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1. Educational Implications Freud is an advocate of cocaine. Cocaine is very important.

Parents should put cocaine in their baby's milk to develop their baby. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_educational_implications_of_Freud_theory

2. Implications on Freud's assumptions about perception. Abstract Freud made assumptions about perception that strongly influenced his final model of the mind, the structural model. Two of these assumptions, (1) that perception is exclusively a function of the ego and (2) that perception is an accurate, veridical representation of external reality, are questioned on the basis of clinical findings and current conceptualizations. Changes are suggested, namely, that we grant that the repressed has a capacity for perception and recognize that perception is not an inherent ability for exact, photographic registration of the external world, but that it is a function of the mind mediated through external receptors and the central nervous system. Perception is dependent on mental organizations (schemas) which are affected by past experience, psychodynamics, affective states, and cognitive style. These changes produce a version of the structural model which is congruent with a schema model previously advanced as a competing model. It is argued that this version of the structural model has significant clinical and theoretical advantages over previous models. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3611585

3. The three structures of personality in Freud's theory are described in this article. Freud believed that personality has three structures: the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is the Freudian structure of personality that consists of instincts, which are an individual's reservoir of psychic energy. In Freud's view, the id is unconscious; it has no contact with reality. As children experience the demands and constraints of reality, a new structure of personality emerges- the ego, the Freudian structure of personality that deals with the demands of reality. The ego is called the executive branch of personality because it uses reasoning to make decisions. The id and the ego have no morality. They do not take into account whether something is right or wrong. The superego is the Freudian structure of personality that is the moral branch of personality. The superego takes into account whether something is right or wrong.

Think of the superego as what we often refer to as our "conscience." You probably are beginning to sense that both the id and the superego make life rough for the ego. Your ego might say, "I will have sex only occasionally and be sure to take the proper precautions because I don't want the intrusion of a child in the development of my career." However, your id is saying, "I want to be satisfied; sex is pleasurable." Your superego is at work, too: "I feel guilty about having sex before I'm married." Remember that Freud considered personality to be like an iceberg; most of personality exists below our level of awareness, just as the massive part of an iceberg is beneath the surface of the water. Freud believed that most of the important personality processes occur below the level of conscious awareness. In examining people's conscious thoughts about their behaviors, we can see some reflections of the ego and the superego. Whereas the ego and superego are partly conscious and unconscious, the primitive id is the unconscious, the totally submerged part of the iceberg. How does the ego resolve the conflict among its demands for reality, the wishes of the id, and constraints of the superego? Through defense mechanisms, the psychoanalytic term for unconscious methods the ego uses to distort reality, thereby protecting it from anxiety. In Freud's view, the conflicting demands of the personality structures produce anxiety. For example, when the ego blocks the pleasurable pursuits of the id, inner anxiety is felt. This diffuse, distressed state develops when the ego senses that the id is going to cause harm to the individual. The anxiety alerts the ego to resolve the conflict by means of defense mechanisms. Repression is the most powerful and pervasive defense mechanism, according to Freud; it works to push unacceptable id impulses out of awareness and back into the unconscious mind. Repression is the foundation from which all other defense mechanisms work; the goal of every defense mechanism is to repress, or push threatening impulses out of awareness. Freud said that our early childhood experiences, many of which he believed are sexually laden, are too threatening and stressful for us to deal with consciously. We reduce the anxiety of this conflict through the defense mechanism of repression.


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