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Ileath M1dd16 School


Volums 5






Heath eiphth prade selects freshEran Elasses by Kelth Schuotter

Kevin llorton
Heath elghth gr:ede studentE have been considerlng thelr c].esses fon next year. Mr. Jones, ths counselor a.t the hlgh school came over to the nlddle school tbe IL,r and 21 of February to

Feb. 21. For some it was Eooa news, for otherE bad. Tbe str&lghttrAn stud.ents for the eighth grad aro Shauna BeYer, Paula C1j- s s on, Tr&cey l{agee, and Amy I'iontgomery. For the sevonth grade theY ar6 Davld Adams, Shayna Chumblor, Roseanne Dillworth, Lara Dorrdy, Veronica ifutre11, A11i s'bn GreY, Anthony Poyton, and Jacqueline
Y&nc 6y .

Report carals xent out on

Freshman chosen as colorguard by liar1a Stone

l.ionday, Ilarch / some eighth graCe 8irls trj.ed-out for freshman color,euard. Th.er.e was a long srri vrore finally postod l.Iarch !. Therc were onl;y two people and Rhonda Dlrod (alternate). Ilags were as foLfows: Kim Potts, Kim Ryan and Jermy Peyton. I.Iary Shargiuossy and Janie Lindsay wero choson for

anticipated walt, but the rosults







Eidtth graders



h'uture fa rmers of Amrica by Connl G&l a

rlelissa Broyles Feb. 10, slghth gradens attended a mootlng witb the i.'FA. .4.t thls mootlng they recolved a sheet of PaPer asklng

help the students select tbelr classes. He took us through typlng I ancl 11 , accounting, computors c1ass, dlstrl butivo educatlon, goneral buslness and the high school offlce. Thare ha8 been a change ln the amount of credlts a student must hav6 to graduate. Accordlng to Mr. Jones, startlng with nert yearl s fre ghman c1ass, those studonts rnrst heve twenty credibs lnstead of tl,e 6lghteen tlret wero f ormerl-y requlred. Thlg means ths,t four instoad of three Engllsh classes and t three lnstead of t r.ro math classes must be compl etd before a studont can graduate . f'or the more inte1llgent students, tb.ere ere three enrlchnont classs: English, scienco and BoometrJr. To get into these classes, you must have lnput from your toacher, a good performanco in class, hlgh score on C.T.B.S test, and good grades. Elght oloctlves must be comploted to graduate. Somo of tho ol6ct1veE aro: Spenlsh, fYnch, b8rd, footbal1, basketbell, a.Briculture, rmrslc appreclation, al't and general crafts.

qu6stlons if they !,ere intorostad. in regard to thls there were 2J definites and l!7 undoclded. To be ln the FFA' You hevo be an agrlculture student. to You must also oarn the Groen Iland Degreel to do thls, a member has to Put hls or hon hand ln greon dYe and keoP I't on for a. daY. Other rules roqulro the Pledge to carrY wl-th a him a quarter ln changer*. llghtc e1I m.rs er , and matche s . IIo


ofil.cers bY offj.ce and cddress oth6r monbors bY Mr. or I'Ilss.


The Pi r.at e ?re s s

Former drug user visits HMS

by Tracy

Band news reported




i.'e t)r,rary 1!, Danlel Co1I1er vlsi-ted Heath Hidd16 School and talked to the studants about drugs and crlme, wtrat he has gone thpough and how he was almost k1IIed becauao of it. l{r. Collter said he startod by drinking Just one beer et tho age of fO whlch 16d to becomlng an alcoholic by the age of 12. He saicl that h13 frlends and ho used to snlff glue for tho fun of it, but what theY dldnr t know was that tbey wer:e leadln8 th6ms6lves to merlJuena, tben hash and op1um, whlch 1ed to uPPers and cocaino. By the tj,me ho was 15 or L7, he was using acid

March 11, th6 Hoeths band were sellLng solid mLlk choco1at6 Eestor bunnles. our own III1S ba.nd sold about 1300 bunnlss end ra1s6d almost $l+,OOO in uhich S1 ,500 comes back to Lh6

Aprl1 ).2 Band Boostor neetlng j,n which th6 hlgh school w111 perfor:a 2 songs end the middle sctrool- w111 play 6. April 111 A11 District Jr. Band tryouts at Reidland will bake place. Also thero w111 be a c ^.,ner"t, At pCC.


Jr. Beta meets



anno Dlck

and LSD, whlch fln&11Y 1ed to n&rc of ic s.

stud.nt body hls passed 6xperlence5, whlch include such tlmes as when he was talked into uslnB needlos at B DartY, to what they qlnost ceuseC him to do when tre was 2t), loose hls llfc. Wh6n ha was e1ven or twolve years o1d h6 started ruruIing eway from home and skipplng school . Ry the tille he lras thlrteen h6 was spendin8 more tim6 in Juvn11e Detentlon IIal-1, than et home. Wtre n he was fourteen he was ctrarged a felony of Srand thoft auto and also armed robbery. In hls whole 1i,fe he has c orrrnitted 1! fo)-onies anC tras served 1n Drislon twlce. I1r. Co11lor said that when he was using needles ho woul-d put a Plnk Floyd album on, slt on th6 coffee table, and act l1ko he was hJ.ding from the hellcopter on the rec ord. Mr. Colllor conunented on how his wj.fo gtood by hlm &nd how hls rellglous bellofs has helped hln .tay off drugs.

IIe shared wlth tho


Aprll lst. Among the caiegorlos ar6: Super Smi1e, Cuper Eiag, Super Fllrt and of,c. Th studnt bod;; will have a cha.nco ".rfi"e bo vote on thoir own choLce for thege nhonorstr. club also dlscussed _ fhe popcorn popper buylng a for schooL, so when a class is th6 havlng a. party
th6y can have freshly popped popcorn.
by l(6v1n Eorton

Tbe Junior Beta meetlng was celled to order by the Pnes1dent Tracey Thompson on I"larch 17 . Th flrst 1t6m of business was the Academy Atrards, whlch are to be held on Fbiday,

Stamp club mee.ting reviewed



Thl tlma_ peochinde, Brad Ke116y, Ithonda Smi t,h and Suzy RoUortson. .. The membens finished out the_ meoting wlth a session of lll-1.9, trading and selltng

t John W:ri,;ht, G6or.go iSH; l"r *13T,') 3f l ; fu


At the stanp uruo rneetlng on _ Dec. 1l+, 1982, the membersq Christmas lufl Monlce Hlnesparty. president ha.d Iotten pormlsslon from Mr. Fel1er to hold one and had esked each mombor to brlng en lten such gs a. drlnk, potato chips, tc. !'lrst, Mr. Feilor showed a movlg on a flret da.y of issue ceremony, 1n whlch a now stamp is dodicated at e plece heving to do with the theme of th6 issue. The stamp only on Balo in this place for is ths first d ey. Januer]r meetin8 was . - . Thethe nolcr on 1lth. Eech member was. to brlng one albun from hls or her collection and his begin_ nen vocabulary sheets. Unfortunately, most of the people forgot to brlng th6se. _ The people xhlblting tboin a1bums




ih PlrLto Press

Student sees both sides by Tabatha Bartlett In regerds to the lett;er that Shayna Chumbler wrote in the last edition o.i The Pi.rnte Pross, I am writlng-ffiepTy. i,'j.rst, I should revlew th6 contents of her letter. She exprossed hor oplnion on ttro award gi.ving. She felt the oighth 6irrdors were getting almost &11 the ar.rards, wheroas only I felr seventh graders receivod them. Her point or' vlow was that the soventh slrould r6cej,vs awarus if they earned thom regardless of their gr:rd.o. I a;;ree w 1th her to a certain extent. The seventh and eighth 65raders shoul-d rec6lve awardg equal-Iy, but sinc lt 1s the last year for the e j.Bhth graCersy they should be entitl6d to lrinni.ng a fow more. Although it doesnrt se6m right maybe it is to a certain ext6nt. You sovonth graders r.ri1I have your turn to receive more awards next year. Just think hou the sovonth graders af ter you l.riI1 f ee1.

HM.S takes fashion ooll

by Connle Gaia . The Pireto Press took a pol1 in l4arch to seu what kind of clothes teens aro wearlng these days. Her6 o.re the results: Tho glrls f ashl- on poII was aiiout jeans, tops, end shoes. Hore are the Jans: Jordacho 52, Gloria Venderbelt 29, Lnd Loe 21. The tops were: 0xford 53, Polo l+5, and lzod 31. Tho boys fashion po11 rvas at:out jeans, tops and shoes. Ilore 116 tllo Jeans: Levi l+5, Jordasho 2l and Lee 21. The tops were: Izod [], Polo 27 and Oxford 21. Th6 glrls ancl boys shoos wore: Convorse 37, Iiike 35 and Pony J-11.

HMS students express

conrl icting opinions

on yideo games
by l{e1anle NeIson
Vldeo 4amos seem to ba very coni'Ilcting thse days. you soem elther to hear ws.rnlngs or praislngs of video eamoa. 9Ufr satd yes they play lames regularly. 10i5 aaid no. Iiost of ttle students participatlnl spend from four to one dEi11ars. The game s for your favoplte rangeci cres.tIy. That r s most 1ike1y a one porson thlng. 0f the g&rae systems, At._Lrl ranks first whl_l the othrs ere about oqual . 75/" seLd. no while 2!lJ said yes on the answer to video g..nes boln| harmful. i




Th6 Plrete Press

Purple is not



Student wishes to have

more dances D6ar Edltor: I think we should b allowod to have at 1e'ast threo d.ances a year. They are fun, and they can help the sctrool with noney lor f tnd-raising. I w&s unh&ppy to hoar when I heard we would have no moro d.Ences. If we had a sponsor, I think lt woul-d be very nice to have at l-eest ono nore.

vrrltln8 to you ln regerds to the story about Purplo People 1n your last editlon of The Plrate Press. -----T'ffi1-A;a-o1d maY lnfact be our schooll s coIor, but Purpl 1s a Bcod color to wear an;rwhe re at all. Lone Oak may evon woer black and gold to thelr school. People 8et tired of seelng so mueh black and 5oLd. Sometimes it i-s nice to se PurP]-e or any other color.


lr(Ii t or :



Phyll,. Do.udy Student praisei -

I' /W^r,Lru0An'L

Black Stallion Returns

bY iirroncla l'lenser

Coppola. It wrrs adapted-from tho bcfi.: by llaltor FarleY. The movle has a iot of funnY Parts as woI1 as a low sad Parts 1n it.



& calls the B1ack. movie The Black sequel to tha st&1"li-on. rt i" *uoffiffind 66EEEi-uoy arrd horsc. The novie takes pl-aco mostly in the d.esert. . Duri,ng tne movie-trre r,ro rshai and


"o;ffi*Euff horse is his black Arabian Th1s. novie


?h6 Bleck Sta11104 Belgrng

Students review M A S H
by carole Davis
chuck rngram

"i,i"i lxie'trl;"*."1,.1'ii

i,il-[",ilit.l ff:T;"ll'o" i:;i' !-t 'i g"oo'iu"!t'"o"r or ir. horse shetar, rho 0,"""i;?i;fr i:,:lX*:l';1.:::rffi:i,.,lol.,u
them. They wore SoinB to lT:_ him in a race ttrat occurs 6vory iir,"-iu*," and that

ot*"" rlany yesrs the hi-t show l'1')rAllsJ(-II carno to an end 1?.\vn' :1"X":$iI;u;'"31*iI{,,3-1.,, ..iI"" t-,osense






:"3"^i::';l:".illuBI;"n?X' f:';;"'nnd he won tt""'ii"i'-ili in" :,i:::::t;*, l':r::::ii;"'r'rr:.ng joko out ridar :i"$;:IJ tl;i#:u'"* a Berber trlb. AIec left the
The Black St+llion RelPrns & Booo mov1e, 1! as worLrr a Bood- movte; 1t is worth 19 1s verY 3eelng. I enJoyed lt very much.


lii;1"*-*:':,ii;t";l:xil"*"", ",""i^j:iioirlii.tilE'il]'n """ the Black lf he won the raco.

u*a*sli; ;::lll"":i:Tir:l: ,. cou1d. rnake you lauga""J tf.u next m]nute nexE minute cry.


"""lrs.-,,I "l!g:d .o*,ufffofionst%iliii is edltcd

toi'i **ToXi3:I:,#il*lri":il34, n"r"!Ll--cr,iritv

Menser, Molanre Nelson,

3j!!;"1|'*lli.'firlr;"lliiid"ii;.:::i:,*i;iru:;U*ir:i,i::1" Tracy Mage, Chris Millory,

o.fro" I'l*"iil,.pall

tb3-besls of nace, co1on, natlon&I o"igi", relrgron,-";;;-;;'i7;; ",. handicapped 1n iti oducailonal p"osr"-3-""a staff: Tabatha _Bart Iet t , ltu"ff..r, Brown, "rpioy.6";-;;r;I;:;. niotie", Cbrlstln Buchanan, Julie Burneit, ari 6r.r.,", ifefissaDavl'. Deanne Carole

grade r"f;lli";iii'":"3"fi:ii:,::'i:I";"{il:}.i:,pooms, srorles, art work, "" The lilocreckon county Board oi' Educatlon does not dlscrlmate on
and.pubLllbcd by the elghth


Typlst: Berrv_Tr" L_ __r-ryasrj nufiy-or"rr" _

I Rbonda i Rh9*,. n"gi"i Ricrraras, "';iB['sJi,"utt"", u,ir"-Bioi.,^o,,," wriit", -J r




The PlraCe Press

St. Patrick's Day, based

on nlany legends




this populan saint. one of the best knolrn is tha.t ho charraod tho snakes of freland down to the soashoro so that they were driven ln the water and drowned. I,luch el-so that is told of St. Petrick is 1itt1o more tlran legendary. ile left sort of a autobio8raphy in iris ttConfesslonrtt wI'i t ten in crude Latin. Ilany rolics of this sai.nt were hefd sacred for a thousand yeai"s, but some of thsm wer6 de stroyed :iuring the Reformatj.on. ^r,. f our-sidod i.ron be11, said to bo iris, is 1n th l"luseum of Arts and Sc i- ence s i"n D,rblin. An B.nci.ont stone ctrair is on the Rool< oi Crrshel. I{uctr study has be6n Sivon to St. Ps.trick; but littl-e tlr&t Eoes boyond tho testinon;' of his own writj-ngs can be accepteil as cortain. 5t. l'r, trickrs DaY is ce1bre'te,l throughout tho wor1d, r+herover their ar6 lrish people, on I'iercir 17 of every yaar.

Ilany logends grew up about



Naoel's 13 rears

by laula Gl-isson
Jluo to 1l years of teachlng, lir. ltagel claims that his once dark beard hes turned to elmost 8rEy. His favorate hobby readlng, might contribute to his vory inberesting Engllsh and social studies classes. 0ther of hls hobbios lnclude gardenlng and aports. Concernlng sports, Mr. I'lagol states that he 1s too old to particapato in these so he Jus t watches. f4r. Nagelr s fa,/orlte book 1s crlled SlauRhterhouse 5. IIis l'avori te novies include Casa Blanca .Ind .iI.T. H1s fav6il-te

Spring Word Search

lry T:.acy

Y P l!




r-) I










i' it 0)



n L


T L U T B 0 L F o K N t{

ElTl-Ghows in-druae 60 }tinutos and yg]!. ur. NageFEi6Eto cheeseburgors.


foods are spaghottl,


0 J

o L B l.i D II L D Y L I P o P.
B I'







lle has teu8ht no whore e1s6 but lIi.;$ excopt studont teaching at L.O.i{.S. IIls favorite class 1n Il years 1s the eighth grade class of )-tJO. He statos especia1ly thlrd perlod. The reason he admlres thls class the rnost ls because he says they were rr ve ry bri6ht, meturo, curious, and Criendly.rr I{r. Nagel says thet ho would like to rr just teech for 11 more weoks, but Ir11 be hero for 17 more yoarsrr.


Tho Plrato Pr6ss


For you my friend by Veronr.ca i\r tr611

Easter to be

I send you a smtle, For_Just bolng - my s1d.e, when Irn there, Ey down, and showing that you care. I send you love, For carlng for Ee, '{nen I was 81ck or hurt, or wantod comperJr. I send you a rainbow, For saylng to mo, T'he sun needs the ralri, For a ralnbow to be. I rd send-you th6 rorld, drEeDc _ aIffr:1ond could com6 true, For tekos lt all , Then returns lt to you.

Connie Gala


by L)irly Gata Easter 1s a Chri s tiB.n fostlval that celebr&tos the nesurrectlon of Josus Christ. It 1s nost imporbant holi ^the oe,y of th6 Christian roli.gioir. People attend chrrrehes pert in ,!e L i8i ous cremo!).ies. "ni take Chrlstlans everywhero celebrate Easter wltL great rJolc1ng. In many aras, c nl lctron collect candy .rrd chocolate bunnles, :rnd hunt colorful rlas ter oggs . I,iany poopl_o wear Eew sprln8 clothos to church on Easter. Some of tho Eastor synboLs are The Cross, thc lamb, iights, and eggs. The storr of Ea"fer ' comos from the Rible. The Gospols Lel1 that the bo.ty of
t-o Hls followers qnci annornced, ItHe is rlsenr?.



KEA spells travel for manY

Josus disappeared fr"onr ilii tomb on the third day after hls cruc-iflxion, ar:d ar q:.:1 appeared

GbDd \



last bst not Ieast, Iir. Hovekamp fishlng et the Lake to catch the gj,ant nlnnow that stole hls rod last t1me.
1s golnr

Hosklns dnd Tracy Toy ane golng to Lou1svl11e. Ctndy EverJtt " ls golng to visj.t som6 frlndE i.n Alabarna. - Clay Slusmeyer 1s golng home and to bedl l1r. FlotchJr ii 3o1ng home to palnt hls rthutrr n;d


golng to vlsit some relatlvei in Ohio. Chrls Jordar will be on tbe west coast visltlng the big Btate of California while l,l6l-ani.e Nelson lril1 be on th6 east coast, stajrinB et a ski rosort in Nor:th Carollne. Bl11y Gaia and Tracy Toy aro vlsltlng St. Louls, th6

et1on. Thoss Etudents tha.t aro plannlng to enJoy the br.lght sunshlne of Elori.da ane Chuck Ingram, Bobby Bachuss, Davld. Adams, Jason Brown, Eeather Bro',rno, Jackie Yancy, and Daron Crabtreo. Some people w111. be travellng to fndl&na. Tirose are Kln Ryan, Shevm F\rl_ton, and. Keith Schuettor. Chrls Burky Ls

__ . Ma1ty familles are travellng all &round the U.S. for KllA weei


of th6 Redblrds.








P&ge 7

The Plrate Pross

Heath romped bv
Grevhounds by Jenrr:,fer Luigs
Reglna Rlchards 0n Jan. 11 Heath sovonth gred6 girls met the Roldland Greyhounds a.t Reidlends home c ourt . The first cluartor action ended wlth Eeath and Iloidland


Pirates demolish

St. Johns Bombers

by Rhonda Iqenser
Th6 elghth grade boys traveled to St. Johns td play February lrd. The Hoath boyi stole the ball and had numerous opportunltles at tt! chs.rlty strlpe, thus demollshing the
Jlmmy llobby uas


, 69-26.

scorlng four poi.nts aplece, and chairity strlpes. Second haLf action, Iieldland had an edge on the Piratos by 5 poi-nts, ms.klng the score 5-12. The next qulrter th6 P j-rate s and Greyhounds got &noth6r l+ polnts aploco with ReidlandI s advantaqe. The resultlng quartor ended with 6 points aplece for each teen with the vicbory go1ng to the Greyhounils. The final scor6 wes 16-22. Ileatht s J.eadlng s,l orers are as follows: Davis netted 5 polnts, ;lstes scored I polnts, and Gray, Gatlin, and rillI c&nnod 2 points apiece.
Heo.th &ttemptlng two

basket as leadlng scorer wlth 17. Reboundlng, lf his teanmatos mlssed, pushed hlm high into the doublo flgures. Grcg
Armstron6 also The Pirates had a freo throw percentage of !8. They shot 25 tlmes and mede 15 ofthem. But tho Bombors werenrt as lucky as ths Plrates wlth a

hot at the

l1gits wlth


hit the d,ouble

Scotty Romaln wi,th p, Br6nt Jordan wlth B, Reggie Marshall with 6, Joey Marshall with !, Gorry Johnson wlth 11, and Iodd Elte, Kovln Lenler, Daron Crabtree, David Wallace all scoring 2 points each. Bombers clinch

out of 21. The other scorers were


of 29.

They made 6

Heath f alls to Flash

by Any

by Dana ilhite
Thursday f'eb. I our olgath gra.le 3j.r1s playeC the St. Jotrn Bombers on thei:: home court. Tho finlshing score of the name was Hoath 26, SL. Johns 28.During the first qu&rter the Plrates took the lead by I point for the score ot 6-5. ',{j, t:,. the scores of GLisson,
apiece .


LaJy firatos llero defeated by tho Flash on Lone Oaks home c ourt , 11,:-3 0. Tiio Piratos couldnt t stop r,i il-l iams ii fl|, Lone Oak r s conter who at halftime had poured ln 12 points. Tho Pirats linited her to

The seventh grade Heath


only 2 polnts tho resb of the game wh1Ie lleRtht s center J&ckle isi-es turned on scoring all of her 6 poi,nts the second half. othor scoreros lor Heath woro, .L11ison Gray and Karen D&vis, 5oth wlth !. The final score bei-ng HI,IS 16, L.o. 10.

Burnett, and Nelson aI1 wlth 2 In the second stanz& the Piraios made ! polnbs on 2 fiold goals and I point fron tho free throw l1ne. The r;core at half tlme ,,ras 11-11. During the third quartor the Bonbors galned the le ad by 4 points. The Plrates only scored 2 points whlch r.I6re by l{elenie Nolson. At th ond of the thiral quarter the -score was 11-15, In the lorth st&nza the Piral,es gcored 1l polnts on jl field 3oc1s and 3 from the cha.ri ty stripe. Finlshing th scorlng .rere Nelson wtth 5, l,ong uith 2, and crlfies with 5. The i,irates hit \ out of 18 f ree tirrows f or 2?,,.1".
Bonbers favor.



The Pirate Pross

Flash flattens Pirates

by Paul l'Iayf ield
Th6 Plnates were ln tho flnal gamo of the year against the Lone Oak F1ash, but tho Plrat6s lost 26-l+0. The Plrates staYed c lose during th6 Bame with tough scraPPY defonse. Ileeth shot 53 percont from the fle).d and shot ['/ percent from the charlty llne. During tho lirst half tho Pirato3 came out shooting hot by hlttlng 5 out of 6 lrorrr tho fleld, but then onLy came up with one free throw to end tho lirst half r^rith lIoath loslng 'by one, 11-12. Thon to st&rt the third quarter the Plrates had six turnovers and th6 l'1ashe s c ame up wlth 20 points anal Heatir only cam6 up with 11 points. The score after the third stanze was 22 to )2, Piratos behind. Th6 Plrates tried to stage a cornoback, but wore hurt r.rith turnovors B.ga1n. The season closed wlth Hoeth second ln the County Champlonship
gam .

Tourn ey
'by Chris l.Ia11ory 0n t'eb. 15, 1983 at the Heath High gyu the elghbh grad.e girls lost to Roidland in th6 tourn&ment. During the first quarter IIeath feel behlnd 6-1!. The points t+ere made by Long and l{cKinney wlth field goals and Burnett with 2 free ihrows. At the end of the first half it was 10 to 211, the I poi.nts mado by McKlnney lrith a . field goaL and a pair of free throws . Concludlng the thlrd quanter, the score was l7-)9. Nelson had tho most with I points, Griffes had a field goal , nnd clisson had a palr from the 1lne. In the last quarter Heath turned on, nebting 1J points, but lteldland scored 11. At ifro end the scor6 was ll! to 50. The 1.7 .ooints r.rere made by l{elson wlth 6, Glj.sson with [, criffes and Long each had l, and ;lurnett added 1 .Cron the Iine.

Lady Pirates attemp champion ship unseccessfully by Deldra Glis son |ebruary 15, the sevcnth grade Lady I,lrs.te s cballer.gerl the fie1d1and Greyhounds at Iieath Eigh School gym, to flght for tho titlo of County Champs. The bounnanent 6ame was startod by ttle tlp off which was roceived by Reldland, but the Plrate dofenso only alloweJ them to scoro tlro points. During the flrst -quarter the Pi.rates only marraged to toss ln a couplo of polnts by Karen Davis. Ths second stanza went woll for the Greyhounds, scoring 1). points while th6 P1-rates only malaged to score 11, all b;y Karen Davl s But after halftime the Pirates splrit wasntt rnarred. even thouEh thoy were behind by 7 points. i:'&rl-y in the third quarter Allison Gray put up.r qulck 2 points, which were the only points scored in that quarter by the Plrates. At the end of the quartor the score vras l)-21, the Piratcs trail-InE l,v 11. In the last and 1-innl st&nza, Koren Davis came out anri scorod ono field goal to hetp the PiraLos gain on the Hounds. Karen Davis was fouled two rnoro tinos hit one a.t errch attoropt. The Groyhounds scored. j.n the fourth quarter steradily Lo make ths fj-nal score 12-2r, the pirates defe&ted t,y the Greyhounds.



PaBe 9

Heath Bombs Bombers

by Deldra
Gl"1s s on

Flashes bombard Piratyes'shiP

by Tr&cY Ma8oe
Fbruary 1J, tho Ile ath I'iratos facod tho Flashes on

Jen. 2'l H.M.S. etilhth Erade ?irates took on the Ilombers at ath. basketbaLl to Scotty ilonaln who took it down the floor to set up an alleyooP PlaY to score and easy first 2 Points of the BAme . r\s Ball ard broug it tho ball dorn the i1oor, Shannon llenton was f oule':1, shot 2 foul shots t hltting onlY one. To}rard tho end of l,ho lirst quarter, Reggle Marshell ':nil JimmY ilobbY sc ored.
GreB Armstrong tlPPed the

Roggle with 2, JinmY ',rlth ).r. Shannon Benton m.lde I more Points at the Chari.tY stripa. But B&11erd outscored iloath at the end of the first qu&rter, ),2-16, Hcath tr&iling bY \. Early in the socond quarter 3a11ard took an load, but as always lioath cama bo'ck to score

10 points io Ballardrs B. Iligh scorer ln the second quarter was Gretr Armstronfl. At the end of the-second quarter Heath was only

tho home court but couLdnt t hol''i brick thoir shootlng a hI11tY, in" Lono Oak Flashes dofeated "o neatn Piratos, JG to 50. ihe BY the end of ttre iirst quartei the Flashes wore learlinr', bv two Doints wlth a s;o:e of 5- to 8 wlth Greg Ar:-"st'ronq ''nd Scotty Ronain, adding !o tho Pot' ihe }"lashes woro st il-l leaCing &t the e nd ol- tho hali'tlme wlth t score ol 16 to 19. Ir tilo third s+-l'nza' tho FLeslres broad.encd the load bY ten polnts lrlth e score of 2lto 3i. Greg Armstrong and ilepni.e llarshall 1ed ihe honors ' '" As the buzzer sounded, the q&m6 u&s over and th Lone Oak Flashos lefeated the Pirates scorers lO to 50. Tho final J itnnY for the Piratos wore llobby 9, Greg Armstron5 i , Reggie I'Iarsha1l 7, ieotti'
Romain 6.

tralIlng bY 2, 22-2l,4 itobUy- started off the thlrd quarter bY scori'ng an easY laYup, but Heathis foullng caused the Bombors to score l+ Polnts at the foul line. As the quarter orocressed Heath took the leed Lnd"koPt it,.for at bhQ end the third quartei with the Pirates baroly ahe ad 39-31+. 1n the beSlnning of the fourth scotty Romaln was louled , but mlssed his shot. Pirate defense held the Bombers xtremely we1I. Plrates 8et the ball to gcorc 11 Points to m&ssacre the
Bombers 5\-)+9.

Yil HE#*""
irfu *-rs,
F' rvltrn t'roxE



Basketball banquet
by Rgina llichards 0n lob. 2[ thero r.'as a basketball banque t h.)1d for all the basketball playors, cheerlcaders a-nd thelr parent s . The purpose of the b3.nrluet lras to a..rard the most valuabl e players of the basl(etbell :reasoir for their hard l, ork. Thls year the r:ost veluabLo pLayere for the eigirth 6rade 8ir1s and boys team wero Doilra Gllsson and Reggle llarsha.1I. The most vaiuable playrs for Nhe svonth grade glrls rurd boys

P.M.S. upsets Pirates

by CB.rolo Davls

January 11, the lteath Plrates fought a l-osing battle ulth th Toraadoes on Lhe B1rre t g b.ome c ourt . Melanio Nelson scor6d the flrst baskot for lleeth with DeLCra Gllsson nettlng 10, the most points of the game. The Plretes played defense ln tho
Tho Pirates nlslied a chaIrce to koep the game closo because of e bad nlght at the
number J2.

flrst stanza, but c ouldn t t control the Tonnadoes center,

freethrow Line.

1, Tracie }lcrlnney 2, Melanio Neleon 7, and Sandl criffes 2. As the i)uzzor sounded, th6 f lnal score was IIMS 29, PHS l+1 .

Addlng to the Pi.retes scor $rere JulLe Burnett sinklng 7 polnts, Clndl Everotto

toaJn were Jackie Est6s snd Joe..y l.larshall. . There we 16 two cheerleaders e$rarded from tho seventh and eigh.th 5rado toams for thelr school splrit and they 'rero Shane Uilson and tera Lshley. The ot:rer cherleaders wero rocognlzed. for thelr cooperat 1on and splrlt.

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