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Problem Statement
To increase visibility of WWPI in the clinical research, trials and public health
initiatives field. This will be accomplished through creating a Public Relations
(PR)/Communications plan that will allow WWPI to strengthen existing relationships and
to build new ones.

Overview of Research Strategy

• Primary Research
o Interviews
 Employees
 Clients
• Secondary Research
o News articles
o Other reading related to:
 Consulting
 MN Public Health Initiative Funding

Will and Will Not

This proposal will look at ways that WWPI can strengthen their brand and their
relationships within the field of Minnesota public health initiatives and clinical trial
research. This proposal will not investigate paid advertising methods or re-branding.

Statement of Organization
This proposal is intended to express the goals, timeline, qualifications, and
deadline for acceptance/response from WWPI. This is intended to give the organization a
realistic view of what they can reasonably expect in terms of deliverables.


Through the course of my research, it is my aim to determine the following:
1. Employee attitudes towards WWPI.
2. Attitudes and perceptions of WWPI from its publics.
3. The current climate for public health initiatives in the state of Minnesota.

Research Strategies

For the interview process, I will question WWPI’s employees Pam and Helen. I
will also contact Geri and Darla. Geri and Darla are past clients and co-workers.
Questions asked will include those regarding perceptions and attitudes of WWPI as well
as gathering more information about state of Minnesota public health initiatives, clinical
research trials and consulting.
Other Research
Other research that will support and inform this body of knowledge includes:
• Medical research journals
• Business journals
• Articles

Topics and Questions

The topics and questions I intend to cover include the following:
• What are employee and industry perceptions of WWPI including strengths and
• What is the climate of public health initiative funding in the state of Minnesota?
• How does an organization position itself as a premier consulting firm for public
health initiatives and clinical research trial consulting in the state of Minnesota?


I am a graduating senior from the University of Minnesota pursuing a B.A. in
Journalism on the strategic communications track for PR. This gives me a background in
working with brand management and publics.

Call to Action
I would desire a response from WWPI regarding feasibility and interest in this
plan no later than Monday, March 16, 2009.

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