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Pull Testing Cable Heads

The Load Test Machine is a device that has several uses but this presentation will concern itself with pull testing electric line cable heads and single strands of wireline. The next page shows the machine It machine. consist of a tool holder, a wireline clamp, a load cell, the hydraulic section the gauge cell section, section and the recording section.

Reasons for Tensile Testing Wireline Cable Heads

Training: Many times the newest members of the wireline companies are responsible f b ildi th cable i li i ibl for building the bl head. Previously there has not been a way to test to make sure technique has not been lost. I Insuring the Quality of Y i th Q lit f Your Li Line: H How many ti times h have we told our People to cut back to good Line? Good line is a relative term. Now we can give our people a number. number Cut back to 180 Lbs of strand strength" for Lbs. strength example. Safety: We have all heard or seen a string of tools fall to the ground while they were being picked up Our Safety up. Engineers check our crane blocks frequently but you dont see them checking cable heads. Now there is a j device to do just that.

Cable Head Testing Cont Cont

Cable Records: By keeping a record of the tensile strength of wirelines an accurate forecast can be made of when a line needs to be replaced. Confidence in weak points given to our customer: How many times have we given a customer a point at which the head was supposed to t part and it came out early? By checking th cable h d once a t d t l ? B h ki the bl head week after a job, for several weeks, your young engineer will be able to tell a customer with confidence where the head will part. He will know his fatigue factor He also did not have to lose any thing in the well to gain that k ll t i th t knowledge. l d Knowing when your line has been in corrosive fluids: By checking your tensile strength you will have a record of previous strengths g quicker. Also y will have hard you and can catch a damaged line q numbers to take back to the customer. No more twisting wire in front of someone that only understands numbers.

Placement of Cable head in Machine M hi

Depending on the p g style cablehead a person needs only 51/2 to 7 inches of wireline on the head. It is threaded through g a typical wireline clamp, the clamp is tightened , the bottle jack is pumped until the wire is parted.

The Single Strand Puller

This devise is mounted in place of the wireline l f th i li clamp on the Load Test Machine and pulls a single strand over the same radius as most cones have. Along with the L.T. Machine it gives an accurate test of a single strands strength and takes only approximately 45 i t l seconds to cut your wire, thread through the device, device and pull a test test.

Gauge System
The L.T. Machine has a duel mechanical and a duel electrical gauge system It system. consist of one 5000 Lb/psi and a 600 p Lb/psi mechanical gauge. Also a 5000 Lb/psi and a 500 Lb/psi electronic gauge.

Recording Data
The previous slide shows three strands that have been pull tested. The data is y y transferred to My Docs/My Data and is retrained there so that it can be utilized. The next slide shows a Head that has been pulled tested. As you can see notes can be recorded on the test and tension can b d t be determined simply b pointing th i d i l by i ti the curser at a point and right clicking.

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