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Pharmacology of drugs used arrhythmias;

1) Drug of choice for supra ventricular tachycardia. a) verapamil b) adenosine c) digoxin d) amiodarone [b] d) digoxin [b] c) class1C d) all above [b] c) phase 3 d) all [c] c) sodium d) all [b] d) sotalol [b] [b]

2) Which amongst the following is an embryotoxic drug ? a) sotalol b)AMIDORON c) bretyllium

3) Lidocaine is a ----------- antiarrhymic agent . a) class1A b) class1B

4) Sodium channel remain inactive during. a) phase 1 b) phase 2

5) Quinidine is an example of------block . a) potassium b) calcium

6) Dirrheoea and vomiting are common with ----- . a) lidocain b) quinidine c) propafenol

7) Systemic lupus erythematosus is the most of prominent advernese effect of ------ . a) flecainide b) procainamide c) propronalol d) nifedipin

8) Which of following is used as an alternative to lignocaine in treating ventricular arrhythmias? a) Amiodarone b) Ibutilide c) mexiletine d)Adenosine


9) Which of the following blocks both open inactivated Na+ channels and K+ channels? a) propafenone 10) Amiodarone blocks a) Na+ nad K+ channels b) mexiletine . b)Ca+2 Channels c) -adrenoeceptors d) All of the above c) Disopyramide d) flecainide



11)antiarrhymic agent procainamide a)has vagolytic activity b)can case SLE c)once administrations d)alpha receptors


12)which following is used vertical arrhyruas a)ligocain b)mexilitine c)bretyllium d)verapamil


13)phenytoin sodium


a)depress ventricular automaticity b)decreas AV c)infustion d)decreas velocity 14)which among the following drugs is known torade poites a)propanolol b)sotalol c)metoprolol d)pindolol (b) (A)

15)the following statement regarding quinidine are true except a)vagolytic b)decreas the refractory period of both artia c)digoxin level d)negative inotropic action 16)following statementsregarding adenosine true except


c)used in the diagnosis of coronary dieseas d)half life 17)amiodarone is commonly employd for resistence ventricular tachycardia

18)propafenone block sodiumchannel and b-receptors

19)disopyramide is used as a substitute for quinidinced and procainamide. 20)torsane de pointed is more pronounced with dofetilide and ibutilide 21)cinchonism is seen with quinidine 22)quinidine reduce the rate of phase4 phase0,depolarization. 23)procainamide is an alternative to quinilidine 24)dofetilide and ibutilide are k+ channel blockers. 25)isoprene is used in A-Vblock 26)digitalis is used in artial flutter 27)mexitetine is an local anesthetic orally active anti arrtythmic 28)quinidine is an isomer of antimalrial drug 29)the most potent Na+ channel blockers belong s IC of class1 30)re-entry is a phenominone wherian a single impulse re-enter pathway several times.

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