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REG.NO.11203631 RD1206B31


Completing a task is never a one man effort; it is often the result of valuable contribution of a number of individuals in a direct or indirect manner that helps in shaping and achieving an objective. It is very difficult for anyone to complete a project without the active cooperation and the benefit of the advice from the people who are experts in their field of specialization. The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would not be complete without the mention of the people who made it possible with due honor, we want to thank all the people who made me able to do this interesting work. First of all we would like to thank LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY for giving us this opportunity to carry out this minor project at their esteemed institution. We are grateful to our honorable faculty who provided all the facility. i have proposed the term paper for Medical Store Management system which is developed for Medical Store. This software helps them to do billing and stock maintenance. The proposed system helps them in many ways. It help them do billing very easily. Account maintenance also becomes easier. They can keep track of their purchases, sales, stocks and account details. The software is provided with all the master entries to enter any new product, or supplier, or customer to add or modify and delete.

A MEDICAL STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is a computerized management system. This management system has been developed to form whole management system including Products, staff, sales order, Bills, and Complains etc. This system also keeps the records of hardware assets besides software of this organization. The proposed system will keep a track of Products, staff, sales order Accounts and generation of report regarding the present status. This project has GUI based software that will help in storing, updating and retrieving the information through various user-friendly menu-driven modules. At present Medical Stores maintain their day to day transactions manually. These have shops thousands of products they need to track of all these products to check the stock, expiry date etc., If they are not return the expiry products to the distributor in time then they lose that much amount. So it is very essential to track expiry items prior one month or before, then only they can able to return these products back. To find the product is also another risky job, so proper system is required. They need full pledged software to maintain their day to day transactions. Apart from this regular update on stock, Supplier wise cash transaction. Daily sales report. Etc.

Objective of the Project

The term paper MEDICAL STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is aimed to develop to maintain the day-to-day state of customer list, staff, List of products, Bills etc. There are following main objectives of the MEDICAL STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: Keeping records of customer. Keeping customer-care as utmost priority. Scheduling the appointment of supplier or vendor to make it convenient for both. Keeping details about the availability of products. Keeping explicit details about the old or new customer. Keeping the records of salary structure of the staff of Store by billing approach Hence above these following points is to be considered while making the database of our Medical Store Management System.

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> void record(FILE *p); void check(FILE *p); struct medical { char name[25]; int price; int quantity; }; struct order { char m_name[25]; int m_q; }; struct sell { char mn[25]; int nm; }; void main() { FILE *p; struct medical m[25]; struct order o[25]; struct sell s[25]; char md[25],mn[25],c,c1,e,f,n; int a,b,q,i,num,j,sum=0; clrscr(); again: clrscr(); printf("________________________________________________________________________\n"); printf("\t\tWelcome to Medical Store management System\n\n");

printf("\t\t\tDEEPAK MEDICAL STORE"); printf("\n______________________________________________________________________\n"); printf("************************************************************************\n\n"); printf("******************************* MAIN MENU*******************************"); printf("\n\n************************************************************************\n"); printf("1: Sell\n2: Order\n3: Add medicine in your Stock\n4: Check your Stock\n5: Deleteyour Record\n6: Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); if(a==1||a==2||a==3||a==4||a==5||a==6) { switch(a) { case 1: clrscr(); printf("..................................\n"); printf("\t\tWelcome to Medical Store management System"); printf("\n..................................\n"); printf("Sell:\n\n"); printf("How many medicine you want to sell\n"); scanf("%d",&num); printf("Enter medicine name: and number of medicine\n"); p=fopen("asha.txt","r"); for(i=0;i<num;i++) { scanf("%s",s[i].mn); fflush(stdin); scanf("%d",&s[i].nm); fflush(stdin); j=0; for(j=0;j<25;j++) { if(mn[i]==m[j].name,m[j].quantity>0,s[i].nm<=m[j].quantity) {

fscanf(p,"%s%d%d",&m[j].name,&m[j].price,&m[j].quantity); sum=sum+m[j].price;j++; m[j].quantity=m[j].quantity-s[i].nm; } else printf("this medicine is Not available right now\n"); break; } rewind(p); } fclose(p); printf("do you want to print slip [Y/N]\n"); c=getchar(); fflush(stdin); if(c=='y'||c=='Y') { printf("Medicine name\t\t\tQuantity\n"); for(i=0;i<num;i++) { printf("%s\t\t\t\t%d\n",s[i].mn,s[i].nm); } printf("................./.................\n"); printf("Total :\t\t\t\t%d",sum); printf("\n...................................\n"); } else goto again; printf("\n\nDo you want to continue\t[Y/N]\n"); scanf("%c",&c); fflush(stdin); if(c=='Y'||c=='y') { printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); goto again; }

else { printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); goto yesno; } break; case 2: clrscr(); printf(".................................................................. \n"); printf("\t\tWelcome to Medical Store management System"); printf("\n..................................................................\n"); printf("Order:\n\n"); printf("Enter Whole Quantity of medicine :\t"); scanf("%d",&n); fflush(stdin); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("Enter Medicine name :\t"); scanf("%s",&o[i].m_name); fflush(stdin); printf("Number of this madicine:\t"); scanf("%d",&o[i].m_q); fflush(stdin); } printf("Do you want to print slip\t[Y/N]\n"); scanf("%c",&f); fflush(stdin); if(f=='y'||f=='Y') { clrscr(); printf("....................................................................\n"); printf("\t\tWelcome to Medical Store management System"); printf("\n................................................................\n"); printf("\n\nYour Order is :\n\n"); printf("SR: Medicine name\tQuantity\n");

for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%d : %s\t\t\t%d\n",i+1,o[i].m_name,o[i].m_q); } printf("\n\nDo you want to continue\t[Y/N]\n"); scanf("%c",&c); fflush(stdin); if(c=='Y'||c=='y') { printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); goto again; } else { printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); goto yesno; } break; case 3: clrscr(); printf("....................................................................\n"); printf("\t\tWelcome to Medical Store management System"); printf("\n..................................................................\n"); printf("Add medicine in your Stock:\n\n"); record(&p); printf("\n\nDo you want to continue\t[Y/N]\n"); scanf("%c",&c);fflush(stdin); if(c=='Y'||c=='y') {

printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); goto again; } else { printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); goto yesno; } break; case 4: clrscr(); printf(".................................................................\n"); printf("\t\tWelcome to Medical Store management System"); printf("\n................................................................\n"); printf("Check your Stock:\n\n"); check(&p); fflush(stdin); printf("\n\nDo you want to continue\t[Y/N]\n"); scanf("%c",&c); fflush(stdin); if(c=='Y'||c=='y') { printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1);

printf("."); sleep(1); goto again; } else { printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); goto yesno; } break; case 5: clrscr(); printf("..................................................................\n"); printf("\t\tWelcome to Medical Store management System"); printf("\n...................................................................\n"); printf("Are sure to Delete your record\t[Y/N]\n\n"); fflush(stdin); c=getchar(); if(c=='y'||c=='Y')remove("asha.txt"); else goto again; fflush(stdin); printf("\n\nDo you want to continue\t[Y/N]\n"); scanf("%c",&c); fflush(stdin); if(c=='Y'||c=='y') { printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1);

goto again; } else { printf("\nLoading"); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); goto yesno; } break; default : clrscr(); printf(".................................................................\n"); printf("\t\tWelcome to Medical Store management System"); printf("\n.................................................................\n"); } } else { printf("\n\nyou Entered Wrong Key,Please Try Again\n"); sleep(2); goto again; } yesno: clrscr(); printf("\n...........................................................\n"); printf("\t\tWelcome to Medical Store management System"); printf("\n........................................................... \n"); printf("Made by : \n"); printf("****************************"); printf("DEEPAK RATURI"); printf("****************************\n"); printf("*******************************"); printf("RD1206B31"); printf("*******************************"); printf("\n\nPlease wait"); sleep(1);

printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); printf("."); sleep(1); } void record(FILE *p) { int q,i; struct medical m[25]; printf("How many Medicine you want to add :\t\t"); scanf("%d",&q); fflush(stdin); p=fopen("asha.txt","a"); fprintf(p,"\nMedicine Name\t\tPrice\t\t\tQuality\n"); printf("Enter\n"); for(i=0;i<q;i++) { fflush(stdin); printf("medicine name : "); gets(m[i].name); printf("price : "); scanf("%d",&m[i].price); fflush(stdin); printf("Quantity : "); scanf("%d",&m[i].quantity); fflush(stdin); fprintf(p,"\n\n%s\t\t\t%d\t\t\t%d",m[i].name,m[i].price,m[i].quantity); } fclose(p); printf("Your Medicine added in your stock\n"); return(0); } void check(FILE *p) { struct medical m[25]; char c; p=fopen("asha.txt","r"); if(p==NULL) printf("No Record was found in your Stock\n\n");

else { while((c=getc(p))!=EOF) { printf("%c",c); } } fclose(p); return(0); } linkfloat() { float a=0,*b; b=&a; a=*b; }


THE proposed term paper for Medical Store Management system will helps them to do billing and stock maintenance, This proposed system will helps them in many ways. It will help them to do billing very easily. Account maintenance which will also becomes easier. They can keep track of their purchases, sales, stocks and account details. The software is provided with all the master entries to enter any new product, or supplier, or customer to add or modify and delete. Thus by developing through c approach we can develop the software which can be user friendly by implementing the PROCEDURE ORRIENTED approach..

Let us c by YASHWANT KANETKAR. Programming with C by BYRON S GOYFFRIED. Guidance for C. Working with C www.w3schools.com www.vclcomonents.com

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