune, usefulness or inclinations, and even has the right to control by force resistant. Such is this doctrine ... doctrine full of errors and sophistication, contrary to both revelation and reason, the doctrine which destroys the foundations of society and subversion in relation to the social order, the doctrine which refuses to recognize the true basis for the country's true nature and purpose, which rejects and denied the rights, dignity and freedom of the human person ... " Thus, the Church condemned communism and warned against the consequences of ignoring the human race a warning from 1846, before the Communist Manifesto was written. One man in a million knows that Marx authorized to write the manifesto group of conspirators called the "League of the Righteous." Marx was paid, mercenary writer. It was not until 20 years later added his name to the Manifesto. This secret group, which comes from the Illuminatich, founded in Bavaria in 1776 and has had one goal, nothing less than just the creation of a world government, which, in short, can not mean nothing but dictatorship. The dictatorship has mastered more than one billion people, looking from behind the iron curtain and a bamboo believing and hoping that one day will rescue the so-called., Free West. Gary Allen, author of best-seller entitled: "None Call It Conspiracy Dre (Those in the know - no one dares call it conspiracy), who in 1972 in the United States has sold seven million copies *, described the elite, as carrying out an international, underground chase power for people in high places who want to use all means to reach the desired goal of world conquest. In recent years, this elite was afraid that the real objectives will become known to a sufficient number of people that has compromised its plans, so they renamed their ideal win the world for New World Order. Allen argues that unless we understand the conspiratorial nature of Communism, did not grasp it all. Dialectical materialism, Marxism-Leninism, etc., only to funds used to fool people and restraint. Famous Communists are only puppets who dance at will the hidden masters of the richest and most powerful people in the world. Dr. Bella Dodd led the Communist Party in the U.S. during World War II latch. It told how to receive an order that, if you ever had difficulties with receiving instructions from Moscow, is to go to one of three designated people living at the Waldorf Towers. They tell her what to do. Dr. Dodd was surprised that none of these men, if he knew, had nothing to do with the Party, but whenever they gave instruction in Moscow have not changed.

All three were extremely wealthy American businessmen. Professor Carroll Quigley, one of the best-known historians, in his monumental work, Tragedy and Hope (Tragedy and Hope) sets out the New World Order the name is prettier than the dictatorship of communism - as "designed to create a world system of financial control in private hands, focused and capable dominate the political system of each country and the entire world economy ... freedom of the individual and their choices will kontrolowne the limited capacity by the fact that everybody gets a number and a number of passes through the education, the required military service or public, will pay taxes, give up the treatment and use of pension rights and associated burial. " This network, as it is sometimes called, wants kontrololwa all natural resources, business, banking and transportation by controlling the governments of the world. To achieve this goal, the best would be a decent war, so unscrupulous elite incitement to war, to crises, during which millions are deprived of work, and to something very important, to hate. They want a monopoly which would eliminate all rivals and destroyed the free market system. (John D. Rockefeller, Sr. once said reportedly that the competition is a sin.) There are two ways of eliminating competition. One of Mao-Tse-Tung termed the freedom that comes from the barrel of a gun. A more clever way, as well as more permanent, is to establish laws that will always be a loftily to talk about myself, and generally dictate them to people involved in international finance. Through mergers and acquisition business and causing fear of bankruptcy, and in many other ways of eliminating the competition until a small, privileged elite will have control over the world. To a large extent this has already happened. Elita deliberately manipulated the level of inflation, tax system and mass unemployment, which leads to anarchy. Jesus fasted for forty days before he began his public ministry. After forty days the devil took him to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, saying: "I will give you all that if you fall down and worship me." As every Christian knows, Jesus replied: "Get thee hence, Satan." It seems that Satan, in recent times took the elite That up to a high mountain and showed her all the kingdoms of the world, repeating what has already offered to the Lord Jesus, but this time the elite gave him a bow and took a shilling from the devil, or whatever is the symbol of his power, Satan and his promise. Christ was gentle, kind and forgiving for the greatest sinners, provided they repented of his sins, but he was also a time when so angry that it made a whip and drove the merchants from the temple. Whether it was a symbolic act? The conspirators now have total control over world monetary assets. Can lead to inflation or deflation, according to their liking.

Both roads lead to the same result - the crisis, millions of unemployed, a world without hope. At a time when everything is done by hand, in the golden age of Christianity, it was said that life is interrupted by a string of public holidays work. Now when the machine can do the job fifty people, millions are in need, despite their wealth of ambient. The power elite is almost absolute. According to prof. Quigley'a this elite wants to control all natural resources and production and distribution of wealth, and that means control over people. Nationalization or socialization of everything in the country is equal to achieve the target by one stroke of the pen. The elite wants to centralize, centralize, and once again centralize all decisionmaking so that she made decisions, being at the top. The answer is decentralization, decentralization and devolution again until the people in the smallest village will not be able to take care of their own affairs. Popes in their encyclicals call this the principle of dependence. Communism, then, being evil in nature, condemned by successive popes since 1846, can never be a response to the numerous and complex social problems of the peoples of the world. "If, as claimed by humanism (Western variant of Marxism), a man born just to be happy, then do not be born to die. And since his body is doomed to die, his task on earth must be spiritual: it is not the total preoccupation with everyday life, nor to seek the best ways to acquire material goods, and then blithely consuming them. This must be filled with constant, severe duty, so that the trip of a lifetime to become an experience of moral growth: to ending human life was better than at the beginning. It is imperative to re-evaluate the scale of normal human values: the current lack of accuracy is astounding. Impossible to assess the achievements was to be reduced to questions about the level of income ... Only through education in the eager acceptance and peaceful self-restraint can mankind rise above the world stream of materialism. " - Alexander Solzhenitsyn at Harvard, 1978.

CHAPTER VI ACQUISITION OF RUSSIAN There is no proletarian, or even a communist movement, which does not operate in the interests imposed by the money, in the direction of money and time is money permit - and the idealists of the leadership circles in the minds of any suspicion as to the fact Oswald Spengler The Decline of the West (The Fall of the West) Many serious scholars of history maintains that the First World War took place in order to obtain the geographic base of Communism in Russia. Probable cause of the outbreak of war was the assassination of the Archduke. When the king is dead today or poor, justice pursues the killer and tries to lead to the fact that he paid for his act. Instead, in 1914-1918 killed 55 million people, the suffering of their families and friends are vast, wasted was a flower of Europe's population, and everything by killing one man. It is absurd to believe that this was the cause of war. At the beginning of 1917 it seemed that the war stalled in the state that will be followed by peace negotiations, and no one will be the winner. But it was not allowed, because then communism would not exist in Russia. The key to the imposition of communism in Russia was the inclusion of America into the war. It was difficult task, because 90% of ordinary people in America do not want to have anything in common with Europe and its wars. In 1916, the U.S. presidential campaign took place. The winner, Woodrow Wilson, had only one exit. People who write speeches for him, stated that: "It will keep us away from the war in Europe" and, of course, won with a bang. Average voters do not know, however, that everything was already prepared to integrate America into the war. Using a ruse - the pretext of the sinking was "Lusitanii off the coast of Cork, when many Americans were killed. Strangely, the "Lusitania" sunk two years earlier. Before we came out, Germany announced in all New York newspapers that civilians have not sailed the boat, because he carries a gun and could be torpedoed. Anyway, agitation and noise, and Americans zdziaay their against their will had been drawn into the European war to end all wars. At the beginning of 1917 Trotsky was in New York. It was known as dziennikarzyn penniless, writing articles for some weird communist newspaper. However, Trotsky lived in a luxury apartment, had a maid and chauffeur. When you set off to Russia, took with him a lot of weapons and 277 trained revolutionaries. Company paid for everything bankierska Wall Street, Kuhn, Loeb & Co.., Whose partners were the brothers Warburg from Berlin. Another partner was Jacob Schiff.

According to his grandson, John Schiff, what we read in the newspaper New York America from February 23, 1949 "It is estimated today that the old man drowned about $ 20 million in the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia," and therefore $ 20,000,000 from the private fortunes of one man went to Russia to communism where did the final victory. (See the book, Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy). When Trotsky had organized it all in New York, including a U.S. passport by completing just three months after podbytu, where are podziewa Lenin? Lenin was in Switzerland. Two brothers Warburg, who helped finance Trotsky in New York, they had another brother in Berlin. In conjunction with the High General Staff of Germany that Warburg organized wagon train on which Lenin was to be sealed, and after receiving 8 million pounds in gold had no obstacles to get to Moscow to meet with Trotsky and his menagerie. It is worth noting that if Trotsky had sailed near the coast of Nova Scotia (Canada) on board the SS Christiana landed in arms, revolutionaries, and 20 million dollars, coastguards have arrested him guessing correctly that he had good intentions. Land is power. Trotsky stayed there in the Canadian prison for more than a few days. Managed to reach the phone. Where are you telephoned? On Wall Street, and - believe it or not - to Washington. (To try to let a private citizen.) Although this seems surprising, Trotsky was allowed to swim further under the command of President Wilson. It is worth noting that the daughter of Jacob Schiff was the wife of one of the brothers Warburg, Felix. He and his brother Paul arrived in New York at the turn of the century and joined the company's Kuhn, Loeb & Co.. Max stayed in Berlin, where he also led the bank. Thus we see that Communism was imposed on the unfortunate Russian people for money, and a huge amount, and by organizations reaching far and wide. "White" Russian Gen. Arsene de Goulewicz Czarism in his book and the Revolution (a revolution Carat) stated: "The main providers of funds for the revolution were not, however, neither Russian millionaires nor the armed bandits of Lenin. 'Real' money primarily came from certain British and American circles that have long been supportive of the revolution in Russia ... The important role played by wealthy American banker, Jacob Schiff (Jew) in the events in Russia, but disclosed in part, is still a mystery ... April 7, 1917, General Janin so wrote in his diary: "A long interview with R., who confirmed what he told me of M. He referred to the German hatred of himself and his family and went to the theme of revolution, which, he claimed, was -directed by the British, specifically by Sir George Buchanan and Lord (Alfred) Milner. Petrograd at that time was full of English people ... He was able, as assured, the names of streets and house numbers, which visited the British agents.

Apparently at the time of the creation of money handed out to soldiers and urged them to rebel ... In private conversations, I was told that Lord Milner has spent more than 21 million rubles for the Russian Revolution '. " It is good to know that during the peace conference in Paris, which is so well put together plans for another world war, was represented by "their" countries of Lord Milner, and all the brothers Warburg, Paul, Felix and Max, who so generously assisted Trotsky and Lenin. Millionaire you were able to provide the money and organization, without which there would be a revolution. Where is the socalled., Oppressed masses would find so many millions and so many experts on organizational matters? Superbogacze can provide both. The reader might ask why? Why superbogacze would provide arms to those who wanted to kill them? It should be remembered that the revolution that fell within a few months if not a huge contribution - and more - help from the rich clique. In the 20s these same people have put millions of dollars and pounds in the rescue of the New Economic Program (NEP) of Lenin, thus preventing a collapse of the Soviet Union. Why are those rich, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffowie, Warburgowie, Harriman and Milnerowie (Jews themselves) they would want to save the Soviets, whose sworn aim is, as they declared, was to deprive all those wealthy people of their wealth and hand it to the other according to their needs? Since these people have set up communism and gave him a geographical foothold in Russia, are not afraid of communism, and in fact control his every move. As stated by Gary Allen, although it was not their primary purpose, by nationalization of Russia's those rich, or "insiders", they bought a huge mansion, full of mineral wealth for 30-40 million dollars. You can only make theories about how to exercise control. Professor Anthony Sutton of the Institute of War and Peace Hoover (Hoover Institute of War and Peace) wrote about this a few books, spent more than 20 years researching government documents and other certain materials, the economic aid given to the Soviets by the West. One of the best expressions motives of those who destroyed the Russian Empire, is contained in the book: "Geneva versus Peace" (Geneva vs. room) Comte de Saint-Aulaire, French ambassador to Great Britain in the years 19201924. S ambassador to France, wrote down to him at lunch time the Jewish revolutionary involved in a short-lived communist regime of Bela Kun in Hungary after the First World War. The revolutionary that was later director of the "big New York bank, one of those who financed the Bolshevik Revolution." When another guest asked him how is it possible that high financiers of arms of Bolshevism, he replied: "Too much salt spoils the meat, too little lets him rot. This recipe can very well relate to the human mind, and to the nations of the world. We, the Jews, we understand him correctly, ie, the salt is for us a symbol of wisdom.

Discreetly dosypujemy the bread consumed by humans. Adding too much of it only in exceptional cases, when you need to get rid of the raid immoral past, as in Czarist Russia. This is a partial explanation of why we like Bolshevism, it is an excellent tank for salting, where the meat goes bad, and not restores. But beyond this particular case we are bound to communism in its purest form, ie, the international community. In other words, communism is our religion as a weapon of our nationalism, it is a weapon for defense or attack, shield or sword. He will tell you that Marxism is the antithesis of capitalism, which is equally sacred for us. That is why they are opposed to each other that they give us into the hands of the two poles of this planet and allow us to be its axis. These two opposites like Bolshevism, and we find its identity in internationalism. The management of the new world ... the confirmation of a new organization for the revolution is destroying Bolshevism, and the building - the creation of the League of Nations, which is also our work. " Prof. Sutton is the author of three-volume work entitled. "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development" (Western technology and economic development of the Soviets), in which he proves that the Soviet Union was actually in the USA. Since you can not reject the author's arguments, it is ignored by the media, a spokesman for the same rich people who have made the Soviet Union's current military power. Prof. Sutton also wrote two other books: "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" (Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution) and "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" (Wall Street and the birth of Hitler.) It goes without saying that these books are not in the best-reviewed journals. There is nowhere for their review. Sutton shall be treated as if it never existed. After all, newspapers are so greedy for sensation, so why any savvy journalist has never asked the right questions and not put the answer in print? It is true that the work of Sutton and other courageous writers are printed by an equally courageous publishers, but the rich ensure that even a reader in a hundred of them have ever heard, and that one in a hundred that did not provide further news, the other 99th Sutton's book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" proves that these same wealthy people created Hitler to make sure that World War II unfolds according to their plans. The purpose of this war was to extend the reign of communism in Eastern Europe, which succeeded, and in China. I hope to devote a separate chapter of the Communist takeover of China, which is made by special agents of the same people who occupy high positions in American government. Prof. Sutton argues that World War II was not only well planned, but that was a very lucrative one - for a small group of insiders financiers.

Sensitive to the closely guarded secrets contained in the original documents and witnesses, Sutton shows the role played by JP Morgan, T. Lamont, Rockefellers, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, First National City Bank and Chase Manhattan banks, and of course Kuhn, Loeb & co. and many other members of the business elite. On the cover of the Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, "wrote that this book shows ways to finance and promote the history of this most bloody and destructive war, and that probably will result in an angry denials and heated debate. However, publishers do not have to end right. The book is omitted in silence, which proved to be much more effective than denials and discussions. On page 111 in the section entitled "Who financed Hitler?" - Sutton poses the question: How can you prove that they actually were motivated by political considerations payments? Then gives details of the bank through which the donation took place: Among the Nuremberg trial documents are printed evidence of transfer of branch of IG Farben, and others listed on the previous page, to the Delbruck Schickler Bank in Berlin, containing information about the transfer of money from the Bank of Dresden and other account Treudhand Nationale (National trust). The account was paid the money Rudolf Hess for Nazi Party expenses during the election. Translation of one of the selected certificate of transfer is as follows: Send a letter to the IG Farben February 27, 1933, advising the bank 400,000 German marks to the National Trusteeship account: IG Farben Aktiengesellschaft Branch Department of Banking Company Delbruckler and Sp. Berlin W.8 Mauerstrasse 63/65, Frankfurt / Main 20 February 27, 1933 Hereby announce that upowanilimy Dresden Bank in Frankfurt, Germany to be paid before noon tomorrow, 400,000 German marks, which you cast you in favor of an account "Nationale Treudhand" Sincerely, IG Farben Aktiengesellschaft On behalf of (-) Selck (-) Bangert. Sutton on page 126 states: "When we read the names of members of both vertebral Keppler before 1933, and the circles Keppler and Himmler after 1933 we find there are many people with dual nationality from Wall Street - more than any group belonging to the institution.

Let's take each of these individuals or their German partners - those who were mentioned in Chapter 7 as associated with financing Hitler - and let's examine their links to Keppler and Heinrich Himmler. " Sutton leaves no doubt that Hitler was used for starting a war as organized soccer games. One fear the conspirators, or insiders - revealed. Their power is enormous, it seems limitless. Each of the particle is used in order to leave them in the minds of ordinary people believe that everything in the world happens by chance and there is no help for it. It is said that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world, but the poor unfortunate women selling their bodies are often not so much sin, how much in relation to them committed a sin. There is yet another form of prostitution. Make it to universities, intellectuals, publishers, media in general. Everyone can live in greater comfort than any rich man's mistress if the "act in a fair manner." Piewien was deputy editor of the New York Times, which stood there for 30 years. Once you've had enough, he quit his job and wrote a book Fri "All the News That Fits" (All the news that fit). New York Times played an important role in the transfer of Cuba's Communists. Day after day, in season and out of season he kept the old story that Castro is a Communist, but an idealist, just a reformer. When Castro zoby power, he immediately announced that it has always been a Communist. And the New York Times did not know about it? Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book Fri "Witness (Witness), when it seemed that the Communist newspaper in New York, a young candidate to deputy editor in chief instructed to read the New York Times. There he found an example to follow. Today's world gives the impression of a huge public house, where all but a select few have their price. And if those who have had the opportunity to speak they did, would have prevented World War I and the seizure of power by the communists in Russia or anywhere else. The popes have warned the world since 1846 and even earlier, spending the next encyclical secret societies. Can a Catholic although he knew that the encyclical there, not to mention what they contain? Even the Catholic clergy and teachers had no idea what they said. Is the Catholic Church could not gather a group of young people more zealous, than senior communist, people who would be completely confident that preach the word of God? Is it possible that the initiated, and the conspirators were taken to the Church only in order to dopilnownia great content included in social science has been buried encyclicals?

CHAPTER VII LIFE UNDER COMMUNISM Harvard's motto is "Veritas." Many of you already know, and others will learn with time that the truth eludes us as soon as our attention begins to dissipate, leaving the illusion that we are trying to concentrate ... This is the source of much discord. This truth is seldom pleasant, almost always bitter. Solzhenitsyn at Harvard, June 1978 John Noble, a U.S. citizen, he spent nine years in various communist labor camps. His experiences in the book "I Was a Slave in Russia" (I was a slave in Russia). On page 43 says: "Once again, I realized that death is the last thing to be feared in captivity in the red." So while talking about those who were to meet the spiritual needs of prisoners: "Over filth, and even degeneration of Muhlbergu rose dedication of two groups of people, clergy and doctors. Catholic priests and Protestant pastors must not be content to fulfill the most difficult moments of his spiritual duties - as hasty celebration of Mass in the corner of a barrack, or preaching and singing hymns silently as latrines. were already in the field, soldiers were directed at them with rifles. Thus ended the strike. The rest returned to work immediately. Noble writes: "My Life in Vorkuta was rubbing with death. It was an exhausting mix of slow, but constant death from starvation, overwork, deadly cold and miserable monotony, which destroyed the people healthier than me. " Noble describes some forms of torture that he witnessed. I will cite here examples of the worst: "I helped carry one of the beaten prisoners to his cell. They beat him without a shirt pictures. His skin cracked from the shoulder to the waist and the shirt was pressed into raw flesh of his back. For an hour, along with a doctor who was also a prisoner, wyjmowalimy torn pieces of material from the wounds of trying to seize the bloody shreds, slices and not chopped, red tissue. After we finished cleaning the back, it owinlimy toilet paper, which lent us pharmacy in the delivery of prison drug ... more complex and subtle was the torture room disinfectant. It was a large room similar to the metal boiler, which once disinfected mattresses. Prisoners saw this room with pipes and valves to the injection of steam under high pressure. If you were new, they did not know ... that the tank was not connected to the lead pair. It is these new prisoners entered the tank to torture. Prisoner pushed into the tank guards, who deliberately betrayed him confidentially that he faces severe punishment. Inside the prison looked horrified as steel lid is closed and heard the noisy mechanism to secure jaws and bolts falling into the holes. In complete darkness waiting for a jet of hot steam or a choking cloud of poisonous gas. And so it is left for a day or two, while the door is not opened even once. After this test, several detainees were released from the reservoir in a state of complete insanity.

No prisoner went out there completely sane. Most leave this place osiwiaa. Anyone willing to confess what they wanted the Communists. " In addition to the use of torture or killed people without any specific reasons. Russians killed, because, literally, the figure was drawn from a hat, because a meaningless document for any procedure no matter ordered to put out the candle. The reasons for the killing were so distant and irrelevant to the Russian guards, as the very concept of death. Their jokes were not enforced. Life had to be completed for a number of statistical tables listed in the state. The mere execution, which guards often praised as a "humane" was very simple. When the convict was dismantled, carried him to the demolished part of the prison wing of the building. When turning a corner of the corridor, the guard shot in the back of his head. Body shot taken out of the end of the corridor. After a long day of killing a pile of bodies, naked or in a shirt, lay in a dark and dirty hall. Body Guard poured gasoline and threw a match. Flames stack gave enough light that they saw them, even the prisoners housed in other parts of the building. Asked the guard explained that burning garbage. William C. Bullitt was the first U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union. The book Fri "A Talk with Voroshilov" (Interview with Voroshilov) cites the following episode, which took place at the beginning of communist rule in the USSR. Russia at a banquet in 1934, Voroshilov Bullittowi told that in 1919 the Tsar persuaded 11,000 officers in Kyiv, to give up, promising them that if they do it, they, their wives and families will be able to return to their homes. When you surrender, killed 11 000 of these officers and all the male children, and wives and daughters were sent to brothels for the use of the Russian army. He mentioned also that there treated them so that none survived more than three months. Voroshilov believed that making such a shocking crime was a good Marxist. Is Marxism-Leninism has matured, as some want us to believe? Nikita Khrushchev once said: "Anyone who believes that given up Marxism-Leninism, cheats himself. Will not happen as long as the shrimp will not learn to whistle. " Khrushchev denounced Stalin and describe it. He described him as a man so vile that most people took it as a condemnation. He said that Stalin was a murderer, killed not with reluctance, but with enthusiasm. He liked to kill. When the Jewish doctors were arrested and accused them of poisoning Zhdanov, Stalin exclaimed the man responsible for the interrogation and torture has marked such that it was used against them. He gave evidence to draw three principles: "Beat, beat and beat again." He said: "If you have no evidence for this and this time, you will shorten by a head." Khrushchev claimed that Stalin was a complete madman. "When I walked to him in the morning, look at you and say, 'What have you done? You have now a suspect in the eyes of the word. " It was never known whether it comes from a friend, or at gun point. " He presented the picture of a murderer with an unlimited appetite, a portrait of

megalomaniac, sadist and maniac. Ends, however, saying: "Please do not understand me wrong, Stalin was a good man. He was a Marxist. He did it all as a good Marxist. " Richard Wurmbrand, Romanian pastor-a Baptist, he spent 14 years in prison communist *. In his book, "Tortured for Christ (tortured for Christ), wrote:" As of August 23, 1944, one million of Russians came to Romania, and soon the Communists came to power. Did not happen without the cooperation of wczenymi American and British authorities ... The tragedy of all the oppressed peoples of the responsibility of the American and British Christians ... They must know that the Russians helped us to impose the regime of murder and terror ... The Communists held a congress of all Christian Churches and religious associations in the building of our parliament. There were 4 (four), thousands of priests and pastors of all denominations. These 4000 Joseph Stalin chose the honorary president of Congress, declaring that communism and Christianity are essentially the same thing and they can coexist. One after another cleric praised communism and ensure the loyalty of the Church towards the new government ... My wife was sitting next to me and said: "Richard, get up and wash away the shame from the face of Christ", I got up and spoke, not in honor of those who killed Christians, but for the glory of Christ and God, and declared that we owe allegiance to him first. Then I had to pay for it ... I will never forget the first meeting with a Russian prisoner. He told me he is an engineer ... When I asked him if he believed in God, he looked at me without understanding and said: 'There is no command to believe. If I command you, believe it '... Here's a man stood before me, whose mind was dead, the man who lost his supreme gift to humanity - being a person. Do not think he could have his own way ... typical Russian after all these years of Communist domination of the Communists took everything ... everything. Farmers took the land and sheep. Barber and the tailor took their small bets. Very poor people suffered enormously ... On Sunday 19 February 1948 was taken by the secret police ... For more than eight years no one knew whether I live or I'm dead. For my wife came to undercover agents posing as prisoners. They told her that he took part in my funeral. It broke her heart ... Torture was something terrible. I prefer not to talk too much about what went ... In my book, Fri "In God's Underground" (In the basement of God) describe in detail all of my experiences with God in prison ...

One pastor tortured with red-hot rods and knives. He was cruelly beaten. Then, by a large pipe admitted to his cell hungry rats. He could not sleep .. Had he rested for a moment, the rats that attacked him. Was forced to stand for two weeks, day and night. They wanted to force him to betray his brothers, but relentlessly pursues them with resistance. In the end they brought his 14-yearold son and began to chastise the boy in front of his father and announced that they will beat him until the pastor will say what they wanted to hear ... When he could not bear it any longer, he cried to his son: 'I have to say is what they want. I can not stand the fact that you're beaten. " And the son said, 'Dad, do not do this to me, I had a father, a traitor ... If they kill me, I'll die with the words: Jesus and the fatherland! 'The Communists, enraged powalili boy and clubbed him to death ... We assumed handcuffs, which had the inside of the skewers. When we were stationary, not kaleczyy us. But in the cold for a shrill, where trzlimy from the cold, our wrists were pulled apart by the nails ... Christians hung upside down on a rope and beaten so hard that their bodies swayed under blows. Christians were pushed into the refrigerator, the purpose for which it was so cold that ice covered the walls. I myself was once locked in that room, very lightly dressed. Prison doctors were looking through the hole in the door until he saw signs of freezing. Then the guards rushed in, to take us away and we are warmed up. Once you have ogrzalimy, we returned to the refrigerator - and so on, endlessly. Even today I can not open the fridge ... Would put us to the wood, tight chests. There were no enough space to move. On each side of the dozens of boxes of nails hammered so that their sharp ends of the ends of the pierced wall of the outlet. When we stood perfectly still, everything was fine. Forced us to become in these boxes countless hours. When chwialimy from fatigue, nails digging into the flesh. When you move or drgniciu felt these horrible nails ... This is what the Communists did to the Christians, passes human understanding. I saw Christians and communists tortured until their faces were shining with delight and joy. They cried: 'We're devils! "... We fight not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers of evil. In our opinion, communism is not from men but from Satan. It is a spiritual power - the power of evil - and it can only deal with greater power, the Spirit of God ... I heard one of the captors said: "Thank God, in whom I do not believe that he lived to this moment where I can express all the evil of my heart." He revealed he is evil with extraordinary brutality of torturing prisoners ...

Testified before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee of the United States. Described the terrible things, like tying the Christians to the cross for days and nights. Crosses were placed on the floor and hundreds of prisoners were forced to defecation on the faces and the body crucified. Then he crosses were placed vertically, and the Communists derided and mocked, "Look at your Christ. As he's beautiful! "I talked about the priest who torture was brought to an end to the psychological strength in a prison in Pitestii, forced him to consecrate the feces and urine, and gave this Holy Communion., Other Christians ... All descriptions of the Bible and Dante's hell are nothing in comparison torture in prisons under Communist rule. This is just a small part of what has happened one Sunday, and many other Sundays in the prison in Pitesti. The other things just do not want to tell. My heart would break, if I had to talk about them often. It was all too horrible and disgusting to describe it. For it is your brothers in Christ walked and go NOW. One of our workers was a girl from the underground Church. The police discovered that she spread the gospel and taught the children about Christ. They had to arrest her. To this fact was more painful for her, postponing the arrest until the day when she was getting married. When the bride saw undercovers, stretched out her hands to be able to put handcuffs on her, she looked at her lover and then kissed the chain and said: "Thank you to my divine Spouse of those jewels that I gave on my wedding day. I thank Him that I am worthy to suffer for Him. " Been derived, leaving weeping Christians and groom. They knew what happens to the young, Christian girls they get into the hands of guards. After five years, she was released as a damaged, broken woman, and she looked about 30 years older. Her fiance was waiting for her ... Torture and cruelty lasted without interruption. When I was losing consciousness, or I was too stunned to be able to testify, I returned to my cell. I was lying there without any care and half-alive, to regain some strength, so that they can continue to work with me. Many then died. Over the years, in several different prisons, broke four vertebrae in my spine i few other bones. In many places I've been cut. Burned, and have cut 18 holes in my body. Doctors in Oslo saw all the scars and marks in the lungs after TB and decided that this is a miracle that I'm alive today. According to medical books for years should be dead ... I believe that God made this miracle, that you can hear my voice calling on behalf of the underground Church behind the Iron Curtain. He let that one voice has remained alive and gave loud message from your brothers and sisters suffering believers. " The mathematician Igor Szfarewicz, a member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, wrote a book Fri "Socialism", containing the great arguments. In the opinion of Solzhenitsyn is a deep historical analysis, which shows that socialism

in every shape and shade leads to a complete destruction of the human spirit and the death of humanity. This book was published in France in 1976. Socialism is the royal road to communism. In the October 1921 issue of English magazine Labour Monthly, Shaw wrote that "forced labor and death as the supreme penalty ... is the foundation of socialism."

CHAPTER VIII TRANSFER OF COMMUNISM TO CHINA The average person had heard of the 200 million Russians came under Communist tyranny, the largest in history, thanks to a handful of the wealthiest (the Jews) of the world on the way to seize and control the entire planet, what is euphemistically called the New World order, it had considered it too a fantastic story to believe it. Zbuntowaaby against the innate good will the average person and the desire to live and let live. However, if the transfer of Communist tyranny in Russia seems to be something incredible, the way in which China found themselves in the hands of the conspirators, which the pawns are the communists, that makes the mind shudders to anyone who tries to fit together pieces of the puzzle of world politics. Many books have been written on this subject, there are documents, world-renowned scientists have studied them so that you can not deny what happened, but as in the case of Russia, ordinary people simply do not know what happened. Fed to what is convenient for the initiated and the conspirators, who own and control most of the media. When the "friend" an official tells you that the next night will be great fun, you accept it because you think it as an authority. Likewise, the man in the street what they tell the media about world events and their causes. Of course acknowledges that there are bad people in the world, and that a group of bad people is just as bad as the other, but that the control on the summit and the summit is something the average person does not know anything. As is known, since no one talks about this? The man who never learned algebra, does not know what she was trampled, and no fault of their own. Reading the Scriptures. encounter the character riding a chariot, but how do we know what that means, since none of us are not taught this? How do 600 million Chinese people fell into the yoke of communist tyranny, is another story. Of course, in such studies can be included only an outline of the story, but each reader, which celebrates the independence of the human race from global communist tyranny did well reading some great books on the subject. Initiates the most like a decent war. The state of war gives them carte blanche in their evil enterprise, advancing faster than it would in other circumstances, towards total world domination, or what sounds a lot better toward the New World Order. World War I ended in a victory that allowed entrance to the Russian communism. After World War II, this tyranny has spread to Eastern Europe and China.

The end of the war in Europe, in fact, occurred in 1944, a year before it had been officially completed. Staff of the German asked for peace by the ambassador of Turkey, adding that the Allies could leave them with Hitler. They will deal with it already. This of course had to be surrounded by secrecy, informed only Roosevelt, who, when he opened his mouth, he talked only with his immediate supervisors, or initiates. The greatest American patriot, Curtis Dall, son in law who was a Roosevelt, wrote about this in the book Fri "FDR, My Exploited Father-in-Law" (Franklin Delano Roosevelt, my father in law used.) American generals commanding in Europe in 1944, wanted to go to Czechoslovakia and then to Berlin, which could easily be made in 1944, but restrained their Eisenhower, another initiate, or, perhaps, like Roosevelt, a highly placed agent initiated. Naturally, the German generals did not know about the German headquarters moves towards peace. Speaking of Eisenhowerze worth mentioning that he was personally responsible for the crime for which the West must still be ashamed. I mean 2 million Soviets return of refugees, some of whom have left Russia at the beginning of the revolution. The question of the fate of refugees has been raised in the Potsdam and Yalta, but Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt agreed that no one will be forced to submit to repatriation. Despite these solemn assurances, at the behest of Eisenhower, at least 2 million refugees were pushed into cattle cars and sent to Russia. Many jumped into the sea or committed suicide, because they preferred it than the Gulag Archipelago. This event is documented in the book of prof. Julius Epstein, Operation Keekhaul. How could the American army in 1944, go to Berlin and Eastern Europe, so it was impossible that went to the Polish and East Germany. However, if the war was fought in order to impose communism all these countries, the U.S. military had to stand in place. Arthur Bliss Lane was U.S. Ambassador to Poland in 1945. The first thing he saw, it all moves designed to ensure that government in Poland was a communist (remember that it was assumed that the war began with the defense of liberty Polish). Lane's ambassador to Washington, he sent a message after another to communicate about what was happening and urging the allies, the United States, Britain and France to intervene to save Poland. When he realized that his message was treated as if they were not sent, he resigned from his prestigious functions, he returned to the United States and wrote a book Fri "I Saw Poland Betrayed" (I saw Poland betrayed). Like all great books written at the time by daring people to warn people against you, what was happening around them and what their future tended towards slavery, and this work has been omitted in

silence, a silence that has proven that if people were sufficiently powerful to do something in this situation, they risked not looking for an unpleasant truth. So the issue of freedom of the Poles, by which have taken place, aiming towards the end of the war, Stalin was left czuemu heart. As in the case of the so-called. the peace treaty concluded after World War I, and so it was said that this was not a peace treaty, but only a cessation of hostilities. In 1916, the American people in the majority voted for President Wilson, after his solemn ensuring that America does not join the war. That was the main assumption. Fulfilled its task better than his opponent. Americans believed him. They were deceived. In order to draw America into World War II to put an end to all wars, you had the cunning moves. I made this. Despite the enormous reluctance of Americans to join in the war, cheated them again in 1941 rather Though the Japanese were really cheated. In some way provoked them to attack the U.S. and the care was that Pearl Harbor was so tightly packed ships to most Americans lost their lives. President Roosevelt got into conflict with Japan. It was about the occupation of Manchuria. Roosevelt presented an ultimatum to Japan to the Japanese withdrew from there. Tension grew. Finally, the Crown Prince of Japan offered to come to Washington to discuss the matter. Washington did not accept the offer. Increasingly pressured the Japanese, so that finally allowed themselves to be trapped and attacked Pearl Harbor, which Roosevelt and his superiors just waited. Washington went a surprise despite the fact that the Americans broke the Japanese code for a few days before the attack and knew its exact time. Although there was a direct line linking Washington with Pearl Harbour, the port authorities were not informed until the attack did not come to fruition, and then combine them using the telegraph. Sham investigation and the chosen scapegoat. All this is well known, but it grows a new generation of Americans, who were told that, well, it was one of those events, which could not be prevented. War began between the U.S. and Japan. In Europe, the United States fought against Germany on the Soviet Union, but in Asia, have fought virtually alone with the Japanese. America has received some support to Britain, but the main burden rests on it. In this war, Russia was one's ally. Just do not join the military operations. At that time, remained on friendly terms with Japan, had its embassy in Tokyo and espionage. Japan had its embassy in Moscow. From 7 December 1941, the date of the attack on Pearl Harbor to 9 August 1945, Russia did not participate in the war with Japan. 9 August 1945, when the defeat of Japan has become a reality, and the surrender was a matter of days, Russia declared war on Japan, the Soviet Army entered

Manchuria, northern China and other fortified areas of Japan and North Korea. Japan surrendered five days later. So do not wymierzywszy single effective blow, after five days of formal combat, Russia, with the full support of the U.S. government, met all the fruits of this war. Introduced communism to China, took over Manchuria, Outer Mongolia and Sinciang, three provinces comprising one third of the territory of China, as the satellite countries. China dominated the remainder of hostilities, despite the smoke curtains and using insider has managed to draw the United States in the war in Korea and Vietnam. Before the war, Russia has used any influence in the Pacific war by giving such a direction that may achieve its objective without a single shot. Its purpose was to (1) victory of the communist revolution in China, (2) getting Kuril Islands, (3) Sakhalin, (4) of Manchuria and Outer Mongolia and Sinciang - the northern part of China, (5) and the conquest of Korea (6) share of Japan USA. It has achieved everything I wanted, in addition to participation in the occupation of Japan - after five days of formal war! Stalin recognized that two-thirds of war material and more of what Russia has used during the war came from the USA. If all this is true, whether anyone in their right mind would believe that Americans will spend four years of a cruel war in order to liberate the Pacific of Japan and then to give it to the Russian Communists that America established contact with the forces fighting the Japanese over the Pacific Ocean - enlisting in the fight against all the units on the ocean and the branches of a hundred individual islands - at the cost of 200,000 casualties, the loss of most of the fleet of ships and aircraft, and billions of dollars in order to give the fruits of their struggle absolute and tyrannical Russia? However, Stalin decided that it will reach, and he succeeded. Stalin, who was dependent on the U.S. when it comes to two thirds of the material used in fighting the war in Europe, Asia seized without a single shot and apparently struggled for five days in Japan - how could this happen? In a way, it turns out to be quite easy when one understands the nature of power, which reached the insiders in our century. Any other answer no longer fits the situation. Here's how it happened. Japan, like Germany, they asked for peace in the whole 12 months before that, as actually occurred. Not being at war with Russia have used their embassy in Moscow to send its spies. Stalin, with his thoughts as to Japan, naturally used the spies for their own purposes. The Japanese then made contact with General MacArthur and presented a proposal on the conclusion of peace. Their proposals include the exact conditions under which finally ceased hostilities. Gen. MacArthur, supreme commander of U.S. forces fighting against Japan, has adopted these proposals and took the necessary steps to end the war as quickly as possible. In this, what happened then, it's hard to believe, however, is precisely what happened.

Two days before the trip to Yalta - and for seven months before the final capitulation of Japan - Roosevelt received from Gen. MacArhtura 40-page memorandum. It included an unofficial, but a binding proposal from Japan to the room exactly the conditions under which finally ended the war in the Pacific. MacArthur insisted that on the basis of these preliminary negotiations have begun negotiations. Notice the following: Roosevelt did not take this memorandum to Yalta. Rested in the drawers of the staff and became the basis for a final request the surrender of Japan seven months later - after the massacre of Iwojimie, Okinawa and the atomic bomb. So that the atomic bomb was used unnecessarily. The Japanese knew that the war actually ended, they knew well about the Americans, or rather initiated by his superiors Roosevelt. MacArthur Roosevelt transferred the report saying: "MacArthur is our greatest general and the worst of policies." Three top commanders in the Pacific War, and Leahy, presidential adviser, objected to the admission of Stalin's participation in the war in the Pacific, however, Gen. Marshall, who heads the Joint Chiefs of Staff, talked on the side of Roosevelt. A man who suspected a conspiracy higher than that communism claimed that one of the mysteries of this war was the Principle of how every time someone influenced Marshall urging him to follow detailed plans created by Stalin, or more precisely, by the mysterious superiors Stalin. When and where was the beginning of a dangerous policy of Stalin's entry into the war in the Pacific just five days before its end? According to Edward Stetiniusa pressures had already begun in 1943, and Harry Hopkins, a man of mysterious evil genius of Roosevelt, arrived in Cairo, bringing with him a memorandum advocating the inclusion of Russia into the Pacific War. Any reflections on peace in the Pacific Ocean did not allow any thought of involving Russia in the war. To some extent, consider this thought made sense in 1943. In 1944, they had already ridiculous, and in 1945, when Roosevelt signed the agreement, have been madness, by all standards of both war and peace. The only acceptable explanation is that Roosevelt acted as a tool of super secret, insider conspirators, who in his dealings Total never lose sight of the idea of total world domination, and the best way it was supposed to be the imposition of the communist way of life there is nothing podejrzewajcym nations of the world whether by war or by means of subtle intrigues that do not require even a single shot. For example, a book describing the takeover of Czechoslovakia by the communists is called "And Not a Shot Fired you" (Without a single shot). However, as the strangest, the agreement signed at Yalta, Roosevelt and Stalin during a secret meeting. Even Secretary of State Stettinus, who arrived with the

President to Yalta, he was not at the present, and later, when asked what was Roosevelt's speech, the president has sold it. Only the Communist Alger Hiss could accompany the president. Hiss was a Soviet spy, and in addition a high-ranking political advisor at the State Department and a member of the Institute of d / s relations in the Pacific (Institute of Pacific Relations - IPR), the body founded by the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie, which for many years through books and articles prepared American public opinion to accept the revolution in China as not connected in any way to communism, but purely idealistic agrarian reform. The same song was sold to naive Americans and then when it came to Cuba. At Yalta, Roosevelt agreed not only to the fact that Stalin sent his army to war in Asia, but also to equip the weapon 1,250,000 Soviet soldiers standing on the border with Manchuria, allowing the invasion to China. Even James F. Byrnes, who was present at Yalta as the closest adviser to Roosevelt, and later Secretary of State, was not aware of these findings, like President Truman when he entered the White House as a successor to Roosevelt. But Hiss, the communist agent in the State Department - he knew. Whittaker Chambers in his book Fri "Witnees says that when he signed in 1939 Hitler-Stalin pact that led to the outbreak of war in Europe, Roosevelt gave security department notified that Hiss was a communist agent, to which the president replied:" Well, go and drown. " Already Hiss later determined to solve the text of the Constitution of the United Nations, and he was its first secretary. But let us return to the conference at Yalta. Thanks to Stalin to get into Manchuria, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin, which he resigned Roosevelt at Yalta, and under a contract entered North Korea. He could also make contact with the Chinese Communist army in China, North and supply it with weapons, which in large part obtained from the Japanese. At this point - after finishing as a result of U.S. actions in the Pacific War - was taken in Washington, the appropriate action to overcome the Chiang Kai-shek and the devotion of Chinese and Korean Communists. Sophistication, cunning and malice of Satan's next moves are so amazing that they find it difficult to believe. Russia just put together their plans. She was going to bring a successful revolution in China take Manchuria, Outer Mongolia and making them Sinciang satellite state, and to introduce communism to Korea. This project included the elimination of the government of Chiang Kai-shek. Russian agents spoke to this by setting a clear line of propaganda. They began to sell American policies and urnalistom and all kinds of organizations the following information and opinions on China: the Chiang Kaishek represented a dying of old feudalism in China and was an enemy of democracy;

- That his government was corrupt and that wasted all the help from the United States; - That, on the other hand, the so-called. Chinese Communists (A) they were not real communists, but the reformers of agriculture and (b) were true democrats, while the Chiang-Kai-shek is a fascist; - That the only hope for peace in Asia was a recognition of the legitimate demands of Stalin and support him. The first step in the destruction of Chiang's government was to permit it to his government to be able to enter the Communists (along with his army.) A malicious ingenuity of this plan lies in the fact that its creators had not requested that China has become the red, but that the Communists may have been involved in government of Chiang Kai-shek. Considering what could have achieved a handful of communist secret agents in the highest positions in the U.S. State Department, which would make the whole gang in China had managed to get into government, supported by a vast army of well-armed and equipped largely in the American war material, plus a what gave it the Japanese? These were opinions that the Institute of Pacific Relations, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, and the like, sold the American people and all niedoinformowanym members of the U.S. government, which of course means the vast majority. Insiders do not dirty the hands, of course, something like a politician. They control all the parties as they want. Returned to that during the war, when Russia was a "great ally" and when even well-informed Americans knew very little about the art of communist propaganda, and even less about the political structure of China. American public opinion, especially political leaders who did not belong to the initiated, showed a profound ignorance about Asia, and clever methods of mind control by the Communists. There were, however, specialists in Asian affairs, trained at the Institute of Pacific Relations, familiar with the methods of red, and they all occupy the appropriate positions in the State Department and the media, where they could carry out the most harmful activities. The publishing market began to flood the books of the content of proCommunist, written by people trained in IPR. Suddenly, China and the littleknown political systems of Asian countries have become a focus of the American people. Statesmen, journalists and writers need to understand the situation in Asia, where so much has happened. So looking into this type of books that have become a poison, blur all available evidence on the fight in Asia. New York Times, the New York Herald Tribune and other major newspapers devote much attention to those books.

It is not difficult to comprehend when we realize that, for example, the New York Times, was linked financially with Wall Street. At the same time there were only seven books in support of the then Chinese government, and each of them has been condemned in reviews published by the same newspapers for which they wrote people from the IPR, now literary critics. Representatives of the Institute wrote a book, and their colleagues from the Institute reviewed the same them, referring favorably to their content. Here's list of 14 papers published in these critical years, written by members of the IPR: 1. Unfinished Revolution in China - Israel Epstein 2. United States and China - John K. Fairbank 3. Report from Red China - Harrison Forman 4. Journey from the East - Mark Gayn, 5. New Frontiers in Asia - Philip J. Jaffe, 6. Solution in Asia - Owen Lattimore, 7. Making of Modern China - Owen & Eleanor Lattimore, 8. Situation in Asia - Owen Lattimore, 9. China's Wartime Politics - Lawrence K. Rosinger, 10. China's Crisis - Lawrence K. Rosinger 11. Battle Hymn of China - Agnes Smedley, 12. Challenge of Red China - Guenther Stein 13. Chinese Conquer China - Anna Louise Strong 14. The Phoenix and the Dwarfs - play, EL Taylor. It would be impossible to abstract them all here, suffice it to say that, to varying degrees, they supported Stalin's policy in Asia, stressing that the so-called., The Chinese Communists were not really Communists, and that the regime of Chiang Kai-shek was a tool of corrupt interests of the rich and the representatives of the former China. In books of this type is the most outrageous, that has changed the way of writing when the plans have changed Russia's propaganda. Chiang's first presented as an instrument in the hands of reactionaries. Then changed the direction of propaganda and began to raise voices for the removal of Chiang's not, but the so-called policy., "The unity of China," urging that Chiang let the Chinese Communists, with their army to the government. Even praised Chiang's urging all Chinese to ally against a common enemy with the full awareness that they can not unite with the Communists. From moment to moment, there were new books in support of Communist China's orientation - work is written primarily members of the IPR, or their supporters - you gained instant and loud applause in the leading newspapers posting reviews written by other members of the Institute. Association of mutual admiration. Millions of words flowed from the printing machines praising communist politics.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of these actions when it comes to control minds. At that time, publishers, editors, publicists, teachers, and commentators have sought in this work facts about the world in Asia, with which America is suddenly encountered. The whole episode shows the possibilities of propaganda and mind control high-flying. People who are organized, they were specialists who had perfected a strategy for feeding her poison, and considered the main sources of some information. Lies and half truths contained in these works and in several professional writings began to embellish the information and opinions shared the American press, as well as in various public places, such as lecture halls around the country. A central hub of this remarkable experiment, carrying out the mass poisoning was the Institute d / s Relations in the Pacific was founded by the Rockefeller Foundation and other foundations billions, with headquarters on Wall Street. There were also other organizations specifically dealing with Russia and Russian communism. One of them was the Russian War Relief, Inc.. (Help Russia's War). The International Workers Order (International Trade Union) also was a communist front, like the American Russian Institute (Institute for AmericanRussian). American League for Peace and Democracy (American League for Peace and Democracy) has set up another pro-communist organization - the China Aid Council (the Council for Aid to China). Chairperson of Mrs. Carter. Her husband, Dr. Carter, the magazine has worked with Soviet Russia Today (Soviet Russia Today) defending the infamous processes carried out in the purges in the 30's. When Roosevelt, the chief agent of the initiated, became president in 1933, one of his first moves was to consider komunistyczneog government in Russia. That saved Russia from economic collapse, and America has given carte blanche to writers and supporters of communism as listed above. In 1947, Israel Epstein wrote it Fri "Unfinished Revolution in China" (The Unfinished Revolution in China). Epstein was a Communist. Publisher's books at that time belonged to the Communist Party. The book told me exactly for such solutions, which eventually was taken into consideration when creating the new China. Owen Lattimore, described by his life as a conscious advocate of communism, this position was to review the New York Times. In this case, the cunning and clever IPR took the good work. Book, he wrote a communist, a communist zrezenzowa, it seemed to her well-known American publishing house, whose chief was a communist. The President of the IPR recommended the publisher sent copies of the book to senators interested in this topic. New York Herald Tribune, the Daily Worker and New Masses wholeheartedly agreed with peer review Lattimore'a published in the New York Times.

As a result, achieved the objective of the propaganda, ie, persuaded ordinary, uninformed, and nothing podejrzewajcego United States citizen, that what was to come was the best solution for China and the world. Americans were tired of war and its consequences, and if persuaded them that the people of the State Department know how best to proceed in this situation, members of the public, not associated with the circles of conspirators and unaware of their existence, resigned to what was decided at the top , while the conspirators and their agents know exactly what they're doing. The Chinese nation is very great, and just after World War II, most of it lived in the old feudal system. Chiang Kai-shek tried to lead this great nation in the direction of republican government. Mao Tse-tung was the head of the revolutionary army, Stalin's puppets. No government is perfect, and Chiang's government was not perfect, but better than Stalin's doormat. Moreover, Chiang was the Chinese government, and not subordinate to another state. Chang is a man of character and full of noble ambition. Its purpose was to bring the country to the republican form similar to the system prevailing in the United States of America. In the interest of all free men and those who wanted to be free, lay Czangowi grant aid. This assistance, however, did not come. America helped the communists, not Czangowi. Gen. Marshall had happened then brag that one stroke of a pen Chiang disarmed. Thus, although the amazing and unbelievable it seems, Chiang's hands were expelled from the American continent to the island of Taiwan. Chiang's Government has been approved for the UN as its full member and continue to remain so. When Chiang moved to Taiwan, the United States concluded an agreement with him under which the U.S. had militarily to defend Taiwan's independence and help to move there so many refugees, many only the country will be able to adopt. Taiwan occupies the territory of equal area of 26 counties of Ireland. When Japan is a country with the highest standard of living in the Far East. Let the reader does not forget the main purpose of the conspirators - world domination. UN was a center of that reign, or world dictatorship. Consequently, the insiders could not afford to Taiwan was represented by a small Chinese nation, it had to find a way to eliminate it and introduce in its place in the UN Stalinist puppets. A small old Ireland - these are called., A free part, consisting of 26 counties - had to participate in this meeting. Taking into account today the fate of Polish, Afghanistan and Cambodia, every Irishman should hang his head in shame, as it is our ambassador to the UN year after year, raised a question to discuss accession to the Organization of Communist China. Each time the proposal was rejected, knowing that one fine day the situation is ripe for this to end the matter, and insiders will reach your goal.

In our picture puzzle showing world ruled by the Communist conspirators, we come now to the Nixon era. Representative No. 1 conspirators was Henry Kissinger. He was sent to Communist China, where it was lined with the red carpet. At the same time, David Rockefeller paid a visit to the Chinese Communists as a director of Chase Manhattan Bank. For him, well spread out the red carpet. Greetings were exchanged and before we realized, Communist China has been a member of the UN, and China has been expelled from the Nationalist Organization. Not that belong to such a tower of Babel was a privilege. The earlier self-respecting country to get out of it, the better. In the years when he lived in the White House President Carter, to ordinary Americans began to reach the cruel truth that Jimmy Carter, who never seemed to taint a lie, he worked for the spread of communism, much more fervently than any Communist leader, was thus deprived of his office. However, if the world was better protected against communism during the reign of Reagan? Ronald Reagan agreed to sell Chinese arms in red. What else do the Communists with arms, if you do not use it to skomunizowania the whole world? (Britain had to sell the Rolls Royce engines to China for their return flight.) When Reagan became president, one commentator remarked that the cowboy came to the farm and did not know what happened. America is not selling weapons China pledged that it will use it against Taiwan, which the United States as necessary to provide military aid. There was a danger that the small Taiwan, whose population was 17 million (about half of the refugees were - can you imagine the situation!) Is defeated, zagarnity and frustrated by the totalitarian China. Confirms this view lists of bishops of Taiwan "to the bishops of the world, to all Christians and all people who value justice." It reads: "Brothers, let us pray that our Lord Jesus give you peace, who has given us through His sacrifice. The shepherds of our people: Although Christians are a small proportion of the population of Taiwan, the Lord hath ordained us to be shepherds of the whole nation. College of Bishops with the active participation of our Holy Father has chosen us as pastors to serve the people dearest to our Father in heaven, who have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. As pastors we turn to you in this letter.

The islands that make up our country are home to 17 million inhabitants, a figure greater than the population of Australia, the Netherlands and Switzerland - more than one hundred twenty-one hundred and sixty of the sovereign nations of the world. 17 million men, women and children who are born and die, live and work experience the joys and sorrows of those who love, pray and to whom our Lord Jesus gave power to become children of God '. 17 million inhabitants, who for the first time in Chinese history, after 30 years of tireless work, managed to raise the standard of much of his life and divided equally barely gotten wealth. They built a society which, though not perfect, it gives them the opportunity to live in freedom, security and prosperity. Also gives them the opportunity to develop, nurture talent and service to God, to each according to his conscience. 'The glory of God is a man enjoying life to the fullest. " 17 million people whose fate is at stake. Our nation is experiencing the pain of uncertainty recently. He sees the fruits of his hard work, he escapes and becomes a victim of international competitions, while the indifferent and insensitive to public opinion looks away. Political and diplomatic means of expression are gradually he received. Meetings of the international community as kulturalym, scientific and sports were closed to him. Against their will has been pumped into a machine of destruction. Before it is too late, the vote must reach out to the shepherds of the world, to show his anguish and despair of their people. Situation: generally known that 30 years ago, in 1949, the regime seized power over Beijing China. As an island province of Taiwan has avoided this fate. About 2 million refugees from the continent found refuge here among the 8 million population. Together, with the help of friendly countries, have sought for the development of his country until he became a modern and industrialized country, and its population nearly doubled. While many governments of the free world continues to recognize us, the geographical position of our islands was protecting our freedom, until in 1954 the United States did not provide us security through a mutual defense treaty. With time, one after another, the governments of the free world began to recognize the Peking regime, in 1971, the United Nations decided to exclude us from the Organization. Our nation is full of energy courageously responded to this gradual process of political, diplomatic and cultural isolation sure that the Commonwealth could not deny him an opportunity to preserve freedom.

Certainty ours was a natural thing, because I always tried to turn the brotherhood of nations, as evidenced by the technological support, which udzielalimy for many years and which continue to give developing countries, and humanitarian aid for refugees in Vietnam, without any support from the UN. Finally, quite recently, the United States, the guarantor of our freedom, decided to break diplomatic relations with our government and a mutual defense treaty. Like most countries that recognize Beijing, America took the view that Taiwan is part of China. With this ambiguous declaration of 'Taiwan issue' has become 'internal affair' of China, and Beijing is considered the sole government of China took over Taiwan, Beijing's law, and our nation was against his will, and rejected at the mercy of a totalitarian regime, which loathe . This regime dominates a population 50 times larger than ours, includes the territory 300 times larger than Taiwan and has a huge resource. Any economic or military power that we have can only bend under the pressure of such a power. Fearful of offending Beijing, the free world does not want out of our freedoms guaranteed by means of more concrete than the verbal statements. What should I do when I finally this 'internal affair' will be resolved at the expense of our freedom? This situation, which obviously gives us cause for concern. Our fate seems sealed, without our consent, and while others show no interest to our hearts, doubt creeps in, which might compromise our collective efforts. However, we do not intend to give up. What awaits us: Acting in a heart with our people, we recognize that only China, one culture, one nation, one territory, but we strongly reject the regime that enslaves our brothers on the continent. Faced with danger, which is the same fate that they fell in the net, we provide about our determination to do everything in our power to save our freedom and freedom of our families. Please do make an effort to understand what really lies ahead. We do not want any privileges, not asking for any favors, not refrained from suffering, which is shared by all people. But in any case we can not afford it, that we received the inalienable right of every human being to live in freedom and according to their conscience. A society that we create in the effort, is far from perfect, but it gives each of us a chance to develop fully enough, as far as

it allows for good neighbors. We want to defend this society for ourselves and for our children, and whenever possible, we want to become a model for our compatriots on the mainland. Does not exempt them from the victims, which requires the service of mankind. We are not afraid of losing their lifestyle, our habits and comfort, if the good of our brothers, especially the smallest ones, they will be required. It is known that the Chinese nation is able to survive great suffering. Evidence of this centuriesold history of the countries on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Poverty, which so recently we were able to fight, does not frighten us, even if it is unfairly imposed on us. We can endure material deprivation, the most severe losses, pain and injustice in itself. We do not want, however, that we were denied the freedom to regard as the truth of what our reason and conscience for the truth, the freedom to listen to the voice of God in our hearts and live in harmony with his word. Does not direct us and our material prosperity, or selfishness, but the desire to live as human beings, which is attributed to the children of God and the certainty that such a force will also be involving our children. We do not want to become human cattle. We do not want us thinking dictated, in spite of the dignity given to us by the Creator. We do not want to against our will and conscience turned us into a false ideology of puppets, which we reject. Many of us know from experience that such a fate awaits us when you weaken the provisions of, or when the world is leaving us. Press the Western world has now become the voice traffic to the 'democratization' as a matter of regime in Beijing. Our experience, closer to the facts, tells us that such moves appear regularly to Continue China and an announcement coming stronger pressures. These movements are played in accordance with the policy of the Hegelian dialectic, and always moving towards closer ties to the throat of humanity. True liberation would be a negation of the human person and the need of regime that year to confirm the credibility of such a radical change. Terrible dialogue: Do not expect to change our position from day to day. This process will continue as long as it is found necessary if we are to avoid violent clashes with public opinion, which could provoke adverse reactions. But as has already begun, this process is irreversible. At the beginning of the innocent in a way we have been asked to engage in dialogue. Chinese folk wisdom calls it 'a tiger by drawing a mustache. " Sad and many experiments suggest that such a 'dialogue' leads inevitably to the total and unconditional surrender.

Can we close our eyes to what happened after World War II in every country of Eastern Europe? Can we forget in Vietnam, where the most solemn assurance of the great powers were still assurances, which led to the eventual failure of the people who did not want to surrender to the totalitarian ideology of the minority? Can we ignore the fact that the people of this region, who heroically endured 30 years of brutal war atrocities, are not able to tolerate oppression of that ideology, and that hundreds of thousands, risking her life, fleeing from his country? So many tragic facts can not be ignored or carelessly forgotten. When a door or window open to an onslaught of typhoon, the whole house will soon rozpdada up. Our experience of national, repeated six times, provides us with ample evidence that the dialogue in which we are again involved, this means simply putting up with bound hands and feet at the mercy of unscrupulous callers. Is the world ready to grant asylum tomorrow, 17 million refugees? Is it not simpler and more humanly could to prevent this catastrophe? Weight of world opinion: In the next few months we expect many 'fraternal gestures', which may lead to the fact that we will be 'asked to help' in modernizing their home country. The purpose of these gestures, if we accepted them, is to destroy us or to ask public opinion against us, if we do not. If you are interested in relations with the regime of Beijing, will use it to weaken us by inciting us to dissent. Every society contains grains of 'conflict' and use them to cause conflict and confrontation is a tactic well known. So every contact with us will be used to discredit us in the eyes of the world and to show as the vanquished, not worthy of external support. If we are to avoid contact, it will be a 'proof' of our nierozwagi, that repelled an outstretched hand of friendship and that the only solution is to use force to subdue us. How public opinion, endowed with a weak memory, able to penetrate so incredibly crafty game? On one hand, you will be condemned as niewarci defense because we agree with each other. On the other hand say that we collect what we have sown, as a result of our resistance. Both past experience and the process of destruction, who was caught in the trap us like, give us a clear look at our situation. However, many people see only a moment, and they remain blind to the process that extends over months and

years. For many, the danger is too long, but we know that when I would start an avalanche, do not stop until you'll be crushed. This tactic is to gradually build a wall around us, the wall, which effectively stop our friends from coming to our aid when the danger becomes obvious. Today insidious propaganda is trying to turn public opinion against us and make the anxiety in our ranks, by sowing seeds of distrust towards the government, questioning the value of our common effort and exaggeration of all the weak points of our achievements. Building a society takes time and usually the result is far from ideal, but criticism and destruction is an easy task. Attempts to infiltrate and undermine probably will force the government to tighten vigilance, and will result in immediate self-righteous accusations. They will use many other methods - both old and new - to discredit and destroy us. It is very important to the opinion of the world came true on the current situation. We must constantly be on guard to reveal a dangerous tactic, which aims to catch us in the trap of death. Our hope: as the herders have to lead our people, all the people to the Father. Part of our mission is to defend human dignity, which was created in the image and likeness of God. However, the Taiwanese Christians are a small minority, and when the totalitarian regime, tolerant only to their own beliefs, will be able to carry out his plan, very soon we will be completely powerless. This marks the end of our mission. We must, therefore, we speak right now in the hope that we stop the darkness before she gripped our land and people. We call upon all brother bishops. Successors of the Apostles, the Lord was the door of universal responsibility. Do not let that part of humanity, even seemed to be very small, found herself in a mental and spiritual slavery, unworthy of man created by God and redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Do not let these people torn their souls and consciences to the light, kindled in them by the Creator, went out. We appeal to all believers in Christ, the only Savior of mankind. In the name of God, then do everything in your power to help save our nation from the humiliating constraints that threaten it. In the name of brotherhood and we cry out to all people who love the truth and seeking justice. In the past, the sages taught us that we should not do to others what we do not want to get us they did. Because none of you would be derelict in hopeless bondage, and you do not leave 17 million of your brothers, which threatens the same fate.

We ask that each one of you tried to explore and encourage others to investigate the real meaning of situations and events that have so strongly in us and hit you would find an effective way for us to save this fate. Our fate is in God's hands and the hands of our brothers. May the Lord, who instructs us to love one another, bless you in your compassion and brotherly love. Our people are ready to defend their freedom and face destiny. Although one should not expose ourselves to temptation, as Christians, we are ready to accept this cross, if it is God's will. But we do not agree, and we ask you to support us in this objection to be destroyed, what makes us intelligent. The Creator has given us a spark of freedom that makes us human beings. He wants us to defend it, nurtured and not let her put down or destroy. Because we are the shepherds of our people, we look back further horizons. Over the limitations of human we see coming of the Kingdom, the sacrifice of Jesus, the sacrifice, which supports our hope. We see the Father's love that transforms our labors and our sorrows. Whatever the outcome of our efforts, we will prepare the fate of any people, we know that nothing will stop the Lord of victory over evil. We sincerely hope that we will be able to cross the pustni together with our people and we will see beyond the face of our Father. " Signed: Matthew Kia - Archbishop of Taipei, Joseph Kuo - Archbishop of Salamis, Stanislaus Lokuang - Rector of the University of Fujen; Peter Tou - bp Hsinchu; Knupfer William - Bishop of Taichung, Joseph Ti-kang - Chiyi Bishop, Paul Cheng - Bishop of Tainan, Joseph Cheng - Kaoshsiung Bishop, Joseph Wang - Auxiliary Bishop of Taipei, Thomas Pai - Penghu apostolic administrator, John Tsao - vicar of the chapter Hualien - Taiwan's Bishops, PO Box 36603 Taipei, Taiwan This letter is a great cry of the heart of Taiwanese bishops. Asked the brother bishops, the princes of the Church, and through them to all mankind, has not yet been ensnared the cruel yoke of communism. This letter presents the Catholic clergy as champions and defenders of inalienable rights of their people. They say: "Every society contains grains of 'conflict' and use them to cause conflict and confrontation is a tactic well known." In Taiwan, there might be such a "contradiction", but even the worst enemies of free China can not deny that this is evidence for the existence of justice, peace and development, which the clergy of all faiths consider it a factor necessary for the "development" of Third World countries. If so, where the silence surrounding this letter, a cry of hearts? Do you even hear a person how to read in the parish church on Sunday? It would be good if the free people around the world can hear it.

Note that Taiwan is a country the size of Ireland, but he feeds, dresses and gives shelter 17 million people, each of which has its own perspective of eternity, and data from the Creator's right of access to the means of salvation, which grants the Catholic Church. Let us recall the fate that befell the Cardinal Mindszenty. Would not such a fate awaits all those Pastors, the tyrant of the continent sweeps Taiwan? We often hear: you can not move a million Protestants into the Republic of Ireland. But the same important people who could use their influence, they would passively next if 17 million Chinese people from Taiwan island dostaoby the yoke of tyranny of the biggest, we know the world.

CHAPTER IX Is Peace Possible? ... His mercy is from generation to generation for those who fear him. He has shown strength with his arm, Scatters (human), proud in the imagination of their hearts. Down the mighty from their thrones and lifted up the lowly. Filled the hungry with good things, sent the rich away empty. Magnificat, Luke 1,50-53 The nations of the world, both world enslaved by communism and the socalled., A free Western world, continually haunts fear World War III. Ordinary people are not aware that we are at war. Perpetual war is being waged against us. This is total war, not only with conventional troops. Most people only associate war with bombs and weapons. Not for the first time in history we are facing an enemy who has mastered the concept of total war. World War III, which is currently pending around us, a war of political, economic, psychological and conventional - though the military aspect here is the least significant - but above all it is a spiritual war against principalities and Powers, the war on life and death. The only role played by the military strategy in the methods of the communists is a kind of guerrilla warfare, whose aim is to introduce chaos and anarchy that aim to create favorable conditions for rapid attachment centers of power by a small group organized and trained revolutionaries. With such a strategy can be contacted at pimach Lenin, Mao Tse-tung and Jun Guevara. But even this limited type of military activity will not bring victory without a simultaneous war in which weapons are not used. Bandy Communists would be ineffective without the other Communists, acting secretly among the people - to create the appearance of general support in the media - to create propaganda, and in the government - to create the necessary corruption, ineffectiveness of the overt strife and to prevent the government from taking decisive steps against militants. For example, in Cuba when Batista left the country, an army of over 45,000 soldiers surrendered without a fight in 1800 the revolutionaries led by Castro. Few were aware that the general who decided to surrender, he was a member of the Communist Party of Cuba - is a great example of non-military strategy of infiltration and treason, which resulted in military victory.

The most commonly used weapon is not a communist conquerors of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of uniformed soldiers. This is propaganda, distortion of history, hate speech to cause social unrest, internal subversion, treason, blackmail, slander, political assassinations - everything is made by the soldiers not wearing uniforms, who consider themselves loyal citizens of the country the target of their activities. Communism spread throughout the globe in this way, not with arms or bombs. The atomic bomb is the most powerful weapon in the Communist arsenal. However, its power lies in the effectiveness of psychological, not military. The Communists have gained more by using it as a psychological weapon than it would have used its military power. In the face of constant threat - nuclear holocaust - the West has agreed to any further concessions, compromises and failures. It would be unthinkable without the vision of a huge mushroom-shaped clouds deep in the human subconscious. Bomb as a weapon of psychological zrzucna is on us every day. Much of the war, which the communists are constantly taking place against us is directed by the peace movement - tightly controlled by Moscow. People have a short memory. How quickly forgotten about the atrocities which the victims were residents of Cambodia. Refugees are still among us, but we remain deaf to their cries. Survived all the horrors of the war lasted 30 years and did not surrender but they preferred to die in the open sea, rather than live under communist rule. That is their tragegia. We're fine. Of the hundreds of stories about communism, we have reproduced this one to remind the reader about what to expect when Russia succeeds in its spread the bugs around the world. On the morning of 15 March 1961, 200 Europeans and 300 Africans were killed in a terrorist attack, the Communists in North Angola. Leaflet published by the Portuguese-American Committee on Foreign Affairs (Portuguese-American Committee on Foreign Affairs) cites this event as follows: This morning, terrorists attacked a group of 400 experimental farm M'Bridge. Manuel Lorrenco Alves, who survived the attack, as he described it: "The attack began at 6 am and all the houses on the farm, whether belonging to the Europeans, the Africans or the mulattos, attacked at the same time ... Women dragged from their homes with their children. At the sight of mothers of children with the terrorists cut off your legs and arms, and then quivering bodies played a ghastly football. Women and girls were let off the farm, then pulled away them, raped and dismembered. "

The described event is an example of what is happening today in many places on earth. These unspeakable acts of brutality are aware, committed with the premeditated work of people whose sole purpose is to destroy human life and human values. Masters of deception, those who finance, plan, monitor and support the cause of communism, they live each in their own homes in the West, while their puppets do the wet work for them without suspecting that role. Involving the strings, horrible death of millions of people do not care any more than the death of flies. Their war is total war, and their most helpless and defenseless victims of the unborn children in the East and West. The enemy mastered the art of inducing feelings of failure and helplessness in those who should be on the front lines fighting the evil side of good. At Fatima, Our Lady said, however, a prescription for peace in the world, warning that if people do not turn to God through repentance and prayer, World War II breaks out, and Russia will expand its errors throughout the world. The purpose of this book is to explain the nature of these errors, to show what the practice is communism and how it can work in any country to which they invaded. This particular type of slavery awaits all mankind if the conspirators manage to impose the yoke of communism, the rest of the world. Like the conspirators used and financed Hitler to carry out a World War II, so it used the organizational skills of Lenin, Communism to open the way to Russia and from there to sow seeds of communism, for them to get the whole globe. Lenin had his plan. Communism was first to embrace Eastern Europe, then the Far East, and eventually surround the last bastion of free enterprise - United States - the communist countries, affecting previously in young Americans of pornography, drugs and antipatriotic brainwashing. Lenin believed that in this way, America will fall into the hands of the Communists as overripe fruit. For a moment everything went according to plan. At the end of World War II, America was so strong that if the whole world lined up against it, yet have been able to conquer it, and in a few weeks. So how did it happen that the world of armor in the psychological warfare that the greatest enemy, the Communists were able to install in Cuba, just 90 miles off the coast of the United States? Ogupiono the American people in order to take part in two world wars against the will of the overwhelming majority of citizens, and all the fruits of war in the Far East was given deceitfully zbrodniarzowi largest in history, Stalin. The propaganda was designed so cleverly that the average U.S. citizen had no idea what was happening. He repeated over and over again that Castro is a communist, but full of good intentions reformer.

Currently, Cuba is sending Russian military base, arms and ammunition to Africa and South America, and with the cunningly crafted agreement between the American president and the Soviet Union during the crisis under President Kennedy tried to insiders, that America had no right to intervene. Jimmy Carter helped to sell the Nicaraguan Communists. The late President Somoza had before the assassination attempt on his life just enough time to tell how this plan was carried out. How did the American journalist, Cox, written by his book was entitled, "Speaks Somoza (Somoza says). Currently, El Salvador is one big cauldron. Published in Scotland Magazine Approaches reveals the extent to which penetrated to the subversion of the Catholic Church and what has become a force: 2 October 1981. U.S. Undersecretary of State sent a letter to U.S. bishops in order to clarify the basic facts, which included the then reports. To the letter of the left translation of a document, which appeared in the Miami Diario Las Americas, and described the "surprise" the bishops of El Salvador on a communication from the Franco-Mexican, Salvadoran guerrillas recognizes as the legitimate political power. Next message reads: "Members of the Episcopal Commission of El Salvador stated that they became witnesses to the fact that in El Salvador, a small proportion of the public sympathizes with Marti Liberation Front and the Democratic Revolutionary Front, which lost the support of the nation and is now trying to spread terror among the population." The bishops further described as guerrillas destroyed the goods and services to the population in order to create the conditions "that would allow the seizure of power and to impose Marxist-Leninist dictatorship." Communication appears in Diario stated that the bishops of El Salvador consider the document for the Franco-Mexican "meddling" in internal affairs of their country and predicted that the bishops' renewal of a prolonged war, as a consequence of the death of bear more of Salvadorans. " The need for truth: Catholics know that only the church, minister of sacrifice, and truth, he could give the people what had been wrested from them by the world-wide, antiCatholic revolution: the spirit of tolerance and social peace under the banner of respect for the truth. Respect for the truth is actually the only reliable criterion to distinguish friend from the wolf and the true Church from the current mystification of the Church, which, in the name of the poor, destroy the doctrine, liturgy, and those of the poor. Post-Conciliar Church: To establish the appropriate concept of the Church "post-conciliar" archbishop

listen Riveray Damas, who took the place a lot. Romero, in his speech for Giorgio Torchii (Il Tempo, 11/15/1981): "We have to admit that some of the priests made a political choice. I mean, there are those who work outside the country as agents of the Front. There are few, but they exist. One of them takes the floor in the "Radio Venceremos", the official radio station of the insurgents. This means that there are priests who are not of one mind with the Church. " A Trojan horse of El Salvador: As Torchia said, "we face a difficult problem, which is an institution called 'Soccorso giuridico dell' Arcivescavade (Committee on Legal Aid Archbishopric). It is the center of violent disputes. Its offices are located in the archbishopric. This institution has evolved in the shadow died. Fr. Romero. At first it was the duty of exposing all forms of violence and, as far as possible, providing assistance to victims. But in reality controlled by a group of people who openly sympathize with the revolutionary front, the group has become an organism of propaganda supporting the armed opposition. All data on repression (but not the terrorism rampant in El Salvador) come from this organization. These numbers are obviously one-sided, and according to some false. By a lot. Rivera y Damas 'Soccorso giuridico' is an institution quite suspect. Established it in the Church even before Romero. Then he began to meddle too much in politics. Her thinking is too one-sided. I have always said that if it is a church organization should be more impartial and should also reveal what is the work of the Left. But it is not. I think that by doing so it can not be called objective, although many of the reports is true. " But - ask Torchia, - whether it is part of the archbishopric, or not? Great. Rivera y Damas, said: 'Yes, it belongs to the archbishop. However, should stick to its land law and provide legal assistance, rather than create an information center. Great. Rivera y Damas did not show it, but it is deeply embarrassed because Soccorso giuridico a propaganda weapon in the service of partisan front, and allows it to operate arycybiskupstwo in her womb and in the name of the Church. Strange testimony: Here's a strange testimony member of the Catholic hierarchy, who admits that the revolution beyond the borders of the Church through the action of other dignitaries, but who does not want to call evil by its name or think about getting rid of it. This is another proof that communism is evil in its essence, it's enough

to come into contact with him to skorumpowa memory and desire, and that meant that people forget that it is either with Christ or against Him, and on the side of the enemy kamliwiego . According to the National Review of 11 December 1981 when the U.S. bishops met at a conference in Washington, they ponaglili government to stop all aid to El Salvador, urging a comprehensive political solution, which meant that negotiations with the guerrillas. The hierarchy of El Salvador that was very indignant. Appointed two representatives who were present position of the hierarchy of El Salvador American bishops at a conference in Washington, before it came to the vote above that resolution. Unfortunately, although this was to be expected, the two emissaries, Secretary General of the lot. Freddy Delgado and Vice-Chairman, Bishop Pedro Aparicio were not heard, prompting some cynics to express Washington's attention especially after the Washington Post described the details of this matter in great editorial - that the policy of secular versus ecclesiastical politics is like playfulness nuns. Bp. Aparicio and Fr. Delgado does not have the opportunity to present at the conference the official opinion of his brothers, which was all the more worrying that the bishop's home town, San Vicente, was the greatest heat of battle, so their expression would acquire special power. If those officials were not apostolic delegates, they could not even meet privately with one of the members of the conference. Such is the attitude within the Catholic Church in many countries, the Church founded by Christ, having the fullness of truth, whom Christ recommended to teach all nations, the full truth. Christ promised that it will be with his Church all the days until the end of the world, so that the final victory is certain, as promised by Our Lady of Fatima. Victory happens when we pray a lot, do penance and hard work. Is extremely difficult to reveal the truth about how the conspirators initiated, undoubtedly the richest people in the world, support the communist system by pretending to be against him. However, the world's best scientists can prove the truth and prove it. Pius XI in his encylkice Quadragesimo Anno describes this conspiracy: "First of all, it is known that in modern times not only wealth but also power, and exclusive control of the economy are in the hands of a few people, most of which are not owners and only the managers and the head of the invested funds, which administer according to their own fantasies.

Wield the most power that those possessing and controlling the money also govern credit and determine its allocation, for this reason supplying, to use such an expression, the whole economic body of lifeblood and gathered the very soul of production, so that no one can breathe against their will. This accumulation of power, characteristic of the modern economic order, is the natural result of unlimited, free competition, which allows the strongest to survive, that is, those who fight most relentlessly ignoring the voice of conscience. This concentration of power has led in turn to a threefold struggle. First, it is a struggle for economic supremacy itself, then flared up the fight for control of the state so that its resources and authority could be used in the fight business, in the end it is a struggle between states. The latter is due to two reasons: because the nations use their power and political influence to promote the economic benefits of citizens, and because the economic forces and economic dominance are used to carry out political disputes between nations. "During the Second Vatican Council, Father Pedro Arrupe, General of the Society of Jesus, made the following observations in relation to comments by UPI of 27 December 1965: "This is a godless society operates in an extremely effective, at least in the highest circles of leadership. Use all available means of scientific, technical, social or economic. Proceed according to strictly laid down the plan: It has a huge impact on international organizations, financial circles by the mass media: newspapers, film, radio and television. " Bishops from around the world urgently asked to address the Council during the communist theme, but apparently influence secret societies in the Church were so strong that it does not allow any discussion, despite the warning quoted above, Fr Arrupe. So what can be done? Is it possible that our reader will be a stone that moves an avalanche of good, and it will defeat the evil hidden under the guise of the communist movement, which imposes a servitude, the world has not learned? Yes, it's possible that you, who read a summary ninijesze ways in which Russia expands its mistakes, you can be such a stone, which moves the avalanche of good to evil was defeated. First we need to take seriously the message of Fatima and try to meet the wishes of the Mother of God.

Then you need to study the pope's encyclical on Communism. First, buy it and read several times. Then gather three or four friends and przedyskutu with them what you have read. Must Meet once a week for an hour to study in depth the two sides of this encyclical, one person will ask questions previously prepared. At each meeting, let it be someone else. After reading the encyclical on Communism should come the turn of the next two, dealing with the living conditions of the working classes, Rerum Novarum of Leo XIII and Pius XI Quadragesimo Anno. Then come the encyclical, which the authors were moving all kinds of social problems, including those who warn against the dangers of belonging to secret societies .* Do not forget that we fight with principalities and powers that use people as their intermediaries. When Russia had just made a great step forward in his work of propagation of errors and belonged to Afghanistan, the world's attention from its action was reversed by tricks - some communist students in Iran took American diplomats hostage, knowing very well that in time they will be freed . In the meantime, the poor Afgaczykach forgotten, and soon they had initiated a war in Iran and Iraq. Russia is now the dominant force on the African continent. It has access to oil in Mogadishu and to the docks in Mombasa, a great naval base at Dar-es-Salaam, boat base on the island of Pemba podowodnych just off the coast of Zanzibar. Further south, has two bases in Mozambique - Laurenco Marques - and a base in Luanda Angola. Interested in a Madagascar. It has a large fleet of Mauritius, which offers all the equipment the Soviet Union Navy. Soviet warships are standing also in the Seychelles. It should be remembered that Russia could not go out or for a hundred yards outside its territory, if not consensus and financial support to the initiated. The amazing thing is that very few politicians, economists, and even church leaders have an idea of what is happening around them. In 1960, Harold Macmillan, then Prime Minister of Great Britain made a trip to several African countries, and in Cape Town gave his famous speech on the "wind of change". He informed the world that the black African nations to each other soon strzsn shackles of colonialism and emerge as free and fully independent state. Macmillan seemed to actually know something, because it was a colony shortly after another began to transform themselves in a supposedly free and independent states, each of which boasted the government and parliamentary leaders was elected on the principle of one man - one vote.

Macmillan did not say to the world that Africa was the transforming power of an aggressive imperialism of money, in other words, economic colonialism in a new and more refined form replaced the old type of colonialism. As a result of this wind of change, Africa has become one of the world's disaster areas, where millions are constantly threatened with death from hunger, violence and disease, and where the refugees were the biggest problem. Designated boundaries without consulting the residents of these areas, in one country by placing several different tribes, each having its own language and culture, or separated the nations by setting up new frontiers. When the blacks themselves trying to change these limits, quickly learned, and this is their "freedom." Katanga, the province the size of Western Europe, sought to separate from the rest of Congo and Zaire. UN forces were used to reenable Katanga to the alliance, which the residents believed to be the work of the devil. Then, Biafra wanted to secede from Nigeria, but Britain and the Soviet Union joined forces to suppress the desire. Why do the conspirators would want? They wanted to administrative machinery of the old colonial system remained intact, but that it was transferred to the regime as artificial and unstable, that can easily be controlled. In the Principle of natural resources of Africa and its peoples is much easier to submit to those who know how to exploit them, than they did in the days when colonial powers prevailed there. This is not the peoples of Africa have been liberated, but its resources, and a profit with the conspirators. In the same way as Henry VIII and his followers looked to the monasteries, so the conspirators looked to Africa and its gold, diamonds and other riches. While the world government was the ultimate goal, and the UN - the core of this government, blacks were puppets to represent their nations, each of them received the right to vote in the UN. Member tiny, such as Rwanda and Burundi, have one vote, and all the other small kingdoms, such as Viniatu (91,000 inhabitants) voted the way you want conspirators. Cuba sends thousands of troops to Africa, weapons and ammunition received from Russia. The conspirators could within 24 hours to stop this practice if they wanted, but everything is done according to their plan. The unrest in North Africa and the Middle East in general continues incessantly, and it picks back to oil. In this way, determined the rate of inflation in developing countries. Milton Friedman, economist, recently acknowledged that if the Middle East situation has stabilized, oil prices could fall by two thirds. When there is mass unemployment resulting from inflation, oil prices, developing countries are easier to control.

Tips * The Shah of Iran before his death David gave Frostowi interview in which he included two significant statements. He mentioned the insider saying: - "They" wanted to raise the price of oil, so they decided to deprive a country of stocks and set up mine. He also said: - Please pay attention to it - NATO's military commander came to me one day and gave me the date and time when I leave the country - as if it pleased your queen, had received such an order? * Increasing oil prices led to chaos in the developed countries, acting in the cause of many failures, with resulting unemployment and despair. * Joseph Kennedy had said to his son John when he ran in the presidential election: - Do you realize this, what are you doing? This year will make you president, and the next will kill you if you stand in their way. * Dymisjonowany Khrushchev was in a rather mysterious circumstances. Who would have dared to discard the dictator of the Soviet Union? Apparently, before he was dismissed from his dacha on the Black Sea, David Rockefeller spent his summer vacation in Moscow - a rather strange place to spend a holiday. It is worth noting that his bank, Chase Manhattan, occupies a building in Moscow, with the number 1 on Avenue of Karl Marx. * Later, David Frost was visiting Beijing in connection with the interests of his bank, while the New York Times published an article in which he praised to the skies achievements of Mao Tse-tung. The key power of insiders is their control over the creation (of doing nothing) and dropping money in circulation. Through this insiders created all kinds of control mechanisms - the World Bank, Export and Import Bank, Bank for International Settlements (Bank for International Aettlements). Their ability to create money means that all humanity is indebted with them. The whole of Africa, Latin America, southeast Asia and part of the Middle East in the language of economics is called the Third World. Third World certainly buckles under the enormous burden which they are long. Currently, the long stick rather precariously on the shoulders of the Third World. At the end of 1981, the debt is part of the world came to 451 billion U.S. dollars, as countries try to pay him to collect the same interest (usury) 88 billion dollars a year, but do not have any chance, because their exports do not bear interest. The mind shudders at the thought of one billion dollars, not to mention a total of 451 billion.

We'll have some idea of government insiders when we take into account the fact that in the years 1970, 1971 and 1972 produced more money (in the sense that they do not have coverage, and are owned by their producers) during these 36 months than ever before. This in turn led to runaway inflation in the 70's and 80's and to the fact that millions of people who would like to work, stand idly by, unable to understand why. "Gort", the group tries to help Third World nations, has a solution: an acre of irrigated desert adequately maintained for a year one family. "Gort" helps to 240 families. He says, however: the place is enough for 20,000 families. In other words, if they had the money to produce and control the uninitiated, all this could be done. Daniel Webster once said: "There is nothing more powerful than the truth - and often no stranger to it." The problem of meeting basic human needs such as food, clothing, shelter, had been resolved long ago. Simple production of lower level items should give man the freedom to find things that he is like and the possibility of spiritual development. But it is not. Principalities and powers through their agents have made the lives of millions of people a nightmare, a nightmare, impossible to pay off debts. For the first time in the history of a potential mother does not want to have children because they fear that they could not pay the interest on the mortgage for the house. Time is running out. Insiders want to create a world system of financial control, which would be placed in private hands, able to influence the political systems of all countries and the world economy. Freedom to choose the unit will be under control and very few people will have any possibility of that from birth, each will be marked and numbered, this number will accompany him in school, military service or another until his retirement and death. Initiates would put his paw on all natural resources, business, banking and transportation by controlling the governments of the world. To achieve this, unscrupulous summon the war, crises, hatred and, worst of all, influenced the spread of communism by pretending that they are against him. The truth that makes us free, is a deep knowledge of the social doctrine of the Church instituted by Christ, and the first step toward understanding how to produce a secret group of initiates and controls the money, on which goods are exchanged.

There is a choice between freedom and slavery. As a wise man said: full of wool, and any market, full of poor, and no blankets. The world does not need to be. As for you, dear reader, you should answer what will you do with that, what did you learn from this book. And remember that this is only an introduction to the most incredible crime story that knows the world. Enslaved nations look to the so-called rescue. Free the West. How little they realize that their masters - and our - just waiting until the appropriate moment, we are in the same network. We can then expect them to torture worse when there is no one who could enjoy the freedom to challenge its actions. The only thing we can do is to reveal their plans until the time. "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed; will crush your head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." (Genesis).

Postscript Upon completion of this book, the Irish Times, 18 August 1982 there is information that should be filled with terror the hearts and minds of all who value freedom of naming their own souls. According to the author of this article, China maintains that Taiwan is a Chinese province, and argue that selling U.S. arms this island is stirring in the affairs of the People's Republic of China, which the United States established diplomatic relations on January 1, 1979 In a joint statement issued in Washington and Beijing August 17, 1982, the United States has, they do not provide long-term pursuit of arms sales to Taiwan and that the sales did not exceed - either in terms of quantity or quality the limit-supplied weapons from 1979 America also stated that it intends to "gradually reduce arms sales to Taiwan, leading over time to a final settlement agreement." China has confirmed that "the essence of politics" is to fight for peaceful solution to Taiwan to join the case. The IM ended up stating that the American Secretary-General JP Cuellar arrives in Beijing the next day with a four-day visit. Yesterday came the brave peoples of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Polish and Cuban, who watched in amazement as the richest and most powerful nations of the world look with indifference when they are sold into slavery. Tomorrow it's time for Taiwan, unless people of good will come to his aid.

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