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1.) Which of the following correctly identifies the parts labelled W, X, Y and Z?

(W, X, Y, Z)

A.) B.) C.) D.)

adenine, thymine, phosphate, ribose base, ribose, cytosine, guanine guanine, cytosine, deoxyribose, phosphate adenine, uracil, deoxyribose, phosphate

2.) During cell division, genetic material is contained in structures called A.) B.) C.) D.) chromosomes vacuoles Golgi bodies lysosomes

3.) A substance which helps maintain a constant pH in a solution is a(n) A.) B.) C.) D.) salt. acid. base. buffer.

4.) The molecule shown above is part of

A.) B.) C.) D.)

a steroid. DNA an enzyme. ATP

5.) Amino acids are identical in structure except for their A.) B.) C.) D.) acids (carboxyls). amines. peptide bonds. R-groups

6.) The products of mitochondria include ATP and A.) B.) C.) D.) lipids. glucose. water. oxygen.

7.) The diagram illustrates a step in the

A.) B.) C.) D.)

production of nucleic acid. hydrolysis of a protein. synthesis of an enzyme. conversion of glucose molecules to starch.

8.) This molecule is the result of the hydrolysis of

A.) B.) C.) D.)

testosterone Bile phospholipid hemoglobin

9.) Which of the following is a correct statement regarding structures W and Y?

A.) B.) C.) D.)

Both structures have ribosomes embedded in their membranes. Structure W produces ATP and structure Y produces lipids. Structure W produces steroid hormones and structures Y produces proteins. Both structures produce substances that are stored in the nucleolus.

10.) The type of bond shown between the two water molecules is

A.) B.) C.) D.)

hydrogen. ionic. covalent. peptide.

11.) Cells that contain large amounts of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies and vesicles are found in which of the following? A.) B.) C.) D.) testes and alveoli ( ) stomach and alveoli stomach and liver liver and testes Both can be digested by enzymes produced in the pancreas. Both are polymers of glucose. Both are components of the cell membrane. Both are produced in human cells.

12.) How are starch and cellulose similar? A.) B.) C.) D.)

13.) Compared to saturated fats, unsaturated fats contain less A.) B.) C.) D.) hydrogen. oxygen. fatty acids. glycerol.

14.) In which of the following is the greatest amount of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) found? A.) B.) C.) D.) ribosome nucleolus nuclear envelope nucleus

15.) How many of the following are produced at ribosomes?

A.) B.) C.) D.)

three two one four

16.) The function of the organelle shown in the diagram is to

A.) B.) C.) D.)

produce ATP. synthesize nucleic acids. detoxify alcohol. package molecules.

17.) A solution with a high concentration of hydrogen ions (H +) is A.) B.) C.) D.) neutral. acidic. basic. isotonic.

18.) A glucose molecule contains A.) B.) C.) D.) six carbon atoms. two high-energy phosphates. a long chain of carbohydrate rings. three fatty acids and glycerol.

19.) Which of the following is a component of a DNA molecule? A.) B.) C.) D.) ATP ribose nucleotide uracil

20.) Which substance releases hydrogen ions causing the pH of a solution to decrease? A.) B.) C.) D.) lipids sodium bicarbonate water hydrochloric acid

21.) The organelle below is

A.) a nucleolus. B.) a Golgi apparatus.

C.) an endoplasmic reticulum. D.) a mitochondrion. 22.) Cellulose is composed of which of the following substances? A.) B.) C.) D.) glucose nucleotides fatty acids amino acids

23.) The structure labelled X is composed mostly of

A.) nucleic acid and phospholipids. B.) nucleic acid and glycogen. C.) glycogen and protein. nucleic acid and glycogen. D.) .) protein and phospholipids.

24.) Which of the following produces RNA? A.) B.) C.) D.) smooth endoplasmic reticulum rough endoplasmic reticulum mitochondrion nucleolus

25.) Which diagram illustrates an energy storage product of the liver A.)




26.) Which of the following organelles breaks down dead cells? A.) B.) C.) D.) Golgi apparatus rough endoplasmic reticulum lysosome nucleus

27.) The building blocks or monomers that make up carbohydrates are A.) B.) C.) D.) amino acids. monosaccharides. fatty acids and glycerol. nucleotides.

28.) Which of the following types of molecules are synthesized at the rough endoplasmic reticulum? A.) B.) C.) D.) nucleic acids lipids carbohydrates proteins

29.) The structure labelled X is a(n)

A.) B.) C.) D.)

vacuole. mitochondrion. Golgi body. endoplasmic reticulum.

30.) One function of the structure labelled Y is to

A.) B.) C.) D.)

replicate DNA. control cell division. digest food molecules. produce digestive enzymes.

31.) Red blood cells were placed in an unknown solution. Micrographs were taken at the start of the experiment and after two minutes. The movement of which component of the solution caused the observed change?

A.) B.) C.) D.) .)

protein glucose glucose Water salt

32.) The diagrams illustrate that the membrane selects according to the

A.) B.) C.) D.)

temperature of the solution. size of the molecules. concentration of the molecules. electronic charge of the molecules.

33.) Evidence, either supporting or contradicting an hypothesis, is obtained by A.) B.) C.) D.) developing a theory. reaching a conclusion. stating a purpose. Performing an experiment.

34.) Which of the following situations is an example of the process shown above?

A.) B.) C.) D.)

the secretion of neurotransmitters at the synapse the excretion of hydrogen ions in the kidney red blood cells moving in the bloodstream the absorption of glucose by the cell

35.) The graph shows the effect of pH on three different enzyme-catalyzed reactions. Which of the following would best describe the effect of pH on enzyme-catalyzed reactions?

A.) B.) C.) D.)

each enzyme works best within a specific pH range enzyme action decreases as pH increases enzyme action increases as pH increases enzymes work best in an acid environment

36.) Transcription is the production of A.) B.) C.) D.) a polypeptide chain. multiple copies of a single type of enzyme. a new DNA molecule. an RNA molecule complementary to a section of DNA.

37.) The process by which new blood vessels supply a growing tumour is

A.) B.) C.) D.)

promotion. vascularization. malignancy. metastasis.

38.) The genetic disorder sickle-cell anemia occurs when the amino acid valine takes the place of glutamate during translation of a hemoglobin chain. Using the table of codons above, determine the mutation in DNA that produces this disorder.

A.) B.) C.) D.)

CAG changes to CTC GAA changes to GUU CUC changes to CAG CTT changes to CAT

39.) Facilitated and active transport both A.) B.) C.) D.) require ATP. operate in the sodium-potassium pump. require protein carrier molecules. require ATP.

40.) A change in the sequence of bases in a strand of DNA that occurs as a result of exposure to x-rays is an example of A.) denaturation. B.) transcription. C.) protein synthesis. mutation. D.)

41.) If osmotic pressure is a constant 25 mm Hg, which of the following best describes what occurs at X? (Event; Blood Pressure)

A.) B.) C.) D.)

wastes move into the capillaries from the tissues; 40 mm Hg wastes move into the capillaries from the tissues; 25 mm Hg nutrients move from the capillaries to the tissues; 10 mm Hg nutrients move from the capillaries to the tissues; 40 mm Hg


The diagram below represents the initial conditions of an experiment. Which of the following graphs most accurately represents the change in the net rate of osmosis over time?





43.) As a cell increases in size, the A.) B.) C.) D.) volume increases and the surface area increases. surface area increases and the volume decreases. metabolic rate increases. surface area to volume ratio increases.

44.) The diagram shows two solutions containing solutes(squares) and (triangles) dissolved in water and separated by a membrane. If the membrane is only permeable to water, which of the following will occur?

A.) B.) C.) D.)

The concentration of squares on side A will increase. The concentration of squares on side B will increase. triangles will move from side A to side B. Final amounts of squares, triangles and water will be equal on each side.

45.) The cell membrane is selectively permeable because A.) B.) C.) D.) only nutrient molecules can pass through it. all particles can pass through it. only certain particles can pass through it. particles can quickly pass through it.

46.) Which of the following moves material against a concentration gradient? A.) B.) C.) D.) osmosis diffusion facilitated transport active transport

47.) Disorganized and uncontrolled cell growth is called A.) B.) C.) D.) contact inhibition. metastasis. vascularization. anaplasia.

48.) Which the graphs below represents the relationship between the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction and temperature?





49.) The product of transcription is A.) B.) C.) D.) mRNA. protein. DNA. a ribosome.

50.) A biologist determined the surface area and volume of four cells: two flat cells with the same thickness and two spherical cells. Which of the four cells would have the greatest surface area to volume ratio? A.) The large, flat cell with a volume of 10 microlitres. B.) The large, spherical cell with a volume of 10 microlitres. C.) The small, spherical cell with a volume of 5 microlitres.

D.) The small, flat cell with a volume of 5 microlitres. 51.) The secretion of noradrenalin into the synaptic cleft occurs by which of the following processes? A.) B.) C.) D.) pinocytosis exocytosis endocytosis active transport

52.) When a wart or mole changes into a skin cancer, it is usually the result of A.) B.) C.) D.) a bacterium introducing an oncogene into a cell. ultraviolet radiation changing a proto-oncogene. ultraviolet radiation destroying an oncogene. a bacterium introducing a proto-oncogene into a cell.

53.) What is the function of the structure labelled X?

A.) B.) C.) D.)

trap nutrient molecules enable cellular recognition increase the rate of diffusion move cells

54.) A characteristic that identifies metastazing cells is that they A.) B.) C.) D.) contain steroid hormones. grow in a disorganized, uncontrolled manner. stop growing when they touch other cells. make hydrolytic enzymes that digest fats.

55.) Facilitated transport may be described as the movement of particles from an area of A.) B.) C.) D.) high to low concentration using protein carriers. high to low concentration without using protein carriers. low to high concentration without using protein carriers. low to high concentration using protein carriers.

56.) A carcinogen is a substance that A.) B.) C.) D.) denatures enzymes. transforms a proto-oncogene. prevents mutations. prevents anaplasia.

57.) A single base mutation causes the amino acid leucine to replace tryptophan in the primary structure of a protein. The base in the DNA that changes to cause this mutation is

A.) B.) C.) D.)

cytosine. adenine. thymine. guanine.

58.) The location at which the substrate attaches to the enzymes is the A.) B.) C.) D.) co-enzyme. peptide bond active site. hydrogen bond

59.) Which process is shown above?

A.) B.) C.) D.)

replication elongation transcription translation

60.) During the metamorphosis from tadpole to frog, which of the following organelles would cause the cells of the tail of a tadpole to be broken down and digested? A.) B.) C.) D.) endoplasmic reticulum Golgi bodies lysosomes ribosomes

61.) The diagram above represents the stages of a developing follicle. What other event takes place during the time period from W to X?

A.) B.) C.) D.)

The endometrium breaks down. The anterior pituitary secretes decreasing amounts of luteinizing hormone (LH). The hypothalamus shuts off the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The uterine lining rebuilds and thickens.

62.) Secretions from which of the following would have the effect shown in the diagram?

A.) B.) C.) D.)

stomach liver mouth large intestine

63.) The structure labelled Y

A.) proximal convoluted tubule. B.) glomerulus. C.) Bowman's capsule.

D.) loop of Henle. 64.) The structure labelled X is the

A.) B.) C.) D.)

renal vein. iliac vein. subclavian vein. posterior vena cava.

65.) The event shown at time X occurs as a result of

A.) B.) C.) D.)

the release of large amounts of LH and FSH. the secretion of oxytocin while breast feeding. the secretion of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). a steady decline in FSH, LH, estrogen and progesterone.

66.) The hormone that stimulates the secretion of sex hormones in both sexes is A.) B.) C.) D.) testosterone. human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). luteinizing hormone (LH). estrogen.

67.) The blood vessel labelled X is the

A.) B.) C.) D.)

ductus venosus (venus duct). aorta. ductus arteriosis (arterial duct). foramen ovale (oval opening).

68.) Two areas of the brain that regulate the responses of the autonomic nervous system are the A.) B.) C.) D.) anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary. hypothalamus and medulla oblongata. cerebrum and cerebellum. corpus callosum and thalamus.

69.) The diagram shows a heart defect that occurs approximately once in every 500 births. Babies born with this defect have

A.) B.) C.) D.)

oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mixed together. a lower than normal heart rate. a decreased production of red blood cells. difficulty closing the atria-ventricular valves.

70.) If an impulse started at V, it would travel to

A.) B.) C.) D.)

W and X. X and Z. W and Z. Y and Z.

71.) Which of the following is normally found in blood plasma but not in lymph? A.) B.) C.) D.) platelets urea oxygen salt

72.) The loop of Henle is found in the A.) B.) C.) D.) ureter. renal pelvis. urethra. renal medulla.

73.) The event that occurs next is the movement of

A.) calcium ions (Ca ) into the pre-synaptic ending. + B.) potassium ions (K ) out of the post-synaptic ending. C.) bicarbonate ions (HCO ) into the receptors of the pre-synaptic membrane.


D.) sodium ions (Na ) into the post-synaptic neuron. 74.) How many heart valves would a blood cell travelling from the renal vein to the pulmonary vein pass through? A.) B.) C.) D.) two four one none

75.) The part of the brain responsible for muscle coordination is the A.) B.) C.) D.) cerebellum. medulla oblongata. corpus callosum. hypothalamus.

76.) What occurs when an antigen enters the body? A.) B.) C.) D.) Specific antibodies are produced and released. Antibodies change shape to fit the antigen. Red blood cells phagocytize the antigen. There is increased platelet production.

77.) The cells of the seminiferous tubules respond to A.) B.) C.) D.) follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and produce testosterone. luteinizing hormone (LH) and produce sperm. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and produce sperm. luteinizing hormone (LH) and produce testosterone.

78.) The substance produced by the body in response to a foreign substance is A.) B.) C.) D.) an antigen. an antibody. a hormone. an enzyme.

79.) The structure labelled X is the

A.) B.) C.) D.)

peritubular capillary network. proximal convoluted tubule. loop of Henle. distal convoluted tubule.

80.) How many of the above are functions of the blood?

A.) B.) C.) D.)

five two three four

81.) Increased muscle strength, enlarged vocal cords and growth of pubic hair are stimulated by A.) B.) C.) D.) testosterone. estrogen. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). thyroxin.

82.) Increasing the secretion of insulin would have which of the following effects? A.) B.) C.) D.) increased protein synthesis increased digestion of carbohydrate decreased metabolic rate decreased blood sugar

83.) The presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in a woman A.) B.) C.) D.) has decreased estrogen levels. is about to menstruate. has just ovulated. is pregnant.

84.) During the process occurring at X, some nutrients are separated from

A.) B.) C.) D.)

wastes. water. salts. proteins.

85.) The function of structure X is to

A.) B.) C.) D.)

produce ADH. produce urine. carry urine to the bladder. produce bile.

86.) The graph is incorrect because the amount of CO 2 should be

A.) B.) C.) D.)

equal in all three instances. lowest in the pulmonary artery. higher in exhaled air than in inhaled air. highest in inhaled air.

87.) What is the correct sequence of structures through which an oxygen molecule passes from the nostrils to the alveolus? A.) B.) C.) D.) trachea, larynx, bronchioles, right bronchus larynx, trachea, right bronchus, bronchioles larynx, right bronchus, trachea, bronchioles right bronchus, larynx, bronchioles, trachea

88.) Which of the following is a true statement about the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems? Sympathetic system causes increased rates of digestion while the parasympathetic system causes decreased rates of digestion. Sympathetic system causes increased heart rate while the parasympathetic system decreases heart B.) rate. Sympathetic system causes decreased breathing rate while the parasympathetic system causes C.) increased breathing rate. A.)


Sympathetic system causes constriction of the iris while the parasympathetic system causes dilation of the iris.

89.) After leaving the ovary, the structure that Y will enter is the

A.) B.) C.) D.)

cervix endometrium uterus oviduct

90.) Blood is brought to the glomerulus by the A.) B.) C.) D.) efferent arteriole. peritubular capillaries. afferent arteriole. renal vein.

Answer Key
Question: Answer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 C A D C D C C D C A D B A D Subject Unit: Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49


Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology


Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications Cell Processes & Applications

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