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Name: _______________________________

Name of Student Whose Essay You Are Grading____________________________


Thesis Paragraph
Student writes a complex, analytical thesis statement that addresses the causes and effects of the Haitian Revolution and clearly introduces the groups that will be used in the essay.

Prompt: Describe the causes and effects of the Columbian Exchange Use of Evidence Support of Thesis Document Grouping
Supports thesis with appropriate evidence from seven or more documents. Student must demonstrate understanding of the basic meaning of seven documents by addressing them individually. Student goes beyond linking the documents to the groups and has sophisticated analysis of all documents used, showing how the differences relate to other trends in history or how opinions change over time and from source to source. All documents support the thesis statement and none contradicts the students argument. Student includes more than two groups in essay which all support the thesis statement. The groups are sophisticated and detailed, showing thought and planning behind the groupings.

POV Analysis
Student correctly analyzes point of view for a second document.

The thesis must address the causes and effects of the Haitian Revolution and clearly introduce the groups that will be used in the essay.

Student must address six of seven documents in the essay. Student must demonstrate understanding of the basic meaning of six documents by addressing the document individually.

Student includes two logical document groupings which support the thesis statement.

Student correctly analyzes point of view for one documents through considering and explaining the tone, the characteristics and experiences of the author, the intended audience, and/or how the intended outcome may have influenced the authors opinion. Student attempts to analyze point of view in one document but analysis is not sufficient due to student not moving beyond mere description or consideration of the characteristics or experiences of the author or intended audience. Student attempts to address point of view but attempt is incomplete or inaccurate.

Student fails to address the causes and effects of the Haitian Revolution OR the introduction of the grouping is not completely clear, although student makes an attempt.

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Student fails to address the causes and effects of the Haitian Revolution AND the student fails to introduce grouping in the thesis. Student does not have a thesis statement at all.

Students address three of seven documents in the essay or student addresses three documents but one is misinterpreted. Student must demonstrate understanding of all four documents by addressing the documents individually. Student addresses fewer than three documents in the essay or two or more documents are misinterpreted. Student fails to address more than two documents or all documents are misinterpreted.

The documents used support the students thesis statement one document may contradict thesis or may be lacking adequate explanation of how it ties to the thesis.

Student attempts to group documents in two ways, but one group is incomplete (has fewer than two documents) or is illogical).

TWO or more of the documents fail to support thesis statement or contradict the thesis, but student makes attempt to support thesis. Student does not attempt to support thesis statement with the use of documents.

Student attempts to group document but document groupings do not make sense, or are incorrect for both groupings. Student fails to group documents.

Student does not attempt POV analysis.




Use of Evidence

Support of Thesis



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