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By and large, dreams are succession of fleeting images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. Dreams can be frightening, exciting, magical, melancholic or sexual, sometimes unclear and confusing. WHY DO WE DREAM? Shri Mataji said that the reason why we get dreams actually is that the unconscious, which resides in us, is trying to guide us to the right path. However, some researchers suggest that dreams have no real purpose. Well, lets face it: nobody really knows if dreams have a real purpose. But, at least, we know that sometimes, these dreams have something to do with our real lives. FORGET Now, when someone asks you about your last dream, do you remember it? Or you say: Im sorry, but I cant remember; I have no idea. When we dont remember certain aspects of a dream, its our brains way of blocking out wishes that were not emotionally equipped to handle. How can you remember? Actually, everybody knows it: write it in a notebook. The best part is that you could find out the meaning of your dream, the worst part is that if you feel very tired in that moment, you may not understand your own handwriting. IMPORTANCE Some people believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being. In a similar way, there is a theory that suggests that dreams are a representation of unconscious desires and motivations. On the contrary, other people think that dreams are trivial. To be frank, I think that dreams are eye-openers, because sometimes these dreams make us aware of what is happening with us or our life. Just imagine if no one tells us about our mistakes, wed think were perfect and this world may be another. Dreams are like wishes your heart makes. Also I heard that people who dream a lot are the people with big imagination. A dream I had was about I was in a big cruise ship, where I could find everything I like, There were different kinds of foods.

In a ship If we dream that we go up or we prepare to leave by ship means success in life and in the home environment. Abundance It is a warning to conserve your resources and energies. Food By and large, food your dream represents physical and emotional nourishment and energies. The different types of food can symbolize a wide range of things. Eating certain foods also refers to qualities that you need to incorporate within your own self. She needs to take care about your health, and you will have success.

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