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Class 9

Introduction to Web Design & Computer Principles CSCI-UA.0004-003


<header> - introductory content for document or section of a document <nav> - contains navigation <section> - defines a section(s) of content within a document <article> - independent, self-contained content <aside> - content that is separate from the nearby content <footer> - content that ends your document

Introduction to Web Design & Computer Principles CSCI-UA.0004-003


Commenting code allows the developer to add comments, instructions, notes, etc to their HTML pages, without that text being rendered <!-- Comments go here --> Note: While comments do not appear in the HTML page, they can still be viewed when looking at the pages source

Introduction to Web Design & Computer Principles CSCI-UA.0004-003


<ul> or <ol> - unordered and ordered lists (a single tag is used for an entire list). Lists can be nested by added <ul> or <ol> tags within an existing list. <li> - is a list item. Each item within a list gets its own tag. start=n - sets the start value for an ordered list value=n - sets a specific numeric value for an item in an ordered list

Introduction to Web Design & Computer Principles CSCI-UA.0004-003


<table> - tag that surrounds all the table content <tr> - indicates a row within a table <th> - a table header that is nested inside a <tr> <td> - a table cell or division that is nested inside a <tr> <caption> - caption for table that is normally found at the beginning <thead> <tbody> <tfoot> - additional tags to organize table content caption th tr td

Introduction to Web Design & Computer Principles CSCI-UA.0004-003


colspan=n - extends <td> the specified number of columns rowspan=n - extends <td> the specified number of rows

Introduction to Web Design & Computer Principles CSCI-UA.0004-003

Reading for Class


Introduction to Web Design & Computer Principles CSCI-UA.0004-003

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